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Boot Camp for Heroes



a part of Boot Camp for Heroes, by Sonohra.


Sonohra holds sovereignty over Vancouver,, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Vancouver, is a part of Boot Camp for Heroes.

14 Characters Here

Jeremiah Wells [17] "Human emotion is more delicate than glass."
Kitty Fetzer [16] "Well, this is awkward."
Amira 'Red' Devaroh [14] "Isnt it beautiful, the way we fall apart...?"
Gregory 'Ghost' Reach [13] "Just being honest."
Ross Reid [13] "Sup Dude"
Victor Artoras [12] "If you ever see a flicker in the shadows, I'm probably just passing through. Don't worry about it."
Jacelyn 'Jace' Wells [12] "Let's go outside"
James Stone [7] Sometimes you are the only thing you can count on
Brennan Doyle [3] "If you're happy then I'm happy. Like, actually."

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Character Portrait: Gregory 'Ghost' Reach Character Portrait: Kitty Fetzer Character Portrait: Jacelyn 'Jace' Wells Character Portrait: Victor Artoras Character Portrait: Amira 'Red' Devaroh
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Greg stared at the girl for a moment, who looked as though she were about to punch a hole through the tree she had been leaning on. Electricity crackling in her eyes, she spoke in a furious tone that seemed to have come out of nowhere.

“Okay, first honey, rude. Very rude. Do I look like I’m wearing a cute little maid outfit?”
Honey? Greg raised a brow. He had asked for a favor, and she was yelling at him like he had insulted her. She gestured to herself in a way that made him freeze. Maybe she wasn't wearing a maid outfit, but she was wearing high-wedged boots - completely impractical to have on considering the fact that she was in the rough, rocky terrain known as the woods.
"Woah, woah...calm down..." he said, attempting to make her chill out, but her red hair only channeled a fiery temper as spoke.

“In case you can’t tell, the correct answer is no.” She took a deep breath, “I get that this whole power thing is tough
.life as a general rule kinda sucks sometimes, let alone adding the freak moments that happen to us
Like the one that was happening now.
"...but you know what, shit happens. You want to pout like a little boy, that’s fine, but there is no need to be rude to someone who’s just trying to help.”

Help? Greg quickly rolled his eyes. It was funny, because she could have helped him if she hadn't gone on into an incoherent rampage. Clearly, she had taken his honesty as something else. She was just another person who couldn't handle his blunt nature, and he was not impacted by her superfluous rant in the slightest. Greg put the cigarette back in his mouth, and took the rest of her scolding with a fake smile. She thought she knew him, but she didn't know the half of him. He'd gone through the reprimands of people much worse than her.

“Oh and
.piece of advice? Try and play nice once in a while little boy.”
And with that, Amira Devaroh stormed off with a cloud of dust trailing behind her black-wedged boots. Greg desperately hoped that she'd trip over a damn tree root or something on her way to wherever she was going.
"Thanks. Appreciate it, ginger!" he called out to her. What a great way to start his morning. Gregory Reach had made yet another enemy. He was starting to wonder if he should make a list.

He got up, reached his hand over to the water, and wet his long, blonde hair and forehead. The coolness of the creek washed over his burning anger, and he became somewhat stable again. He looked behind him into the forest as though he were expecting someone. Nobody was there, so he sat back down again. Cigarette still in hand, Greg looked down at is reflection in the water. Something similar to sorrow overcame him, and he slowly shook his head.

"Can't you see, kid," he murmured, "There's no reward in playing nice these days."



Jace smiled widely at Kitty. "Good morning!" she said, her hands covered in soap, "I'm just helping my friends with the kitchen. Do you... want to help?" Taking the sponge that Jace held out to her, she gave the eighteen-year-old a toothy grin. "Of course."

With a spring in her step, Kitty made her way over to the sink, and started to scrub various plates and utensils. It was fun to watch the commotion in the cafeteria while washing everything. James Stone had entered the cafeteria, and Jeremiah had tried to pair him up with Noah, causing James to storm off in a sudden uproar. When this happened, Kitty looked back down towards the plate she had been vigorously scrubbing, not wanting to catch anyone's glances.

