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Capitol Academy

Capitol Academy


The Capitol Academy: a prestigious College of tactics, magics, strategy, and various other classes is the place where a young noble or skilled peasant dreams of going to serve the nation. Why? Because this is the school where champions are born.

3,728 readers have visited Capitol Academy since Elrith Eldwind created it.


The Capitol Academy: a prestigious College of tactics, magics, strategy, and various other classes is the place where a young noble or skilled peasant dreams of going to serve the nation. Why? Because this is the school where champions are born. Here you will train, you will study, you will fight, and you will either live or die. There will be romance, as there always is within a school of youth, and this romance will either live or die. There will be friendships, and with friendship comes the counter part of enemies, and they will either live or die. There will be combat, and by this you will either live or die.

This latest class is full of promise and pride as they arrive to find out who else will be there, who will teach them, and who will be the senior class men who will guide them for their year before heading into battle themselves? The answer comes when the class assembles at the battle ground, and the Crown Prince of Shar steps onto the stage.

You are a student here, and have been presented with a great opportunity. To either serve the royal family and reach a rank of greatness that will cement your fame, or to serve the usurpers who seek to destroy the Prince before he takes to the throne. The fate of Shar is in your hands, and it is through your toils that the nation will either live… or die.

Background on the world: The planet is an old one, and the map has changed many times. One of the more established nations is that of the Shar. A nation with a powerful Royal Family that saw fit to create a public education system to seek out and give the prodigies of the nation a chance at greatness by sending them to the Capitol Academy. Everyone, no matter their birth, has an opportunity to reach greatness so long as it is within them.

Races: This RP is very open, and the classic monster Races are all welcome, as well as original races. The main race is Magus, humanoid beings with the ability to manipulate matter. Vampiric beings exist and are extremely strong, each with a singular supernatural power that they can use. Werebeings are a group of Magus who have merged with a beast to gain their strengths in exchange for their magic. Humans are tactical masterminds beyond those of the other races, far more in number and able to attain extreme intellect they are physically weaker but their races minds have produced ways to make up for this.

Setting: A Large compound of buildings set in a valley about three miles northeast of the Capitol.

History of the World: The Year is 2048, but the world looks more like it did 60 years ago than what everyone thought it would, and most blame that on an event called “The Surfacing”.
2012: The Surfacing was the first time that the creatures of non-human origin surfaced in public, the majority being in the form of Magus, a race of humans who were just evolutions next step in human development. These beings were at first seen as freaks and hated, and in the confusion war broke out across the world as some governments accepted and guarded the Magus, and others started a campaign to eliminate them. Civil wars tore the world as people fought to preserve their ways of live.
In the thirteen years of war that followed the world was ripped apart. Most of the largest cities were abandoned and the world left scarred. Japan was devastated by the greatest eruption on record which destroyed the northern half of the country. Africa was almost completely destroyed when almost 35 atomic warheads that the local warlords had gotten a hold of launched them and turned most of the southern part of the continent into a smouldering radioactive wasteland. The Western US was devastated when the nations latest achievement (A space Elevator) came crashing into the ground and destroying most of southern California. And to top it all off Europe was almost completely reduced to rubble by internal conflicts. Yet, from the ashes a new world bloomed, spearheaded by the Magus that had been the start of the war in the first place.
2025: The Nation of the Shar is born as a Magus family is made a monarchy by the people of Spain in an attempt to stabilize the crumbling country. It works, and in the next few decades the nation is brought back as France is taken to expand the borders and Northwest Africa annexed to ensure control of Gibraltar. Now the world is beginning to heal and the Shar is at the forefront of that, the nation much more like the peaceful land known at the beginning of the millennia though some of the technology is newer and some more ancient.
For those who need a good basis to compare this setting to think the world of Trinity Blood, the world right now is like that one, in fact that’s a good comparison for you to go on.

Playerbase: I don’t care who you are or where you’re from, if you are willing to RP and try to stay, you are welcome here.
Character Sheet:
Race- (Pretty standard, just don’t be super crazy)
Age- (Most won’t be overly old even if they are immortal, College age)
Birth Rank- (Noble, Knight, Commoner, Royal [PM for permission to be one of these])
School Rank- (Private, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Commander)
Hair/Eye Colour-
Marital Status- (don’t be quick to decide, this isn’t a high school its past that)
Other- (Place any notable things about them here, scars, tattoos, birthmarks, etc.)

