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Aiden Stilmyst

0 · 449 views · located in Carnes High

a character in “Carnes High: Revival”, as played by wolfoftheage


Aiden is 5'10" and weighs in at about 165 lbs he is fit and muscular he has brown hair that is untidy and always a mess. His Hazel eyes hold a yellow tint to them. For cloths Aiden is more about functinality than style. he wears pants with builtup knees and cargo pockets generally khaki in appearance. a simple t-shirt with a leather jacket over the top of it and a silver necklace with a silver weading band around his left ring finger. He has also been known to sport a black three piece suite for special ocasions. In is other form his fur is black Aiden has two other forms he has several scar's one that covers his left eye and several on his chest and back. he also has a tattoo that covers his right shoulder to mid bicep and front pectoral muscle. he also sports the brand of the bloodoak coven on his right shoulder blade.

his wolf form which is more accurately described as a dire wolf though strictly a quadruped it is still highly dangerous and strong, Aiden tends to use this form to eat in and it is easier to control, although not as strong as the monstrous form it is fast and strong in itself and not a vulnerability by any means. In this form Aiden is at least 5 feet tall at his shoulders. Image

the other form is his monstrous form and is specifically a form designed around killing whatever is in the way. Aiden has a hard time dealing with the instinctual pressure in this form. generally causing the primal side of his brain to take over making him easy to be controlled by those who have a good hand in wild animals but to do that they first have to have a connection with Aiden. in this form he turns into an 8' tall 800lbs killing machine covered in black fur

Aiden is a complicated individual, most of the time he enjoys spending time with people he is after all a social creature, but he is also scared of his own abilities to top it off he always apears to be exhausted generaly as if he had been fighting something off, this being said he has plenty of energy and is very active. times have taken their toll on aiden he still maintains the same attitude but something dark seems to haunt him along with a new aura of confidance Aiden is a loving and carring father And very protective of his family. both his and his sister Amy which can sometimes to a fault cause problems for them.

Generaly some form of durable traveling cloths, A back pack and a Large knife made of bone.

bone knife-this knife is forged from an adult human thigh bone. bound to it are a few spirtits which grant it its true usefullness. the dagger with the aid of the spirits is sharp enough to cut almost through any matierial and the damege it deals is extreamly dangures dealing enough damege to the tissue that even werewolves have a hard time regenerating through its cut. it is also used in his rites like opening a moon gate.

Aiden is a a werewolf through birth which isn't an easy task in its own right, needless to say its been an interesting life growing up. most werewolves succumb to the beast inside them But Aiden fights day and night against it and it shows his father is one who fell. Aiden quickly figured out that it was going to be at Carnes and away from that type of influence could only help him manage his deamon. Shortly after ariving at carnes Aiden met Amber, Amber and Aiden quickly became freinds along with Jamie the other human in the school. Aiden quickly stepped in trying to help them learn to protect themselves. It was shortly after their first meeting that it was discovered Amber could some what controll the beast in Aiden's soul. to bad good things dont last. Aiden was summoned by his father to under gow his induction to the tribe a long over due right that his mother sparred him from. After much strife Aiden managed to not only break free but escape his tribe after defeating his father and brother in ritual combat making him the new tribal leader of the blood oak werewolves. Aiden quickly gave control to his sister before returning to find Amber traveling through the Umbral Planes. after the great battle to resurrect Ruler Aiden would spend time chasing after amber and eventually graduating from Carnes. Aiden would eventually Purpose to Amber and they would be married quietly with a small close group of friends as witness Aiden would take Ambers name to help protect her from those that would seek him and although it never did help in the way he had hoped The Fenrir name still lives strong in the monster world. Aiden after Carnes would become obsessed with finding and removing powerful artifacts from the world. becoming a bit of an expert in lore of the old monster world and How to use specific ancient relics left behind and new ones made. But for one to think that he had become any less of a fighter would be a mistake his shamanistic rituals and magic still bolster his impressive brawling ability even more so now. His sister still runs the Werewolf side of the blood oak. And Aiden offers his finding generaly to the council even having gone on a few expeditions for some of the members of the council privately.

(will edit and add more later date once i talk with Crystal )

So begins...

Aiden Stilmyst's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiden Stilmyst Character Portrait: Amber Stilmyst Character Portrait: Arlayna Stilmyst Character Portrait: Adrien Stilmyst
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Amber looked over the familiar building. Clearly very little had really changed. It wasn't often they all left for the same place, and she wasn't entirely sure just how the twins might react to the high school they'd be going to several years from now. But that was a little ways off, she reminded herself. She glanced over the twins briefly before looking to Aiden.

"Doesn't look like much has changed, does it?" she asked, looking back to the building. She paused, glancing towards the grounds when she saw a hint of movement. There was Kalen and Desmond along with Arthur, and Jamie and Arabella along with Ashton and Rayburn. Looked like there were already people she knew. And so far she got along well with them. It was always good to see old friends, especially when she couldn't talk much to her family so they wouldn't find out about monsters. Somehow, she couldn't imagine her parents taking that very well. At least she didn't need to keep secrets from these people.

