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Zara Sai

"Sounds like a party."

0 · 1,047 views · located in Brentwood, California

a character in “Brentwood School”, originally authored by la.lune, as played by RolePlayGateway




{ Bad Decisions : Two Door Cinema Club | Daddy Issues : The Neighbourhood | Always Where I Need To Be : The Kooks }


Zara Anjali Sai

Angel | Used by her best friends | Adored
Anj | Pet name used by only her closest friends | Adored
Zar | A common nickname she thinks is lazy | Tolerated
Z-Man | Used teasingly by anyone who wants to annoy her | Disliked

12th February 1999 | Seventeen

Attractive people

{Sexual & Relationship History}
Zara isn't generally one for relationships, her longest lasting 4 months. Despite what she'd have you believe, Zara isn't actually that promiscuous and has never lost her virginity. She'll still happily make out with anyone she likes though

100% Indian
( Born and raised in America )


Reckless | Carefree | Impulsive | Flirtatious | Bold | Fickle

Zara is an Anarchist through and through. Her whole life philosophy is 'fuck the system', which plays havoc with her father and his career. Constantly challenging the school rules, and walking on thin ice with the Principal gives Zara such a thrill. She'll do almost anything to get that kick of adrenaline, including skinny dipping in the school's pool while it's shut.

Her life is lived on impulse, going wherever the wind takes her, Zara is curious and bold, adventuring everywhere with her likeminded friends. Not a day goes by when Zara doesn't get her flirt on with at least one person, usually only as a joke but occasionally it'll lead to a hook-up; especially if she's been drinking. But her relationships are never to last, she'll drop people as quickly as she picks them up and has broken a few hearts in the past. Hey, that's just life - is her opinion on that matter, Zara doesn't take herself or anyone really for that matter seriously.

- Lying : Most don't even come close to Zara's level of skill when it comes to making up lies. She's lied so much to her parents, she can't remember half of what she's said but she simply rolls with it. It keeps her out of trouble, plus those big brown puppy dog eyes work wonders.
- Flirting : While she may not be the best at holding down a relationship, Zara is a phenomenal flirter, and likes to flirt as much as possible. If you're somewhat cute and game for a flirt-off, chances are Zara will like you.
- Cheating : Clearly, Zara's either insanely intelligent to pass every semester barley studying, or she's a good cheat. Of course it's the latter, and Zara's a generous girl so anyone else who might need help with their work need only come to her for a cheat sheet in exchange for a favour - something Zara needs (typically weed).
- Art : Zara may coast through school on cheat sheets, but there's one class she couldn't cheat at even if she wanted to. Art is Zara's favourite subject, and she's proven herself quite an amazing artist.

- Honesty : Living her home life in a world of lies makes honesty a very rare thing for Zara.
- Deep Feelings : They simply repulse Zara. She finds it nearly impossible to express her real feelings with anyone.
- Cute Animals : They're just so fluffy and cuteeeee!
- Relationships : Zara's longest relationship lasted about 4 months, and she was only able to date them for that long because it was a long distance relationship, she Zara was able to hook-up with people during it.

- Getting Too Close : Being real with someone is one of Zara's biggest fears, she cannot stand the thought of opening herself up to rejection.
- Being Kicked Out Of School : Despite Zara's careless attitude, she actually doesn't want to leave Buckley because she kind of loves it there.
- Needles : While Zara may have a 'bad girl' rep, the girl can't stand the sight of needles.

{Life Philosophy}
That's life.
"Short but sweet - bit like me."


{Height & Weight}
5'6 & 110 lbs

{Fashion Sense}
Much like her personality, Zara's fashion sense is rather different to the norm. Despite being a rather tall girl, she likes to wear baggy t-shirts as dresses, fishnets with big rips in them and scruffy doc martins. While she may not get away with that look in school, she still likes to push the boundaries by going for a super mini skirt and flannel shirt combo, or perhaps some ripped jeans on her more casual days. On particularly sunny days, Zara will opt for some oversized black sunnies and usually some kind of retro looking dress.
Unif | Lazy Oaf | White Pepper | American Apparel | Moschino | Dollskill

Overall, most would consider Zara to be a rather striking girl, be it positively or negatively that's all a matter of opinion, but she certainly knows how to catch someone's eye. She often likes to wear a red or pink eyeshadow, occasionally accompanied by a sleek cat eye, and a slick of lipgloss. Due to attending a relatively white-washed school (as most of elite schools are) even Zara's skin stands out as a divide between herself and the elitist norms. She loves to be different and will often play up to these obvious contrasts.


{Family & Hometown}
Surat, India ( 0 - 5 )
Washington, DC ( 5 - 10 )
Los Angeles, California ( 10 - 17 )

Divya Sai (nee. Singh) | Mother | Forty-Seven | Freelance Photographer
( positive relationship )

Lillian Sai | Step-Mother | Thirty-Two | Secretary
Naveen Sai | Father | Fifty | Indian Ambassador to the United States
( negative relationships )

While Zara may have been born in India, she remembers little of her birthplace. Having moved to the United States at five, her life properly started here. The only daughter to a rather well known photographer, Divya Sai, and - at the time - highly regarded politician Naveen Sai, the couple moved to Washington when Naveen was selected to become the new Indian Ambassador, after the passing of his predecessor. For a long time, the family were fairly happy. Naveen was always busy, but that was to be expected of such an important man, and Zara always had her mother around to look after her. Divya disagreed with the idea of a nanny, despite Naveen's insistence that everyone he knows in office has a nanny for their (rather neglected) children. It wasn't until Zara was 8 that she started to notice friction between her parents, Naveen seemed to become even busier than usual, and Zara would occasionally catch her mother hiding away in the bathroom to cry.

