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Rafael Lopez

"Isn't it nice to be back home?"

0 · 817 views · located in Cherry Blossom, Washington

a character in “Cherry Blossom's War -Reboot-”, originally authored by συιʝα, as played by RolePlayGateway

So begins...

Rafael Lopez's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willow Octavia Sanders Character Portrait: Robin Sykes Character Portrait: Ronan Matthews Character Portrait: Charles A. Greyson Character Portrait: Nathaniel Searus Character Portrait: Julie Sinclair
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Lilly Smith

The moon was just coming up, you couldn't see it just yet but Lilly could feel it. It wasn't quite a full moon but it was close. She spent all day training, she didn't want to be bothered today. For her it was the anniversary of her brothers never speaking to her kindly again. For other werewolves it was the same, families broken to shreds, friendships shattered. For the vampires it was a semi-glorious day, with the packs on the cusp of war they had opportunities to invade the town. For the humans it was just another day.

Taking a break from her running she sat at the edge of a small creek and watched the fish swim by. She let her mind go blank, something she never does. It was nice to have a few minutes without a care int he world. Lucky fish. You only have to worry about not dying and reproducing With a heavy sigh she stood, whipped off her jean shorts and began running her way pack to the pack house.

Not only was this a sad day but a happy one. She had become Alpha on this day and she worked hard for it. It was a time for grief and celebration. She ran faster, her breathing not affected at all. She wasn't much for celebration but some of the pack members came up with the idea and she didn't want to be a downer. She made it to the pack house and there was music already playing. More people had shown up than she thought, she slowed to a stop and walked the rest of the way to the door. Before she could open it Hanna, an omega, opened the door with a huge smile. "The guest of honor has arrived!" the girl yelled over the music causing everyone to yell in return. She was already regretting this.

Vivian Greenwood
In her usual spot, at the only diner in town. Anyone who worked there pretty much knew her, knew what she was going to order, and knew when she would come in. They pretty much knew her routine, so much so that that night her order was already at her usual table. She turned to the waitress behind the counter and smiled, "I had to make a darling couple move tables to make room for ya, sweetheart." The woman said in a southern accent. Vivian had known the woman since she arrived in town, she half expected her accent to be gone by now but she grew to enjoy it. She sat the booth and scooted close to the window so she was sitting diagonally and pulled out her book she recently bought from the bookstore.

She opened the book and took out the marker setting it on the table and began reading. She didn't bother touching her food and no one bothered asking her if she still wanted it. She would spend so long reading before she even touched her food. Once she sat there for exactly 4 hours and twenty-five minutes just reading, her food untouched, the waitresses had made a bet to see how long it would take her to even look at the food.

Julie Sinclair
Julie had slept all day, something she normally does when the sun is out. Some people would just watch tv or movies but Julie doesn't even own a tv. She doesn't like the new technology being born hundreds of years ago. The only thing 'new' that she has is a cellphone but it is the most basic phone, she only got it so she could keep in touch with the others int he coven and some friends and her boss. Tonight she had to work, she was a stripper and she was the clubs most popular dancer besides the youngest girl there because some guys are perverts. Unfortunately, the sun was still up so she would still have to wait in her apartment.

Once the sun was gone she was free to roam the town, this was one of the only bad thing about being a vampire and she hated it. She got dressed and was on her way. Normally on her way to work she dressed in normal clothes jeans and t shirts but tonight she felt a little racy so instead she wore a plain black mini dress and heels. She liked to stir up trouble in town especially with the women who hated her and what she did for a living, it was her daily joy in life besides murdering witches and drinking from humans.

She got to work, late which her boss wasn't happy about but she didn't care. He didn't yell at her like he would have done with the other girl because she was not the type to take his shit plus she was popular so she got a little more leeway. She made her way to the dressing room waving hello to the bartender and a few of her work friends. The club was packed tonight which was nice for her and the girls. She liked when it was packed, about half her customers wanted private dances and that was when she would drink from them. She didn't kill them because that would give her away but some have had to go to the hospital from her drinking a little too much.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willow Octavia Sanders Character Portrait: Robin Sykes Character Portrait: Charles A. Greyson Character Portrait: Edmund Markus Bales Character Portrait: Vivian Greenwood Character Portrait: Rafael Lopez
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E. Markus Bales
{ Location: Daycare Center, Home || Outfit || #A65200 }

