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Alex and Adam Reed

"We just feel....stronger.....more powerful, maybe....together".

0 · 383 views · located in Camp Bifold

a character in “Camp Bifold”, as played by Mr. Baneling Squishy


Image. (FC: Adam D Linz)

The Following is the Recorded Log of the Interview with Alex and Adam Reed, picked up by federal authorities after the events at Camp Bifold, and the seizure of Camp Kidd, though news of this had not reached the federal authorities there at the time. Federal Authorities are currently preparing to move the Reed twins as well as the other victims to the respective homes, as the Prosecution has dismissed all charges against the Reed Twins and the other victims for the events that occurred as a result of Camp Bifold. This log is currently being recorded during the Interview, which is about to start shortly.

"Please state your names." "Alex Reed....""and Adam Reed"

"Please state your age for the record." "This is a stupid question. You know we are 14.""Actually we are 15, Alex""No, 14""15"

"Anyways, are you known by any other names?" "Nope...""...except Double A"

"How would you say your relationship is with each other?" "I guess we have a really good one. We are the only family we know of right now.""Yeah, we are as close as brothers can be. We share the same blood, face, and DNA"

"Would you like anything? Food, water?" "What we like is movies, hamburgers, and the ability to meet our parents. So can we hurry this up?""We don't like being questioned, being locked up, or being experimented on. We are also not a big fan of Soda. Milk or water will do, juice if you have it""And maybe something to stop him from tapping his fingers on any surface he can when he thinks...""...and something to make him stop randomly putting his index and middle finger on the side of his forehead""Or something that makes him less annoying""...better use it on him first"

"Right, well, you were born on July the Thirteenth to Eliza and Arthur Reed. Was any of this information told to you?" "Nope...""First time we have heard our parent's names"

"How did you each get that scar on your right hand?" "It was a long time ago...""We can't remember the details"

"On your psych evaluation, we had a strange mix of results. It appears that when you want to you can care only about your own lives and become borderline sociopaths. This supports the fact that when you escaped, you showed no mercy towards the guards that tried to stop you". "We wanted to meet our parents really badly. We were tired of being imprisoned""And it was self defense"

"Still, you seem to switch between being completely sane and normal to almost psychoticly insane". "Okay, listen. You try growing up in a metaphorical cage your whole life and not develop some psychological issues. Maybe yes, we are a bit paranoid at times...""...and take a few risks. But look how we grew up.""Besides, it was self defense...""...we couldn't just stay there. Who knows what they might have done to us if they figured out we knew?"

"Oh, we know that. Seeing as how you were kidnapped and imprisoned by these people from birth, no charges are against you, or anyone else who escaped. However, we would like to know about a file we only partially recovered. Something mentioned by a few others. Project Eagle Eye. There are no details about what they were trying to accomplish or do, just some formulas and names. You both were apparently part of Project Eagle Eye". "We don't want to talk about it...""and we don't really know anything about it either"

"It was mentioned here though Project Eagle Eye was showing promising results, though nothing guaranteed". "Ask about something else...""...we told you we don't know anything"

"Fine, what was life like in the camp? We need to know what charges to put on your kidnappers". "People who tried to escape were....dissuaded, from ever trying again. People around them saw them as examples.""They fed us, clothed us, taught us things. More then they knew, which helped. But they were strict, experimented on us. They thought we didn't know from the sedation, but we figured it out"

"Was Project Eagle Eye part of this experimentation?" "We told you we don't know anything""so stop asking about it"

"Very well. Continue on how the life in the camp was". "Camps. There is a second one we were at, when we were younger. We moved to Camp Bifold when we were 14""15""No, we were 14. Anyways, there were activities. It was weird, and it's part of the reason we knew they took us to experiment on us""and we knew they took us because we were all twins. We were being watched and taken care of for years. It became very obvious. After all, they never took us anywhere else but the camps. We were prisoners, but ones they were keeping long term"

"Obvious for me, yes. But this was the world you were born and raised in. This was the reality you knew, or should have known anyways. Psychologically speaking, you should have believed that was your world, twins and this life. Yet somehow, your reality was one as if you were raised in the outside world. We have not found any evidence they thought you of the outside world, and this would have required more then just the occasional rumor and story. Did they teach you about the outside world, tell you things about it?" "That isn't your question. We are not stupid. You think they were experimenting to create some sort of super soldier project. Something to do with twins""Which means you are still asking about a Eagle Eye"

" are both exceptionally clever for your age. Yes, Eagle Eye, among some of their other projects, such as Neural Net, Invisible Dagger, and Mind Twister. Most of these files were destroyed, and we believe in humane experimentation was being done. Your reactions support this". "Fine, you want to know so much? I guess it would be best explained if we started from the beginning...""...from a bit before we escaped."

So begins...

