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Altid Immitis

I might talk about killing people a lot, but I don't actually do it, oh wait, I do.

0 · 880 views · located in Seele

a character in “Colourless Colour”, as played by phnx


(Always | Ruthless)

" The human race is lucky I'm such a nice guy, otherwise only a third of them would be alive right now. "


"Do you really not know my name? Unacceptable."
Altid Immitis

"I like my name the way it is."

"Do I look like a girl to you?"

| AGE |
"My youth doesn’t mean anything."

"I have no time for silly things like relationships anyway."

| RACE |
"It’s degrading to be associated with Colours, let alone be one of them."

"Just look at me."

| ROLE |
"I meet interesting people then kill them."
The one who does all the dirty work.

"They’re red, most of the time."

"Seriously, just look at me."


"I DO NOT have issues with my height."
170.5 (5'7)

"It’s all muscle."
60 kg (132 lbs)

"Do you see any? Didn’t think so."
The most noticeable marking Altid has is a scar just above his left temple but not many people have actually seen it since it’s always covered by a band aid. He also has the name Ihana tattooed on the inside of his right arm and has the quote "Time is an illusion and so is death." tattooed on the inside of his left arm.

"Nobody’s perfect but I’m so close it scares me."
Altid has short light grey hair, unlike the rest of the primes he likes to keep it quite short. His eyes are more than a bit odd, normally they are dark red but if he uses his powers of get’s really angry they lose their colour and turn to a very pale grey, almost white. Like the rest of him, his skin is pale. Altid’s facial features are still a bit childish so he appears even younger than he is. With his youthful face and short slim stature he falls into the cute category which bothers him beyond belief.
He likes to dress classy (It looks classy to him.) usually he wears a white dress shirt and black pants, you will never find him in a simple T-shirt. The article of clothing that makes him stick out is his red vest, he always wears is. (Not if he needs to be stealthy or goes to sleep but I’m sure you get the point.) When things are about to get messy he puts on a pair of black leather gloves.


♥ Handguns
♥ Machine Guns
♥ Did I mention GUNS?
♥ Technology
♥ Guitars
♥ Coffee
♥ Violence
♥ red (The colour not the Colour.)

✖ Colours
✖ Cold weather
✖ Antique things
✖ Veneficia
✖ Teamwork (Not really, he just likes to pretend he does.)
✖ Failure
✖ 90% of all humanity
✖ Those damn heels Ve wears that make her taller than him.

✔ Shooting
✔ Torturing
✔ Interneting
✔ Playing the guitar

✘ Failure
✘ Spiders (Shut up, things with more than 4 legs aren’t natural.)
✘ Loneliness
✘ Needles

✔ Persuasive
✔ Resourceful
✔ Agile
✔ Good with guns.
✘ Short attention span.
✘ Quick to judge.
✘ Temperamental
✘ The Souls

"I'm actually quite simple... piss me of and you'll die."

Altid passion is guns. Considering the fact swords are still more used his guns give him a certain advantage. He always carries two guns, one in the gun holster on his hip and the other tucked under his shirt at the small of his back.
In case he get’s disarmed (which is highly unlikely) and cornered he also has a hidden dagger. He only uses it as a last resort because he isn’t handy with cold weapons.

"We're all given some sort of skill in life. Mine just happens to be killing people."
Astral possession – Altid is able to make an astral projection of himself that is only visible to him. With it he can scout without being noticed, the range of his projection is around 50 meters, if he’s in a good mood it might even reach 60 but never more than that. This ability (as it is stated in its name) gives Altid’s projection the power to posses another. In that state he can roam the other person’s thoughts and memories. Sometimes (if he or she has a very strong will) the victim can lock away their thoughts. While in Altid’s possession the other can’t move (Altid can’t move them either), they either stay frozen in place or slump to the floor. When he makes projection his body enters a state of trance leaving him completely woundable. In that state Altid’s eyes turn light grey and if the astral projection is far from him, or in another’s body for too long his nose will bleed severely and he will feel ill.
Necromancy – Altid’s power isn’t true necromancy. He cannot resurrect the dead, he can only summon and control them. Once he summons them they are visible to everyone. They appear as translucent forms. The souls can look like the owner’s body in an unharmed state or as skeletal, rotting figures. (Altid can make them switch between the two). They are Altid’s main weapon (except his guns). When questioning or torturing someone Altid combines this ability with his astral one. First he wanders through the others memories to find that someone’s friend or loved one that passed away, then he will make his victim watch as the souls he summoned deteriorate right in front of their eyes. He uses the souls to torture others but they torture him too, when he is alone, in the dark they creep over him, whispering to him, hating him, trying to make him use his gun one last time and come to the underworld.

"I don’t want to talk about it."
Miles Immitis – Father | 46 | Missing
Haura Immitis – Mother | 41 | Deceased
Ihana Immitis – Elder sister | 22 | Unknown whereabouts

| H IS T O R Y |
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it."

"That information is confidential."
Eien Amias - "Eien might be the only person I respect, I said might be."
Veneficia Cerebrus - "I don’t even want to waste my breath on that *cough*bitch*cough*.".
Ardaleah Melancton - "He’s like a rollercoaster ride, as in so fun he makes me want to barf."
Takano Hiroki - "He’s a smartass but he’s ok."
Cassius Ife
- "Where the fuck is that wallflower?"
Avarna Amias - "I don’t get him, he doesn’t do anything and no one even knows he exists."
Evening Avalon – "How am I expected to fear someone who won’t even show their face?"
Hei Eos – "Hmph, she’s just Red’s little puppet."
Kanade Hoshizora – "If she wasn’t a Colour I might even consider liking her."
Kacey Odetta – "I don’t know her but I’m at least 100% sure I’m not gonna like her."
Shounen Misumi – "Are we sure that’s a guy?"

| T H E M E X S O N G |

Your Bones – Of Monsters and Men

In the spring we made a boat
Out of feathers, out of bones.
We set fire to our homes,
Walking barefoot in the snow.

Distant rhythm of the drum
As we drifted towards the storm.
Baby lion lost his teeth,
Now they're swimming in the sea.

Troubled spirits on my chest
Where they laid to rest.
The birds all left, my tall friend,
As your body hit the sand.

Million stars up in the sky
Formed a tiger's eye
That looked down on my face,
Out of time and out of place.

So hold on.
Hold on to what we are.
Hold on to your heart.

So begins...

Altid Immitis's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Altid Immitis Character Portrait: Evening Avalon
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#, as written by phnx

Altid was finally falling asleep. His thoughts drifted from the rebels that he’d helped to capture, to that new gun he got yesterday, and as they reached a memory from times long past he heard rustling at the foot of his bed. He covered his head with the pillow in an attempt to mute it and get back to that blissful state between sleep and consciousness, but the whispers only grew louder. "Will you shut the hell up!"

Altid yelled out and tossed the pillow to what was supposed to be the empty space, but before it reached the ground it passed though one of the three dark figures creeping, now silently, by Altid’s bed. The tallest of them came closer, its or better his face hovering right above Grey’s. "What are you going to do, Altid?" The translucent figure hissed, the smell of rotting coming from his mouth almost unbearable. "Kill us again?"

It was still so fresh in his memory, well of course it was it happened only 8 or so hours ago. It was supposed to be just a regular patrol, but nothing is ever so simple.

Altid made his way down the streets of Kano, he was accompanied by at least a hundred armed officers. The streets both looked and smelled vile. People watched from corners and windows at this, what was it? It nothing more than parade to show that Seele and the Primes hold all the power (aka weapons) and that there was no use rebelling since the army would overpower the untrained rebels easily. It was in a blink of an eye that this routine turned into chaos.

Several smoke bombs went off at the same time. The entire group was surrounded by thick white smoke. Before anyone had time to properly react dozens of rebels started coming out from their hideouts. Two men armed with swords ran right towards Altid but before he had time to draw out his gun both of them fell to the ground. A soldier was still standing behind them his rifle still aimed bodies. "You shot them in the head, they won’t be getting up." Altid yelled to the young soldier, it must have been his first kills since he looked completely terrified. "Now get on with it, the fun had just begun." This time Altid voice was harsher and snapped the soldier out of his daze. "Yes, sir." he murmured and ran off in the direction of more gunfire. Altid span around shooting another rebel that charged at him. This one wasn’t even armed.

