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Kira Nagosuki

"You mess with my friends, you mess with me. And that is something you really don't want to do..."

0 · 788 views · located in The Human plane Asiah and Hell Gehenna plane

a character in “Blood of the Exorcist”, as played by shade_rune


Name:Kira Nagosuki

Meisters: Knight, Demon Smasher, Sniper

Age: 19

Brief History: Born to a woman named Nagi and The Demon Beilial who fell in love with her and she with him. Soon Kira was born into the world a half-demon. she was never told of her father but due to living in a rough neighborhood she came to resent him thinking he ditched them. eventually her powers slowl started peaking out until finally when one of her father's servant's threatened her mother she unleahed her full might on it. soon she came to the academy and gained three meisters. then it was burnt down in the opening shot of the war. And in that she lost friends whom she has sworn revenge. against Satan's demons for.

Race: Half Demon

Hobbies: Training, videgames, Reading.

Nicknames: Kiri, Beserker, Vampire

Temptation Demon: Her father

When the Temptation Happened: Her birth. she could see demons bearly as long as she's been alive.

Alliance: Huamns

Appearnce: She has jet black long, raggedy hair and Red eyes to match her fire. she is abit on the pale-ish side with the characteristicpointy ears and tail which she keeps hidden by her hair and torn pants respectively. wears a black tank top with her official slayer jacket hanging off her shoulders. her runic short sword is strapped to her back with a heavily modded colt on her thigh. usually has herhand and lower arm wrapped in bandages.

brief Persoality description : She is punkish but kind to those she cares for and will thrash any of her enemies without mercy. just don't call vampire lest you learn how she got beserker as a nickname.

So begins...

Kira Nagosuki's Story


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Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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#, as written by KazutoK
The Gehenna gate open and the exorcist spilled out some landed on top of other they have arrived at the Tokyo stronghold, Mephistoteles has order them to go there as the demons would start to gather there and the war would begin. Mephistoteles was gone, hiding in order to prepare a counter to Lucifer Satan's' General commanding the Demons legion attacks on earth even though they were brothers they had different visions for the world. The exorcist open the door with the demon key a hotel comparable to 5 stars was what the door lead to a contrast to the outside a whole in the dirt with a door in the middle. Rin walked over to the living room and sat his bags down " Alright we are here but what now we can't just go out but being here is going to be boring I know " He said as he dig through his bag and put some sunglasses on " There no one will recognize me now " He laugh and prepared to leave the Stronghold.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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Kira heads to her room and throws the bag on another bed. she sighs and flops on her bed going over all that's happened. the burning of the academy and loss of a few friends. she grits her teeth at the painful memory. eventually geting up heading she sees Rin with the sunglasses in an attempt to disguise himself and she facepalms saying "you really think that'll serve as a good disguise?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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#, as written by KazutoK
He smiles " You know what you are right maybe I'll throw on a scarf or something" He smiled he was in need of sometime alone while everyone made their sadness know he try to keep it inside his uncle had die during the fire getting everyone out. He took of the sunglasses and look at kira " Hey listen I'm sorry about your friends I wish we could of gotten everyone out" he said trying to not break his fake smile. " But I promise you we'll make the responsible ones pay we just have to stick to mephistos plan" He said in a sad voice but then composed himself " except for the part of staying here I need to get out what you say join me the rest of them will be picking out rooms, boooooring I want to explore around." He said as he put a jacket with a hood on and a scarf to cover his mouth and nose.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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sighs "first of all disguise 101: don't use something that'll make you stick out like that instead use street cloths and hide your weapons in it. for example..." motions to herself with her outfit minus the jacket and her gun hidden plus bandages still on her with ears covered. "second you don't have to fake anything. just let it out or else it'll keep eating away you." she says half to him and half to herself. as friends weren't lost in the fire but another girl she secretly shared her heart with. she shook her head chasing those thoughts away.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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#, as written by KazutoK
" well you are th boss" He said with smile with all the graduation honors she had achieved she could easily be a replacement for the teachers" Well I better change still my offer is still standing " He said as walked over to his room and change he don a small blue wind breaker his sun glasses and some blue faded pants " ready I guess I don't know what to do about my ear though" He said with a smile as all half demons were born with some pointed ear no extremely like elf but pointed enough to stand a little out if you look at them long enough. He came back to the main room most of the other students were tired so they stayed on their rooms" Its going be a quiet night I guess " He smiled a small tear ran his cheek as he though of what the girl said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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"aye" she said as she looked at the others. "though i don't know how many times i have to say that hitting thing and swinging stuff was not new to me and the only thing i had to really learn was shooting demons instead of beating or slicing them." she says sighing and seeing the tear "again if you need to just let it all out." gives a sisterly hug of support."Also i'll take you up on that offer."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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#, as written by KazutoK
he smiled " Thanks but we can cry and bury our dead when we finish this " He hug her and smiled " The sniper meister weren't you in line for that promotion" He smiled and walked over the door and holded open" Ladies first by the way are your ears are they ok ? " he look at them curious humans didn't ask about the ear much if you keep moving they were barely noticeable but she could have gotten hurt during the fire " If anything happen may I take a look I didn't get my medic meister but I was though by the head medic in the academy " He said as he waited for her response.