"Tell me honestly." Jace said, breaking the silence, "Don't lie to me. What do you think of my brother?"

Jace was staring at her dead in the eye. She froze for a moment, and then opened her mouth to say something.

"Well, I..."

Suddenly, Victor marched in. "Ah! There you are, Jace." he said, "Just droppin' this stuff off. Oh, by the way, I don't think we're gonna spar with Jer's campers. Doesn't seem too fair, pitting the mobility type people against the strength ones. 'Sides, I've never had a fair fight in my life, and odds ain't lookin' so good for the rest of 'em to be fair either."
He dropped his plate off to the side of the stack of dirty ones, and placed his fork down haphazardly with the rest of them. Then, he glanced towards Kitty, and gave her a small shrug in apology for barging in on her and Jace's conversation. Being the mellow person that she was, she flashed a well-intentioned half-smile towards Victor, showing him that there was no need to ask for forgiveness, as he hadn't interrupted anything of great importance. At least, not yet.

Assuming that the mentor would leave soon, she continued from where she had left off.
"Unfortunately," she began, "I don't think I've seen enough of him to give the most analyzed, correct opinion. Caidence is my mentor, and so I've never really gotten the chance to have a legitimate conversation with him..." She placed the last of the dishes on top of a stack she had formed, and began shooting jets of air at each of the plates and utensils, blowing them dry. "However, from what I've seen, I can tell that he cares about the welfare of those below any good leader should."

She gave a gentle smile as she continued to work. "He's a vigilante...He is a vigilante, right?"she asked Jace, glancing at her for a brief second. "My mom being a crime-fighter herself, I know how busy and stressful it must be. Putting your life on the line every day to save people you don't even know..." She shook her head in amazement. Kitty was done drying the dishes and utensils, and was putting them back in the cabinets and drawers where they belonged. She froze for a second, looking somewhat dismal, but then subtly shrugged it off and carried on with what she was doing.

"The fact that your brother is taking the time out of his career to train people just like him is extremely generous...honorable, even..." she said, turning around to face the girl behind her, "So I guess because of that, it's safe to say that we need more Jeremiahs in this world."

She smiled at Jace for a few moments, and let the words she had said sink in. Finally, she walked over back to the sink, slapping her hands together and cracking her knuckles. "So, if we're done or when we're done, I think I'm going to go outside and do some tree-climbing. I have to practice for...combat..." Kitty sighed, suddenly feeling the butterflies she had suppressed flitting their way back into her stomach. "Would you like to come with me?" she asked Jace with a smile, "I heard you're not so bad at climbing trees, yourself!"


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Amira ‘Red’ Devaroh

Amira sighed as she stood and started back towards the forest, though in a different direction than which she had come. She was tired... Tired of people
tired of life in general at this moment in time
She felt lost lately
as though her world was a little off kilter, and that scared her. She didn't know why she go so upset at Greg
maybe because he reminded her of herself a few years back
when she was almost literally on the edge of darkness. What if she hadn't opened up to the camp? What if Greg didn't? Why did she even care?

Maybe it was because of how her twin ended up. Before Amira had been introduced into the camp she had been
very lost. She thought back to the days before she had been designated ‘good’. Her and her twin Kari had been what most people would call a nuisance, though they were fast moving towards criminals.

‘Come on Amira, trust me, I would never let you get hurt
I’m your older sister!’ Kari laughed as she tugged on Amira’s hand. Kari was pushing for a them to try something bigger
something like the theft of The Birth of Venus, a famous painting by Sandro Botticelli
.worth millions
.enough to make them and all the people in their neighborhood (aka the slums) happy for a long time... They just wanted to help the people in their lives
but the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

‘By a minute and fifteen seconds
.and it’s not me I’m worried about
’ Amira said as she laughed nervously. The thought of breaking the law this much was pretty intense
and she had her doubts. Even though there weren't a lot of hero’s at the time there where some vigilantes that she doubted would look at the theft as an innocent attempt at playing robin hood.