A stout, older woman, was shifting through a filing cabinet with a practiced air, in the backroom of a Day-Care Center, and so busy with her work that she did not notice the steady tread of a young man entering the room and stopping short of an arm's reach behind her. He was dark of hair and eye, and his fair complexion had a healthy glow to it even in the dimmed lighting. He was quiet, purposeful, and had an unnatural stillness few his age could ever match. He had flecks of dried yellow and blue paint speckled on his fingers, and hand/finger-print's of the same colors gripped around his wrist and fore-arms, the evidence of a busy day and Markus's unworldly patience. "Ma'am," He rumbled, as gently as he could, still a line of shivers ran across the elder care-taker's shoulders and along down her spine. Markus may have felt down right apologetic of his decidedly rough voice, if his employer hadn't asked him to be up front today to collect and return the children from and to their parents - and no less than two people had complained to their significant other as they were leaving, in perfect earshot for even an ordinary mundane human to have heard, that they weren't particularly comfortable leaving their children with such a 'brute'. And while he guessed he couldn't blame them, as humans were naturally frightened (or aroused, as the case would've been in situations not concerning their children) of hybrids like him; and maybe he wasn't thrilled with adults in general, because yes... Children, fluffy or not, he could more easily adore - made of a little salt, a squeeze of lemon, a bucket of sugar, and a forgiveness for his kind (whether they knew it or not) that lasted for a time, long enough like they were on his Preschool watch, before they grew up and became like their parents eventually. Markus continued, "Last kid was out at 3:30, and everything's' been cleaned up. Can I head out for the night?" "Yes, Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow morning. Goodbye." The matron resumed her usual tact, rough but proper, as she dismissed her youthful employee - even though she was unwilling to raise her eyes from the cabinet to make sure he had heard her, all though, she needn't have bothered anyway. He took his leave after her response and picked up this week's paycheck off the counter, before departing out the door to the spare closet to grab his back-pack (mostly empty except for a lunch bag returned haphazardly within, and a set of keys for a bike lock) - heading to the bike rack to collect his ride, and headed on to the quaint little home he shared with his elderly parents on the outskirts of town… Markus started awake as his phone suddenly thrilled loudly an text alert with a muted groan, and an aching feeling that felt like he had only just closed his eyes moments ago - he'd only wanted a spare few minutes before a brief dinner and his pack-mates started meandering into his and his parents’ home in varying waves depending on when school let out, or their means of employment’s letting out, for the scheduled hunt this evening. He stretched idly to fetch the phone buried underneath a pillow, scowling at the time, which was just under a 30 minute nap, which wasn’t awful; and then at the blighted text message that had awoken him up in the first place, and blighted may have been a far kinder word than he really wanted to think about it being groggy from sleep and general exasperation with the world. The hunt wasn’t scheduled at a set-time, but more so as a general agreement of getting there around the settling of dusk to dark, it wasn’t that hard, honestly. He snarled under-breath to himself, but forced a terse texted reply of Yes in response to the message asking if they could start to head over now, pft. With that taken care of, Markus threw the covers, shoving himself upright, and moved towards the bathroom – knowing a hot shower would awaken him quicker, and wash off the preschooler paint markings off. And with a fresh set of clothes he was set to go down the stairs and wait for everyone’s arrival shortly.

Charles A. Greyson
{ Location: Dance Studio, Diner || Outfit || #929292 }

“Alright, man, well we’ll see you next week.” “Goodbye, Thanks!” “Good luck running the joint, Adios~” Charles gave a radiant grin, shrugging as he bobbed his head friendly in farewell to the handful of his co-workers and boss that had decided that everyone would be getting the time off to go on a vacation together, to run amuck in the free time they had in the big city far outside of Cherry Blossom’s boundaries, window shopping to their hearts content, hanging around in the many hot spots that littered there, or grabbing a bite in the hundreds of restaurants and bistros dotting across the map. He’d declined on going himself on such a notion of careless frivolity, of just doing water, consequences be dammed; and had simply offered to stay behind, and take on the few more classes of various dance and yoga to cover the slack, and keep patrons happy, while everyone else was gone for the week for the unplanned, spur-of-the-moment vacation. Really, truth be told, Charles tended to avoid such events, even when invited out or under extreme duress from his few friends. Well, that might have been a bit of an exaggeration, but the point remained that he was certainly more comfortable (than even some of the born locals, given recent events) keeping his own two feet on the ground in Cherry Blossom – regardless of what he well knew went bump in the night. He much preferred that predictability here, it wasn’t quite safe, but it was, most of all, home. He blew out a contented whistle through his teeth, and with a quick glance to figure that everything was put back in its place(s) for the night, ready for the following day, and all the stray water bottles had eventually found their (a) owner(s) (or the recycling can); he headed out, setting the alarm, locked the door, and went out onto the streets of Cherry Blossom. It was not much of a walk from the studio to the diner in which his mother and Aunt worked at (though this night, they were actually both off in fact – but with a known sweet tooth, and the habit of a chocolate shake after work ingrained in his mind, he was headed that direction anyway), but with the sky stretching with the colors of the sunset his footsteps weren’t unhurried per say but simply purposeful in their movement. When he finally arrived, he caught the waitress’ eye, with a small grin, Regular, please. “Sure, just a minute.” No worries. Instead of sitting at the bar or at one of the open tables, Charles caught the familiar sight of Vivian, surprisingly without the shadow of another coven member or one of her human friends yet. Hey, Vivian, Charles greeted, as he made his way over and slipped down into the booth’s other seat, with one of his common bright grins (that probably said ‘Hello’ better than words did anyhow) lighting up his face. How’s your newest addiction going? He hummed in friendly question, not disapproving but not approving either. With a small hand flick, gesturing seemingly to the ‘new’ book she held that she was reading and/or towards her forgotten food upon the plates in front of her with a raised eyebrow.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vivian Greenwood Character Portrait: Rafael Lopez Character Portrait: Alanna O'Shea
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Outfit || Location; Clinic >> Dinner || #78A1AA
"Well, Ms.Walkins, it looks like little Cleo here has a clean bill of health." Rafael addressed the woman who stood on the other side of his lab table, the owner of the new little kitten he was attending and his last patient of the day. He smiled at her, assuring her that everything was indeed okay. "She'll need her first shots in about 3 weeks so make sure to bring her in." Rafael squatted down, being tall he reached the leveled surface of the table just perfectly and began playfully moving his finger about trying to catch the kittens attention. The little kitten, Cleo stared at him at first before soon attacking his finger or trying at least. It was so cute that Rafael couldn't contain a chuckle that escaped his lips before standing at full height once again, smoothing out his lab coat slightly. "Thank you so much, Doc. I'll see you in 3 weeks then." she smiled, realizing that the clinic had closed ten minutes ago and didn't want to keep him any longer than he had to. Like the gentleman he is, Rafael opened the door for the middle-aged woman and walked her out to the front so she could pay for her visit.

Afterward, Raf began sending his employees home, the ones that faithfully stuck with him even when the old man died and gave him the clinic. They already recognized him as their boss and a worthy owner of this establishment. He smiled and waved the women off, making sure they all got to their cars safely before heading back in and wiping done all four of his lab tables just as a precaution even though he fully cleaned all of them already. When he finished Rafael hung up his lab coat, changed into his running clothes, turned off all the lights and locked up for the evening. He tossed his keys into his backpack before heading off towards his apartment, boy was he looking forward to that shower when he got home.