Alex and Adam Reed's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuta & Yuki Hiroyoshi Character Portrait: Dr. Barns Character Portrait: Leta and Kimmi Character Portrait: Alex and Adam Reed Character Portrait: Travis & Mark Bernstein Character Portrait: KinÊra and Relvue
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#, as written by Lorawr

The tiles in Dr. Barns' bathroom were brilliant white, and the light was almost harsh in the small room. The floors were white and cold beneath the man's bare feet, and the tiled walls shined spotlessly. In the mirror, his face held no expression. It rarely did; his intricate thoughts hidden beneath his steely glaze. The only sound other than his breathing was the rushing of the water in the sink as he washed his hands. Today, he was expecting the arrival of another set of twins. Two boys, by the reports. In the mirror, Dr. Barns' upper lip curled in disgust. Two little teenage boys. They were always the worst. Boys were disobedient, chaotic, loud creatures that ignored rules. But he needed them, just as he needed the others. Dr. Barns rose a hand and ran it through his thinning black hair, making it stand up on end. A small, emotionless smile twitched at the corners of his mouth as he regarded himself in the immaculate mirror, amusing himself with the appearance of his hair on end. He looked younger like this, much younger, and carefree. It was an image so unlike his actual personality it made him appear as an almost entirely different man.

Bored quickly with his appearance, Dr. Barns dropped a few strands of dislodged hair in the bin, and then washed his hands again before drying them on the soft, warm towel by the door. He could feel the day starting, and estimated the time to be around six thirty, and just as he thought it, the ringing of the morning alarm resonated through the still air. Six-thirty exactly. Crossing over to his wardrobe, Dr. Barns selected one of his many crisp white shirts, and walked to the window as he shrugged it on, and then carefully buttoned it up. Outside, the day was dawning darkly. Beyond the fencing of the camp, the forest loomed wickedly on the horizon that was blanketed with a fresh fall of snow. Dr. Barns hated the stuff, and turned his gaze upon a manual laborer who was busy sweeping paths into the knee high drifts. Lights appeared in the Blocks of the children as they were awoken by the staff and the bell, and at this point, Dr. Barns turned aside. He had no desire whatsoever to witness the waking of the children. However, just as he turned away, a light in the distance caught his eye. It flashed orange three times as the gates of the camp slid open, admitting a heavy black car. Dr. Barns nodded to himself. Everything was running to schedule, and the car heralded the arrival of their new camp member.

Having buttoned up his shirt, Dr. Barns selected a moody blue tie from the rack, which he tied tightly around his throat. He added a suit jacket to his ensemble, and then went back into his bathroom where he studied his appearance once more in the mirror. He looked smart, and professional, and after he pulled a comb through his hair so that not a strand was out of place, he looked immaculate, as he did every day. He put the comb back in it's place in the cupboard, and then washed his hands again. He had big plans for today. Overnight, he'd left an experiment ticking over, and he was eager to return to it. He had taken a set of twins, a boy and a girl, and separated them. Each had slept in a different room, and while one was made comfortable and warm, the other was put in a room no bigger than a closet with only a few rats to keep her company. Periodically during the night, she had been taken out by one of his scientists, and an irritant was applied to the back of her right hand. Dr. Barns was looking forward to seeing the state of the two children this morning, and seeing if the male had felt the discomfort of his sister.

A genuine smile formed on his lips as he turned and gathered up his briefcase. First, he would attend Roll Call, to check on the new arrival, and then he would make his way to Block Seventeen as usual. Dr. Barns turned from his room then, and left his Block. He had one to himself, and it was the more comfortable of all the Blocks in the camp. It was placed nearby the large courtyard where all the children congregated each morning in front of a raised platform where one of the senior staff members would call their name.

Outside, he made his way quickly over to that stage. It wasn't a long walk, but the morning was chilly and slightly uncomfortable. Dr. Barns scowled a little, not paying attention to the staff that he passed as they abruptly straightened up and saluted or bowed. It was a sign of respect that he paid no attention to, and yet he demanded it at the same time. As he approached the platform, one of the senior nannies as he liked to call them, was stood waiting for the children to arrive. The harsh looking woman had a long, hooked nose, and eyes of a cruel and icy blue. Her steel grey hair was put up in a bun out of the way, and the style was flawless. She was a woman that Dr. Barns knew well, as she was the one in charge of managing the Twins Accommodation Blocks. As Dr. Barns approached, she turned to look at him and nodded slowly in a gesture that was almost a bow of respect. She knew better than to speak to him though, and Dr. Barns simply nodded in reply before moving to stand at the back in his usual spot to watch his subjects straggle into their places.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Barns Character Portrait: Alex and Adam Reed
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Alex and Adam sat in the car as it drove into the camp. Alex put pressure on the scar on his right hand, trying to remember where he got it, while Adam just seemed to get irritated. The driver had been silent the whole trip, not that they could see him anyways. Or her. Maybe it was a her.

"Adam, you think they might actually tell us what is going on here? Or maybe who are parents are?"

"Do you really believe we would get that information now?"

"No. But I can be hopeful, cant I?"

"I guess, so long as you realize its not happening"

Alex looked out the window. "I think we both know it will eventually..."

Adam elbowed his brother in the rib, and seemed to get a cramp at the same time. It was a quick one though. "Serves you right..."

