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Lance Godwin

It is not my place to determine right from wrong, but it is my place to enforce it."

0 · 614 views · located in Kuusou

a character in “Chasing Rin Hayashi”, originally authored by NeverEndingFlip, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Lance Godwin
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Likes: Power, Violence, Heavy Metal, Shikaku
Hates: Family, Traitors, Animals, Cowards
Group: Associate of the Shikaku (4th in command)
Race: Full Human
Magic: He focuses on the four elements: Air, Earth, Fire, and Water.
Weakness: He hates the light and animal and he can't stand being around family for more than a second.
Equipment: Elemental Blades. He can tune his abilities into the sword and power them up. He can turn them into a variety of blades, depending on which elements he uses.
Picture: I suck at doing pictures on here, lol.
Personal Description: Long, red hair. Blue eyes. Pasty white skin with freckles. Wears a white, unbuttoned, collar shirt over a red T-shirt. Wears khaki pants and white leather shoes.
Personality: On the outside, he is bright and cheerful. He loves to play with and taunt his opponents repeatidely. He loves to get the last word in and he can back up his bark when he needs to. Inside, it's dark and violent. While he can appear to play off insults in confrontation, he takes them personally inside and he channels that power into killing his opponent.
History: Always was the favorite son of the Godwins, he excelled at swordsmastery and practiced often. You can count the number of possible even matches with Lance on one hand. His childhood personality had him always playing the bully. After picking on Rin repeatedly, Dimitri stepped in and stood up to Lance. Since then, he's hated Dimitri and knew that he wouldn't learn to follow orders. At seventeen, he participated in kicking Dimitri out of the house, laughing all the way. Serves him right, he thought. Meanwhile, he worked through his ranks in the Shikaku and ended up as the Associate, hopefully climbing for bigger and better things.
Extra: He wants to be the most powerful Godwin that ever lived.

So begins...

Lance Godwin's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Lance Godwin Character Portrait: Dahlia Goldwood
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#, as written by Guest
"I am what is left of a distinct race called The Guardians of Light. They were great warriors back when the demonics were taking over and I was head commander." Willow stopped talking. She noticed Dahlila's strange behavior to an unknown prescence and she felt it too. Fortunately, animals have better senses than people do and soon, she was able to locate this spy. "Listen," she mind-spoke to Dimitri,"There's a guy hiding behind that tree over there. Carry on the conversation, pretend not to notice, but get ready. There might be some blood shed tonight." With that she turned to Dahlila and mind-spoke her the same thing. Affterwards, Willow decided to speak, to bring back the conversation,"Hey, we were deciding to head towards one of the bars if you want to come with." She crouched into a pretend playful position, but really she was going to make the first strike...

Dimitri replied, wanting to figure out who was behind the tree so bad, but he decided to heed to Willow's advice. He knew a little bit about the Guardians of Light and if this person was a high commander of their army in the battle against the demonics, he'd better pay attention ad shut up. "It's going to be a real party!" he laughed, his senses all at the tree Willow pointed out. Was it Raze or Len? Or worse, the boss? Were they sent to spy on me and Dahlila? he continued to think as he carried on his performance.

"The name's Lance."
"Alright then sir," the flower shop man replied,"I'll send these black roses out to the family along with a card that says "From, Lance" on it. Anything else, like a line or two? I mean their son was killed after all."
"Nope, that'll do." Lance replied. He knew that their son was killed better than anyone else. He was the one who killed him. You don't prank the Shikaku and live,"I'm not good with words." And with that, he left. He decided to take a walk by the forest. It would clear his head and help him relax.

"It's going to be a real party!"

Lance froze. He heard that voice before. He knew who it belonged to. Memories flooded back to a year ago when they evicted him. He still wanted to take this person's life. Maybe today was his lucky day. After all, he was an enemy to the Shikaku.
He made his way through the trees and there he was. Dimitri Godwin, disgrace to the family name. He also saw a girl and a white panther with him. Maybe they were associated with him. He hoped so. Four kills in one day. Actually, three, he decided, not satisfied that a White Panther will be enough. He also noticed Zero, spying on them. He nearly laughed at that. That's not how you take care problems, he though and began clapping, slow, articulate, and walked into the clearing. "Well, hello brother..." he smirked,"What a surprise that it would be me to take your life."

