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Adrian VanCamp

"Just stay away from my family, and we'll get along just fine."

0 · 579 views · located in Belrose

a character in “Blood Money”, originally authored by Bugbuster, as played by RolePlayGateway


Full Name: Adrian VanCamp
"Nothin' wrong with my name."

Nick Names: N/A
"I have no nickname, and don't try to give me one."

Family: VanCamp
"Haven't heard of us. Huh you must be new here."

Role: Main Family
"Yes I'm supposedly a snobby rich boy... I can still break your nose."

Relationship with your father: He is on very good terms with his father, until they get in the discussion on how Adrian would like to join his father in the family business. He wants to make his father proud but wants to do it his way.
"Dad wants me to help run the family business. But I'm doing it my way."

Age: 18
"Finally...Mom can stop calling me her little baby. What am I saying that's never going to happen."

Grade: Graduated
"FREEDOM! Oh I said that outloud."

Gender: Male
"Really? Like come on?"

Height: 6’1”
"Yes I'm tall, your bloody short get over it."

Weight: 200
"Are you askin' if I'm fat?"

Theme Song:

Tattoos/ Piercing /Scars: N/A

Personality: Adrian is very protective of his family, and especially of his younger sister which is well his younger sister. He is level headed but has a ‘weakness’ for when the opposite gender comes into the equation. He is usually reserved and not quick to anger unless any of his family is involved. With his obsession for weapons he is almost never without one on his person from Knuckle Dusters to a Small concealed Pistol.

History: He is following his father in his footsteps but maybe not how Harvey hoped he would, Instead of Adrian getting into the business side which he is good at. He enjoys the ‘dirty’ work, which of course his father hates. He does also what one might call a unhealthy knowledge of weapons, mainly guns which he enjoys using and fixing. He still was always there for his sister even when she didn't want him too. He just recently graduated and is finally going into the family business.

So begins...

Adrian VanCamp's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna VanCamp Character Portrait: Bambi Da'Marco Character Portrait: Carrie Delfavero Character Portrait: Daniella and Giovanni Da'Marco Character Portrait: Ethan Crowe Character Portrait: Vinny Da'Marco
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Vincenzo sat on the wore out dirty blue couch in his friend, Joe’s run down house in lower West Belrose. Gun shots could be heard near by and the neighbors seemed to be in a pretty violent argument. He was too drugged up to care at the moment he had just shot his arm full of heroine for the second time today. He couldn't exactly focus to get up and go home, he was supposed to be home an hour ago, not that he normally had a designated time to be home, he wouldn’t listen to it even if he did, but today was different. It was important for him to be home. He took a deep breath as he pushed himself up off the couch.

“You going to be alright to drive home sweetheart?” he couldn’t exactly tell who was asking him, it was a girl he knew that much. Most likely Joe’s girlfriend Kandy. he was pretty positive she had a thing for him and to be honest he’d love to hook up with her, but he’d never do that to Joe, his best friend.

“I’ll be fine.” He answered plainly and the words seem to come out slow and elongated. He gave a two finger wave as he pushed the rickety screen door open.

His Lamborghini was parked on the street, but everyone knew who’s car that was and they knew better then to mess with it, that was suicide. The engine roared to life and he took off way faster than the speed limit as he made his way home.

The Da’Marco estate's staff bustled around the large mansion getting everything ready for the Christmas party, that the Da’Marco’s held every year, exactly two weeks for Christmas. The VanCamp’s along with the Ravenwood’s would be in attendance, including Jenifer Epsen, Steven Ravenwood’s ex-wife who was still close with the other wives. Also in attendance would be Ethan Crowe, the hitman and if he so wished his family, The Delfavero family, one of the more involved families, along with other families. Soft Christmas music played throughout the Da’Marco mansion and it was decorated in greens and reds. The dining room was being set to Mrs. Da’ Marco’s perfection.

“Where is that son of yours.” Vivien sighed, of coursed dressed in a long elegant silver dress.

“Which one my love?” Frankie asked, his Italian accent was light, but it was there.

“Vincenzo, he was supposed to be here an hour ago” she breath worried as she leaned very the sink feeling slightly sick. Frankie gently rubbed her back .

“He’ll be here, or I’ll kill him.” He smirked teasing though he was completely serious.

“MA!” Bambi’s screamed from across the house as if she was being murdered.

“Oh dear god.” Vivien said under her breath.