As the car pulled up, they could see a roll call was going on. They wondered why they had to be driven in the middle of the night, and most of the way by an armed escort. So maybe they had tried a previous escape attempt? They were curious. Almost annoyingly curious, about everything. A note was made about it in their files about how curious they seemed to be. There was also a note they seemed to share "a special bond", and recommended Eagle Eye.

They really couldn't see anyone else yet, except for a Doctor. "You thinking what I am thinking?"

"That the doctor over there is in charge, and he is kind of scary looking?"

"Exactly what I was thinking"

Eventually the car stopped, and they were made to get out. The driver went around and got their luggage from the trunk, though there was not much to start with. Just some clothes. Because they had been taken in the middle of the night, they were not even given time to change, and were dressed only in their T-shirts, pajama pants, and sneakers. As a result, they spent about half the trip asleep, the other half trying to figure out what was going on.

"So, maybe you can try not to get us in trouble? Please?"

"No promises"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Barns Character Portrait: Leta and Kimmi Character Portrait: Alex and Adam Reed Character Portrait: Travis & Mark Bernstein
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lorawr
Leta and Kimmi

"Hey, Kimmi, you gotta wake up."

The insistent sound of her sister seemed as if it came from a distance, and Kimmi rolled over in bed as if she should physically escape from it. She buried her head into her pillow and groaned into it, pushing her eyes closed in an attempt to fall back asleep. Kimmi really was not a morning person. She never had been, and she was sure that she never would be. If she had her way, then she would sleep through until around midday - a luxury only allowed to her when she was sick. She had never understood why the staff at the camp insisted that everyone should be awake before the sun, and then stood around in the cold before they could eat. To her, it was a moronic and archaic tradition that was nigh on torture.

"Kimmi! Seriously, we need to leave before we're late. For Gods' sake! Why do you do this every morning?" Leta's tone had become harsh and irritated. They had the same ritual every morning. How difficult was it just to do as she was told? Every morning they had this argument, and Leta supposed it was like trying to get a child to go out. It was struggle after struggle, before they would undoubtedly have a heated argument, which would be resolved by Kimmi's lower lip trembling, and Leta going off to sulk. wasn't always like that. Leta felt bad for thinking so poorly of her sister, but she couldn't help it. She really needed to get her act together.

Leta turned and went to her sisters' dresser, where she pulled out some clothes. Leta was already dressed in some baggy pants and a jacket, with her hat concealing her short hair. That was the one major difference between the two twins - that one had ridiculously long hair, and the others' was a lot shorter. Leta knew her appearance was kind of boyish, but she didn't care. At least she was comfortable in her clothes. The jeans and shirt she threw at her sister landed on her head, and the only reply was a low groan of irritation.

"Come on!"

"Okay! Fine! I'm getting up!"

Kimmi sat up and scowled at her sister, before sighing and untangling her legs from the blanket. The other girls that they shared their Block with were already up and dressed, with some of them on their way out for Roll Call. Kimmi rolled her eyes and stood up, watching as Leta grinned at her teasingly.

"Nice bed head"

"Is it really that bad?"

Kimmi tugged off her pajamas as she went to examine the state of her hair in the mirror, and groaned with resignation. It seemed today would be a bad hair day. Her dark brown locks stuck out at all angles, and her natural curls were unruly and rebellious. She glanced at the clock on the wall as she began to change her clothes, and grimaced as she saw how little time she had left.

"Can you pass me my brush?" Kimmi asked her sister as she pulled on her socks, dressing so hurriedly that she really did look as if she had just gotten out of bed. Leta threw the hair brush over to Kimmi, who caught it without looking. It was something that she did naturally, without even thinking. The two just managed to live happily and easily side by side, even during the times that they fought. Standing, she tugged the brush through her hair in an attempt to tame the mess that sleep had created. There were dark shadows beneath her eyes, as usual, but they would lighten as the day went on. Turning to her sister who was waiting for her impatiently as she gave up with her hair, and just tied it back out of the way, she was met with a raised brow and the question.

"Are you ready yet?" The sarcasm in her tone and the irritation in her voice was just a front, and they both knew it. Really, Leta looked at her sister with something like a pang of jealousy. Even when she didn't look her best, she still looked pretty good. Leta wondered what it would be like to look as feminine or as attractive as her twin did, and sighed inwardly. She'd never be that person, and she wasn't so good at pretending to be either.

"Yep. Come on," Kimmi slipped her feet into a pair of boots and then zipped them up, before moving forwards and taking her sisters hand, "We'll be late". Kimmi pulled Leta along with her, leaving their Block to join the people who were already heading towards the courtyard where they all stood each morning. Ahead, they could see the congregation of boys from one of their Blocks as they wandered over to take their places. In the crowd, a pair of red heads stood out, and Leta and Kimmi exchanged grins at the sight of red in the wash of blondes and browns. It wasn't that they thought that it was weird or anything, it was just that they could both appreciate how the colors made them stand out. Ahead, on the platform were two individuals that had frightened the twins since they arrived. Neither had ever had a proper conversation with them, but the reputation of Dr. Barns was not kind. Leta squeezed Kimmi's hand as they took their place, waiting impatiently for everyone to arrive so that they could return to the warmth of the inside. On the other side of the courtyard, a car had just drawn up, from which emerged a pair of twins who looked bewildered and confused. Leta felt Kimmi's curiosity, but they kept silent, as was the unwritten rule of the courtyard.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Barns Character Portrait: Leta and Kimmi Character Portrait: Alex and Adam Reed Character Portrait: Travis & Mark Bernstein Character Portrait: KinÊra and Relvue
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0.00 INK