The setting changes from Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest) to Kuusou


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin
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When everyone left Setsugie began cleaning the dishes, Belldandy only slightly bowed and went back into the blade to rest. "Today was a fine day, though Dahlia hasn't returned, something must've happened." Setsugie mumbled finishing the dishes and placing the apron down and walking through the hallways, seeing Rin and Raze, "Raze, Rin I'll be heading out I fear something has happened to Dahlia, could you be as so kind as to tell Len not to go to bed yet, something doesn't feel right. I'll be going to the forest to look for Dahlia." Setsugie said ignoring the fact that raze had no shirt and continued walking heading outside the base. 'Please be alright.' Setsugie thought.

Zero saw Lance appear 'Great this is going to turn out as a family feud.' he thought as he sighed.The Azure Grimoire lit with anger upon hearing that the panther was part of the Guardians of Light, though Zero calmed him down. Though Zero got some great info that panther was part of the Guardians of Light and that panther is the Head Commander. That means the panther could be a worthy opponent, so he moved making his presence also known but kept leaning on the tree, "Let's see how this will turn out." Zero whispered.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Lance Godwin Character Portrait: Dahlia Goldwood
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Dahlia grew more curious about this strange being known as Willow after she informed her about the Guardians of Light as well as sent mind messages but that was all placed aside when another person entered the grounds.Giving a quick glance she saw the male that sent off a bad feeling near a tree before looking back to the person entering the scene. She wasn't expecting it when he walked in casually greeting Dimitri as a brother. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously and she took out her small seed within her pocket clutching it in one hand as her arm fell to her side. Two dangerously seeming people, she knew she should have just gone home straight away.

Shivering slightly she looked over towards her black bird as it bounced on to her shoulder. Of all the times that something bad would happen it just had to be now of all times. Luckily her walking bean stalk had been awhile ago allowing her to even her heart beat so that it was calm and so that she wouldn't be distracted. "Who are you?" she asked the male that entered,cautiously.

The setting changes from Kuusou to Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Lance Godwin Character Portrait: Dahlia Goldwood
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#, as written by Guest
Dimitri's expression grew to one of hate as an all too familiar face entered the clearing,"Lance,"he muttered,"What the hell are you doing here? No innocent families to slaughter tonight?" Lance was the most popular one in the family to where it made him think that he was the best person ever. It turned him into an arrogant jerk. Most of their fights happened because of his ways, involving Rin sometimes. He hated Lance more than anyone. As associate of the Shikaku, he is the highest ranked among all Godwins. He has power. And he uses it to shed blood. The fact that minor skirmishes to him are punishable by death is just a sickening thought.

Willow growled, low and dangerous, her pretend playful pounce turning into a real low stance of fighting. The tiger lies low, not from fear, but for accuracy. She didn't know why that was in her head, but it seemed appropriate.
A human...great, she thought as she studied Lance. It seemed appropriate that she would get to kill a Godwin. It looked like today was her lucky day. She'd get to kill a mindless killing machine, a human, AND a Godwin, at the same time.
Then she turned to the one who was originally behind the tree, and her entire decision changed. Oh yeah, THAT was the one she wanted to fight. He reeked of demonic and she was trained to destroy demonics...completely. Screw the Godwin...another day, perhaps. Now her full attention was on the demon, her eyes locking with his. There was DEFINATELY going to be some blood shed tonight. And she knew it wasn't going to be from her or her shiny white fur...

Lance laughed,"Actually, I just got through sending flowers to the last person that disgraced the Shikaku. I have to keep an image, ain't that right Zero?" He laughed at his brother's patheticness and Zero's silent nature. Both were always slinking through town, trying to be unnoticed. Himself, on the other hand, loved his nature and knew he was perfect. If it were up to him, he would be in charge. He actually had a nickname, The Gentleman. It completely suited me, he thought as he turned his attention to the three, studying each one. While Dimitri looked born ready to fight, as it came naturally to a Godwin, the panther looked ferocious, ready to kill with a single swipe. The girl, on the other hand, looked unsure of herself. Like an easy mark, like a rookie. It then came to him that THIS must be the new rookie in the Chikyuu no Mirai. Easy picking, he thought, the weak go first.

