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Sophia Sight

19 years old Sophia was raised to the the alpha her blood dictates

0 · 1,045 views · located in Modern Day New York City

a character in “City Strays”, as played by Arxi


I was born in the city to a big time doctor dad and an exotic interior decorator mom . I've known what I was since day one. My parents ran their own small pack of us. Accept for meeting in secret some nights, we lived a perfecly normal life, or at least they did. I was always different. Dressed differently, walked differently, always looking around as if hunting. The other kids, they either avoided me or tormented me. My parents never understood why I as so numb.
When I turned 12 they began teaching me to take over the pack after they passed. Long lectures on keeping our existance secret always managed to cheer me up...not, but I listened and learned. Once I graduated high school I knew I wouldn't last long. My parents were always away at work and the pack didn't care about me. I had never decided what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, but thats all anyone ever asked. I would be sent out into the city on a near daily basis to find something to do, and on a near daily basis I had to rely on the instincts of my other side because I would almost get raped or mugged.
I disappeared five months after High school. I don't know if they searched for me. I don't know if they cared, I just know that I'm going to find my own way, create my own pack, find my own future as a werewolf.

Human: black waist length hair, blue eyes the color of ice, fair skin, about 5' 9"
Wolf: large white wolf with thick white fur and piercing blue eyes.

So begins...

Sophia Sight's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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#, as written by Arxi
Sophia was relieved to hear of Jessie's friend, "I'm not a horse, but if theirs a rout out of sight I'll change and carry him on my back, you can ride with him so he doesn't fall off. Or perhaps Felan or Jukka can so you can guide me." Sophia knew carrying someone on her back would be uncomfortable, but if it would get Alexander help quickly, then she would gladly deal with it, "Oh and Jessie, I don't treat my friends like dirt."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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"Aha, don't worry about me, Master." Connor gave a friendly chuckle as he accepted the hug. Causing him to blush slightly.
Taking the next speech as an order Connor replied; "Of course, Master." He wrote the 'order' into his notebook, ripped out the page and clipped it to the arm with less notes attached. It was the arm where he kept his orders.

"As for what you just said," Connor also lowered his voice, "If you want to help, then help. It is good to show that you are trying. Or just do it anyway, if anyone objects then I will take your side. I dunno, something like that." He smiled towards his Master and turned around to face the group again. Completely forgetting his first objective to find out about them. It didn't matter though, he has a Master now, so personal missions are pointless.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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Felan smiled relaxing and thinking about what he said and spoke up a second after Sophia finished speaking, "I'll help carry him, Mistress!" She jumped up and walked to her leader's side. "I'll do whatever I can to help so he can be healed as quickly as possible."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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Alexander turned his head to look at the entire group of wolves as they surrounded him, his teeth gritted from the pain. As Jessie laid her head on his chest and picked him up, he resisted the urge to let out a whimper of pain, and instead just let out a startled breath.

He had been bitten by one of his opponents in the chest, and it wasn't healing correctly. The only reason he wasn't bleeding all over Jessie's hands or clothing was because he was healing too quickly to let himself bleed.

He limply turned his head to the side to look at Sophia, giving her a small nod for some reason before looking away. His eyes were starting to get cloudy, and he was going to loose consciousness soon. By the time the group of werewolves had gotten him away from the apartment building, he would have lost consciousness, but his breathing would remain the same.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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#, as written by Arxi
Sophia watched the young woman look over Alexander, she had the feeling she could trust this woman, gentleness seeped off her in waves and kindness danced in her eyes. Sophia sighed relieved that there was help for Alexander. She looked around for a chair and upon finding one dragged it over next to Jessie, "So Jessie, how did you meet her?" Sophia accompanied the question with a smile so Jessie would know she felt no threat from the woman, now at work on Alexander.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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"N-no. Don't close the wound." Alexander managed to talk, bringing himself back from being unconscious. "T-there are teeth in my ch-chest." he wheezed. "Remove the teeth, I'll be f-fine." he said to Claire. With a shaky hand he unbuttoned his overcoat to reveal the bite mark.

The ends of wolf teeth were jutting out from his chest in some places, causing the wound to not be able to heal correctly. All other marks where he had been bitten were almost healed by now. "There's one that's ...d-deep." he said, wincing and letting out a pained whine.

His other hand gripped the edge of the table in pain, threatening to snap a part of it off with just the strength in his hand alone.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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#, as written by Arxi
Sophia nodded attentively while listening to Jessie's story. A small smile filled her face as her heart warmed. She may not have known Jessie in her dark times, but she was very glad she had Claire to watch over her. Sophia had never had people like that, sure she had her parents and they did love her very much, but they were always working and if they interacted with Sophia it was mostly for lessons. Sophia supposed her loneliness had made her as kind and understanding as she was, while the packs dysfunctional and agitated nature had enabled her to see right and wrong in the actions of people. Sophia felt her eyes tear up slightly in wistfulness, she wanted someone like Claire, a role model, but she was an alpha and as such Sophia herself was cursed to always be the role model.