"Even some of the same people," she joked, waving to the others. "Hopefully Adrien's temper won't cause any problems with the other kids," she added in a whisper to Aiden.

Arlayna followed closely behind Adrien, eyes darting around rapidly. This was a new place, and there were a lot of people here. At least, a lot more than she was used to at once. Well, on the bright side, she could still follow Adrien around, or her parents, if she got separated from Adrien. Not that she couldn't find any of them if she did get separated, but still, she felt better to have someone to follow.

She glanced at her parents, then looked over the building. From the looks of things, there were going to be a lot of people there. There had to have been a lot of students at school there, and then many might have brought their kids. She was uncomfortable with the thought, but did her best to brush it off. "There are a lot of people here..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiden Stilmyst Character Portrait: Amber Stilmyst Character Portrait: Arlayna Stilmyst Character Portrait: Adrien Stilmyst
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Aiden smiled as his mind raced with nostalgia to the years spent at Carnes. His hair was especially unkempt today he had gotten home just the day before last from an expedition And it had been a rather tricky one at that Amber spoke up talking to Aiden causing him to glance over to the twins. as she talked Arlayna wasn't to much trouble herself but with Adrien one couldent be to careful. " I heard they re did the dorms finaly and updated a few of the more archaic rooms." Aiden said with a soft smile as he wrapped an arm around Amber gently. just as the others came into view. "Aiden smiled slightly seeing Jamie and Arabella and nodded His eyes moving to to find Desmond and Kalen and their son.

"It looks like the four of us have made it i wounder if the knights will grace us with their presence?" Aiden asked softly to Amber with a slight bit of venom. Truth was Aiden was getting along better with Shad as time went on but still part of him had a hard time letting go all the attempts on Amber he had made those years ago. "Adrien will be fine today Im sure...And if he isn't we will have a talk when we get back to the house." Aiden said loud enough for his son to hear him. Fact was he had been a little more uppity after his last visit with Amy. Aiden had suspected she had finally told them just who they really were and a ten year old couldn't process that much responsibility or comprehend it so it had all gone to his head.

Adrien Stared wide eyed as they approached the school he had seen pictures and heard his dad talk about it but it was so much bigger in person so many new smells Adventure could be around every corner. He kicked a little rock in front of him and grinned As he whispered to his sister "We should go explore if we get the chance imagine what we might find!" he said excitedly as his father spoke up to him. Adrian glanced at Arlayna and gave a small nod "Yes Dad i wont start any fights today I promise." Adrian said quietly he couldn't explain it he had just been feeling more and more aggressive recently so much energy and no direction made it hard to focouse. adrian glanced around as he fealt his sister begin to grow more nervous. and just gave her a playful push. "it could be worse there could be no one here think of all the things we will see today!"

Aiden looked back as Arlayna and Adrian talked catching his doughters statement. "A good few are family friends sweetheart. You dont have to impress any one just be your charming self and it will be all right I promise." Aiden said as they approached the group


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiden Stilmyst Character Portrait: Amber Stilmyst Character Portrait: Arlayna Stilmyst Character Portrait: Adrien Stilmyst
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"Well, I guess a few thigs needed to change about the dorms, anyway..." After all, it wasn't exactly fun sharing a dorm room with a witch that wanted to kill her. As she felt his arm around her, she moved a little closer, leaning against him slightly. She glanced back briefly as she heard whispering behind her, but figured the twins probably couldn't get into too much trouble...right? She frowned slightly when Aiden mentioned the Knights. She shook her head.

"Maybe you should try letting that go; we want them to get along, and being bitter about something from high school won't set a good example." She nudged him a little. She understood his irritation, and he had been better about trying to get along with Shad, she knew. But still, his attitude could be a little better about it. It wasn't like she couldn't hear the venom in his voice, and if she could hear it, chances were the kids might notice it, too. She shot another glance back at the twins as Adrien promised not to start fights. She turned her attention back to the group they were approaching.

"Almost like the first day of school all over again, isn't it?" she asked, joking.

Arlayna could only manage a small smile at her brother as he mentioned exploring. That would probably be fun, she knew. But her smile didn't last too long. There were still a lot of people. And while her dad said a good deal of them were friends, she knew there were a lot of others that weren't. But, when her brother gave her a playful shove, she grinned. She shoved him back, then moved a little ways away, waiting for another shove. She knew Adrien had promised not to fight, but this wasn't a fight; this was a game.