"You got failure here and his little pussy cat, right Zero? I get the girl." He turned to the rookie, grabbing his blades and twirling them as they glinted off of the twilight. "Hello, beauty," he sneered, ingiting the blades in fire,"You and I gonna dance..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Lance Godwin Character Portrait: Dahlia Goldwood
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Zero chuckled as Lance gave him an order "Don't boss me around." Zero said in a monotone voice looking at the panther and other guy, "Though it'll be fun killing the Head commander of the Guardians of Light." he then added looking at the white feline. He only smiled looking at the two, the feline most likely knew of the demon he had dwelling inside him so he had to be careful. Zero stood up straight taking a few steps forward and grinned "I wont hold back." he said as he release his killing intent(Technique in his char sheet).

Setsugie ran at top speed passing through the town in a few minutes then headed to the forest feeling an ominous aura and evil aura dead ahead of him, it seamed as if something or someone powerful was there he could also feel Dahlias presence there too, "Damn it I'm still about 10 minutes away." Setsugie said, he was worried in the safety of the rookie.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Lance Godwin Character Portrait: Dahlia Goldwood
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Activating her magic she felt the seed within her palm unravel as she uncurled her fingers allowing the vine some room as it grew to a moderate length that came down to her ankle. This would probably be a tough battle as the fighter in front of her was a user of fire from the way his blades were torched so this would probably get hectic. Being magical plants they weren't entirely flammable like the normal plants as they were embedded with magical energy.

It wasn't the best time period to fight as she it was night time and her powers were the strongest when in the morning, but she wouldn't back down from a fight. Dahlia placed her free hand on the ground chanting a small spell as the dirt began to rumble beneath her. The dirt gathered next to her into one large creature with her Nature's Marionette spell. It created a dirt golem that was twice her size made of rocks and dirt from the scenario. With it's musty fists it charged at Lance full force with heavy stomps as it roared aggressively throwing it's fists at the male.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Lance Godwin Character Portrait: Dahlia Goldwood
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Guest
Dimitri cried out as a force whipped through him, causing him pain. He fell to one knee, looking up. He was still standing there, he realized. How could he have sent cascades of pain through me without even blinking? Slowly standing up, he threw a knife, watching it go wide left, then leaped up into the trees. He continued to climb and climb and climb until he reached the tops. Now the fun begins, he thought as he sent knives raining down upon Zero, knowing that the branches should supress quite a few attacks. Gravity was on his side as well, magnifying the force and speed of the knives as they fell ten fold.

"Zero, huh," Willow retorted,"By the end of this, you will be health." She grunted as pain flowed through her. Mind tricks, she muttered as she diminished the pain in the next second. She had some experience with this attack in the war and she knew better than that. Killing intent, it's supposed to make a person lose his edge as they fought. "Really?" she sneered,"You're facing the head of the Guardians of Light and your first move is a mind trick? Pathetic." With that she pounced, aiming straight for Zero. The only bad part of this is that in animal form, her attacks are weak.

Lance gave a small laugh as the dirt golem came running at him, knowing exactly how to solve this. She changed the mana sent into each of his swords, the fire diminishing immediately. Twirling the blades, he threw one of the swords, charging it with extra mana as it landed perfectly into the golem's chest. All of a sudden the golem began to appear to melt, turning the dirt into mud. He smiled as water from his blade entered the golem. But he didn't want to destroy it that way. Oh no, that would be too easy. This was just to soften him up. As the golem kept charging, he approached and jumped, his other blade thrusting into the golem. Sending a wave of mana into the sword, the earth-charged sword powered up. The very next second, the golem blew apart, the chunks splattering all over the forest. A spire of earth remained, the cause of the golem's explosion. Pulling out his other blade, he changed the mana in each again, one ignited with fire, the other was now wind-powered.

"Oh, I'm just getting started," he smirked, using the wind in one sword to jet out of the hilt, launching him forward. He used the other blade that was on fire to slash at the girl, hoping that a cut would emerge and blood would spill out.

The setting changes from Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest) to Kuusou


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel Character Portrait: Lance Godwin Character Portrait: Dahlia Goldwood
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0.00 INK

Dahlia leapt to the side as fast she could although not fast enough as the swift burning blade was swung creating a large gash at her side. She bit her lip trying to show no signs of weakness as a feeling to scream out in pain punched her.Lightly and speedily she got behind him and unleashed a barrage of slashes at the male with the sharp spiny whip.