Sophia smiled at Jessie, "You're very lucky to have a friend like Claire, and I think Alexander is lucky as well." If Jessie hadn't known Claire Alexander would be dead. The smile faded from Sophia's face as she realized more serious manners were at hand, "We need to know who attacked him and why. If there's a gang of wolves just randomly attacking others then they need to be stopped." Sophia looked at Alexander, "If they had attacked another wolf they would have won and the other wolf would have died, I don't like my pack, or my allies in danger."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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Alexander looked at Claire, opening his mouth to protest more, but then let out somewhat of a sigh. "Fine. Do as you will." he said submissively. Here he was, a big strong tough-guy of a werewolf not even bothering to argue with a kind, gentle nurse of a werewolf who didn't match up to him in strength.

He would let out a pained whine or a sharp breath of relief as Claire pulled out the teeth and closed the wounds. Though he wasn't saying much, Alexander was definitely thankful for being treated by someone so gentle. He then looked at Sophia and managed a smirk.

"W-what can I say? I've always been lucky..." he winced. "Okay, not always." he admitted. He then looked back over to Claire. "But thank you, Claire. I can't afford to die yet." he said, raising up an arm and gently placing it on her shoulder before letting his hand drop back down to the table with a loud Thud!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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Felan sat by the door of the vet waiting not knowing where to really go having only getting to the city today. She looks up at Conner and Jukka and asks, "sooo.. How long have you two been here? I've only just gotten here so I'm feeling kinda lost at the moment eheh..." She folds her hands in her lap looking down. "I've actually never really been to a city before so I'm kinda anxious."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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Connor reacted to his Master's question by searching through his notes on his arms and in his books. "I do not know how long,I don't place timestamps on my notes." He explained simply, using his boring tone as usual.

After standing around for a while, Connor decided that he needed to sit, he was beginning to ache. So he wondered over next to his Master and squatted down next to her, resting his arms on his knees with a notepad in hand. With that, he began drawing his surroundings with immaculate detail. Taking advantage of being close to the others by noting down any physical aspect he missed out into the profiles he made.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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Felan smiled and nodded at Conner curious as to why but felt it best to keep it to herself. She took a peak at his drawing and smiled in amazement. "Wow you're amazing Conner, I kinda draw too but not as good as you." she said as she slipped her bag off her back and started to dig through it again. " My drawing book should be in here somewhere...". She practically stuffs her head into her big back packet and a muffled " Ah hah! " can be heard once she finds it. "Here, I've been drawing for a while now, mainly just creatures and things that were floating around my mind." she flips it open for the two of them to see, mermaids, dryads, fairies, normal wolves among other things were scrawled over the pages only a few though are actually colored though. "I'm not very good at coloring them in yet but I love to draw~".

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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Connor stared at the drawings, "Where did you see these things? My long term notes show nothing of them." He spoke with a kind of praising tone, but quickly returned to drawing his surroundings with one hand. Using the other hand to pull out a second notebook and begin jotting down descriptions of the beings he saw in his Master's book.

"I don't see what you mean by 'amazing at drawing' or 'coloring'. I just sketch my surroundings so I don't forget, or if something changes." Connor explained while concentrating. He could easily multi task since his memories were close to non existent, so his brain was basically empty. Kind of like a new computer being very fast due to massive memory space.

"What do you mean by 'love'?" Connor's attention was caught with the word, causing him to stop writing but continue drawing. It was as if he remembered hearing the word before, somewhere or everywhere. But he simply did not know why.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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Felan giggled "I made them up in my mind, it helps keep me level and lets me get out my emotions." she says skipping past a few pages "I'd rather not show them out in the open though..." her voice wavers at this and shows another of a duck she saw once, "I drew this when I was still in my home state." She tilts her head to the side thinking about his question before answering, "Love.. I mean I really enjoy doing it. It really makes me happy when I can draw" her normally blank expression softens into a happy relaxed one as she kinda zones out into her mind.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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"Ah, I see..." Connor was used to drawing what he sees as a habit, it replaced his need to remember.

He finished his drawing and placed the notepad back into his pocket, after that, he mentally processed his Master's definition of love and wrote it down, clipping the note onto his arm. He stared up to the sky, his face seemed troubled, as if he was trying to remember something. Or simply accepting something. It looked as if he wanted to say something, but he refused to.

"Master, what are we doing?" He suddenly changed as he forgot what he was doing, he checked through his notes but there was nothing written about what he was doing with these people. "I think I'm bored..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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She looked up at him and blinked, "Alexander was hurt in a fight and we brought him here so he could be healed, I only just got here and don't know where to go to stay out of trouble." she stood up and looked around, "I'm kinda bored too though I'm worried about him." She frowned in frustration at her old habit to shut down when she panicked and she sighed beginning to mentally ramble, " Wish there were trees to climb..." She said to herself not realizing that she spoke out loud then fell back to silence as she mentally tormented herself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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"I see... Whoever that guy is, he will be fine now." Connor smiled to his Master as she stood up, this time he was looking up due to crouching down.