Equipment- (This can have whatever you like but it must have your uniform colours, which will be listed below, these are the colours of the cords worn hanging from the shoulders on the uniforms. Also, list how your Character wears the uniforms Ex. un tucked shirt and open jacket no tie, short skirt instead of longer skirt, etc.)
Uniform Pic: Image
• Red- Tactical Specialist (More intelligence based)
• Blue- Combat Specialist (Members of the Combat team at the school who are highly trained)
• Green- Medical Students
• Gold- These are only given to Senior Platoon Leaders (PM for Permission)
• Silver- Command class, Squad Leaders and Above (Again PM)
Each Student can have multiple but only two can be displayed
History- Please Include at least something about your family or schooling that explains why you are at the school
You are allowed to be almost anything, even a teacher if you so wish, just know that most players should be Squad Members, which means freshmen and all.
This is Not a High school Role Play! This is a College Role Play! Yes there is a Difference!

Alpha Company Commander- Casian Polarius
Alpha 1st Platoon Leader- Open
Alpha 2nd Platoon Leader- Open
Alpha Squad Leader 1 to 4 – Open
Alpha Members- Always Open
Delta Company Commander- Reserved

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No One-Liners
Have Fun or Die! Muhahahahaha

Browse All » 2 Settings to roleplay in

The Shar

The Shar by Elrith Eldwind

A Nation that is comprised of old Spain and France and a large part of Northwestern Africa ever since"The Surfacing"

The Capitol Academy

The Capitol Academy by RolePlayGateway

The College where the nations greatest study to serve the land

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 13 authors


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Song glanced at the Tyjeris, then shook her head. She glanced at the others, then sighed and forced herself to stand up. She walked at her own pace, knowing the rest of the group weren't going to be going anywhere until they knew what they were going to do. "I know we need to hurry, but you're rushing too much. If we don't go with a plan, we might not win. Besides, someone needs to guard our own flag, and it does little good for everyone to rush off at once." Perhaps if he tried to help with the planning...she thought, but shook that off. She shrugged, leaning against one of the trees on the edge of the forest. "But I suppose I'm just a medic; no need to listen to me." She rather thought he might be a bit more reckless than she would like to see from her teammates; hesitating when they were told to go to the barracks wasn't exactly the brightest idea. She gestured back to everyone else. "Besides, any of the other companies that are planning are taking about as long as we are, I'm sure, and anyone that's rushing is much less likely to already be close." She was only throwing out guesses, but maybe it would slow him down a bit. And, as far as she was concerned, he needed to slow down.


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Axelle was balancing a dagger on her finger tip and slowly smiled at the elf. "At least you know your place," she said, referring to how the girl had said she was only a medic and there was no need to listen to her. Axelle had been leaning nonchalently against a tree and she stood up straighter to look over the map that Romulus had so kindly conjured. "If we go in without a plan. We lose. And I don't lose." Her tone was flat as she spoke, making the point that she would not accept failure. "Cat-Boy, I like your style and I think we could make it quickly through the forest together," she liked their similar fighting types and figured it would work well if trees were to get in the way. "Elfy you can stay here and guard our base. You," she jutted a finger into Jace's chest. "You stay with the girl. Romulus, you can either stay here with the medic because she would need help, or you can accompany me and kitty through the woods. Since my brother's not being any help, looks like I need to take charge."


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Tyjeris slowly looks at the female that called him cat-boy. He hated it when people called him that but he didn't wanta get in a fight with someone in his team in a team mission. "so when will we leave and what is the plan also Rom I think it would be best for you to stay here I think us two could get in and back out faster without to many people plus if they get here we need a good plan maker to take charge here with us gone." He looked at everyone slowly popping his neck "you guys ok staying?" He slowly popps his legs and arms going on all fours waiting to her to say that we can go.


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Song stiffened as she heard Axelle again. After that first meeting, she wasn't very fond of her. She had only meant she wouldn't know much as far as strategy went...but whatever worked for her, she supposed. It didn't seem like everyone was fond of her, either, recognizing that Tyjeris didn't seem to appreciate being called "cat-boy." It didn't sound nice to her, maybe she was just mean all around, she figured. She stubbornly glanced to the side. "It's either Song or Rose; not 'Elfy'," she insisted, but started to walk away from her, in any case. She wasn't sure she'd last too long if she stayed long enough to get into a fight, and she didn't need to deal with that at the moment, but she figured she'd keep it to herself. "I don't mind staying," she added, glancing back shortly. Besides, it gave her a chance to just sit and relax after their classes. Perhaps these others could keep going with so much energy, but she thought it might be better for her if she saved her energy for her actual classes. She headed back towards where the others were, ready to sit and wait.