In order to reduce the thought of the black bird of being killed upon the battle taking her free hand she grabbed it and flung it into the forest as she continued to fight.

If she was able to semi-spar with Setstugie than she would be able to defend herself her and now.This was a life or death situation and she wasn't going to laze around and be killed on the spot. Her heart had started to pound crazily like a mad man or in her case a mad woman.

The setting changes from Kuusou to Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lance Godwin Character Portrait: Dahlia Goldwood
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Guest
Lance chuckled as she began her attack with a whip. A whip? Really, he thought as he dodged the first two strokes toward him, then the next one he brought his sword and let the whip wrap around it, then yanked, aiming to rip the whip out of her hands. Then used the other sword, charging it with earth, then slamming it into the ground, causing a giant fissure, heading straight towards Dahlila.

The setting changes from Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest) to Kuusou


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lance Godwin Character Portrait: Dahlia Goldwood
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0.00 INK

Smiling at how he fell for her little trap by allowing her vine to wrap around the sword, she added more magic into her whip and allowed it to extend more making the yank's force decrease as it grew longer and wrapped around the sword like a snake. Then the end of the whip popped open revealing a giant flower head with teeth all around it. Growling it aimed for the side of the man's neck as he charged the other sword into the ground.

Grimacing at the cheetah approaching ground movement Dahlia knew that she would have to let go of her weapon that was attacking the man. Letting her hands loose from her weapon, it continued it's assault as she tried to dodge the fissure but was disappointed when it widened a bit more than she thought making her trip clumsily and roll on to the green grass ground. The elf coughed a little from the fatigue usage of magic but she continued on. Grabbing a blade of thin grass Dahlia waved it around adding even more magic to it as it elongated and extended into a similar but thinner version of her seeded whip preparing as much as she could for defense purposes although she was slightly out of breath as sweat started to bead her forehead.

The setting changes from Kuusou to Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lance Godwin Character Portrait: Dahlia Goldwood
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#, as written by Guest
Lance struggled as the whip continued to wrap around his sword until he saw the seed monster heading straight for his neck. Using his earth-powered sword, he brought it up, slicing the monster in half. His other hand suddenly flew back as Dahlia let go of the whip. He sent the whip flying into the other side of the forest. Unfortunately, his sword went with it. He turned to the girl, now with one sword. She was sweating and starting to show fatigue. She turned a blade of grass into a makeshift whip and Lance laughed. "Getting tired, aren't we?" he taunted,"Don't worry, soon, you'll be getting ready for a permanent dirt nap." With that, he charged his sword with fire and charged at the girl, slashing and hacking at frightful speed and crazy, unpredictable combinations.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Lance Godwin Character Portrait: Dahlia Goldwood
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Zero looked as the feline transformed into a Dragon as the other man jumped and threw a stream of flames above him while the dragon did the same, though unfortunately Zero did not notice Demitri's attack and was caught in his stream of flames; but he quickly moved out dodging the dragons silver flame in the process know his cloths where a bit charred, "Damn, know my cloths are charred." he said and grinned, "Know it's time to get serious." he added. He ran to Dimitri "You die first." he said, and threw a horizontal slash to his chest followed by a kick to his calve to throw off Dimitri's balance, while at tthe dragon the Azure Grimoire appears in front of her, throwing a slash to her neck with its katana.

Setsugie had arrived seeing all the people and the dragon he concentrated on Dahlia how was being attacked by red haired man Setsugie without a second thought stepped in. Setsugie drew his katana and blocked the man's flaming blade, "What do you think you are doing to my Rookie?" he said as he shot a glare to him, Setsugie's katana being held on his left hand.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Lance Godwin Character Portrait: Dahlia Goldwood
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#, as written by Guest
Dimitri brought up his sword just in time to stop the slash, but he didn't see the shot to the calf coming. He cried out in pain as he hit the ground, hearing a snap! coming from his leg. He groaned as he knew his leg was broken. He started throwing knives at Zero again while dragging his body away from him. He needed range now. Up close and personal wouldn't do it anymore. He wondered how Willow and Dahlia were holding up. It was then when he saw another person emerge in the fight...the leader! Relief flew through his body as he continued to move away from his possible killer.

