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Dimitri Godwin

An old time friend of Rin and saboteur of the Shikaku and Chikyuu no Mirai

0 · 1,088 views · located in Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest)

a character in “Chasing Rin Hayashi”, originally authored by NeverEndingFlip, as played by RolePlayGateway


Quote: "To Infinity!"
Name: Dimitri Godwin
Nickname: "The Silent Traveler"
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Likes: Shadows, Fire, Rural Areas, and Soulful Creatures
Dislikes: Light, Cities, Water, and Hell
Group: Assasin, Solo.
Partner: His horse named Willow.
Race: 100% Human
Magic: Blue Fire Technique: Sabotage, Shadow Fire Technique: Cloud, Fire Technique: Conjure, Shadow Fire Technique: Conceal
Weakness: Wears no armor, not very strong.
Equipment: Long Bow of Ivory Wood, Short Sword, Throwing knife.
Picture: ... s:75,i:324
Personal Description: I wear a cloak to hide my features and blend in the background. I only show my face to the people I like. The cloak is black.
Personality: A shy, reserved person with the look of a traveler and an aura of "I'll kick your ass so hard, you'll burp shoe leather." He carries a cool, collected tone that tends to be more threatening than shouting.
History: Once a greatly-known name, the Godwins were legendary family of warriors. Dimitri was no different and was trained as an expert archer and sword fighter at a young age. On his 17th birthday, the Shikaku invited the Godwin family to join their assasin force. All accepted except for Dimitri. He didn't believe in the methods of the Shikaku. His entire family beat him to near death and basically disowned him. Orphaned and betrayed, Dimitri became a renegade and a thorn to the side of the Shikaku. His saboteur attempts were all successful in Shikaku and is one of the Most Wanted of the Shikaku and the Chikyuu no Mirai, who had agreed to help the Shikaku in a split of the rewards profit.
Extra: Future plans are to create a police force to stop crime at it's source. He plans on calling this group, The Rough Riders.

So begins...

Dimitri Godwin's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin
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#, as written by Guest
All was quiet. Dimitri lurked in the hallways of the Chikyuu no Mirai Base. He had no fear. He didn't expect anyone to see what he was doing.
He continued to advance into a hallway. He was almost to his destination...
A small voice caught his ear. He went into defensive mode and hid in a dark corner of the hallway, prepared for whatever would enter.
He kept waiting and waiting and waiting, but no figure emerged.
Did the person know he was here? he thought. Will this be my first failed saboteur mission?
Eventually, his curiosity got over him. He decided to follow where the voice had come from. He followed through the passages and came into a place that looked like a basement. Immediately, he saw a girl, part elf, part human, standing up. Moving quietly, he camoflauged himself against the wall and continued to stare at the girl. Something about her looked familiar. He knew he had met her sometime back, but couldn't remember.
I'll follow her and she what she is doing, he decided, knowing that his first saboteur mission in the Chikyuu no Mirai base was on the line.

The setting changes from Chikyuu no Mirai Base to Kuusou


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin
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#, as written by Kaire23
Rin's ears perked up. Her senses were usually good but ever since she got her new abilities, they became better. She knew someone was watching her.
"Len, if you are watching me right now, I swear I will hurt you in more ways then one!" She yelled as she looked around. She didn't like vampires one bit and maybe she was being a bit harsh by thinking it was Len immediately... But it was too dark to see and Vampires were the only explanation that was coming to her mind right now.

The setting changes from Kuusou to Chikyuu no Mirai Base

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin
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#, as written by Guest
Dimitri didn't know who Len was or why there was so much hate in her voice, but he did know that he wasn't quiet enough to go about unnoticed. Either that or she has magical abilities to detect anyone around her.
A prick of fear went through his spine. Did she know exactly where he was?
Then, logic took over and he realized that there was no way she knew who he was. Relief overtook him, but he didn't relax his muscles a bit.
There was something nagging him still. That deja vu feeling went through him. I know this girl... he thought.
He wanted to step out of the shadows, to talk with her and find out who she was that he knew before. But he changed his mind.
She probably won't recognize me, he thought, and right now, she thinks of me as a possible threat.
That thought rang through his head as he stood stock still in the darkest shadow of the room, praying that he wasn't discovered.

The setting changes from Chikyuu no Mirai Base to Kuusou


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin
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#, as written by Kaire23
((OOC: Hey, could you tag your posts? :D))

Rin listened very closely as she held her breath. The slightest movement would alert her.
"Fine, If you don't come out, I now have the right to hurt you." She said angrily. She never did like the feeling of being watched. She always felt like she was at home though. She closed her eyes as she inched closer to where she heard a slight breathing. She knew someone else was here.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin
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#, as written by Guest
((OOC: Just did. Do you like what I'm typing so far?))