And, when they had a chance, there might be another game: exploring the building their parents went to during high school. Who knew what they'd find once they had a chance to look around? But, as they got closer to the group, she went back to hiding behind her twin. She looked over the group somewhat warily, unsure of how she was supposed to behave.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rayburn Flynn Character Portrait: Aiden Stilmyst Character Portrait: Amber Stilmyst Character Portrait: Arlayna Stilmyst Character Portrait: Arthur Odysseus Ruler Character Portrait: Ashton Flynn
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With a slight increase in pace the Rulers moved forward, Arthur still scanning the others who were approaching and waving to them; a group of four total adults and the same number of kids, at least one of which appeared his age, all seemingly pleasant. Course Arthur knew the Flynns, and their son Rayburn, fairly well. They were always coming over for dinner and such. Mom liked having Arabella drop by or going to the city and shopping together, and Dad was always interested in what Jamie had to say about the latest stories in the Human world… specifically things that were being seen as regular events but were really monsters behaving badly. But seeing the other group he had to think back a little ways to when they had last stopped by. According to Dad they kept a ‘low profile’ which was pretty common in the monster world. But as he looked at the various people from his dad’s stories of the old days a thought occurred to him, “Dad?”


“These guys were the people from all your stories about those fights in high school right?”

“That’s right.”

“So who’s the strongest?”

Desmond nearly tripped at that question, “Well, uh, son, that’s a difficult question to place. I mean it wasn’t really a competition we were in.” a diplomatic answer as Kalen chuckled to herself about the sudden outburst her boy had made. It was just like Arthur, always assessing, always curious, always decisive, and Desmond really shouldn’t have been caught off guard there.

“But aren’t you the strongest there is?” he asked again as he looked to the rather large man to the left of them (Aiden) and his wife with a slightly cocked head.

Before Desmond could tell his son a flat nope his loving wife intervened, “Why don’t you judge for yourself?”

Taking her at her word Arthur nodded and moved to the head of the trio as he reached into his collar and withdrew the necklace that hid beneath his shirt. The pendant was warm to the touch despite its steely construction, pulsing with a light beat in harmony with that of his own heart. A brilliantly intricate piece of jewelry. He grasp the pendant and closed his eyes for a moment, his Parents stopping behind him.

“Don’t overdo it now, Arthur.” His pops advised as he stood slightly back with Kalen, watching.

“I won’t.” he assured as he drew form the pendant a small droplet of power. His feet felt lighter as a small circle of air escaped from him, his sports coat blown back slightly as his bangs rose in the air a fraction of an inch. The wind however was minimal and died down after a single burst as his full weight returned to his feet. Opening his eyes he looked about again. A sparkle now rested within those deep green orbs, and with that small drop of power he viewed the world anew.

Looking about he saw each figure as little more than a silhouette, however the surrounding air that was typically boring in the normal spectrum, was on fire in every color of the rainbow. Glancing about he was astounded by what he saw, the kids had some huge aura’s of their own but those two monsters, Arabella and Aiden… they were a whole different thing all together. Heck, the two humans were extraordinary in their own right, each with an Aura as four times larger than any human he knew. By contrast when he looked over his shoulder his mom, Kalen, had no aura what so ever save a slight glowing trail emanating form where her eyes would be. And Desmond’s aura was barely larger than a human’s right now. Guess he’s keeping a low profile too…

He closed his eyes again as he stowed the pendant back in his shirt and began moving again with his parents. “So, what do you think? Have an answer yet?” his mom asked.

“No…” he commented back, “give me a hint?”

“No way, Sport, I’m having too much fun with this.” Desmond chuckled.

Kalen elbowed him lightly, though her strength almost pushed him over as they walked forward, at last meeting at the gate with the other couples. Having come from three directions the three families met simultaneously at the entrance to the school.

“Hello there strangers, I don’t suppose you’re here for the reunion party too?” Desmond said jovially as he and Kalen moved forward for the greetings. Desmond shaking Jamie’s and Aiden’s hands and Kalen pulling Amber and Arabella into a hug, whether or not they wanted it. Arthur, meanwhile, walked straight up to Rayburn.

“Sup, Blaze, how you been?” he asked as he presented his fist calmly in a more youthful greeting. Desmond always said name your children whatever you like, and their friends will call them whatever they want. Rayburn and Arthur knew one another well enough, but didn’t go to the same school. Perhaps a good thing since the young phoenix might torch the place on a whim. Lord knows Arthur had to fight that urge without magical powers. “School out for you too?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiden Stilmyst Character Portrait: Amber Stilmyst Character Portrait: Ashton Flynn Character Portrait: Desmond Ruler and Kalen Hols-Ruler Character Portrait: Jaimie Flynn Character Portrait: Arabella Flynn
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Ashton flitted over to stand between her brother and her dad so that she could hold onto her brother's shirt. Her little hands were turning white with how tightly she was squeezing onto his shirt bottom. The aura from the two families was immense so it made her even more on edge. Then Arthur came over to talk to her brother so she hid even more behind his elbow and looked up at Arthur with her big, blue eyes. She knew who he was, but still stayed quiet.

Baine suddenly perked up his little white head and stopped playing with the yellow pigtails. Something had caught his attention. Without thinking twice about it, the monkey hopped off of Ashton's head and ran straight towards Kalen, pulling itself to sit right on her shoulder. He pulled on her hair lightly as if saying "hi".

