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The Red Queen

"I am the supreme ruler! All shall bow down to me!" (Wip - Also history, and personality!)

0 · 771 views · located in The Country of Hearts

a character in “Bloody Clocks”, as played by Sorararun





Theme Song|| [url=URL]THEME SONG | ARTIST[/url] ||


ImageImageImage☢ Full Name ☢
'Name? You're too low to even know it.'
Red Queen | Unknown

☢ Nicknames ☢
'Well, if I take a liking to you, then perhaps you can call me Red.'

☢ Age ☢
'How rude to ask a young woman that! Off with your head!'

☢ Gender ☢

☢ Romantic Interest ☢
'I don't even love the king, and I'd definitely not be cheating.'

☢ Sexuality ☢
'Pft. Love is stupid.'

☢ Nationality ☢
'I live in my own kingdom. This world is mine.'
Kingdom of Hearts | Castle of Hearts

☢ Face Claim ☢
'Look all you want, dear.'
Enoshima Junko | Dangan Ronpa

ImageImage☢ Physical Description/Clothing Preference ☢
'Beautiful, aren't I? I may not be the fairest, but I am the most beautiful, aren't I? Wait- Wrong movie.'
Red's body would, if she wasn't in Wonderland, would probably be that of a 18-21 year old. She has a young face that could look incredibly similar to a teenagers face. However, she has the body of an adult because of all her curves. She is actually pretty strong, although its not openly displayed for the naked eye to see, and it superb at running. She's not queen for no reason. She has to display her strength in some way. The type of clothing she wears is a school uniform actually, but its opened at her chest and the skirt is far too short. Sex appeal? Trying to get a guy? No. The Red Queen just utterly hates heat. Therefore, she exposes her skin. Last time someone commented on her showing too much skin well... their head was cut off. Nothing personal.

☢ Birthmark/Piercing/Tattoo/Scar/Noticeable Features ☢
'I'd like my skin to be flawless, thank you very much.'
The Red Queen likes to maintain her beauty, so she has no birthmarks, no piercings, and or tattoos and scars. Perhaps the only noticeable feature of her would be how exposed she is- or her long pink hair that she puts into two messy pigtails on both sids of her head.

☢ Weapon{s} ☢
'You can see it, I assure you, but it'll be the last thing you see. I can also assure you of that.'
Red likes to use a viking battle axe and while she has many that are laid out for her, she only likes to use one- which she uses to decapitate people herself. Again, nothing personal. You don't like her, she doesn't like you.

☢ Powers ☢
'Don't try and hide these things from me. I see over all.'
Red only has one ability, but she finds that she doesn't need another one. Her ability allows her to see everything within a 10 mile radius. Yes, 10 miles. It sounds crazy, but its also harmless. She can only see things. Its as if there's a shadow, but there isn't. She doesn't have to move, and while using this ability, her eyes go from her bright aqua color to a darkened red. With this, she is capable of seeing practically everything that goes on in her kingdom.

☢ Skills ☢
ϡ Deception
ϡ Acting
ϡ Strategy
ϡ Winning
ϡ Sowing

☢ Personality ☢
{Selfish} | {Flirtatious} | {Deceptive} | {Controlling} | {Harsh} | {Dark} | {Lonely}

Image☢ Likes ☢
✑ Control || 'I am the queen. Me and me alone. I should have full control over all these lunatics.'
✑ Loyalty || 'I may be the tyrant of this land, but I still would like loyalty. If you give loyalty to me, you'll keep your head by the end of the day.'
✑ War || 'Seeing other territories fight is my pleasure and entertainment.'
✑ Her Servants || 'Even if my closest servants betray me, I won't take their heads. Why... erm... because I said so! Don't question me!'
✑ "Giggles" || 'He's the last thing Daddy left for me. Isn't he adorable?'
Conflict | Sweets | Her throne | Power
Madness | Art | Winter
Talented People

☢ Dislikes ☢
☸ Disloyalty || 'I like loyalty. What's the opposite of loyalty? Disloyalty. Do you really need an explanation?'
☸ Things not going her way || 'I'm the queen! If I tell you to do something and its not seen through, I'll have your head!'
☸ Mad Hatter & Cheshire Cat || 'Those two... They're the most mischievous and trouble makers. If we had a war, I'd dive right into battle to kill them myself!'
☸ Heat || 'Ugh... Don't even bring up the mentioning. I'm already starting to feel hot...'
Summer | Cicadas | Bright places | Useless people
Sour food | Fish | The color blue
Sweat | Being dirty
Useless people

☢ Flaws ☢
✎ Controlling || 'I haven't heard of a leader who isn't.'
✎ Selfish || 'Oh? You want something? Too bad. Its mine.'
✎ Greedy || 'I want everything there is in this world! Hand it all to me on a silver plater!'
Childish | Short-Tempered
Rude | Demanding

☢ Fears ☢
✒ Dying || 'I want to live. I want my legacy to continue. I want my name to be known. I can't die yet.'
✒ Being alone || 'I-I... W-Who said that! Where ever you heard that... that person's lying! I'm fine with being alone!'
✒ Being overthrown || '... If I was overthrown, I'm certain that I'd be killed. I can't let that happen.'
Losing control | Her servant's deaths

☢Secrets ☢
✪ Its true that Red doesn't like being alone. It scares her.
✪ Red's teddy bear, Giggles, was given to her by her father, and the only reason why she's been creating terror and chaos is to get his attention after he left the family and never turned up again.