“There’s no fucking way I’m wearing this pink piece of shit dress. You like it so much you fucking wear it!” She yelled as she stormed into her parents huge room, throwingthe dress on the ground. Before walking out of the room letting out a loud frustrated breath.

“Damn it Frankie say something!” she looked to her husband.

“I’m not going to force her to wear it dear.” He said smirking a bit as he headed down stairs the families would be showing up any moment now.

Bambi was in a bad mood, s she searched through her walk-in closet for a dress that would really piss off her mother. Perfect she thought as she pulled her black and red Goth style dressoff the hanger. This would also catch the attention of a few guys in particular, probably all the guys though. It was Bambi after all. She made her way out of the large closet as she set her dress down on her bed in her room, and started to strip down, before slipping it on. Her hair already done up, she heard the doorbell ring, causing her to smirk a bit at the thought of all the guys that would be there tonight. A light tap on her window brought her from her thoughts. She glanced to her window seeing her oldest brother, he did this a lot.

She opened the window though blocking it so he couldn’t climb through. “This isn’t a McDonalds you know.” She teased “What the hell are you doing, you know Dad’s going to kick your ass.” She said knowing how their dad gets when he needs them to actually participate.

“Just fucking let me in already BamBam.” He was still on drugs but, he was good at keeping it together.

Bambi rolled her eyes. “You’re welcome” she said moving so he could climb in waiting to speak aging until he was out of ear shot “ass hole.” She breathed as she slipped on her six inch black and red heels.

Vinny stumbled to his room quickly. Stopping in front of his little brothers room opening the door looking to him.

“Hey fucker give me my eye drops back!” he said in a hush tone. His younger brother being the only one besides his father that was aware of his older brothers drug addiction.

(OCC okay sorry it’s so long, I tried best I could to make it not so long, but it didn’t work, don’t feel pressured to write this much!!!! And sorry for all the pictures just wanted to make it as visual as possible. Hopefully everyone has their character’s in soon so they can join. Hope you liked it!”)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna VanCamp Character Portrait: Bambi Da'Marco Character Portrait: Adrian VanCamp
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Adrian walked out wearing a nice Casual outfit with Black Pants, he looked up seeing his mother walk out of his sister's room and smiled.
She looked him over and gave him her nod for approval, "No weapons Adrian."
His smile turned into a smirk, "No mother were did you get the idea I had a weapon on me?"
She rolled her eye's as she walked away to get finished herself. "You always do."
He chuckled walking away and pulling 45. caliber M1911 out from his jacket and dropping it on a table as he walked down stairs. he put his hands in his pocket and felt the cold metal which was his Knuckle Duster which he always carried.
He walked into the garage and nodded at Sal as the tossed Adrian a pair of keys to his motor bike. He walked outside grabbing his orange helmet and putting it on as he got on his Black Konica CBR600, which was bought and disassembled in Japan before being brought her for his Graduation Present.

He came almost seconds behind his sister and gave the keys to the man at the parking kiosk, "Don't scratch it." he said walking over and giving some men a death stare for looking at his sister and walked up behind her and winked at the group of girls huddled together which giggled. He walked up behind his sister almost deathly silent like usual and stopped. "And remember... try to not get in to much trouble." he glanced at Bambi and smiled at her in a friendly way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna VanCamp Character Portrait: Adrian VanCamp Character Portrait: Aubrey RavenWood
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Aubrfey bit her lip waiting for her father to talk to her,Since he called her downstairs."Why arn't you dressed up?"he sighed and put his fingers on his temple,obviously frustrated with her."Why would I be?"she snapped.Her father snapped once more."Aubrey,the Da'Marco christmas celebration." Aubrey's eyes popped with joy."Oh my god I forgot I'm going to get dressed...wait is that bitch coming too?" Steven pounded his fist on the table."She is not a bitch shes my girlfriend."Bre sighed and mumbled "She's a biiitcchh."Bre quickly ran upstairs and stripped off her day clothes.She quickly pulled out a gold cocktail dress she bought just for the occastion. did her makeup and curled her hair.she slipped on a pair of gold pumps,grabbed one of her handbags out of a hundred and made her way down stairs.
"You are wearing that to the party?"Steven asked."Yes I am Father,If you have a problem with it,leave a note and I will get back to you As soon as I come home from the party.Bye."Aubrey made her way to her silver mustang and began to drive to the Da'Marco house.