Altid’s shooting spree was interrupted when he felt a sharp pain in his back. He spun around to be faced with a short woman in an apron that was trying to stab him with what seemed to be a metal spatula. He grabbed her by the neck with his free hand. Grey tightened his grip and leaned in whispering to her. "You’d be a waste of bullets. " The spatula dropped to the ground as the woman tried to break free of his grasp. She kept opening and closing her mouth like a fish but the grasp on her slim neck was too tight. Her eyes were wide open and filled with panic and fear but Alitid just stared into them as he diminished her of air and life. The gunshots around them stared to quiet down as he dropped her body to the ground.

A man fell to his knees only a few feet from where they were, he was not wounded but he cried and yelled. His shouts "Lana! Lana!" were rippling through the now cleared air. Altid aimed at the man who made no attempt to escape the bullets path and shot him right between his eyes.

That same face, only paler and blooded, was hovering above his. The interaction was interrupted by loud knocking on the door. "What on Earth is it now? " The annoyance was more than obvious in Altid’s voice. "It’s the rebels we captured, sir." The voice from behind the door said. "They’re escaping."

Altid shoot out of bed, he quickly stared changing from his night clothes. He stormed out of the room as soon as he was decent, his white shirt was only half buttoned and his west and gun belt were still in his arm rather than their proper places. "Sound the alarm, now. " he hissed, his voice low and dangerous. They stared walking and he soldier said something into his earpiece and moments after an alarm stormed thought the entire complex, the lights turned their colour to red and Red was exactly what Altid was thinking about.

"Fucking Colours! " Was all Altid said before leaving the soldier behind him and hurrying towards the prisoners’ ward.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eien Amias Character Portrait: Altid Immitis Character Portrait: Evening Avalon Character Portrait: Hei Eos Character Portrait: Cassius Ife
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Every second that flew by was another second of worry. Another second of the fear that crawled underneath her skin. She had to stay calm though, for Eve and the other Rebels sake. Hei needed to have a cool and collected head for this, though every fiber of her being was screaming to watch her back. Cassius could easily be anywhere, just like how Eien could easily be tracking them all down, right as she waited for a signal.

It was funny, in a sick, comical way. She had sworn up and down to leave going into Prime headquarters to Eve, or rather, Red. After that close encounter with Cassius, he was the nightmare that haunted her. He was the one trying to make her hate herself.

To question her loyalty to the Colors.

To herself.

To everyone she loves.

She was letting him without a second thought. Even now, those cold, calm, yet cutting words had burned their mark inside of her brave heart. Not to say she didn't deserve such treatment... But, she had people to look out for. She had those who, as scary as it was to think about, those who looked up to her. A secretly bitter little devil pretending to play the role of the saint. Her sanity was melting away, even at this very second.

'No! I can't be thinking like this... I need to keep a clear head. I have teammates captive, not to mention Eve is depending on me... For Jin! I just have to do this... I just have to hold on for Jin! He would of wanted this!' Hei was mentally tearing herself apart at the seams when she finally took a deep breath, burying her face into her father's old jacket. Her mind was finally being put to ease as she gripped her silent pistol, her eyes full of a fiery determination as she heard Eve through Hei's own headpiece. It was time to get her ass out there.

Shutting her eyes and another deep breathe, Hei opened them to reveal their orange glow, only for a view minutes before she heard the hurried foot steps of rebels, and the cusses of the guards, gunshots starting to go off as if it was a war field. Stationed carefully as she waved over the rebels, yanking them past her quicker as she opened fire, her shots dead on every two shots fired. Of course, needless to say eventually even Hei was harmed by a bullet grazing her cheek, then top of her shoulder as she covered one of the female Rebels who had been careless with her gun. "E- Red!" Hei breathed out, taking cover as she began to follow out the Rebels to the key exit. "How are things over there? We're starting to get some serious heat!"

It took awhile to process, but that was when that familiar sense of fear gripped Hei once more. This meant that he was coming. Grey.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kacey Odetta Character Portrait: Kanade Hoshizora Character Portrait: Eien Amias Character Portrait: Altid Immitis Character Portrait: Takano Hiroki Character Portrait: Evening Avalon
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Takano Hiroki

"The fuck-" Takano was distracted by the large noise going off. Intruders."This would be easier if I knew who the person was." Takano thought aloud. After a few passwords he'd entered into the program. He could take a wild guess that Red was behind this but it would be messed up if it wasn't and he ended up making her do something for no reason. Not that Red was necessarily a easy target. Her will was comparable to Eiens, though unlike Eien- Red isn't impossible to control.

As much he would love to work from his sanctuary it seemed he'd at least need information. This was about to get complex. Takano reflected for a second on the situation. He came to the conclusion of if he wanted to remain anonymous he'd have to use the power he didn't like using.

"Winds that gently blow send me the conscious whispers of man." Takano said, he specifically phrased it so the winds should be subtle enough that it wouldn't seem unnatural. His hair began to sway in the soft breeze as he heard clips of voices "Red..... how are.....seriously heated..." "Go!.......Hei.." "...colours.." His suspicions were confirmed and Takano smirked to himself as he typed.

Ultimate Hack
Command(Hei Eos):Stop all movement:End Command
Command(Evening Avalon):Stop all movement:End Command

He knew that Hei would stop for a fact, if even for a fraction of a second. It was Red he worried about. His plan had complications as well, there was no telling how long the two would stop moving. If they only held still a few seconds to a single minute and a Prime doesn't arrive they'll know who's behind it and keep on guard making it less likely for another suggestion to be successful. But Takano was ready for that and had already formulated about 6 backup plans depending on their reaction. In these plans he included the chance they could of felt the wind and were suspicious. Just another day at the fucking office right?

Kanade Hoshizora

Kanade snuck tucked and rolled her way into the hide out just as the alarm began to blare. She'd heard the messages that Red had sounded and was happy to be able to protect her. Kanade's view of her only got better at these bold acts she took. "Summon." She put her hands together and as they spread apart a Submarine gun appeared in her hands.

She spotted Hei and Red as she entered into the range of fire. A guard grabbed her by the crook of her elbow and said a smart comment about children and her size which was barely audible above the gunfire. Kanade spun around and stuck the gun in his mouth. "You died in combat, a honorable death." Kanade closed her eyes and suppressed a smile. Death isn't funny. Get a hold of yourself.

Kanade used her free hand to lift up her eyepatch, revealing a bright golden eye. She stared at the man, searching his memories. She saw his past since his death was confirmed. Her eyes opened wide at the day of past she received from him. This man had interacted with Grey and alerted him about the escaping prisoners. Kanade fired the gun. "Kacey!" Kanade ran past Hei, "Sorry I'm late, I'm going to help the rebels still imprisoned." . She soon ran towards Kacey who was in a nearby cell just around the corner. After summoning a bomb that killed the prisoners guarding her and broke the iron bars she grabbed Kacey and pulled her out.

She dearly hoped Grey didn't find them in time, he was the one person who brought the insane out of her like no other. She couldn't loose control and hurt Kacey, no matter how Kacey felt about her she'd always felt the closest to her. The other person she hoped wouldn't come was Arda. It had to be some sort of treason against Colours to have any feelings other than hate and dislike for a Prime. As long as Grey and Silver stayed out of the way they'd both be... relatively fine. Kanade pulled her eyepatch down, "We need to run. Grey is coming."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avarna Amias Character Portrait: Kacey Odetta Character Portrait: Kanade Hoshizora Character Portrait: Eien Amias Character Portrait: Altid Immitis Character Portrait: Takano Hiroki
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The sound of the door opening, caused Eien to go into attack mode. He cursed himself that he didn't bother to lock the door, just because he thought no one would enter the room. Without a single sound one by one shadow monsters appeared behind him. They all had glowing red eyes, with drool dripping from their mouths. They bared there teeth at the one who was about to enter the room. As they were about to attack Eien heard a familiar snicker, and quickly called off his monsters. He watched as the one who had entered the room was Ven.