( thanks for joining hopefully others will also join soon )


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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rolls her eyes "alright, fine oh prince charming..." she says and and walks through the door "as for injuries i'm fine besides a few light burns and bruises. nothing i can't recover from." she says though she nurses a spot on her neck and on her right arm abit. "well shall we?" she asks as she heads out.

(np man.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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#, as written by KazutoK
" Hey just being a gentleman my uncle would of kill me if left first he said I have my fathers manners.....terrible ones " He said with a smile looked over the night sky was beautiful start and the moon it was almost hard to believe that demons and the apocalypse were close. He saw the building the lights sky line it was a huge city enormous they could easily get lost. " Hey what you say if we find something that will speed us up I can be very convincing you point and I'll get it " He said with a smile his demon powers were alluring his grand fathers charm the tempting charm of a dangerous person. He was excited enough that his tail was wagging through his shirt he noticed it and look down embarrassed this was something he wish he hadn't inherited from his dad.


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Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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Heads out breathing the night air and looking at the stars visibly relaxing. "heh bet your dad isn't as bad as mine is." she says refering to her demonic father which she is not exactly fond of espically thanks to his servants trying to claim her. tossing it aside just relaxs looking at the night sky something she is pretty fond of and held her wonder since she was a kid.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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#, as written by KazutoK
" No argument there, if I were to have chance you have to talk about my grandpa or my mom " He said with a smile he was a complicated case his mother according to his uncle was lilith the dark lord mistress, he ignore the thoughts and smile when he saw her and her expression " You didn't get out much when were in the academy did you ? " he said as he took her hand and began walking " I been to Tokyo a couple times there is a lot of wonderful places I can show you if you want " He said as he realized he had taken her hand in his outburst " s-sorry I sometimes just act in impulse".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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smiles alittle teasingly "it's fine though i'm not too into guys." she says friendly enough. she quickly goes on "so what are they like? your gramps and mom i mean." she asks curious about the relatives and says on a last note "Also i have gotten out just that the night sky has relaxed me since i was a kid." she says with a tad bit of nostalgia.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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#, as written by KazutoK
" Uh I didn't mean to seem like I'm interested in you in that way no that you aren't pretty is just I uh......... i'll just be quiet" He looked down embarrassed his ear twitched a little hearing the mentions of his relatives " Well for one the reason we are here is because good old gramps is trying to united gehenna and asiah our wold together you can imagine how that's gonna play out is not like your demons can get along with humans like dogs and bones is more like cats and dogs " He said with a smile and the scratch his head" about my mom to put it plain and simple she gets around as the darklorda mistress lilith she has been having illegitable kids left and right I'm one of those kids" He said as he looked down and sight his tail was now hating low still tuck into his shirt" Anyway yeah the sky is lovely and relaxing I always wanted be able to sit in the rooft and stay there watching the moon do its walk across the sky" He smiled and sat down by the bench and the wind was now picking up it was a calm night but this was about to change.

