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Sakura R. Wakahisa

The moons reflection is beautiful upon the surface of the water isn't it?

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a character in “Children Of The Night”, as played by TheWolfMaster


Full Name:Sakura rose Wakahisa (forever young cherry blossom rose the literal translation)

Age:6571 years old looks around 16-18

~ Physical Info ~

height: 5"3
weight: 132 lb


Has complete control over water and blood
-has complete control over water
-can make the water into a solid object ie. she can make water into a shield or a sword
-she can do all the same things with blood that she can do with water
-can only siphon blood by direct contact with skin
-has a max range of 200 feet
-can not control ice
-the strength of her power depends on her emotional state ie. it become stronger when she is mad but it is only a fraction of its power when she in calm


Sakura is very cold and calculating around outsiders to her clan like but very kind and loving to members of her clan she also loves acting like a child around her lover
Love interest: The water clan king dominic

{Likes} {Dislikes}
oBlood Firex
oWater People that try to harm her children(her Clan mates)x
{ Skills}
oMasterful with a katana
oAmazing dancer
oExtremely quick


A set of Katana thet she has with her at all times


let us say that when you have been alive for over 6000 years stuff happens

So begins...

Sakura R. Wakahisa's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominick Tsaravich Character Portrait: Sakura R. Wakahisa
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Dominick threw an arm over Sakura and watched the Shadow Royals make their way into the room. The queen sat on the throne beside him and he offered her a polite smile that she returned. He looked around the room, at the assembly of these very diverse people(well, not exactly people).

"You can walk on the tension in this room" he whispered to Sakura. He continued observing the mannerisms of the Royals and their Warriors. He liked to observe people and found it a very educational experience. But now, he was getting bored, and that was saying something.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Xavier Character Portrait: Esmerleda Green Character Portrait: Sofia Luca Character Portrait: Vladimir Kensenshou Character Portrait: Dominick Tsaravich Character Portrait: Sakura R. Wakahisa
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"Sho when does this meeting start? I'm starting to get restless." Airie whispered into to his ear looking around the shadow clan ruler's walked on in he deiced they had waited long enough and he was not the only one. the only leader's that were missing was the fire clan's funny Sho thought they had the most men there and yet they themselves are not here. looking around he saw the others were also ready to go so Sho deiced to step up although he was the second youngest there after Airie. "well i do believe now would be the right time" should got up from his seat and looked at all the member's gathered before him. despite how it looked he was rather worried and that was not the best thing to show here: weakness. he cleared his neck and snapped his finger's making it so his voice would be loud enough for everyone to hear him over everyone else. "My fellow Lord's and Lady's we have gathered here to discuss the matter of the awakening of the Elder's and i do believe that we have waited long enough to start. I will give my apology's to the rulers of the fire clan about starting without them. so i call this meeting to order." Sho sat back into his seat and waited for everyone to gather themselves and take ther seat's well if that was not nerve racking i don't know what is he thought to himself


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vladimir Kensenshou Character Portrait: Dominick Tsaravich Character Portrait: Sakura R. Wakahisa Character Portrait: Tenkuu Shominteki Character Portrait: Seraphina Knight Character Portrait: Aristata
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Sakura was shocked that Saphera asked about forming a blood pack and then even more shooked that it sounded like Saphera was trying to command her Sakura started to stand to protest when a blazing fire arived around whare the fire nobles where supposed to be and for a second she thought that finally they had arived. A second latter she relizad it was only the fire clans noble messinger and she saw her oppertunity and stood up to addres the colective "I agree with the blood pack but we must form one with all of the clans" she let that hang for a second and started agein "both of the fire clan nobels must be hear and all i see is a guard no offence Vladamer and a messinger no offence yet agien" she said staring at the fire clan "Also i dont think the wind clan welps even know what a blood pact is the last time we formed one was over 6000 years ago" Sakura said to the collection as a hole as she sat back down and wisperd to Dominic in a childish voice"was i to rash ...if so can you forgive me dom... "


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura R. Wakahisa Character Portrait: Tenkuu Shominteki Character Portrait: Aristata Character Portrait: WarriorScout
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Sho's mind was racing as he processed all that he could from all that was going on. The talk about a blood pact seemed to stir and make the other lord's on edge. In the back of his mind he heard a warning bell ringing. He had heard of the blood pact before but he did not remember what it was about but looking at the others faces and the shout's of disapproval that were springing up that this was no normal contract as a sinking felling entered his chest. thankfully the water queen Sakura spoke up and talked about how she thought about it but ended in an excuse about why they should not do do it then she looked over to Sho and Airie and said "Also I don't think the wind clan welps even know what a blood pact is the last time we formed one was over 6000 years ago" this was true but Sho knew he would probably not agree with it. Taking another look around the room he heard for the second time the lowly warrior from the beast clan talk about her idea. Thinking it over Sho did not like this course of action. It was too simple and infective to work. The Elder's were no fool's and could easily avoid us if they wished it, although he liked one this about the plain it would help improve the cooperation between the clan's. when Sho had talked about his plan before he only got a few responses but they where positive. thinking he might incorporate a few point's of her plan into his to help build teamwork and would hopefully get a small amount of favor from the beast clan.