A sigh escaped Eien's lips as he was glad it was just Ven, "Did I interrupt any brotherly love?"

Eien growled lowly as he hated it when Ven teased him. Avarna on the other hand enjoyed Ven's remarks, it made him happy to have some more company with him. "Ven!" Without warning Ava raced toward Ven, and embraced her in a welcoming hug.

Eien sighed as he noticed how happy Ava was. This discouraged his raising rage, and soon he no longer had the heart to yell at Ven. His silent thoughts were interrupted by Ven's question,"I'd hate to be called an eavesdropper, but what is this of the Colours?"

Avarna wasn't paying attention as he was to happy about the fact Ven came to visit him so late at night, so she directed the question toward Eien. He looked Ven in the eyes and spoke, "Well Altid had captured some rebels and Colours when he was on patrol in Kano. I was going over there, after I came to visit Ava. But somehow Ava found out about the prisoners, and I promised to take him with me to see them as long as he was hidden."

After answering her question, Ven started to tease Eien once again, causing his eyebrow to twitch in annoyance, "And shouldn't the two of you children be sleeping? Especially you, Avarna; if some by passed, such as me, were to find you, things could get complicated, perhaps."

Before Eien could say anything, Avarna was already speaking, "Well, I wasn't really tired. So I called brother from his meeting. Besides you don't have to worry about people seeing me anymore, cause soon, everyone is going to see me."

Ava was about to ask Eien a question, when he felt an attack of emotions. It hit him like a bullet, and he fell to the ground. "Avarna?!" Eien ran over to his brother. Quickly bending down, he looked Ava in the face. A shiver went down Eien's spine as he saw a cruel smile displayed on Ava's lips, "Hey...Eien...Something fun is going to happen."

Like magic the alarms sounded all around, and a horrid noise echoed throughout halls. Eien cursed under his breath, "What is going on?"

He looked toward Ven, who shrugged her shoulders unknowingly. Eien quickly went into thinking mode. He was sure that it was Altid who ordered the alarm to sound, but why? Eien looked over at Avarna, who seemed to be in a happy trance.

He's feeling a lot of emotions.

"Avarna, what is going on? Read me the emotions!" It was silent, only the sounds of the alarms and the running feet of soldiers could be heard. Finally after a long silence, Avarna started to speak,"Relief. 'Finally we are free!' Confusion. 'Who let them all out?! Wait is that a Colour?' Complete Fear. 'Run! He's coming! Grey is coming!' It seems we have what they call...a prison break."

Once again the dark creatures surrounded Eien. This seemed to make Avarna amused so he continued, "...Red is there." This was a enough to cause the lights to burst, covering the whole room in darkness. The only source of light left was the red blinking alarms. With every flash, one could see the gathering of gruesome beasts around Eien. Some looked like wolves, others like lions and tigers, and even some looked like snakes.

Eien started to walk out the door, his creatures following behind him. But suddenly he stopped and without looking at Ven he spoke, "I need you to go help Altid. And don't you two argue! Avarna you need to stay in this room. Your existence isn't supposed to be learned of until tomorrow. We can't have the plan start to early." Avarna nodded and sat in the darkness, as he watched his brother walk away. He glanced at Ven and smiled,"Are you going Ven? Or do you still have another question?"

Eien finally arrived at the prisoner ward. Every soldiers' eye was on him, and each stood in attention. He walked up to one of the soldiers who looked to be about twenty-three and questioned him, "Did you report this breakout to Altid?"

The soldier was surprised and a little fearful that Eien was speaking to him, but he dared not keep him waiting,"Yes Sir! He knows of the situation."

Eien didn't say anything else and continued to walk toward the front of the prisoner ward gate. He felt better knowing it was really Altid who sounded the alarm. Also knowing Takano he probably is already working on this situation. Ven was on her way, so that wasn't on his mind. He knew that Cassius is definitely larking around the area somewhere, so he wouldn't be surprised if he heard a scream or something pretty soon. Ardaleah is on a mission away from the Headquarters so Eien is worried. And Avarna was in his room. That fact was the only thing Eien worried about. He truly hoped no one found Avarna.

Earlier Eien had requested a mic be given to him by a soldier. He was rather impatient, but after a while was finally given the mic. It was hooked up to all the speakers in the building, which he had Takano make and install for him. Once he pressed the button, every single siren was silenced, though the sounds of the people still could be heard and the flashing of the red lights still could be seen.

Without farther hesitation, Eien spoke into the mic, "This is Eien, I want every Prime, Colour, Soldier, Rebel, and whoever else that is in this mix to shut the hell up."

Everything a quiet. Not a sound could be heard throughout the whole building. Eien continued to speak, "Hey, Primes! I don't care what you do or how you do it, just know this. If you get blood all over the walls you will be cleaning it up! Having said that I want no prisoners, as it seems that is what has gotten us into this situation in the first place, so kill them all."

Letting go of the button, the sirens continued. Eien tossed the mic to the soldier beside him, and continued his walk toward the Gate. Once he stood right in front of the gate, his gruesome creations started to surround Eien, low growls escaped their mouth as fresh blood dripped from their mouths. Probably from a foolish rebel who believed he could escape while the others did all the fighting.

Pulling out Kira with his right hand, Eien readied himself. Kicking open the large gate with one push of the leg, a split second of silence filled the air, and the world was still.

Only two words came out of Eien's mouth as he watched all of the rebels that stood in front of him, "Kill them." At the command the shadow creatures ruthlessly attacked the rebels at full force, growling and baring their teeth, as Eien stood in front of the gate watching.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avarna Amias Character Portrait: Kacey Odetta Character Portrait: Kanade Hoshizora Character Portrait: Eien Amias Character Portrait: Altid Immitis Character Portrait: Evening Avalon
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"Ven!" The black haired girl saw as Avarna ran over to her and gave her a hug. Of course, she'd return the embrace, "Evening." She simply said with her regular smile.

Since Avarna was busy pouring over how much she actually visited him at such a late time, Eien had apparently answered her question about the Colours instead, as she anticipated, "Well Altid had captured some rebels and Colours when he was on patrol in Kano. I was going over there, after I came to visit Ava. But somehow Ava found out about the prisoners, and I promised to take him with me to see them as long as he was hidden."

Just the sound of his name sickened her, "That little brat actually caught someone?" Ven asked, a disgusted expression darkening over her refined face. Nevertheless, she decided to drop the chat on Altid and moved on, "Well isn't that lovely? Then you little boys should be careful down there. We wouldn't want anything bad happening to you two, right?" She chuckled a bit, in her own odd way.

"Well, Avarna began, "I wasn't really tired. So I called brother from his meeting. Besides you don't have to worry about people seeing me anymore, cause soon, everyone is going to see me."

The sound of this though, made Ven a bit worried as a slightly concerned frown formed while she asked silently, as if directing her to herself, "What... what does that mean..." She was always anxious for the brother duo, and while she did enjoy teasing them, she was also protective of the two, not wanting any harm to come to them.

She then watched as Avarna suddenly collapsed, and out of pure worry, Ven actually took a step forward, as if she was going to also check if he was alright, just as his brother did. But after that first step, she went no further, despite her worry for what was happening. She tried not to show it on her face, so she got rid of that expression as quickly as possible before asked another question, "What is going on?"

Veneficia shrugged her shoulders, but it wasn't any innocent shrug. One, she had an idea of what was going on, and two, she didn't look like she was in the mood for joking around for the mean time. When things got serious, she knew how to act, "Wish I knew, dear..." She muttered quietly.

"Avarna, what is going on? Read me the emotions!"

"Relief. 'Finally we are free!' Confusion. 'Who let them all out?! Wait is that a Colour?' Complete Fear. 'Run! He's coming! Grey is coming!' It seems we have what they call...a prison break....Red is there."

Just like the way Ven reacted to Altid's name, she did the same at the mentioning of Red. Red was the man, as she presumed, who was trying to get rid of both her saviors, if she knew of the older brother as well. She needed no other reason to dispose of any Colours are being aware of this, 'Anyone trying to kill them will eventually be killed by me.' She scowled to herself.