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Jace laughed a little as Axelle gave him the order, honestly sitting back here and doing nothing wasn't all that bad an idea. But clearly this was a test to see how the platoon leaders did under pressure without their commander and Jace should probably try to not look like a useless idiot. "What's the point of creating and defending a base of operations if there are three clear objectives none of which include doing such. Honestly the best plan is to divide the platoons in two and take two forts or stay together and get the flag it just depends on what objective is easier to pull off. If we're going up against just one other company I'd say we go for the flag if it's more than that we should take the forts." stated Jace as he pushed off from the rock.


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"I don't know," Cora said from her spot against a tree nearby. "I think you're all severely overlooking something. The best way to win this little game they've got set up here is to use all your available resources. I can think of one valuable resource that you seem to be over looking." She studied each of the individuals and then returned her gaze to the grounds around them. Carefully, she got to her feet and paced for a moment before studying Axelle with a small smirk, "If no one else does, I'm pretty sure you might no what I'm suggesting? Better than standing around bickering, at very least."


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(This RP is officially restarted)

Five weeks had passed into the new semester and so far Alhpa company was at the back of the pack, losing practice match after practice matchto the other companies. This was mainly due to the companies lack of organization and while Casian had been hands off for several weeks at the starthe had qquicl;yrealized that this wasnt working out too well. His comapany was in disarray and over the past week he had taken command... but the group still wouldnt wprk together... so he had developed a new plan.

"Attention..." his voice echoed over the loud speaker in the Alpha Dorm just moments after the trumpet had sounded to wake the cadetsup, "All Alpha Company cadets are here-by excempt from forest navigation training today..." a popular announcement as that was a boring course, "Instead, you ill all prep for combat training and assemble at feild three at 0700 hours..." thirty minutes, "That is all."


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"Combat training?" Cal smiled materializing out of the shadows near Casian as the announcement came to an end. A chance to beat up alpha company cadets or even Casian himself, how could the dashingly deadly vampire resist? "And I was so looking forward to leading those morons on little nature walks like we've been doing all semester." he sighed his voice dripping with sarcasm. It had been far too long since they did anything fun around here and Cal was starving for some bloodshed. Since the beginning of the year Cal had been neglecting his position and never bothered to pick out a squad or manage cadets because frankly none of them were interesting enough, all of them were weak, as proved by Alpha's many failures lately.


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Songrose looked up as an announcement was made. She had just woken up, and was still trying to make herself wake up completely. She paused, thought, as the words registered. Training instead of forest navigation? She frowned; she was never good with combat; she was a much better healer than fighter. But, she supposed, she would just have to deal with it. She shrugged, finishing getting dressed. She really didn't want to bother with this sort of training. She picked up her medical bag before she left the room, contemplating how well she might do with combat training, and decided she didn't really tand much of a chance against anyone at this point. She shook that thought off; it was unnecessary, and only got in the way. She needed to focus if she was going to get anywhere. She glanced up as she walked, mumbling to herself, "Why today?" Though she wouldn't have been ready for this any day. She quickly turned her attention back ahead of herself before she accidentally bumped into someone, or a wall, or something.


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Axelle was laying in her bed with a pillow covering her face to block the sun streaming in through the windows. She had missed some classes, but she could care less about the schooling. Eventually, she sat up and looked horrifically in the mirror. "I hate this school!" she grumbled, finally standing to go take a shower. It took her forever to get ready, but Casian's call came about halfway through it. "That idiot.. He couldn't change these imbeciles if his life depended on it." She smiled at that, because in her mind, it did.

After putting on her uniform and a pair of sunglasses, she didn't bother with going out her door and instead used the window. She hopped out, landing gracefully and walked the short distance to where they were supposed to meet. She saw Casian and thought how easy it would be to throw a dagger and have it land in his back. Sadly, she couldn't do that in such a public place so she went to stand in the group that had formed, saying nothing.