One day deciding to ask what was wrong, Divya plucked up the courage to tell her daughter that 'mummy and daddy might not be living together anymore'. Confused, Zara asked why, and Divya explained that 'daddy has found someone else', before crying again. It was only a few months later that what her mother had told her, finally came true. It turned out that Naveen had been seeing another women, his secretary, while still with Zara's mother. Not only was Zara heartbroken, but she lost all faith in men. If her own father could do that to her mother, how could Zara ever hope to trust a man not to do that to her? From then on, relationships always seemed too dangerous.

The divorce was messy, with both parents fighting over full custody, eventually Divya won and Zara was happy to be with her mother. She began resenting her father, not helped by the fact he could hardly make time to see her anymore. Divya decided they needed a fresh start and moved with her daughter to Los Angeles, where they currently reside. Zara loves her mother more than the world and tries to be good when she's with her, otherwise she doesn't care one bit about looking acceptable or playing nice. While Zara still gets a birthday card every year and a little present every christmas from her father, it's been three years since she's seen him - refusing his suggestions to meet up, or for her to stay at his one weekend. Zara doesn't want anything to do with him or his new wife.

Bertie | Dog (Cockapoo) | Three

"We don't really need such a big house, but mom does like to always one-up dad."

"But a lot messier."

"I love anything retro, and think this car is way cooler than any of the obnoxious ones nowadays."

{Summer Spent}
Zara spent the majority of her summer going from one house party to another, and getting royally high in between. All the while insisting to her mother she was just staying at her BFFs house. However, Divya had to go back to India to shoot for Vogue India, and decided to take her daughter along with her. Having not been home since they moved, Zara actually really enjoyed going back and reconnecting with her Grandparents and many, many cousins.

Frida Kahlo | Marilyn Monroe | Kurt Cobain
"These guys are my idols because they never let anyone tell them what to do, they were their own people - and that's exactly how I like to be."


{Lifer? Newcomer?}

"I love my clique, if I wasn't a rebel I know I'd be an artist, but I honestly wouldn't change where I am for the world. It's great to be surrounded by so many likeminded people who give as little fucks as me!"

TBA | GMT | Will post as least 3 times a week

So begins...

Zara Sai's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eli Lawless Character Portrait: Natalia dos Santos Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Kayleen Cargill Character Portrait: Alessia Lawless Character Portrait: Timothy Cargill
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#, as written by Flighty
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Although school had officially begun two days before, on Wednesday, September 7th, even today on Friday, the 9th, things still felt new. Students were only just beginning to pick up their new routines for the year, and adjust to having to wake up early every morning, rather than being permitted to sleep until noon like they could do on those summer days that they would reminisce about for the next eight or nine months. Although Elijah had been through this ritual for many years now, given that he had gone to Brentwood since kindergarten, and had started a new year on this specific Brentwood campus since sixth grade, he was no different from the majority students regarding that. It still felt wrong for him to be waking up at seven in the morning, rather than one in the afternoon, and to be pulling into the school's student parking lot, rather than the parking lot for the beach. For many obvious reasons, starting school again sucked, but it wasn't all bad in Eli's eyes. He had a lot of friends, and socializing was always an enjoyable thing for him. Plus, he was one of those students who never struggled in school, so he wasn't all that worried about the advanced courses he was taking this semester. He was only just beginning his third day of senior year, and he was already convinced that it was going to be a year that he could just cruise through, like he had done for the past three years of high school.

With Alessia in the passenger seat, Eli pulled into the student parking lot around 8:15 and hopped out of his BMW X5 M. "Listen, Ali. You heard Mom. Don't be getting your ass into any trouble today, all right? It's Friday and I know you and your little sophomore friends think you're gonna be able to party and shit this year, but that's not how it works. Only one of us can get away with that, and we both know that person is going to be me." He was half kidding, and purposely being obnoxious to get under her skin, really, though. Being obnoxious was one of Elijah's most well known talents, and if anyone had been subjected to it to know it proficiently, it was the girl who had lived in the same house as him for her entire life. As they approached the school's quad, that was already highly populated with students, Eli continued. "And you know what, if you keep yourself out of trouble, maybe, just maybe, I'll snag an invite for you and your weird little friends for Tim's party tomorrow," he offered, still purposely being annoying, as if he was doing her a huge favor. Though he knew that Alessia could just show up and get in, if she really wanted to, given that Timothy would never be an ass and reject her, he was sure that Ali was wanting, if not planning, on going. Timothy had a history of using his house as the unofficial "first party of the year" site, and this year, he was planning a "stoplight party". It was a party that was meant to physically demonstrate your relationship status, hence "breaking the ice" without actually having to do anything. If you wore green, it meant that you were available. Yellow symbolized something in between taken and available, as if it were a label for "it's complicated" (though Eli always took yellow as being equivalent to green), and red meant that you were unavailable. Although he knew that no matter what the theme was, things were always fun when Timothy was hosting, he was especially excited for this year's party, and as he and his sister entered the quad, he texted his fellow blonde friend saying, "On campus yet? Everything set for tm?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Youngblood Character Portrait: Rhapsody I. Vincent Character Portrait: Zara Sai Character Portrait: Tristan-Castiel Castellan
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#, as written by la.lune

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{ Location : Home - Samuel's House | Outfit : x | Dialogue Colour : #BF5656 | Feeling : Tired / Cranky }

Zara's alarm had woken her at precisely 7:00 am, but Zara - being Zara - had promptly switched it off and gone back to her cocoon of blankets and was now, running very late. She only awoke again when she heard the front door slam, signally her mother had gone to work and Zara should be following her shortly. Cursing her laziness, Zara bounds out of bed and runs to the bathroom, attempting to brush her hair, teeth and wash simultaneously. Once finished, Zara then grabs an easy-to-wear outfit from her wardrobe and chucks it on, paying little mind to her appearance in the mirror, only glancing at it to slick on a coat of mascara.

