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Dean Blake

"I will not back down, for this curse is a gift."

0 · 866 views · located in Carnival Grounds

a character in “Circus Monsters”, as played by Firebird18


Name: Dean Blake
Stage Name: "Life Energy"
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Species: (Half) Osmosian- gives him the absorbing energy and then release it- and (half) Petrosapien-gives him his skin features, growing back stronger like a rock.
Monster (Abilities): Dean has a twofold ability that he has had since he was a child. He was born with skin that (medically speaking) super callused, but every time he became bruised or cut the skin healed back with almost 20x the endurance. As of now, his skin is near diamond like in strength (the reason lies in the history). The second half of his ability is when kinetic, electric, or (only if it is focused in a blast) heat are aimed at him absorb and store it and can return it in a blast of energy. Both abilities have their down side though. His skin is heavy and weighs him down making his speed extremely slow; good and effective energy blasts require a MASSIVE amount of stored energy that he normally does not get in one day and he normally sleeps off stored energy.
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 472lbs


Dean tends to stay to himself, partially because he lives in his box (explained in history) but also because of him ability. He doesn't feel when people touch him, he just feels the energy he absorbs. He doesn't make friends on his own- but when he does make friends, he loves them as if they were family. He highly dislikes people who think that they are better than others.


The second he was born his parents gave him to the circus. He had spent everyday of his life since then as part of the Carnival. At the age of eight, he nearly escaped.
Two of his only friends ever- Alex "Rockman" Richie and Johnny "Ohm" Davidson, trained him to escape. Ohm could project electrical energy from his hands and Rockman was the carnival's strongest man alive. Back when the carnival had their train to change location, they used to ride in the same car and one night they planned to escape. Ohm used as much of his electricity as he could on Dean and Rockman beat him almost into a comma. Dean stood up almost falling over as Rockman then destroyed a wall. Dean was pushed out onto the rocks and dirt on the side of the track as the other two jumped out. Dean stood- his skin already healing itself and fixing itself and now nearly diamond like in hardness- and shot the largest blast of energy he ever had, destroying the engine and causing a giant explosion.
After retrieving the escapees the Ringmaster invented Dean's Box, a glass-like trailer which redirects his energy blasts back at him. The other monsters that planned the escape were killed. Dean hs never forgiven the Ringmaster for destroying his family.
He is a sort of "helpless romantic", he has always liked Dryad from afar but never been able to act on his feelings. He dreamed if he could ever escape to try to act on those feelings and protect her from the world outside of The Carnival. She was the closest person to his age who had been there for approximately the same time as he had spent there.

So begins...

Dean Blake's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Blake Character Portrait: Romulus Character Portrait: Dryad Character Portrait: Aaron Character Portrait: Jed Character Portrait: Cyrus
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Dean Blake

Dean's eyes opened as he sleepily heard the sound of voices. It was thundering. His box was pushed inside of the tent from what he could see and the lights were on. He stood and walked around his little 12 by 12 cube still wishing there was a crack or a weak point he could use. After a failed search he took to eaves dropping on the conversation.
It seemed to him that the Silver Eyed Lion King was here due to his latest failure in his efforts against the humans- this one getting him locked up in a cage with a shock collar around his neck. He remembered when the Ringmaster tried putting a collar on him. That ended badly for the Ringmaster. Dean would still laugh at him as he limped by his cage.
Dean sat quietly listening to the conversation going on. That naïve little plant, thinking she was the only freak here and defending the Ringmaster! She had to be spoken to. Dean smacked the glasslike material with his hand interrupting the conversation taking place. It glowed an icy blue, storing the kinetic energy that was just exerted to it. "Dryad," he said in his usual relaxed but serious tone, "Let's not scare our new guest. It's only his first night, and he isn't even adjusted to his cage yet." Dean did feel bad speaking in as condescending a tone as possible to Dryad, but the feelings were directed towards the lion. Even inside his glass walls he had heard of what the so called King had done and to be honest Dean saw him as more of a tyrant than a king. He hated people who thought they were better than everyone else with a passion. "But honestly, did you really think there were no other people here like you? I remember the day you joined the carnival. You don't remember anyone's abilities? Ohm, Rockman? Anyone?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Blake Character Portrait: Romulus Character Portrait: Dryad Character Portrait: Aaron Character Portrait: Jed Character Portrait: Cyrus
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Dryad sighed and shook her head. "Don't attack your shock collar... It will only make it worse and cause more pain for you... Not to mention its making you weaker and in this place storing up your energy is always a good idea." Dryad looked over at Dean and waved smiling gently. "Hi Dean... and sorry I d-don't mean to be scary...And I'm not...Am I???" Suddenly feeling very embarrassed and self conscious the vines on her body began to grow and wrap around herself as if trying to hide her. She hugged her knees more and buried her face. "I remember Rockman... He was the only one who did not throw rocks at my head...I really appreciated that..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Blake Character Portrait: Romulus Character Portrait: Dryad Character Portrait: Aaron Character Portrait: Jed Character Portrait: Cyrus
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Dean Blake