Image☢Bio ☢

☢ Other ☢

So begins...

The Red Queen's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Usami White Character Portrait: Dorothea Mouse Character Portrait: Vision Character Portrait: The Knight of Hearts Character Portrait: Cody Ford Character Portrait: Cheshire Cat
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The current time in Wonderland is April Season. The Amusement Park boasts the season of spring, the season of new birth. The Castle of Hearts allowed the sunshine of the season of summer to come through its windows. The Hatter Mansion enjoyed the crisp air of the autumnal season and the Clock Tower presented the beautiful, white, frosty landscape of winter. Welcome to April Season.


The pearly rays of the sun played with the flowers of the patches of earth in the Amusement Park. The air smelled earthy and dry and drooping plants were now boasting of their new found youth. It was coming of age; but yes in the reverse order. Adjourning the plants were their new neighbors, slick, curly, twirling bougainvillea and spring weeds. They almost looked up to the trees that lined the paths of the Amusement Park, wishing to grow as tall someday. They gyrated with the smooth wind, letting their leaves dance to its tune. In the middle of the Amusement Park laid a young woman with light orange tresses. Her name was Amelia V. Christen.


Dots of sunshine dance through the windows of Heart Castle as the smell of honey suckle flies on the wind. Small animals scurry from hedge to hedge, occasionally sprinting up a tree full of forest green leaves that are caressed by the wind. The vast blue sky over the pink and red castle combined with the rolling green hills in the distance. The horses in the stables were being fed fresh hay that had just been threshed. Birds twittered back and forth in a beautiful song. The courtyard was the same, except for the young man that lay in front of the fountain.


A golden brown carpet of leaves crunch underfoot, tree limbs quiver in gusts of wind, shaggy autumnal decrepitude, disheveled beauty in gold and scarlet. Earthy smell of autumn, air that had the first bite of late autumn, beech trees at the height of their autumnal gold, bathed in the yellow warmth of the autumn sun, air fresh but without a chill. The leaves dance on the breeze, dead but still alive in some instances. Copper leaves fall to the ground that is now scattered in a plethora of colors. Gold, orange, red and brown, they all dance and die as the clouds overlap each other, making the sky a gloomy gray. A young girl lay at the steps of Hatter Mansion.


The naked winter trees line the avenue leading to the Clock Tower. Residents’ breath rises in visible puffs to join the clouded sky. There is a freezing chill in the air that brings crispness to the leaves, bejeweled with frost, that crunch underfoot. Rosy cheeked, people who visit here pull woolen hats over the reddened ears and tighten scarves over the blue tinged lips. Teeth chatter. The cold seeps into gloves, numbing fingers until they cease to bend properly. Stiffened and frigid, like the cold winter air.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Usami White Character Portrait: The Knight of Hearts Character Portrait: Cody Ford Character Portrait: The Red Queen
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It was a beautiful day out, the birds chirping, the smell of honey suckle riding the wind and straight under Usami the White Rabbit's nose. The girl had been taking a stroll along the outside of the castle, enjoying this change in weather. Suddenly, a terrible feeling sunk into Usami's stomach and the girl checked the glistening golden watch on her wrist. "Ack!" The rabbit seemed to jump twenty feet in the air when she realized what time it was. "I'm late! I'm late! The Queen is going to have my head for this!" Usami began to run, winding her way down from the gardens to the front entrance of the castle. Usami could still smell the honey suckle and see the sun, but she knew that she would long for nature as soon as she stepped into the overly extravagant building that had become her home.

Suddenly out of breath, Usami stopped running and began to walk once the doors were in clear view, but a twist of her footing led the rabbit girl face first into the ground. It never failed, no matter how much walking she did or how much practice she had, Usami nearly always fell. This was a particularly hard spill, however, and the poor girl's nose began to bleed. "Ow, ow, ow!" She trilled hoping that this wouldn't last long. Her hair began to sparkle and slowly faded from pink to blue; it did that from time to time and along with her hair, her rabbit ears and tail changed color as well.

Usami hobbled over to the fountain to check out the damage and gazed at her reflection. Scrapped cheek, bleeding nose, but otherwise she was totally presentable. Usami was just glad her chakrams hadn't come loose and hurt someone. She was going to leave; Usami was going to head straight for the inside when something caught her attention. A tuft of white fluffy stuff poking out from the other side of the concrete structure. Plugging her bleeding nose with one hand, Usami tiptoed over to the tuft that slowly gave way to a body, her sparkling blue eyes widened in alarm and Usami took a step back, managing to fall on her butt and scrape her palms. Usami screamed, scrambling away in a backwards direction and then bolting inside, but realized that she couldn't possibly go into the throne room in such a disastrous state.

So Usami headed to her room in order to compose herself and wash the blood away. The body was probably one of those dummies that belonged to the Knight of Hearts, yes, that was it, a simple dummy. Definitely not a dead body.

Usami rinsed the blood from her face and changed her skirt that now had a hole in it, she wrapped her palms as well before finally heading downstairs, mentally preparing herself for the screaming battle to come. "I know I'm late!" Usami started as soon as she walked in, "but there's a reason to it! I was in the garden and then I looked at my watch and realized what time it was so I started heading back and I tripped and fell on my face and my nose started bleeding, then I saw a dead body in front of the fountain and I fell again and my skirt ripped and I screamed and ran back inside and knew I couldn't come in here looking like that so-so I went to change and now I'm here!" She took a breath as she finished and bowed to the Queen of Hearts, hoping she didn't offend the woman by her untimely entrance.