‘I promise it will be okay
 think of how happy everyone will be when they can pay rent and put food on the table
’ Kari said with a grin. That was all it took to pull Amira in
.Kari wasn't exaggerating. It was hard times in her neighborhood and she was tired of watching the people she called family suffer. She grinned at her sister and nodded.

‘Okay lets go’ she said with a determined smile as she put her doubts away.

Coming back to reality for a moment Amira paused and leaned against a tree. She bit her lip as the memories got more intense and her eyes stung with un-shed tears. The theft had gone bad and even with their powers they weren't bullet proof. Amira ran her fingers over the bullet scar on her left hip. It was only thanks to her sister that she was alive

‘I told you I would protect you’ Kari coughed out. Those where the last words her sister said to her
After that she did a lot of stupid shit that her feel slightly guilty even now. She sighed as she forced herself back into reality. The past was the past and there was nothing she could do now. Kari was in the hospital on life support, in a coma, and there was no changing that....she only hoped Kari would recover though it would take a miracle. She ran her fingers through her hair and sat against the tree she had previously leaned against. She wished she had her sketchpad.

“I am so done with helping
” She bit out as she wiped her eyes. Crying wasn't her thing and she want interested in making it her thing now. She suddenly intensely tired so she closed her eyes for a moment and just enjoyed the sun on her face


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Character Portrait: Brennan Doyle
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“Great,” Brennan said to himself. After a few moments of temporary blurriness, his eyesight finally focused on the clock and, though he didn’t know the schedule, he knew for sure he was late; it was way past 7:00. Plus, he was the only one in his cabin. No campers, no mentor. “Dammit.”

Slipping on whatever clothes he could find, Brennan made his way out the door. It was a cool morning, a slight breeze brushed against his skin. But Brennan didn’t take time to think about the coolness of the weather. Instead, he focused on the building where most of the campers and mentors seemed to be located. As he eyed the building, he observed that people were beginning to finish up in there and head outside. “I wonder what’s going on,” Brennan thought to himself. As he looked closer, he realized it was a cafeteria, but breakfast was most likely over by now. Only one way to find out, though.

Brennan figured there had to be a schedule somewhere around the cabin. Maybe he even had one in his luggage. He wouldn’t have been surprised though if he didn’t. It was his first year at the camp and his decision to come here wasn't exactly thought out early on; his application for the camp was fairly last minute. Fortunately, someone was smart enough to pin a schedule right up on the door. “Oh,” Brennan said, pleasantly surprised as he turned around and saw a schedule staring him right in the face. Though he was fairly happy that now he wouldn’t have to go searching for a schedule, his small moment of delight was abruptly crushed by what was on it.

“Hand-to-hand combat. Great. First day here and the very first thing I’ll be doing is getting my ass handed to me by some superhuman campers,” he thought in his head.

“Let’s see,” he began saying to himself, sarcastically, “How should I defeat my opponents? Maybe I should feel their feelings for them. Oh man, that would really get them. Or maybe I could summon a bunch of ravens to mimic their speech and have them repeat it until my opponent is annoyed to death. Oh wait, no. I got it! I could have a vision of one of their loved ones dying, tell them about it, and then consequently thrust them into a deep and utter depression!” Brennan pulled the right corner of his mouth in a display of contempt. Yep, combat-wise, Brennan realized was pretty much at a loss. Well, his wings could really help him, but he had absolutely no control over his ability to sprout them. The only thing he would be able to rely on would be his enhanced analytical skills, but much good that would do him when he was facing a person that could, say, lift him off the ground with a flick of the wrist.

After his little rant, Brennan turned away from the schedule and muttered some choice words under his breath. He looked back towards the rest of the campgrounds. Not everyone was out of the cafeteria yet. Maybe he could still get something to eat. He began walking over to the building, putting on a more serious face, and preparing himself for whatever emotions people were about to channel through him. Hopefully everyone in the camp was a morning person. Because if they weren't, he wouldn't be either.