"Wait," Dimitri said evenly as the girl inched closer. He began to move, not too quickly for that would startle her, not too slowly to where he would look crafty, but at just the right pace to where he gave the impression of talking. He stepped a little bit away from her so that he could be ready if this girl still had intentions of going for blood. He drew a deep breath and continued.
"I had no intentions of hurting you. I just wanted to figure out who you were and why you are here. I tend to avoid direct confrontations, so that's why I was hiding."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin
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#, as written by Kaire23
Rin paused slightly. Immediately, she felt a bit embarrassed.
"Oh! I-I'm sorry. I thought you were someone els- Oh! You must be a different member of the base, aren't you?" She quickly started blabbering. She knew she did this when embarrassed but it didn't really matter right now. She just threatened to hurt this person.

((OOC: Yah, your doing good :D))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin
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#, as written by Guest
Dimitri could tell how embarrassed the girl must feel and he felt sympathy for her.
"No, no, it was my fault", he apologized,"I was the one lurking in the shadows. I was posing as a threat and I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry. Now, who are you and why are you here?"

The setting changes from Kuusou to Chikyuu no Mirai Base

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin
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#, as written by Kaire23
Rin stiffened slightly. Was she in a restricted area?
"M-my names Rin.... Rin Hayashi..." She said with a slight stutter. She wasn't one to usually stutter. Usually she was stubborn and was a bit of an ass but she truthfully felt bad about this. She was a guest and she should've acted a bit nicer.
"Who are you?..." She asked.

The setting changes from Chikyuu no Mirai Base to Kuusou


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Guest
Utter shock overtook Dimitri as memories flooded back into his mind.
Rin Hayashi. His best friend in school. Here, in this place.
He actually lost his balance as he stepped back and nearly fell. Fortunately, his training taught him better and his instincts kicked in and made him regain balance.
"Rin?" he said," Do you remember me? I'm Dimitri. We went to school together."
He could say no more.

The setting changes from Kuusou to Chikyuu no Mirai Base

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaire23
Rin's eyes grew wide. She never expected to find a friend among strangers.
"Dimitri!" she yelled as she ran up and hugged him.
"Damn, you should have turned up earlier." She said as she held him at arms length so she could get a good look at him and talk with him.
"The guys of here are a-.... Well, some are sorta jerks. I guess I should be more nice to them though since I'm a guest here. What have you been up to? I-.... How long ago were you at Utoko...?" She questioned. She didn't want him to be aware of what she had become. She wasn't sure of how he would think of her now that she changed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Dahlia Goldwood
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0.00 INK

Setsugie was quite interested he never knew someone who could do this before looking at the strange marionette Dahlia created, 'I learn something new everyday...Haha who thinks you cant teach an old dog new tricks eh?' Setsugie thinks. Then he sensed an unfamiliar force close a ominous one at that, Setsugie looked around forgetting he was battling. Then the marionette bites down on Setsugie's right shoulder then Setsugie realize's he was sparring "Tch!" Setsugie grunt's.

Setsugie grips his sword and swings it at the marionette it head comes out Setsugie then jumps back and sticks the sword onto the ground and grabs the plants head and takes out it teeth from his shoulder then throws it to the side. Setsugie was bleeding the teeth dug into his skin quite a lot, proceeding Setsugie took off his kimono and shirt since he didn't want to stain them with blood placing hem over his good shoulder, "Sorry Dahlia I got distracted for a second there." Setsugie said and sighed. The feeling was gone maybe he had imagined it, could have been but because of it Dahlia landed a pretty good blow on Setsugie.

The setting changes from Chikyuu no Mirai Base to Kuusou


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Guest
Dimitri embraced the hug. Emotions whipped through him. It was nice to have a friend to talk to after the past year.
"I-I come to Utoko regularly," he stammered. He didn't want her to know about his latest passion of sabotaging the two powers of Kuusou.
"I know how big jerks the people here can be," he went on,"And times...haven't been really good...until now. I'm just so happy to see you!"
As he talked, his instincts kicked in and it sent the alarm bells in his head ringing.
Don't trust her, they said, she's hiding something!
For once, Dimitri decided to ignore his instincts. This was his best friend! Could it really be possible that she was untrustworthy? If anything, he was the one hiding a part of himself to her right now.

The setting changes from Kuusou to Chikyuu no Mirai Base

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaire23
Rin stiffened slightly as he said he went to Utoko regularly.
"D-... did you hear the news then...?" She questioned quietly. She really wished he didn't but.... She wouldn't keep it hidden from him. At least she'd know what her friends at home thought of her... They probably thought of her as a monster.. She wished she didn't have to tell the truth, but she knew she must.

