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Carnival of Death

Redwell Carnival


a part of Carnival of Death, by Foxylicious.


Foxylicious holds sovereignty over Redwell Carnival, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

2,081 readers have been here.


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Redwell Carnival is a part of Carnival of Death.

6 Characters Here

Ben Masters [72] Guy 1
Tessa Carlson [69] Girl 2
Sera Blackwell [69] Girl 3
Zackary Morgan [67] Guy 2
Jasper Killian [66] Guy 3

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6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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Dialogue color: #ea0022

ImageThe clown Sera bought to their attention was all kinds of nerving and discomforting. It would have been the final straw of the whole creepy carnival presence if only someone had decided to pull back and give Tessa a good excuse to leave too. Knowing the group though, they’d be too prideful and need a real scare before they exited the grounds. Tessa jigged a little restlessly. “Come on,” she muttered under her breath hoping to leave the stare of the clown that she tried hard to ignore and get the haunted house over and done with or not running at all. She held Jasper’s hand tightly but still insisted on giving him a smile like she were having a good time and looking forward to it.

Tessa went to her tippy toes, peaking over her boyfriend's shoulder checking on her other best friend who entered her mind and was seen with the shakes. Nicole wasn’t coulrophobic that she knew of and it was awful to see her friend like that. “Nikki?” she went to voice her concerns but after a brief glance at the others, thought better of it for the both of them. “Don’t be a stranger, stop trailing behind,” she said instead which was completely applicable to a haunted house exploration and she added a smile.

As she looked back to Ben, she couldn't prevent the shiver from rippling down her spine and the urge to interfere with Ben's mechanics of getting the horror house operating. It was a selfish thought but a large part of her truly urged to divert their attention from the horror house and Ben was the one reviving it...maybe jump on his back and claim it's tag? Fake an injury? She blew out her lips mentally scolding herself for being such a grinch and braced herself.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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#, as written by TushoKa

Dialogue color: #18D81E

Ben looked up when Sera mentioned the clown. It even looked as if it's eyes were glowing red a bit. "Awesome," Ben whispered to himself. In the operator room everything looked dusty. No surprise there to be honest... A cloth lay on the floor and he used it to wipe most of the dust of the controls. The controls weren't really rocket science, quite straight forward actually. The only thing was the missing keys for the ignition, he grabbed his pocket knife from his pocket. Jamming it in there should do most of the work, although he would most likely loose his knife, which he was not planning on doing.

He shouted to the others from inside the operator room. "Guys, or more specifically, Girls. If you can just distract yourself from old Pennywise over there. Do any of you have a hairpin or something I can use to jam the ignition?" Ben was so in thought he didn't even notice who actually gave him the pin. He stuck his knife in the ignition and jammed it. He stuck in the hairpin afterwards and slowly wiggled out the knife. Looking proudly at his own work he flipped the two main switches. Some of the buttons on the panel lit up. The first two buttons he pressed were 'sound' and 'lights' and he could see the effect instantly. The music from the ride sounded creepy as fuck, especially after the so far eerie silence of the abandoned park.

With a euphoric smile he stood in the opening of the operator room. He leaned against the door post looking more smug than the chills he felt inside should make him feel. "I'm ready to receive my compliments now.. Leaning back he flipped the main switch and one of the doors opened, the first cart came rolling out. It seemed the ride was made for two people per cart. Classic... He could only think of the amount of young couples that went in there together. He hadn't missed the little signs between Sera and Zack, so his suggestion wasn't too far out of the park. "Zack? Any objection taking Sera with you in the first cart?" Ben figured Tess and Jas would be going together, although he would have liked to go with Tess himself. Just put it out of your mind Ben.

