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Tsu and Ken

"Don't touch me." "You touched me!!"

0 · 674 views · located in Camp Bifold

a character in “Camp Bifold”, as played by GenericUserName


Tsu and Ken

“I'm Ken...” ”Name's Tsu!”

“Kenchi is my full name. Please call me Ken... Only my brother calls me Kenchi...”
“Yeaaah, Tsuichi is my full name. So call me Tsu, ok?”

“We're 17. I'm a few minutes older.”
“Doesn't make him any better.”

“April 3rd.”

“Let's see... I enjoy reading, talking to the doctors, playing chess... On occasion I enjoy speaking with the other twins here, they have plenty of things to say. I also love to watch a good movie now and then. Ah, and pancakes are my favorite food.”

“Me? What do I...? Geez, man, I really don't know. I like fightin' and stuff... Uh, sometimes it's real cool t' get to talk to the other twins, ya' know? They have a lot t' say and... I like makin' friends even though most people think I'm kinda...”

“I hate HIM. That obnoxious idiot who calls himself my twin brother. It's a pain just seeing his face in the mornings. I also don't like most meats and I wish girls didn't stare at me.”

“I... I don't really like talkin' t' Kenchi much, just cuz' he's kinda rude... Ah! And I'm terrified of cats!!”

“Habits? I have only good habits.”

“I... I bite my hands when I'm nervous...”

Twin Relationship:
“You're asking me... How I feel about THAT guy? Really, you couldn't guess from all this talking, how I feel about THAT guy? Let me put it in really simple terms for you, he can jump off a cliff.”

“You mean... Kenchi, right...? I... I don't like him.”
Bond: Very Weak

Face Claims:
"I wear glasses. Don't mistake me for that idiot."

"I've got freckles..."

Sexual Orientation:
“I'm... attracted to.. men and women.”

“I like guys better... S-Sorry.”

“Eh? You're asking me about that guy...? Alright, fine. Pull my leg enough I guess. He's a pain, a total pain. He has anger management issues and he's constantly laughing like some sort of maniac. If he doesn't wipe that stupid grin off his face, I might punch him next time... He has his good traits but they're really outmatched by the fact that he has no sense of mood. He's violent, dumb, and crazy. I hate him.”

“Kenchi? What'dya wanna know about 'im? Well... Let's see. He's a total stick in the mud who thinks that just because he's older, he gets to do whatever he wants, yeah? He's always going on and on about how great it would be if I did this or if I did that. I'm not his puppet, so I dun' like t' listen to 'im. Let's see... He can be kinda nice if you get him around people he likes, I guess...”

Tsu is very violent and a little crazy. He goes off on tangents and sometimes busts into laughter for no reason. He's quick to jump on someone for acting in a way he dislikes, but quick to start following someone he does like around. He can be extremely kind, given the right motive, but typically is seen being his usual self.

Tsu often wakes up and acts completely backwards. He'll be calm, depressed even. He will hardly speak to anyone. If Ken tries to talk to him, some sort of fire will light in his head and Tsu will start going ballistic. If someone he likes reaches him first, however, Tsu will brighten up and probably finally open up about the way he feels.

Ken is a bit arrogant and pushy. He tends to think that his way is the right way, even after he's been corner and proven wrong. He doesn't like to listen to others, but is very calm despite this. He has a way of manipulating people into doing what he wants. He's silver tongued and loves it. He also tends to be a much happier person than Tsu.

Ken can wake up angry though. When he does, he tends to go on long rants about how annoying life is, usually ending with screaming at his brother for no good reason. He's a bit of a goody-goody and looks up to the doctors far too much.

Practically since they were born, Ken and Tsu have been fighting up a storm. It's mostly Ken's doing, as he just can't bring himself to get along with his air-headed brother. They grew up in Camp and never really thought much of it. Tsu's always been flighty, trying to make friends, but doesn't usually succeed. This is probably why he's taken to watching the other twins and asking on very rare occasion if they'd be ok with him joining in on something. Ken has, however, become somewhat popular. He enjoys the doctors and the other twins.

Both of them are somewhat curious as to what their lives here mean. Ken handles this by talking to the doctors as often as possible. Tsu just wonders.

So begins...

