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Carrie Delfavero

"Hey! just don't get yourself killed okay"

0 · 1,048 views · located in Belrose

a character in “Blood Money”, as played by Dreams and Wishes


Full Name: Carolena Maria Delfavero
Nick Names: Carrie
Family: Delfavero
Role: Girl Soldier family/Da’Marco
Relationship with your father: Carrie is a daddies girl that's for sure she has three older brother who all work for the Da’Marco as well. Her father is very protective over her along with her brothers and they all try to keep her out of the business as much as they can. But they still fear her involvement might be needed in order to keep the Da’Marco's on top.

Age: 19
Grade: Graduated
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4
Weight: 125 lbs
Theme Song: Britney Spears - Criminal
Tattoos/ Piercing /Scars: A tattoo of birds on her wrist.

Personality: Carrie is very loving and caring especially for her family her brothers and father mean everything to her. She can have a bit of a temper and doesn't like to be talked down to. Even though her father and brother's don't want to admit it, Carrie can handle herself in fight and isn't afraid to use violence as a way to protect herself or her family. She can have a bit of an attitude at times, and often comes back at someone with sarcasm.

History: Carrie is the youngest child and only girl of Valencio "Val" Delfavero and his late wife Bella Sara who died when Carrie was five. After the death of her mother Carrie seemed to become a quiet child and Val worried about the affect of the loss of her mother and remarried a woman by the name of Giada. She however was not the motherly type and often times acted jealous of the attention that her stepdaughter received from her husband. This made a sour relationship between her and Carrie, which usually consisted of a verbal confrontation. Carrie's brothers Nico and Anthony have always been protective of her often times defending her against Giada. But like many boys growing in the mob world they went into the "business" as soon as they were done with high school. Carrie knows the work her father and brother's do is dangerous and it scares her to death, she has already lost her mother she doesn't want to loose them as well.

Valencio "Val" Delfavero- Father
Bella Sera Delfavero- Birth mother (Deceased)
NiccolĂČ "Nico" Delfavero- age 27 Eldest Brother
Anthony Delfavero- age 23 Older Brother
Giada Delfavero- Stepmother

So begins...

Carrie Delfavero's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianna VanCamp Character Portrait: Bambi Da'Marco Character Portrait: Carrie Delfavero Character Portrait: Daniella and Giovanni Da'Marco Character Portrait: Ethan Crowe Character Portrait: Vinny Da'Marco
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Vincenzo sat on the wore out dirty blue couch in his friend, Joe’s run down house in lower West Belrose. Gun shots could be heard near by and the neighbors seemed to be in a pretty violent argument. He was too drugged up to care at the moment he had just shot his arm full of heroine for the second time today. He couldn't exactly focus to get up and go home, he was supposed to be home an hour ago, not that he normally had a designated time to be home, he wouldn’t listen to it even if he did, but today was different. It was important for him to be home. He took a deep breath as he pushed himself up off the couch.

“You going to be alright to drive home sweetheart?” he couldn’t exactly tell who was asking him, it was a girl he knew that much. Most likely Joe’s girlfriend Kandy. he was pretty positive she had a thing for him and to be honest he’d love to hook up with her, but he’d never do that to Joe, his best friend.

“I’ll be fine.” He answered plainly and the words seem to come out slow and elongated. He gave a two finger wave as he pushed the rickety screen door open.

His Lamborghini was parked on the street, but everyone knew who’s car that was and they knew better then to mess with it, that was suicide. The engine roared to life and he took off way faster than the speed limit as he made his way home.

The Da’Marco estate's staff bustled around the large mansion getting everything ready for the Christmas party, that the Da’Marco’s held every year, exactly two weeks for Christmas. The VanCamp’s along with the Ravenwood’s would be in attendance, including Jenifer Epsen, Steven Ravenwood’s ex-wife who was still close with the other wives. Also in attendance would be Ethan Crowe, the hitman and if he so wished his family, The Delfavero family, one of the more involved families, along with other families. Soft Christmas music played throughout the Da’Marco mansion and it was decorated in greens and reds. The dining room was being set to Mrs. Da’ Marco’s perfection.

“Where is that son of yours.” Vivien sighed, of coursed dressed in a long elegant silver dress.

“Which one my love?” Frankie asked, his Italian accent was light, but it was there.

“Vincenzo, he was supposed to be here an hour ago” she breath worried as she leaned very the sink feeling slightly sick. Frankie gently rubbed her back .

“He’ll be here, or I’ll kill him.” He smirked teasing though he was completely serious.

“MA!” Bambi’s screamed from across the house as if she was being murdered.