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Character Portrait: Noah Clarke Character Portrait: James Stone Character Portrait: Jeremiah Wells
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Noah Clarke


"I don't know "old man. But you can keep your condescending attitude and your hands to yourself next time."

Noah turned back to Jeremiah as James got up and left. "I don't think that friendship's going to work out," Noah commented. "He doesn't seem too keen on the idea." Noah was willing to give being friends with James a try though he wasn't sure how well that would turn out. James wasn't exactly the type of person that Noah normally got along with. Most of the time he enjoyed the girls' company rather than the other guys.

"And I'm not quiet, just tired. I'm still adjusting to the time difference," Noah continued. It was true, Noah was from Rhode Island and he hadn't been in Canada for very long so he wasn't exactly used to their sleep schedule. He liked his beauty sleep and he hadn't been getting much of that lately so it wasn't totally his fault that he was a bit too tired to hold a conversation with someone.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gregory 'Ghost' Reach Character Portrait: Brennan Doyle Character Portrait: Victor Artoras Character Portrait: Amira 'Red' Devaroh
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It was about that time where Greg was finally done smoking his cigarette and gazing out at the uneventful waters of the creek. Instinctively, he pushed the butt of his cancer stick into the dirt, putting it out, and then threw it behind him into the woods. He then stared down next to his legs, realizing that he still had a half-empty cup of coffee. Knowing that he'd have to get rid of it eventually, Greg decided to journey back down to the cafeteria. Perhaps he could find out what danger he'd be putting himself into today.

After walking over the creek once again, he spotted the redheaded girl standing by herself in the middle of an open grassy area. He stared at her for a moment, away from her eyesight. She stood there for about a minute, and then made her way towards the direction of the forest. Greg was confused as to why she was there, but after reading a bulletin board nearby, he could guess why.

The schedule said that they'd be having combat training today. The young man rolled his eyes; if there was one thing he wasn't in the mood to do, it was fight against amateur kids with little to no control over their powers. It's not that he was confident about winning. In fact, his mind didn't even think about winning any fights. Greg just didn't want to hurt anyone too badly. He understood the damage he was capable of dealing, and because of that, he knew he'd be a tough opponent. He hoped people would be able to catch up to him.

By the time he had reached the cafeteria, his cup of coffee had been emptied. "Excuse me," he said to the stoic Brennan Doyle, passing him in order to reach the garbage can. After disposing his paper cup, Greg found his mentor, Victor, stationed over by the kitchen. He approached him, his hands in his pockets while he sauntered over to his mentor's side.

"Victor," he said, "Can you explain the protocol for the combat training we are going to be receiving today? How exactly will it work? I just want to know who up going to be up against."


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Character Portrait: Gregory 'Ghost' Reach Character Portrait: Victor Artoras
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Victor Artoras

"Eh? Oh! Right, training. I haven't fully figured out what exactly it is we'll be doing today, but I know we won't be going up against Jeremiah's campers if I can avoid it." Victor replied, somewhat surprised. He turned to face Greg, his brow furrowed as he thought about the day's training ahead of them. "Let's see; I was thinking maybe doing full contact, but more focused on positioning yourself in a fight than actually picking someone up and throwing them over your head. Strength isn't exactly in my deck of cards, but making sure the other guy throws his punches at nothing is, so that's probably what we'll be doing. Again, though, this isn't really a finalized plan or anything like that. I'll have something figured out by the time we start, I'm pretty sure." Victor spoke, tapping his chin thoughtfully with one hand as he did his self-patdown with the other. "Wallet, keys, lighter, cigarettes... Where's my phone? It's still in the cabin isn't it. Aw christ. Hope I didn't miss anything important." Victor thought, grimacing again as he hooked one thumb into his pocket.