"She's right. Storing energy is something that would do you well." He chuckled to himself at the joke about his abilities. Dean always thought she was sweet, holding a soft spot in his heart for her. "And Dryad, you weren't all that scary don't worry. Come out of the vines. You're the most polite of all of us. You just need to remind yourself that we've been here longer than anyone. You don't owe anything to this guy. He may be a king among his own people, but he is just another attraction here. He is no better than any of us. He should learn that before trying to assert himself as entitled." He heard Dryad sob a little at the Rockman comment. "Dryad, I know it sucks that they're gone- I still miss them too- but we can't let what happened to them happen to us."
He then directed his speech towards Romulus "As for you, you do deserve pleasantries- you did nothing to deserve not receiving them to me. My name is Dean but as you can clearly see on my box they call my attraction Life Energy. Welcome to my home. I have been here almost as long as The Carnival has been around. Dryad arrived shortly afterwards. I think you will fit in fine here once you get accustomed to it." He stared at the lion man sitting in the cage that was too small for his large stature. He felt a bit of regret seeing as that used to be his own crib before he moved into a cage and the Ringmaster and his men turned it into a cage by adding a roof.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Blake Character Portrait: Romulus Character Portrait: Dryad Character Portrait: Nyx Hemo
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Dean Blake

An orange and black colored jester girl poked her head out of her cage, then her whole body slipped through the bars. JC wished he had bars instead of His Box. He both loved that he could be alone and not harm anyone at the same time as hating that he was always alone in it. "Oh! Nyx you're up! Nice of you to join the party. We have a new guest! You should say hello. Dryad and I are just informing him of the past of The Carnival."
He then looked to the Lion Man Romulus who just dented his cage. "We have tried to escape before. Mine the most famous of all."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Blake Character Portrait: Romulus Character Portrait: Dryad Character Portrait: Nyx Hemo
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Dryad's vines retreated and she blushed bright green. "Alright...Thank you Dean... And sorry about your cage... Wish I could be any help getting you out." She smiled and waved to Nyx. "Hia..." She watched Romulus flail around and stood. "She's not contained because shes probably more trusted then the rest of us...I suppose... I could get out... but even if I did id run out of energy getting the keys and barely be able to stand..." She shuffled from foot to foot. "Romulus was it??? I-I don't enjoy seeing you in pain or anyone really...So please stop letting yourself get shocked." She felt odd being so open and moved back over to her bed feeling shy and awkward her cheek's green as her form of blushing. "And don't worry about all the noise Nyx the new comer does not seem to be enjoying his cage..." She poked her bars and sighed. "But no one really does..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Blake Character Portrait: Romulus Character Portrait: Dryad Character Portrait: Nyx Hemo
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Dryad shifted uneasily. "I-I might know the code...But... It could be wrong... The ringmaster is really forgetful so he often use's the same codes for stuff... He probably gave you the same code as the lions...But if I tell you... Will you help Dean escape...I-I hate seeing him in a box...I know he doesn't like it...And he looks the most normal out of most of us at least he would be able to go somewhere and...That would make me very happy." She moved closer to the bars and looked at the shock collar. "Hmm... Nyx you will have to put in the code..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Blake Character Portrait: Romulus Character Portrait: Dryad Character Portrait: Nyx Hemo
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Dean Blake