Ben suddenly realized he would be going with Nikki, which he absolutely didn't mind. He could see how scared she looked already, although she tried to hide it. Maybe he should tone down the pranking around her a little bit. He didn't know how long the ride would last, maybe it would stop halfway. "Guys, in case the ride stops, the people in the first cart stay where they are and the other two catch up with them. I'll be in the third one with a flash light, and for someone in the second cart I've got one as well.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00ffe1
Sera's face went instantly pale when Zack pushed her away from him, but then noticed that he was handing her his jacket. She glanced up at him with a soft smile as she removed her pack and pulled the jacket on over her shoulders, finding that she was practically swimming in it. "Thanks," she stated. When the group suddenly went quiet again, she glanced over to find that the clown had disappeared, almost as if it hadn't been there to begin with. That thought sent huge shivers throughout her body. But even, now, she knew the group would rather stay at the carnival and have the time of their lives, so she kept the thought of just wanting to get back to camp to herself and hoped that after the haunted house they would all agree to leave.

When Ben asked for a hairpin, she pulled the one out of her hair that was holding her bangs back and slowly and cautiously made her way into the room and handed it to him. Part of her was ready for some sort of prank, but surprisingly all he was working on was getting the machine to work. Just as she stepped back out with the rest of the group, she heard the eerie music coming from the daunting contraption standing before the six of them.

When the first cart came out, she glanced over at Zack when she heard Ben's comment. With a sigh, she climbed inside, hoping that Zack would join her. Of course she wouldn't mind if Ben or Nikki decided to climb inside with her instead, seeing as how she knew Jasper and Tessa would most likely sit together, but she would rather have Zack with her.

Dialogue Color Code: Orange
Jasper smiled evilly when he heard that the haunted house was working. At that point, all of his doubts were answered. If anyone could get a rusty old machine to work, it would be Ben. Though as much as he hated to admit it, Ben was always the smartest of the group, he knew almost everything. He pretty much pulled Tessa towards the second cart and climbed inside as he listened to Ben's words about meeting up if the contraption happened to stop working. Though more than likely he believed it would since this place had been abandoned for God-only-knows-how-long.

Jasper glanced over at his beautiful redhead and smiled, "Ready?" he questioned, not being able to wait to see what this thing had planned for all of them. As long as that creepy clown didn't pop up out of nowhere again, he had nothing to worry about. That was one of many things him and Sera had in common, they were both deathly scared of clowns.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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0.00 INK

Dialogue color code: hotpink

ImageWhen Ben was actually able to get the haunted house working, Nikki's stomach dropped, she had really hoped it was impossible. She glanced over at Ben as he talked about the ride stopping and what they would do. 'Oh, great,' She thought. She glanced at the three carts, Sera was in the first one, Tessa and Jasper in the second, and the third was still empty for now though Ben said he would be in that one. She thought maybe Sera wanted Zack to ride with her, and she didn't want to intrude so she climbed into the last cart. Plus she felt a little better knowing that if the ride did stop, Ben had a flashlight. As she waited for the rest of her friends to get situated, she worked on calming herself, telling herself that this place was clearly abandoned, that there was nothing here that could hurt them and all the fear she felt was just coming from her, there was no reason for it. Slowly the logic of the situation started to calm her down little by little as she sat in the cart, her hands resting on her legs as she waited for this thing to start so they could get it over with.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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0.00 INK

Dialogue color: #ea0022

Image“You are way too happy about this,” she laughed sitting nice and close to her boyfriend in the second cart. But it was good to see him so free and excited, it made her happy. “And I swear to god if you prank me I’ll…” she tried to think of a good but reasonable threat. “I won’t kiss you for a very long time,” she finished crossing her arms over her chest.

Tessa took in a deep breath bracing for the ride to begin and didn’t at all wish to tend to the possibility of the ride breaking down, but she’d be okay with Jasper anyway. He was a handy, capable man himself. She smiled at him, eyeing him up and down. He was a good distraction to focus on from the haunted house. She smirked lightly for checking out her own boyfriend. Sometimes she felt lucky to have Jasper because he was a looker. Well none of the group were bad looking but he was so great; considerate, sweet, charming, handsome, a good lover and her own superman. She couldn’t figure out why she felt like Nikki and he had a fling ever because her perfect boyfriend with her best friend who she almost adored equally? It was silly.