Tsu and Ken's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tsu and Ken Character Portrait: Yuta & Yuki Hiroyoshi Character Portrait: Ayame and Nagisa Ichigawa Character Portrait: Dr. Barns Character Portrait: Lyric Genevieve and Harmony Ingrid Throngate Character Portrait: Leta and Kimmi
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Nagisa's smile quickly faded as she saw Dr. Barnes and she placed a hand on Travis's sleeve, gently squeezing it. The sight of him always made her a little uneasy. It wasn't necessarily that she didn't like him, she was just scared of him; almost terrified even. Just the sound of his voice made her tremble and sweat with fright. She watched him quietly as he scanned the crowd and their eyes met for a moment as he scanned the croud. Quickly, she dropped her hand from Travis's arm and look down and to the right blushing nervously. She never liked yelling, but when she heard him yell it was almost as if it caused an earthquake. She had only gotten in trouble with him once, which she was very upset at herself for doing, and it was enough to never make her look at him again. Anger always frightened her, but there was something about Dr. Barnes's anger that was...different.

Ayame felt her heart-rate quicken. She put a hand to her chest and was a bit confused at the time, until she noticed her sister looking away from Dr. Barnes. Good 'ole Dr. Barnes. He scared the pants off of most of the kids here. There was a rumor that, if you looked directly into his eyes for more than five seconds, he would steal your soul. Whether that was true or not was up in the air, though Ayame wouldn't be surprised if it were. There was something about him that She knew how much Nagisa was afraid of him, especially after the one time he yelled at her. From what Ayame could recall her sister was holding a boy's hand, probably Travis's, and he just blew up like a volcanic eruption. He never did like seeing romantic affections among the kids. But what could he expect from them? They all grew up together so there was bound to be some hanky-panky going on. Even though they were in a camp didn't mean the kids didn't have needs. Especially the boys...

As the roll call commenced, the voices of the other twins sounded melancholy and unenthusiastic. This was a normal thing. Not only was it early in the morning, but the roll call took quite a long time and was ungodly boring. The woman who took roll always spoke in a monotone voice and said all the names slowly. She had a cold stare, almost as cold as Dr. Barnes himself, and if you didn't answer right away, she would give you this glare that would nearly freeze your blood. And there it came:
"Ayame Ichigawa."
"Here..." Ayame replies with a sigh in her voice. The woman gives her a slight glare and Ayame clears her voice slightly, looking away.
"Nagisa Ichigawa."
"Present!" Nagisa pipes up, making sure she can be heard. Once she has stated her presence, she goes back to staring at the ground. She moves her hands up and down her arms in an attempt to warm herself. As she breathes out, a white mist swirls from her mouth and Nagisa begins to shiver. Ayame, knowing the feelings of her sister, walks to Nagisa and puts her arms around her, moving them rapidly up and down, creating friction needed to warm Nagisa's cold arms.
"Regretting not bringing a jacket like I told you to?" Ayame asks in a whisper. Nagisa nods, teeth chattering. Ayame chuckles slightly.
"This is why you should listen to me more often."

Roll call stops briefly as Dr. Rufus appears to speak with Dr. Barnes. Ayame smiles suddenly at his presence. There was something about him that intrigued her. Nagisa always told her it was gross and that he was weird, but Ayame found it easy to ignore her. He was a dark individual and very flirtatious with the women around. Ayame figured that, even though she disliked the thought of love and romance, it was a little teenage crush. She did wonder what would happen once she was 18, though she figured once she and Nagisa was a legal adult, they would finally leave the camp and become functioning human beings in the elusive and seemingly fantasy-ridden outside world.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tsu and Ken Character Portrait: Yuta & Yuki Hiroyoshi Character Portrait: Ayame and Nagisa Ichigawa Character Portrait: Dr. Barns Character Portrait: Lyric Genevieve and Harmony Ingrid Throngate Character Portrait: Leta and Kimmi
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It was cold outside. Very cold. There was snow on the ground, and they were not dressed for snow. Though, to be fair, they were never told where they were going and they were taken in the middle of the night. Both of them appeared to be getting extremely cold and groggy. Maybe just plain irritated. But notably, their irritations seemed identical. Same shiver, same warming techniques, same everything. Alex and Adam seemed identical in every way.

They thought they heard something about block 17, about going there. At least they think they did. They tended to have really good hearing sometimes. It seemed weird, random even. That is when they both yelped in pain. From what it looked like, something shocked them both.

"You shocked me!"

"No, you shocked me!"

"Nu uh! You shocked me!"

One of the guards interrupted them, and motioned to take their place in line. It couldn't be helped but to be noticed they even seemed to walk the same. It was like they were totally in sync with each other. Which was supported by the fact they often completed each other's sentences. Don't let their sibling bickering fool you, they are about as close as twins can get, and then some.

As they took their places among the other twins, Alex and Adam started thinking about why they were moved to this new camp. They hoped that maybe here, someone might answer their questions. In their files, it would probably be pointed out that they tended to be "overly curious, observant, and suspicious of all the staff". They glanced back over at that doctor.