"Dryad, you're very sweet, but I will leave last, after the rest of you are freed." He added to himself: "and maybe after I finish my business with the Ringmaster."
Three men walked into the room and started to wheel Romulus away saying the crowd had to welcome him to the Carnival. "Oh we have already welcomed him to the carnival." Dean responded in a sarcaastically assholeish manner. They rolled him into the Big Tent and left the other's here. "Looks like we will be up soon. As much as I dislike how he runs his life he is one of us now. He is family. We should find a way to make his stay more enjoyable."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Blake Character Portrait: Romulus Character Portrait: Dryad Character Portrait: Nyx Hemo
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Dryad nodded sadly and sat back on her bed closing her blue eyes and listening to the crowd she knew her turn would be soon and as usual as she would be up on stage her mind would only wander to: who was she really, where was she from, why was she at the carnival sense she was a baby. Dryad had asked many of the people at the carnival and they always said they never knew where she came from. One day they were on the road far from any the next the ringmaster had little baby Dryad. She opened her eyes and listened to the sound of whips. "I don't wanna be here anymore...I know its hopeless but I hate this but I don't want war either..." She sighed and hugged her knees thinking and concentrating. She knew once the performance was over they would be left to sleep with one guard outside. Maybe there was something she could do or maybe Romulus could help them all get out if she gave him the code. She nodded to herself and let her mind focus on the code that could possibly get her out of here.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Blake Character Portrait: Romulus Character Portrait: Dryad Character Portrait: Nyx Hemo
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Dryad's eyes widened as Nyx dragged Romulus back in. "O-Oh no..." She immediately reached under her bed and found a small medical kit and tossed it to Nyx. "Use this for the both of you..." She felt her cage move and knew this time it was her turn the ringmaster would not stop the show for this only make sure that his guards went into the room to punish Nyx for him. "Nyx!" As her cage moved she use'd her fingers to make out the code 636 to Nyx hoping she would understand it was for the shock collars. She put on a brave face and smiled with a nod hopping perhaps maybe she had done some good. As her cage was wheeled out onto the stage the crowd roared with cheer's. Dryad could tell The ringmaster was angry and she was going to become the target. She sighed and allowed her skin to become bark and thorny vines to wrap around herself. Her eyes staring at the Ringmaster as he dragged her out of his cage and pulled out his whip. She got ready to concentrate and as the first whip lash came her way she sent a vine flying towards it to stop it. The crowd booed and rocks were thrown but she only smirked as the Ringmaster and her began there dance of him whipping and her dodging she knew he would keep this up until she faltered.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Blake Character Portrait: Romulus Character Portrait: Dryad Character Portrait: Nyx Hemo
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Dean Blake

"Dryad!" Dean called from his box. "Do what you can to wake the ones who can get out of their cages! Get Romulus Back in his and get Nyx any medical attention she needs! Then fix Romulus! It's either you or me up next and I can't do anything to wake the others."
Dean ran across His Box to the opposite corner where he could see the stage. The Ringmaster was fuming with rage and it was showing. He would be taking out his anger on the next part of the show, and Dean knew that that meant he was up.
But when the men came in they grabbed Dryad. "No..." Dean whispered to himself. He watched her slowly get dragged away and onto the stage. Dean thought to himself: would the Ringmaster change his routine and take his anger out on her or would it wait for his turn?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Blake Character Portrait: Romulus Character Portrait: Dryad Character Portrait: Nyx Hemo
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Dean Blake