Once Aubrey saw the Da'Marco house her mouth dropped,she only saw the house once when she was younger.Aubrey didn't want the valet to park her car so she parked it herself.She made her way to the Da'Marco's front door.She saw Adrian and Adrianna walking up to the eastate she nodded to ThEm and gave a faint smile before passing them and going to the front door.She rung the door bell,plastered a fake smile on her face and anxiously waited for someone to answer the door.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna VanCamp Character Portrait: Bambi Da'Marco Character Portrait: Daniella and Giovanni Da'Marco Character Portrait: Vinny Da'Marco Character Portrait: Adrian VanCamp Character Portrait: Aubrey RavenWood
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Vincenzo /Bambi

Vinny snatched the eye drops from his brother, seeing his sister come through the window like he had. He looked up putting two drops in each eye. He smirked at his sister as she passed him.

“Da’Marco’s aren’t ugly sis.” He called after her as he followed her heading to his own room to get dressed.

He slipped on a casual outfit, that really wasn’t his style but he didn’t want to hear it, he was already going to be lectured about making the family look bad for being late. He took his cell phone out of his pocket checking it. He had a missed call from River. He debated calling her back, but decided against it. He normally would, but he wasn’t exactly thinking clearly.

He made his way down the stairs, walking over to his mother who gave him an it’s-about-fucking-time look. “Glad you decided to join us dear.” She smiled. He kissed her forehead like he always did. “Sure thing.” He smirked.

“How are those lovely children of yours Vincenzo?” one of his mother’s snobby friends asked in a snarky tone of voice. He never intended on keeping his kids a secret everyone who knew the family knew Vinny had two kids. “It’s a shame their mother is so trashy.” The women including his mother laughed.

“My kids are none of your fucking business.” He said rising his voice a bit. He didn’t stand trash talk about his kids or River. “And you should learn shut your fucking mouth about their mother, or I’ll do it for you.” Mrs. Da’Marco’s eyes widened and the women shut her mouth the moment Vinny raised his voice. Vinny took a breath before walking away, this party reminded him why he hung out on the west side. He made his way between groups making an appearance like he was asked to.
Bambi gave a light knock on her older sister’s door. “Hey Danny.” She smiled “You alright?” she asked worried, she may not be her sisters but, they looked like they could be and they were definitely close enough most the time people mistake them as being the twins. “If I have to be down there with all of those fake assholes, so do you.” She smirked offering her hand to her sister. Her and her sister making their way down stairs. Though their mother pulling both of them aside.

“What the hell do you girls think you doing wearing this skanky shit.” She said in an aggravated tone, though so only they cud hear.
Bambi looked to her sister “Did you hear something Danny?” she said looking back to her mother with an irritated look, before walking off not forcing her sister to follow if she didn’t want to.

Bambi smiled to Adrianna. “Uhh…”she looked around seeing her older brother but not Giovanni. “Gigi? That’s a good question.” she looked back to Adrianna, as her brother was now behind her. She smirked at his comment. “When have you ever known me to stay out of trouble? Huh?” she winked to him playfully. She saw the youngest Ravenwood come in and in all honesty she liked the girl, she didn’t have a problem with any of the Ravenwood’s or VanCamps. “Cute dress Bre.” She smiled. She felt as though she had to be nice to her, even though she hated being nice, it just wasn’t in her blood. She was after all the youngest of the eight of them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna VanCamp Character Portrait: Daniella and Giovanni Da'Marco Character Portrait: Adrian VanCamp
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Adrian sighed and sat down beside Daniella, he put a glass of water infront of her as he chuckled. "Had one too many already?" he smiled knowing the water might help as he knew the condition she was in, Adrian almost never drank and when he did he knew his limit. Mainly because of one incident at a bar once, he glanced around looking for his sister and finding her now going after Daniella's brother Giovanni and he rubbed the bridge of his nose sighing it was normal for his sister to be doing this. Atleast he didn't have to worry, too much, probably more about Giovanni.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna VanCamp Character Portrait: Daniella and Giovanni Da'Marco Character Portrait: Adrian VanCamp
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"24? I've only had 5 ... Well guess your one girl who can out drink me." He smirked his attention returning to Daniella. He was protective of his sister never truly interfering with her, Just a watchful guardian. He chcukled, "Well that'd be funny..." in truth most people knew Adrian as the good boy, always nice, polite, well mannered. But in truth he was your kid who loved to make trouble.

