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Kaede Kaito

"Oh great. They couldn't have waited till college to end the world."

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a character in “Blood of the Exorcist”, as played by soulmiester


Name: Kaede Kaito, which loosely translates too "A leaf of maple soaring through a sea of stars."
Maple was likely a joke about his extremely red hair.

Meister: Dragon and Knight

Age: Just over 17

Brief history: Kaede has always lived in the shadow of the True Cross Academy, as his father was a summoner for the Vatican. His mother, well, Kaede has never known who or where his mother is. After receiving the temptaint, his father thought it necessary to teach the boy all he could about the summoning of demons, and sent him off to the Academy, but not without first bonding him to a powerful demon simply dubbed Ifrit, to protect him and serve him. Kaede had barely graduated, having earned both the miestry of Knight and Dragon before the Academy was burned to the ground.

Race: He's summoned so many, most consider him a demon himself! But he is quite human. Probably.

Hobbies: drawing more summoning circles, sharpening his sword, finding good restaurants, and befriending demons.

Nicknames: The Dark Knight, Dragon Knight, The Demon of Chivalry.

temptation Demon: A demon related to Bahamut, summoned by his father.

When did your temptation happen: Around the age of 7, when his father botched a summoning. It went wild and slashed Kaede across the back before his father could rip the circle.

Alliance: Humans, though he's been known to speak out in the favor of demons who serve the Academy.

Ifrit, and how he plays into Kaede's powers:
Ifrit is a powerful fire demon bonded to Kaede by his father. The only problem with Ifrit, is that he is in fact, so large that only one part of his body can be summoned at a time, and usually only briefly. Kaede has, however, found a simple way around this dilemma. Instead of summoning demons to do his dirty work, he instead uses them to augment his own fighting prowess, by either summoning a claw or their fangs to use as an attack, or to allow himself to be temporarily possessed, to bolster his strength and speed.


The Sword:
All Knights need a sword, and Kaede is no different in that regard, though his does serve a somewhat different purpose. Believing paper squares to be to flimsy, Kaede's summoning circles are etched into the side of his blade. That still leaves the danger of an out of control demon. Fortunately, the scabbard acts as a seal, dispelling any demon summoned with the blade.

Demons under his command:
Cerberus:A three headed dog with the body of a serpent. Used to guard the underworld
Gashadokuro: a skeleton 15 times the size of a man, who delights in devouring human heads. To large to summon, so only possession or partial summons are available.
Daitengu: A powerful tengu who guides the wind.
Kirin: A strange form of dragon, resembling an ox.
Raiju: A wolf that fell to the earth on a bolt of lightning.
Ifrit: A huge demon of flame. To large to summon, so only possession or partial summons are available.
Salamander: Demons of fire who commonly posses lizards. Roughly resemble European dragons
Kraken: A giant squid like demon. To large to summon, so only possession or partial summons are available.

Demon Aspect: Sometimes a situation calls for a different weapon, and in such cases the Demon Aspect is a very useful tool. The summoned demon possesses a weapon and changes it based on its nature and abilities. (EX: The kraken would be a whip, where as Ifrit would be a flaming pair of claws)
This is a much more exhausting form of summoning, and much riskier, as the demon would die if the weapon breaks.

So begins...