KinÊra and Relvue
Her eyes were open already, even though it was still early. The screen of her game flickered dangerously through the darkness in the twins' room. It was as if she was possessed, not being able to stop with playing, only staring at it while pushing all of the seven different buttons in an inhuman speed. "It's there... it's finally there! I am gonna get you now, you freaking monster! Here is my revange after my embarassing thirdteenth loss! I am gonna defeat you! You get it! Beg me for forgiveness!," She mumbled to herself as a quite creepy smile appeared on her pale face. It was clear: She was tired. Tired from playing through the whole night. However, her fighting spirit didn't lessen. Her urge to defeat the games' boss was stronger than her urge to get a nice sleep. "Haha, feel that? Now my combo!," She murmured, then suddenly a familiar, annoying noise filled the room, startled her which let her make a fatal mistake.

It was the alarm clock.

"Kin- chaaaan, big brother doesn't want to wake up yet... it's such a good dream!," Suddenly, Rel's sleepy voice was heard, made her push the evil button: The off button. Everything, she'd been working on, through the whole night was gone in an instant. "R-E-L-VUE!," Éra suddenly screamed, getting off of her bed and crawled up to her brothers and pushed him down to the cold floor. With a satisfied snort she saw her twin brother hurting and slightly surprised. "H--Huh, did I sleep on the floor last night? No-- I fell down from my bed! That didn't happen after I reached the age of eight! Awe--," Suddenly a pillow came flying to his face. "--Uff," Was the only thing that came out of his mouth, as then he removed the pillow and gazed to the face of his twin sister. For Relvue, it's a pleasure. Although his sister didn't seem to enjoy gazing upon his face. "Good morning, my lovely Kin- chan!,", he greeted her, like usual.

"Good morning my ass! You just ruined it, moron!,", she grumbled then without any other words, she went to her garderobe, preparing for the usual day in the Camp Bifold. Relvue was of course, confused. What did he do to make her that angry? He didn't know -- and he is eager to know to make it better. "Kin- chaaan, what did I do?," He began as he sat up from his place and looked into Éra's direction; but before he could track her, another pillow came flying, targetting his head. "I am changing! Don't look, stupid brother!," He wanted to complain by saying that he is her brother so it's alright, but then he obediently lay down on the floor again. "Then say what I did wrong! I don't want you to be mad at me,"

"Don't worry too much about things like that. It's fairly normal for me to be angry at you," She said, wanting to avoid having him to worry about her too much. Although she just knew too well that he won't back down though she said it, her stubborn brother. She took some of the clothes of her brother and threw it into his direction. Well, you could say, it was a well done strike. "Hurry up and get into you clothes," She said, then escaped. She knew her brother just too well -- he would probably want to hug her, even when she only helped him to quickly get dressed. He just overreacted every time she is being nice to him. Well, although she might seem not to like it, she still stood in front of the door, patiently waiting for her brother who really made lots of ruckus. Probably trying to find his bag below his mess. She sighed. Another day, another boring lesson, another boring triviality. Or is it?

The courtyard was already crowded as the twins arrived. Relvue then spotted Dr. Barns. A quite uncomfortable individual, even for the optimistic Rel. It was something intimidating about him -- an aura he disliked. Quickly, he turned around, trying to find some faces he knew. There were some familiar faces, but also ones, who he'd never talk with. Cool thing is also, that everyone are twins. Not like this fact is uncommon, though. He never lost much thought about how that is likewise. He only thought it was because twins are likeable - as always, a naive and childish point of view. Although he was still better than his sister, who didn't seem to care at all for her surroundings. Patiently they waited and only expected the normality of the day to continue -- like always.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayame and Nagisa Ichigawa Character Portrait: Dr. Barns Character Portrait: Lyric Genevieve and Harmony Ingrid Throngate Character Portrait: Leta and Kimmi Character Portrait: Alex and Adam Reed Character Portrait: Travis & Mark Bernstein
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Image Image Image

Ayame was awoken suddenly by a harsh jumping on her bed. A very typical wakeup call by her sister, Nagisa. This happened pretty much every morning. Ayame didn't really like it, but she knew that if she told Nagisa not to do it, it would upset her and she hated seeing Nagisa upset. The bubbly girl named, Nagisa bounced on top of her sister, one knee on either side of her sister, not touching her.
â™Ēâ™Ģ"Come on Meme-chaaaan! It's time to get up! Get up! It's time to gooooo! La la laaa!"â™Ēâ™Ģ
Nagisa sang to her now wide awake twin. This was not a rare event. Nagisa LOVED to sing. Every other day at least, she would wake Ayame up with one of her world-famous "Good Morning" songs. Well...not world famous...but it was Camp famous...Sometimes the other campers would even find themselves humming one of her tunes during the day.

