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Dante Xavier

I thought the most beautiful thing in the world must be shadow.

0 · 436 views · located in Earth

a character in “Children Of The Night”, as played by Akionakamura




Name:Dante Xavier

Nickname: He has none he cares for.






Power:He could generate a "psychic Weapons" such as swords, knifes and claws that he can create seemingly out of thin air these weapon are stronger and sharper then normal weapons along with the ability to to create psychic bolts (psychic power concentrated into a orb that he can fire from his hands or finger tips)

Love interest:Seraphina Knight (for the most part)

Personality:Dante is seemingly apathetic to the suffering of others. Dante is not averse to disposing of those who get in his way and is not easily intimidated, usually speaking to others in a very direct and arrogant manner. He cares little for others, and simply considers people to be "Trash " or "Things" he can sacrifice in order to get what he wants. despite his usual calm demeneaor, he is easy to anger he has a softer side that he rarely shows to anyone

1. Quite
2. most people of the shadow clan
3.suffering of of "trash"

1.Those who he considers to be "trash"
2. bothered with nonsense or things he thinks are not important
3.lloud noises

Weapons: he doesn't need any

History: He cant be bothered to remember all of that.

So begins...

Dante Xavier's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Xavier Character Portrait: Esmerleda Green Character Portrait: Seraphina Knight Character Portrait: Skyler StĂłn
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Dante Xavier

Dante walked down a long and more the most part empty hallway. knowing Seraphina wold take her time getting ready he decided to go for a short walk. unfortunate while on his walk he became lost in thought so he rushing to return to her. he would quickly make his way back to the rooms upon opening the door and walking in he seen that she is just sitting on the bed admiring herself. he would put his hand to his mouth and clears his throat to get her attention. "if you are done admiring your beauty we should be off. its bad enough we have to Congregate with such trash that's is the other clans, so i refuse to be late." he walks over to the bed and gingerly touch's Seraphina curled red hair " its not often you do anything with your hair." (his way of saying it looks nice.) as he pulls his hand back he asks. " do you really think this meeting will ended in anything but a fight?" as he begins to show a small toothy smile as he turns and begins to walk out of the open door.

Leonard Crawford

Leonard walked close behind Queen Esmerleda and Skyler he towered over the two of them like a giant. as both of them as they walk in to the meeting room Leonard would stop just short of the door way. he knows better then to enter a room full of royalty without being invited to do so so he step to the side to lean against the near by wall. he would begin to stare off into space even tho he is sure the queens would have rathered had him stay behind to take care of things while thy where away. but he could abandon his duties of protecting the earth clans royalty especially when this meeting could take a turn for the worst at anytime .he just stood there watching as some of the other king and queens enter the meet room if you didnt know any better you would think he was a statue.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Xavier Character Portrait: Seraphina Knight
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Sera was at her husband's side in a second
"You're the one who's late, Dante"
she said as she linked her arm through his. They were very different people but she loved him anyway. It didn't take them too long to reach the hotel. As they made their into the meeting room, she saw that most of the others were there.

Apparently, they were late. Not that she minded. But she was surprised to see that some of the royals had brought warriors, though their reason evaded her. They were here for peace talks, not war. But all the same, she used her telepathy and reached for Tenebre en Vi, their bodyguard. 'Come, I need you here'.

She flipped her curls to one side and took the seat beside the Water King, wondering when this meeting would start.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Xavier Character Portrait: Esmerleda Green Character Portrait: Sofia Luca Character Portrait: Vladimir Kensenshou Character Portrait: Dominick Tsaravich Character Portrait: Sakura R. Wakahisa
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"Sho when does this meeting start? I'm starting to get restless." Airie whispered into to his ear looking around the shadow clan ruler's walked on in he deiced they had waited long enough and he was not the only one. the only leader's that were missing was the fire clan's funny Sho thought they had the most men there and yet they themselves are not here. looking around he saw the others were also ready to go so Sho deiced to step up although he was the second youngest there after Airie. "well i do believe now would be the right time" should got up from his seat and looked at all the member's gathered before him. despite how it looked he was rather worried and that was not the best thing to show here: weakness. he cleared his neck and snapped his finger's making it so his voice would be loud enough for everyone to hear him over everyone else. "My fellow Lord's and Lady's we have gathered here to discuss the matter of the awakening of the Elder's and i do believe that we have waited long enough to start. I will give my apology's to the rulers of the fire clan about starting without them. so i call this meeting to order." Sho sat back into his seat and waited for everyone to gather themselves and take ther seat's well if that was not nerve racking i don't know what is he thought to himself


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Xavier Character Portrait: Sofia Luca Character Portrait: Tenkuu Shominteki Character Portrait: Seraphina Knight Character Portrait: Skyler StĂłn Character Portrait: Tenebre en Vi
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Come, I need you here, is what Tenebre heard. Truth is, he was already there! Sticking his head out from the shadow of Seraphina's chair, he poked his white-eyed, pitch-black head over between the queen in question and her respective king and Tenebre's only other charge, Dante.

