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Sophia Sight

19 years old Sophia was raised to the the alpha her blood dictates

0 · 1,046 views · located in Modern Day New York City

a character in “City Strays”, as played by Arxi


I was born in the city to a big time doctor dad and an exotic interior decorator mom . I've known what I was since day one. My parents ran their own small pack of us. Accept for meeting in secret some nights, we lived a perfecly normal life, or at least they did. I was always different. Dressed differently, walked differently, always looking around as if hunting. The other kids, they either avoided me or tormented me. My parents never understood why I as so numb.
When I turned 12 they began teaching me to take over the pack after they passed. Long lectures on keeping our existance secret always managed to cheer me up...not, but I listened and learned. Once I graduated high school I knew I wouldn't last long. My parents were always away at work and the pack didn't care about me. I had never decided what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, but thats all anyone ever asked. I would be sent out into the city on a near daily basis to find something to do, and on a near daily basis I had to rely on the instincts of my other side because I would almost get raped or mugged.
I disappeared five months after High school. I don't know if they searched for me. I don't know if they cared, I just know that I'm going to find my own way, create my own pack, find my own future as a werewolf.

Human: black waist length hair, blue eyes the color of ice, fair skin, about 5' 9"
Wolf: large white wolf with thick white fur and piercing blue eyes.

So begins...

Sophia Sight's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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Connor looked as if he was trying to stop himself from pulling the trigger, he was solely relying on fear now to get the guys to leave them. Other people had surrounded the group to watch the commotion, making Connor feel even more nervous. Then he saw his master bite down on the guys arm, causing him to scream in pain and let go of her, only to swing a fist aimed straight at her head. "You fucking bitch." BANG!

The guy's arm was stopped, not by Connor, but by pain. Connor pulled the trigger. But not to the guys head, to his foot instead, pushing a hole in his sneakers and his foot. Steam slowly slivered out of the black metal weapon in Connor's hand. He then pointed the gun back at his head, with the other gun being pointed around the general area of the rest of the group. His smile disappeared as he glared straight to the guy's eyes. As if he were staring into his soul. "You okay, Master?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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She began to run to him as soon as she was let go, stopping to look back at the guy at the sound of the gun shot, glad to see him alive at least. She then turned and ran back to Conner holding on tightly and whispered, "We need to hide right now before someone calls the police.." with that she let go, turned him and pushed gently towards a dark ally then she began to run towards it expecting him to follow. As she made it to the ally way she jumped up and grabbed hold of a fire escape ladder and started to climb looking back halfway to check on him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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#, as written by Arxi
Sophia laughed, "I can tell you more another time." Sophia paused before leaving, "May I grab a sandwich? I don't have much money." Sophia laughed nervously, "I'm a bit homeless." Something dawned on Sophia, she had no place to stay, but she did have a pack, they might like Mark, and he had witnessed how the other werewolves committed their crimes, his story could help them create a strategy to deal with them , "At some point I have friends you should meet"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight
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"oh here" as i grab 5.00$ from my coat pocket "go ahead and buy what you want the stuff here is pretty cheap so 5.00$'s is all you really need" as i offer the money "also you could come to my hotel room and stay and relax for a few day the landlord wont mind, but unless you care about a bed that feels like bricks, occasional rats and roaches and other loud noised from the other rooms" as i give a laugh.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight
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#, as written by Arxi
Sophia took the $5.00, "Thank you." the other request made her a bit uneasy, "You're kidding about the bugs right?" she laughed a bit, "I appreciate the offer, buuuuut I just met you." Sophia laughed awkwardly, "Don't take offence, I don't think you're a creeper, I would just prefer to stay with other werewolves, just more comfortable that way."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy
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#, as written by Arxi
Sophia grabbed a sandwich and walked outside, she looked around vaguely aware of the fact she was completely lost. She sniffed the air catching Mark's scent trail and figured she may as well make sure he got home alright. Turning Sophia followed the trail. About two blocks away from the store she was hit with a massive wall of human fear scent, and it was mingled with Felan's and Connor's scents as well. Sophia walked quickly toward the source when a loud bang rang out, fear shot through Sophia's heart, what if someone had attacked Felan and she had changed for defense, any human that would attack her would likely kill her out of fear when she changed. Sophia began running, she rounded a corner and froze. A group of people were gathered around a teenager. He looked like a punk too. From where Sophia stood she could smell gunpowder and blood. Sophia looked up and saw Felan and Connor disappear onto building roofs. Good they're safe, she thought. Mark was ahead of her and had been stopped by an on looker. She hoped would keep going and lucky for her he did. Sophia let her blood boil fueling her Alpha dominance and triggering automatic fear in the human subconscious. Most wolves naturally suppressed this, however, wolves who had malicious intentions always made humans uncomfortable, they couldn't shut it off.