“Oh dear god.” Vivien said under her breath.

“There’s no fucking way I’m wearing this pink piece of shit dress. You like it so much you fucking wear it!” She yelled as she stormed into her parents huge room, throwingthe dress on the ground. Before walking out of the room letting out a loud frustrated breath.

“Damn it Frankie say something!” she looked to her husband.

“I’m not going to force her to wear it dear.” He said smirking a bit as he headed down stairs the families would be showing up any moment now.

Bambi was in a bad mood, s she searched through her walk-in closet for a dress that would really piss off her mother. Perfect she thought as she pulled her black and red Goth style dressoff the hanger. This would also catch the attention of a few guys in particular, probably all the guys though. It was Bambi after all. She made her way out of the large closet as she set her dress down on her bed in her room, and started to strip down, before slipping it on. Her hair already done up, she heard the doorbell ring, causing her to smirk a bit at the thought of all the guys that would be there tonight. A light tap on her window brought her from her thoughts. She glanced to her window seeing her oldest brother, he did this a lot.

She opened the window though blocking it so he couldn’t climb through. “This isn’t a McDonalds you know.” She teased “What the hell are you doing, you know Dad’s going to kick your ass.” She said knowing how their dad gets when he needs them to actually participate.

“Just fucking let me in already BamBam.” He was still on drugs but, he was good at keeping it together.

Bambi rolled her eyes. “You’re welcome” she said moving so he could climb in waiting to speak aging until he was out of ear shot “ass hole.” She breathed as she slipped on her six inch black and red heels.

Vinny stumbled to his room quickly. Stopping in front of his little brothers room opening the door looking to him.

“Hey fucker give me my eye drops back!” he said in a hush tone. His younger brother being the only one besides his father that was aware of his older brothers drug addiction.

(OCC okay sorry it’s so long, I tried best I could to make it not so long, but it didn’t work, don’t feel pressured to write this much!!!! And sorry for all the pictures just wanted to make it as visual as possible. Hopefully everyone has their character’s in soon so they can join. Hope you liked it!”)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carrie Delfavero
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Carrie rolled her eyes as her stepmother strutted around the house in her tacky heels and dress she planned on wearing to the De'Marco family Christmas party. It was a time that Carrie despised every year firstly because her stepmother forced her to wear a dress to the party and secondly she had to deal with people that typically looked down to her. They would be nice at the party to your face but as soon as you turned your back they would have the figurative knife ready to stab you.

"Carrie you need to go get ready there is no way in fucking hell you're going to the party dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. I know you own a dress now go put it on before I drag your father into it" she said with a glare in Carries direction.

Carrie's eyes darkened at the gold digging bitch her father had married when she was ten years old, all the woman ever did was blow every cent her father risked his life to earn. Carrie had never been the superficial type so Giada represented everything that she hated. They weren't this rich mob family like her stepmother liked to think they were, Carrie expected it from the De'Marco or the VanCamp's kids they grew up that way. But her father was a lackey that got paid well to keep his mouth shut about the shit he see's, now they weren't poor by any stretch of the imagination they had a fairly nice home and Carrie never wanted for anything. But they were still bellow the other's that her father worked for, perhaps that's why she hated these stupid parties that everyone was required to go to.

"Yeah... yeah Gi-gi don't get your panties in a knot I'll go get dressed" Carrie said as she got up from the love seat.

"Carolena don't disrespect your mother like that" said a strong male voice coming up behind her.

Carrie turned to see her father dressed and ready for the party as well it made her chuckle internally for a moment becuase a suit was something her father hardly ever wore.

"Wow! Papa look at you all dressed up and looking hot" Carrie smiled and kissed her father on the cheek.

He smirked "Your trying to change the subject my Bella" he whispered in her ear as she came up to him.

Carrie winked at him "But she's not my mother" she whispered back.

"Try and keep the peace so we can get through this, just for tonight" he smiled over at his wife as she began to glare and put her hands on her hips. "And look at my wife beautiful as ever my love" he said as he walked over to Giada taking her in his arms and kissing her.

Carrie shook her head and headed upstairs to her room to get ready, her brothers were luck and getting out of the party but she knew that Nico and Anthony wouldn't be to far away. She hated that she was actually going along with this but someone had to go to represent the children of Frank De'Marco's best men. Carrie sighed as she closed her bedroom door behind, soon she was dressed back downstairs and the driver was taking them to the De'Marco's mansion.