Willow just had enough time to manifest into a flea before the katana reached where she used to be. Taking advantage, she jumped on the blade and then the shoulder of the new attacker. She then began to grow to T-Rex size, hoping that her weight would crush the creature. Where the hell did this creature spawn from? She knew it was with Zero, but what the hell was it? She heard Dimitri's leg break and a sense of natural concern came to her. With newfound confidence and energy, she kicked the creature with her claw-like feet, then ran towards Dimitri to aide him, sensing a new prescence to the fight, but his intentions were pure...

Lance laughed at the newcomer who stepped in to block his stroke,"Ah...Setsugie. How nice of you to join the ruckus!" he sneered and changed the mana to earth again, sending the blade into the ground. Somewhere in the forest, the earth popped up, sending the sword Lance lost back to him. He caught it by the hilt, twirling the blade before he made a ready stance and charged the other blade with mana, this one air powered. "You make a much better opponent than your rookie did," Lance challenged back to him,"You and me, old man." He checked his mana. He had plenty left.

The setting changes from Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest) to Kuusou


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel Character Portrait: Lance Godwin Character Portrait: Dahlia Goldwood
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Dahlia was having a hard time keeping up with the movements of her adversary. She would have been dealt a fatal blow when a familiar blade intercepted the glowing fire sword. Stumbling backwards she realized that her savior was her superior."Setstugie-sama" her eyes widened in surprise as she back off. Her adversary had already changed targets right away as soon as he saw the newcomer.

Clutching her side the rookie grimaced a little at the large cut that was now turning into a bloody mess. Concentrating she felt the wound close up with her healing spell as Lance challenged the leader of the Chikyuu no Mirai leader. Creating a bit more distance she dropped to her knees onto the grass releasing her hand on her side that was now slowly healing up. Her fear and terror now arose within her stomach creating a storm within as she gathered her thoughts and emotions calmly and quickly.

She had been acting rashly without giving her magic supply a second thought. It was the fact that the fear and suddenness had startled her causing her to panic and throw everything at the danger but that just made it worse.

The setting changes from Kuusou to Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Lance Godwin Character Portrait: Dahlia Goldwood
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Setsugie looked at the man, he was and experienced fighter probably from the Shikaku that would be a problem, "Stand down and leave this place, before I lose control of my anger and kill you where you stand." Setsugie said, he is genuinely angry the man had cause harm to one of his children. He looked at Dahlia and gave her a smile then looked back at the red haired man glaring at him once again, 'Belldandy I need your help.' he thought as Belldandy materializes besides Dahlia "Let me help you with that Dahlia-dono." Belldandy said in a soft tone and placed her hands on Dahlia's wound, one hand glowing in a light green aura, and the other in a blue aura, soon the pain started to numb down as the wound began to heal.

Zero blocked the dagger Dimitri threw at him with ease, the Azure Grimoire disappears as Willow transformed into a T-rex; Zero was about to finish the job but saw the T-rex charge at him most likely in an attempt to save the man. Zero smiled holding out his other arm "Demi." he said as a semi transparent sphere appears and rapidly expands on the area enclosing Zero, Willow and Dimitri in it as the effects of being inside the sphere kick in, though for Zero it didn't seem to affect him because he has trained inside the sphere so hes accustomed to its effects.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Lance Godwin Character Portrait: Dahlia Goldwood
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#, as written by Guest
Dimitri hit the ground the moment the sphere encased him. Oxygen seemed to be low. He had a hard time breathing. He was exhausted. It was like someone doubled his weight. He tried to lift himself once more, but he couldn't do it. He suddenly found himself exhausted, not being able to defend himself anymore. Zero was unlike any opponent he had ever fought before. He turned to look at the man through a hazy vision and found him still standing there, unaffected by whatever he cast. Maybe demonics were immune to such a sphere, he thought, but he felt like he was going to lose conciousness. Don't you dare slip away, Dimitri! he told himself, but he couldn't help it. The effects of the sphere were getting to him, weighing him down. The pain from his leg was now shifting through his entire body. He was in no condition to fight. He was exhausted from the events of yesterday and today. It was as if every tiring thing he had ever done in his life, from good to bad, finally caught up with him and were now taking him down at once. With a final try to lift himself once more, then hit the ground, blacking out.

