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Carnival of Death

Redwell Carnival


a part of Carnival of Death, by Foxylicious.


Foxylicious holds sovereignty over Redwell Carnival, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

2,085 readers have been here.


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Redwell Carnival is a part of Carnival of Death.

6 Characters Here

Ben Masters [72] Guy 1
Tessa Carlson [69] Girl 2
Sera Blackwell [69] Girl 3
Zackary Morgan [67] Guy 2
Jasper Killian [66] Guy 3

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6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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#, as written by TushoKa

Dialogue color: #18D81E

Seeing as no one objected he turned to face the forest once more. Not 2 seconds later Nikki walked past him, seemingly ready to take on the journey. She had a lot to carry, but Ben knew better than to ask and help her out. Maybe after 30 minutes he would ask her, although he wondered how much more he could carry with his backpack on his back and his guitar case in his hand. "By all means, lead the way, milady" He smiled at the pretty girl. "I'll let you know when you're going the wrong way."

The first 10 minutes would be the most difficult and heavy since there was still a lot of sun light coming through the leafs on the trees. After that there would be enough shadow to make it a bit cooler and more relaxing. He hadn't been to the camp site where they were going to, but he had a pretty good idea where it was. The camping owner had given him quite clear instructions. It was supposed to be close to a stream so drinking water wouldn't be a problem. However, until they got there Ben made sure to rationalize his water supply.

Ben checked his GPS and noticed they should be making a slight adjustment. As the only person in front of him, he directed his attention at Nikki."Nikk's? We have to turn slightly to the left. See that large oak tree over there?" He pointed at a tree larger than any tree around it, about 200 metres away from them. "That's the direction we want to go in."

It had been about 15 minutes since they started walking and Ben noticed the shadows becoming heavier. "Is everyone still all right back there?" he shouted over his shoulder.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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Tessa grinned more watching Nicole ahead. “Her pride will be the death of her,” she commented to herself and laughed once more. But these days Nicole hadn’t been quite right or in her ideal form anyway, so she really did hope she didn’t strain herself too much with whatever was going on. She’d quite happily lend her boyfriend’s back to her. She chuckled a little at herself for the thought coming out as it did.

“Look at you with a pack like batman’s utility belt,” she joked to her boyfriend with a chuckle and took a few sips. “Thank you,” she said.

She looked around the thicker forest area their legs had dragged them to a few minutes into the walk before she found herself focusing back on Nicole ahead of the pack. She was a convenient sight in front of them all. Had a nice butt too. Why was she staring at her friend’s butt? She thought, and furrowed her brows at herself.
"Is everyone still all right back there?" “Surviving,” she responded.
“Can you shout at when we’re in the 200 meter range, scout leader?” Tessa called. “I need to prove to myself that I can still sprint,” she added. Tessa hadn’t got to do much challenging lately and there was a big part of her that craved to better herself and compete. But that had been a past time in high school, since then she hadn't really got the opportunity.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan
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Dialogue Color Code: #cf0000

Within the first ten minutes of the walk Zack's mind had already started to wonder. First to his brother and sister, then to the five other people, to the beautiful woods they were in to some other really weird and random places. He always felt calm and at peace in the woods, no outside world problems or drama just the stillness of the woods. Of course even this had its draw backs, he tended to think out loud and without a filter. In a soft low voice just loud enough for anyone close to him to hear, "This is the life. Good friends, best friend, better friend, the woods, and a little of the good life in a bottle." As they kept walking his mind drifted more and more till Ben called out. "All good back here." Zack had chosen to bring up the rear in case any of the girls needed help, knowing that he could easily handle the hour hike. His interest was peaked when he heard Tessa, “I need to prove to myself that I can still sprint,” To which his competitive nature responded, "Ok, Tessa. Lets make it alittle more interesting. You win you get a free favor from me as well as one of the treats I brought." The thought of Tessa walking for an hour then racing him for the last 200 meters brought a smile to his face.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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Dialogue color code: hotpink


Nikki had expected for Ben to take the lead, but she didn't mind leading as long as he didn't let her lead them the wrong way. When he told her to make a slight adjustment toward the big tree, she turned and headed in the direction he'd instructed without saying a word. She was starting to get tired and was getting annoyed with herself, knowing that they weren't even half way there yet. She was too focused on trying to keep up her pace to talk or focus on anything else. As they continued walking, Nikki started to slow down without even realizing it. Another 15 minutes later, and she was near the back of the group now instead of at the front. Though, no matter how tired she may be, she wouldn't let herself fall behind. When she realized she was now at the back of the group, she matched her pace with Zack's, bringing up the rear of the group, and wouldn't let herself slow down anymore. She wanted to ask about taking a rest, but she wasn't going to do that, wasn't going to admit defeat like that. When Tessa and Zack started talking about a race at the end of the trek, she couldn't help but to think they were crazy.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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Dialogue Color Code: #00ffe1

Sera sighed as she found herself walking just behind the love bugs. Hiking was never one of her strengths, but she knew there was no point in complaining. Once they arrived to the campsite, they could get everything set up and then just relax. This would all be worth it in the end, she knew it. Though when she heard Zack mumbling to himself, she couldn't help but to smile. She was glad that his life was going well, that she was part of the reason he was so happy. But part of her just wished she would gain the courage to tell him how she felt about him. But there was no point. Besides, knowing how Sera was she would probably screw things up between them not even five minutes after she told him. That's how she always was, a free spirit.