Kaede Kaito's Story

#, as written by KazutoK
The demons were coming in the docents he started to cut them down the girl was over run and he had to get to her he used the communicator " All exorcust in the channel please we are in need of assistance please "He stranded over the girl protecting her from the demons his blade was cutting easily but the more he used the blade the weaker he got he was in need of help from his fellow exorcits.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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A voice seemed to cut through the cacophony of battle like a blade, as Kaede unsheathed his blade and approached the gaggle of demons surrounding his comrades. He sliced his thumb on the edge of his sword and then drew the bleeding digit across the summoning circles etched into its side.
"I beseech of you Ifrit, to rend those who would stand against me, and burn them to ash. Tsume!" he cried as his sword arced across the back of a goblin. Suddenly, red hot flames appeared and formed a black claw nearly the size of a man. This claw flew in the same arc as his blade, tearing through a large portion of the goblin's ranks, turning their tiny bodies to ash. He lowered his blade slightly and sighed, seeing that Rin and Kira still lived.
"I had wondered where you guys ran off too. Ken!" he shot the pommel of his blade out into the face of a lunging goblin, which was quickly followed by a huge black and red fist which pummeled it into the ground.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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#, as written by KazutoK
" I though it be fun to explore we are going to be there a while you know " He said with a smile now that he had support he could freely fight he used the blue flamed sword to slash through the goblins " Go back to hell!!!! " He stab one and send him crashing into the other his blade dim while the battle continue " argh I didn't think I would need this Kaede demon in coming in your tight I'll perform a summoning just keep them busy " He used the blade to cut his finger he drew and blood circle with the inverted star if David in the center" The world of the damn realm satan accept the blood of thy demon and open the gates accept this blood as your offering !!! " He dropped blood in the middle and a huge demon gathe open flames spewing out" Kaede push them here I'll close the gate when you done so " He said his finger planted in the middle of the star.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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Kaede shook his head, smiling as he stood back to back with Rin. "Oh yes, I'd forgotten about your exploratory nature." He sliced a large sized goblin clean down the middle as it lunged for Rin. He plunged his blade into the demon coming from his right and muttered a "thanks" as he pulled the blade free.
"If you think you're up for it, I'll keep them back!" he all but grinned as he drew his thumb across the circle on his sword, a similar circle superimposing itself on the ground around the three of them.
"Burn mine enemies to ash. Hi o tsukeru!" A small but bright flame ignited around the circle of his sword, and replicated itself on the circle around them, flames pushing back the goblins, if only for a moment.
Kaede frowned as Rin opened the demon gate, but he knew what he had to do. Pinching his thumb to draw out more blood, he pulled his shirt open and drew a circle over his heart, an eight pointed star inside. The circle glowed blue and the wind and flames whipped about him as he spoke the incantation.
"A thousand bones upon a thousand bones, reside within me and do my biding Gashadokuro!"
The circle suddenly turned black and the ringing of a bell echoed. Kaede doubled over in pain as bones rose from the ground and surrounded his body, and seemed to fuse to it, encasing him in a skeleton at least twice as tall as he was, with three pairs of massive, skeletal arms. He cackled and swept these arms of his across the battlefield, scooping massive handfuls of goblins and shoving them through the gate.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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#, as written by KazutoK
" There !! I severed the contract " He said breaking the circle the gate closet swallowing the demons he sigh in relief and look over to see Kaede in there his body was injury a summoning like that took a lot out of you " Hey thanks but you don't have to over do it you know " He said with a smile as he help him up and walked over to kira" damn she is out " He carried her over his shoulder he smile and look back at Kaede " I owe you one next meal is on me " He said as he put the blade away the flames extinguish and his strength was back he carried the girl back to the stronghold" The demons are making their move, Kaede I'm afraid we are going to need a plan I can barely keep kurikara alive and I don't want you putting your life at risk for my short comings " He said looking down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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Kaede tore his arms from the bone casing around him and quickly sheathed his blade, severing the gate keeping Gashadokuro on this plane, and he fell to the ground with a moderate *thud*, panting lightly as he allowed himself to recuperate. "I-It's fine. Anything worth doing is worth over doing." he jested before pushing himself to his feet, using the sword as a cane. He sighed and shook his, Kira being unconcious. "I never was good at healing. We need to get back to the hotel." He grinned and pulled his key chain from his belt. There weren't many left, over half of them had black "X"s to signify that those doors had been destroyed.
