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Raiden Okami

A wild, goofy, protector of humans

0 · 683 views · located in The Human plane Asiah and Hell Gehenna plane

a character in “Blood of the Exorcist”, as played by Hellbreaker


Name:Raiden Okami

Meister:Knight, Demon Smasher


Brief history:Was born to a human woman and a lightning demon on the side of the humans.THey died when he was six, and he's been raised by various exorcists ever since.He's trained heavily in close quarters combat, using his demon blood to avantage. The only momento he has from his blood parents is his blue hair, tribal marks, and the jet black ninjato called Okami Fang.

your race:Half Demon

Hobbies:Pranking, eating fish, drinking root beer, challening others to sparring, reading comics, listening to rap,rapping.(Dreams pursuing a career in rap music)

Nicknames:Rai, that crazy wolf cub, Electric Striker(last was earned when he took down a demon using a unique techinique during his training.)

temptation Demon: His father

When did your temptation happen:When he was born.

Alliance: Humans

So begins...

Raiden Okami's Story

#, as written by KazutoK
The demons were coming in the docents he started to cut them down the girl was over run and he had to get to her he used the communicator " All exorcust in the channel please we are in need of assistance please "He stranded over the girl protecting her from the demons his blade was cutting easily but the more he used the blade the weaker he got he was in need of help from his fellow exorcits.