Sera was ripped straight out of her thoughts when she heard Tessa's comment about sprinting once they were almost at the campsite. Though she was surprised when she heard Zack's comment. She just shook her head, not really sure why she was surprised about something like that. Zack had always been the competitive type, she knew that.

"Yeah, we're fine," Sera responded to Ben as she slid her hands into her back pockets with a sigh. She was glad it was beginning to cool down an awful lot, though she knew that if the temperature dropped any more than it already had she would be freezing all night. That was definitely something she didn't want to go through. Sera always hated cold weather, ever since she was a child.

Sera glanced back at Nikki who was walking beside Zack and spoke, knowing that she might regret this because of how proud she was, "You holding up, Nik?" she questioned, feeling a bit concerned about her. She noticed that she was slowly falling behind the rest of them and knew that she was feeling a bit tired because of the drop in her pace. Though she couldn't lie, she was beginning to feel a bit tired herself as well. Her feet were aching, her back was aching, hell...everything ached. But she held up her own.

Dialogue Color Code: Orange

Jasper chuckled a bit at Tessa's comment about his pack being like Batman's belt and just shook his head. He was always ready for certain situations, always carried necessities just in case it's needed. That's why he decided to pack a first aid kit, for all he knew something could happen to one of them to where they needed it and he would be able to help. He sighed as he took the water bottle back from Tessa and clipped it back to the side of his pack.

As they got deeper and deeper into the forest, he could sense that feeling in his gut that something bad was going to happen more and more. Throughout the rest of the walk he just kept silent, lost in his own worries. If something did happen, he wouldn't know what to do about it. He just tried his best to not think about all of the problems the group could wind up in on this trip the best he could, but he couldn't, there was no use.

When he heard Tessa speak up about sprinting he just smirked a bit, but didn't say anything. He was actually a bit happy that she was getting back into sprinting. He knew how much she enjoyed it back in high school and hoped that she might get back into it again. She was always so happy when she was sprinting, he loved seeing her smile. Though he couldn't help but feel that Tessa knew there was something up. Here recently he hadn't really noticed her being as happy as she used to be. Part of him thought that it was his fault, but maybe there was more to it than he was thinking.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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#, as written by TushoKa

Dialogue color: #18D81E

Slowly but surely Ben found himself leading the group again when Nikki fell back a bit. The sight seeing had definitely been better with Nikk's in front of me, Ben thought. He walked on in a steady tempo, sure it was a bit hard now, but they were going to make it in about 40 minutes, which wasn't bad. Once there the ladies could sit down while the man set up the tents and got the fire started. He kind of assumed he would have to do most of the work, but since it had been his idea to camp this far out, he didn't mind at all.

Behind him he heard Tess talking about her sprinting. Hearing Zack's response he decided not to partake in this little contest. Normally he would totally be up for it, but with the amount of stuff he was carrying it wouldn't be a smart move. Ben thought Zack would love to beat him in a sprint, especially after their surfing contest earlier that week. They had been highly competitive with each other from the moment they'd met. It got a bit extreme where every silly little thing, drinking, surfing, girls, running, partying, simply everything turned into a contest. They had slowed down a bit, but Ben still felt bad he would not be sprinting with the others. At least I'll make sure to have a front seat when Tess starts running.

Maybe they should take a little break. Ben thought some of them were more tired than others. He stopped and waited for the others to all catch up with him. "Okay guys. I'm sorry but I'll take a little break, I guess my bag is heavier than I thought." He gave his GPS device to Zack and explained him in short how to use it, Ben himself had a pretty good sense of direction and knew he didn't need it any more. "So the people that don't want to stop can go with Zack, if you also want to take a break you stay with me and we follow them in about 15 minutes." He hoped that if he was the reason for the break, others that needed it wouldn't be offended. Ben whispered in Tess' ear. "When you sprint take care of where you step. Sprinting in the forest is 10% speed and 90% not tripping." He continued with a smile on his face. "I'll be forever grateful if you beat him.

He stepped back and sat down on a bed of leaves just of the beaten track. He took a sip of water from the bottle in the side pocket of his backpack. Afterwards he help the bottle in the air in front of him. "Anyone wants some water?"

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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0.00 INK


Zack had added a true competition and interesting twist and without even knowing this favour or treat in store, Tessa replied “You’re on,” she grinned. They could negotiate what happened if she lost once it happened.
Admittedly, her feet were getting a little sore and her legs tired too. They weren’t use to walking this long on uneven ground but would she quit or give 60%? No. Besides Zack had challenged her now so she had to push.
She caressed Jasper’s hand as if for good luck before allowing her hand to slip from his getting into her competitive mode. After a long hike and sprint he probably wouldn’t want to touch her for a while due to all the sweat she would produce.

Tessa paused by Ben hoping for pointers on how to beat Zack but nonetheless she grew a grin at his words. “That’s the plan,” she whispered back and continued her walk before she could take too much comfort in a break. She glanced back to Nikki and those that decided to rest with Ben. Hopefully they’re distance apart wouldn’t be too long.