"I expect red panang curry with pork and rice for this one Rin!" he joked as he found a nearby intact door, slipping in the key and giving it a twist. He pushed the door open, his hotel room on the other side. "Get in, quickly. We can speak safely in here."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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Kaede tore his arms from the bone casing around him and quickly sheathed his blade, severing the gate keeping Gashadokuro on this plane, and he fell to the ground with a moderate *thud*, panting lightly as he allowed himself to recuperate. "I-It's fine. Anything worth doing is worth over doing." he jested before pushing himself to his feet, using the sword as a cane. He sighed and shook his, Kira being unconcious. "I never was good at healing. We need to get back to the hotel." He grinned and pulled his key chain from his belt. There weren't many left, over half of them had black "X"s to signify that those doors had been destroyed.
"I expect red panang curry with pork and rice for this one Rin!" he joked as he found a nearby intact door, slipping in the key and giving it a twist. He pushed the door open, his hotel room on the other side. "Get in, quickly. We can speak safely in here."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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#, as written by KazutoK
" No problem you got it anything but I have to ask something of you " He bow and looked over at kaede " I know you are busy and all but I would like if you would train me you are the best knight around, and I cant go to the Vatican for help after my fathers failure I think angel will pretty much throw me in a jail " He said smiling " anyway just please I beg of you train me and I will treat you to dinner every day we train " He smiled his tail wagging as he was excited with the though of being able to become a paladin just like his dad had become.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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"Woah woah woah, I'm the best knight?" He frowned and cleared a space on his bed before shutting the door and putting Kira on the bed. He sighed and kicked some books out of his chair before sitting down. We took a huge hit when the academy burned... who knows how many people we lost.. But if I'm the best knight amongst us... things are worse than I thought. He sighed, seeing that weird tail of his wag like an excited dog. "Alright alright... I don't know about swordsmanship but.." He dug into his coat pocket and withdrew a pair of thin half moon spectacles, and pulled them over his eyes. "I can teach you how to use the Kurikara."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by KazutoK
" take it seriously, c'mon you know is important to me " He look at his tail wagging and hide it under his shirt " s-sorry is something I wish I hadn't inherit from my lovely family " He said embarrassed for a minute before he went back to his positive attitude" I know you know enough to control the demon blade you used I just want to be able to use the kurikara without it eating my souls off before the fight ends " He said as he look at the old blade with all of his defects the blade was legendary in the hands of a master even a human could get a good slashes out of it before it ate its souls if he was train well enough " So what do you say train me at least to we arrive to the European stronghold then I will get out of your hair"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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"Believe me, I'm being serious. I'm a good fighter, but alot of that is because of Ifrit." He pointed at his own chest with his thumb, towards the brand that bound Ifrit to his body. "And I don't use a demon blade." He drew the sword and held it in front of him horizontally. The edge was sharp as a razor, the folds of the metal visible thanks to constant polishing, and the summoning circles were stained a permanent dull red from the sheer amount of blood.
"There's nothing special about this sword in anyway, not counting the circles, but even that is just etched metal. No, the reason my sword cuts my enemies, is because I have sharpened my will."
He stared up at the grandchild of Satan from over his spectacles, his gaze like a vice.
"I will teach you to use the Kurikara. By the time we've reached Europe, you shall cut with your very soul." he declared... then snatched the Kurikara from Rin's hand. "But not before I sharpen this thing too." He frowned, inspecting the edge. "Sharp as a damn bowling ball."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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#, as written by KazutoK
" I knew about it for a while but I thought it was all rumor so you do posses ifrit" He said with admiration and surprise. His sword was snatch and a piece of Rin's heart felt like it had left his body" Hey there careful that thing is really sensitive " He said as he look at kaede hold the sword " The blade becomes sharper as I feed it my Demon power " He said as he made his blue flames appear " That the problem as I feed it my flames I become weaker I want to be able to over come that" He said cracking his knuckles ready for the training that was about to come.