Approaching the group Sophia held up her chin and walked with purpose, "What the hell happened here!?" She called into them. The circle broke up, some heading off shooting glances over their shoulders and other's backing away from the kid on the ground, Sophia headed straight for him, "What the fuck did you do!?" Sophia knew Felan hadn't started it, the teenager had bite marks on his arm as if he had Felan in a choke hold and she bit him.

The punk looked up surprised, "What do you mean What did I do? Bitch I was shot!" he motioned vigorously at his foot, "Are you goddamn blind or just dumb?"

Sophia dropped down in front of him sneering, "And what about these you little punk?!" She grabbed the kids arm, lifting it so the whole crowd could see the bite marks, "Anyone with a fucking brain can tell you brought this on yourself!" Sophia laughed humorlessly, "Obviously you lack a brain."

A few other teenagers moved towards Sophia, "Hey! You can't talk to him like that!" one of the others added, "Ya, you wanna be next you little cunt."

Sophia looked up at the other boys and slowly stood up, despite being in her human form she still appeared bigger to the boys, "Do you really want to butt in? Do you want to end up like your boss here? Or worse?" The other boys stuttered for a minute before backing off again, "That's what I thought." She brought her attention back to the cowering punk on the ground. grabbing him by the collar Sophia dragged him to his feet, or one good foot, "So what happened? You see a little girl and a handicap and think, hmm maybe I can finally lose my virginity, or maybe ,you just wanted some cash and thought they would be an easy pair to bully it out of?" Sophia was directly in the kids face, he was terrified and begging her to stop, "So what did you do huh!? Put a little girl in a head lock and tell her friend to hand over the cash, or did you intend to to get your rocks off at the expense of an innocent little girl! How did that turn out for you huh!? Tell me."

"Stop! Please!" the teenager looked at Sophia with scared teary eyes, "The retard was looking at me funny, so I confronted him about it, I don't want a retarded queer staring at me. He didn't reply so I grabbed the girl, I was just trying to fuck with him.."

Sophia growled angrily, "Tell the truth."

"Fine! I wasn't fucking with him! Chick was hot and babes aint been taking my bait recently, so I'm a bit desperate." Sophia smirked pleased as most of the remaining circle dispersed making comments of disgust towards the teenager, "Ha, maybe I could have got some love for my boys too. Anyways, so I got the girl and I'm making my threats when the retard pulls dual fucking hand guns out of his ass, He looks all phyco and is calling the bitch his master . She tells him not to kill me and then bites my fucking arm. I go to punch the fucking whore out and the retard shoots my damn foot!"

Sophia thought quickly, she couldn't have this guy go to the police or anything, "You fucked up. That girl's the daughter of an important government official. The 'retard' you referred to was her personal security guard. You're lucky she's a merciful child." Sophia sighed, "So here's the deal, her pops isn't going to like any problems, and the second he finds out that someone tried to hurt his little girl, you are fucked. Good for you she doesn't like worrying daddy unless something big happened, so as long as you keep your mouth shut, you won't go to jail. Got it punk?"

The teenager was frozen, "What about the hospital? They gonna ask."

Sophia blinked, "This is New York city, tell them you were getting close with a couple gang members and they wanted to see how you shot, get it yet? You had an unfortunate gun accident and the gang boys ran off." The teenager gave a quick nod, Sophia turned her attention to his lackeys, "And you would be considered accessories to the crime, so do yourselves a favor and don't bother the authorities." they nodded rapidly. Sophia looked back at the scum in her grasp, "Oh and if the hospital asks, the bite marks are from your girlfriend, and the black eye is from your now ex girlfriend."

"Wait, what black eye?"

