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Riley Richardson

"Did you see that disgusting sweater she was wearing?"

0 · 472 views · located in Sacramento, CA

a character in “Camp Tolerance”, as played by unicorns.are.real


~ "What? Was I going to be a Jock? Out in the sun, getting sweat and mud on me all day? Ew, no." ~

Image Image
Riley Richardson

17 - Upcoming Senior


Mean Girls and Boys

In Depth Appearance:
Riley takes care of himself and prides himself on looks and image. He'd never be seen wearing anything unfashionable. He has no tattoos, piercings or scars. He likes to keep himself blemish free so the idea of a scar would terrify him. He generally wear nice fashionable shirts with skinny jeans. Riley is also often chewing gum. He also isn't above using a little bit of makeup to cover up a blemish or too, of course he knows how to put on makeup seamlessly so no one would now he had something unsightly he needed to cover up.

Clean Clothes
Lemongrass, the smell
English Class
Cry babies
Riley is almost always chewing gum
Judging everyone's fashion choices in his head
Riley carries around a hand sanitizer everywhere and is always using it

Does starting and spreading rumors count?
Riley goes for a run every morning to keep a lean physique
Riley has discovered since join the Mean girls and Boys that he lives for shopping

Riley only joined the Mean Girls and Boys by process of elimination not because he really had a passion for gossip and fashion back then.
Riley doesn't care much for the clique system. He just wants it to remain in place to keep his status.

Riley fears becoming a social reject
He is scared of getting any scars so he tries to stay away from anything dangerous
Developing romantic feelings for anyone


Riley has a massive ego and is very cocky. He thinks of himself very highly and believes that he is above all of the annoying people he finds himself surrounded with at high school. The annoying people being anyone not in the Mean Girls and Boys clique. Riley's high opinion of himself often lands him in trouble as he often rubs people the wrong way. He also will not allow anyone to slight him in anyway - his ego can't take the blow. Riley cares deeply about how is is perceived by others. His personality won't allow anyone to get away with getting the best of him. His is also very focused on looks and being seen a certain way.

His ego has also ended up with him being very self-centered. He is only concerned with himself and no one else. Riley likes when things are easy. He's always looking for a cheat or an easy way through things that no one else has realized. Thus he will do anything to keep his easy way, even if it means hurting anyone around him. This is why he is so keen to keep the clique system around. He really doesn't care that much about the cliques but he has worked hard to have a high standing the Mean Girls and Boys clique and taking away the clique system would render all that work useless.

Riley is a rather mean guy and he knows it. He doesn't think anything of tearing people down, he sees himself as the top of the food chain and thus it's his job to keep everyone down. Riley has many, many negative and mean opinions that he just loves to share with his clique. That ugly yellow jumper? Yeah he's got an opinion on it and he will tell you what he think to your face. This also makes Riley very gossipy. He just loves to trash talk people and stir up drama. He also loves hearing the ugly gossip about people and spreading it. It strokes his ego to hear the bad stuff about others. Riley is also quite bitchy. He is known to back stab and betray people who consider him a friends within his clique. He wasn't always so bitchy but it comes with the territory of being a Mean Girl and Boy. He didn't get his standing around the school by playing nice and friendly

Riley ended up in the Mean Girls and Boy clique by the process of elimination. He had far too much pride and ego to ever be a nerd or an emo. Too much drive for a skater. Not chirpy enough for a prep and the he found the thought of being a jock and running around a muddy field all day distasteful despite his aptitude for athletics. So Mean Girls and Boys it was. After that decision, the dedication to fashion and the bitchy attitude came next. Riley doesn't half-ass anything. If he was going to be Mean Girl and Boy, he was going to be at the top of the clique.

Of course joining the Mean Girls and Boys didn't come without any struggle. Riley has four brothers who are all jocks. Not just regular jocks either, they are hardcore live and die jocks, just like their father had been in high school. So when Riley let people know his decision to be a Mean Girl and Boy everyone was shocked, especially because he shared his family's talent for sports. He's been a black sheep in his family ever since.