The mansion was beautiful which was to be expected from a rich mob boss, when the maid opened the door for them Giada immediately went to fraternize with the women she wished she could be. Her father went to find Frank De'Marco and Carrie was left to her own devices she sighed and decided to get some punch.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bambi Da'Marco Character Portrait: Carrie Delfavero Character Portrait: Daniella and Giovanni Da'Marco Character Portrait: Ethan Crowe Character Portrait: Vinny Da'Marco
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The comments made about his family, completely pissed him off, yeah it was a broken family, but it was still his and he was extremely possessive of it. The oldest son was in a god awful mood now, he had to get out of the house before he strangled the lady. He made his way into the back yard. The garden was lit by the full moon and the white and blue Christmas lights. He inhaled the ocean air deeply trying to calm his nerves it didn’t help that he was still on drugs. He placed both hands on the wall of the side of the house and his temper started to get worse the more he thought about it. He clenched his fists as tightly as he could before one collided with the side of the house causing an indent and his knuckles to crack open, gushing blood, it streamed down his arm and drops hit the cement below him.
His mind started wondering, he needed to talk to Ethan. He ignored the blood the dripped from his hand and he was numb to the pain. He found the hitman sitting at one of the tables. He sat across from him grabbing one of the white cloth napkins and wrapped pressed it to his bleeding knuckles.
“I got a job for you.” He smirked, he wasn’t best friends with Ethan, but he seemed to be okay with the hitman, which was a good thing. “I’d do it myself, but
this one could get traced back to me.” He said as his eyes wondered to his younger sister. “shit am I interrupting something?” he smirked just noticing his sister sitting next to the hit man.
Bambi playfully hit her brother’s chest “Stop sugar coating everything Gi, Danny made plenty of sense.” She watched her sister leave, before glancing back to the group that still stood in front of them “Well it really has been a pleasure, but I’ve got some trouble to cause.” She smirked giving a polite but very sarcastic curtsey. She linked arms with her brother dragging him off with her.
“I can’t wait for this damn thing to be over.” She sighed “Were l’d enough now we should be able to have our own party
don’t you think?” she asked her brother as they walked around a bit. The two of them going to a bar, asking the bartender to mix her something strong, she took the shot from the bartender taking it down quickly.
“You should really go talk to some of the pretty ladies, I’m sure they’d love that.” She smirked. “I’m going to go see what I can do about that cutie.” She said shoving the shot glass into her brothers hands before taking off in the direction of a young guy.
Though getting side tracked seeing Carrie. “Delfavero, where are those sexy ass brothers of yours?” she teased going over to the girl.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bambi Da'Marco Character Portrait: Carrie Delfavero Character Portrait: River Holstone
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Carrie turned when she heard a voice call her name "Oh their on call tonight so I got stu... I mean invited to come in their place" she said to Bambi.

She could hear the sound of Christmas music playing in the background she looked over at Bambi, the Da'Marco girl wasn't the type that usually associated with Carrie. But she knew what the girls thought of her brothers and she had to admit they were quite handsome because they had picked up their looks from her father.

Carrie on the other hand was almost a clone of her mother, the air was begging to become stifling to Carrie and she decided that the sound of wine glasses and the latest fashions were getting to her.

"You know Bambi, all you have to do is ask and I can give them your number" she said with a chuckle. "Excuse me Im gonna step outside this is all getting overwhelming in here" she said giving Bambi a nod and a slight wave before steeping out on the patio to the garden.

Carrie took in the air outside "Damn I hate these fucking parties" she said.

_ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_


"Mommy... how will Santa get in the house we don't have a chimeeneey" said Remy watching a Dora Christmas for the third time that day.

River was in the kitchen drying dishes from dinner "Well Rem Santa is magic so he can make his own chimney if he needs to, besides he got in last year remember" she said with a smile.

Elora was sitting on the couch sucking her thumb and laughing at the cartoon making Remy turn his attention back to TV. She looked at the clock on the microwave and knew that Vinny was probably at the Da'Marco's annual Christmas party, something she would never be invited to. As far as she knew she and Vinny's children where a joke to the community of wealthy people. A girl who caught a lucky break getting herself "knocked up" by one of the richest guys in Belrose.

"Mama... juice" said Elora in a begging tone of voice. River realized she had been daydreaming and looked down at her daughter.

"Elora how do we ask for juice" she smiled.

"Peas" said the two year old with a big smile, a smile that always melted River's heart. Who cares what the snobs say, she had two beautiful children and... she stopped herself from mentally completing the sentence.

"Good job Lor I'll get you some... Rem do you want some too?" she said.

"Yeah!" cheered the little boy as he jumped up and down on the couch cushions.