As the cart groaned and rolled to a start, accustomed to being still for so long, she jumped a little and held onto the sides. At the same time as the little fright she received, she was glad for it as it distracted her from the lingering thought of her best friend and Jasper together and the pinch of imaginary jealousy. She chuckled a little at herself, "the rides barely begun and I'm already being a wuss," she commented and gave Jasper an apologetic look for having to tolerate her jumpiness in advance.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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0.00 INK



Dialogue Color Code: #cf0000

Zack nodded at Ben then jumped in the first cart with Sera. Like a little kid he couldn't seem to settle down. In a pumped up, energetic voice, "Lets go lets go lets go." As the ride started he yelled back. "Hey Ben! Try not to wet yourself to much! I don't think Nikki would like that very much!" Standing at the front of the cart in the captain Morgan stance, he started to question everything. Should I have gone on this trip? Should I have suggested the hunted hou... his train of thought broken when he realized that the clown mask he picked up to prank everyone, was still in his jacket pocket which Sera was now wearing. Calm down. Maybe she wont find it. If she does maybe she'll just laugh and everything will be ok. But if she doesn't laugh... I have to fix this but how...? He thought as he looked back at Sera with a smile. Without a second thought he let himself fall back into the seat next to Sera. He took his day pack off placing it at their feet then put one arm around Sera trying to keep her attention on him and off the jacket. Hopping she may warm up enough to were she can take off the jacket and he can get the mask, which even though everyone was already scared, he still wanted to use. Completely missing the fact she went pale when he pushed her way or the looks she has been giving him or even the face she said he was very attractive, Zack pointed and laughed at any of the thing popping out at them. He would also from time to time try and spook her by attacking her side with his free hand. Of course some of this was to hide the fact he was as scared and uncomfortable. That was the problem being the eldest brother, always got to show strength and dominance regardless of how you really feel.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00ffe1
Sera smiled a bit when she noticed Zack climbed into the cart with her. She immediately found herself acting like a little high school girl. Her mood immediately peaked because of her alone time with Zack that she has been looking forward to during this whole trip. When Zack wrapped his arm around her, she leaned in a bit closer to him, hoping it wouldn't think about it too much and just let it happen. She laid her head down on his shoulder as they rode through the haunted house. Every now and then when things would pop out, she would jump and let out her little girlish scream. Ever since she was a child it was never very difficult to scare her. Which her pests of cousins seemed to find very entertaining while she was growing up.

Dialogue Color Code: Orange
Jasper just shook his head and chuckled at his girlfriend's words. "Oh, you know you wouldn't be able to live without kissing me," he responded back cockily. He wrapped his arm around Tessa and laughed every time she would jump or scream a bit. Though it was odd for him to jump the two times he even did throughout the haunted house. But very soon after, just as Ben suggested, the ride suddenly ended and all the power went out. Sending the six of them sitting there in silence.

Jasper sighed as he leaned back and just looked around. "Ben better hurry up with that flashlight, I don't like sitting her in the dark in the middle of nowhere," he stated honestly.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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0.00 INK

#, as written by TushoKa

Dialogue color: #18D81E

When Zack and Sera were sitting in the first cart Ben pushed one of the buttons in order to let them start the ride. The rest would follow automatically so he walked to the third cart where Nikki was already sitting. He suddenly realized he hadn't given his second flash light to Jas or Tess. By now it was too late. He took it out of his pocket and gave it to Nikki. "Here, you hold on to this one. See anything scary, besides me of course, just shine it full on in the face." He was excited for the ride, it had been a while since he had been in a hunted house, and of course never quite like this. His 5-year old self was sitting on the edge of his seat waiting for what to come.