Already imagining the nagging she was about to get from Sam for being late, Zara rolls her eyes at the thought as she storms downstairs and into the kitchen, rifling through the fridge to find the breakfast her mother had made for her the day before (knowing that Zara would undoubtedly be late) and pulls out the fruit pot, knocking over the eggs during her retrieval. "Of course." She breathes out heavily, grabbing the eggs and placing them back in the fridge. Her mother will definitely be more than confused to find a full box of broken eggs in the fridge when she returns but Zara had little time to worry about that now. Heading through the hallway that lead to the garage, the walls laden with photographs of Zara as a newborn ranging all the way to her now, at seventeen years old. Zara's mother, Divya, being the former photographer for Indian Vogue and now the American version, often tested out new techniques and effects on her daughter; if they ended up working well, she'd often display them around the house. Upon reaching the garage, Zara jumps into her car (a gift from her absent father) and quickly starts up the engine. Pressing the button on her keychain to open the garage door, Zara is soon speeding down her road, headed to Sam's home.

The contrasts between Zara's neighbourhood and Sam's were striking. While her family were wealthy and therefore able to live in a luxurious, gated community along with many other attendees of Brentwood, Sam's home was in the heart of a lower class town within LA. Surrounded by shady Off Licenses and rundown shops. Sam's home was distinctive because he essentially lives in a garage. Or well, above a garage. As Zara arrives outside the simply named 'Sean And Sons Garage' she beeps her horn loudly, waiting for her best friend to come down and join her so they could head off to school together.

"Talk about cutting it fine." Is the first thing to come out of Sam's mouth as he joins Zara in her car, waving to his little sister as she peers out of the window at the pair. Zara beams at the younger girl, wiggling her fingers and sticking out her tongue before turning her attention to the boy sat in her passenger side. "You know I like to live on the wild side." The girl teases, sending her friend of three years a wink as she starts up the car again.

The pair arrive at Brentwood swiftly enough that they aren't late, but merely on time. Looking over at Sam, Zara smirks, "See I told you we'd get here on time." Sam's face is still vaguely frozen in fear as he turns his head to face Zara, "Only because you broke at least three speeding laws getting here." He grimaces, faint nausea creeping up on him as he does. Glancing around for any sign of Rhapsody or Tristian-Castiel, Sam decides to send off a few texts while Zara checks applies a coat of lipgloss in the rearview mirror.

To : Cas
You at school yet? I'm w/ Zara, come find us.

To : Rhaps
Looking forward to art today, I have a new piece I wanna get your opinion on :-)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Youngblood Character Portrait: Rhapsody I. Vincent Character Portrait: Zara Sai Character Portrait: Tristan-Castiel Castellan
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xxxlocation: brentwood academy xxxoutfit: here


xxx"clipped wings, i was a broken thing
xxxhad a voice, had a voice, but i could not sing.
xxxyou would wind me down.
xxxi struggled on the ground."

Beep, Beep, Beep

The noise filled the air of the youngest Castellan boy's room, as he heard his elder brother shout for him. "HEY CASSIE GET YER ASS UP," his elder brother Gabriel called. The male silently groaned as he got up, and would look at the time. It was barely time for him to get up, but relentlessly the male woke up. The sophomore would move towards the edge of his bed and sit over the edge. He wasn't very keen on school, well the idea. He liked to learn, but his experiences were unfavorable.

Tristan-Castiel walked towards the dresser, and would get dressed. He decided on an all Captain America type of outfit. Why not? It's not like he could get anymore popular? Sure the kid was a prep, but that was solely due to the fact his siblings, parents, and his grandparents had all been A-listers. The black haired male, would move downstairs, as he could hear his elder brother, Gabriel shout out again. "C'MON CASSIE I'M DROPPING YOU OFF," the equally black haired, college freshman spoke. "G-Gabe, I'm-m here. S-Stop f-fuck-king yelling," the sophomore responded in a quiet and light tone. His brother scoffed, and grabbed his hand. "C'mon, we're taking Baby," Gabriel pronounced, as Tristan-Castiel gleamed with happiness. One of the few cars he enjoyed that his family had owned, he could never remember the make of the car. But he just loved the feeling of it, he could drive. But he'd probably have a panic attack and crash.

The raven haired male moved, following his brother, running towards the navy blue car he had chosen to drive. The two Castellan boys got in. After Gabriel singing several off tune, on purpose, songs by Taylor Swift. The car came to a parking motion, as Tristan-Castiel's phone went off.

From: Sam
You at school yet? I'm w/ Zara, come find us.

The male would stare at his phone, and not reply until he left the car. He opened the door, then took a step out. That was when his, loving....loving brother decided to yell "GOODBYE CASSIE BABY I HOPE YOU HAVE A FUNDERFUL DAY AT SCHOOL,"yep if he wasn't socially dead then. After he slowly flipped his brother the bird, the musician spun out of the parking lot laughing like a madman. He was now. His face red with embarassment, he would simply text back.