Arabella watched Ashton immediately take to Raeburn out of the corner of her eye. She was a little nervous for Ashton because she got so shy. Even though they were adopted, Arabella had immediately felt maternal towards the two of them. Especially towards Ashton since they met before she had hatched. Arabella slipped her hand into Jaimies and gave his a squeeze. Suddenly, Baine took off towards Kalen and she laughed. Arabella's eyes got really wide with excitement and all of her maturity went out the window.

She let go of Jaimie's head so that she didn't drag him or the kids with her so she didn't scare them. She couldn't wait a second more and flashed over right in front of Kalen and squealed with delight. "Kalen!"she shouted, hugging her tightly. She then hugged Desmond with the same enthusiasm, squealing his name as well. Then she looked down at Arthur and grinned. "He's gotten so big!"she said, roughing up the top of his hair. Next she flashed over to Amber and Aiden and gave them the same treatment. She gave the twins a big, collective hug.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiden Stilmyst Character Portrait: Arlayna Stilmyst Character Portrait: Celinia Knight Character Portrait: Kage Knight Character Portrait: Desmond Ruler and Kalen Hols-Ruler Character Portrait: Jaimie Flynn
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Amber blinked with a little surprise as first Kalen hugged her and Arabella, and then Arabella hugged her and Aiden, but it was quickly replaced by a grin. It had been too long since she had seen them, really. She watched the twins being hugged, and glanced over everyone again. She didn't see them all that often; she spent much more time at home, and the others had their busy lives. So it was nice to have a chance to see all of them like this, even if it was at their old school.

"Hello, Kalen, Arabella," she greeted as she was hugged. She made sure to return the hugs; she really was relieved to have time away from the house, and having friends there helped. She looked back to Desmond and shrugged. "Well, it was a chance to actually get out, at least." Perhaps she spent a little too much time at home, she thought, but shrugged it off. She glanced at Arthur, briefly examining the power he released before deciding to ignore it. Anyway, he seemed to want to greet his friend Rayburn more. She only gave a brief glance to Kage as he approached the twins.

She shook her head at Shad's comment, though. She couldn't really say anything, though; she had very little knowledge on the council. She knew Aiden had retrieved artifacts for some of them, but that was about the limit of her knowledge. Still, she greeted both him and Star with a smile. Even if he had taken her blood when they were in high school, she still considered him a friend. She just had to ignore her brother saying she was insane for that.

"It's nice to see everyone again. I missed hanging out with you all."

Arlayna watched everyone greet each other, hiding behind her brother the entire time. She vaguely recognized some of the others there; they didn't get many visitors at home. She hesitated and looked as Kage brought Cici over towards them. She gripped Adriens sleeve tightly, but figured it would be rude not to greet him, since he had spoken to them first. She paused, taking a deep breath before answering in a quiet voice.

"...Hello..." At least she made an effort, she thought. She only hoped she had been loud enough for him to hear, because sge really didn't want to repeat herself. Then she'd just feel ridiculous, and her shyness would only get worse.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiden Stilmyst Character Portrait: Amber Stilmyst Character Portrait: Arlayna Stilmyst Character Portrait: Kage Knight Character Portrait: Desmond Ruler and Kalen Hols-Ruler Character Portrait: Adrien Stilmyst
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Aiden smiled as Desmond took his hand and gave it a good shake. "Its good to see you outside of business for once Desmond." Aiden would say with a lighthearted element to it. it seemed the whole group had arrived. then Shad arrived and Star made her announcement of who was the strongest Aiden looked at Shad and gave him a respectable nod. the two had come to terms and truth was Aiden was probably the one actually holding onto the grudge. But that didn't mean he didn't respect Shad or what he did do to help Amber in those days.

For a breif moment as the other kids wrestled and played Aiden suddenly seemed to realize how removed they had been over the last few years he was about to push the kids over twords the wrestling duo when Kage and Ciciri walked up to them he let out a small sigh of relief as he continued to turn his attention back to the group and shads statement.

"As I remember it most of us here have served on the council at one point or another." Aiden said then gave a small laugh "Some would even say its because of a few of us that certain issues are issues at all." Aiden said as he steeped past amber up to Kalen and Arabella. "I dont even get a hug?" Aiden said with a smile as he opened his arms and hugged the two girls. for a quick second. before letting go and asking them. "How have you guys been?"

After they would answer he would turn back to the group. "Im starting to think maybe we need to take more vacations honey..." Aiden would say with a smile.


Adrein had shoved his sister back again After she had shoved him then they were at the group of adults and there kids. Adrein had seen pictures of a few of them but he hadn't met them and if he did they hadn't left an impression. Finally after a moment two approached them. and instinctively Adrien stepped between them and his sister. it was just an instinctual move and his curiosity had taken over . "Hello Im Adrien and the quite one here is Arlayna." He said staring at the other boys fangs tehn looking over the girl


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rayburn Flynn Character Portrait: Aiden Stilmyst Character Portrait: Amber Stilmyst Character Portrait: Arlayna Stilmyst Character Portrait: Celinia Knight Character Portrait: Shadow Knight
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#, as written by Meesha
Just a few feet from the entrance to Carnes-High, an explosion of thick, black smoke disturbed the mountain air. Once it partly cleared, four figures were revealed, a man and woman and a boy and a girl who shared a chilling similarity. One of the man's hands instantly drifted towards the woman protectively as they began to walk.