Shaking his head, Victor raised an eyebrow towards Greg. "Y'know, I'm not too sure who'd be able to go toe-to-toe with you, Ghost. Jace is a teleporter, and I'm kind of one too, albeit a more limited and more experienced one. Trish is probably just out for the day entirely. I dunno who you'll end up sparring with. Probably me, unfortunately, unless we can find someone else you wanna punch for a bit. I'm sure we'll figure it out in time. Speaking of which," Victor continued, glancing up towards a clock on the wall. "I probably ought to go and try and get the ring set up to my satisfaction. I'll see you down there when it starts, I suppose. I've gotta get the little lean-to's set up so I at least have something to dive in and out of, seein' as my power requires it and all." Victor nodded, tapping the side of his head with two fingers of his spare hand. He turned sharply on his heel again and walked into a darkened corner of the kitchen, popping back out in the cabin to grab his phone. Satisfied now that all his possessions were on his person and the only thing he missed was a gibberish-filled text message from a former villain he still talked to, Victor set off from the cabin towards the grassy field used as a sparring ring.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noah Clarke Character Portrait: Kitty Fetzer Character Portrait: Jacelyn 'Jace' Wells Character Portrait: Jeremiah Wells Character Portrait: Victor Artoras Character Portrait: Amira 'Red' Devaroh
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#, as written by Sonohra

Jace was surprised to see Victor come to talk to them... He usually stayed away from her, but she welcomed his greeting with a smile. "Ah! There you are, Jace. Just droppin' this stuff off. Oh, by the way, I don't think we're gonna spar with Jer's campers. Doesn't seem too fair, pitting the mobility type people against the strength ones. 'Sides, I've never had a fair fight in my life, and odds ain't lookin' so good for the rest of 'em to be fair either." She snickered at that. She new that teleporting was a cheap way of winning a fight, but to be honest, it takes a long time to get used to the power.

"Unfortunately," Kitty began, making Jace give her attention back to Kitty, "I don't think I've seen enough of him to give the most analyzed, correct opinion. Caidence is my mentor, and so I've never really gotten the chance to have a legitimate conversation with him..." Jace watched her placed the last of the dishes on top of a stack she had formed while they were there, and began shooting jets of air at each of the plates and utensils, blowing them dry. Jace jumped into help, handing her the dishes to be dried. "However, from what I've seen, I can tell that he cares about the welfare of those below any good leader should."

She gave a gentle smile as she continued to clean. "He's a vigilante...He is a vigilante, right?"she asked Jace, glancing at her for a brief second. Jace nodded as Kitty continued to speak. "My mom being a crime-fighter herself, I know how busy and stressful it must be. Putting your life on the line every day to save people you don't even know..." She shook her head in amazement. Kitty was done drying the dishes and utensils, and was putting them back in the cabinets and drawers where they belonged. Jace watched her pause for a moment, before she continued on her way.

"The fact that your brother is taking the time out of his career to train people just like him is extremely generous...honorable, even..." Kitty said, turning around to face Jace, "So I guess because of that, it's safe to say that we need more Jeremiahs in this world."

She smiled at Jace for a few moments, and let the words she had said sink in. Jace was glad to hear such kind words of her brother. She had never actually thought of his brother in those terms of honorable and generous, but everyone saw him in a different light. Jace smiled as Kitty walked toward her. "So, if we're done or when we're done, I think I'm going to go outside and do some tree-climbing. I have to practice for...combat...Would you like to come with me?" she asked Jace with a smile, "I heard you're not so bad at climbing trees, yourself!"

Jace would have loved to go, but she knew that being late for combat training, even by a minute, would end badly with her brother. She bit her lip and shook her head. "I would really want to," She replied, shifting her wait side to side every few seconds, "but I really can't be late to combat practice. My brother would kill me... We can go later!" She said optimistically. "During lunch. We grab a quick bite to eat, and head out."

Jace started making her way out of the kitchen in a slow wobbly walk. She hoped that Kitty would follow and they would head to combat training together. "It'll be nice to go hang out with you."