Just then, lights began to flash, and she knew that her instinct was correct, especially after Avarna confirming this, "So they want to die that badly?" She asked with a bit of a crooked smile covered by her pale hand.

"I need you to go help Altid. And don't you two argue! Avarna you need to stay in this room. Your existence isn't supposed to be learned of until tomorrow. We can't have the plan start to early."

"What?" Ven looked at Eien was he was about to leave, "With Grey?" 'What kind of joke do you think this is?' She wanted to say, but kept herself from saying it. All she did was shut her mouth, and not complain, even though she desperately wanted to. A mere second later, she replaced that vile look with a kind hearted looking smile and said, "Oh don't worry. We won't argue, we'll just attempt to kill each other~ Good luck with your job, Ei." Ven said, calling him by a new nickname for the fun of it.

"Are you going Ven? Or do you still have another question?" Venefica saw Avarna give her a smile while she did the same back to him.

"Well, I'm definitely not going to just stay out of the action, that wouldn't be much fun, now would it?" Ven started for the door, but paused, waving her hand as what appeared to be a lollipop came into her grasp. She then tossed it to Avarna and said, "It may be a while, so there's something I won to give you some company while we're gone." She said and waved as she closed the door behind her.

After a while of searching for the elevator to get to the prisoners' location, she finally found one as she began to head down to their cells while hearing an announcement made by her leader, "This is Eien, I want every Prime, Colour, Soldier, Rebel, and whoever else that is in this mix to shut the hell up. Hey, Primes! I don't care what you do or how you do it, just know this. If you get blood all over the walls you will be cleaning it up! Having said that I want no prisoners, as it seems that is what has gotten us into this situation in the first place, so kill them all."

"Pupu..." Ven let out a small laugh, "It's almost like a game. How fun!" She said, clapping her hands as she finally arrived on the right floor. She began to walk, passing through the cells, some which were empty, and others which seemed to have been deprived open, in an obvious way too, "Already on the run?" She said silently and went quiet to let her ears find the source of the small sounds she could make out.

From out of the shadows, she waved her hand near her thigh and a short, yet beautifully made dagger was being gripped in her left hand, and so she did the same in her right before she was wielding two weapons, "Lets see who I can find first." She said, and after a little more time of listening, she heard a voice in the distance and ran for it.

More running, sprinting, she arrive there in time to find a whole group of people busting out the prisoners. The prisoners had their own outfits, so she knew that those without one would be apart of the Colours, "Just my luck." She grinned. None of the Colours were looking her way, so she had no power over them, for now, but one guard was, and he was further back than the whole group. Any lamb singled out from its herd was the wolf's prey, 'That's the way I work.'

The gaze of the man was on Ven, and she stared right back. From there, she activated her power, which began to break one bone in his body, and once that snapped, he let out a great scream, and right after that, another, before both his legs were broken and he couldn't run or walk, but only lay there in pain, "Fun, isn't it?" She asked, walking up to the man with the sharp weapon in her hand, "I'll end it quickly for you dear." Veneficia smile as she quickly cut his neck.

She then looked around some more, seeing how she lost track of the Colours, and eventually found Altid, who she gave a grunt at seeing, but nevertheless said with a dark expression, "You're late, brat. Hurry up and get to work." She growled, "If you could get them the first time, prove it to me that you're actually a man and get them now. I've already got one kill, and I'm pretty sure I'm far ahead of you." She snickered.

(*I don't have time to tag characters, but everyone's involved in this post, pretty much!)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kacey Odetta Character Portrait: Kanade Hoshizora Character Portrait: Eien Amias Character Portrait: Altid Immitis Character Portrait: Veneficia Cerberus
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#, as written by phnx

Altid had made his way to the prisoner ward in record time, it was chaos, most of the rooms the rebels were kept in have been emptied and they were ether freeing other or fleeing down the corridor that lead to the main gate. In the midst of all that Altid saw a male rebel running for it, almost making it out of the hallway. He waited for a bit, letting the other pass through the ruined doorway where a metal gate used to stand, he waited for the rebel to feel the freedom, to think he had escaped and then shot him in the leg. He approached the man that was now crawling to his freedom and was about to call a soldier to come and cuff him but a voice, Eien’s voice roamed through the building.

"This is Eien, I want every Prime, Colour, Soldier, Rebel, and whoever else that is in this mix to shut the hell up. Hey, Primes! I don't care what you do or how you do it, just know this. If you get blood all over the walls you will be cleaning it up! Having said that I want no prisoners, as it seems that is what has gotten us into this situation in the first place, so kill them all."

Altid smiled at Eien's words, he lived for moment's like this, it was going to be a gore galore. He turned and started going back inside, the rebels that made it outside will be handled with, he had to go check if that Colour they captured has managed to get herself free.

The wounded man watched as Altid disappeared inside, he let out a breath he was holding and thought how lucky he was, to be spared when the order was kill them all. His happiness didn't last long as he heard Altid laugh and a skeleton like figure appeared next to him. The creature shrieked and attacked the man clawing at his entire body, ripping through it with ease, killing him in a matter of moments.

Sicarius, as the creature was called when he was still alive, appeared by Altid's side soon after. Sicarius was Altid's favourite Soul to summon, they shared love for killing. His skin had long rotted leaving him just a mass of tissue and bones and a cloud of dark green mist surrounded him making his hallow features even creepier. "Go take care of the rest." The creature just nodded at Altid’s words and went in the direction most screams were coming from.

"Fucking, hell." He cursed upon seeing that the cell Blue was supposed to be held in was empty. It was a top security cell, nobody should be able to break out of there. He kicked the door that was now laying on the ground. His yaw twicked and his fists as five more skeletons appeared around him. "Find her and rip her throat out." Altid hissed. While he ran in the direction of the main room, more Souls appeared beside him.

The sight that welcomed him was a one of nightmares. It wasn't the numerous dead bodies, it wasn't the fact that an entire wall and part of the ceiling were now just dust and rumble, it was Black. "You're late, brat. Hurry up and get to work. If you could get them the first time, prove it to me that you're actually a man and get them now. I've already got one kill, and I'm pretty sure I'm far ahead of you." Was the first thing he heard. Not late, I had other things to do. His voice was full of annoyance. Also... when he spoke this time his voice might have gotten an octave higher. Don't flatter yourself, as if you could ever be better than me.

Out of the corner of his eye he spotted Blue, finally he’s gonna be able to kill the bitch. But the girl wasn't alone, another Colour was with her, he smirked as he recognized that the other was Kanade. It’s a shame that we always meet at such inconvenient circumstances. Altid yelled out to her. The grin on his face lasted only a moment. It’s also a shame that this will be the last time we meet. As he finished the sentence a group of the undead surged towards the girls.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kacey Odetta Character Portrait: Kanade Hoshizora Character Portrait: Eien Amias Character Portrait: Altid Immitis Character Portrait: Takano Hiroki Character Portrait: Veneficia Cerberus
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Takano Hiroki

Takano smirked at Eiens order. His attack obviously didn't do much if anything at all. It was time to get in the action. Takano typed in his computer to make sure no colour could stride in and hack his computer. Putting on his jacket he strode out the room. It was quieter than before but it was still a bit loud. He could hear Black and Grey arguing but soon Grey's attention was turned to two girls he recognized as.... blue and green. Walking farther into the room there was Orange and Red.

A few rebels decided to try their luck on him. "You've got guts to approach a Prime." Takano smirked. "We've heard about you, Brown. You make people do things from your computer." one of them said.

Raise your left arm. The man's eyes opened wide as his arm moved. Move the gun to your head. After saying All hail Eien shoot the gun. Takano smirked as the man shook in absolute terror as the arm he no longer had controll over raised to his temple. He said the words just as he shot himself. The other two ran, too late however. Kill Red. The men continued running, it was obvious they were completely loyal so the action wouldn't go. Kill each other. The two men stopped, pulled out their guns and shot each other. Wincing Takano grabbed his head.