She grabbed a hair tie, tying her hair in a bun and walked in step with Zack. She considered asking him about Sera but they probably weren’t close enough for Tessa to start interrogating him or his feelings. Maybe when she grabbed a spare moment with Sera at the site instead.
“So am I competing against a pro here?” she asked Zack as a wiser choice of conversation. And since she hadn't really got to know him before, she had no idea of his fitness level or what his capabilities were.
Every so often, she would glance at the GPS making sure they were heading in the right direction and watching the distance to their destination close.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00FFE1
Sera smiled when she heard that Ben was willing to take a break. Honestly she was relieved. She took off her pack and set it down on the ground before taking a seat on the ground beside it. She reached for her water bottle she had been sipping from the entire hike and took a sip from it. She felt a little upset that Zack was going to be going ahead of them, but she knew she had nothing to worry about. She could always spend time with him once she too had arrived at the site.

Though when she noticed that Jasper went along with Tessa, she instantly felt a bit alone. She didn't really know Ben and Nikki all that well and she just hoped that Nikki wouldn't decide to go with them. Though if she did, Sera wouldn't mind it. The only thing that would probably plague Sera at the possible moments of being alone with Ben was the awkwardness. The last time they were ever really alone or even talked to each other was when they slept together just a few weeks ago. Honestly Sera had no idea why she even went through with sleeping with someone she hardly even knew. But then again, she did it millions of times so why should that time be any different? Sera knew she was a whore and embraced every bit of it. No matter what anyone thought, she was happy with who she was and she wasn't going to change unless she wanted to.

Sera placed her water bottle back on her pack and let out a sigh as she kept her eyes on Zack as he got farther and farther ahead of them, until he was no longer in sight. Sera glanced over at Ben with a friendly smile, "So, um, how have you been Ben?" she questioned trying to break the silence that once again plagued them all.

Dialogue Color Code: Orange

Jasper glanced over at Ben, knowing that he didn't necessarily take the break for himself but for the girls on this trip who had more pride than anyone else in the universe. When he noticed that Tessa was going to tag along with Zack to pull through with their little race, he decided to tag along as well. Jasper was definitely not going to miss the possibility of watch Zack get his ass kicked by a girl and not just any girl, his girl.
He slid his hands into his pack pockets and followed along after Tessa and Zack, being sure to stay behind the two because once they got close enough to the site, they would most likely trample over him once they started running. Though he couldn't help but to gaze at Tessa's backside every now and then. Just everything about her was intriguing to him and he couldn't seem to imagine a life without having this beauty standing right by his side through it all. Jasper just hoped that she would never find out about the secret he's been hiding from her because that would royally mess up their future together that he hoped they had.

Throughout the entire walk, he just decided to keep silent and allowed Tessa and Zack to talk about their little competition. Since he had no point in being part of it, it was best to keep himself in silence. If he happened to say the wrong thing, Tessa would find a way to force him into the race as well. Jasper was in no mood or shape to run right now. All he wanted to do was get to the camp and set up his tent then relax while waiting for the others.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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Dialogue color code: hotpink

ImageNikki was surprised when Ben said he needed to take a break, she didn't think he'd been that tired, the way he kept at the front of the group. "I'll hang back with you guys." She said, sitting down with Ben and Serra, she was more than a little disappointed when Jasper didn't stay behind, but she knew that it made sense for him to stay with Tessa, she was his girlfriend after all, where as Nikki was just a girl he slept with, someone who meant nothing to him. She told herself this many times over the past few weeks, trying to keep herself from getting to attached to the idea of being the perfect family. She knew that would never happen and it was just wishful thinking on her part.

When Serra spoke up, trying to make conversation with Ben, it seemed a little awkward even to Nikki. She glanced between the two curiously. She herself had slept with Ben, but it had been nearly a year ago now, at a stupid party when they both had been pretty intoxicated. She doesn't regret it, to say that Ben was good in bed was somewhat of an understatement, what she could remember of it was exceptionally good. The only person she'd been with recently was Jasper, which is why she's so sure he is the one her biggest secret concerns the most. She was so lost in her thoughts, she hadn't been paying attention to anything Ben and Sera were talking about. Finally she shook herself out of her thoughts, pushing them to the back of her mind, knowing now is not the time to worry about any of that. She has a big decision to make but either way she decides, nothing can be done while they are in the woods.

Nikki rummaged through her purse and pulled out another cookie, eating it slowly before taking a drink of her own water. She glanced over at Serra, "Do you want a cookie?" She asked, holding the Ziploc bag out to the two of them. She didn't like eating in front of others, she considered it rude, if you didn't at least ask if they wanted one.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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0.00 INK

#, as written by TushoKa

Dialogue color: #18D81E

Ben wasn't surprised to see the people that stayed behind with him. Nikk's he knew since she showed some signs of being tired, and Sera he had expected from the moment she had exchanged her high heels for sneakers before they started. It took about 5 minutes for the others to totally disappear from their sight. As far as he could tell they were going in the right direction, although sooner or later they would have to bend a bit to the right. He opened his bottle to take another sip. The girls both had their own bottles to drink from, which made his earlier offer a bit redundant.