#, as written by KazutoK
" Hey kuro well you weren't here and besides you have your fist to fight if your sword breaks but me i depend on it as much as it depends on me" He said as he look at the blade pass down from his father to him " This blade contained a part of me my heart and without it i'm useless and with it i'm useless as well gaaah i hate this" He said as his flames became apparent he look down his fist clench " I didn't want to inherit this...but is not time to wallow i will learn from both of you and i will become the next paladin and the guy who will kill satan for sure this time !!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki Character Portrait: Raiden Okami
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Kaede sighed heavily as his door was kicked down by none other than Raiden the Fool, and he plucked a whetstone from his desk and began sharpening the blade of Kurikara. "Yes yes, the best fighter and the weakest mind. A whirling dervish a destruction, with no regard for how much of a beating he takes in the process." he said bluntly. "I'll admit you're physically stronger than I, but you simply lack the... finesse needed for magic. And who the hell gave you permission to barge into my room you oaf!?" he barked, a wave of hot air rolling off his body in his anger.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki Character Portrait: Raiden Okami
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#, as written by KazutoK
" easy guys I think this is not the place or the way if you want to prove something then do it in the battle field against the demons that's the real enemy " He said trying to diffuse the conflict " Besides I don't think mephisto would appreciate you guys destroying the strong holds " He said as he took kurikara back " Now you are both great in what you do, raiden you can teach me great endurance while Kaede you can teach me precision you guys are great so stop " He said as he look over to the door " Now I'm going to make the meal I promise I expect you both at the dinning room soon " He said as he walked out towards the kitchen but stop and turn back " Hey also go over mephisto's strategy, and see if he call its been a while since we heard from him." he said a little worry.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki Character Portrait: Raiden Okami
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Kira wakes up groaning hand on her head. "stinking goblin sneak attacked me. that'll be the last time i doubt their brain capacity.." she tries to get but clutches ribs which are a little cracked from one hitting her when she was stunned from the hit from behind. "Okay very soon the goblins are going to drop in number rather severely..." looks at the two who have a tense air between them "what's going on with you two?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki Character Portrait: Raiden Okami
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#, as written by KazutoK
" They are just trying to see who is the best at kicking demons ass " He yelled as he heard Kira's voice " Welcome back to conscious land i'm sorry i wasn't able to help i was overwhelm for a bit there i though it was the end" He continue as he walked back to the room" Kira i'm making dinner if you would like some it be ready soon sorry about our little exploring trip maybe next time" He smiled and walk back to the kitchen and began to prepare the meal, he was a little distracted when he cook he was lost to the food and didn't care about anything else.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki Character Portrait: Raiden Okami
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He sighed heavily and hung his head, shaking it back and forth in disappointed disbelief. He gave himself... permission. It doesn't work that way, it really doesn't. he thought to himself. He sighed and straightened up, pushing his maple red hair from his face. "We aren't really in the position to be fighting each other at the moment." he told Raiden before leaning back in his chair and addressing Kira, who'd dubbed it reasonable to return to the realm of the conscious. "We're fine, at least I am. Glad to see you're alright though." He smiled a little, a rare thing these days, before going to his books. "Now Raiden, if you'd be so kind as to leave. Kira needs rest, and you're really not allowed to give yourself permission to barge into my room... It's locked for a reason."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki Character Portrait: Raiden Okami
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Aki came in, feeling slightly dizzy due to her blood sugar being all over the place. She felt sick and didn't need the others arguing right now. "Raiden... Don't break into other people's rooms. Break into mine and I will break your fucking face." She said with attitude, her pink hair messy. She smiled, a fake one but that was all she could really manage. There was nothing to smile about, her friends were dead, the Academy burnt down and she was one of only a few people who survived, not to mention they faced the possibility of death everyday, Aki knew she would either be ripped apart or fall into a coma due to her diabetes. She hated it, she hated it because it made her become dependent. She did not like depending on anything except herself. She smiled at Rin, really wanting to tell him she loved him. But she couldn't, he'd reject her. Why would a grandchild of Satan want to go out with a diseased inferior human? So she just got her head together and shook her feelings out her head. "Usual demon fighting shit today, I guess?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki Character Portrait: Raiden Okami Character Portrait: Aki Honoka
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#, as written by KazutoK
" Hey aki you feeling alright you look kind of pale can I get you something " He said as he walked over to her leaving the kitchen for a while, he was almost done but it didn't matter." Yeah we ran into some trouble when we try to explore it was kind of my fault" He kind of say with his head down a little ashame what had happen. " Regardless Kaede was kind enough to bail me out this time, so I'm making a meal to repay him, it will be ready soon if you wanna stick around." He smiled at her and walk back to the kitchen, but before he stop and say with a small chuckle " Raiden you hear them no more door breaking I don't want to have the rest of the place to be next if a fight breaks out."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki Character Portrait: Raiden Okami Character Portrait: Aki Honoka
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"I'm fine, Rin. I'll stick around for the food, I'm hungry." She spoke, examining her Katana for any cracks or blemishes. She couldn't afford any of her weapons to be in bad shape, her abilities were not remotely useful for fighting demons, her splintered Clairvoyance only showed her fragments of the future, nothing you could base an accurate prediction on, and the second one was to simply keep her from slipping into a coma. She felt like the 5th wheel of the group at times, not really essential to the group. She thought to herself "I have to stay with them... I'd be dead within a week if I left..." Still, what Ren was cooking did smell delicious, she got out her pen from the bag and injected herself, as part of her usual before-eating routine. She had 15 vials left, she needed to find a pharmacy quickly to restock. She hated her condition, and it was incurable. Still, she had her friends, and that made her life a bit better in this apocalyptic scenario.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki Character Portrait: Raiden Okami Character Portrait: Aki Honoka
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#, as written by KazutoK
He finish the meal and served everyone in an instant it was a specialty of rin's hot beef pot and garden salad " Well dinner is ready come and get it guys " He smiled and took his apron off he walked over to the rooms to call the others and couldn't help but see aki the girl had always been distant Rin though it was because she hated him and the other half demon because of what had happen to her parents. He approached her slowly whenever he could trying to be friendly to her trying to show her that not all demons were bad. He had seen her reject the meister ceremony even though she was an excellent candidate for them maybe she didn't feel up for it though Rin but he was going to show her she was just as worthy as anyone." Hey dinner is ready, ah I see your sugar level again " He said frowning " you shouldn't push yourself if you need a break just tell us ok we are a team, we have to help each other " He smiled and patted her shoulder " We are all essential to each other I don't know what we would do without you, you are a very talented girl " He left her shoulder and walked over to the door " if you need anything don't hesitate to ask me, raiden or Kaede will get it for you " He exit her room and went on to call the rest of the exorcist to come eat dinner.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki Character Portrait: Raiden Okami Character Portrait: Aki Honoka
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"Thank you, Rin." She said as she sat down, eating the beef stew and salad politely and slowly. "Is there a pharmacy nearby?" She asked, partially out of curiosity, partially out of her own and the rest of the teams medical needs, fighting demons tended to cause lots of injuries, which she usually tried to heal as best she could given the circumstances. Broken bones were a real pain to try and heal, because she didn't have any casts she usually just had to try and make sure the two pieces of bone were aligned, then use some sort of support to stop the bones from moving then binding it all together. Her grandparents had been Exorcists and taught her how to deal with injuries and such things when she was small, it's how she got in contact with the Academy. She looked at the gold cross around her neck, it had been her grandmother's before she passed away. She finished eating and waited for the others to finish, before taking her plate and clearing up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki Character Portrait: Raiden Okami Character Portrait: Aki Honoka
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#, as written by KazutoK
" Yeah there is one nearby, but if we want to make it we have to hurry or they are going to close " He said as he took his plate to the dish washer and turn it on but didn't started so everyone could get a chance of to put their dishes away " if you want I can take you if you don't mind " He said with a smile as trouble follow this kid closely " I just need to find a new shirt and hat to hide my tail and my messy hair " He laugh as he went to his room to collect the clothes he had mention he smiled as he put kurikara away on his sheath he walked back to the front room " I'm ready if you are " He said as he look at the rest of the exorcist " Anyone else wants to come ".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki Character Portrait: Raiden Okami Character Portrait: Aki Honoka
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"I'm ready. Let's go, Rin-san." She spoke politely, rather desperate as she had run out of heavy duty painkillers. She sneaked a quick look at his tail, curious as what it would be like to have one, also what it's like to be related to the Devil. Still, she decided not to ask on the risk of being insensitive, which she did not want to portray herself as. She put her coat on and smiled, grabbing her bag which was already full of medicines, as well as some vials of holy water, just in case she encountered any demons. She grabbed her katana and began to walk out the door, gesturing for Rin to come with her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki Character Portrait: Raiden Okami Character Portrait: Aki Honoka
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#, as written by KazutoK
" Aki!!!!!! what the hell amaimon " He said as he jump over to Aki " oh no your arm " He said tying carefully her arm on wraps but was interrupted by amaimon who kick him into the wall " Shit...ah I though you were banish to hell why are you attacking me mephisto haddeal with..." before he could finish the sentence he his eyes shrunk " k-kuro take aki back to the stronghold now " He said almost growling. The cat obeyed and pick up the girl carefully with his tail. Rin flames spike up he was envelop in them in a instant " Argghhhhh " that was all he could say in his demons voice his heart consuming his will and started to flail at amaimon punching him with not stop.