Kanade Hoshizora

She stood firm though Grey's voice calling out to her made her tremble inside. "Such a shame. It will in fact be the last time we meet. But don't be afraid. You will die in combat, a honorable death." Kanade pressed her hands together and muttered the word summon, a Ak-47 fell out along with ammo as she opened her hands. "Kacey, cover me for a second." Kanade pulled up her eyepatch and stared at Grey, to her dismay she didn't see the past so either the bastard wasn't going to die or he'd take more than a hour to kill. Soon her terror had reason, she saw herself wounded.

"I see you dead at my feet Grey." She hoped that he would fall for it. But knowing him, he wouldn't. But if he hesitated for a moment that is a advantage for her. She continued receiving future, hoping something good would appear.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kacey Odetta Character Portrait: Kanade Hoshizora Character Portrait: Eien Amias Character Portrait: Altid Immitis Character Portrait: Takano Hiroki Character Portrait: Evening Avalon
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Hei let out a grunt as she had been frozen into her spot, hidden behind a wall as she was starting to lose sight of the rebels that were alive. The only thing she could grunt out in response to Shou was simple.

"Let's- Nngh! Let's see! The roof just practically caved in, the rebels are dying, our fellow teammates are showing up a bit late and everyone's now in full kill mode. This is why I always tell everyone to be careful!" Hei was cut off with another painful jolt as a bullet buried itself into her leg, no doubt knocking her out of Brown's hack. "Ugh! I n-need you too see if there are any survivors in hiding here. I need to at least save one or two of them, or this... It would be in vain." Hei growled in pain as she spun around, kicking the guard who had tried to shoot her in the throat, only to snap it once she knelt down.

"Shit... Red! Goddamn it, all of this... I need..." Hei whispered to herself, most likely muffled after need into the mic. At least she had left her father's jacket back in her room, as well as her jewelry. Rule number one of fighting, never leave something you value on your person. "Where the hell is Yellow?!" Now she was panicking. Sure Hei would of been a good solider, but compared to everyone else and their powers, there was no way she would be of much help without exposing her wings.

'No time, I need to help Eve. Time to either blow up the building or see if I can distract E- That's it! Even if I can't blow up the building, I can do serious damage, just like how she's doing!' Hei smiled in relief, tucking away her pistol as she waved a rebel who was also hidden in the hallway, them both slipping away from the gunshots and screams. Now she was whispering, only to preserve the surprise attack.

"Scratch that Shou... I have a new idea in mind. We either blow this place sky high, or find Eien's office and wreck that." Hei suggested, "That's where you come in, and I assume a brilliant young man like you knows exactly what to do." Screw Grey, screw it all. Evening was a resourceful young women, a brave one. She could handle herself against Eien. She was stronger now. And if Hei was correct, Kacey and Kanade had each other against Grey as well, him and whoever was with him anyway. "We need to hurry! Red may not last long at this rate, the roof is still too intact!" Hei panted, wincing as she gripped her bleeding leg and then her shoulder.


It was to loud. The sirens blasting as he stared up at his ceiling. Certainly he wouldn't be yelled at for showing up... Late, to the party. It wasn't as if he was lazy, it was just the fact he wasn't in the mood for a bunch of loud screaming and chaos. At least, until he heard Eien over the loud speaker, following explosions as he sighed, dragging his body out of bed as he began to grab his swords, two on each on of his hips. Without even bothering to remove his eye patch to put in a troublesome glass eye, he was out the door and heading down the hall. No doubt this was because of the rebels and Colors they had captured earlier. And by they, he meant Altid.

"Such a troublesome predicament. To find my little Miss Orange, or to kill the others... I'll do both I suppose." Cassius chuckled to himself before his smirk was wiped off his face. Guard or rebel were now at his "mercy". Surely no one would notice if a few more guards were killed, right? Now that gave him just a shiver of delight as soon, his blade had cut down ally and enemy alike. Now, to just ask what the hell was going on to one of his fellow Primes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Kacey Odetta Character Portrait: Kanade Hoshizora Character Portrait: Altid Immitis
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Kacey was petrified with terror. "Z-z-zzz....ZOMBIES!!!" Backing slowly away from the undead minions Gray had sent after them, she was only brought back to the present by Kanade saying her name: "Kacey, cover me for a second." "I-I'll work on that, okay?" stammered Kacey, planting her feet. Crap, who would've thought I'd have to fight zombies, of all things?! she thought. The salvage spinning around her began to drift from its glowing blue axis as Kacey's heartbeat increased with fear, flying in all directions, except, unfortunately, at the zombies. Managing to regain a little control, she starting telekinetically flinging bits of iron at the heads of Gray's living corpses, knocking a few of some and only achieving facial piercings for others. "K..KANADE!!" Kacey screamed, falling backwards against a wall, several zombies still advancing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kacey Odetta Character Portrait: Kanade Hoshizora Character Portrait: Altid Immitis Character Portrait: Evening Avalon Character Portrait: Veneficia Cerberus
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#, as written by Layla

All I Want

"You brought out the best of me,
A part of me I'd never seen.
You took my soul wiped it clean,
Our love was made for movie screens."

Come on, come on, come on.

Eve stared desperately at the cosmic energy above her, so tangible yet so stupidly out of reach. She could feel, see, the coolness of night curling its eerie fingers under her skin but there was so little of it and not enough time. She wished then, not for the first time, that she could manipulate time. There would be so much she would change but she didn’t have that, so all she could do was do better and protect those she loved.

She could feel the darkness tugging at the weave of her body and soul, loosening it, but she hardly noticed the pain. She was gripped by the fear that once again, she would fail her Colours. Once again, she would be the only one left alive. The lives being lost were like buildings falling on her head. She couldn’t see the deaths – darkness and the hope of moonlight, those were the only two things she saw – but she could feel them. Hear their screams. The bang thump crack of gunshots tossing lives aside.


The scream tore Eve’s mind away from Eien’s suffocating darkness as her head whipped around, searching for the voice she knew.



Panic slithered its way up her throat but it was quickly shoved aside by the protective instinct that made her Red. It was the one thing she’d managed to salvage from Jin. The strength of his she held onto like armor, and what followed it was a rage that was all her own: a red, hot fury that could not be buried.

She dived and pushed into the darkness that surrounded her like a wall and the figures flinched back momentarily, dazed. She was a beacon of red light that zigzagged through the void. The darkness was weary but soon, they crept in, brushing the corners of her mind and sinking in.

“What constellation is that?” Her eyes followed the arch of his arm to the point of his finger. If Eve had it her way, she wouldn’t be looking at the stars but at the sharp lines and gentle slopes of his profile. She loved the sky, but she loved him more.

“Sculptor,” she replied.

“Sculptor,” he repeated with a melodic chuckle at the end. “You know Sculptor’s story?” he asked, the fingers of the hand that rested on the damp grass entwining with hers. She smiled. This was a game of theirs, she would identify the constellations and he would write their stories.

“No. What is it?” she said.

“Once upon a time,” Jin began.

“Wow, that’s creative,” she interrupted before a finger was placed over her lips and a pair of soft grey eyes hovering above her. Her thoughts faded into oblivion. She watched his Adam’s apple bob inches from her lips as he tilted his head and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead before rolling onto his back.

“Once upon a time,” he continued. “There was an artist who was very poor. Everyday he sat by the window of his studio and painted the changing world outside, and every evening he saw the exact same girl sit on the exact same bench. She would stay there long after the sun was down and he would try to wait to see when she left but for some reason, he could never stay up that late, and every morning, when he woke up, she would be gone.

“One evening he decided to approach her. It required a lot of courage because she seemed a lot tsundere,” he said was a cheeky flash of his teeth. Eve rolled her eyes at the reference to her. She wasn’t tsundere, as she’d told him countless times before but Jin believed what he wanted to. “Anyway, he asked her why she sat there every night. She said, ‘I was waiting.’”

He paused.

“’For what?’ the artist asked.”

He didn’t continue.

“And…? What was she waiting for?” she asked, finally. He turned on his side and then braced himself over her, his elbows on either side of her head. He stared deeply into her eyes in the corny way he did, but it worked.

“For you,” he whispered, capturing her lips with his own. Her heart fluttered in her chest. “She said, ‘I was waiting for you.’”