He looked around the 'party' "Hmmm... This parties... how to put it nicely. Well. Just. Sad." he smiled wishing he could ride his bike but of course his father wanted him here. Atleast his was with a very beautiful girl, he chuckled looking over at Daniella. "So...what are you planning to do now?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna VanCamp Character Portrait: Daniella and Giovanni Da'Marco Character Portrait: Adrian VanCamp
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Adrianna giggled and gently pulled him closer with his jacket, "Hmmmmmm I don't tell him everything.Besides I am hot and everyone knows how much I love the Di'Marco men" She said fake pondering.
She sighed and did her signiture sexy pout "This party is boring besides all these old guys are hooked on Viagra and are having fantasies about me. She said nodding toward a group of old men gazing at her and pointing at her. No doubt trying to become her sugar daddy.
She smirked at him keeping direct eye contact as she wrapped her arms around his neck "I think you and I should have a private party." She said mischievously . She quickly glanced at her brother and giggled "Besides looks like both of our bodygaurds are... busy."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna VanCamp Character Portrait: Daniella and Giovanni Da'Marco Character Portrait: Adrian VanCamp
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Adrian raised a eyebrow as he looked over at his sister and smirked. She was up to her old tricks, "Well... if you don't think of something I will." he grinned then looked over at a group of younger women and then some older mothers which smiled and winked at him, he shuddered thinking about those creepy old women. "However, I could have two girls under both arms right now."

His gaze looked back at Daniella and returned her smirk with his own as he leaned a little closer too her, "But it's just. too. easy." he said then sitting back in his chair that smirk never leaving his lips.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna VanCamp Character Portrait: Daniella and Giovanni Da'Marco Character Portrait: Adrian VanCamp
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Adrian smiled and crossed his arms over his chest, "So you see my dilemma." he glanced over at the girls quickly changing from there giving Danny the death stare to giggling and waving at Adrian. He smiled glancing back at Daniella, "So as you can see... No girl ever plays hard to get. But many try and never get a good enough hold on me." He smirked leaning back in his chair still glancing back at his sister once in a while.

He chuckled sipping his drink as he felt a little unnerved by the women. Well undressing him with there eye's, he set the glass back down on the counter. "You know what I need a stronger drink."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daniella and Giovanni Da'Marco Character Portrait: Adrian VanCamp
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The party had just gotten under way only about an hour in and of course the protégées of all the families were boarded out of their mind or left without a single word. Vivian was looking for at least one of her kids, finally spotting her older daughter and then her son, but going over to her daughter instead, with the VanCamps son. She gave him a polite motherly smile.

“Adrian, you are looking very handsome this evening and I hate to interrupt, but I need to have a word with my daughter.” She said grabbing Danielle’s hand a bit harsher then she meant to dragging her out of ear shot. “Daniella, where the hell are Vinny and Bambi, your father is looking for them dinner is in forty-five minutes and if they’re not here, heads are going to roll, theirs in particular, so if you know where there at you better sure as hell tell me!” she was yelling in a hush tone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daniella and Giovanni Da'Marco Character Portrait: Adrian VanCamp
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Adrian let out a large sigh, 'Dammit.' he rubbed his forehead as Danny was pulled away. "Fuck it I need a strong drink." he said walking away himself to go get his drink. After getting it and dodging the women trying to get him he found his way back to the bar with a empty glass and looked over at Danny smiling innocently.

"How'd it go with your mother?" he chuckled ordering another drink and leaning on the bar, "Also I want to hear more about your book you sister and you wrote...I think I'd like a little look at it." he said his smirk returning as he sipped his drink his gaze looking out over the party.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carrie Delfavero Character Portrait: Daniella and Giovanni Da'Marco Character Portrait: Adrian VanCamp
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Adrian chuckled, "Female version of the bro code? And you'd let me read your little secrets why not." he rubbed the back of his neck and nodded as Daniella said she had to make a call. He sipped his drink and noticed Carrie standing there next to him and he smiled, he knew who she was as he knew almost everyone in the Organization. He looked up from his drink his gaze moving over the crowd. "Now where the hell did those two go." he said his other hand in his pocket as he touched the cool metal which was his Knuckle Duster.