Most mother's probably would have scolded him for doing that but River decided a long time ago that sometime you had to pick you battles, and she didn't think that him jumping like any little boy would is a reason for him to be punished. She handed the sippy cups to her children and she sat down the couch next to them. Remy sat down and laid his head on his mothers lap as his sister laid her head down as well on the other half.

"Mommy when's Daddy coming over again?" he asked.

The question made River's heart sink "I don't know baby... I don't know".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bambi Da'Marco Character Portrait: Carrie Delfavero Character Portrait: Ethan Crowe
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Bambi chatted with Carrie for a bit, she had to hand it to the girl, she handled herself very well. Her eyes drifted to the attractive hit man sitting at the bar and Carrie saying she wanted to step out.

“nous devrions parler plus souvent babe.( we should talk more often babe.)” She spoke Italian to the girl knowing she would understand, most of the families being full or at least half Italian. “I’ve got some business to attend to anyways.” She smirked as she headed over to Mr. Crowe sitting next to him giving him a very noticeable look over.

“J'ai ratĂ© notre faufiler. (I've missed our sneaking around.) “ Her french was damn near perfect as she spoke to him. Bambi knew a total of four different langages. But the one she knew he knew for sure was french and now was the time it called for a private conversation. “Quand avez-vous dĂ©cidĂ© de cesser de prĂȘter attention Ă  moi(When did you decided to stop paying attention to me) “ she pouted. Her and Ethan had hooked up a few time nothing serious more just playful make-out sessions, that no one knew about.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carrie Delfavero Character Portrait: River Holstone Character Portrait: Vinny Da'Marco
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“You can give me your answer in twenty minutes.”

Vinny hung up the phone and River sighed he always did that to her cut her off before she had time to object. even though she was a little apprehensive about him coming over. She still felt a little excited that the children would be able to see him, they adored their father a instance of "distance makes the heart grow fonder". She didn't want to wake the children until he arrived just in case he didn't show up, not wanting to see them disappointed if daddy got "side tracked" by things that only River should know. She tried her best to speak well of Vinny in front of the children so they didn't feel negatively about him. But sometimes especially when he disappointed the children she couldn't help but curse his name. She decided that she should make some coffee and maybe have some aspirin at hand just in case he had a headache or something.

She went into the kitchen and started the coffee maker, if he wanted something stronger then coffee he wouldn't find it here. Ever since the incident with the Jack Daniels bottle when Remy was a baby she hadn't kept alcohol in the house. She would regret that moment of furry for the rest of her life, but she could never regret the result of it. Nine months to almost the day she had Elora and that little girl was a light in River's dim world. Not that her son was special to her she loved both of her children with all her heart, body and soul, but Elora had this bright and happy little personality that uplifted just about anybody that met her.



Carrie was sure the "spike had been punched" wait... reverse that and she was already feeling a little tipsy.

"Dammit why are these thing alway ssoooo fucking bbooring" she mumbled her words slurring slightly from the alcohol. The last time she had drank had been at her birthday party. Her brother's had taken her out to a club and she got totally wasted, and in a fight with some chick, and Carrie ended up laying her out cold with a right hook to the face.

"Every body is getting the hook up but me" she said as she sat back on the couch she was sitting on" Bambi had been talking to her and ran off with one of her father's hit men. That was highly amusing to Carrie because if her father found out about it he would have totally flipped the fuck out. Carrie saw Adrian VanCamp and Daniella Da'Marco chatting at the bar, so she figured why not interrupt their little conversation. Carrie adjusted her dress as she stood, walked over to the bar just on the other side of Adrian and waved her hand to the bartender.

"Scotch on the rocks" she asked the bartender nodded, filled a glass with ice and then poured the amber colored liquid in. Carrie smiled and then took a drink, if there was one thing she liked about these parties was the good booze.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carrie Delfavero Character Portrait: Daniella and Giovanni Da'Marco Character Portrait: Adrian VanCamp
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Adrian chuckled, "Female version of the bro code? And you'd let me read your little secrets why not." he rubbed the back of his neck and nodded as Daniella said she had to make a call. He sipped his drink and noticed Carrie standing there next to him and he smiled, he knew who she was as he knew almost everyone in the Organization. He looked up from his drink his gaze moving over the crowd. "Now where the hell did those two go." he said his other hand in his pocket as he touched the cool metal which was his Knuckle Duster.

He finished his drink and set it down on the counter, "Another one please by the looks of it...It's going to be a long night." the bartender nodded and poured him another Drink as Adrian looked at another group of women giggling and looking in his direction, he let loose a sigh rubbing the bridge of his nose. "A very long night." he didn't have a problem with beautiful women liking him or chasing him. He maybe just wanted for once to not have it easy with a girl not one that just liked him for his money.