Lin swept Freezer's hand away like a cobweb. "Stop! I'm fine, honestly" she snapped irritably at him before giving her high-school sweetheart a softer approach. "It's not like I'm inexperienced" she murmured gesturing towards the two children in front of them.

Freezer observed his wife with a small smile, she was wearing a deep blue Maxi-dress, with her miles of thick wavy hair left tumbling down her back. It made her look like a Greek deity. Freezer sighed and held his hands up in defeat. It wasn't her delicate looking body that made him fuss so much, it was the bulging pregnancy bump that expanded out from beneath the dress that concerned him.

Their two children huffed and sighed as the couple realised they'd stopped the group from walking any further. "Come on, at this rate we'll miss the reunion" Lin added giving the children and Freezer a push forwards. Freezer gave a scowl and linked an arm around her waist. "Didn't even want to come. Not when you're like this." he muttered under his breath. 'there are people here who would see to you having a stillborn' He thought the last part, but didn't say it, knowing it would only leave him getting beaten by a heavily pregnant woman.

Elle, one of their children, marched ahead confidently whilst giving her surroundings wide, curious eyes. She had heard stories about this place, about the people in it and now she was here it was difficult to believe her parents actually went to school. That the people in the stories were real.
"Elle not too far ahead!" Lin moaned, knowing the angelic 'looking' little girl would cause nothing but devilish trouble when out of sight.

Falcon on the other hand, their son and Elle's twin, clung to her hand like leech. She smiled down at his gorgeous face as Freezer scowled down at him. "Falcon don't cling to your mother like that, you'll trip her up!"

"I'm helping her walk" Falcon retorted.

Closing in on the school gates, Lin and Freezer actually paid attention to their surroundings and found that they needn't look far for the people they once knew at school. Pretty much all the them stood in a small group just inside the school gates, with children too!!
Lin gave the group a wicked smile and glanced up at Freezer, who couldn't help but give a charming smile, knowing full well he'd missed the sight of the people they used to mess around with. The only problem they faced was how everyone would remember them...

Lin decided to select the most closest individual to her kind. "Well, well if it isn't Arabella..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Aiden Stilmyst Character Portrait: Lin and Freezer Mackrell
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Adrien smiled back at the other boy who had introduced himself as Kage Knight. He pointed to his sister and smiled as he spoke somewhat quickly. And this is my twin Arlayna!" Adrien would step toward Kage a little bit putting a more normal gap between him and his sister as he looked to the little girl "Well whats her name?" Adrien asked as two more adults walked by them with their two children. It was enough to trigger an instinctual response in Adrien to acknowledge the presence of whoever they were.

Aiden smiled as the conversations around them continued everyone seemed so happy and so Aiden just smiled and stood there letting people catch up. There were alot of memories of this place so many things happened here it had more twists than a Shakespeare play and the cast was equally diverse, still there were very few things that botherd him as much as the womens voice who would carry out to Arabella. It was a painfull reminder of the brand on his shoulder and the tribal markings he had etched into his body and of the blood that pumped through his veins. Aiden turned towards the voice and sure enough it belonged to Lin. They two had made there way almost all the way into the Council and in the witches court word was they were growing to be the rather large power house.

Aiden put his right hand to his side resting next to the bone knife just in case anything should happen. Aiden turned his grimace into a smile as he looked at Lin and just smiled. "Im surprise you found the free time to come to such a small event Lin...after all don't you have witches council to be heading or some other official business that needs your attention?" Aiden then gave a small nod to Freezer, fact was Aiden never had to much of a problem with freezer not personally anyways.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rayburn Flynn Character Portrait: Aiden Stilmyst Character Portrait: Celinia Knight Character Portrait: Ashton Flynn Character Portrait: Jaimie Flynn Character Portrait: Lin and Freezer Mackrell
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#, as written by Meesha
Lin grinned at Arabella whilst placing a soft hand on top of her son's head. She eyed all the children present and tried to figure out which ones belonged to the white witch if any but none of the children struck her immediately.

Aiden was next to speak to her, he obviously bore bad memories between them as he stiffened up at the sight of her and her family. Lin lifted her chin up in a defensive manner and brought her children closer, Elle was standing far too close to him. She remembered how unpredictable the werewolf had been at school, she'd seen him at the coven and she wouldn't entrust him with her worst enemy let alone her family.
She smiled at him all the same, the polite smile she used for the husbands of important women, the same husbands that stared at her for longer then they should.
"Haven't you noticed I'm pregnant Aiden, even I need time off eventually. Besides I wanted to revisit the school, we wish to send our children here when they come of age" she replied giving her twins a quick glance.