Suddenly he realized that the two that stayed behind both slept with him. For him it was a happy realization, he had no regrets on either occasion. He assumed they didn't either, he'd never received any complaints. Nikki had been about a year ago, they were both drinking and with two beautiful people like them things just happen. Aside from being beautiful she had also been great in other departments. Even though he had been drinking he remembered exactly what happened that night. The nice thing was that afterwards things hadn't been weird between them. They both knew what it meant and didn't expect any more or less.

Sleeping with Sera had been a far more recent adventure. It had been hardly a month ago and neither before nor after had they spoken much. The reason had been the same reason he slept with any other girl. He liked sex and especially the combination of sex and beautiful girls. It hadn't meant anything to him except for a very pleasant night. To him there was nothing wrong with that. He hadn't hurt anyone by sleeping with her..., on the contrary.

He felt far worse about desiring the girlfriend of one of his best friends. He had done so for months. He dreamed of her, saw her in every pretty girl he laid his eyes upon, and all songs were about her. He didn't feel guilty about sleeping with Sera, while he desired someone else. There were no emotions except for lust, he still needed to fulfil his needs. As he explained it to his own conscience, he had a hungering for sushi, but until he could actually have sushi he would still eat other things.

Ben didn't notice the silence until someone spoke. "So, um, how have you been Ben?"
It shocked Ben a bit, especially the tone. she feeling she making this awkward? He didn't want to call her up on it because of Nikki. He wasn't ashamed of either sexual conquest, neither if others knew about it. But then he didn't know if the girls felt the same way. He sometimes thought it would be much easier if anything was just out in the open. "I'm absolutely perfect. I mean in the middle of nature, without any thing to worry about, with some people I enjoy spending time with. The moment I left civilization and entered the forest, a ton of weight was lifted from my shoulders." His answer was 100% truth. Here in nature he didn't worry about school, work, his parents, his sister or his future. Very much the same as when he was surfing.

Nikki offered another one of her cookies. From the heat and the walking he already had a bit of a dry mouth, so he declined her offer. "Thank you Nikk's, but none for me. Even though they taste great." With a smile he turned his attention back to Sera. "And how are you Sera? Are you prepared for the trip?" They relaxed for another 5 minutes before he stood up and grabbed his backpack and guitar case again. "Are the ladies ready to continue?"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00ffe1

Sera glanced over to Nikki and took a cookie from her ziploc bag before handing the bag back over to her, "Thanks," she stated. When Ben started answering her question, she returned her attention to him and nodded her head. In a way she should have known the answer to that question before he even answered it. Ben always pegged her as a nature guy.

"Oh yeah, I'm ready," she stated as she stood to her feet and pulled her pack back onto her back. She glanced over at Nikki and smiled down at her. She offered her hand to help her up, hoping she would take her first step at trying to be friends with her. For the longest time she wanted to get to know Nikki a bit and hopefully become good friends.

From the stories that Tessa told her about Nikki, she seemed pretty cool in her opinion. Though until now she never really didn't realize that the only thing they really knew about each other were their names.

Sera glanced up at the sky through the trees that were shading them and noticed that the sun was beginning to set. She sighed, hoping that they would get there before the darkness overtook them. Hiking through the woods in the dark was something that Sera was definitely not looking forward to.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan
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0.00 INK



Dialogue Color Code: #cf0000

Seeing Sera shake her head at him then look back in his general direction, he had to hide his smile. She knew how competitive he is, so she shouldn't be that shocked he wanted to race, unless there was something more. It was going to be interesting having her on this trip, he wanted to be with her the whole trip, to tell her how even just her presents was enough to make him smile. She was one of the four people he thought about before going to sleep and when he wakes up. Her, his brother, sister and Ben, who he saw as a brother. But it was going to be hard, Zack was never the best at expressing himself expressly in front of others. On top of that even if he did tell her how he felt and she rejected it... how could they possible have fun the rest of the trip and how would it kill their current relationship. Could he risk everything to tell her or should he suffer quietly?

Thankfully before Zack's thoughts could go any deeper into how he felt about Sera, Ben broke his train of though by asking if anyone needed a rest. Which caught him off guard for a second but after Ben showed him were they were going and offer for people to keep going it clicked, it was for the girls not him. He turned to Tessa would had agreed to the race which made him smile, though Ben wasn't racing, to bad could have used the win after the surfing contest, this was going to be fun. She was cute but she was no Sera and she is Jaspers girl, but that didn't mean he couldn't have some fun. He glanced back to see who was coming and who was stay but turned back to Tessa as she asked, “So am I competing against a pro here?” which made him laugh a little. "I don't know if I would call myself a pro but... look at these calves." he said in the friendlies and proudest voice he could. As they walked he motioned to his calves which he was proud of, they were very well defined, when he wasn't surfing he was hiking or running. Should he let her win or should he go all out or some were in between? All well, guess what happens, happens.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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0.00 INK

Dialogue color code: hotpink

Nikki smiled a little at Sera when she took a cookie and handed the bag back to her. She didn't really know much about her, they were just acquainted through Tessa. She and Tessa got along great, so she would have to assume that any friend of Tessa's could eventually be a good friend of hers as well. Nikki put the Ziploc bag away, finished up her cookie and took another long drink of her water. When Ben asked if they were ready, Nikki nodded her head, putting her water away as well. She was about to get to her feet, when once more a hand was offered out to her, she glanced up to see that it was Serra. This was the second time today that she'd been offered a hand, she wasn't sure if they suspected something or if they were just trying to be courteous, either way it put her a little on edge. "Thanks," She said quietly, taking Sera's hand and getting to her feet, she avoided the girl's eyes as she gathered up her things, running a hand through her hair.