“That’s it?” she asked, incredulous.

“That’s it.”

“That’s so cheesy.”

“I do like pizza with extra cheese,” he said with a solemn nod. She punched him lighting in the chest and he feigned excruciating pain.

“Come on, where’s the rest of the story? How does this relate to Sculptor?” she asked, raising a brow.

“Isn’t it obvious? He’s an artist,” Jin said defiantly.

“Who sculpts,” she finished for him. He nodded. “That’s it?”

“No,” he replied.




“They fell in love,” he said with a serious nod.

“Yeah, I got that.”

“Then,” he began. “He carved her an ivory pendant shaped like a star within the moon to represent how he would always protect her, hold her, and love her. Always. Not till death did them part, but till the end of the world and beyond.”

“That’s grim,” she said quietly as he opened his closed fist to reveal a thin silver chain, and hanging from it, an ivory pendant of the star in the moon.

“He told her, ‘we don’t have much time left, but Eve, I love you. I love you.’” He held her so tightly she thought her bones might break or maybe that was her heart. “He said, ‘but I’ll watch you. I’ll be one of your constellations. The brightest so you can see me, and even when you can’t, I’m still there. I promise,’” his voice cracked.

“This isn’t real, is it?” she asked quietly, the fingers she hadn’t known had been clenched around his shirt loosening with effort.

“No,” he said after a pause.

“You’re dead,” she breathed, the words barely a whisper. “He killed you.”

“You have to go now, Eve. They still need you.” Jin pulled back reluctantly, holding her shoulder and cupping her cheek in his warm, foolishly real hand.

“I love you,” she said, feeling the tears trickle and sink into his skin that was not there.

“I know, because I will always love you."

The darkness was gone.

She’d sunk to the ground, her body nearly as limp as her heart. Tears pooled at the edge of her mask and she let out a distorted half laugh, half cry, full scream. Eve got to her feet, and then she ran.

“You’re safe, Blue,” she said after firing a glowing, silver arrow into the undead nearest to her. The mask warped her voice, making it genderless, an eerie combination of male and female, emotionless and filled with unveiled cries.

A blazing arrow of moonlight bled into existence from the palm of her hand and she pulled it against the incandescent bow she clutched, aiming the blinding point at Grey’s head.

“Huh, you’re even prettier than the queen now. Eien has a taste for flower boys, I see.”

Eve released the arrow and before anyone had time to blink, she whizzed around and fired another at Veneficia. Neither would kill them, she was sure, because they weren’t meant to. They would shatter and a supernova would blind and stun them momentarily. Just long enough for Kanaede, Kacey and the rebels to get out. Hopefully.

Besides, she couldn’t kill them. They were just deluded followers. It was Eien whom she wanted.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eien Amias Character Portrait: Altid Immitis Character Portrait: Evening Avalon Character Portrait: Hei Eos Character Portrait: Shounen Misumi
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0.00 INK

"Let's- Nngh! Let's see! The roof just practically caved in, the rebels are dying, our fellow teammates are showing up a bit late and everyone's now in full kill mode. This is why I always tell everyone to be careful!" Shou heard Hei's voice, seeming to have a bit of a painful sound to it ring in his ears.

Shou opened his mouth to say something, but then just muttered, "Lemme see for myself..." Once again, he covered up his right eye, his normal eye, and went back to seeing through the eyes of his old shabby doll, Mayu. Apparently, the doll was far away from the group since they had seemed to have moved on, and so he cursed to himself after knowing this, "I drop her for one second and they're all gone!" He complained with a sigh before continuing to listen to Hei..

"Ugh! I n-need you too see if there are any survivors in hiding here. I need to at least save one or two of them, or this... It would be in vain."

"I'm already ahead of ya." Shou said as the doll inside the prison began to walk around, slowly, but whenever anyone was in sight, he'd let her fall as if it were something the prisoner's used for company. A moment later, as he began to search the areas for more survivors that could actually make it out alive, he said, "You'r speaking too negatively, Hei. If you say at least, you're saying there's a chance to lose them. Be more confident in yourself so we can hurry and finish this up." He said while looking around some more. But that plan was changed.

"Scratch that Shou... I have a new idea in mind. We either blow this place sky high, or find Eien's office and wreck that. That's where you come in, and I assume a brilliant young man like you knows exactly what to do."

"You're flattering me, Hei!" Shou smirked a bit, uncovering his eye, "I'm going, I'm going." He said, now making Mayu move quicker through the dark ways, seeing a few dangerous situations like the roof beginning to fall, and he even spotted Grey, which he quickly avoided after seeing that he ran in the direction of another Colour. While he didn't like the thought that he couldn't help whoever Grey was chasing, he had to stick to his orders, 'Thats all that matters.' He repeated to himself.

"We need to hurry! Red may not last long at this rate, the roof is still too intact!"

"Oi, Oi, stop rushing! You know how horrible I do under pressure!" He pouted, though it was a terrible lie since Shou hardly felt any pressure on him, "I'll find Eien's office and I'll direct you there. I'm going to head in soon too, but Mayu will be the one to find his hiding spot. I'll probably see you in a minute or two. Find me." Shou said as he jumped off the building he was sitting on.

Shou removed his hand from his right eye slightly, so he had vision of both inside the prison through Mayu's eyes, and vision of himself running towards Prime's base. Multitasking, is what he liked to call it. While this did put a strain on him to make a doll walk in a certain direction while he wasn't, it wasn't too much trouble, "Keep the others alive and started heading off that floor. Actually, start heading up the building. I don't think Eien's office would be on the lowest floor."

A minute later, Shou was in the building, since everyone was occupied with the prison break. Mayu was already of the prison floor and searching the floors in the middle of the building while Shou decided to help out with those still stuck in the prisons. The goal was to get the prisoners out, but Shou was a selfish person, 'Colours come first.'

After running around in the prison maze, trying to find where his group was, he spotted the orange haired girl who he had been communicating with through his mic, "Hei!" He shouted, and seeing her wounds made him angry, "Damn it... They're already done this much damage... We've got to hurry up and get out of here. Where are the others?" He asked quickly, before hearing a yell from behind him, one that didn't sound like a prisoner's or Colour's.

It was a guard, but a stupid one. He was raising his gun to the two of them, but Shou was quicker than that. He specialized in firing any sort of weapon, no matter the target, no matter the distance, "Too slow." He muttered before swinging out a beautiful golden colored pistol before firing it directly at the man's head as he fell to the ground, a red pool forming below him. Shou then turned back to Hei and said, "You know what, lets get you out of here first. There's no way you're going to be able to get back on your own. Come on, and keep up the pace!" He said, heading into a slight sprint, since he didn't want Hei to get dragged behind. He knew exactly where the stairs were, and began to head there first, deciding that his priority for now was to get her off that floor before he'd look for the others.

It was difficult though. He nearly tripped over nothing a few times because he was concentrating on Mayu also. She hadn't found any office yet, making Shou a bit frustrated, and it was even worse since Shou had to focus on various things at the same time. It was no easy task, but they had to win this battle, at least.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kacey Odetta Character Portrait: Kanade Hoshizora Character Portrait: Altid Immitis Character Portrait: Evening Avalon Character Portrait: Veneficia Cerberus Character Portrait: Hei Eos
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With shut eyes as she leaned against a wall, reloading the gun as well as temporarily treating her wounds as she listened to every word Shou said. "I'll find Eien's office and I'll direct you there. I'm going to head in soon too, but Mayu will be the one to find his hiding spot. I'll probably see you in a minute or two. Find me."

"Right okay." Hei nodded, though she knew the man wouldn't see it. Ripping part of a dead guard's shirt, as disgusting as it was to her, Hei wrapped it tightly around her leg where it ached the most. Next, Hei yanked off her own tee-shirt, happy about wearing a tank top underneath it for once as she used her shirt to wrap her wound on her shoulder.

"Keep the others alive and started heading off that floor. Actually, start heading up the building. I don't think Eien's office would be on the lowest floor."

Limping rapidly to wherever the hell the stairs were in this place, Hei spun around as she hurried her name being called out by that lovely, familiar voice. "Shou!" Hei didn't notice any glances towards her wounds, in fact, she was more content with the fact she wasn't alone at this point.