To: Sam
Um...yeah....just got here. Gabriel decided to embarass me....where are you so I don't panic?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alessia Lawless Character Portrait: Samuel Youngblood Character Portrait: Rhapsody I. Vincent Character Portrait: Ripley McClain Character Portrait: Laylah Gibson Character Portrait: Zara Sai
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0.00 INK

#, as written by la.lune

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{ Location : Brentwood | Outfit : x |Dialogue Colour : #638C85 | Feeling : Nonchalant }

Tristan had quickly responded to Sam's text, and so he was just about to reply telling the boy he was still seated in Zara's car, that was until he heard a very familiar voice shouting - Smirking slightly, Sam recognises it as Tristan's brothers voice and as Sam glances over to the source of the sound, sure enough, he sees Tristan exiting a car. Sliding his phone back into his pocket, Sam leans over to Zara who is busy on her phone, and pokes her cheek "I'm gonna go pick up Tristan - see you inside?" Looking at him with her brown doe-eyes, Zara nods "Ok cool, tell the little weirdo I say hey." Zara responds, not meaning to be rude with her comment, just teasing.

As Sam heads toward Tristan, he glances at the school entrance, noticing Laylah heading up the steps and into the building. Shaking his head, Sam tries to push away the strange feeling in his stomach as he focuses his attention back onto Tristan, trying to block his ex from his mind. Nearing the steps himself, Sam rolls his eyes as he hears Alessia teasing his friend, Sam nudges Tristan raising an eyebrow at him, "Ignore her," He says, just loud enough for the girls to hear, "She's just a little girl."

While the jeering tone of Sam's voice was evident, the guy found himself actually relieved to have someone else with whom he could take his mind off Laylah - even if it was Alessia, the spoilt little A-lister girl who thought that her social standing meant she could walk all over those lower than her on the social hierarchy. What she didn't realise, was that Sam couldn't care less about whether she was an A-lister or a C-lister, he was elder than her and felt that deemed him a little more respect than she deigned to give him. Plus her brother was Eli and while personally, Sam had no problem with the guy, he knew Zara's feelings toward him all too well and if that didn't send up warning flags, nothing else would.

Checking his phone after it beeps with an incoming text, Sam smiles at Rhapsody's message, he looks over to Tristan, "Wanna hang with Rhaps?" Sam asks, he wasn't entirely sure where the pair stood with each other, all Sam knew was that they weren't enemies or anything, so he figured it was safe to invite Tristan along.

To: Rhaps
You had me at food. I'll come to you, where you @?

Switching his thoughts away from the people in front of him, Sam adjusts his backpack, which inside held a new piece that Sam had recently finished over the summer - something he wanted to show Rhapsody, and hopefully, get her approval - Sam cared about her opinion most. Not because he favoured her the best (although she was one of his closest friends) but because she was an artist just like him, and so Rhapsody possessed that same keen eye as Sam, and the ability to fully appreciate art in all of it's forms.

It's not until he feels someone jump on his back that Sam is jogged out of his thoughtful haze, "I got bored." Zara giggled into his ear, as Sam lets out a deep breath, grabbing the girls legs so he could hold onto her easier, "Jesus Zar - you're really trying to kill me today aren't you?" Poking the older guys cheek, as revenge for before, Zara merely bats her long lashes, feigning innocence. "Me? Why I'm a sweet little girl," Looking toward Alessia, Zara laughs a little having overheard Sam's comments about her just before Zara had come over, "Just like Alessia, isn't that right Sammy?" Before either Alessia or Sam have a chance to comment, Zara whips out her phone, her inability to focus on one thing at a time and energetic personality colliding, she shoots a quick text off to one of her best friends, Ripley.

To: Ripster
Come save me, I'm bored already and school hasn't even started :-(

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alessia Lawless Character Portrait: Samuel Youngblood Character Portrait: Zara Sai Character Portrait: Tristan-Castiel Castellan
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xxxlocation: brentwood academy xxxoutfit: here


xxx"clipped wings, i was a broken thing
xxxhad a voice, had a voice, but i could not sing.
xxxyou would wind me down.
xxxi struggled on the ground."

So, Tristan-Castiel had already made up his mind, he was going to murder his brother. But not before he put his small hands around that uptight He was going to calm down, he heard Sam's voice and sighed. A small voice, a female voice, sneered into the back of his mind. "Yeah, go run to you're boyfriend for protection, that's why you're socially stupid. You rely on others. the voice spoke, and Tristan-Castiel cringed a bit. He somewhat laughed at the male's comment about Alessia. When he had questioned him about what he wanted to do, the male just simply nodded. His eyes silently focused on the ground. "Th-Thanks for s-saying those th-things Sam-m." the male simply stuttered.