( so what are we waiting for someone or something in your rp ?)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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(post that was needed to start the ball has been made.)

chuckles at his embarrassment finding his reaction kinda charming in the best buddy fashion. As she hears about his gramps she scratches her chin alittle "oh yeah heard about him. managed to damage the gates of hell and get rid of his dad...least for awhile." she says sighing at the current state the world was about to be plunged into. "ah son of one of the loosest beings on the planet eh? heh well atleast your's isn't one the easiest to fly off the handle." she says grumbly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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#, as written by KazutoK
" Hey I wish mine would try to punish me or yell at me instead she is umm kind of awkward to talk to...I don't like it when she visits me " He said with a look of shock like remembering something that scar him for life " So how is your mom have you talk to her I can't imagine what most of the parents might be thinking now that their kids school just burn down and they are gone " He said worry that they might had been target by the demon legions, as the wind blew he caught it the scent of a demon low level but dangerous none the less it was a goblin a red goblin " ah crap and here I wanted to show you the best place to eat ramen " he said as he pulled out his fathers sword the kurikara once a legendary demon slaying sword now a dull blade with cracks on it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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Tenses and tightens the bandages around her arm then with a flourish draws out her modified colt. she sniffs the air and her blood red flames going alight as she sniffs the air and chases them down. She was not about to let any demons get away especially after what they've done. she was going to hunt them down and make them Rue the day they decided to come to Earth especially after what they did to the academy and her friends, and the girl she loved.

(for Monsters i'm gonna rely on you so i don't go god-mod)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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#, as written by KazutoK
" Hey wait !!" his blue flames became apparent too he started to match her speed going against a goblin was not big deal the problem was that they often used a swarm formation to overwhelm the victim " Listen when we find them I'm going to need some time to activate the kurikara do you think you could buy me a sec or two " He said as he tighten the grip on the kurikara his flames spreading over it closing the cracks " don't let them surround you if you do then its all over " He said as he stopped they had arrived to the demons trap they began showing themselves all laughing maniacally the annoying laugh was enough to drive people to insanity his flames were growing then shorten as the kurikara regain more of its edge the blade ate demon spirit In order to gain sharpness and strenght. His breathing got a little heavy but then he composed himself " here they come get ready ".

#, as written by KazutoK
The demons were coming in the docents he started to cut them down the girl was over run and he had to get to her he used the communicator " All exorcust in the channel please we are in need of assistance please "He stranded over the girl protecting her from the demons his blade was cutting easily but the more he used the blade the weaker he got he was in need of help from his fellow exorcits.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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A voice seemed to cut through the cacophony of battle like a blade, as Kaede unsheathed his blade and approached the gaggle of demons surrounding his comrades. He sliced his thumb on the edge of his sword and then drew the bleeding digit across the summoning circles etched into its side.
"I beseech of you Ifrit, to rend those who would stand against me, and burn them to ash. Tsume!" he cried as his sword arced across the back of a goblin. Suddenly, red hot flames appeared and formed a black claw nearly the size of a man. This claw flew in the same arc as his blade, tearing through a large portion of the goblin's ranks, turning their tiny bodies to ash. He lowered his blade slightly and sighed, seeing that Rin and Kira still lived.
"I had wondered where you guys ran off too. Ken!" he shot the pommel of his blade out into the face of a lunging goblin, which was quickly followed by a huge black and red fist which pummeled it into the ground.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura Character Portrait: Kaede Kaito Character Portrait: Kira Nagosuki
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#, as written by KazutoK
" I though it be fun to explore we are going to be there a while you know " He said with a smile now that he had support he could freely fight he used the blue flamed sword to slash through the goblins " Go back to hell!!!! " He stab one and send him crashing into the other his blade dim while the battle continue " argh I didn't think I would need this Kaede demon in coming in your tight I'll perform a summoning just keep them busy " He used the blade to cut his finger he drew and blood circle with the inverted star if David in the center" The world of the damn realm satan accept the blood of thy demon and open the gates accept this blood as your offering !!! " He dropped blood in the middle and a huge demon gathe open flames spewing out" Kaede push them here I'll close the gate when you done so " He said his finger planted in the middle of the star.