"You called, y'highness?" With a smooth exhale, a purplish-black mist seeped out from what could only be thought of as the formless man's mouth and along the table for a few inches before dissipating and disappearing.

That never ceases to creep me the hell out, Skyler thought to herself. Sofia felt quite the same, since she wasn't one for surprises. En Vi was always getting such a shock out of people with all of his sudden appearances, and added to his love of chaos it was disconcerting as to whether he was truly allied with his own clan, or working with the elders. The fact he was just a black blob with glowing white eyes didn't take anything off the creep factor, either.

When Tenkuu Shominteki, a.k.a. Sho, started to speak about why everyone was gathered, the shadowy monster Tenebre formed a stool out of his own Darkmass and sat in it right behind his king and queen. "Darkmass" is what he called it; a simple portmanteau of "Darkness" and "mass", and he could make anything out of it. Well, anything that doesn't involve changing colors, since everything he makes turns out as pitch-black as him. Speaking of making things, little Mini-Vis, hardly more than half a foot tall, ran out from legs of the stool and spread around outside as guards. It let him make sure his job was getting done, and he could still pay attention to the meeting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Xavier Character Portrait: Tenkuu Shominteki Character Portrait: Seraphina Knight Character Portrait: Leonard Crawford Character Portrait: Tenebre en Vi
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Dante Xavier

as Seraphina called for Tenebre en Vi he could only think about how pointless it was, but he didnt bother to question her. while Tenebre en Vi was making his entrance Dante took his seat next to her and looked around the room to his surprise no one of the fire clan has even bother to show up yet it. made him rather angry that those loud annoying showoffs had the nerve to make him wait. just as he anger start to get the best of him the king of the air clan stood out of his seat and begin to talk. "My fellow Lord's and Lady's we have gathered here to discuss the matter of the awakening of the Elder's and i do believe that we have waited long enough to start. I will give my apology's to the rulers of the fire clan about starting without them. so i call this meeting to order." Dante thought it was a bit funny that's this meeting was even called in the first place had no plans of speaking or interacting with anyone out side of the shadow clan if at all possible.

Leonard Crawford

after it has seem the meeting was under way Leonard thought it would be best to patrol the grounds, he figured it was ok to leave his queens sides for the time being, since he didn't care much for what would be talked about in the meet. as he left the building he seen what he could only imagine where little monster running from the building he just left. he has seen this before it was a shadow clan warrior's power. he started walking down the dark streets he didn't expect to find anything but i was something to break up the boredom.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Xavier Character Portrait: Tenkuu Shominteki Character Portrait: Seraphina Knight
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Seraphina knew Dante well enough to realize that he thought that calling en Vi was pointless. She didn't call him for protection, not really. She knew that his 'appearance' would create an impression(positive or negative, she didn't care) on the other royals. That was all she wanted.

She was thinking about the faint presence she'd felt before entering the room when the Air clan king said" "My fellow Lord's and Lady's we have gathered here to discuss the matter of the awakening of the Elder's and i do believe that we have waited long enough to start. I will give my apology's to the rulers of the fire clan about starting without them. so i call this meeting to order."

Well, no use fooling around. Sera looked around the room and leaned forward
"The elders have awakened, which of course is the reason we're gathered here for these 'negotiations'." The word negotiations sounded weird on her tongue. "The clans might have to work together, which is impossible under the current circumstances. We need to form some kind of a truce." she finished gingerly and leaned back, looking at the other royals and their warriors.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Xavier Character Portrait: Dominick Tsaravich Character Portrait: Seraphina Knight Character Portrait: WarriorScout
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"She is right" Dominic finally spoke up " The severity of the circumstances is forcing us to work together, but it's a bad idea to throw our warriors together. We might end up stretching their loyalty to the limits." He looked around the room, observing the reactions of the others. Yes, they needed to create a truce, but recklessness would be suicidal in these circumstances.


"I have to agree with the Water King. Besides, we need a truce to make sure that not even the members of our clan will antagonize each other , atleast until we deal with the elders. We need a Blood Contract, signed by the Kings and Queens of all 6 clans. After that, we'll decide what to do with the elders."

As she finished and sat back on her throne, Sera realized that her tone was a little too commanding. She was too used to giving orders that she'd forgotten how to make a request. Well, what's done is done. She gripped her husband's hand and began reading the auras of the gathered crowd. A volley of colors assaulted her vision as she took in the moods of them all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Xavier Character Portrait: Seraphina Knight
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Sera just shook her head as the other royals condemned her ideas. She hadn't actually expected them to agree. She turned to Dante and replied
"Ofcourse not. But at least it helped to make them consider more reasonable alternatives instead of dumping our warriors together." She flipped her hair and payed more attention to him. It was obvious from his tense posture and his questions that he wanted to leave. Same old Dante.