"Definently creepy"

(Oops, accidentally tagged a few too many lol)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tsu and Ken Character Portrait: Yuta & Yuki Hiroyoshi Character Portrait: Ayame and Nagisa Ichigawa Character Portrait: Dr. Barns Character Portrait: Lyric Genevieve and Harmony Ingrid Throngate Character Portrait: Leta and Kimmi
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Travis and Mark Bernstein

Mark noticed that Travis smiled a bit when one of the female twins, Nagisa, stepped away from him and went on to hug his brother. Was that affection? Her voice when she greeted him, too... Mark narrowed his eyes and pushed Travis back a bit when the girl dropped her hands. They had done this before, shown affection towards each other. Were they crazy? It was obvious that Dr. Barns wasn't very fond of seeing such actions, displaying them in front of him was like asking for a punishment.
"Hey Ayame, hi Nagisa." Mark said, casting a glance at Nagisa as he spoke her name. She was going to get his brother in to trouble, he knew it.
It was better to try and keep them separate.
To keep them at safe distances.
"Hello, ladies!" Was Travis's greeting, he sounding much more welcoming towards the two girls than Mark did. "I was thinking that when roll call was done, we could-"
"Present!" Mark called out when his name was said, interrupting his brother, "And don't even think about it, Travis."
Travis frowned at him, "I was going to say 'sit together for breakfast', but if you say so. Nevermind, ladies." he muttered, turning his attention back to where Dr. Barns stood when his name was called, "Present!"
He turned back to Mark, "Stop being such a grump."
"Stop acting like such an idiot, then."
Travis scowled "Excuse me?" he snapped, raising an eyebrow. It was always unexpected when Travis and Mark, the two inseparable brothers, actually fought about something. He looked over at Ayame and Nagisa, feeling a bit embarrassed about the argument, and decided to put their disagreement aside until another time, "Actually nevermind. Does it really matter, Mark?" the words came out as sounding sharp, as if they were trying to deflate whatever thing that Mark was trying to do.
His shoulders fell, "No, I guess not."
It worked.

Travis, ignoring the nagging sense of drop in attitude from Mark, noticed Nagisa's shivering and tugged off his jacket, "If I were you, I'd listen to Ayame more often." he said cheerfully as he offered over the piece of clothing. The sudden cold bothered him a little bit, but he was sure that he had a spare coat back in his Block. Besides, it wasn't as if he was going to anguish without it.
On the stage, the roll call went silent without a warning. Dr. Rufus and Dr. Barns then began speaking, but Travis was too far away to hear what they were saying.
"Hey, Mark, do you know what's going on?" He asked, nudging his brothers arm.
Mark shook his head, "Not a clue."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tsu and Ken Character Portrait: Ayame and Nagisa Ichigawa Character Portrait: Dr. Barns Character Portrait: Travis & Mark Bernstein
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Tsu and Ken

"Hey, idiot! We're running late again because you forgot to set the alarm! So get out of bed!" Ken was steaming. His brother was lazy enough to not set the alarm and now Ken was going to look like a fool for his brother's mistake. This happened a lot more than Ken liked. He should really just start setting the alarm for himself, maybe even leave Tsu behind just to see what might happen to him.

Ken sighed to himself as he pulled on his clothes; just watching as his younger brother rolled out of bed and groaned a little. Tsu's hair hung over his eyes as he sat completely still. What time was it? Why was Ken mad again? Wasn't Ken always mad...? Tsu smiled slightly and stood with a small stumble. Ken just rolled his eyes.

When Tsu started to put on his clothes, he finally spoke up, "Mornin' Kenchi. Who woke ya' up this time?" Ken flared up at this. He was so calm when he could just get away from his annoying twin. He glared at Tsu and replied with a tone of obvious frustration, "Who says anyone woke me up? I just have a responsible internal clock. You're lucky I even woke you up to come with me!"

Tsu look over, hair still in his face. He guessed he couldn't really complain about being sleepy... He pulled his hood up, not bothering with his hair. No one would talk to him no matter how he looked, so why would he bother with trivial things? Ken just rolled his eyes and stepped out the door. If only he could leave the idiot behind.

Tsu began to follow, quickly regretting the action as he realized he had forgotten his shoes. He yelped loudly and rolled back into the room. It was cold! He rubbed his now cold foot before removing the sock and fetching a new pair. Ken just snickered quietly.

By the time the two came running into place for roll call, they were already running a bit late. Tsu hopped into his place just as his name was called. He gave a loud, but out of breath, "YEAH!" before finally stopping his nerves. When Ken's name was called, the other boy just raised his hand and yelled "Present!" He smiled a little. Dr. Barns was always a lovely sight at this time of day.