kuro :

" Oh nya I have no choice we need the others to come and him as well " He said as he took the girl back to the stronghold he scratch the door hoping someone would open the door " Hey exorcist we need your help !!! Please come out " He said scratching even harder.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki Character Portrait: Raiden Okami Character Portrait: Aki Honoka
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"I just wanted to get that piece of garbage out the way before our fight. Plus I enjoyed hurting her. Why do you care for her so much? Have you been weakened by your time around humans?" He laughed, before grabbing Rin's tail and pulling it hard, before punching him in the face repeatedly. "So weak... You don't deserve to be related to my Master!"


The girl was still unconscious, her pink hair now mixed with crimson blood. She was still holding onto her katana, it had been past down the exorcists of her family for millennia, it was her responsibilty to look after it. She had to, she was the last of the Honoka family, she wouldn't let them down. Her eyes began to open and she opened the door, before collapsing to her knees due to exhaustion and pain, her arm was now in pure agony, she gritted her teeth and tried to stand up, she smiled at the nekomata. "Let's keep going, Kuro... For Rin's sake..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki Character Portrait: Raiden Okami Character Portrait: Aki Honoka
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Kira immediatly rushes in despite her injuries tightening the bandages on her arms and this time wielding sword and gun lights up her red flames and draws her runic sword and loads her gun with her customized demon fire bullets. "Hey asshole over here !" she roars jumping high and starts her hopefully surprise attack against Amaion.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki Character Portrait: Raiden Okami Character Portrait: Aki Honoka
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#, as written by KazutoK
" raaaaahhggghhhhh " He was throw to the ground , there was no more rin just a berserk he stood up when the girl distracted the earth king he lunge at him and began punching again he threw him against the building making it collaps near his comrades " aaaarrgghhhhhh " He smashed the ground and began running towards the demon king. His flames set a blaze everything around him " rwaaaaaghhhhhh " He started to to run towards the students but was quickly intercepted by amaimon who pulling his tail smash him to the ground.

Kuro : We need to calm him down nya I'm sorry master Rin but angel is the only choice " He said as he used the note that mephisto had attach to his collar, it was a summond to have the Vatican send their palading angel in order to put down Rin " Everyone move back please if master rin hurts you he won't forgive himself" He said as he stood in front of them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki Character Portrait: Raiden Okami Character Portrait: Aki Honoka
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"More human playthings I can hurt! It must be my birthday!" He laughed and kicked the girl hard in the face, before picking her up by the collar and punching her in the face repeatedly. "You trash should really learn to stay out of fights between demons." He replied, spitting in her face. He dropped her and then began to fight Rin again. "You should really tell your pets to stay at home Rin, that Aki girl was fun but now your pets are annoying me." He smiled as Rin lost control, revelling in having provoked him enough. "Father's blue flames! Let's see if you have the same fighting skill as your grandfather..." He licked his lips in anticipation.


The Exorcist-in-training injected herself with morphine to try and ease the pain somewhat. She just hoped the others would be okay, Amaimon was a really strong opponent. Aki started to feel shame that she couldn't help Rin or Kira more. "Stop thinking about that Aki. Get a hold of yourself." Her crush on Rin would go nowhere, and she knew it deep down. Her emotions had always been problematic, she hated them, she hated the fact that she wanted to cry whenever she thought about her parents, she hated that she was developing a crush on anyone at all, let alone someone who wouldn't return her affections to her. Aki got up and sighed, creating a makeshift splint, she bandaged her head wound and loaded her pistols. She was going to help Rin fight Amaimon, even if it killed her. She eventually got to the pharmacy, and saw Rin's true demon form. It was terrifying and beautiful at the same time. He looked like unadulterated anger, surrounded by flames of brightest sapphire blue. She ran up to Amaimon and slashed at him with her katana, revelling in the Earth King's scream. "HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT YOU SON OF A BITCH!" She screamed, allowing her sadistic impulses to flow freely.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki Character Portrait: Raiden Okami Character Portrait: Aki Honoka
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