"I don't know old man. But you can keep your condescending attitude and your hands to yourself next time." James said before storming off. Jeremiah heaved a heavy sigh. He fucked up again. He always did with making good first and just genereal impressions on others. He tried to help, but really sucked at it.

"I don't think that friendship's going to work out," Jeremiah looked up at Noah. "He doesn't seem too keen on the idea." Maybe he should start drinking coffee.... or some energy drink of some sort. He was going to need it later today. He was on a bad foot with James and Noah.

"And I'm not quiet, just tired. I'm still adjusting to the time difference," Noah continued. Oh yeah.... Jeremiah completely forgot that these kids came from different parts of America... and sometimes the world. "I'm sorry to have bothered you this early in the morning. Sometimes I forget that it's not my play to say who should and should not be friends." Jeremiah said before leaving the table without another word. Jer's only hope now was that James would not hold a grudge. Noah seemed a little softer and probably would not hold too big of a grudge, but James seemed incredibly upset.

Tip number one for dealing with James, do not force him into awkward situations.

He headed outside to prepare for training. He headed to the grassy plain, and saw Victor glancing at his phone. But he stopped, seeing bright red in the trees. It was Amira for sure. He jogged over, seeing her as she leaned against a tree. She seemed exhausted and worn out. Nothing like she was this morning.

He walked to her, tapped her shoulder and spoke softly. "Everything alright, Amira? Ar you okay to go to training or you need tot take a break?" Jeremiah was always sensitive around girls. He never new if they were on that time of the month or if it was something else. He learned through his sister that it was better to be safe than sorry.


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Amira ‘Red’ Devaroh

Amira hadn’t heard Jeramiah approach, she must have lost herself in her own troubled thoughts, so when he tapped her shoulder and spoke she nearly jumped out of her skin.

"Everything alright, Amira? Are you okay to go to training or you need to take a break?" He asked. Obviously he could sense she wasn’t really all there at the moment. She shook her head. For someone who was so empathetic he sure was oblivious to certain situations

“You are one of the few people who can sneak up on me you know that?” She said with a grin deciding it was against her best interest to pour her life story in his lap. In the years she had spent at the camp she had found, most people didn’t befriend or stay friends with broken people. Yes it was a sad bitter statement, but she considered herself broken on the inside, yet still functional
sometimes. She looked away from him and smiled a little bitterly. She wasn’t going to risk breaking the fragile friendship she had with him because she couldn’t handle her own burdens. She schooled her face into a teasing grin and stood.

“Wouldn’t look right if I just skipped out on hand to hand
people might talk, and we don’t want any rumors that you might favor me Mr. Jeramiah Wells” Amira teased in her best southern bell accent. “Besides someone has to put you on your ass at some point in the day” She said with a small laugh.

“While we are on the topic though, who will be going against whom?” She paused to think “I mean if we are going by power class then you could throw me anywhere, I could fight any camper, simply by manipulating my genetic code and copying theirs
” She said wondering how he intended to split up the classes.

She really had been thinking about the camp a lot lately, she thought she could do a lot of good in the lives of the campers

“and I’ve been meaning to bring this up but
I’ve been here a while and I’m really well trained, I know how the camp works
.and I’m a bad ass
just a thought
maybe I should get a promotion” She said with a grin, only half joking, though as soon as she said it doubts popped into her mind. Considering the situation from this morning
maybe she wouldn’t make a good leader. She really should apologize to Greg


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Character Portrait: Gregory 'Ghost' Reach Character Portrait: Kitty Fetzer Character Portrait: Jacelyn 'Jace' Wells Character Portrait: Brennan Doyle Character Portrait: Victor Artoras
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“Excuse me,” a male camper said to Brennan, passing him on his way into the cafeteria. At the very moment the camper passed him, Brennan could feel that he wasn’t a morning person. It seemed that the camper had a not-so-ideal morning, for spreading through every inch of Brennan was now a sense of certain gloom. It wasn’t that the other camper seemed to be extremely sad about something, but rather there was an indifference he had for the world around him that caused him to see little joy in it. ”What a great way to start off the morning,” Brennan thought to himself as that same indifference now possessed him. This indifference was tenfold because, even without feeling the camper’s emotions, Brennan was a fairly stoic and indifferent guy. Plus, the man’s slightly sarcastic personality was adding to Brennan’s own slightly sarcastic personality, which was, of course, just making Brennan’s morning sooooo much better.