"Damn it... They're already done this much damage... We've got to hurry up and get out of here. Where are the others?"

"I'm assuming Red is with Kanade and Kacey and facing off against Grey and Black last time I cheeked. As for Elsyia, I have no bloody idea." Hei quickly replied as she didn't even flinch as Shou shot the guard without a second thought.

"You know what, lets get you out of here first. There's no way you're going to be able to get back on your own. Come on, and keep up the pace!" Her eyes meeting his, Hei knew she was in no place to argue, but she couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"If you didn't notice, keeping up the pace is going to be a little hard Shou!" Hei nearly whined as she shook her head. Her limp now fully bothering her, she chose to ignore it as she stumbled after Shou. "Hey, be careful! Your tripping all over the place Shou!" Hei kept her voice to a certain volume to prevent anyone else from hearing them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avarna Amias Character Portrait: Kacey Odetta Character Portrait: Kanade Hoshizora Character Portrait: Eien Amias Character Portrait: Altid Immitis Character Portrait: Evening Avalon
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0.00 INK

"Not late, I had other things to do." Veneficia heard Altid say, a hint of annoyance seeming to linger in her voice which made her smile with contentment at his anger with her. Of course, she hated Grey as well, but she didn't always display her hatred as openly as he did, just to piss him off even further.

"Is that so? You're slow then." Ven said, hearing footsteps behind her and finding another survivor. She turned around, looking at them in their frightened eyes for a moment, but before she could do anything horrible to them, he turned away, the eyesight between the two breaking.

Veneficia scowled at not using her ability quick enough to break one of his knees, at least, so that he wouldn't run away, "Damn it..." She murmured with frustration at this, and with the dagger in her left hand, tossed it swiftly as it hit the man in the back, pinning him to the ground, where he tried to get up before she skipped over and pulled it out, hiding it back into her shadows before leaving him there, kicking him once with her red heels and saying, "Good way of trying to escape, dumb ass."

"Also...Don't flatter yourself, as if you could ever be better than me."

At the sound of this, Ven growled, almost like an animal getting ready to attack its prey. But then she noticed something; Altid's voice squeaked a bit. Her mood suddenly lifted at the thought of this, and while she'd usually be quiet and just say something about it later to annoy him even more, she couldn't help it, "Says the lovely little girl. Please be sure to hold your puberty voice until the battle is over, Altid." She smirked.

But then, Ven heard Altid say something to someone that was close to them, but quite far away also. She looked into the same direction and saw two Colours. The sight of them wasn't very surprising, but rather something Veneficia herself was looking forward to. She couldn't' help but give off a small mischievous smile.

"It’s a shame that we always meet at such inconvenient circumstances. It’s also a shame that this will be the last time we meet."

"Such a shame. It will in fact be the last time we meet. But don't be afraid. You will die in combat, a honorable death. I see you dead at my feet Grey."

"Aw... how sweet~" Veneficia said, glancing at the two, "I never knew that lover quarrels happened during a battle. How interesting!" She laughed a regular laugh, but it was obvious there was a dark and mysterious feel to her, "Well, while the two of you are doing that, should I take my own prey?" She asked, taking a small glance at Kacey, or in other words, blue.

Veneficia made eye contact with Blue, Kacey, and began to activate her ability. She aimed on breaking her leg first, as she always did with all her prey. It made sure they wouldn't be able to run, or at least, that they wouldn't be able to run too fast, but something had interrupted her that made her freeze for a moment, “You’re safe, Blue. Huh, you’re even prettier than the queen now. Eien has a taste for flower boys, I see.”

'Who the hell is that-' Ven began to think before a snap of bright light flashed in the dark prison floor they were on. Black was blinded for a spare moment. She remembered seeing something like an arrow fired at Altid's forehead while one was also fired back at her. Something made Ven tense up at that moment, and she was unable to move.

Veneficia's eyes were blinded for a bit of a long time. She always was able to adjust to the darkness since she had literally lived in it for a quarter, or even half of her whole life. Anything bright, on the other hand, was impossible for Ven to get used to. She then heard running and knew it was the footsteps of her opponents. Now this made her angry and even more frustrated.

She knew their goal, and who they were trying to get to. No one but her and his brother knew that Avarna existed, so there was the final, one and only leader; Eien, "They wouldn't dare to touch him..." She said, allowing her eyes to readjust to the lighting as she got up from the ground, leaning on the wall to the left, "If you do," Ven continued to talk, regardless if the Colours were really there or not, "I'll rip you to pieces." She said seriously, and with the tone she said that in, there was no way she joking.

Ven was always taken as a very calm woman, but when someone dared to try and take away one of her family members, especially if that person were to be one of her saviors, she'd go all out as a legit killer. This was that time. Anyone trying to convince her to take any of the Colours or prisoners alive would be absurd, "I'll kill you all." She said darkly as her eyes finally adjusted as she then broke out into a sprint, or perhaps even a sprint to catch up to the people who had originally tried to get rid of Eien.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avarna Amias Character Portrait: Kacey Odetta Character Portrait: Kanade Hoshizora Character Portrait: Eien Amias Character Portrait: Altid Immitis Character Portrait: Elysia Audra
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Kanade Hoshizora

"Lovers Quarrel." Kanade's eyebrow twitched in agitation at the thought. As of she could ever love anyone like that! Kanade looked over at Kacey, she was fine thanks to Orange. Her vision had been cut short at the interruption unfortunately and she wasn't getting another chance anytime soon so she slid her eye patch back on.

Kanade smirked, "I hope your ready for this." A grin spread across her face as she already began to succumb the insanity, "Grey!" .

Kanade hesitated for a moment, using the sanity that remained. Grey wasn't really a up close fighter as far as she knew but then again he could if he wanted to. Murmuring 'summon', putting her hands together then pulling them apart she received a smoke bomb. She threw it near Grey's feet and jumped in the air well above the smoke from years of training.

She had memorized Grey's position and hoped she'd pull this off. She was headed feet first to where she thought Grey was to knock him down. In her haste she hadn't made sure the smoke didn't obstruct anyone else's view but the smoke bomb wasn't very large honestly and if it did it would go away soon enough with everyone's movements creating wind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avarna Amias Character Portrait: Kacey Odetta Character Portrait: Kanade Hoshizora Character Portrait: Eien Amias Character Portrait: Altid Immitis Character Portrait: Takano Hiroki
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Eien was still standing in front of the gate. He didn't seemed rushed by the turn of events, but rather...curious. At this moment he wouldn't let his thoughts be interrupted by the yelling of the rebels. Few had the courage to stand even close to his presence, but still not one dared to go past him or even stand beside him. Though it wasn't like Eien was going to move, nor did he seem to be paying any attention to their irritating ranting.

All his attention was drawn to Eien wasn't sure if it was even a he, but that didn't concern him in the least. What truly bothered him was the fact that this man was able to draw almost half of his creations toward him, without Eien commanding them.

Eien knew his creations responded to one thing more than anything, and that was light. They were designed to stuff out the light wherever or whoever it is. But never has Eien seen someone be attacked by so many of his beast...and live.

This frustrated Eien and he demanded to know who that person was. As he was about to enter the mist of the battle. He was stopped by a single rebels, brave enough to stand in his way. Eien stared into his eyes, which were filled with hatred and anger. He knew what he wanted. The man wished to kill him, do unto him as he did to him. His voice was trembling with anger and crude intentions toward Eien,"Y-You...Bastard! Everything is because of you!"

Eien didn't say a word, as he listened to the endless sobs of the man. Eien's eyes were unwavering, unlike the mans, whose eyes seemed to quiver more and more as he realized that Eien truly didn't care. The man pointed a gun at Eien. His hands were unsteady and unfocused. Small tears formed in the eyes of this man,"Do you know what you did?!"

Eien didn't stay silent this time and answered the man,"No." Eien's voice held no concern. It was cold and authoritative. Which made the man more infuriated. Even at gunpoint, Eien still held his prideful manner and bold way of speaking. Though it was only one simple word, it conveyed multiple of meanings. One of them being that Eien doesn't care about what he did or does to anyone.