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The Shar

The Shar by Elrith Eldwind

A Nation that is comprised of old Spain and France and a large part of Northwestern Africa ever since"The Surfacing"

The Capitol Academy

The Capitol Academy by RolePlayGateway

The College where the nations greatest study to serve the land

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Casian Polarius
Character Portrait: Vasalgo Lelden
Character Portrait: Tyjeris Alani
Character Portrait: Axelle Polarius
Character Portrait: Romulus Admar
Character Portrait: Calder Walker
Character Portrait: Songrose Liadon
Character Portrait: Cora Dryan
Character Portrait: Jace Waken
Character Portrait: Elroy Arculet


Character Portrait: Elroy Arculet
Elroy Arculet

A Frenchman. Some would describe him as a puny Frenchman. Are they not correct? He is a son of a royal family, but has little to do with them, or any other being. He is determined on a road to greatness.

Character Portrait: Jace Waken
Jace Waken

Jace is a human from a prestigous family. Despite his upbringin Jace has little discipline and was orginaly agianst enrolling in a military academy.

Character Portrait: Cora Dryan
Cora Dryan

Young woman determined not to let the past be completely in vain

Character Portrait: Calder Walker
Calder Walker

Sadistic, bloodthirsty, powerful, dark: it can only be a vampire!

Character Portrait: Romulus Admar
Romulus Admar

Alpha team tactician

Character Portrait: Axelle Polarius
Axelle Polarius

Casian's younger sister that's tired of being in his shadow

Character Portrait: Tyjeris Alani
Tyjeris Alani


Character Portrait: Vasalgo Lelden
Vasalgo Lelden

The Delta Company Commander, a highly skilled magister, whom is also deadly with a blade.

Character Portrait: Casian Polarius
Casian Polarius

Crown Prince of the Shar and Alpha Company Commander


Character Portrait: Tyjeris Alani
Tyjeris Alani


Character Portrait: Calder Walker
Calder Walker

Sadistic, bloodthirsty, powerful, dark: it can only be a vampire!

Character Portrait: Jace Waken
Jace Waken

Jace is a human from a prestigous family. Despite his upbringin Jace has little discipline and was orginaly agianst enrolling in a military academy.

Character Portrait: Elroy Arculet
Elroy Arculet

A Frenchman. Some would describe him as a puny Frenchman. Are they not correct? He is a son of a royal family, but has little to do with them, or any other being. He is determined on a road to greatness.

Character Portrait: Axelle Polarius
Axelle Polarius

Casian's younger sister that's tired of being in his shadow

Character Portrait: Casian Polarius
Casian Polarius

Crown Prince of the Shar and Alpha Company Commander

Character Portrait: Romulus Admar
Romulus Admar

Alpha team tactician

Character Portrait: Vasalgo Lelden
Vasalgo Lelden

The Delta Company Commander, a highly skilled magister, whom is also deadly with a blade.

Character Portrait: Cora Dryan
Cora Dryan

Young woman determined not to let the past be completely in vain

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Elroy Arculet
Elroy Arculet

A Frenchman. Some would describe him as a puny Frenchman. Are they not correct? He is a son of a royal family, but has little to do with them, or any other being. He is determined on a road to greatness.

Character Portrait: Calder Walker
Calder Walker

Sadistic, bloodthirsty, powerful, dark: it can only be a vampire!

Character Portrait: Casian Polarius
Casian Polarius

Crown Prince of the Shar and Alpha Company Commander

Character Portrait: Axelle Polarius
Axelle Polarius

Casian's younger sister that's tired of being in his shadow

Character Portrait: Cora Dryan
Cora Dryan

Young woman determined not to let the past be completely in vain

Character Portrait: Romulus Admar
Romulus Admar

Alpha team tactician

Character Portrait: Vasalgo Lelden
Vasalgo Lelden

The Delta Company Commander, a highly skilled magister, whom is also deadly with a blade.

Character Portrait: Tyjeris Alani
Tyjeris Alani


Character Portrait: Jace Waken
Jace Waken

Jace is a human from a prestigous family. Despite his upbringin Jace has little discipline and was orginaly agianst enrolling in a military academy.

View All » Places

The Shar

The Shar by Elrith Eldwind

A Nation that is comprised of old Spain and France and a large part of Northwestern Africa ever since"The Surfacing"

The Capitol Academy

The Capitol Academy by RolePlayGateway

The College where the nations greatest study to serve the land

The Shar

A Nation that is comprised of old Spain and France and a large part of Northwestern Africa ever since"The Surfacing"

The Capitol Academy

The Shar The Capitol Academy Owner: RolePlayGateway

The College where the nations greatest study to serve the land

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