When Nikki and Ben past through the doors in their own cart of adventure the doors closed behind them, leaving them in absolute darkness. The first thing Ben noticed was the amount of dust in the air. Not strange of course, but it did dry out his throat very quickly. He had expected to land his face in some spider webs, but surprisingly it didn't happen once. He didn't find the ride as scary as it should have been. Maybe this was the price for being in the third cart, he could more or less hear when something should happen from the cart in front of them.

It was nice that there was a storyline in the ride, almost like Pirates of the Caribbean. Through the first scene they were welcomed to the hotel by the Concierge, an old friendly looking man with a solid grey moustache. When lightning hit behind the figurine you would see his skeleton. He explained the traumatic accidents that happened to some of the guests, and how they were never seen again. The scariest thing was probably the characters voice, a raspy sound with a solid echo. He carefully tapped Nikki and leaned in to tell her something. "Doesn't that guy remind you of someone?" He was thinking of teachers or something, but he was sure that he had seen that face before.

When the ride went on it felt like bats were flying over his head and he could hear their screeching sound. Before they got to the second part the ride suddenly stopped. "Dammit, I hate being right sometimes. This thing just started being interesting. Nikki, do you still have your flash light?" He grabbed the other flash light out of his pocket and clicked it on. A bright beam of light blinded him a bit after he had gotten used to the darkness of the attraction. He looked at Nikki who seemed a bit pale. Maybe it's the lighting, he thought. He got out of the cart and stood in front of it. He thought he heard something slipping by them. Probably a rat, but Ben didn't want to say it in case he would scare Nikki. "Okay, let's just follow the track, we should see the second cart sooner or later. You know, if you want to hold my hand, that's okay with me. Just an offer, don't feel obligated." He hoped she wasn't too scared, maybe he had read her wrong and she wasn't scared at all.

Step by step they walked over the track. If he would have been alone he would have tried to find a door or something that would bring him in front of the others, so he could surprise them. He felt they should be coming close to the second cart. "Nikki, can we just scare them a little bit? Let's turn off our lights now, we're almost there in any case. When we are behind Tess and Jas' cart I'll squeeze your hand three times, on the third time we scream our lungs out. Good idea?" In order to show his approval of his own plan he already turned off his flash light as not to alert heir victims.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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0.00 INK

Dialogue color code: hotpink

ImageNikki glanced over at Ben as he got in the last car with her. When he gave her the extra flashlight, she managed small smile feeling a little better. "Thanks," She said just as the ride started up. She took a deep breath as the doors closed behind them. 'There's nothing to be afraid of,' She thought to herself, the words repeating in her head over and over again.

Nikki was still reciting this to herself when Ben spoke once more and she was grateful for the distraction. She thought about for a moment, trying to make the connection, studying the figurine curiously. "Oh, I know!" She finally exclaimed, "Mr. Sweeny, he teaches Geology," She added with a small giggle, her fear completely forgotten, but that was short lived as in the next moment the ride stopped working and were surrounded by nothing but darkness, her laughter stopped short. It took a moment for her to get her mind to think properly, Ben's words reminding her of the flashlight she held in her hands. "Yeah, yeah, I got it," She quickly flipped it on, feeling a tiny bit better now that it was no longer pitch black.

Nikki climbed out of the cart behind Ben, when he offered to let her hold his hand, she bit her bottom lip, actually thinking about it for a moment, but she knew she wouldn't, it would show weakness, show her fear, and she couldn't do that. "I'm fine," She fibbed. When Ben mentioned his plan to scare Tessa and Jasper, Nikki was a little uncertain, sure that her friend was probably already scared enough as it was without them adding to it. 'But the whole point of this trip is to have fun right,' She thought to herself, figuring that after the scare when they were all back at camp, they could all just laugh about this. "Yeah, sounds good," She said with a quick nod of her head, she turned off her light and allowed herself to take a hold of Ben's hand as they continued to walk farther into the ride in the dark, keeping as quiet as possible.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: #ea0022

ImageShe was having a good laugh and scare with Jasper, laughing at herself for being startled so easily by the fake props that jumped out and squealed lightly, covering her eyes. Though once the power went out, Tessa’s hand instinctively clamped on Jasper’s finding no amusement in the power outage and the fact that they were left in the pitch black. She scrambled for the flashlight that should have been in their cart expectantly until hearing Jasper’s words, waiting on Ben. She sighed out a little, sitting back, folding her arms. “Me too.” She wasn’t afraid of the dark, but in this instance she didn’t like waiting around helplessly in the dark, in an area she already had trouble trusting.