He slightly jumped when Zara jumped towards Sam. He would just silently hide his hands underneath the sleeves of his jacket. He would look towards Sam. Sometimes he felt like, Sam just felt pity. At other times he felt a real friendship with Sam. Tristan-Castiel somewhat guessed that's why he liked Sam. He was encouraging, and kind. Something the male himself aspired to be. The sophomore, would look towards the ground again. "A-Actually. I-I th-think I-I'm going to-o g-go to the mu-u-usi-ic room." the male would walk away waving a shy goodbye to the other group, and headed towards the music room, hoping to not be bothered.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alessia Lawless Character Portrait: Samuel Youngblood Character Portrait: Laylah Gibson Character Portrait: Zara Sai Character Portrait: Tristan-Castiel Castellan
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⌠ Location : Brentwood School Parking Lot | Outfit : Click here | DÉĒᴀʟᴏÉĸᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ âœĻ #F778A1 | TʜᴏᴜÉĸʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A72851 ⌡

What Alessia could never stand was irrelevant people not being able to mind their own damn businesses. Like, she was genuinely a sweetheart. If she wanted to be a bitch to you, then she would be such and most of the time (in her mind), you deserved it. She was only paying her due to Tristan, anyway. The relationship that they had would cease to exist if she didn't constantly fuel the flames of their very much mutual animosity towards one another. More importantly than that, it was their relationship - it was her beef with Tristan, his obvious dislike of her, and their exchange. If she needed Toucan Sam and his STD ridden sidekick's opinions, she would have turned her attention to them. But neither of them were even on the same playing field as she and Tristan, even if Alessia hated admitting to the idea of Tristan being anywhere near on her level. However, in comparison to the Boy Who Never Mattered and The Sluttiest Slut of Her Generation (and, yes, she might have tweaked her Harry Potter references, but they fit), Tristan was actually something. He was somebody and she hated the idea of having to entertain the existence of literally pieces of shit. But she had to; she had an audience. And for all her extra fabulousness, Alessia never failed to put on a show.

"All of this coming from the one dollar whore and...well, the guy who's somehow really good at keeping up with his paintings, but not his girlfriend," Alessia retorted tauntingly, giggling at each individual acknowledgement of the two people who inserted themselves into a conversation that had nothing to do with them. It really was Sam's fault if he wound up just slightly hurt by her reference to his failed relationship with Laylah. But in her defense (it's not really a defense, but it's definitely reasoning on Ali's part and that's what she's sticking to), he obviously wasn't good enough to be with her best friend on a platonic level, let alone in an actual relationship. That was a mistake she was surely ready to fix by setting Laylah up...when she actually found someone worthy. But Sam was never it. "But never you mind that, pauper. Pretty sure Lay can score herself a nice little prince to get by with tomorrow. Compared to you, definitely someone better," and Ali made sure to rake her gaze over Sam's form in mock consideration before smirking at his eyes coldly, "and bigger." She winked, despite Gigi shoving at her arm while laughing and exclaiming, "OMG, Ali!", but her point was proven and Alessia knew better to press so soon into the day. Giggling, she glanced at her girls and said, "Finding Lay now. See you guys in class." And she headed in without glancing at either Sam or Zara, but purposefully bumping into Tristan on her way to the front door just to make sure she entered the school building first.

It didn't even take Ali long to find Laylah. While there was a throng of students in the hallway on their way to class and lockers to empty out backpacks, Alessia recognized her girl without fail and hurried to fall in line with her, calling out an energetic "Gibby!" when she was behind her so that the jock could get the memo. Once they were side by side, Alessia was smiling, a genuine and bright one, at that. Ali even linked arms with the other blonde loosely as she was wont to do. "And what's there to talk about babe? You're wearing green since you're obviously hot and available, preferably not solid green as that wouldn't flatter your complexion and hair at all, but definitely something with green in it. Prominently green, but not plain. And you definitely have to let me braid your hair or something because as much as you and I both know I love your hair out and in its magnanimous glory, your cheekbones need to be on display so I can make those eyes pop. You're gonna be flawless."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eli Lawless Character Portrait: Natalia dos Santos Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Kayleen Cargill Character Portrait: Alessia Lawless Character Portrait: Timothy Cargill
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#, as written by Flighty
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Today's physical education class had taken place on the athletics field, rather than inside of the school's gymnasium, because this week's gym topic was kickball. Being pretty competitive meant that Elijah was really up for any sport that they played in class, but he did enjoy this one more than some of the others. The class was divided into two teams of thirteen each, with Team A including Eli, Ari, Rhapsody, Kya, Rhys, Samuel, Sebastian, Katherine, Laylah, two other sophomores, another junior, and another senior, and Team B including Timothy, Natalia, Tristan, Zara, Alessia, Gabrielle, Giovanni, Lennox, Kayleen, three other seniors, and a junior. Because it would take five minutes for the students to jog back to the main campus from the fields, and they needed time to change out of their gym clothes in the locker rooms, their gym teacher, Mr. Lessig, yelled out onto the field that the next student up would be the last kicker for the day. With a tied score, Elijah grew tense with that call, considering that his team was currently playing the field, and that meant that their fate was in the hands of either how poorly the kicker on the other team was, or how well they could play the field.

When he saw that Tristan Castiel-Castellan was the next kicker in line, Eli's fears seemed to disappear as his signature smirk appeared on his face. "Bring it in, boys!" he said, acting as the self-appointed team captain that no one else had really agreed on, as he looked back towards the two sophomore boys, and a junior boy, who were playing the outfield. He knew that it wasn't nice, but in his mind, all he could say was "come on, there's no way in hell that this kid can kick". If he could, it would be one of those underdog moments from out of a movie, but Eli wasn't even considering that that was a possibility. Tristan was a meek, harmless boy who seemed like he would be the type to run away from the ball, if anything, so Eli was already content with thinking up teasing remarks that he could send in Timothy and Knox's direction once they hit the locker rooms.