"Don't you dare leave me here alone, husband." she said with special (and somewhat menacing) emphasis on the word 'husband'. "to have and to hold for better for worse, Remember?". She continued, reciting a part of their wedding vows.

She turned her attention back to the debate raging in the room. It was kinda confusing. She could see why Dante wanted to leave this hellhole. It was starting to put a strain on her nerves and she was usually pretty composed. 'Why did those damned elders have to wake?' she thought despairingly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Xavier Character Portrait: Melissa Borigaurd Character Portrait: Vladimir Kensenshou Character Portrait: Incena Fleuri Character Portrait: Seraphina Knight Character Portrait: Kenshi Reikokuna
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"Sorry, sir," Tenebre answered. "No news on this end. Believe you me, I'm just as bored as you." Not so much irritated. He liked seeing a bit of chaos amongst the strongest in the land.

"Don't you dare leave me alone here, husband." From his queen's tone, it was pretty obvious who wore the pants in the relationship. But he'll have to pick on that another time. Everyone started chattering again, even the Air clan.

"Now, calm down, y'highness. It'll be over soon; at least I hope. Then we can get on with our endless lives and prepare our army for the elders' arrival." Adding his opinion to Vladimir's news, "We're outmatched as it is now, with our most aggressive royalty reduced to a pile of smoldering dust." He said it with a stylish and sarcastic tinge of false sadness, as if he wanted it totally obvious that he was enjoying the chaos he could feel about to ensue within the Fire clan.

Incena Fleuri

Incena wasn't paying much attention when Akane appeared. "Got it," she said. "I'll be back in a good hour or so!" With that and another flash of lightning, she disappeared. Granted, her sense of time was probably as distorted as a surrealist's rendition of a clock, but that's beside the point.

Searching for her victim over the skies, Incena was playing with her new power a little more. She made a ball the first time, so she wondered if she could make anything else. A knife was the first attempt, and while it fizzled out the first time, it was fully formed the second go around. Looking almost like a regular knife as it floated in front of her phoenix form's beak, the little lightning blade glowed a light orange, almost like a fire. Matching sparks jumped around the entire construct, practically eager to stab into something. However, with all the playing around, she nearly missed who she was going for!

Down below, in a nice glass-roof building was none other than the king of the Fire Clan, Kenshi Reikokuna. Even from up in the sky, Incena could hear him practice-flirting... and smell sex. Ugh. Hasn't he ever heard of a steam bath? [Okay, Incena hadn't even thought of the term until she learned these new-fangled languages, but she's been doing it for a while!] Regardless, it told her exactly how to deal with him. Retreating to the ground outside the building -- well, it was more like a castle... mansion? Yeah, that's it -- Incena returned to her normal form. For a bit of pity effect, she singed parts of her arms and face.

"Excuse me," she started, fake-struggling her way inside and using the walls to prop herself up. The interior of this place was pretty amazing. The ceiling between the first and second floor, as well as all the interior walls were made of lightly-tinted glass, so the decor could be seen regardless of where you were inside. The kitchen seemed to have the newest cooking tools except for a stove; the Fire king probably liked to use his powers more. Right next to it was the dining room, with a table big enough for six. Why would he ever have visitors? Or at least that many. Moving on, there were at least four full bedrooms; each one seemed to have their own adjacent bathroom, too. It must have taken years on end to get this swanky place.

"I hear the voice of a beautiful young lady." Kenshi was already in pervert mode, apparently. Either that or he'd never been out of it. After talking to himself in the main hall's mirror, he turned to his elder and tried to show some hospitality, unaware of who the guest actually was. "Oh my, you're in terrible shape. Come in, come in, I'll make sure you're taken care of promptly." He rushed to Incena's side, leading her to a spare bedroom, but not before a little intentional spark jumped between the two. For the next minute or so she could feel Kenshi mind-groping her, even if he was just holding her arm over his shoulders. Nothing seemed out of bounds to hit his 5,000 mark.

Wait.... How'd she know that? Incena didn't realize the brain had electricity running through it; the impulses reached her thoughts like mind reading, and she couldn't control it. The entire way to the bedroom, all he was thinking about was the odd chance of a pretty girl he hadn't met coming into his home.

Deal with it, Fleuri, her inner voice reassured her, he'll be dead the moment he tries to get any.

The moment they reached the spare room's bed and Kenshi tried to set her down, she pulled him down on top of her, arms wrapped around his back. One hand was free, a knife just like before forming in her grasp.

"Nn, sorry," she apologized, trying her best to keep looking defenseless. Kenshi responded, chuckling as he held himself up on the mattress.