Then there were the actual clique dynamics to learn. Riley worked hard, keeping his head down and learning how the clique worked. This he made his moves. Using secret and gossip to back stab and betray, working his way up the clique. Gaining status with every friendship be burned. Now he's living it up with a pretty cruise life sharing his place at the top of the Mean Girls and Boys clique. One stupid little camp better not change that.


((Anything else you'd like to add))

So begins...

Riley Richardson's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sydney Blackman Character Portrait: Theodore Rockefeller Character Portrait: Riley Richardson
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Riley sighed as he held up two nearly identical shirts looking both of them over. His parents had only allowed him a limited amount of packing space, and he knew it would be ridiculous to bring both, but he just couldn't pick which one to take. The both looked great on him. He picked one and packed it into his bag before zipping it up. Now he had two large fully packed bags. Though Riley had to stop himself packing a third bag - he easily could have.

Deciding he was as ready as he ever would be, Riley gave himself one last check in the mirror. He adjusted a few strands of his styled hair and headed downstairs. His mother was making pancakes for his older brothers who were home from college. "Riley, pancakes!" His mother called flipping another onto a plate, though it was quickly gobbled up by his large, muscly, jock brothers.

"Yeah, no thanks."
Riley replied bitterly negotiating his bags down the stairs. He was still angry over the whole being sent of the summer camp thing. The whole idea was stupid, and Riley firmly believed neither him or the school needed changing.

Then his eldest brother, Marcus looked up and saw Riley with his bags. "Oh hey, I forgot. Today our little runt is going off to his little camp." Riley scowled and rolled his eyes. His brothers insisted on calling him the runt of the family. Of course they didn't understand that Riley worked hard to keep his lean physique. He had no interest in being a bulky meathead like them. In fact if they kept eating pancakes like they were now, Riley had no doubt he'd keep his good looks whilst his brother turned into overweight, balding men.

"Oh yeah! Make me one of those BFF bead bracelets would you?" Randy the next eldest added on laughing. Then all of them started laughing and clapping Randy on the back.

Riley ignored them and said to his mum, "I'm going to go wait outside for the bus." It was already an indignity that he had to attend this camp. Let alone take a bus there. He was not going to add taking shit from his brothers to that list. They all knew why he was being sent of to this camp, and they all found it hilarious.

Riley hauled his two bags on to the bus and to his relief he spotted Sydney, a fellow Mean Girls and Boys. At least he wouldn't be alone. He didn't smile at her like usual. No, this day was too somber for smiles. He greeted her and took the seat next to her. Riley scowled when at the next stop that nerd Theodore got on.

"It's bad enough we have to go this stupid camp. But we also have to endure it with nerds like him," Riley said spitefully to Sydney. Of course he didn't even attempt to keep his voice down. Riley was going to do everything in his power to make sure this camp was an overwhelming failure. Then he took out a stick of gum and started chewing it. He scrunched the wrapper up into a ball and flicked at Theodore's head.

The rest of the bus ride was uneventful. Soon enough they were at camp. Though Riley couldn't help a disgruntled look at Sydney when one of their counselors said he'd have to room with a guy. "Ew. I better not end up with a smelly jock." Riley whispered to her. He didn't exactly have guy friends to room with.

Riley went to one of the cabins he thought was empty and found Theodore unpacking. "A nerd," Riley sighed not bothering to hide how he felt. He put his bags down on the empty bag. At least Theodore the nerd was better than a dirty, gross jock. "You'd better be one of those super clean, organised nerds." Then Riley pulled out his hand sanitizer and put it down on the dresser pointedly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sam Edwards Character Portrait: Sydney Blackman Character Portrait: Theodore Rockefeller Character Portrait: Thomas Edwards Character Portrait: Riley Richardson Character Portrait: J Carmichael
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#, as written by Miyer
Sam EdwardsImage
Sam groaned as the light filtered through her bedroom window, hitting her right in the face. The day had finally come, the day she would be shipped off to 'Camp Tolerance'. Sam wasn't looking forward to being forced to see people she had wronged and watching her brother be a dick, the only comfort being that she wouldn't be alone for the whole ordeal.