Walking into his room from the shower with the towel lazily wrapped around his waist, Rafael picked up his phone, running his fingers through his damp hair as he read his mother's message.

From; Mom
BLT all the way.

Smiling at the text, Rafael sent her a "gotcha". The mother and son had a routine, Rafael would always bring her food whether it was lunch, dinner or both because his mother worked some crazy hours at the hospital. So, what she had sent him was simply her order for dinner tonight. He smiled at the text, finding it momentarily funny how he and his mother practically talked like friends rather than parent to child. Rafael, as he walked over to his closet pulled up another contact of his, Alanna who was basically like his little sister.
To; Clarie
Sooo, how was your day?

Pressing the send button Rafael finally put his phone down by tossing it on his bed. He pulled off the towel from around his waist and dried his hair a little more as he rummaged through his closet simultaneously. After picking out something fast he got dressed and was out the door, heading towards the dinner. While he walked Raf couldn't help but feel a bit more energetic, more than what he's used to feeling. He glanced up, his dark eyes landing on the moon, almost full but not quite. Raf's pretty sure it's the moon that's making him feel this way and honestly, he didn't mind, in fact, he was going to need it for the hunt tonight.

Arriving on scene Rafael entered the dinner but once again, not without holding the door open for a father and his two children. The children ran right past Rafael but the father was nice enough to thank him which didn't really bother him because Raf loved children and knew how they were. As soon as he walked in Rafael was greeted by most of the staff that was near him because they all knew him. He smiled and greeted each of them back and walked up to the counter, taking a seat. "Hey, Rafael my boy, eating in tonight?" The elderly man behind the counter asked. He was the owner of the restaurant and has known Rafael since he first arrived in Cherry Blossom. "Nah, just came to order a BLT for my mom, she's working the late shift tonight but I wouldn't mind a milkshake." The old man smiled proudly at Rafael as he quickly began working on a vanilla milkshake. "Such a good son you are, I'll put in your order and tell your mother not to overwork herself. In the meantime here's your milkshake." The man set a tall glass of thick shake in front of Rafael. "Thanks, Frankie, I will." The elderly man then nodded while smiling and disappeared into the kitchen.

Rafael leaned into the straw and took his first sip of the cold, vanilla-y goodness. His eyes didn't begin to wander until he pulled away from the straw and found nothing to do other than just sit and wait. They curiously looked over people, just watching life in motion. Suddenly his nose caught a scent and it was one he found oddly intoxicating. Brown eyes searched the tables until they landed on her, Vivian. There was this weird pull in his stomach gravitating towards her. As if his body was telling him to go over there but he sat and admired from afar. Only until he couldn't stand it any longer and stood up with milkshake in hand and made his way over towards her. He still had a good amount of time before he had to show up for the hunt, about a half hour or so. "Hey, Vivian." he smiled down at her before sitting opposite from her, "Mind if I join you for a little?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charles A. Greyson Character Portrait: Vivian Greenwood Character Portrait: Rafael Lopez Character Portrait: Lillian Smith Character Portrait: Serena Roberge
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Lilly Smith
Lilly spent about twenty minutes greeting memebrs of her pack on her way to the kitchen, where she knew Serena was waiting with her drink. She thought she would never make it to her drink but she did. When she saw Serena her fake smile turned into a huge real one. She knew Serena felt the same about this party as she did, even if it was for different reasons. Lilly wasn't happy about the pack splitting up just as Serena wasn't but Lilly knew there was no way to put the pack together without an all out war and it wasn't worth it when she thought of how many members who could be hurt.

"Ah, my drink is in the making. How is the party so far?" She asked, emphasizing 'party'. Serena was lucky, she got to hide in the kitchen while Lilly had to interact with the pack. Usually on this day she would be planning some type of hunt or prowling or something but the younger members of the pack saw this day as a celebration. For whatever reason. Of course they only pups when the pack split and didn't fully understand the reasoning behind it no matter how much it was explained to them.

Vivian Greenwood
She heard the voice before he sat in front of her but she didn't look up from her book until he sat. “Hey, Vivian,” She glanced up over the top of the book and saw him finally sit down, Charles, a member of her coven. He always had the nicest smiles on his face, especially when he was around his own kind. “How’s your newest addiction going?” She followed his hand gesture to her book then to her food, which she had yet to touch. She'd honestly forgot she even ordered that but she knew she didn't really have to.

She lowered the book from her face, but didn't close it, "The book...Is great. It's a new one I got from Ronan at the bookstore. One of their new shipments. The food, is always great if I even remember to eat it." She said finally putting her book down, marking the page with a folded napkin. Any book lover knew it was disgraceful to bend the corner of the book to mark the page and you would never catch Vivian doing that. She moved the book to the side and moved her plate of food in front of her. A half of a turkey sandwich and side of chips, her usual dinner. She took a bite of the sandwich and smiled. After swallowing the bite of food she looked at Charles "How's your day been?"

Another familiar voice entered the diner and it brought butterflies to Vivian's stomach and she knew exactly who it was. Rafael was super sweet and Vivian has had a crush on him since she met him. She hasn't said she had a crush on him but it's pretty obvious. Whenever he was around she always felt anxious and panicky. She never knew what to say or if she would say something really dumb. However their interactions usually went normal once time had past.

"Hey, Vivian." The voice got closer and Viv looked up and gave Rafael a huge smile. "Hey!" He took a seat across from her next to Charles, "Mind if I join you for a little?"