The bases weren't fully loaded, but the opposing team had runners on first base and second base, so Elijah knew that unless Tristan's kick was caught in the air, all he needed to do was to make a kick that gave the runner on second enough time to make it home. Again, Eli was certain that that wasn't a possibility and that his team had this win in the bag, but he was comforted, at least, knowing that while he pitched the ball out, he had some of his more trusted teammates manning the bases. Just in case, he thought, as he took a breath and then with great speed, rolled the ball in Tristan's direction.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eli Lawless Character Portrait: Natalia dos Santos Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Kayleen Cargill Character Portrait: Alessia Lawless Character Portrait: Timothy Cargill
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The Brentwood School Athletics Field

What She's Wearing:
Brentwood School Athletics Tank Top
The Upside Performance Bra
NO KA'OI Training Shorts
Adizero Takumi Trainers

As soon as Mr. Lessig had said that they were going to play kickball for class, Nat had rolled her eyes and honestly been ready to walk out the door had Giovanni not excitedly wrapped an arm around her. The fact that he had managed to skip first period but wind up to school was a miracle in and of itself, but there was no mistaking the scowl on her face despite his exuberance towards the two of them being on the same team. Yet and still, despite her abhorrence for the game (she honestly would have rather had weight management or something of that nature), it wouldn't have been a real game if Nat wasn't feeling competitive and strategic. She didn't exactly call herself captain or anything like that, but there was no mistaking the fact that she was one of the tacticians for Team B. Which was why she bit back the triumphant grin that formed when she had run from second base to home, earning a tied score between both teams. On an exhale, Nat skidded to a brisk walk when she heard the teacher exclaim that this last kick would be the last one. It was good for her because she was starving and considering the fact that Gio was sprawled out on the grass along the sidelines looking like a bored five year old, she figured was just that time to have lunch anyway.

However, Nat's eyes narrowed on Tristan being forced to leave the sidelines to take up the kicker position and sighing because she genuinely wanted the water bottle she was forcing Gio to stand (well, lay) beside, she jogged lightly to be able to catch Tristan just before he could get into position, gaining a loose grip on his forearm. "Ey, podyshat' v techeniye minuty, nemnogo lyubvi,"{Hey, take a breath for a minute, little love.} she advised quietly, rolling her eyes when Mr. Lessig ordered, "Hurry it up, Santos!". Turning back to Tristan, Nat's eyes softened as she continued, "Ne stavit' vysokiye tseli. Tsel' na nizkom urovne. Kik, gde ona po-prezhnemu igrat', kak i gde Ketrin. {Do not aim high. Aim low. Kick where it's still playable, like where Katherine is.} Even if she wasn't particularly pressed to win, Nat still wasn't pressed to just give Eli an easy win, particularly when she knew what Tristan had to deal with without having to be teased over a small game in gym class. At least if he played it low, the other players would have to scramble to get the ball. It was too much of a gamble for him, of all of their players, to kick high unless they were begging for the ball to be caught. Nat gave Tristan's arm a small squeeze and smiled softly before releasing him and heading over to where the rest of her team was, hearing the tail end of Alessia making a complaint. Nat raised an eyebrow at the blonde, daring her to continue her probably scathing remark about the boy, but the girl only bristled, huffed dramatically, and then folded her arms. However, she also chose to remain silent. Giovanni snickered.

Awwwwwwww," he cooed at her, handing her the water bottle that Nat took several strong pulls of water from. "Mama Nat taking care of one of her babies." She turned a scrutinizing stare at the attire he had haphazardly tossed into his bag on a rush out the door and shook her head, smirking as she replied, "Don't project your mommy kink on me, durochka. Not interested." Gio pouted. "You wound me, Natty baby. I thought you loved me." Nat snorted wryly, which only prompted a small whine of "Say you love me!" followed by Mr. Lessig demanding that there be silence on the sidelines. Nat only chuckled, ignoring her friend's continued (but quiet) whine for attention as she proceeded to ignore him of paying attention to seeing how the rest of the game played out.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eli Lawless Character Portrait: Natalia dos Santos Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Alessia Lawless Character Portrait: Timothy Cargill Character Portrait: Kya Gonzalez
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#, as written by la.lune


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Samuel can do nothing but chuckle at Alessia's lame retorts, "How a girl like Laylah can hang out with someone like you will always confuse me." he simply says with a faint sigh, more disappointed by Laylah's choice of friends than anything else. Alessia's sharp comments about Samuel's social standing and wealth may have stung a little if it had been said by someone who actually had substance in his life, but as it was Alessia spouting pure rubbish and just trying to get under his skin, Sam decided to not give her the satisfaction of taking offence to it.

Zara, on the other hand, being the typical hot-headed rebel she is, was riled more than enough for the both of them. "Oh honey," she bites back, sarcasm dripping from her voice, "If you think I'm a whore you clearly don't know what big bro gets up to in his spare time." Zara can't help but smirk as she continues, "Believe me, he's been gagging for this but, y'know, I don't wanna catch anything." She manages to get in that last snappy comment before Alessia flounces off, her air self-entitlement disappearing with her. "Kids these days." Zara says by simple way of explanation, before changing her focus onto Tristan - someone that she had entirely forgotten was even still there - "Aw but Trissy, the funs only just begun." she beams, sending the shy A-lister a wink as she bounces past him and into the school building, hoping to catch up with some of her other friends.