Freezer on the other hand had acknowledged Aiden's nod and had nodded back to be polite, but he didn't like the vibe he was getting off of some members of the group. He moved forwards slightly, ready to fend off anyone who felt like taking a stab at Lin, especially Aiden who had noticeably reached for a knife.

"We were hesitant to come, after all Lin is so fragile right now, we didn't want to run into any trouble, but mothers will be mothers. They never know when to rest." Freezer exclaimed with a warm smile his eyes on anyone who looked unhappy about their arrival. He wanted to make it clear that Lin was just a heavily pregnant mum, not the devil coming to snatch up their children for supper.

Elle shrugged away from her mothers hold and eyed the children and adults present. They were a weird looking bunch, especially the kids with wings. She almost glared at them all with her sharp, golden eyes before deciding she would play with some of the girls. "May I go and play?" she asked silkily, a playful smile preying upon her lips.

Falcon clutched his mother's maxi dress in the balls of his hands when Elle asked to go play. There were a lot of strangers and some of the children looked weird.

Freezer glanced between the kids, the other parents and Lin. He wasn't sure that was a good idea. "I don't know if that's a good idea baby" he murmured to Elle. Lin frowned at him, she seemed indecisive. She looked at the others.

"Are your children strong?"
she asked hesitantly, checking whether they'd be able to withstand an accidental slap or poke from her children without breaking in half.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiden Stilmyst Character Portrait: Amber Stilmyst Character Portrait: Lin and Freezer Mackrell
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Aiden slowly withdrew his hand off his bone knife as he listened to Freezer and nodded to him as he spoke "Its always fun isnt it." Aiden said in a civil tone to Freezer. Aiden watched the girl ask to go and play with the other children and Just nodded. "You know if you want to initiate change its going to be them that do it not us..." Aiden commented as Lin asked if there children were strong. he wasn't sure how to answer that question Yes his children were frighteningly strong and even scarier was how little control they had especially Adrien. Aiden had always had Control problems. But Adrien seemed to fight with his beast much more perhaps a reaction to his human psyche. "how much blunt force trauma isn't the issue..Id be more concerned about what would happen after the slap." Aiden said rubbing the back of his neck as he shot his son specifically a glance of concern as the boy seemed to interact with two of the knights children then looked to Amber "Well Dear what do you think...." Aiden said softly


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiden Stilmyst Character Portrait: Arlayna Stilmyst Character Portrait: Shadow Knight Character Portrait: Kage Knight Character Portrait: Starlet Knight Character Portrait: Jaimie Flynn
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Amber only smiled as Aiden mentioned that they should take more vacations. It was a good idea, but they would always have to plan around the full moon. She hesitated, though, when she heard another familiar voice. She felt a moment of fear, almost feeling like she was back in high school again. But she forced herself to calm down. Sure, Lin had tried to eat her liver, but that had been so long ago. Years had passef, and things had changed. Maybe Lin had changed, too. So she offered the witch a smile in greeting. She glanced around the children when Lin asked if the others were strong. Aiden asked for her opinion, and she paused a moment to think about it.

They were only kids, really. Maybe she really did just want to play; it was possible she wouldn't act the way her mother had during high school. Besides, only one was full human, and the others would help if he needed it. And it wasn't like they were going to be left unsupervised for very long, if at all. She nodded.

"It's okay with me, as long as everyone's careful not to hurt each other." Lin had thought to ask, so maybe she had changed a lot, for the better. This might be a chance for them all to get along.

Arlayna hesitated as Adrien moved closer to the other boy. She hurriedly moved to catch up, to keep close to him. She glanced over the pair, somewhat curious, but also wary. She didn't know these two. Adrien seemed eager to make friends with them, so it looked like she'd be following them around a bit. She wasn't sure, since they were half vampire, and she knew her mother had had blood taken from het by a vampire in high school. Besides, her dad didn't seem to like the vampire there. Still, if Adrien wanted to play and make friends, she'd follow.

(Sorry if it's short; I'm trying to post from my phone.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiden Stilmyst Character Portrait: Arlayna Stilmyst Character Portrait: Celinia Knight Character Portrait: Kage Knight Character Portrait: Adrien Stilmyst
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Kage grinned when his little sister said boys were stupid. "Don't you forget that!" he laughed. His laughter was quickly cut off, though when Cici asked for a taste. His mouth shut hard as he waited for a reply. Maybe a quick drink from them wouldn't be bad and if they said it was okay, he would be able to make it enjoyable. Especially for Arlayna! One look in his eyes and she would be having the time of her life.

His only problem here was clean up. He hadn't been blessed with vampire fangs to make a quick and small incision. He had the jaws and fangs of a fox, ready to tear off jaws and suck souls out. There was no fixing a ripped out jugular. Not even the strongest healing witches could fix it. Maybe a necromancer, but he didn't see one nearby. He had invisioned reaching in slowly, but the beast taking over and him tearing out the poor girl's throat. Her brother would then flip out and turn into a wolf, maybe the dad, too. Pumped up on blood and the rush of seducing someone, he would phase into a fox. The big, bumbling creatures of werewolves would never be able to catch up to him! Maybe his dad would be mad later, but oh well. He couldn't be too mad! His son would be acting like a vampire for once! Sort of. The worst part though would be the heartbreak that he caused the family. Losing one of his sisters was unimaginable, he couldn't cause that on someone else.