Sure, She motioned to Charles "This is Charles, he's a friend of mine. Charles this is Rafael." She said introducing the two.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charles A. Greyson Character Portrait: Vivian Greenwood Character Portrait: Brooklyn Simmons. Character Portrait: Rafael Lopez
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
x Potion Master xxWitchx
# 8 5 1 3 D 1 xx a t t i r e
Brooklyn stood behind the counter, flipping through the pages of her book of shadows. She was bored she had to admit, but this was her job. She ran the apothecary, the only one in the town. Truthfully, there was one of about everything. There was one apothecary, one diner, one movie theater that didn't play anything new, one bookstore. This town, because calling it a city was a joke, was as small as anyone could imagine. She looked up at the clock that was mounted on the wall. Danny was supposed to pick her up, because like the town they had one car between the two of them. She sighed. Where was that fool? She wondered and she pulled out her phone, thankfully, this place had wifi because most of the millennials here would have pitched themselves from the nearest cliff if not. She sighed dramatically. Still no message from him. "Ugh, Danny." She groaned and decided, she was gonna close up and walk to the diner, it was close enough that she didn't feel like she was in any real danger. Truthfully, she knew better. She might have been a witch, but she was still mortal, and since she knew no wolves beyond Willow and her crew, and they weren't really that close enough to ask one of them to walk her anywhere, she should have just waited for Danny, but he probably got caught up in whatever he was doing so he likely forgot.

{Walking over to the Diner, Loser, Got sick of waiting.}

She texted to him before shoving her phone in her pocket, her book of shadows in her bag and exited the store, she lined the doorway with salt to keep the vampires from breaking in, it was an old tradition and honestly the vamps couldn't care any less about the herbs and tonics she made, but the witches and the wolves had a long-standing partnership, and the vamps used to come in and wreck witch shops, just because. She checked her twelve and six before walking toward the diner. All the while wondering where her idiot brother was. He, like all of the men in her family, knew nothing of magic, they weren't capable of it. It wasn't impossible for men to become witches, in fact, her best friend was, but the gene was usually passed from female to female.
When they're parents were killed, she finally told him and showed him her magic, and what actually killed their parents. Vampires, which ones, they could never determine but she knew. The car rammed a tree, that shouldn't have killed them, not with her mother in the car. Her mother had powerful magic, killing her with a mere car wouldn't have done it. There was something more dubious there, but they could never prove anything. She had to tell him, warn him about the vampires, and he always made it a point to pick her up after work. Knowing that she was the one in danger because of the alliance with the wolves. What could he be doing that he forgot to this degree?

She shoved those thoughts to the back of her mind as she entered the diner. She spotted Vivian, Rafael, and Charlie. She smiled brightly. "Guys! Hey!" She called with a bright smile and a wave. She approached them and took a seat...right on Charles' lap. She gave him a quick hug. He had been her best friend for as long as she could remember and it was only recently hat she'd begun to develop more than friends type feelings for him, mostly when her parents died, he was always there for her and allowed her to rage, cry, whatever she needed. She could only hope she could do that same for him, hopefully without the tragedy. "How goes it?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willow Octavia Sanders Character Portrait: Robin Sykes Character Portrait: Edmund Markus Bales Character Portrait: Rafael Lopez
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E. Markus Bales
{ Location: Home || Outfit || #A65200 }

While I can merit an agreement that your earlier accusation, James, that shifting quickly between forms is a tedious and at times painful process, however, the benefits of having such control outweigh any of the costs – for your own good, and for the good of the pack as a whole. Markus finished shortly, not necessarily rude but not lacking (nor attempting to hide for that matter) his general exasperation with the world – let alone a trio of new puppies within the pack, sixteen years old (only ten years younger than himself) and so sure of their own invincibility, that he merited it okay to bleed that vanity from time to time to make them wolves eventually worthy of the pack. The chastised male ducked his head, pinning his ears to his head but wise to keep any returned commentary internal instead of allowing a disgruntled growl out. Huh, well, they were learning something one way or another. Technically, you’ve all improved, but it’s disappointing that your lacking centers between wolf and human still, He paused as a hollow, coughing roar of a motorcycle pulling up into the drive echoed through the front parlor and living room of his home. It was a surprise, if welcomed because he wouldn’t be expected to continue with this lesson any further, that Willow was remarkably early instead of falling to her fashionably late tendencies. Markus wouldn’t complain. He continued, as the cycle was turned off into silence, waving his hand dismissively, Find your centers soon, yes? Now, head out to the back yard with the others. There was a flash of challenge in the eye of the red-brown, built as thin a whipcord, female wolf lurched forward and shifted back to human admirably faster than previously, before standing, having finally defeated the modest that never survived long in a werewolf pack, scooped up her clothes and headed out shortly; the two gray males blinked in surprise, looking at each other and then too Markus who only offered them the wrinkles of a beginning snarl showing his teeth (flat as human, but unable to mistake the idle threat they presented, nor the wisps of a tolerant pride for the female before them), they followed her out the door shortly after. At that moment, Markus attention was taken towards Willow as she slipped into the home without a knock and plopped herself unto the couch directly beside him. How’s my favorite person doing? Ready for some action? He let a soft warning growl, and Will held up her hands in teasing surrender, Calm down, not that kind of action. Markus scoffed lightly, a small snort of reluctant amusement. Even if he wasn’t remotely ready for that kind of action, let alone willing; Will was already ready for such a ‘hunt’, especially given her state of dress (it wasn’t quite undress yet, but damn close), having driven here on her motorcycle no less. Tolerant of the latest puppy-sitting, but well enough. You? He mused evenly, unhurried. Though he would much rather have the rest of their pack hierarchy here so that planning could be finalized (though Will had never led them astray, and always listened to his suggestion no matter how often they butted heads; so it should not take very long), and the evening / night hunt too thus begin; versus small talk or it’s related ilk.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charles A. Greyson Character Portrait: Vivian Greenwood Character Portrait: Brooklyn Simmons. Character Portrait: Rafael Lopez
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Charles A. Greyson
{ Location: Diner || Outfit || #929292 }