Watching Zara waltz off, flicking a long strand of pitch black hair over her shoulder as she goes, Samuel can't help but somewhat envy that carefree attitude of hers. He wanted nothing more than to not care about what people think, but alas, Samuel was far too insecure for that, especially when it came to the opinion of those he cared deeply for; despite him maybe not being that for her, Laylah was still definitely someone Samuel cared about and therefore her opinion meant a lot to him, so if she felt the same way as Alessia did about him, Samuel would be heartbroken (even more so than he already is). As Tristan also decides to make an exit, Samuel pouts but understands how Zara's energetic personality may have put him off, stays silent. Giving the guys shoulder a squeeze, "I'll see you at break then." Samuel smiles faintly before following after Zara and heading into the school building.

| Fourth Period |

Samuel had never minded sports, despite usually choosing to be a spectator rather than a player (most often at Laylah's games) Samuel did in fact, have a liking for PE. Although his body was suited best for cross country, Samuel was actually rather pleased when Mr. Lessig stated they were going to be playing kickball. Zara, on the other hand, wanted to skip the class all together. Sure she was fit and healthy, but that was down to doing fun exercises like yoga and working out in her gym at home, not playing a ridiculous game of kickball where she would undoubtably get hit by a flying ball - or so she feared. The only thing that made Zara go to the lesson was her competitive side, she hated sports but she loved winning.

"Ah, Miss Sai, so glad you've finally deigned to grace us with your presence." Zara gives Mr. Lessig a small, fake smile as he comments on her surprise appearance as he passes by. It wasn't often that Zara made it to his lesson, not only because PE was certainly not her thing but also because she could not stand the man. He was far too sarcastic for her liking, and while Zara would usually appreciate that in a person, for a teacher she preferred someone more easily riled - that way she stayed entertained.

Pausing for a moment as he walks past, Mr. Lessig scowls at her attire, "You seem to be missing part of your shirt, Zara." he comments, looking at her self-cropped tank top. Zara had taken the regular school tank and cut it so that it just grazed her belly button, deciding upon wearing it with high waisted leggings and a basic pair of Nikes. "Oh, Mr Lessig, the most awful thing happened - I was washing this lovely tank top and it shrunk!" Zara lied, her bottom lip jutting out into a pout as she feigned sadness, "I knew I had your class today so I figured some uniform is better than no uniform, right Sir?"

Samuel does nothing but chuckle as Mr. Lessig walks on with a simple roll of his eyes, of course he didn't believe Zara but the man had better things to do than reprimand a girl he knew adored getting into trouble."I don't know how you always get away with it," he sighs, both impressed and miffed that he could never do something like that. Unlike Zara, Samuel stuck to the school dress code, wearing the kit he was given after they accepted his scholarship; typical school shorts, a white top and basic trainers.

The two are quickly sorted into separate teams, much to their dismay. Samuel is placed onto Eli's team who had decided that he was team leader with no objection from anyone else. Looking around his team for this lesson, Samuel's chest tightens when his eyes land on Laylah. Biting down on his bottom lip, Sam tries to keep his focus on the game happening in front of him but can't help sneaking the occasional glance at Laylah.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Eli Lawless Character Portrait: Natalia dos Santos Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Alessia Lawless Character Portrait: Timothy Cargill
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xxxlocation: brentwood academy athletics fieldxx
xxxxoutfit: here


xxx"clipped wings, i was a broken thing
xxxhad a voice, had a voice, but i could not sing.
xxxyou would wind me down.
xxxi struggled on the ground."

Tristan-Castiel slightly stumbled when he was bumped into. The small kid would nod and wave him a goodbye, attempting to make one to Zara as well. He quickly moved towards the Music room, so he could have a quiet place to practice his own music, without being disturbed.

|| Fourth Period ||

Okay, so physical education, was not something Tristan-Castiel was fond of. But still, to keep up his grades, he would be forced to attend. He silently changed into his normal gym outfit, completed by his own Captain America jacket. He silently stood by Sam, and Zara. His sea green/blue eyes would widen when he noticed he was not put on the team of Sam, but with Natalia.....and Alessia. His form would silently move towards the area his team stood. He would hold his jacket closer to him, so he wouldn't be hit by anything. As if it were his own shield.

"Ey, podyshat' v techeniye minuty, nemnogo lyubvi,"
he heard an older female speak. His body slightly tensed up, as he turned to see Natalia. Following her directions, he silently took a breath. ""Ne stavit' vysokiye tseli. Tsel' na nizkom urovne. Kik, gde ona po-prezhnemu igrat', kak i gde Ketrin." the girl spoke again. Tristan-Castiel nodded and would respond. Da! Spasibo Mat' Natal'ya .... YA imeyu v vidu ..... Spasibo Natal'ye! [Yes! Thank you Mother Natalia....I-I-I mean.....Thank you Natalia!] the male would blush a red color as he focused and got into the position. His dark blue eyes would focus on the ball coming from him, aiming as Natalia told him. He bit down on his lip, as he felt the ball come into contact with his foot. He winced, as he saw the ball roll at a rather fast pace, and took off towards the first base position.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eli Lawless Character Portrait: Natalia dos Santos Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Kayleen Cargill Character Portrait: Alessia Lawless Character Portrait: Timothy Cargill
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#, as written by Flighty
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Eli hadn't expected Tristan to be able to kick the ball at all, nonetheless kick it into a perfect spot that gave him, and Gabrielle and Timothy enough time to start running. Eli had automatically spun around to watch the ball head towards Katherine, and had started stepping backwards while doing it, while yelling for her to throw it to home, where he was heading. She was oblivious, and though it took only a few seconds, the amount of time that it took for Bas to step in and grab the ball felt like eons to Elijah. Beads of sweat were running down his forehead, partly due to the heat, but mostly out of stress, as the kickball sailed through the air towards, him but not quick enough. A foot on home base, he caught it just after Timothy had reached him, and Mr. Lessig was quick to shout, "Safe!" to declare a win for the opposing team. "Safe? Are you kidding me? I had at least three solid seconds over him, and you're gonna say that he's safe?!" Elijah was lucky enough that even in the heat of the moment, he was wise enough to refrain from throwing some expletives into his objection, since they were definitely on the tip of his tongue. In reality, Mr. Lessig's call was probably accurate, even though it undeniably was a close call. Timothy's foot had hit home base just a second before Elijah had caught the ball that Sebastian had hurled his way, so at the very least, Eli's claim of him having caught the ball three full seconds before Timothy had even reached the base was dramatic, at best. "Sore loser" was probably the best way to describe Eli at times like this. Given his competitive nature, coupled with his upbringing where he always got his way, losing wasn't something that he knew how to work with, even at seventeen years old. He would never admit that he lost fairly, and somehow, it was always a bad call, or cheating, that had allowed the other team to win, if you asked him.