He finished his drink and set it down on the counter, "Another one please by the looks of it...It's going to be a long night." the bartender nodded and poured him another Drink as Adrian looked at another group of women giggling and looking in his direction, he let loose a sigh rubbing the bridge of his nose. "A very long night." he didn't have a problem with beautiful women liking him or chasing him. He maybe just wanted for once to not have it easy with a girl not one that just liked him for his money.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna VanCamp Character Portrait: Daniella and Giovanni Da'Marco Character Portrait: Adrian VanCamp
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Adrianna smiled as Giovanni kissed her, it was sweet, gentle, yet full of fire and passion. It reminded her of him. She followed him into the his room noticing his hesitation at the door. At first she thought he changed his mind but as she looked at his expression she realized he was being respectful. She took his hand and slowly led him to the bed. "If you want me to stop tell me." She whispered gently pushing him onto the bed. "I'm glad you like me," She added straddling him.

Adrianna gently pecked his lips, she giggled lightly "I haven't been in here since tenth grade." She remembered that day like it was yesterday. It was at Bambi's Sweet sixteen. The year after she grew her curves, and Mark Tonneley was her date. His family wasn't part of the mafia royalty but he was rich and the quarterback, and the senior. She thought she was the luckiest girl in the world. However Mark only wanted to have sex with her and he wouldn't take no for an answer. She yelled for him to stop and Gio heard her screams. Like a knight in shining armor he saved the day and to protect her reputation he brought her to his room and listened to her cry. She fully realized her feelings for him that day and liked him ever since. Unfortunately at that time he didn't realize his feelings. Soon afterwards she and Vinny started hooking up.

She smiled at the memory "My knight in shining armor," She purred before leaning down to kiss him again. Slowly the kiss became more intense and passionate. After slowly easing away from their kiss. "Oh fuck were gonna miss the dinner," She whispered in between kisses. She didn't want to stop but she knew she needed to. She groaned giving him one more intense kiss before sitting down next to him. "Besides Adrien will look for me soon. "


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna VanCamp Character Portrait: Daniella and Giovanni Da'Marco Character Portrait: Adrian VanCamp
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Adrianna laughed noticing how messy they both looked and once they were presentable again she headed downstairs hand in hand with him. She immidiatly noticed that as soon as they reappeared the attention was directed towards them as well as the rumors. She played with a strand of hair in irritation. Just as she spotted her father and mother staring at her. Her mother was chatting with somebody but seemed almost amused, her father raised an eyebrow but didn't seem upset. She turned to Giovanni and smiled "If they didn't before they do now." Then in front of everyone she gently pulled him toward her and kissed him gently. "Now I need a drink." She added leading him to the bar.

"Can I have three shots of Tequila." She said politely. As usual the bartender didn't ask her for i.d. Nobody who valued they're lives and social standing questioned any of their families. "How long do you think until people start making rumors?" She mused before quickly downing the shots. She frowned at the burning sensation in her throat. It was no secret she couldn't handle a large amount of alcohol and usually she drank dainty cosmos but today was a special occasion and she needed to be drunk when she faced her mother. She turned her head to see Adrien and Danniella. "Well that's... surprising and almost ironic," She said with a giggle even though the statement wasn't funny.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna VanCamp Character Portrait: Daniella and Giovanni Da'Marco Character Portrait: Adrian VanCamp
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Adrianna felt a sheepish grin crawl across her face as Giovanni wrapped his arm around her. She chuckled barely hiding the bitter tone when she said "I've got nothing to lose, girls hate me, guys wanna rape me." She looked at him quickly and suddenly wished she hadn't shared that. She bit her lip but decided to get back on topic, " But you charming and your alright to look at." She teasingly wiggled her finger at him.

Then she tried to get up leaning on Gio lightly to steady herself "Let's get back to the party Dinner is starting soon." She said before pausing and looking him seriously "I know Im kinda drunk, needy, and annoying but please don't give up on me."
She knew it was cryptic but she didn't feel like sharing everything yet. As she headed back to the party she noticed her brothers cautious stare and his trigger ready hand in his pocket. She smirked as she and Gio walked up to them "Wanna take a picture, it'll last longer."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna VanCamp Character Portrait: Daniella and Giovanni Da'Marco Character Portrait: Adrian VanCamp
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Adrianna pouted at Daniella and her brother but turned her attention back to Giovanni. "So when is this party over?" She asked while nonchalantly leaning on him. She spotted her mother and father staring at them her mom was discretely judging the situation with Daniella and Adrian and her dad was laughing, well more like guffawing with Daniella and Giovanni's dad and mother. It looked like they approved, which was strange since mafia fathers, especially theirs were extremely protective but the fathers seemed at ease with the situation.
"What the hell is going on with them?" Adrianna said, but knowing her mom was staring, she smiled and flipped her hair in their direction instead.