The book… Is great. It’s a new one I got from Ronan at the bookstore. One of their new shipments. The food is alwas great, of I even remember to eat it. Charles listened in polite interest to the conversation that Vivian offered, but counted it a silent win to have his dear friend put down her book with her place saved and took a bite of her sandwich at a pause before continuing, How’s your day been? Oh, not bad at all at work, but it’ll be much busier soon with everyone else off on that impromptu vacation. He answered, with the same kind smile on his mouth and an unabashed shrug – he wasn’t a stranger to work, and wouldn’t mind the upcoming busyness. Before he could ask her how her day had been thus for or Vivian returned an answer to his response, she seemed distracted by something internally. But Charlie couldn’t show stones (not that he ever would) as the waitress came up with his chocolate shake to their table. Thanks! He spoke brightly, and pulled out his wallet immediately – paying more than enough for his own and her meal and a tip as well. Hey Vivian, mind if I join you for a little while? Ahh, there was the reason for Vivian’s distraction – dark of hair and a kind eye, Charles wasn’t sure of his name however was more certain of his friend’s crush for the man (though she was trying her best to keep the current interaction calm without butterflies messing stuff up). Hey! Sure, this is Charles, he’s a friend of mine. Charles, this is Rafael. Nice to meet you, Rafael. He mused pleasantly, with an automatic greeting nod accompanying it. Guys, Hey! Charlie blinked, looking up at another voice calling out towards their table – Brooklyn. Huh, talking about Vivian’s not so secret crush that he just learned the name of in his head, must have been heard and karma had to hit him right back. They’d been best friends forever, and still where even if their relationship had taken a more ‘magical’ turn as Daniel put it – his feelings most days were sill oblivious or flustered, even though she didn’t seem to mind in that regard. His smile was still wide and bright, but his eyes widened a touch and immediately he scooted back further in the seat having figured what she was about to do, before she took a seat right on his lap instead of the open spot beside Vivian. Oof.Charles half-hearted gasped out as she squeezed him with a quick hug, before turning back to the rest of the table, How goes it? He offered a wordless, but agreeable and noncommittal hum of sound in response as a means of saying he was fine and day had been good enough; pressing closer momentarily to stretch an arm around Brooklyn, and secure a sip from his shake while taking care to keep the cold glass or condensation away from her shoulder as he did.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charles A. Greyson Character Portrait: Vivian Greenwood Character Portrait: Brooklyn Simmons. Character Portrait: Rafael Lopez Character Portrait: Lillian Smith Character Portrait: Elisabeth Hill
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Location: In Town
Interacting With:


It was one of the few nights where Elisabeth was not working at the coffee shop. That didn't mean there wasn't work to be done however. With the full moon near, the town was sure to be crawling with wolves as they took advantage of their more powerful, wild selves. More powerful wolves meant that the two packs would likely clash, but it also meant they'd be more likely to be on the streets. As a result, the young vampire needed to make sure she was well fed and aware of the wolves' general locations so she could warn the rest of the coven.

It was a lovely night, warm enough to walk around in a short sleeved shirt and pants comfortably. As she walked, Elisabeth paid attention to everything around her-- the sights, the sounds, and perhaps most importantly, the smells. There was a mingle of human and werewolf smells all around, but few fresher scents from any of the wolves. If she had to guess, the last wolf to walk this street had done so hours ago and tracking their scent would hardly be worth her while at this point. It could be difficult being a scouter, but she'd grown quite capable of the position in the last three years.

She continued on her way, walking down the street which would eventually intersect the main one in Cherry Blossom. This route not only made it easier to find fresher wolf scents since she was in a more central location, but also ensured the likeliness of humans being around should she come across a wolf or need a meal. In fact, her usual pattern of scouting the town could be described as a diamond with an x through it, the x being the first part she checked.

As she continued to walk she passed a few small groups of humans, young adults with little fear of death and no idea what kind of war was being raged in their town. At times Elisabeth thought it must be nice to be so oblivious, to ignore the caution with which older town members walked through the streets in favor of bouncing side by side, laughing at the idea of vampires and werewolves. But knowing this would never be the case for her, she'd simply sigh and push those thoughts aside. After all, these streets could be just as dangerous for humans as it was for vampires.

Location: Diner
Interacting With: Vivian, Charles, Raphael,
and Brooklyn


Gerald gave his mother a hug before leaving the house, promising her he'd be home before 2am. She was weary to let him go out too late, as she knew things which he did not, but by some divine intervention (or perhaps a protection spell or two) he'd never gotten into any trouble after dark. And so, though still reluctant for reasons unknown to him, she allowed him to go out as long as he was back at a semi-reasonable time and he promised to drive, not walk. Of course, he obliged his mother's wish and took his car, but it wasn't uncommon for him to walk alone around town in search of a friend to talk to or a place to pass the time.

In search of a second round of dessert and friends to talk to, Gerald drove to the diner which he and his friends would frequent. With any luck, Vivian might be there reading a book. He consider her his best friend-- they'd been friends since childhood and she was the first of his friends he went to see after returning from college. He'd had a crush on her for a few years, but never acted on it for fear of jeopardizing their friendship. He was also weary to try a relationship as he'd planned to go away for college. While he did his best to hide his feelings, sometimes it could be evident he wasn't just being his friendly self but was rather trying to show Vivian how much he liked her.

After entering the diner he immediately looked over to Vivian's regular booth, smiling as he saw her. She hadn't seen him yet and perhaps that was a good thing, as he was grinning like an idiot. Before she or any of the others at the table, two of whom he was able to identify, could notice his derpy, puppy-like smile he quickly did his best to subdue it to a small grin. He went to the counter and asked the waitress for a chocolate milkshake to be sent to Vivian's table. As he did so he took the time to contain his excitement that he'd be able to be with her tonight. Being able to talk to Charles and Brooklyn was an added bonus, as he liked and got along quite well with both of them.