Willow grunted as the sphere Zero launched swallowed her, making it difficult to stand, breathe, and fight. But she knew that it wouldn't take her down. Even though she had rarely fought in a sphere, she knew what it was like and what energy levels were required to make it out alive. She had trained for such. However, a century in a gem doesn't really help in that. She fell to one knee and knew that she couldn't take him down in this form. She weighed too much. She began to manifest into something smaller, yet with a lot of power and extremely lethal...a tiger. She started to circle him, her animal instincts taking over for a bit. She knew she wouldn't have the strength to be in here long, but all it would take is one sharp claw to the juggular and he would be over. Of course, it's not as easy as that, but it was worth a try. With a leap, she was in front of him, clawing at the demon.

Lance stepped back, deciding if this was smart. Setsugie was a powerful adversary with legendary combat skills and great power. He wasn't labeled leader of the Chikyuu no Mirai for no reason. Himself, on the other hand, was the Associate of the Shikaku, also powerful, but not nearly as powerful as Setsugie. Besides, Setsugie was refreshed, a new combatant. He would give it his all to ensure the safety of the girl and he already had a ton of mana stored. Himself was still strong, but not enough power was with him at the moment to defeat Setsugie. Heck, even at top form, he'd need luck and willpower to beat him, probably killing or crippling himself in the attempt. He'd wasted too much on the girl. Some other time perhaps...

Lance stepped back, removing the mana flow through his swords, then sheathed them. "Alright, Setsugie, I'll let you go for now, but this isn't over," Lance threatened,"We will meet again." With that, he turned and began to walk away, ready to block any surprise attack that might come if he turned his back to them. He then noticed Zero fighting. "Zero, you comin' or you going to finish these two off?"

The setting changes from Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest) to Kuusou


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel Character Portrait: Florence Batingflay Character Portrait: Lance Godwin Character Portrait: Dahlia Goldwood
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With a light tap against a tree Florence watch the small black specks fall out of the opening in her pipe as she traveled leisurely down a worn down path through the forest. It has been a month and a half since she had left the city of Kuusou to go on a trip to Relor, though being away this long wasn't unusual; being away for about half the year was absolutely normal for her. She had never grown accustomed to staying in one place for too long. Loudly she made her way along the trail pushing aside branches and kicking up fallen leaves until something caught her eye. "Hm... A giant sphere?" She questioned using her pipe to lift a large branch out of view. Florence's face twitched slightly not particularly caring who the people inside while beginning to make her way through the bush staying silent to avoid any other enemies that might have have been lurking around. Her suspicions were confirmed when she caught sight of a man with long red hair similar to herself making her let out a quiet chuckle before continuing on her way. The appearance of the man seemed to tweak her memory, but not quite enough to make her stop him; confrontation was not in her agenda in the moment... curiosity was. It wasn't long before Florence came to someone she definitely knew, Setsugie though just slightly farther away seemed to be a girl who she didn't know. "Leader? What's all the guy with red hair and the people surrounded by a giant sphere thing about over there?" She pointed backwards in the direction she had came from. "Also, as you can see I'm back," She stood up straight looking around him at the girl with blonde hair forgetting slightly that it may have been a good idea to keep his eye on her higher up.

The setting changes from Kuusou to Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Florence Batingflay Character Portrait: Belldandy
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Zero heard Lance but decided to ignore him obviously he would Zero loathes not finishing off his enemy's, the giant T-rex shrink down into Tiger Zero smiled 'At least she was smart.' he thought. Dodging the Felines attack by moving to the side, Zero had the perfect chance to attack bringing his dagger upwards he flung it down at the felines neck with the increased gravity it would definitely kill her but was stopped by a katana flying straight at Zero, he barely notices it but dodges it. Then he looks at the one who threw it the Leader of the Chikyuu no Mirai, the sphere(Demi) dissipates as Zero deactivates his spell, "You have a death wish." Zero said noticing a deep cut on his cheek and wipes off a bit of the blood. "I suggest you leave with your friend. Next time I will aim for your head not your cheek." Setsugie said, as he decided to ignore Florence for this one time, Zero glared at Setsugie "You seem to cocky Setsugie." he said but seeing as more and more people arrived he had no chance at fighting them all, "Okay I'll retreat for know. Next time I see you I'll kill you." he said as a hint of anger could be seen on his face, and walked back into the town. Zero was already exhausted being inside the sphere and he doubts that's his magic reserves would be enough for all of them, though he could feel his stamina return bit by bit it wasn't going to help.