The setting changes from Chikyuu no Mirai Base to Kuusou


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Guest
Dimitri looked at her, puzzled.
"What news?" he asked,"I don't listen to other people at all. I like to make my way through town, unnoticed. And I figured that any person spreading news to another person was just gossip."
He looked into her eyes. There was a look of reluctance there. Like she didn't want to talk, but she knew she had to. She was hiding something! However, something told him that she wasn't planning on hiding it to him.

The setting changes from Kuusou to Chikyuu no Mirai Base

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaire23
Rin sighed, knowing her cover was blown.
"Something... happened... Half the city has been destroyed...." She said, quietly and slowly. She knew she was going to tell him but she'd rather take small steps. Just coming out and telling him that she destroyed half of the town, possibly hurt their friends, and also became The Destroyer was going to be hard.
"A-and..." She stuttered, unsure of how to continue. Would she lose her friend by telling him what happened?

The setting changes from Chikyuu no Mirai Base to Kuusou


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Guest
Dimitri's quizzical expression turned into one of concern.
"Is everything alright, Rin?" he asked. He knew she was holding back. He had already known that half of the city was destroyed. I mean, it's kind of hard to miss. He never learned the cause. He only knew that it changed the lives of thousands.
"You can tell me anything. Your my best friend," he continued to coax, thinking of himself and the blanket of lies he wrapped himself into.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaire23
Rin bit her lip slightly. She couldn't hold anything else back. Blinking back tears, she decided to say it all.
"It was me.... I was finally given powers b-... But I didn't want this!" She said, already feeling some tears fall down her cheeks.
"Those legends-... no... They were a prophesy of some sort?... I don't know... b-but... I apparently am the Destroyer..." She finished, tears still flowing down her cheeks as she bit her lip harder. She never let anyone see her like this but she couldn't hold it in anymore. It was a horrible fate to be taken from your home, friends, and family.

The setting changes from Kuusou to Chikyuu no Mirai Base

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Guest
Dimitri's sympathy for his best friend grew. Without thinking, he went over and hugged her.
"Shh..." he soothed,"It's okay. I know you didn't mean any harm to those people. Your soul is too pure for that."
He held her as she cried. Something in his heart told him that the words he had just uttered were true. It sucks to have everyone you know and love ripped away from you like a child getting his candy stolen. He would know because he went through the same thing.
"I know I can't change your prophecy, but if it means anything, I don't see you as a Destroyer. I see you as a girl with an ordeal. And I'm going to help you, okay? I'll help you fight this and control this...power of yours. Look, I know what you went through in a way."
He took a deep breath as he went into his story:
"Last year, my entire family was asked to join the Shikaku. I could have accepted. I decided not to. Their ways sounded immoral. However, the rest of my family did not like my decision at all. They beat me to near death, then threw me out of the Godwin Manor. It was a miracle I survived. Since then, I've become an saboteur. I could have had riches and fame and power. But being a saint can lead to some sacrifices. Instead or riches, I devote my life to revenge on the Shikaku. They ruined me and they're ruining the lives of many in Kuusou. They must be stopped."
After he let out that bit of emotion, he steadied himself, then continued:
"I'm sorry that you lost your family and friends. I know you didn't mean for any of this to happen. I know the damage is done, but that doesn't mean it's over. Prophecy is prophecy, but free will is one of the strongest gifts we are given. You can fight this. You can beat this. There are people who are naturally successful and there are people who strive to be successful. The former fall into it while the latter work hard and overcome all obstacles to get there. So let's make use of your stubborness and use it to not destroy the entire city. Do you think you can do that?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaire23
Rin smiled through her tears. This is why she always likes Dimitri. He knew how to make her feel better. He was always there for her and that's why he was her best friend.
"Thank you Dimitri." She said as she wiped away her tears. It was nice knowing she wasn't a monster in his eyes. She quickly hugged him tighter.
"It also makes me happy that you chose the right path.... Lesser men would've crumbled at that decision." She said as she looked up in his eyes. She was happy he was here. She missed him. She quickly let go of the hug as she let herself feel strong again. She always seemed to do this after the death of her sister. She let her moment of weakness pass as her mask covered her emotions again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rari
Len watched as Rina walked away from him and decided he'd go for a walk around the base. He walked all the to the top floor and then down to the basement area where he saw Rin talking to some guy he didnt recognize. He wasnt sure what they were doing, but he could tell that Rin had been crying. In less than three seconds he was right next to Rin.
" Who exactly are you?" He said to the man. He didnt trust this man, and had no idea who he was. But he planned on finding out as soon as possible.
" If you're with the shikaku, i suggest you leave now before you get your ass kicked. If you aren't, well then i have no issue with you being here." He said calmly to the man.