With his milkshake ordered, the young man walked over to the booth and took the open seat beside Vivian, raising an eyebrow at Brooklyn and Charles. It wasn't anything too unusual given Brooklyn's playful nature, but it also caused him to question if there was another motive behind it. Either way, he wasn't going to comment on it verbally. There was also a man here whom Gerald hadn't met before, but he was sure the two would be introduced in no time. "Who would've thought I'd find you guys here?" he asked sarcastically, smiling briefly at Vivian.

Location: His Apartment ---> Pack House
Interacting With: Lillian, Serena, the Pack


"Shit, shit, shit, shit," Roman repeatedly mumbled to himself as he was doing his best to change into pants that didn't have dirt stains on them. He'd just woken up from one of his rare naps which wouldn't be a problem if not for the time. The pack's party had started almost 10 minutes ago. Forget the fact that he was supposed to bring the chips-- Lillian was going to kill him for not being there on time.

He continued to frantically dress himself before grabbing his phone, keys, and the five bags of potato chips he was contributing to the party and getting into his truck. A short drive later, he was at the edge of the woods which surrounded Cherry Blossom. He'd have to run to the pack house from here. He quickly hopped out of the truck, making sure to grab the chips, before locking it and rushing off into the trees. If anyone was nearby he probably looked like a mad men, but then again few would be crazy enough to be out but the woods at night. Not in a town like Cherry Blossom.

Once he arrived, he threw the door open and yelled, "The chips have arrived!" to which there were quite a few cheers from the (likely intoxicated) pups in the pack. He set the bags down on a table against the wall. He glanced around and noticing that neither Lilian nor Serena were in sight, headed into the kitchen in search of his best friend, the pack's beta, and a cold beer. Lucky for him all three were there.

Neither of the women before him looked overly thrilled, which he couldn't blame them for. The celebration was a bittersweet one. He'd only been back for a month or so before the chaos over who should be the next Alpha began. It was a nasty affair and the results perhaps even worse, but no matter what he would stick by his best friend's side. But this was still a party and Roman hoped he could at least help Lilly feel more at ease.

He gave a small wave to them before heading over to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of Bud Light from a six pack that had his name on it. Ever since he'd begun to put his name on the packs, the theft of his beer had decreased significantly. After opening the bottle and taking a drink from it, he turned his attention back to the alpha and beta. "So which excuse story do you want to hear-- the one with the raccoon or the one where an elderly woman hit me?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charles A. Greyson Character Portrait: Julie Sinclair Character Portrait: Lucian Tchaikova Character Portrait: Vivian Greenwood Character Portrait: Brooklyn Simmons. Character Portrait: Rafael Lopez
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Julie Sinclair
Julie tuned everything out, except the music. She loved what she did but at the same time if it wasn't a private dance it was pretty dull for her. On normal busy day she would have at least 10 private dances lined up before she even got there. Being on a stage with two other girls was sort of a competition they they couldn't win. It wasn't meant to be but with woman it always was. After a couple of hours she caught a whiff of something familiar and something she usually didn't smell in the club...a werewolf. She didn't have time to pin point his location since she had a couple of private dances coming up so she strut off the stage and into the dressing room stopping and flirting with half-drunken guys on the way.

She sat in her chair in front of her mirror and began touching up her makeup. She watched girls come and go through the mirror. She wasn't really friends with any of them and most were afraid of her, most people in town were. The only person who wasn't afraid of her was her friend, Alanna. Well they weren't close friends but they were friends. Finishing her make up she made her way to her first private dance. She got through the first couple of dances with no problems. She opened the door to the next room, everything in the room war either red or black. Julie felt it was tacky but it wasn't her club.

A man was sitting on the couch, arms resting behind his head. He didn't have much of an expression on his face. Julie had never seen him in the club before, this alone put her on the edge not to mention he smelled of that wolf. She figured he just smelled like that because that wolf was in the club. Plus who would think one of them would actually want to be in a room alone with a vampire. She wasn't even sure he was a werewolf and if he was, he couldn't be 100% sure she was a vampire. She moved towards him swaying her hips, showing off her curves. When she reached him she sat on his lap and smiled. "I've never seen you around here. You new in town?"

He smiled but stayed quiet as he scanned his eyes down her body. He moved his hands down her body slowly until they reached their destination, her waist. Finally, he spoke "Not really. I've lived here all my life but entering a place like this was never my thing." Julie smiled, "Strippers aren't really my thing..." He moved his hand to her neck and squeezed, "But neither are vampires." Shit! He was the wolf, without hesitating she but him in the head hitting him square in the nose. He let go of her and she raced for the door. Unfortunately, her head butt didn't buy her enough time to escape. Within the next second he caught a hold of her hair and yanked causing her to crash to the ground. She quickly recovered and got to her feet. They stood, staring at each other waiting for the other to make the next move when he finally did. He bolted toward her so fast she barely had enough time to brace herself. They collided knocking them both to the ground with him on top of her. He pinned her and bared his teeth at her, snapping at her neck but missed. She tucked her legs between their bodies and pushed , throwing him across the room. She knew, as well as almost every mythical creature, what happened to a vampire when bitten by a dog. She jumped to her feet and threw off her heels, picking them up she rushed toward him. Her heels dug into his chest, missing his heart. This only angered him more, if he wasn't angry enough. He raised his hand and smacked her across the face, throwing her across the room and pulled her heels out his chest.