"It's no trouble, miss." He leaned in ever closer, the couple seconds spent doing so feeling like an eternity and a half for the poor gal.

With only an inch of air left between each other's lips, Incena sank the knife into the Fire King's lower back, and was answered by him arching outward, opening his mouth and trying to sound out, "What the hell?" His voice didn't come, though. The entirety of his body was nearly paralyzed by the flowing electricity. From the inside out, the heat was searing everything and liquefying his organs. Before long, his skin burst into flames to try and get away, yet the sparks disappeared, not only unable to harm Incena but kept from being effective by the constant and increasingly intense shocking. Since he was probably wondering why he couldn't stop her, the elder clarified.

"You shouldn't try to burn your elders, honey." That said, he couldn't really understand what she was saying. He didn't need to; his body was being burned alive without need of a blaze. She rolled Kenshi over on the bed so she couldn't be stuck under him, and pushed the knife completely into his back, letting the lightning completely course through every fiber of his being. The next few moments were spent feebly struggling, before Kenshi's body was reduced to ash. The innards fell apart, scattered in a big mess in a shell of skin that was held together only by the still air. Stepping away from the husk, Incena took a good look at what she'd made.

His legs were hanging between the bed and the ground, already crumbling. His arms were spread out as if he was trying to push the elder away, and his mouth was open just as it was when the knife was dug into his back, like he was screaming for his dissolute life. All in all, it was an arguably sadistic and murderous work of art.

"That felt good." Leaving what used to be the lord of the Fire clan behind in the mansion, Incena disappeared to return to Saren and Melissa. In her new trademark flash of lightning, she was back in the clearing with the three elders.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Xavier Character Portrait: Alex Ride Character Portrait: Esmerleda Green Character Portrait: Sofia Luca Character Portrait: Vladimir Kensenshou Character Portrait: Dominick Tsaravich
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#, as written by neej

The way they all acted was amusing Zerlinda. She didn’t need to do anything to notice that a lot of them had hate for each other. It was wicked, or so she thought. She was, perhaps, getting too carried away with this. But she didn’t forget that her time was nearly over. She had to close the portal, or they’ll notice—and who knows what dangers she’d face by then.
Before she could close it, a man announced the Fire Clan’s King’s death.

“They’re already starting?” Zer thought, referring to the elders, of course. She completely closed it, and life seemed to continue on its boring pace. “Heh,” she refrained from chuckling, “Time to play with the others.”

In a second or two, she was already in the Fire Clan’s territory, and this wasn’t the first time she came. Before she could even make a step, someone bumped into her. “What bad luck,” she thought.

“When did you get there?” The lady asked her, she was thinking as to whether she should reply or make a run for it, but she couldn’t, she stayed long enough to, at least, be recognized.


“Both of the Fire Clan nobles must be here and all I see is a guard, no offence, Vladimir, and a messenger, no offence yet again.” The Water Clan’s queen spoke.

“No offense was taken, ma’am,” she replied in all sincerity. Afterwards, she remained silent. The only thing she could do here was to reply if she was being talked to, she couldn’t push her opinion in, it wasn’t her job to, and she believed she wasn’t in place to do that.

It was getting frustrating, watching all the others try to be polite and calm, but she knew they could barely stand being with each other. Draconi was merely listening until she felt as if some ice hit her, though it was different
 It seemed unreal; it was unreal. This wasn't a very good sign, indeed. Suddenly, she felt another’s presence. Her head jolted to look at the man, “Pardon me, my lords and ladies, but I have a private message for Vladimir.”

Her eyes were filled with suspicion; it was rare for someone, especially a man that’s not of high ranks, to just barge in during a meeting like this. Everyone knew these things were important, and Draconi was well aware than this wasn’t an ordinary message, nor was it just private. It was, in her assumption, important. Thoughts were invading her mind, she didn’t even have any idea what anyone else was saying. It was rare for Draconi, especially due to the fact that it’s necessary for her, not to pay attention.

In a couple of minutes, Vladimir came back and announced something, “It seems that there has been a complication. The Fire King is now myself. It seems he was brutally scorched to death. A shame.”

Her eyes widened, but she immediately composed herself, “It seems that I have to attend these Goddamn meetings. Well, if I’m going to be stuck here, I might as well make myself comfortable.” Vladimir, now a king, continued. The way he acted surprised her, but she couldn't protest, at all. Not now, not ever.

Kenshi couldn’t die so easily, and there’s only one person—if they can be considered such—that can do that
 The elders.

In one of the flames in their territory, a dragon, no more than 4 feet in length, spawned. It was one of her pets, so to speak. It slithered into the mansion, she had to see for herself, but she can’t just leave the meeting place after going there.

Meanwhile, the cloud in her mind was vanishing, “May I have the permission to speak?” she asked the others.