"Good morning Nagi-neechan. You're happy today." Ayame says groggily. Nagisa giggles as she stops bouncing.
"You're surprised?!" She tilts her head, surprised. Nagisa was always the happiest person to be around. It's why she earned the nickname "Bubbles." Could Ayame really be surprised?!
"Not in the slightest." Ayame said with a laugh. Her sister lept off of her and stood back on the ground.
"We really do need to get going though, sis. We can't be late for Roll Call!"
"All right, all right. I'm up Nagi, I'm up." Ayame sits up as she says this and puts her feet on the floor. She quickly gets dressed. Nagisa, however, was already fully dressed in one of her favorite pink dresses. After Nagisa was fully dressed in her usual jeans and a t-shirt garb, the two left their room.

Shortly after, Nagisa and Ayame made it to the courtyard, awaiting their morning roll call. Nagisa seemed to bounce as she made her way over to the Bernstein twins. She smiled brightly when she approached and gave them both hugs, as she usually did, giving a longer one to Travis.
"Good morning, Mark!" she says as sweet as candy, "good morning, Travis... When she greeted Travis, however, she had a slightly shy tone in her voice and looked away, as one does when they talk to a boy they favor. Ayame rolls her eyes and follows quickly, getting to the brothers shortly after her sister's greeting.
"Morning, gents. Ready for another riveting rendition of Roll Call."
"Alliteration!" Nagisa chirped, quoting a lesson from class. Ayame laughs.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuta & Yuki Hiroyoshi Character Portrait: Ayame and Nagisa Ichigawa Character Portrait: Dr. Barns Character Portrait: Lyric Genevieve and Harmony Ingrid Throngate Character Portrait: Leta and Kimmi Character Portrait: Alex and Adam Reed
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#, as written by Lorawr

Dr. Barns watched passively as the children slowly swept into the courtyard. A few milled around, chatting and giggling and even hugging. Dr. Barns, if he had been any other man, would have flinched at the sight of the public display of affection. It made him cringe, and make his skin crawl with the desire to wash it. He could feel his scowl darken, and a couple of the children in the front flinched away. Of course, he couldn't call them children aloud. In reality they were supposedly 'young adults', but this pretentious term for individuals not long fallen out of their mothers' womb reeked of false promise. It implied that these children were mature, decision making adults with a few flaws attributed to their youth. This statement, once given to him by a nursing woman who did not know him, was one that he detested. These children were immature, and stank of their own lack of decency.

He watched as they milled around as ants, and slowly came to be silent as the matron became impatient. In her hands, she held an iPad and stylus, and she held them as if they were foreign, alien objects from a time that wasn't hers. She held the objects stiffly, as though they might start singing, and her dislike for modern technology was palpable to anybody that laid witness to her. If she had her way, the morning Roll Call would be done by pencil and paper and would take twice as long. Fortunately, she was as obedient a bitch as any that he allowed to work here, and he personally enjoyed watching her struggle first with unlocking the filthy thing and then juggling the stylus with it, all while attempting to look severe and controlled in front of the children. Dr. Barns heard a small giggle from one of the younger children in the front, and the sound was loud compared to the rigid silence of the others. Instantly, his eyes narrowed and he turned to stare at the culprit, who blushed and looked away. Dr. Barns committed the face to memory, and turned to look at the steel haired matron as she finally began, prompted by the bell that indicated it was time.

The names were listed alphabetically, in order of the eldest twins. So, as usual, the first name called was Abel who called out that he was present, and then his twin, Lucy, did the same when her name was called next. Then it went on to Adam, and so on. As the names were called, a deadly hush hung thickly over the crowd. Other than the rhythmic call of names, the only sound was the whistling of the wind as it stirred the freshly fallen snow. The scene before him was tragically bleak. The monochrome of the day was punctured with the gaudy colors of the children's clothing, and even they seemed melancholic and forgotten next to the bright, clean white of the snow.

Dr. Barns watched them all with a slow, but keen eye, which was soon attracted to the back where the twins from the car, comically dressed in their pajamas still were being urged to take their place among the other children. They appeared lost and confused, and Dr. Barns scowled at the muttered disruption they caused. Their names would need to be added to the Roll Call, still, and they would need to receive the same preliminary physical and mental analysis that all of the others did when they arrived. That was the most interesting bit about receiving new children - finding out their relationship. Dr. Barns looked to the man who had escorted them from Camp Kidd and nodded, the gesture indicating that when the other twins went for breakfast, those two should be detained for their examination. The man nodded, and almost bowed at the waist in reply, and hovered at the edge of the crowd, watching the two new children.

As Dr. Barns continued to survey the crowd, a slight darkness in the shadow of one of the bordering Blocks caught his attention, and he would have smiled, or at least smirked, if he had been a normal man. He glanced at the matron once, and muttered to her that she should continue with the tedious Roll Call in his absence, gazed once more on the sea of heads before him, and then turned and dismounted the stage. A few of the children watched him as he did, and he met their gazes with a frigid glare which caused them swiftly to look away again, and Dr. Barns nodded to himself. The snow was thicker where Rufus was stood, and he looked at the stuff with irritation as he moved to stand next to the man.