Sophia clocked the teenager in the face knocking him out cold before running in the direction Felan and Connor had gone.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy
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Connor watched Felan fumble through her bag to pull out lock picks. "That looks cool." He had no idea what they were, but he liked them, staring intently as Felan unlocked the door.
After watching his Master walk in, he followed, scratching his head and wondering why his back feels hot from the still heated gun barrel which was placed back in it's holster on his belt.
"Why are we here, Master?" Connor wondered as he asked, his legs were shaking from standing for too long. It wasn't painful, it just showed how weak his legs can get when they are over worked.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy
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Felan slammed the door shut locking it and pressing here back against the door finally letting out her fear and began trembling and crying, "We're getting away from some teens who grabbed me... I don't really understand why though we didn't do anything to them..." she says as she slid to the floor unable to stand anymore. She looked up at Conner noticing that his legs were shaking "Are you okay Conner? You should probably let your gun cool you shot him in the foot after I bit his arm..." Her hands moved up as if they had a mind of their own and settled on her headphones around her neck. She wanted to put them on for a while but she didn't want their comfort she wanted.. She looked up at Conner as she thought this but looked back down timidly and just held onto her headphones. Confusion swirled through her mind at these emotions curling into a tight ball slowly slipping away from this reality as her head began to heat up from the over load of these events.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy
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Connor crouched down with Felan, he did as she said and pulled the machine pistol from its holster and held it. Resting his arm across his knee and leaving his hand hang limp with the gun still held. "Someone grabbed you? No wonder I shot him, why didn't I kill him...? Oh and I'm fine now that I'm resting my legs". It didn't seem that Connor was resting his legs in a squatting position like that, but he was used to doing that for most of his life, so it is comfortable for him.
"Are you okay, Master?" Connor lowered himself further to stare into Felan's eyes, he was pretty close to her at this time and his expression showed concern. "You seem flustered."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy
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She tried to wipe her tears away but they just kept flowing, "I told you to not kill him.. I didn't want anyone to die and I didn't really get hurt.." She whimpered. She looked down when she felt her face tingle from blushing with him being so close, "I don't feel so good Conner... I can't stop shaking, I feel lightheaded, my stomach feels funny, and my heart feels fluttery.." Something made her peek up at him through her bangs, blush brightening, "Um.. Uh.. Th-Thank you f-for saving me.. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy
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"Why are you crying?" Connor was even more confused, he never saw other people cry, unless they were screaming 'mercy' at him before he killed them, but he knew that he wasn't going to kill his Master. "Well, if you told me not to... That makes sense"
"Why are you like that? How do hearts flutter? I don't get what you're saying, but I think you need to go see a doctor." By this time, Connor had already forgotten that his Master was a wolf. He did know that doctor = feeling better, plus he probably fractured a bone since he felt more pain than usual in his left leg and it had already begun to swell. "You're flustering more..." Connor ignored the thanks, Master's aren't supposed to thank their servants. But through his concern, he got the urge to raise his arm and rest his hand on Felan's shoulder.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy
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"I-I'm crying because.. I'm confused at why he grabbed me.. I feel like he wanted something from me but I don't know what.." She shook her head when he mentioned the doctor, "I don't think I need a doctor I just need a little while to calm down.." She nuzzled his hand when he placed it on her shoulder taking a little comfort from the gesture. As she looked down again she noticed the swelling, "Conner.. What happened to your leg?" She jumped up quickly forcing her tears away the best she could "You're the one who needs to go to a doctor not me!" She grabbed her bag and stuffed everything back into it before unlocking the door and swinging it open quickly waiting on the other side for him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy
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"hm, that makes sense..." Connors confusion begun to become more cleared as he slowly learned emotions. "If you don't need a doctor, then you wont need one." Connor was kind of explaining his habit of only going to a doctor if he felt like he needed to, it was one of the things kept in his very limited short term memory.
When Felan jumped up, he jumped himself. He was about to point his gun but prevented himself and pushed it back into it's holster. These damn automatic reactions can cause Connor to make enemies quickly. He stood up and walked outside to Felan, his acts of walking with his legs partly bent and his body bent over a little cover up a limp, it looked like he limped all the time anyway. "I dunno what happened... It's just painful, I'm not sure if it's just my body though. I'm always in pain. But I don't need a doctor." He pushed his hands back into his pockets and stood beside Felan, about the same size as her due to his slouching.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy
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When he told her that he didn't need a doctor she firmly planted herself in front of him with her hands on her hips and her cheeks puffed up a bit though her face was still a little red, "Now don't you give me that Conner Gateworthy!" She points at the swelling in his leg speaking in as stern a voice as she could muster; the whole thing a bit comical to anyone else seeing a little girl scolding a young man in this way. "I saw the swelling in your leg and I can tell that something is wrong so it needs to be checked to make sure that it doesn't get any worse!" With that she stamped her foot to drive the point home, she cared very deeply for him and would make sure to help him the best she could when he needed it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy
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Connor simply stared at confusion to Felan's reaction, "Is there something wrong with your mouth?" He gestured to his cheeks, pointing out her puffing. "Who's Connor Gateworthy?" Connor looked around, his hands behind his back gripping onto his guns. He then noticed Felan's pointing to his leg, and listened to his master, taking her words as an order. "Well, if you want it checked then we shall... Where do we need to go?" He flinched when Felan suddenly stamped her foot, another automatic reaction from his past master.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy
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Her expression soften when he flinched and drew close carefully sighing, "You are Conner Gateworthy.. and I only got upset because I don't want anything bad to happen to you.." She gently placed her hand on his arm to reassure him giving him a soft smile, "We need to find a way to the hospital and get your legged checked and if it's nothing then that'll be really great but if something is wrong they get you all fixed up then we can find our way to our new home and find some food." She then turns and looks around for a safe way down so he doesn't hurt himself anymore than he is already. She sighs only seeing the fire escape "That won't do..," she says to herself frustrated because it might not be a good idea to take the stairs but it might be the only way without him getting even more injured. She turns back to the door, "I guess we can only go down the stairs since you can't get down the ladder" she says to him as she begins to make her way to them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy
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"I am?" He checked his notes and realized that he is Connor Gateworthy, "oh..." He smiles a little bit, showing a hint of embarrassment. "Nothing bad will happen to me..." He blushed a little as Felan placed her hand on his arm, leaning back a little in case something would happen. "If that is your order, then we should go."
As Felan was looking around for a place to get down, Connor wondered to the edge of the building. "Hey, why don't we just jump down?" He called to her as she turned back to the door.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy
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"Check your notes again!" she called over her shoulder as she began walking down the steps shaking her head and smiling to herself. Her heart fell though when he had leaned away from her and she sighed, "What is going on with me?" she mumbled. She continued babbling in her head stopping a little under halfway down and sat down waiting for Conner.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Jessie   West Character Portrait: Alexander Holt
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Alexander awoke to the sound of gunshots. Since Claire had finished taking out the teeth and closing his wounds, he sat up quickly and looked at the door, standing and tilting his head to either side, making his neck pop loudly as he grunted. He walked to the door and opened it, sniffing the air to try and figure out where he was, since he was in too much pain earlier to even remember the trip to the room where his life was saved.