Nikki looked at the forest around them, not sure in which direction their friends had gone, already lost. She was grateful that she wasn't alone, and made a mental note to try stick close to somebody the whole trip, knowing if she wandered off on her own, she would never find her way back to camp, it all looked the same to her. "Ready," She said, glancing at Ben and Sera, waiting for one of them to take the lead.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian
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Dialogue Color Code:#ea0022

Tessa wasn’t expecting Jasper to tag along but she was happy for it, because that meant a medic was nearby and a witness to Zack’s potential defeat. Though he was probably just keen to reach the site and set up quickly so the business could be over and done with allowing the group to skip to the fun bits. She was with him on that intention which was all the more reason to run faster. She was glad in herself for finding motivation in everything.

She sized Zack up for a moment. His legs were longer, strode further with less effort and he did indeed have more muscle percentage than her. “Hm,” came from her throat.
Zack was already showing her up, making her rub her own calves self-consciously as if that would bring more muscles. Unfortunately, Tessa’s legs didn’t exceed slim-toned. She glanced back to Jasper and gave a wary look. So she was getting a little ahead of herself challenging Zack, but nonetheless a sprint she would be performing.

Tessa glanced down watching the GPS then flickered her eyes ahead and hovered her hand by Zack’s pack with ambitious wiggling fingers. “And
.go!” She tugged Zack’s pack back and lurched forward making her legs move as fast as they could to the site ahead that was a vague opening from Tessa’s angle. She dumped her own pack mid-way, feeling it slow her down and kept powering forward with the distance quickly closing. All that she could hear was her own puffing and leaves and twigs snapping under her feet and she didn’t look back or around. Even when she reached the place she only slowed to a jog then stopped doubling over with her head down, resting her hands on her knees breathing heavily.

She meant to call back to Jasper to leave her bag. She didn't want him to feel like he was always cleaning up after her irresponsibility but every breath and ounce of energy counted to Tessa. Besides, he had enough on his shoulders, literally. She'd double back for her pack when she regained her breath in a minute or so. As she slipped to her knees, she noted maybe a little longer than a minute.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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0.00 INK

#, as written by TushoKa

Dialogue color: #18D81E

Ben saw how Sera helped up Nikki and it made him feel kind of stupid. No matter if he was into the girl or not, offering to help would have been the right thing to do. What's done is done, or in this case... not done. He made the first few steps in the right direction. He turned around to see if the girls were really ready, so they could get on with it. When he saw they were he started walking. It wouldn't be far now, with the sprinting the others probably already arrived. Ben was curious to see who won.

He looked at the sky and thought it might be about 3PM at the moment. They should make sure they had a fire not long after getting to the camp. In the dark it would be near impossible. Although, of course, he did have two flash lights in his backpack. Maybe they would be useful during a little bit of late night forest exploration. He could certainly appreciate the excitement, and he hoped he would get the other ones on board for it as well. He kept up the tempo intentionally. They had the break, so they should be able to get there fairly quickly. He thought the girls would be glad to finally be at the camp site in any case.

He thought about the tent division. If he counted correctly they had 4 tents for 6 people. A bit much according to him, maybe one of the tents could be used for storage. He made a mental note not to forget to collect all the food and hang it in a bag from a tree. The bears would not be able to get to it, even though this area wasn't known for them, there could always be the odd bear around. It took another 15 minutes when he finally got a glimpse of the others. The three seemed to already be busy with setting up the tents. Another 5 minutes of walking and he would be able to help them out. "Well ladies, it seems we're almost there. That wasn't too bad was it?"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: Orange
Jasper chuckled a bit at Zack's comment about his calves and shook his head. Zack had always been a bit cocky, so he knew there was no surprise in his response. Not a minute later Tessa took off running towards the site. Thankfully he knew where he was going because he noticed the opening in the trees. He sighed as she sipped from his water once more. Though when he looked up, he stopped mid step as he caught something in the corner of his eye. He turned his attention to the left of him, seeing another opening that looked as if it hadn't been used in years.

Jasper slowly made his way to the opening and peered inside without moving anything, finding a creepy carnival ground hidden behind all of these trees. Immediately he found out what his bad feelings were about on this trip. He just hoped no one else would notice it and want to explore.

He brought his attention away from the carnival ground and started back on his way towards their camp site. On his way he noticed Tessa's pack was in the middle of the path and he sighed a bit as he picked it up. Jasper loved Tessa to death, but sometimes she was just way more competitive than he could have pegged her to be.