"Good morning, Rufus," He greeted him coldly. The man beside him wasn't his friend. In general, Dr. Barns despised the idea of forming relationships on loose bonds such as 'friendship'. Instead, he was obliged to converse with the man due to a mutual interest in their charges. Rufus was what many would call his 'second', though Dr. Barns disliked the term. It implied that he needed help, which he certainly did not. If anything, he liked to think of him as one of his senior minions. Many would call their relationship 'friendship', though as it was born out of a mutual distrust and fascination with the twins, it was more of an agreement to amiably coexist.

"How went the experiment last night? Did we achieve the desired results?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Barns Character Portrait: Alex and Adam Reed Character Portrait: Rufus
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#, as written by Lorawr

"We have problems with the cold. It froze half the lab, someone forgot to close the back foor all the way and now we won't be able to continue unless..."

Instantly, Dr. Barns' eye narrowed to slits of pure fury. Who did this man think he was? Like a smoldering fire suddenly fed kindling, his rage leaped up and shone in his eyes, and his hands curled tightly into fists. If he was a lesser man, he would have struck down his fellow scientist without hesitation. Dr. Barns could imagine it now. His fist connected with the sad excuse for a man's face, feeling his nose crunch and break beneath his hand and blood soak the ring that he wore. The two men drew no attention from the congregated children, and for that at least, Dr. Barns was glad. There were two things currently in his mind.

Primarily was the fact that he wouldn't be able to continue with his work, making the day ahead useless and a waste of time. It also meant that the two sets of twins that they were currently experimenting on, who were given temporary residence in Block Seventeen would probably be suffering greatly from the cold. Though this was something that they could possibly take advantage of, it meant that all of their time with them previously would be good for nothing as well.

Secondly, Dr. Barns was filled with a furious desire to find the individual that had left the back door open. In Block Seventeen, Dr. Barns worked incredibly hard to enforce a carefully placed set of rules so that the secrecy of the dubious events occurring in Block Seventeen would be secure. Around the building, guard dogs and their handlers regularly patrolled, watched 24/7 by CCTV cameras that picked up sound as well as sight. Each door was locked three ways, with a thumb print scanner, a code, and a traditional lock and key, and each window was locked except for some that only opened a couple of inches. It was an incredibly secure building, and the most guarded building in camp...and someone had left the bloody door open.

Abruptly, Dr. Barns was aware of his companion's silence, and it was a silence that was distinguished by the tiny sound of pain coming from between his clenched teeth. Irritably, Dr. Barns questioned "Unless?" He was well accustomed to the man's occasional displays of pain and discomfort, though he had to admit he found it difficult to sympathize with him. He waited impatiently for the man to continue, anger radiating from every pore and cell in his body.

"Unless everything thaws out. If it doesn't, we will not be able to get any more data. It seems that the main frame, erm, the main data board is corrupted due to the cold, so now we can't get it to work. We might have to replace it."

Dr. Barns forced himself to exhale slowly, and not to let go of his temper. He thought quickly, and spoke his thoughts aloud as he attempted to salvage what little he could from the flaws in his staff.

"Very well," his voice was like ice as he looked down on Rufus, his eyes narrowing furiously as he towered over him, "You will do as I say, and follow my orders to the letter. First, you will go to Seventeen and you will heat it up. Have some of the attendants take electric heaters over, but do not heat things up too quickly. The two experiments that are currently in the building had better still be there, and if they are, have someone take them something warm to eat and drink, but under no circumstances reunite the twins. Rescue what equipment you can. I will personally examine what you think can not be salvaged. You will do these things now. I will be along shortly. You will also find the name and number of the individual who 'forgot' to close the door, and you will send them to my Block immediately. Are we clear?"

Meanwhile, barely a minute had passed, and the dreary Roll Call continued. Dismissing Rufus with a turn of his head, he gestured to the man who had been keeping watch over the two that were to be examined, and gave him new orders. "After Roll Call, take them to breakfast. After they have eaten, have some clean and warm clothes put on them, and then have them taken to Seventeen. Do not let them out of your sight". The man nodded and scurried off to watch his charges, and Dr. Barns, momentarily feeling the thrill of the power he commanded turned back to Rufus.

"In addition, as Block Seventeen was your responsibility last night, you will also attend my Block when you have fixed what you have made wrong. I expect you and whoever left the door open at my Block at...midday. Sharp."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tsu and Ken Character Portrait: Yuta & Yuki Hiroyoshi Character Portrait: Ayame and Nagisa Ichigawa Character Portrait: Dr. Barns Character Portrait: Lyric Genevieve and Harmony Ingrid Throngate Character Portrait: Leta and Kimmi
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Nagisa's smile quickly faded as she saw Dr. Barnes and she placed a hand on Travis's sleeve, gently squeezing it. The sight of him always made her a little uneasy. It wasn't necessarily that she didn't like him, she was just scared of him; almost terrified even. Just the sound of his voice made her tremble and sweat with fright. She watched him quietly as he scanned the crowd and their eyes met for a moment as he scanned the croud. Quickly, she dropped her hand from Travis's arm and look down and to the right blushing nervously. She never liked yelling, but when she heard him yell it was almost as if it caused an earthquake. She had only gotten in trouble with him once, which she was very upset at herself for doing, and it was enough to never make her look at him again. Anger always frightened her, but there was something about Dr. Barnes's anger that was...different.