He caught the scent of Sophia'a Alpha Blood boiling, and his teeth gritted at the scent. He didn't like the idea of an Alpha being in town, and he definitely didn't like the idea of an Alpha who's blood was boiling. It was almost enough to send shivers up his spine.


He walked to the sidewalk and looked around, sniffing the air again. He let out a low growl and started walking again, this time towards Sophia, Felan, and Connor. They were in more danger than they knew at the moment.

Heading towards the three was another group of werewolves from the same gang that had previously attacked Alexander. He then took off in a run and skidded around the corner, quickly catching up to Sophia before getting in front of her, turning around and stopping, his arm extended.

"You need to stop." he said. "There are more people from the gang that attacked me coming this way." he warned sternly as he looked down at the naturally shorter human form of Sophia. "They are either going to try and finish me, kill you because you're an Alpha, or they will kill the other two because they are in the gang's territory." he said.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Jessie   West Character Portrait: Alexander Holt
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Connor did as his master said and checked his notes, this time on the other arm. 'NO JUMPING OFF ROOFS' was written down taking up the whole paper. "Oh." Connor realized and quickly turned around and walked quickly to the door.
As he walked down the stairs, trying to catch up with his Master, he was wincing in pain. He hadn't rested his legs long enough to get going again, and now he has to walk to wherever a doctor is. But it didn't matter, he has a master, so now his life has a meaning, but why does he feel warm when he is around her? and why does his face feel hot when she touches him?

His thoughts stop as he notices his master sitting on a step, stood next to her, he spoke out. "Master, are you tired?"