She tried to relax but her tensions were high and her senses were on over drive trying to peak through the darkness and listen for the slightest of sounds. Part of her desired to flee to the cart ahead meeting up with a few more bodies quickly, and out of the haunted house which somehow represented the idea of safety and relief, rather than wait expectantly like this. Tessa was restless waiting for Nikki and Ben to swoop to their rescue with some lights but silence was the worse thing to hear, building her anticipation of something jumping out at them and dragging them away. She drummed her fingers on the little cart blowing out her lips. "Come on, people," she mumbled.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian
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0.00 INK



Dialogue Color Code: #cf0000

Feeling Sera rest her head on his shoulder, he rest his head on hers. He felt a sudden wave of calmness wash over him and he even started to fall asleep. Zack probably would have had she not jumped and screamed. Still it felt good to rest and to be alone just the two of them, or it was till the power went out. This made Zack jump a little, as he quickly scrambled for his day pack and pulled out his flashlight-lantern and turned it on the lantern part of it. As the blue light from the LEDs pierced the darkness he used it to look around. He looked down at Sera's glowing face and smiled, his heart so badly wanted to kiss her and tell her how important she is to him and how much he loves her. But his brain told him that thus was not the time, had to make sure everything was ok first. Were was Ben, was he going to try and scare them or help them.

Zack couldn't just seat there and wait, not knowing if the others were ok. If Ben was ok or if he was just getting ready to scare Tessa and Jasper. So he set the lantern on the seat and grabbed his small backup flashlight. He kissed Sera on the forehead and whispered, "Ok, I have to see if everyone is ok. Stay here, stay in the light and stay in the cart. I'll be right back. Oh and watch out for Ben just in case he tries anything with you, I wouldn't want to have to beat up my best friend." With that he turned his light on, grabbed his day pack, that had a med kit in it and took of back down the tracks. Moving a quick as he can he had to get to the others, his thoughts kept drifting back to poor Sera, sitting in the dark by herself. "She is going to hate me after this." he whispered to himself as he neared the second cart. Looking around, "Were is Ben with his flashlights? Oh crap... Ben... really? right now...?" Then he thought about it, the look on Jasper's face... it would be worth it. Flicking the light of as he pretended to trip hoping he could use it as an excuse to why his light wasn't on and why it took him so long. Real he just found a seat kinda close and sat watching.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00ffe1
Sera watched as Zack pulled out a couple lights from his pack, that she was happy he decided to take with them. When he stood to his feet out of he cart and gave her a soft kiss upon her forehead, her entire face heated up with nothing more than a cherry red color. She hoped that it wasn't noticeable, but if it was there was no point in hiding it. But when he stated that he was going to go look for the others and left her sitting there alone, she immediately felt chills go down her spine. She didn't want to be left here alone.

Just when Zack was no longer in sight, she began hearing noises up ahead of her, she peered into the dark, the lantern in her hand, trying to see if she could notice anything that was making the noises. Sera stood to her feet and slowly climbed out of the cart and began walking towards the sounds. That was always a weakness of her's, nothing more than curiosity. She held the lantern out in front of her until finally she found herself staring at a male and a female who was whispering to each other about a couple of deaths that happened on the Ferris wheel. Apparently a couple kids fell out of one of the seats from the top of the wheel.

When Sera went to take a couple steps back, she stepped on a branch that made its way into the haunted house causing the two of them to turn their attention to Sera. She gulped and couldn't help but to just stand there, frozen. Her throat was knotted up, her appendages wouldn't work, she just stood there. With nothing more than fear in her eyes as the two of them began to slowly come toward her. Once they arrived they shot through her, causing her to fall back on the ground. Sera hit her head on the track and found herself laying there, unconscious.