Ayame felt her heart-rate quicken. She put a hand to her chest and was a bit confused at the time, until she noticed her sister looking away from Dr. Barnes. Good 'ole Dr. Barnes. He scared the pants off of most of the kids here. There was a rumor that, if you looked directly into his eyes for more than five seconds, he would steal your soul. Whether that was true or not was up in the air, though Ayame wouldn't be surprised if it were. There was something about him that She knew how much Nagisa was afraid of him, especially after the one time he yelled at her. From what Ayame could recall her sister was holding a boy's hand, probably Travis's, and he just blew up like a volcanic eruption. He never did like seeing romantic affections among the kids. But what could he expect from them? They all grew up together so there was bound to be some hanky-panky going on. Even though they were in a camp didn't mean the kids didn't have needs. Especially the boys...

As the roll call commenced, the voices of the other twins sounded melancholy and unenthusiastic. This was a normal thing. Not only was it early in the morning, but the roll call took quite a long time and was ungodly boring. The woman who took roll always spoke in a monotone voice and said all the names slowly. She had a cold stare, almost as cold as Dr. Barnes himself, and if you didn't answer right away, she would give you this glare that would nearly freeze your blood. And there it came:
"Ayame Ichigawa."
"Here..." Ayame replies with a sigh in her voice. The woman gives her a slight glare and Ayame clears her voice slightly, looking away.
"Nagisa Ichigawa."
"Present!" Nagisa pipes up, making sure she can be heard. Once she has stated her presence, she goes back to staring at the ground. She moves her hands up and down her arms in an attempt to warm herself. As she breathes out, a white mist swirls from her mouth and Nagisa begins to shiver. Ayame, knowing the feelings of her sister, walks to Nagisa and puts her arms around her, moving them rapidly up and down, creating friction needed to warm Nagisa's cold arms.
"Regretting not bringing a jacket like I told you to?" Ayame asks in a whisper. Nagisa nods, teeth chattering. Ayame chuckles slightly.
"This is why you should listen to me more often."

Roll call stops briefly as Dr. Rufus appears to speak with Dr. Barnes. Ayame smiles suddenly at his presence. There was something about him that intrigued her. Nagisa always told her it was gross and that he was weird, but Ayame found it easy to ignore her. He was a dark individual and very flirtatious with the women around. Ayame figured that, even though she disliked the thought of love and romance, it was a little teenage crush. She did wonder what would happen once she was 18, though she figured once she and Nagisa was a legal adult, they would finally leave the camp and become functioning human beings in the elusive and seemingly fantasy-ridden outside world.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tsu and Ken Character Portrait: Yuta & Yuki Hiroyoshi Character Portrait: Ayame and Nagisa Ichigawa Character Portrait: Dr. Barns Character Portrait: Lyric Genevieve and Harmony Ingrid Throngate Character Portrait: Leta and Kimmi
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It was cold outside. Very cold. There was snow on the ground, and they were not dressed for snow. Though, to be fair, they were never told where they were going and they were taken in the middle of the night. Both of them appeared to be getting extremely cold and groggy. Maybe just plain irritated. But notably, their irritations seemed identical. Same shiver, same warming techniques, same everything. Alex and Adam seemed identical in every way.

They thought they heard something about block 17, about going there. At least they think they did. They tended to have really good hearing sometimes. It seemed weird, random even. That is when they both yelped in pain. From what it looked like, something shocked them both.

"You shocked me!"

"No, you shocked me!"

"Nu uh! You shocked me!"

One of the guards interrupted them, and motioned to take their place in line. It couldn't be helped but to be noticed they even seemed to walk the same. It was like they were totally in sync with each other. Which was supported by the fact they often completed each other's sentences. Don't let their sibling bickering fool you, they are about as close as twins can get, and then some.

As they took their places among the other twins, Alex and Adam started thinking about why they were moved to this new camp. They hoped that maybe here, someone might answer their questions. In their files, it would probably be pointed out that they tended to be "overly curious, observant, and suspicious of all the staff". They glanced back over at that doctor.