"It is true that I have very little information about the blood pact but from what I can see we will avoid that if possible. If I may I would like to put forth my idea about once more about going to the ancient city where we take out most skilled and well behaved clan mates and start working together. The city is big enough that we can have both area's where we can work together and, if we wish to stay isolated but make it so that we can be organize and have better chances if the elder's attack then us being in different places were we get picked of one by one. I believe this will bring our mighty clan's close enough to work together and have enough room for us to not tear each other apart. also as the girl said" Sho said indicating WarriorScout "that if we come too close together we may tear each other apart like animal's even given the room so that why we need a head, a pact leader, even if it is no more than in name we need a leader, someone who is responsible and can do a job like this properly." Sho sat shifted in his chair after he was done speaking and thought about what he had just said we need a leader looking around to room every one of us could do it but who is the most exceptional for the job Sho could not get two much of a Bering on many of these lord's. looking over at Airie Sho asked her once more in wind whisper mode "who do you think would be the most exceptional leader for this group?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Xavier Character Portrait: Alex Ride Character Portrait: Esmerleda Green Character Portrait: Sofia Luca Character Portrait: Vladimir Kensenshou Character Portrait: Dominick Tsaravich
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#, as written by neej

The way they all acted was amusing Zerlinda. She didn’t need to do anything to notice that a lot of them had hate for each other. It was wicked, or so she thought. She was, perhaps, getting too carried away with this. But she didn’t forget that her time was nearly over. She had to close the portal, or they’ll notice—and who knows what dangers she’d face by then.
Before she could close it, a man announced the Fire Clan’s King’s death.

“They’re already starting?” Zer thought, referring to the elders, of course. She completely closed it, and life seemed to continue on its boring pace. “Heh,” she refrained from chuckling, “Time to play with the others.”

In a second or two, she was already in the Fire Clan’s territory, and this wasn’t the first time she came. Before she could even make a step, someone bumped into her. “What bad luck,” she thought.

“When did you get there?” The lady asked her, she was thinking as to whether she should reply or make a run for it, but she couldn’t, she stayed long enough to, at least, be recognized.


“Both of the Fire Clan nobles must be here and all I see is a guard, no offence, Vladimir, and a messenger, no offence yet again.” The Water Clan’s queen spoke.

“No offense was taken, ma’am,” she replied in all sincerity. Afterwards, she remained silent. The only thing she could do here was to reply if she was being talked to, she couldn’t push her opinion in, it wasn’t her job to, and she believed she wasn’t in place to do that.

It was getting frustrating, watching all the others try to be polite and calm, but she knew they could barely stand being with each other. Draconi was merely listening until she felt as if some ice hit her, though it was different
 It seemed unreal; it was unreal. This wasn't a very good sign, indeed. Suddenly, she felt another’s presence. Her head jolted to look at the man, “Pardon me, my lords and ladies, but I have a private message for Vladimir.”

Her eyes were filled with suspicion; it was rare for someone, especially a man that’s not of high ranks, to just barge in during a meeting like this. Everyone knew these things were important, and Draconi was well aware than this wasn’t an ordinary message, nor was it just private. It was, in her assumption, important. Thoughts were invading her mind, she didn’t even have any idea what anyone else was saying. It was rare for Draconi, especially due to the fact that it’s necessary for her, not to pay attention.

In a couple of minutes, Vladimir came back and announced something, “It seems that there has been a complication. The Fire King is now myself. It seems he was brutally scorched to death. A shame.”

Her eyes widened, but she immediately composed herself, “It seems that I have to attend these Goddamn meetings. Well, if I’m going to be stuck here, I might as well make myself comfortable.” Vladimir, now a king, continued. The way he acted surprised her, but she couldn't protest, at all. Not now, not ever.

Kenshi couldn’t die so easily, and there’s only one person—if they can be considered such—that can do that
 The elders.

In one of the flames in their territory, a dragon, no more than 4 feet in length, spawned. It was one of her pets, so to speak. It slithered into the mansion, she had to see for herself, but she can’t just leave the meeting place after going there.

Meanwhile, the cloud in her mind was vanishing, “May I have the permission to speak?” she asked the others.