All of his thoughts took roughly a second. He took a deep, calming breath and a little step back. "Cici, don't," he begged. His sunglasses were on, but he was still very persuasive in those two words. Even just her pinprick bite would be the death of them if Kage was caught downwind of it. Not even Mom would be able to calm him down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiden Stilmyst Character Portrait: Amber Stilmyst Character Portrait: Arlayna Stilmyst Character Portrait: Shadow Knight Character Portrait: Kage Knight Character Portrait: Desmond Ruler and Kalen Hols-Ruler
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Adrien gave a small smile at the younger vampire named Cici as she stuck her tongue out at him. As Cici asked to have a taste and stared at him with those puppy eyes. Adrien furrowed his brow in response "I dont think thats a good Idea Adrien said rubbing his head as he felt a little funny it was like two forces fighting inside of him one gently pushing in while another was trying to push its way out. He shook his head softly trying to shake the sensation. His dad had told them to find the harmony between themselves and their beast but Adrein wasn't sure where that place was, or if it was even possible. "Besides Cici isn't monster blood supposed to taste horrible? We are most definitely monsters."

Aiden looked at Shad as he spoke about control and winced a little at the remark himself. But instead of going onto the offensive Aiden just stood there. "Today is suppose to be a happy day so lets make it one. Besides I'm rather interested in what You have all been up to. the last ten years....Even you Lin My sister talks to me but well as you can imagine she lacks perspective at times. How is the coven....How are you two holding up these days?" Aiden asked with a small smile and genuine interest trying to get the conversation away from hostilities. Fact was he had seen real villains over the last ten years. Hunting down artifacts and disposing of them had rossed his path with several unsavory characters who wanted ultimate power.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiden Stilmyst Character Portrait: Shadow Knight Character Portrait: Estella Knight Character Portrait: Starlet Knight Character Portrait: Lin and Freezer Mackrell
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Shad's temper sparked right up as Lin mentioned his control problems, it wasn't like he was still in high school, he could control himself perfectly fine now. But right on queue the scent of blood hit his nose and his fangs slid out to be more noticeable. His eyebrow twitched with curiosity and surprise. The scent was familiar, not human, not werewolf, but it had a canine accent, honestly it reeked the most of demon. But who was a dog like demon around here. With a second inhale of the thirst inducing liquid he knew exactly whose blood it was and frowned about the source because he knew very well she wouldn't have injured herself by accident.

Luckily Aiden stepped into the tension between him and Lin to clean up that mess and change the topic so he might be able to deal with the little demon running around waving blood in his face. As Star chimed in he hoped it wouldn't continue the argument but his lovely wife had a point if his kids were uncontrollable Freezer's should be just as bad. For a moment Shad's eyes shifted to Kage, if anyone was going to lose control it would be him, his heart sank at the thought that the thirst Kage had was all his fault, but at least the kid had a handle on himself while talking to the mutts.

Suddenly Estella decided to stop sulking off in a corner and grace the rest of them with her presence only to suggest they move. Shad shot her a glare to let her know he knew she was up to no good.

"Yes, let's head in to the actual party." Shad agreed with his daughter and then darted to her side with a flash of speed before checking her wrists and fingers to see where she cut herself. He then looked her right in the eyes with the fire of his temper. "we'll talk about this when we get home." He quickly hissed before dropping her hands and returning to the others. He walked right up to Star and put and arm around her waist. He was more stressed than he would have liked and Star would probably notice it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiden Stilmyst Character Portrait: Amber Stilmyst Character Portrait: Shadow Knight Character Portrait: Estella Knight Character Portrait: Starlet Knight Character Portrait: Lin and Freezer Mackrell
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#, as written by Meesha

Lin shared daggers with Star when the fox-demon butted in, the two wives were rarely not at odds. They were rivals at high-school and now they were non-direct rivals at the council and courts. Fashion, children, families, diets, styles...everything they did at some point was compared by the people.

Luckily Aiden cut in and cooled the situation with the reminder that this was supposed to be a good day. Freezer had hung back the entire time, he wanted to say something, worried that Lin would get too stressed but then he didn't want to get involved. Getting angry wasn't going to help anyone, he'd gained more control of his predicament but there was no total control with this kind of thing. He smiled appreciatively at the werewolf and decided he'd put the hostile first impression aside and like the wolf.

Unmistakably one of Shad and Star's older children suggested they move along and the group seemed to agree, Star also suggested in her "remark" that her oldest was perfectly capable of looking after the children. He decided to trust her opinion.