"If you wanna climb, why not climb some buildings?" Connor suggested that to his master. The idea of climbing buildings sounded fun, maybe if she doesn't want to, she may give him permission.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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#, as written by Arxi
Sophia had zoned out during the process of Alexander's treatment. As suddenly as anything a chill went down her spine and she jerked her head up, "I've got to go..." She stood and bolted out the door. Sophia paused at the group outside, "There's trouble close by, I'll be back, someone is in danger." Sophia ran off without another word, she followed he scenes to a small convenient store with the glass missing from it's door. The scent of fear wafted out of the place in strong waves.

Sophia rushed up to the door and climbed in, standing in front of a security camera was a huge brute of a werewolf who obviously had a death wish for whoever he had trapped, "Hey muscle head!" Sophia got his attention immediately, "What right do you have to attack someone here?"

The other wolf's voice came back in a growl, "And what right do you have to interfere?"

Sophia smiled, "I plan on ending the crime spree wolves like you are committing." Sophia shifted down onto all fours, "Now then, shall we dance?" before shifting into wolf form Sophia smelled the trapped person, it was the silver haired man from earlier. The other wolf launched at Sophia cutting off her thoughts, she dodged to the right turning around sharply to bite his back leg. The other wolf was bulky but not as big as Sophia so while momentum continued to carry him forward, Sophia stayed still, resulting in the dislocation of his back leg.

A howl of pain filled the air, Sophia jumped onto the barbaric wolf, "Shut it!" She slammed her paw onto his muzzle, "You'll attract more humans, and even you know that won't be good."

The other wolf smirked then turned his head and bit down on Sophia's paw. Sophia growled wincing, "You shouldn't have done that." She bit down hard onto the other wolves exposed throat, it was a killing shot, and she didn't let go.

The attacking wolf went limp and it's heart stopped, Sophia knew he was dead, She sighed and got off the corpse. Sophia hadn't killed often, but h=she had done it more then once. Shrinking back into her human form Sophia looked at the camera and motioned to the person watching it, "You can come out now. I won't hurt you and it looks like you need to be explained to, unless you were already aware that werewolves existed?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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Felan blinked and tilted her head to the side as she thought of the idea of climbing buildings. "Climbing the buildings huh?.." she said as she looked up trying to figure out how it'd work, "I've never climbed buildings before but maybe it's as easy as it sounds.." while scanning the alley for a place to jump up to she squatted in the familiar anticipation of the climb. Her favorite place in all the years of solitary travel has been up in trees. No, no specific state or city, but always in trees and nature able to be in her wolf form as much as she wanted. All this passed through her mind in a blur and after spotting a fire escape to jump up on she darted over and jumped up catching hold of the ladder and crawls up and over the railing. Looking back and down at Conner she beckoned to him, " Do you want to come too? I mean it was your idea." She said with an excited grin and looked over at Jukka, "What about you Jukka do you want to come with us? It'll be fuuun~!" She drawled, excited and sat on top of the railing waiting for them to answer.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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Connor smiled, "Gladly, Master." He crouched down with his hands rested on the floor between his legs. After a few moments of heavy breathing, Connor pushed forward with all of his limbs and jumped, like a frog. It seemed inhuman, his jump was about 2-3 times higher than a human's. He grabbed onto the fire escape his Master was on and used his momentum to swing forward and throw himself upwards. Moving towards the walls of the alleyway, he pushed off of one wall with one leg and arm and did the same on the opposite wall, the technique was repeated until he reached a window. He grabbed onto the frame, resting his feet on the wall, it was like a lizard resting on the side of it's container. He then pushed off of the wall yet again and spun in the air to grab onto the second floor fire escape. Still holding on, his body showed amazing flexibility and he spun around to rest his feet on the bars, place his hand behind him onto another bar with his other hand still holding onto the fire escape. With one final push he reached the top of the building. Using both hands to hand from the edge of the building and then pull himself up to do a backflip onto the roof. He then stood hunched for a few seconds. (Climbing like a monkey took about 15 seconds.)

Connor finally turned around and squatted down at the edge of the building, looking down towards his Master. Resting his arms on his knees. "How was that?" Connor tried to speak through his laughter, it was amazingly fun. And it looked like he was experienced with climbing buildings, but he acted like he never did it before.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight
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as i sit in the corner with fear hanging all over me i look back up at the cameras hoping to see anyone to come to help and i see a small fight between that beast and another beast fighting one another, as i slowly stand up i move more closer to the monitors watching as that new beast bite the creature that attacked me and watched it fall down with that other beast on it and when the other beast got off i saw it transform into a human form a woman too, as i her her saying "You can come out now. I won't hurt you and it looks like you need to be explained to, unless you were already aware that werewolves existed?" i felt reassured that she had saved me but before i would go out i yelled back "thanks for the help but before i go out i want your word that you wont attack me if im going to put my trust in you please promise me" i say in a scared tone.