Setsugie sighed walking to his kanata and grabbing it and sheathing it, looking at the passed out man "Belldandy when your finished with Dahlia we need your help here." Setsugie said. Then looked at Florence, "Welcome back young one." He said walking up to her, "I hope everything went alright in your travels." he added; "And well the red haired man and the one that walked off with him are from Shikaku, they had attacked Dahlia here she's our rookie by the way. I ran here to save her after noting that she was out an odd amount of time." Setsugie explained.

Belldandy upon finishing Dahlias wound "You should rest and not strain yourself Dahlia-dono." Belldandy said and stood up walking to the passed out man and looked at the white Tiger 'Guardians of Light...' she thought, then sat besides the passed out man, 'His leg is broken, and he passed out due to exhaustion...what happened inside that sphere?' Belldandy thought. Belldandy placed her hand on his chest and chanted words in an ancient Angelic Language, after chanting, Dimitri's body begins to glow in a dark red aura, this was a intermediate healing spell known to he angels Elven grace it was called, it heals the body and rejuvenates it at the cost of ones magical reserves.

The setting changes from Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest) to Kuusou


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Florence Batingflay Character Portrait: Belldandy
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"Thank you Belldandy-sama" the golden elf replied as the powerful being finished off her healing. She backed off away from the battle obediently as she felt the familiar squeak of happiness. Ping flashed out of the bushes and landed on her shoulder snuggling into her face happily because of her safe master and friend.Dahlia felt bad though, she wasn't even able to leave scratch on the man let alone fight him. This made her feel useless as she watched the two face off.

The forest elf was most surprised when the man backed down. He placed his swords back where they belonged leaving a threatening note before calling over to his battling partner named Zero who was in the middle of a fight with Dimitri and Williow. It was incredible to see this man who was just toying with her backing down from Setsugie-sama. This made her think even more highly of him and made her think about in wonder about his power level. " I can never compare..." the thought crossed her head and she shook it allowing it to pass through although it was true. But she wasn't called a rookie for nothing. She would get better.... she hoped.

Hearing the voice of someone she turned to see a reddish orange haired female. She apparently seemed to know Setsugie so little Dahlia assumed that was probably one of the people a part of Chikyuu no Mirai that she hadn't met yet as there were some people that were always somewhere else doing something and only returning to the base a few times for a report and assignment.

Quietly Dahlia trailed after Belldandy and Setsugie as they walked over to the now passed out Dimitri. Her eyes widened in amazement at the skilled being as Belldandy began to heal the man's body at an incredible rate. "That's amazing..." she said quietly to herself.

The setting changes from Kuusou to Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Florence Batingflay Character Portrait: Lance Godwin
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#, as written by Guest
Willow watched in wonder as the woman began to heal Dimitri. Man, she thought, he put up a fight. He still is weak and dumb, like any other human, but he never backed down, something rare in humans. He had courage. The woman healing him showed some advanced skill in healing herself. Intermediate magic, she thought, like she used. She knew a couple of expert spells, but mostly settled on the advanced and intermediate ones. However, she couldn't do any of her magic because of her curse.

She sighed then her ears perked up as another presence entered the forest. A girl with orange-reddish hair wandered into the clearing and immediately went up to Setsugie. Now who was THIS newcomer? she asked herself. Her attention then turned back to Dimitri, who was still out, but looked like he was healed perfectly. She gazed at Lance and Zero, who were leaving the place to return to wherever they came from. All of this was confusing to her. Why was there fighting between the two? A hundred years ago, it was angels vs. Demonics. Now, all of a sudden, there were these two. What happened in a century? she wondered. Most importantly, she hasn't run into one of her comrades since she was freed. A shiver went down her spine, she knew the angels won that war, but shouldn't there be more of her kind down here, watching over the world, finishing off the remaining demonics, like Zero?

Finally, she went over to the girl healing Dimitri. She seemed to know who she was and she seemed like the person to talk to."Hey..."she said awkwardly,"Um...can you explain to me what that was? I know Dimitri hates his brother and all, but who are you and your teammates and why were you fighting them?"