Not too long after Tessa and Zack finished their race, he caught up with them and set Tessa's pack down beside her before removing his from his back and dropping it down to the ground. Jasper immediately pulled his tent out of his pack and started to set it up, seeing as how there was nothing else to do other than just sit around.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00ffe1
Sera nodded her head at Nikki with a soft smile once she was up on her feet and she found her way towards Ben, beginning to follow behind him. She was never one too great with directions, so she figured that she mind as well just follow him. It would be a lot easier for them. Though thankfully after that small break she was feeling regenerated and able to keep up with Ben. All she wanted to do now was get to the camp and have some fun. Maybe she could even get the group to do a little exploring with her. She sure as hell wasn't going to do it by herself. That would just be a bad horror movie waiting to happen.

Though once she was able to see the others, she was very glad. They were almost there. "Yay!" she shouted after hearing Ben's words. She laughed a bit and just decided to jog the whole way. Sera was never really one for running or jogging, but when it came down to it, she would still do it.

Sera suddenly stopped in her tracks when the entire mood of the area changed. She immediately began looking around, noticing an untouched pathway. She made her way towards it and moved some of the brush away, finding it to be an opening to an old carnival. "Ben, Nikki, come check this out," she stated.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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0.00 INK

Dialogue color code: hotpink

When Ben started to lead the way, Nikki quickly and easily kept up, feeling much better after the rest. She glanced around curiously, trying to see what Ben did, how he was so sure that this was the direction, but no matter how much or how hard she looked all the trees looked basically the same to her. Before she knew it, Ben spoke up stating that they were close to the camp ground. She felt a lot better knowing they were almost there, her pace picking up a little more. They were almost there when Sera stopped to look at something, soon calling her and Ben over to have a look. Nikki glanced at the opening where camp was a little longingly but changed course a little and walked over to where Sera was. She looked over Sera's shoulder, seeing the old dilapidated carnival. A frown tugged on her lips, having a bad feeling about the place. She was never one to be afraid of clowns or anything like that, but something deep inside of her told her she should stay away from that place. She quickly took a step back, nearly tripping over a root. After she regained her balance, she turned toward the opening for camp. "We should get to the camp site, there is a lot to do before it gets dark." She said, making her way toward the opening in the trees once more, hoping that she could just forget about the creepy carnival just a few yards away from their camp.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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0.00 INK



Dialogue Color Code: #cf0000

"Lets see, we got a guy who is like a brother to me, and who I'm always in competition with. The girl of my dreams who most likely has no feelings for me, and has no idea how I feel about her. Then there was everyone else. In one of the emergency scenarios that father always talked about, I would focus on my brother and/or my girl, pending on the situation, then Tessa and/or Nikki then Jasper. You know I don't really know anyone but them, maybe this race..." He thought but was violently shaken from his head as Tessa tagged his pack and said go. Instantly his mind and body synced and switch to race mode. He raced to catch up to her and once he did he stayed behind her to show off like he did with his car. As they ran he couldn't help but watch her form, clearly she was a runner, a little rusty now but definitely a runner. Half way through he was getting ready to sling past her when she dropped her pack catching him off guard. He stumbled over it barely catching himself from falling though it did slow him down. When he was able to regain his balance, he just missed hitting a tree head on. Having been slowed down by her pack and the tree Zack gets just short of arms reach as Tessa crosses the line. He slowed to a jog as he finally passed her and came about to stand next to her as he dropped his pack, watching Jasper grabbing Tessa's pack. Walking in front of her he bows and slightly winded, "Good run."

Zack walked beck to his pack taking a water bottle out and sipping it as he started to walk it off. After a little while he noticed that the others were still not in sight and he couldn't hear them. He looked down the path they just ran up, maybe it hasn't been long enough or maybe something happened, then again maybe he was just being overly protective. Looking back at Tessa who was resting and Jasper who was starting to make camp. With a sigh, "Wait here, I'll be right back. Jasper I'll give you a hand when I get back and Tessa again good run, maybe we can do it again sometime." He grabbed his pack, just in case some thing happened, and started off down the path to see what's up, hopping it was just that he didn't wait long enough. Once he made it to the point were Tessa dropped her pack he looked around. Seeing Ben up ahead, Sera and Nikki off to the side, way off the path, he took off after Sera. Even though he was tired and starting to hurt, he wasn't use to running with a pack on, he ran as hard as he could, the whole time thinking, "What is she doing? Is she ok? Why isn't Ben checking on her? Did he do something to her?" He nearly ran into Nikki as she started towards camp distracted by his thoughts. By the time he reached her he was completely out of breath and hurting all over. His lungs felt like they were on fire and his leg felt like they could give out at any moment, but he was able to get a few words out. "Are... you... ok...? what's...." As he tries to talk, he looks were her attention is and sees an old carnival. Seeing that suddenly his second wind rushes through him, "Lets do it. Now, me and you right now. The others can catch up." he said as his curiosity getting the better of him, and getting rapped up in the excitement, adrenaline rush he gives Sera a big hug.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code:#ea0022

“Good run” “You too,” she replied with a smile. She indulged in her water for a moment and climbed to her feet in time to see Zack bolt off in some other direction. She waved a hand dismissively about it, having no energy to call out or even ask what the rush was that looked life threatening but she was surprised to see only Jasper setting up camp. “Where are the others, babe?” she asked with furrowed brows walking the grounds for different angles until she spotted Nikki.
“Winner!” She announced throwing her arm up in the air half-heartedly. “Where are all your friends Nikki?” she teased.
Tessa was surprised in the truth applied in the question because they shouldn’t have been that far behind and they weren’t the kind to ditch people, especially in the forest. And why ditch Nikki of all people? Was she too sweet or something?