In this case, he had already proclaimed that Mr. Lessig's call was garbage, but as he turned back to examine his teammates, who were making their way in from the outfield now that the teacher had proclaimed that the game was over, and they could all head back to the locker rooms, Eli also decided that the teams had been separated unfairly. Suddenly, he decided that the other team had ten times as many athletic players as his team did, and he automatically wanted to dispel any talent that his teammates who actually were jocks, had. Even though Laylah had made countless good plays throughout the day, he wanted to blame her for every play that she had missed, even if she hadn't been positioned anywhere near the ball at that point. In his head, had Bas gotten to the ball sooner on this play, or thrown it a little faster, they would have won by a long shot. Lennox was being as useless as ever, and God forbid he even comment on the other players, like Katherine, who he could blame for costing them an entire's game worth of effort. It was amusing, really, how worked up he could get over losing a stupid little game, that literally counted for nothing, but it just went back to how badly he hated losing. Rather than being a good sport and congratulating Tim and that team on their win, or even just being a semi-normal person and actually annoyed, but not actually angry, it was very clear with Eli that he was pissed. He headed off of the field without even bothering to wait for any of his friends, but as he passed Tim and the home plate area, he said, "Save the comments for a day when you fairly beat me. If my team wasn't absolute shit, you wouldn't have even made it to first base to begin with. I'll sit out the next game and take an absence for the class before I get stuck on a team with your girlfriend again. I'd take the mute over her, and that's saying something," he said callously, as if thinking Tristan was superior to Kat was a real insult. He continued walking after he spoke, knowing that he was red in th face for more reasons than just being physically overheated.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eli Lawless Character Portrait: Timothy Cargill Character Portrait: Samuel Youngblood Character Portrait: Zara Sai Character Portrait: Tristan-Castiel Castellan
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#, as written by Rivers
As far as head knew, the ball was still rolling in the outfield as he neared Ari, who stood with an anxious expression on her face. His foot hit third base, the one she was guarding, but barely remained on it, as he continued running, now with his eyes set on home plate. So in the zone, he only focused on running, and it wasn't until Mr. Lessig's deep voice hollered out that he had made it home and was safe, that Timothy's senses kicked in again and he allowed himself to focus more on the rest of the chatter going on on the field. He had missed Katherine being caught clueless, Bas stepping in to make an attempt at saving the game for his team, and in turn, receiving undeserved anger from the brunette. It wasn't until after he had caught a water bottle from a teammate who threw one in his direction, that he tuned in to Eli throwing a hissy fit over his loss. Just because Timothy knew Elijah, he could do nothing more than laugh when his best friend walked towards him and attempted to justify his team losing. Eli was lucky that Tim was the kind of guy who just rolled with things, and rarely got worked up over anything, because even his attempts at trash talking Katherine had Timothy just shaking his head in amusement. "Whatever, man. It's just a game," he called out after the boy who was already walking back towards the campus. Once they reached the locker rooms and were out of the watchful eyes of their teacher, Tim would find it easier to taunt Eli over the loss more, but for now, in public, he was happy with appearing like the bigger person.

With that in mind, after chugging the water bottle that had been tossed to him, Tim plucked an unopen one from the sideline and made his way over to the sophomore who was coming off the field from first base. "Castiel!" he called out, knowing that was what Tristan went by mostly. "Nice kick, man. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have been able to send Eli crying all the way back to the locker room," he grinned, pointing to the fellow blonde who was storming off the field. "You know, I'm having some people over tomorrow for a party, and you're welcome to come. It's a stoplight theme, so basically, if you wanna hookup with someone, come wearing green." Admittedly, Timothy wouldn't have thought to invite Tristan had he just not become the center of attention for the moment with this kick. Tristan didn't seem like the biggest social butterfly, but anyone who could give Timothy a reason to piss Eli off in a playful way earned some respect in his book, and knowing that Tristan had managed to make A-list friends anyway, inviting him seemed like a harmless endeavor. He would have continued chatting with Tristan had Samuel Youngblood not come into his line of view. Distracted now from Tristan, Timothy took a few steps towards Sam, who he would consider a friend, though not a close one. "Not sure if you already got the memo from Kat or someone, but I better see you at my place tomorrow night too, dude," he said, assuming that Sam had overheard some of what he had said to Tristan. Noticing Zara near him, too, Timothy smirked. "And Zara, as long as you remember that I'm taken and that means you'll have to muster up enough self control to keep your hands off of me, than you're more than welcome to stop by too." Truthfully, Zara had been the one to reject him a few years ago, and though Timothy obviously wasn't bitter enough about it that he still wanted to hook up with her now, he couldn't help but to let his ego tell his version of the story, sometimes.