#, as written by KazutoK
" Hey kuro well you weren't here and besides you have your fist to fight if your sword breaks but me i depend on it as much as it depends on me" He said as he look at the blade pass down from his father to him " This blade contained a part of me my heart and without it i'm useless and with it i'm useless as well gaaah i hate this" He said as his flames became apparent he look down his fist clench " I didn't want to inherit this...but is not time to wallow i will learn from both of you and i will become the next paladin and the guy who will kill satan for sure this time !!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki Character Portrait: Raiden Okami
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Kaede sighed heavily as his door was kicked down by none other than Raiden the Fool, and he plucked a whetstone from his desk and began sharpening the blade of Kurikara. "Yes yes, the best fighter and the weakest mind. A whirling dervish a destruction, with no regard for how much of a beating he takes in the process." he said bluntly. "I'll admit you're physically stronger than I, but you simply lack the... finesse needed for magic. And who the hell gave you permission to barge into my room you oaf!?" he barked, a wave of hot air rolling off his body in his anger.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki Character Portrait: Raiden Okami
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#, as written by KazutoK
" easy guys I think this is not the place or the way if you want to prove something then do it in the battle field against the demons that's the real enemy " He said trying to diffuse the conflict " Besides I don't think mephisto would appreciate you guys destroying the strong holds " He said as he took kurikara back " Now you are both great in what you do, raiden you can teach me great endurance while Kaede you can teach me precision you guys are great so stop " He said as he look over to the door " Now I'm going to make the meal I promise I expect you both at the dinning room soon " He said as he walked out towards the kitchen but stop and turn back " Hey also go over mephisto's strategy, and see if he call its been a while since we heard from him." he said a little worry.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki Character Portrait: Raiden Okami
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Kira wakes up groaning hand on her head. "stinking goblin sneak attacked me. that'll be the last time i doubt their brain capacity.." she tries to get but clutches ribs which are a little cracked from one hitting her when she was stunned from the hit from behind. "Okay very soon the goblins are going to drop in number rather severely..." looks at the two who have a tense air between them "what's going on with you two?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki Character Portrait: Raiden Okami
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#, as written by KazutoK
" They are just trying to see who is the best at kicking demons ass " He yelled as he heard Kira's voice " Welcome back to conscious land i'm sorry i wasn't able to help i was overwhelm for a bit there i though it was the end" He continue as he walked back to the room" Kira i'm making dinner if you would like some it be ready soon sorry about our little exploring trip maybe next time" He smiled and walk back to the kitchen and began to prepare the meal, he was a little distracted when he cook he was lost to the food and didn't care about anything else.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki Character Portrait: Raiden Okami
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He sighed heavily and hung his head, shaking it back and forth in disappointed disbelief. He gave himself... permission. It doesn't work that way, it really doesn't. he thought to himself. He sighed and straightened up, pushing his maple red hair from his face. "We aren't really in the position to be fighting each other at the moment." he told Raiden before leaning back in his chair and addressing Kira, who'd dubbed it reasonable to return to the realm of the conscious. "We're fine, at least I am. Glad to see you're alright though." He smiled a little, a rare thing these days, before going to his books. "Now Raiden, if you'd be so kind as to leave. Kira needs rest, and you're really not allowed to give yourself permission to barge into my room... It's locked for a reason."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki Character Portrait: Raiden Okami
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Aki came in, feeling slightly dizzy due to her blood sugar being all over the place. She felt sick and didn't need the others arguing right now. "Raiden... Don't break into other people's rooms. Break into mine and I will break your fucking face." She said with attitude, her pink hair messy. She smiled, a fake one but that was all she could really manage. There was nothing to smile about, her friends were dead, the Academy burnt down and she was one of only a few people who survived, not to mention they faced the possibility of death everyday, Aki knew she would either be ripped apart or fall into a coma due to her diabetes. She hated it, she hated it because it made her become dependent. She did not like depending on anything except herself. She smiled at Rin, really wanting to tell him she loved him. But she couldn't, he'd reject her. Why would a grandchild of Satan want to go out with a diseased inferior human? So she just got her head together and shook her feelings out her head. "Usual demon fighting shit today, I guess?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki Character Portrait: Raiden Okami Character Portrait: Aki Honoka
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#, as written by KazutoK
" Hey aki you feeling alright you look kind of pale can I get you something " He said as he walked over to her leaving the kitchen for a while, he was almost done but it didn't matter." Yeah we ran into some trouble when we try to explore it was kind of my fault" He kind of say with his head down a little ashame what had happen. " Regardless Kaede was kind enough to bail me out this time, so I'm making a meal to repay him, it will be ready soon if you wanna stick around." He smiled at her and walk back to the kitchen, but before he stop and say with a small chuckle " Raiden you hear them no more door breaking I don't want to have the rest of the place to be next if a fight breaks out."