Giving another sigh, Sam finally pulled herself away from the bed. The bus would be here to pick her, and Thom up in an hour or so, which gave her more then enough time to get ready seeing as her bag had been packed the night before and was ready and waiting. Rifling through her closet for a second, she ended up deciding on one of her less bright outfits. Once dressed, she wandered downstairs and prepared breakfast for herself.

The bus would be here in the next 15 minutes and Thom still hadn't gotten up. Choosing to do her brother a favour, Sam climbed the stairs once more, and barged into Thom's room. Unsurprisingly the boy was still passed out on his bed. Sam snorted before throwing a shoe at the boys head, grinning at the resounding shout of pain. "That's what you get for being a lazy arse. The bus will be here in 10, hurry up."

"I hate you.", and with that reply, Sam made her way back downstairs and outside to wait for the bus. Thom joined her in the next 5 minutes, still looking as bedraggled as he had when she had woken him up. Sam wouldn't be surprised if he had only thrown on some cloths before joining her.

Finally the bus arrived. Thom climbed on first, seeing as he was closer, and Sam followed him. To her annoyance, Thom had already snatched the seat next to Theo, and the only other people on the bus weren't anyone she was friends with. Deciding solitude would be better then her brothers ranting, Sam decided to sit down on her own, slipping her headphones in and hoped the drive wouldn't be to bad.

Upon arriving at the campsite, Sam was the first to hop off. She waited for everyone else to get off the bus and smiled slightly when hearing about the roommates. She would just snag J.

Thom EdwardsImage

Thom gave a shout of pain and surprise as he was suddenly drawn from the blissful oblivion of sleep by a very hard object hitting his head. Turning his head to the side, he glared at his sister who had obviously just said something that he had missed completely. "I hate you.", he muttered out. It seemed enough as Sam then left with a satisfied smirk on her face.

Dragging himself out of bed, he realised he only had a few minutes to get dressed before that bloody bus arrived to cart him off to this so called Camp Tolerance. What a stupid idea, but he was being forced to do it, and so he would. Pulling on the first cloths he could find, Thom threw his bag over his shoulder before proceeding downstairs. He grabbed a breakfast bar on the way through the kitchen before he joined his perfectly put together sister outside, the fact she was one of those bloody skaters would never stop surprising him.

After a few moments the bus showed up, Thom quickly got on and could only thank the heavens when he spotted Theo already on the bus. He wouldn't be alone thank god. Taking a seat next to his friend, Thom sent the boy a smile, "Hay Mate, how you holding up". Throughout the bus journey, Thom switched between randomly talking to Theo and reading next years Physic's Coursebook. When they finally came to a stop, Theo got up when Sydney pushed him down back into his seat.

"Ugh. Don't look at me.", she said, which immediately pissed Thom off. Just as the girl was turning her back to walk away, Thom said to Theo, loud enough for her to hear, "Like you would want to. That girl's in serious need of a reality check if she think's all that make up actually hides her horrible personality.", a smirk graced Thom's lip as both him and Theo proceeded to get off the bus.

Annoyingly, When Thom found out about the roommate, it was too late. Rather then being able to room with Theo, like the natural reaction would of been, that arse Riley had already beaten him to the room. "Great, now I'm going to have to room with someone else...", Thom sighed to himself as he made his way to another empty boys dorm and started unpacking.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darla Moore Character Portrait: Sam Edwards Character Portrait: Lennox Caldwell Character Portrait: Sydney Blackman Character Portrait: Riley Richardson Character Portrait: J Carmichael
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Dialogue Color: #FD695C
Thought Color: #5CF0FD
Outfit: x

Darla couldn't believe she had to go to summer camp. The entire thought of it disgusted her. She was to be spending the summer in the woods, with bugs, most likely no cell reception, and she had to deal with all of her peers she hoped she wouldn't have to see until her junior year. With nothing more than a sigh and eye roll, she stepped out the front door of her home and into the yard with her bags. Four of them to be exact. Just because she was going to be living in the woods for the next three months, it didn't mean she wasn't going to look as fashionable as ever.