Fortunately, this experience didn’t last. As soon as the man past by him, the feelings he had just conveyed through Brennan had quickly dissipated. It was only when Brennan chose to follow the camper that he began feeling those same feelings once again.

“Victor,” the camper said to another man, “Can you explain the protocol for the combat training we are going to be receiving today?”

“Perfect,” Brennan thought. This would be his chance to figure out what exactly was going to transpire during combat training.

Victor, whom Brennan assumed to be a mentor, looked back at the other man and said, “Eh? Oh! Right, training. I haven’t fully figured out what exactly it is we’ll be doing today, but I know we won’t be going up against Jeremiah’s campers if I can avoid it.”

“I guess that’s a good thing,” Brennan said in his head.

After Victor was done explaining the combat training to the camper (whose name Brennan learned to be Ghost), the mentor glanced up towards a clock, bid farewell, and suddenly disappeared into a wall. “Woah,” Brennan thought to himself. He was so impressed that he almost said his little mental exclamation out loud.

With the mentor gone and Brennan fairly informed about the details of the upcoming sparring session, he realized that the room Victor just left out of was the kitchen. Brennan stepped through the door, hoping there would be some left over food. Unfortunately, he couldn’t see any food. Instead, he saw a pair of campers just finishing the dishes, who Brennan suddenly realized were also just having a conversation. “Whoops,” Brennan thought silently, getting out of the way of the girl walking out of the kitchen. Since the food was gone and there seemed to be nothing left to do dishes-wise, Brennan thought he might as well wait to follow one of the campers who possibly knew their way around and would be making their way to the sparring field in a few minutes. Therefore, he waited outside the kitchen for the campers to start making their way out. Fortunately, for Brennan, the two campers in the kitchen both seemed to be in fairly good moods, and that put Brennan in a fairly good mood as well. Hopefully, it would counteract the feelings Brennan was receiving from Ghost. Otherwise, Brennan’s new combat tactic would be to kill people with his excess amount of sarcasm.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Legate

ImageAfter washing his dishes in a huff James had gone back to his cabin to grab his day pack. 2 Water bottles a whistle and a compass joined his hoody and rain jacket. Looking at it all he strapped his machete, a gift from his uncle, to the side of the pack. Preparations complete he took a bearing and started walking into the surrounding forest. He had about an hour still until training, and having grown up in Canada and spent a lot of time in woods just like this he was confident in his ability to navigate them quickly. He had been walking for almost 15 minutes when he came across what he had been looking for, a small stand of red oaks, not yet mature most of them. He took his machete out and started chopping. After he'd cut down one of the larger saplings, just large enough to encircle it with his hands, he stopped. It was something he'd always wanted to try but had never had the materials or time to do. He set to shaving and shaping the wood, with 15 minutes left to get home it had just started to take shape. He was happy to be building a bow, archery had been one of his pastimes as a youth and it had always helped to center him. He started jogging back out of the forest, now that he'd found his way in getting back out was just as easy, the forest here was largely deciduous with all the open space that entailed. Scrub brush would grow, but the actual mature trees lacked the density of a coniferous forest like pine, or spruce. Those forests got people lost, sometimes forever.

He had just had time to put his stuff back when he ran into Noah, the boy from breakfast, both on their way their respective combat training classes. He went over quickly to address him.

"Hey man, listen, sorry about breakfast. It didn't have anything to do with you, I just don't like being pushed around. I was just mad at Jeremy. I know it was a bit childish. I'm James."
He held out his hand.