As they walked, Lin hobbled over to Aiden and Amber and gladly began to complain about the hardships of council and the damned witch courts that remained far too strict. She also asked about the couples family and often wondered how they were getting along and if they had similar troubles with their children etc. Freezer gladly tagged along, holding Lin's hand and listening in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiden Stilmyst Character Portrait: Amber Stilmyst Character Portrait: Arlayna Stilmyst Character Portrait: Celinia Knight Character Portrait: Kage Knight Character Portrait: Lin and Freezer Mackrell
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Aiden would smile as he began to walk next to Amber with lin on his other side talking about the hardships of the council and court. he would wrap an arm around his wife smiling at her as Lin finaly posed the question of them and their children. Aiden Gave a happy smile. and would tell her all about his quite little life at home their farm house that sat nestled neither in the human cities or monster territories. the difficulties and challenges with their children who were neither human nor werewolf but part of both. And then of course Amy and his issues with her, and constantly trying to get Aiden to come back to the pack with the blood oak.

Adrien wold shake his head at Cici thankful for her brothers intrusion. "Its okay Cici but trust me we most definitely are werewolves, Our mom just happens to Not be one." Adrien offered as he noticed the parents beginning to move away and had a slight moment of panic run over him. Usualy Adrien was the one that hid or moved from his parents not the other way around.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiden Stilmyst Character Portrait: Amber Stilmyst Character Portrait: Arlayna Stilmyst Character Portrait: Celinia Knight Character Portrait: Shadow Knight Character Portrait: Kage Knight
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Amber followed along next to Aiden, letting him answer the questions, since he seemed to be so eager to answer them. So far it looked like Lin had changed; this sort of conversation didn't seem like her during high school. Maybe this was a good thing. She glanced around at the others, though. Star still didn't seem to get along with her, and Shads temper seemed to fare as Lin mentioned his control issues. She was quite sure everyone knew he was much better about controlling himself. If anything, she thought, with a glance back, it was the children they had to worry about controlling themselves. They didn't have nearly the amount of experience the others had.

That was actually what worried her at the moment. Adrien had been having issues controlling himself lately, and Arlayna hadn't exactly mastered self control, either. And who knew how much control the other children had. She only hoped they would have to sense to avoid anything that might cause a fight. Granted, this place was used to fights and was probably repaired several times over the years from fights between students; it wouldn't be anything new to them. But still, it would be nice if they could avoid too much trouble.

Arlayna sighed with relief. The older boy had discouraged his younger sister, so the question no longer mattered. It looked like she had given up on the idea, anyway. She looked to the parents as they walked away, and moved even closer to Adrien. She felt his moment of panic he felt, and thought about it for a second. Finally, she turned her attention back to her brother and the other two. Well, if Adrien was trying to be friends, maybe this was a good time for a bit of adventure, she decided. She took a deep breath before saying anything, hoping it was loud enough for the other two as well.

" we could explore a bit. I mean, Mom and Dad are talking with everyone else...they aren't paying attention..." Typically she didn't suggest exploring, but this time was different; their parents had walked away, and they hadn't wandered off. And, if the other two heard and were willing to follow, they could. Anything was better than doing nothing, anyway; at least this idea meant she could walk around a little more, even if she'd still be following Adrien.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiden Stilmyst Character Portrait: Amber Stilmyst Character Portrait: Arlayna Stilmyst Character Portrait: Shadow Knight Character Portrait: Estella Knight Character Portrait: Adrien Stilmyst
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Adrien looked over at the new person walking up she was older by a few years it looked. She had come up when they had mentioned looking around and Adrien only smiled at her. "An Adventure couldn't hurt. We were just thinking of exploring the grounds a little bit." Adrien said with a bit of a smile as he looked over to his sister giving a small nod with a smile.

Aiden looked up as Desmond and Kalen seemed to join Lin Freezer Amber and himself While Desmond immediately seemed to gravitate to Freezer Kalen came over to Lin and himself. Aiden listened to Kalens conversation and saw it as a good time to quite himself a little as he listened to the two talk and then Desmond talking to Freezer.

Aiden Gave a small nod to Desmond as he slunk a little closer to Amber and looked over his shoulder to see if the kids were following them. They were standing there and estella Was next to them with the other two knight children. Aiden kept a comment to himself and looked over the group as a whole only a few seemed to be missing but he supposed not everyone could make it after all. Aiden looked over to Shad and gave him a smile "So Shad, What is new with the knight family?" Aiden asked trying to be polite.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiden Stilmyst Character Portrait: Shadow Knight
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Shad looked rather grim, like he was lost in thought about something bothersome. When Aiden caught his attention and gave him a smile. Shad decided to lighten up at this greeting and attempted to smile back but it still resembled an arrogant smirk.

"Other than raising three demon spawn with fangs and holding a place on the council not much." Shad replied simply. "Honestly the kids are just growing up so fast I can barely keep track of what happened this week and last month let alone last year, and I don't even recall the last time our families met. But those mutts of yours were much younger." He meant no offence on calling the twins mutts, but if Aiden wanted to take offence Shad wouldn't be thrown off.

"And I don't know if Cici was even born then." he puzzled over it and then looked over at the twins and his kids to see if he could judge the ages but to no avail, the difference in aging processes was not something he was in the mood to calculate.