She looked to Jasper then Nikki and couldn’t help but be ruled momentarily by the thought of the two together. Not that they ever gave her reason to but she never quite liked the two as a combination for some reason. It sometimes made Tessa wonder who the third wheel was. But no matter the stupid insecurity she would never convert to the clingy type and she would not let things reach another awkward state.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00ffe1

Sera nodded her head at Nikki's words and just continued to stare off at it. This place seemed to be pulling her in, though just before she had the guts to look around she heard Zack's words. She stood there in silence still and just stared. Though when he pretty much read her mind she hugged him back, finding that she didn't want to break the hug. But she quickly did and glanced back towards the group before grabbing his hand and running through the pathway towards the carnival grounds. Yeah, they would probably get called out on this choice since camp still needed to be set up but she couldn't miss out on an adventure with Zackary.

The second they were officially on the grounds she couldn't help but notice how quiet it was. There wasn't even animals roaming around. "This place is creepy as fuck!" she stated as she began glancing around at all the broken down rides that had their gorgeous look taken away by wear and tear over the years that nobody was taking care of it.

All of a sudden the air around the two of them began getting colder. She folded her arms across her chest and shivered a bit. She stepped a bit closer to Zack, attempting to get warm. As they continued walking she noticed that a dead crow immediately fell from the sky as if the air around the carnival intoxicated it within seconds. Startled by this sudden notion she jumped back with a small scream.

Dialogue Color Code: Orange

Jasper turned his head when he realized that Zackary was darting back down the path, he just sighed and pushed whatever was going on aside. If it was important Zack would have said something. “Where are the others, babe?” he heard Tessa question. But before he was able to answer he heard her speaking to Nikki. Seeing as how she made it, he figured that the others would be close behind.

Though he wouldn't lie, being alone with both of the girls made him feel very awkward. He just hoped it wouldn't be for long. Just before he was about to finish setting up his tent he heard a soft scream coming from down the path. It sounded like Sera. He immediately dropped everything and darted down the path, looking for Sera. That's when he immediately stopped at the opening for the carnival. He sighed and shook his head, noticing that someone had walked through. Seeing as how he hadn't noticed Zack or Sera on his way through the path he figured they were on the carnival grounds.

He peered through, just barely making out the shapes of Sera and Zack. "Guys, is everything okay?" he called through the opening. "I think we should get to camp and finish setting up, you guys can finish exploring later," he added. Though he felt that there was a little more to it than that.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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0.00 INK

#, as written by TushoKa

Dialogue color: #18D81E

Ben suddenly noticed Sera's excitement after his last announcement as she ran off in a jog. Not far from where Ben and Nikki were though, she stopped and walked in the wrong direction. "Sera? That's not the right way!" he screamed after her. Sera's reply made him wonder if she heard him at all. "Ben, Nikki, come check this out." As requested Nikki and Ben made their way to the where Sera was standing. From the opposite direction Zack came running, apparently with enough energy left from his little race.

Before Ben and Nikki arrived Ben could already see the scared look on Zack's face, Ben assumed what happened."You lost?" he called over to Zack with a hint of a smile on his face. At that moment Zack gave Sera a big hug for some reason. Did they started drinking without us? And how much did they drink in the little time the 2 groups were separated? Coming closer Sera pointed at what she had been looking at, and Nikki and Ben looked through the overgrown leafs.

The old carnival looked eerie, but awesome. Finding an abandoned carnival was like a dream to Ben. He remembered the rush from High School when he and his friends would go to the cemetery at night and hold so called séances. Ben was a person who knew his Ouija board. Before he could say anything he already could hear Nikki didn't feel the same way. "We should get to the camp site, there is a lot to do before it gets dark." When Nikki took her step back she nearly fell and Ben held his hand behind her back to prevent it. Then she walked off to the camp site.

The same hand that stopped Nikki from falling, was now raised in the air waiting for Zack to return the high five. "Awesome! We are so gonna check this out! How did we get this lucky?" His mind was racing as he thought about the adventure waiting for them. He wasn't bad with his hands, maybe he could get one or two of these rides to work. Who wouldn't want to go on a carrousel in the middle of nowhere? He put his arm around Sera and moved his other hand in the sky from left to right like Mufasa would do for Simba when showing him the Pridelands."Sera, Zack..." he paused a moment for dramatic effect."Just imagine the haunted house in this place." He nearly started jumping up and down from excitement.

He immediately started thinking out a plan. "Okay, Nikki is probably right. We should set up camp first before exploring. In that way we at least have a place to crash for tonight. Come on!" With that he let go of Sera and walked hastily to the camp site, just hearing Tess inquiring about them. "Where are all your friends Nikki?" As she said it Ben jumped in sight. "We're right here of course. You really thought we would let Nikki out on her own." He winked at Tess, but instantly regretted it. It could come of as playful, but on the other hand she might think he likes her. Which of course is true, but not something he wants her to know. "Did you guys see the old carnival? Or did you not notice it during the running?" In a softer voice he continued. "By the by, thank you for winning, that's awesome!"