The bus came to a screeching halt before her and the doors opened. She glanced up at a grumpy man, his name just didn't manage to cross her mind. She didn't even bother to greet the driver as she climbed onto the bus, her bags in her hands. Just as she figured, she spotted Sydney and Riley sitting towards the back of the bus, just as grumpy about the situation as she happened to be. Darla sat in the back with them, but had to occupy an entire seat on her own for the same reason Sydney had to. They both needed four bags. For the duration of the bus ride, Darla sat there in silence, not so sure what to say to her best friends because she wasn't even all that happy about spending her summer at camp either.

Once the bus pulled into the campgrounds she let out a huff of irritation. She couldn't believe they were this deep into the woods and they were to be living in wooden cabins for three months. She rolled her eyes as she stepped off the bus and pushed her sunglasses into her hair like a headband before she looked around a bit more. This was definitely going to be an interesting summer. Though her attention was immediately drawn to a very attractive counselor. Maybe this summer could turn out fun after all, she thought as she then began to listen to Eric explaining the rules about the cabins. Once the counselor was finished speaking she turned towards Sydney, hoping that her best friend would want to room with her. There weren't any other females at the camp she would be able to stand living with for the duration of the summer. "Be my roomie?" she questioned towards the brunette. If there was one thing their peers would be picking on Sydney and herself about, it would definitely have to be the fact that they're in the middle of the woods. It was like seeing a fish having to live on land. They definitely weren't used to this and Darla knew she wouldn't get used to it.


Dialogue Color: #168AE4
Thought Color: #E47016
Outfit: x

Lennox found himself waking up at none other than J Carmichael's house. The two of them had been friends for a long time now and she offered him a place to stay whenever he needed it. Last night was one of those nights. He sighed as he peeled himself from the couch and groggily made his way towards the bathroom. He went through his morning routine before returning to the Carmichael's living room and began to fold the blankets he was given permission to use.

He glanced over towards the clock to find that there was only an hour left before the bus was to arrive. Lennox let out a sigh knowing that he most likely had to wake J. He climbed up the stairs towards her bedroom and opened the door, finding her sleeping. He chuckled a bit before walking over to her and sat down on the edge of the bed. He nudged her a bit, to try and get her to wake up. "J, wake up. Got an hour before the bus arrives," he stated and stood back to his feet once she woke up.

Lennox left her room and closed the door behind him before heading down to the kitchen to make himself and J some pancakes. He knew he needed something to eat before going on with the rest of his day and he figured J would want something too. He played music from his phone as he cooked breakfast. When he finished he fixed their plates and pulled the syrup from the refrigerator before drowning his pancakes in the syrup and dug in. In Lennox's opinion there was no other way to eat pancakes. If they were drowning in syrup, you weren't eating them right. It didn't take him very long to finish eating before he began to clean up the dishes, being sure to leave J's breakfast on the island counter.

Another half hour went by and he was standing outside in the driveway with J. He glanced over at the female and gave her a brief smile. "C'mon, cheer up a bit. Things could always be worse," he stated with a slight chuckle just as the bus pulled up before them and came to a stop. Lennox climbed onto the bus, finding Sam sitting on her own. He climbed into the seat next to her and set his only bag on his lap. "Good morning beautiful," he greeted before giving the female a kiss on the cheek.

The duration of the bus ride was filled with snarky comments made between his peers, complaints from others, and total silence on his part. He didn't want to spoil the mood he was in. Even though he wasn't exactly ecstatic about spending the summer with people he hated, he was glad that he had a definite place to stay for the summer and won't have to worry about making sure he had food for the next three months. The camp took care of all of that.

Upon arriving to the camp he climbed off the bus and took a look around as he removed his sunglasses. A counselor explained everything they needed to know about their cabins before scurrying off to his own business. With a sigh he began to look around for Tyrone. Once he spotted him Lennox returned his attention to the beautiful women in his life. "I'll see the two of you later. Gonna catch up with Ty," he said before darting towards his best friend. "Hey man, so you wanna room with me?" he questioned, hoping that he hadn't already made plans to room with someone else. Lennox was definitely not going to room with anyone else at this camp. He had no other guy friends than Tyrone.