She knew wolves didn't heel as quickly as vampires, they needed rest and time . She didn't waste any time recovering and rushing back at him. She forced her thumbs into his open wounds causing him to scream in pain and his knees to buckle underneath him. She bared her teeth and sunk her teeth into his neck. He fell to the ground she she smirked whipping the blood off her lips. She searched the room for her phone and when she found it she turned to the wolf, "Good luck finding a witch in this town!" With that she left the room and closed the door behind her. Surprisingly no one in the club heard the fight. She made her way to the dressing room, ignoring everyone in her path, and began packing her things. Her boss came in looking for her. "You can't leave yet! You still have two more dances to do, plus your shift still isn't over!" She took her purse off the back of her chair and turned to her boss. "Fuck off!" She yelled and brushed passed him and out the club. She dialed Lucian's number as she walked.

Lilly Smith

Lilly took the glass and smiled as she took a drink from it. It was perfectly made, Serena was an alcoholic genius. "If that's your way of asking me if I'm having fun and playing nice well then... Lilly watched her friend take a shot before she finished with a simple, No. They stared at each other, Lilly waiting for Serena to show she was just being her sassy self. Which she was, Serena smirked and Lilly chuckled. She loved her friends sass, it was one of the reasons they became friends.

"Having fun dealing with all the usual people as well as all pups in the pack? While they're drunk no less..."[i] "It isn't as bad as I thought it would be, and if I don't think about what [i]they are celebrating I can think of it as just another party. "Wait, where the hell is Roman... He usually would have been back here to annoy me by now...Not that I'm complaining. Just usually when he's not bugging me he's causing some other problem." Lilly looked around and shrugged. She wasn't actually surprised he wasn't there, he's usually late to this sort of thing. "Probably late. I'd like to hear the excuse for this one. And he was bringing chips." She took the last big gulp of her beverage and set the glass on the counter.

She was right, if Roman wasn't with either of them he was most likely causing trouble or just mildly annoying someone. Lilly and Roman had been childhood friends until he moved out of town. It left her feeling lonely and abandoned. She never really got over that. When he came back, she had been friends with Serena but it was like he never left. When she became Alpha and it came time for her to choose her Beta she chose Serena. She knows how he feels about it and no matter how much she explains her decision he will never feel any different. After that Serena and Roman didn't get along much, they tolerate each other for Lilly's sake but otherwise they wouldn't even look at each other. She wasn't too upset that he was late besides the fact that he was supposed to be a sort of buffer so she wouldn't have to talk about the splitting of the pack. She sat watching Serena make drink after drink and setting them aside for whomever wanted them.

"The chips have arrived!" Finally he'd arrived, she didn't turn to greet him at the door since she was sure he would find her. She watched him scribble his name onto the six pack and open a bottle before he turned to her, "So which excuse story do you want to hear-- the one with the raccoon or the one where an elderly woman hit me?" Lilly smirked looking towards Serena then back at him, "I would love to hear how an elderly woman beat your ass."

Vivian Greenwood
Just after Charles greeted Rafael, which she wasn’t sure if it was genuine or if he was just being polite, she heard another voice "Guys! Hey!". Brooklyn was another coven member, she and Charles were really close. She and Brooklyn weren’t that close but the fact that they were in the same coven made then friends. Vivian smiled as Brooklyn jumped into Charles lap. The coven was like a family, each witch left their birth families to create their own family. This is what makes a coven so powerful and why if there is one member missing they aren't as strong. Even if some witches didn’t get along their bond still made them family and all family have problems.

”Things are great. I got a new book for the week, it’s a good book.” She said smiling. She took the last bite of her sandwich. It seemed that everyone she knew in town got either bored or hungry at the same time because not but five minutes later she felt someone else sit next to her. It startled her at first until she turned to see Gerald, her best friend. They had been friends since she first moved to town. She reached around him and hugged him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charles A. Greyson Character Portrait: Vivian Greenwood Character Portrait: Brooklyn Simmons. Character Portrait: Rafael Lopez Character Portrait: Gerald Andrews
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0.00 INK


Hex; #78A1AA || Outfit; X || Location; dinner

In a response to his greeting Rafael turned his head and gave a sweet grin until his dimples were showing. "Hey, it's nice to meet you too, Charles." Rafael had seen Charles around town before but never really tried striking up a conversation. Then again, he was always running around between work and pack duties Raf had little time to socialize and make new friends. This, on the other hand, was a pleasure. Not only was he in the presence of the girl he liked but her friends were also cool people too, as far as he saw. Speaking of friends another one of Vivian's friends showed up. "Guys! Hey!" A rather striking woman who beamed from ear to ear. That alone was enough to make Rafael's lips slightly turn upward into a small and brief smile while he stirred his milky drink, casually watching as she came over and plopped herself onto Charles lap. Her radiant aura lifting up his already good mood by a smidge.

"How goes it?" She asked. Charles was the first to answer, in his own way before Vivian did, mentioning her new book and every time he heard her voice Rafael's ears would just perk up. Although he didn't know this woman, yet, Rafael being the friendly guy he has had no trouble entering the conversation at hand. "Been pretty good on my side too. Saw my first chinchilla patient today." Raf mentioned, his signature goofy grin making its way across his lips. "You know, I kind of seen it all now." He joked, casually shrugging his shoulders and letting out a little snicker as he took a sip or two of his shake. Rafael raised his glass slightly in Charles direction and his new lap companion who he still did not know the name of as greeting. "Rafael by the way. Always cool to meet one of Vivian's friends."