Dean sat in horror. In twenty minutes his world had gone from peaceful rest to utter destruction. Seeing one of his best friends dragged away tore his heart out? A new member of the carnival was already on the brink of death and he hadn't even been here an hour. He stayed focused on Dyrad though. Watching the whip go back and forth as they did their dance, all the while Dean watched The Ringmaster's face, seeing the anger build.
Then it happened. He had never seen it before but he knew one day it would come. The ringmaster did love his cigars. He pulled out a large mechanical lighter. Dean screamed and beat the sides of his box with his hands! The spots grew icy blue and finally shot a blast of the kinetic energy right back in his face which sent him flying, the other end of the box breaking his fall. Dean could do nothing to help her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Blake Character Portrait: Romulus Character Portrait: Dryad Character Portrait: Nyx Hemo
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Dryad moved back and forth dodging and weaving. Her eye's never left The Ringmaster's because they gave him away. She heard a roar and turned suddenly pain shot through her body as the whip hit her side and cut through the bark to her skin. She fell and grabbed her side. She felt anger building up in her slowly then more and more. She watched the Ringmaster get closer with his cigar in his mouth and prepare to whip her again. She narrowed her eyes and a vine shot out from the ground hitting The Ringmaster in the gut and sending him back. Without a second to spare she punched in the code on Romulus shock collar sighing in relief as it broke off. "Romulus go get Nyx please don't fight just don't fight." With Romulus collar off the Circus broke into panic and Dryad got up weak and dizzy from concentrating so hard she was running on pure adrenaline.

She ran back into the tent and saw guard's coming at her. She squeaked as one tackled her to the ground. As she squirm she spotted the key's on the guard's belt and kneed him grabbing the keys and hobbling to every cage opening all of them before rushing back to Dean. "D-Dean how do I get you out of here!!" Panic enveloped her as she looked around frantically. She then spotted it an old fashion metal chisel type object one of the many thing's the Ringmaster use'd to blungen the more animal like Freaks. She ran over and grabbed it before going back to Dean and beginning her assault on his case. She slammed the sharper edge down onto the case angrily then noticed the grooves of the case that were weaker and began to use the chisel to scratch and break it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Blake Character Portrait: Romulus Character Portrait: Dryad
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Dean Blake

Dean watched in horror as the lion decimated the children and the guards and tried to make it to the Ringmaster. He was touched by his kind help. Dean that moment forgave Romulus for his presumption of being entitled. That was just his personality Dean figured. Romulus fell to the ground, again next to death and guards came and put him back in his cage. Dean, still watching Dryad, had an air of happiness that the lion had failed. If anyone was to kill The Ringmaster, it would be Dean. He promised himself that.
She stumbled and was hit by the whip. Everything moved so fast after that Dean barely could comprehend but Romulus was on his way to find Nyx and Dryad was trying to open his box. "Dryad, you're opening my food door but I think I can fit through there." he had no other choice. His main door was up against a large pile of crates and other cages.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Blake Character Portrait: Dryad
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Dryad blushed. "You better fit they barely feed you..." She slammed the chisel down onto the groove cracking it a little. "Yes I got it!" She wiggled her fingers into it and pulled forcing it open. "Hurry De-" She felt a whip lash meet her back causing her to let out a yell of pain. Having not had her protective mode on the whip sliced open the skin on her back and she began bleeding profusely. She let out a whimper and stood only to be met with another whip lash again on her back. In her human form her skin was like that of a flower petal and so the whip could easily dig into her skin.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Blake Character Portrait: Dryad
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Dryad fell to the floor in pain as Dean lept thought the food gate. Of all the many attempts to escape since the train wreck this was the first one when Dean had been released from the box. The first time he had been out of that Box in ten years. The Ringmaster put his whip down by his side, he knew it would do nothing against Dean. "Here is how it is going to work," Dean spoke calmly "you are going to sit down right here in my box, while I walk to your office with Dryad, heal her and tell all the guards and patrons of the carnival to leave. Now move your ass.
The chunky Ringmaster chuckled as he climbed into the box and Dean slammed the food gate shut behind him, the door using the energy to seal itself again.
Dryad was lying on the ground bleeding as Dean knelt down and picked her up in a bridal carry moving towards the Ringmaster's tent. He laid her down and pressed the intercom button and shouted out to the masses over the PA system: "The carnival is having safety issues and will now be closed. All patrons should leave the premesis receiving a full refund for another day and the guards surround the property." Dean believed he made a very realistic Ringmaster impression and the turned to Dryad to tend to her medical needs.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Blake Character Portrait: Romulus Character Portrait: Dryad
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Dryad was about to say she would be fine when Dean picked her up and carried her to the tent. She listened to the impersonation. "Your very good at imitating him." She smiled then blushed a little as her wounds were tended. She scowled at Romulus. "You don't have to be so blood thirsty...Even I think you went over board." She looked away from the blood. One death of someone who truly deserved it she understood but gore and wild blood lust made her sick and sad. "Is everyone ok though???" She looked over them all worried trying to ignore her own wounds and frankly not caring much about them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Blake Character Portrait: Romulus Character Portrait: Dryad Character Portrait: Nyx Hemo
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Dean Blake