Walking past both girls he dropped his backpack in the clearing and started getting his tent out. After setting up his own, which due to experience took him less than 5 minutes, he started helping Jasper with his. "Dude, who could have imagined such entertainment. And that right next to our camp site. If I would have known I should have never brought my guitar with, I'm not gonna use it now in any case."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code:#ea0022

ImageShe laughed a little and nodded at Ben's surprise appearance. "thank you for winning, that's awesome!" Tessa tilted her head to the side modestly as if to be a good sport. "N'aw well, anything for you Ben." For a moment the mentioning of a carnival swooped over her head making Tessa appear a little slow. Tessa’s mouth dropped open once she tended to the information. “Wait. Carnival?” She looked between the others for any hint of a joke as rightfully she had a little reason to question Ben in all his playfulness but no one had laughed or grew a mischievous grin.

When Jasper darted off she crossed her arms and shook her head. “Everyone is really losing their mind over this carnival! Which is funny because I didn’t take him for the type,” she said, pursing her lips looking in the vague direction Jasper headed. She shrugged it off and went to help Ben with the tents but realized she was only getting in the way so just stood there waiting for him to finish up before bombarding him with questions of the carnival.

Instead she turned her attention back to Nikki. “We’ll set up your tent later Nikki. Everyone else has ran off to the magical carnival.” Tessa opened and closed her palm for Nikki to come with her and grabbed Ben’s arm before he thought about galloping off to the carnival without them. “And besides, Ben really wants to go. He would’ve left his guitar back if he knew a carnival was in the middle of nowhere,” she mocked Ben now but added her own wink at him to show she was joking. Not that he seemed like the uptight type anyway but she just needed to add the clarification that she meant well.

Re-attending her thoughts was Nikki and if she were as keen to go. If Nikki weren’t ready to go or didn’t want to go tonight though, Tessa would stay with her. Not out of pity but common respect. Nikki seemed above peer pressure anyway.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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0.00 INK

Dialogue color code: hotpink

ImageOnce Nikki reached the camp ground, she shrugged off her pack and ran a hand through her hair, glad the long trek was over. She glanced at Tessa when she asked about the others. She was about to answer when Ben showed up. When he mentioned the carnival, she flinched slightly, really hoping they wouldn't insist on visiting it, the place gave her the creeps and it was the last place she wanted to go, but she wasn't going to admit it.

Nikki slowly started to unpack her tent while Jasper and Ben worked on the others, she looked over the directions a few times, but still didn't really understand how to put the thing together. She was still trying to figure out her tent when Jasper took off to investigate the sound of Sera's scream, Nikki assumed she'd probably gone into the carnival and saw something that frightened her, so she wasn't too worried about it. When Tessa suggested they go check out the carnival, she hesitated, wanting to object or come up with some kind of excuse not to go, but she wasn't going to be the one to keep Tessa from having fun and she knew being the good friend that she is, she would stay behind with Nikki if she didn't want to go. "Yeah, alright, lets go." she said, straightening up, her hands in her pockets. After another moments hesitation, she headed in what she figured to be the direction of the carnival entrance where she'd left Sera.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Carlson Character Portrait: Sera Blackwell Character Portrait: Ben Masters Character Portrait: Zackary Morgan Character Portrait: Jasper Killian Character Portrait: Nicole Marshell
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0.00 INK

#, as written by TushoKa

Dialogue color: #18D81E

Almost as soon as Ben started helping Jasper to set up the tent, Jasper disappeared towards the carnival. Ben was a bit annoyed by it, he wanted to go to the carnival probably more than anyone else, still he knew the tents needed to be up first. Tess tried to help, but somehow she seemed to got strangled in more rope than she was actually untangling. On top of that, being so close to Tess made Ben nervous and clumsy. Why can't I just act normal? What must she think? After a while he noticed she had stepped aside completely, letting him finish. With some concentration it only took a few minutes before the tent was standing.

Hearing the plan to go to the carnival before setting up the rest of the tents, Ben put all the bags he could find in the already standing tents. Out of the side pocket of his own backpack he took the two flash lights and put them in the side pockets of his cargo shorts. The moment he stepped out of the tent his arm was grabbed and he was being dragged of by the two remaining ladies. “And besides, Ben really wants to go. He would've left his guitar back if he knew a carnival was in the middle of nowhere.” Ben didn't know whether to feel insulted or amused. When she added the wink to her comment Ben felt himself turning as red as a tomato. He hoped they wouldn't see it in the shadows.

Now that he would finally get his chance to get to the carnival his face lit up in a smile again. He started walking faster and his arm, still hooked in Tessa's, dragged her forward a little bit. He felt like a little boy being excited to go to Disneyland. They got to the opening without meeting Jasper, so Ben figured he would be at the carnival already. When they got to the opening Ben held some branches to the side to let Nikki and Tess through. When he followed he first looked for Sera, Zack and Jasper, but he didn't see them right away.

He walked a bit further around a stall that apparently used to sell corn dogs. He could only imagine all the things that he was about to see. So many stories, so many attractions, so many possibilities to scare the others. Suddenly thinking of the others he noticed the girls hadn't followed him yet. He did a few steps back and spoke to the girls without turning his head. "Well, ready to explore ladies?"