The door opened, it was obvious what with the little bell it had tied to it and everything. It was so the employees knew a customer had walked in or left but Raf paid little to no attention to it. At the moment he was distracted by Viv and her friends but not soon after the bell rang on the door did a new face appear at the table with a chocolate shake in hand right before Raf was going to open his mouth and ask Vivian about her new book. A human by the smell of him, like all the others in the dinner expect for the other two werewolves in a booth across the room, happily munching away at their food. "Who would've thought I'd find you guys here?" The boy said, sarcasm obviously laced in his tone. Rafael nodded this time in greeting, offering him a small smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willow Octavia Sanders Character Portrait: Charles A. Greyson Character Portrait: Vivian Greenwood Character Portrait: Brooklyn Simmons. Character Portrait: Rafael Lopez Character Portrait: Gerald Andrews
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L E V I 0W I N T E R S
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
x lone xx wolfx
# 5 a 5 a 5 a xx a t t i r e
It was a peaceful night out, Levi noted as he walked his lonely road into town. It was a calm sort of busy, like watching an ant hill, there was a rhythm to it that he hadn't got to see in the city. It was refreshing. Small towns had their perks.

He rounded the corner and found himself on First Street, the poor man's Main Street, or Downtown. There all the shops, cafes, the one movie theater, the one diner, and the one strip club -not that he'd ever been, despite knowing exactly where it was- were. People busied themselves with their nightly activities. It wasn't late enough to be too dangerous for mortals, but it was late enough that the freaks came out. There were scents of vampires everywhere. It was a strange scent after all this time. He caught a few in the city, but never this concentrated, Vampire Dens excluded. He didn't care for the creatures, but they had a right to live so long as they followed the rules. He didn’t' fault them for being what they were. He didn't have the patience for abject hatred for anything. Life had its own annoyances that faulting someone for their heritage was a waste of time and added annoyance.

Scratching the back of his ear, he rounded another corner, where in big letters and an old body shop's sign hung dimly. "Winter's Auto and Body Shop." The lights hadn't been on in his entire life, but it was always a mainstay in the Cherry Blossom skyline, much like the movie theater, it was always just there. A landmark people used to navigate the place. 'Take a left at Winter's Auto Body, you can't miss it.' And you really couldn't. It was an obnoxiously large sign, for such a small building. It wasn't as if the place was running. Not since his father died and frankly, Levi never knew his progenitor so he had no connection to the place, yet, his mother, without fail keep bills paid so that one day, he could take it over. His plan had been to go to school, get a good job, and be able to buy his mother a nice home so she could stop paying on this damn building, but that proved an exercise in futility. They lived in such a small house so she could keep this place for him. Now he felt unbelievable ungrateful since school didn’t work out.
Sighing, he headed toward the building that he would finally take over, cementing his life in Cherry Blossom, soon enough he would have to pick a Pack too, something he was not looking forward too. There used to be one, now there was two, which made joining that much harder, before it was as simple as saying, I want in, but nope. Not anymore, and as it turned out, there were two women as the Alpha, so that was going to be a fun thing indeed. No sooner did he say that did a woman approached him with a trance-like unsteadiness, forcing him to stop dead so not to run into her. She looked...well she was beautiful, with features more like a cat than a wolf, but he could smell her scent and for whatever reason, it was had a magnetic effect on him. He swallowed as she pointed at him. "You" She said and his brows lowered curiously. “You’re new… You’re scent… I’ve never smelled anything like it. It’s… intoxicating,”She said after blinking a few times, brushing blonde locks from her face. He felt his lips twitch upward at the corner but said nothing. She looked a bit high, but not in a way that was dangerous, like someone who just experienced something good, like a child receiving a gift they'd always wanted. Why she had that expression while looking at him, he couldn't begin to know. “I’m Willow… Willow Sanders. But you may call me whatever you’d like.” She said after clearing her throat and offering her hand. He arched a dark brow but took her hand and shook it firmly. He fought with his jaw. She was an Alpha, he could smell it on her. Here he was hoping she just was interesting. He forced a bleak grin. "Levi" he said and then pointed at the marquee above and behind her. " Winters," He said, feeling the wolf inside him stir. Something about her being an Alpha, woke his wolf, made him want to challenge this, but the man wanted nothing to do with any pack, nor did he want to lead one. For a wolf, he wasn't much of a team player. Yet, his wolf wanted dominance, and his hand never left hers. "People call me Ghost," he said, allowing his wolf to challenge a little, not enough to take her place but enough to know that he wasn't a beta by any means, nor would he be. "Nice to meet you, Willow." he said with slight application of pressure, not to hurt, but strangely to excite, along with the subtle growl the rumbled in his throat when he spoke her name. Allowing his wolf to show himself, her scent filled his senses, awakening him in a way he'd never felt with a mortal girl. Like she said, it was intoxicating.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
x Spell Caster xxWitchx
# 8 5 1 3 D 1 xx a t t i r e
Brooklyn fought a larger smile when Charles pressed a little closer to grab his drink and it wasn't the chill of the drink that rose goosebumps on her skin. He'd offered a grunt around a mouthful of straw while Vivian smiled pleasantly. ”Things are great. I got a new book for the week, it’s a good book.” She said and Brooklyn beamed. "Cool!" She said before she could ask any more about said book, the boy that she hadn't met yet spoke up. . "Been pretty good on my side too. Saw my first chinchilla patient today." He said and Brooklyn, still smiling, cocking her head. "Oh?" She said as he flashed a goofy grin that lightened his face. "You know, I kind of seen it all now." He said and she chuckled. . "Rafael by the way. Always cool to meet one of Vivian's friends." He said and she smiled proudly. "I'm Brooklyn, I'm Charlie's heterosexual life partner." She said, leaning her head on Charles for a moment, while still prepared for Charles and anyone present to choke a little. She had a strange sense of humor, she knew that but she cared very little. "Nice to meet you," She said just as Gerald came up, she'd heard that bell but didn't really pay any attention to it.
"Who would've thought I'd find you guys here?"
He said and she snorted. "Yes, because we live in the middle of scenic nowhere, where there's but one diner." She said with a laugh. "Meet, Rafael." She said gesturing to him as if she'd known him for years but that was Brooklyn's way. However, in the back of her mind, she still wondered where the hell her brother was...