While Ken was more than aware of Dr. Barns's less than sociable air, it just didn't faze the younger boy. The doctor was an interesting man, one whom Ken was always attempting to speak with, though mostly listen to. Ken had realized that bothering the good doctor was probably not the best idea...

Tsu looked around the groups of twins from behind his hair. He knew of few of them by name, but never really spoke to any of them. Ken made sure of that. Tsu briefly considered speaking to one of the boys he was standing near. Mark, was it? Of course there was Mark's twin... What was his name? Tsu frowned to himself; slowly realizing that he had a bad habit of only remembering one of any set of twin's names. That was probably something he should solve.

Tsu unconsciously reached a hand out to tap Mark's shoulder, but Ken just grabbed it before Tsu made any contact. "What the hell are you doing? Don't bother him." Ken glared at his brother. If anyone had to deal with Tsu, it was Ken himself. He didn't want anyone else to have to deal with the obnoxious brat.

Ken sighed and let his brother go. He put on his charming smile and looked to the group nearby. "Hello everyone! Would you mind if I joined you for breakfast?" He looked to the two sets of twins. He scratched the back of his head awkwardly as he felt Tsu's eyes on him. His brother would just... deal. He adjusted his glasses and smiled yet again.

Tsu took a small step backwards. It was pointless to attempt anyway, Ken had laid claim to the morning activities. Maybe Tsu would be able to have some fun during free time. A somewhat unsettling grin came to the boy's face as he began to think of what he might do later in the day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tsu and Ken Character Portrait: Dr. Barns Character Portrait: Leta and Kimmi Character Portrait: Alex and Adam Reed Character Portrait: Rufus
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#, as written by Lorawr
Leta and Kimmi

Leta glanced at Kimmi as she started to shiver, and fresh flakes of snow began to drift down the crowd of cold teens congregated in the courtyard, so she shifted closer and put her arm around her sister to share her warmth. This whole ordeal was borderline torturous. Above them, Dr. Barns' unflinching stare was, if possible, even colder than the snow they were stood in, and Leta could feel it send a shiver down Kimmi's spine.

"I think he's staring at me," Kimmi's voice was soft but strained as she tried to talk without moving her lips.

"Staring at you? Don't stare back then, idiot. You know what he's like," Leta chided her sister as she looked around. They were on the edge of the crowd, where there weren't so many others to distract from them. "Come over here" Leta was just about to drag her sister further into the crowd when she heard someone call Kimmi's name.

"Kimmi Parks!"

The voice of the matron was cold and monotone as she called the first name, and Kimmi visibly flinched before calling out shyly, "Present..."

"Leta Parks!"

Leta grimaced at the use of their surname, which they both hated to hear each day. Their parents hadn't wanted them, so why should they use their name. Irritably, Leta called out, "Here!", and as soon as the attention had moved on from them, she grabbed her twins' hand and pulled her through the crowd, pushing people aside when they wouldn't willingly move. A few of them scowled and pushed back, but all were too nervous of the Doctor on the stage to create a scene. It wasn't until Leta accidentally walked straight into the straight back of one of the twins, and lost Kimmi, who wandered on looking for her sister.

"Crap...sorry," Leta swore softly as she walked into Tsu, grabbing on to his arm for a moment to catch her balance.

As Kimmi wandered through the crowd, she did her best not to draw the attention of anyone on the stage...though only the matron stood up there now. With a nervous shiver, she wondered where the doctor had gone, but by this point, she'd managed to walk straight through to the other side of the crowd, where for the first time since she could remember, Kimmi met someone that she didn't know.

The twins that were stood in front of her looked cold and confused, and a little silly in their odd mix of pajamas. Kimmi smiled at them brightly, and not noticing that Dr. Barns and Rufus were stood in the shadow of the building behind them, quietly approached the new kids.

"Hi! You're new, right?" Kimmi asked brightly, her smile warm and genuine, though she was careful to keep her voice low.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tsu and Ken Character Portrait: Dr. Barns Character Portrait: Leta and Kimmi Character Portrait: Alex and Adam Reed Character Portrait: Rufus
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"Yeah, I am Alex Reed"

"And I am Adam Reed".

They even sounded nearly the same. Alex and Adam both also looked somewhat groggy, or annoyed. "You know where we are? Or why they decided to move us in the middle of the night? Damnit I am tired".

"You probably got us in trouble, again"

"Nu uh, you did!

Adam gave Alex a look. "We both know it's you who get us into trouble"

Alex had a slight smile, then turned to the others around. "So, who are you?"

(Meh, minor writers block. >.>)