"Definently creepy"

(Oops, accidentally tagged a few too many lol)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tsu and Ken Character Portrait: Yuta & Yuki Hiroyoshi Character Portrait: Ayame and Nagisa Ichigawa Character Portrait: Dr. Barns Character Portrait: Lyric Genevieve and Harmony Ingrid Throngate Character Portrait: Leta and Kimmi
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Travis and Mark Bernstein

Mark noticed that Travis smiled a bit when one of the female twins, Nagisa, stepped away from him and went on to hug his brother. Was that affection? Her voice when she greeted him, too... Mark narrowed his eyes and pushed Travis back a bit when the girl dropped her hands. They had done this before, shown affection towards each other. Were they crazy? It was obvious that Dr. Barns wasn't very fond of seeing such actions, displaying them in front of him was like asking for a punishment.
"Hey Ayame, hi Nagisa." Mark said, casting a glance at Nagisa as he spoke her name. She was going to get his brother in to trouble, he knew it.
It was better to try and keep them separate.
To keep them at safe distances.
"Hello, ladies!" Was Travis's greeting, he sounding much more welcoming towards the two girls than Mark did. "I was thinking that when roll call was done, we could-"
"Present!" Mark called out when his name was said, interrupting his brother, "And don't even think about it, Travis."
Travis frowned at him, "I was going to say 'sit together for breakfast', but if you say so. Nevermind, ladies." he muttered, turning his attention back to where Dr. Barns stood when his name was called, "Present!"
He turned back to Mark, "Stop being such a grump."
"Stop acting like such an idiot, then."
Travis scowled "Excuse me?" he snapped, raising an eyebrow. It was always unexpected when Travis and Mark, the two inseparable brothers, actually fought about something. He looked over at Ayame and Nagisa, feeling a bit embarrassed about the argument, and decided to put their disagreement aside until another time, "Actually nevermind. Does it really matter, Mark?" the words came out as sounding sharp, as if they were trying to deflate whatever thing that Mark was trying to do.
His shoulders fell, "No, I guess not."
It worked.

Travis, ignoring the nagging sense of drop in attitude from Mark, noticed Nagisa's shivering and tugged off his jacket, "If I were you, I'd listen to Ayame more often." he said cheerfully as he offered over the piece of clothing. The sudden cold bothered him a little bit, but he was sure that he had a spare coat back in his Block. Besides, it wasn't as if he was going to anguish without it.
On the stage, the roll call went silent without a warning. Dr. Rufus and Dr. Barns then began speaking, but Travis was too far away to hear what they were saying.
"Hey, Mark, do you know what's going on?" He asked, nudging his brothers arm.
Mark shook his head, "Not a clue."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tsu and Ken Character Portrait: Dr. Barns Character Portrait: Leta and Kimmi Character Portrait: Alex and Adam Reed Character Portrait: Rufus
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#, as written by Lorawr
Leta and Kimmi

Leta glanced at Kimmi as she started to shiver, and fresh flakes of snow began to drift down the crowd of cold teens congregated in the courtyard, so she shifted closer and put her arm around her sister to share her warmth. This whole ordeal was borderline torturous. Above them, Dr. Barns' unflinching stare was, if possible, even colder than the snow they were stood in, and Leta could feel it send a shiver down Kimmi's spine.

"I think he's staring at me," Kimmi's voice was soft but strained as she tried to talk without moving her lips.

"Staring at you? Don't stare back then, idiot. You know what he's like," Leta chided her sister as she looked around. They were on the edge of the crowd, where there weren't so many others to distract from them. "Come over here" Leta was just about to drag her sister further into the crowd when she heard someone call Kimmi's name.

"Kimmi Parks!"

The voice of the matron was cold and monotone as she called the first name, and Kimmi visibly flinched before calling out shyly, "Present..."

"Leta Parks!"

Leta grimaced at the use of their surname, which they both hated to hear each day. Their parents hadn't wanted them, so why should they use their name. Irritably, Leta called out, "Here!", and as soon as the attention had moved on from them, she grabbed her twins' hand and pulled her through the crowd, pushing people aside when they wouldn't willingly move. A few of them scowled and pushed back, but all were too nervous of the Doctor on the stage to create a scene. It wasn't until Leta accidentally walked straight into the straight back of one of the twins, and lost Kimmi, who wandered on looking for her sister.

"Crap...sorry," Leta swore softly as she walked into Tsu, grabbing on to his arm for a moment to catch her balance.

As Kimmi wandered through the crowd, she did her best not to draw the attention of anyone on the stage...though only the matron stood up there now. With a nervous shiver, she wondered where the doctor had gone, but by this point, she'd managed to walk straight through to the other side of the crowd, where for the first time since she could remember, Kimmi met someone that she didn't know.

The twins that were stood in front of her looked cold and confused, and a little silly in their odd mix of pajamas. Kimmi smiled at them brightly, and not noticing that Dr. Barns and Rufus were stood in the shadow of the building behind them, quietly approached the new kids.

"Hi! You're new, right?" Kimmi asked brightly, her smile warm and genuine, though she was careful to keep her voice low.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tsu and Ken Character Portrait: Dr. Barns Character Portrait: Leta and Kimmi Character Portrait: Alex and Adam Reed Character Portrait: Rufus
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"Yeah, I am Alex Reed"

"And I am Adam Reed".

They even sounded nearly the same. Alex and Adam both also looked somewhat groggy, or annoyed. "You know where we are? Or why they decided to move us in the middle of the night? Damnit I am tired".

"You probably got us in trouble, again"

"Nu uh, you did!

Adam gave Alex a look. "We both know it's you who get us into trouble"

Alex had a slight smile, then turned to the others around. "So, who are you?"

(Meh, minor writers block. >.>)