Dialogue Color Code: Orange
Jasper sat there talking to Tessa as they waited for Nicole and Ben to meet up with them with the flashlights. He hoped they would hurry up, he figured they should have been there by now. But just before he was able to say anything, he noticed there was a light from the front of them, coming from Ben. Where was Sera? Did he leave her alone? If that was the case, he knew that Zack would be getting a mouthful from her. Sera was never the kind of girl to just leave alone in a place like this. She was just too curious for her own good and it was that curiosity that always seemed to get the poor girl into trouble all the time.

Jasper was a bit confused when the light went out but laughed a bit when he noticed that Zack had fallen. "Are you alright man?" he questioned as he stood to his feet to look over the cart. Though just as he did that, all he heard was screaming come from right behind him and Tessa. He immediately jumped slightly and fell over the front of the cart, pretty much on top of Zack. He pulled himself from on top of him and pulled himself off the ground. "Totally not cool guys," he stated with a soft laugh as he looked to Ben and Nicole.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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0.00 INK

#, as written by TushoKa

Dialogue color: #18D81E

When he pinched Nikki's hand he heard a voice from his own mouth he did not quite expect. Why the hell is my scream so high? Nikki did her part and when they jumped in front of the cart, clicking on their flash lights, they could see their obvious result on Jasper's face. As Jasper crumbled up from his fall, Ben could not contain his laugh. The fact that he had fallen onto Zack had just been icing on the cake. Unable to contain his laugh combined with the dusty air made Ben cough uncontrollably. When he came to he saw one of the group was missing, Sera wasn't there.

"Hey Zack, where is Sera? You didn't leave her alone did you?" He walked closer to Zack and continued in a whisper. "This is just the kind of situation I was setting up for you, and than you leave her behind?" Ben sometimes could not believe how clumsy his friend was with girls. With his looks and manner they should flock to him, but Zack never really seemed to be able to manage the attention. "Let's go and save Sera from loneliness, shall we?" he asked the others. With his flash light pointing forwards he followed the track to the first cart. He mainly pointed the light on the floor as not to fall over the track itself.

He was fairly confident now that the power was out. No surprises now... Just as the thought that a swooping sound came in and something fell from the ceiling. A second scream escaped his mouth, this was not as voluntary as the first. He dashed backwards and enlightened what apparently was a ghost. A sheet with eyes was dangling from the ceiling, no sound, but a hint of a smile on its face. Apparently not everything in this place was running on electronics, this thing must have been triggered by him walking on the tracks. "Okay people, I admit, Karma is a bitch..." Feeling less shaky he continued on the track, prepared for any further surprises.

A minute further and Ben discovered Sera, laying unconscious on the side of the track. He ran forward and sat down on his knees beside her. "GUYS, it's Sera, she's unconscious," he said with shock in his voice. "Come and help me." He placed his left hand underneath her head, with his right hand he weakly hit her on both cheeks in a hope to wake her up. "Sera, can you hear me?" he asked her without receiving a reaction. He used his hand to feel her cheeks and forehead to see if her temperature was okay. It seemed a bit higher than normal, but not alarmingly high. Secondly he grabbed her pulse and counted for 15 seconds. Her pulse was absolutely fine, leaving only one thing. With his ear he listened at her mouth hearing a usual breathing. With his free hand he put the end of his flash light in his mouth. He than opened her mouth and saw nothing in sight was obstructing the airways.

He removed the flash light from his mouth and sighed with relief. "It seems she hit her head on the track in her fall, but she is okay. That explains her being unconscious, but not why she fell though. Does anyone have something we can put under her head for now? Maybe some water as well?" He felt terribly responsible as they never would have been in here like this if he hadn't pushed them to.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color:#ea0022

After Tessa’s startle from Nikki and Ben, she smacked the cart a little but instantly started laughing as Jasper toppled on top of Zack. But she also noticed quickly that Sera wasn’t with Zack. She felt furious that he thought it wise to leave her alone but bit her knuckle to avoid over-reacting and causing unnecessary drama. She jumped out and paced up forward down the track, glancing back to make sure she was followed by the others.
With the flash light guiding just ahead of her steps she almost fell over Sera, gasping and crouched beside her.