Dean started to bandage Dryad as she started to scold Romulus who had just entered the tent. At Nyx's inquisition he went to go get a bottle of water off the desk and handed it to Dryad. He looked to Romulus "Thank you for letting me be the one to kill The Ringmaster. I do have to agree with Dryad though. Those people did nothing wrong. I can understand the guards and maybe one patron but not the children. That was to far."
Dean went back to the desk and picked up a large sheet of paper. There was a mechanical bracelet on it but Dean couldn't read what it said. The only reading he could comprehend was the words on his friend's cages and the words on familiar tee shirts that patrons were wearing. "Dryad, come here. What is this?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Blake Character Portrait: Romulus Character Portrait: Dryad Character Portrait: Nyx Hemo
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Dryad smiled and drank the water a few of the flower buds in her hair began to bloom. "After the Ringmaster is dead...We could go on and maybe find a home...But who knows we would...Technically be free won't we??" She sat and thought about it what being free would mean for once. She smiled a little. "There no way to plan for freedom or anything guess were going to have to go with it won't we..." She stood and walked over to Dean and looked down at the bracelet. "What is it?" She grabbed the bracelet and looked at it. "That kinda weird...I have one just like it..." Dryad lifted her dress to reveal a bracelet around her ankle."I have had it sense I was a baby...Why does the Ringmaster have one..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Blake Character Portrait: Romulus Character Portrait: Dryad Character Portrait: Nyx Hemo
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Dean Blake

"Dri, that's just it. I have one too." Dean rolled up his sleeve to reveal he too had a bracelet. "I've had it for as long as I remember. I have never been able to take it off. It's aggravated me during the night ever since I have had it. I always end up sleeping on it." Dean rolled his sleeve back down trying to keep thoughts to himself, but Dryad's words echoed in his head. He would be free... They would be free.
He looked to Dryad who was standing next to him, she seemed entranced in the paper. She had flowers in her hair that he always loved to look at. She was standing close enough that he could smell them. He had never smelt a flower before. He stood tall as pride and courage filled his body. He addressed the others: "Let's go see the how our friend is doing."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Blake Character Portrait: Romulus Character Portrait: Dryad Character Portrait: Nyx Hemo
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Dryad put down the paper and looked up to Dean worried then at Nyx. "Alright..." She then lowered her voice so only Dean could here her. "Dean...I'm kinda scared...I don't like the fact The Ringmaster had this bracelet so...please be careful." Her eyes locked on his and she grabbed his hand. She smiled a little. "Well...Let's go then It's time to get answers and end The Ringmaster's tyranny." She watched Nyx and giggled. "You know Nyx when this is done id love to see you dance without the Ringmaster pulling your strings cause your dancing really is beautiful." She smiled happily.