Tessa watched Ben tend to her, anxiously. It wasn’t like she was wounded on the battlefield but returning to a friend unconscious for no apparent reason was abnormal. She bit her lip and took off her thick jacket, rolling it around her arm to serve as a pillow for Sera, tucking it under her head carefully and second glancing Ben to make sure it would suffice. She sat by Sera, legs crossed now as the next step must have been waiting for consciousness to return and bombard her with what caused her fall and why didn’t she just follow Zackary.

She squeezed Sera’s hand a little, like she normally did when they partied too hard and their coherent responses would not fit the other’s timing. However she stopped, feeling like something were right behind her, slowly drawing her hand back to her own lap. A feather light touch like ice on her arm caused her to shiver and look over her shoulder. No one was there but as time ticked, she only felt worse about this place. "Nikki?" she checked. Her stress and worry were activated and slowly growing beyond bothering to hide.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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Dialogue color code: hotpink

ImageNikki screamed right along with Ben, frightening Tessa and Jasper, at first she felt a little bad, seeing how startled Tessa was, but when Jasper fell on top of Zack, she couldn't help but to laugh, momentarily forgetting about their frightening surroundings. Though, it didn't last long, when Ben asked where Sera was, Nikki glanced around, seeing that in fact Sera was the only one not with them. A bad feeling suddenly coming over her, she couldn't imagine being left alone in here, just the thought made her hands start to shake. "I hope she's ok," She murmured quietly.

As they started walking farther into the tunnel, making their way toward where Zack had left Sera, Nikki kept the flashlight in her hand pointed forward, bringing up the rear of the group, she had that feeling that they were being watched again and she couldn't shake it, but she wasn't going to be the one to say anything either. When they found Sera unconscious, Nikki wasn't sure what to do, she had no idea how to help, just watching as Ben looked her over, somewhat relieved when he said she was ok, that she'd just hit her head. A quiet sigh escaped her lips as she sat down by Sera's feet, waiting for her to come to. She glanced over at Tessa when she spoke her name, "What is it?" She asked, looking at her friend curiously, wondering if maybe she'd picked up on the strange feeling that Nikki had also been having.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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Dialogue Color Code: #cf0000

He got up and dusted himself off, now that Jasper was done falling on him. Turning to answer Ben it dawned on him, he left, of all people, Sera alone. Without wasting a moment Zack ran back to the first cart, were he looked for any sign of her. That's when his whole body went cold, "GUYS, it's Sera, she's unconscious," "Zack what have you do you dumb..." he shock it off as he grabbed his pack and ran towards Ben. Like a runaway freight train he plowed through any of "monsters" that got in his way. As he got close, his mothers first aid lessons kicked in, he dropped the pack and quickly knelt by Sera's head. Carefully he removed Tessa's jacket, "No you could cut of her airway. Doesn't look like there is any spin injury, just hit her head. Help me roll her on her side." Once she was on her side in the recovery position, Zack leaned his face next to hers to check for breathing. Relieved that she still is he whispered to her, "I am so sorry. I will never leave you again. I... I love you Sera." With a soft kiss to her forehead, he sat up, "I'm so very so everyone. Its my fault, we should never have came here, I should never have left her alone. When she wakes up I'll take her to my mom. As an EMT she should be able to help, that is if I can get her away from Dad. The rest of you stay with Ben, he'll take better care of you then I ever could." The guilt was killing him, he was used to guys getting hurt, its part of surfing, or being a guy, but he never had someone he cared about get hurt like this. At less not on his watch and not because of him. "Stupid Zack, how could you let this happen?