The man's hands started to quiver even more. Fresh tears dripped from his eyes,"YOU KILLED THEM! MY WIFE! MY CHILDREN! YOU KILLED THEM ALL, WITHOUT A SINGLE SINCE OF REMORSE!" The man stepped closer aiming the gun straight at Eien.

Eien looked into the man's eyes, and was disgusted by the site. His eyes held nothing, but pure determination to kill him. He didn't even look like he was planning on escaping. Eien knew that this man had been planning this. This poor man was ready to die, if it meant being able to get revenge on him.

Eien closed his eyes for a split second. He blocked out all sound around him, and started to recall his memory. Thousands upon thousands of faces flashed through his head. Faces of the ones he killed, down to the very first one. At once he stopped at three faces.

Bloody. Twisted. Smiling.

Eien opened his eyes slowly. Staring at the man who still had a risen gun, Eien smile boldly, "They were a beautiful family."

The man's whole body froze. Lowering the gun an inch downward he stared at Eien with trembling eyes,"...What?"

Eien smiled cruelly at the man,"So trusting and loyal."

The man shook his head,"Y-You."

"It was such a waste of time to kill them. But I couldn't leave them looking so miserable. Especially when they were so deep in despair, when I told them you were dead."


"Your wife was the saddest. Grieving so horribly for you. Saying she no longer wished to live in a world without you."

"Shut up."

"So of course I had to fulfill her wish."

"Stop talking!"

"They didn't even scream. They all died smiling."


A twisted smile formed on Eien's face as he looked at the man, "You call me a Monster. But in reality you are just frustrated in your own incapability to protect the ones you cherished. Am I right"

The man's eyes grew wider as he listened to the words of Eien. They sank in like water. Leaving a horrible feeling inside of him. It was deep and frustrating. The man began to crumble under the weight.

Eien looked down upon the man with scornful eyes. Judgement rang through his voice as he kept speaking, "Do not blame me for their deaths, but instead blame yourself for being unable to protect them!"

"MONSTER!" In that instant the man rose the gun and fired at Eien in full rage.

Swiftly raising Kira Eien slashed at the bullets one by one, not even once did they hit him. He was about to cut down the last bullet, when he was blinded by a bright light. He squinted his eyes, and in that second the bullet pierced through his left arm. The man drooped the gun, as he looked at Eien with complete horror. He couldn't believe he hit him. He could only stare as Eien stood there bleeding.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kacey Odetta Character Portrait: Kanade Hoshizora Character Portrait: Eien Amias Character Portrait: Altid Immitis Character Portrait: Takano Hiroki Character Portrait: Evening Avalon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by phnx

Altid crossed his hands behind his back and smiled. His undead minions were taking care of everything, they had Kacey and Kanade cornered and had killed at least five or six rebels, he wouldn't even have to lift a fing... Looks like he thought too soon because in the blink of an eye arrows that seemed to be made of light destroyed all the creatures around Blue. And soon enough one of the arrows was pointed at him by a faceless, genderless figure that could only be Red.

"For fuck's sake." He mentally cursed because the hit from the arrow has not only blinded him but made him unable to move and therefore unable to open his mouth to yell out all the curses running through his brain. The fact that a mere Colour could mobilize him so quickly made Altid feel humiliated and no one,no one makes Altid Immitis feel humiliated and get's away with it.

When he finally regained his senses he was met by a thick cloud of smoke that left him disoriented once more. Faintly he heard Kanade say "I hope your ready for this." and as it was said in quite a hateful manner he assumed she was going to charge at him. Of course Grey wouldn't be Gray if he didn't master the art of escaping from a tricky situation. He spun around to where Green's voice was coming from only seeing the contours of her body. "You'll have to try a little harder than that to get me." Kanade was now close enough to properly see him so he smirked and even took the time to wink at the girl before a wall made entirely of the undead appeared between them. Just a moment before the barrier appeared he quickly drew out his gun and shot. As Altid was in a hurry when he dressed he put on the gun belt backwards so now he had to draw the gun with his left hand, seeing as he was right handed the aim in his left hand was quite bad. If he miraculously managed to shoot Kanade the wound would have been just a measly scrape on the shoulder but he didn't have time to worry about that. With the wall still there he ran in the opposite direction.

In these past moments Black managed to disappear into oblivion and he hadn't seen Takano or Cassius in the first place. Where were those two idiots? As much as Altid hated to admit it he couldn't take on three Colours without any backup. As he ran towards a conveniently placed button that alerted all of Seele's army that the Colours have infiltrated the complex he saw the most unlikely sight ever. It was Eien just standing there bleeding as a rebel, who managed to get a weapon from a dead soldier, had him at gunpoint. He wasn't sure it was illusion or reality that he was seeing.

He wrote in the code and pressed the button, another,hopefully better prepared, troop should arrive in a few minutes. With some uncertainty in his movements he took the gun into his right hand. The man in front of Eien dropped his gun and fell to the floor. He couldn't see clearly but it seemed the man he had shot in the abdomen was still alive, laying at Eien's feet.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kacey Odetta Character Portrait: Kanade Hoshizora Character Portrait: Eien Amias Character Portrait: Altid Immitis Character Portrait: Takano Hiroki Character Portrait: Evening Avalon
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Kanade Hoshizora

Kanade was approaching closer and closer but was caught off guard, "You'll have to try a little harder than that to get to me.", Grey gave her a smirk accompanied with a wink. He darted off as Kanade hit the ground then jumped back, seeing a army of non-human things made a defensive wall covering Grey. Kanade smirked, the insanity struggling to consume her.

"You bastard you won't get away so easily!" Kanade was faced with these non-human things as she yelled out to grey. Soon a sharp pain distracted her in her leg and brought her back to rational thought. He had the nerve to wink at me! Shit I think I'm bleeding too! Kanade felt her leg, it wasn't anything major but even so it pissed her off. That cocky bastard.

"Blue, a little help." Kanade said, looking for the girl. But realizing she might be on her own she sprung into action, a twisted smile creeping on her face.

"Look it's that girl!" A boy pointed at her. Kanade was sitting in a small alley, relaxing her back on one wall and her feet up on the other. "Get lost kid.", Kanade took a drag on a cigarette and boredly looked at the two small boys. "Why? aren't you lonely?" The boy stepped forward. Kanade sighed, closing her eyes then opened them back up, staring at the boy, receiving his future.

"You will be dragged away by your mom who will later warn you about talking to strangers. She'll tell you about how I'm a freak of nature, a genetic mistake.... a monster. For the time you'll brag to your friends about how you met me and survived. After you got your small fame you'll forget about me." Kanade spoke, the boy stepping back in fear.

"Sora, Claude get away from her!" Their mom came and had to drag the two away due to the boy staring back at her. Kanade gave a small laugh, running a hand through her boy-short grey hair. A grey and black cat jumped on her lap and Kanade smiled softly then petted the cat. "But I'll always have you won't I? Yukari." Kanade said softly.

Kanade wielded the Ak-47 in one hand and the Submarine gun in the other. She shot at the creatures the best she knew how. Throwing one gun in the air she kneed one of them knocking it down then raised her hand to catch the gun. Had these guns been any other weapon she couldn't of performed this feat.

There were still more and more. She knocked one in the head with a gun and shot it with the other. There were three down but more to go, and she wasn't planning on letting Grey get away so easily. Blue needed to hurry. At this rate she wouldn't be in any condition to fight, she was certainly a bit scratched up. "Damn you Grey" . Kanade took down two more and was huffing at the gymnastics she was being required to perform. Dodging under one grotesque claw kicking another and jumping in the air, landing on another. She was breathing hard at this point. Blue...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eien Amias Character Portrait: Altid Immitis Character Portrait: Evening Avalon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Layla

All I Want

"But if you loved me, why'd you leave me?"

She ran after Altid, dodging the undead and pushing aside the guilt of leaving Kanade to fend for herself. She would be alright. Kanade was strong.

"STOP!" Her cry pierced through the darkness like a sprint of light. It took a split second for her to decide between the three, lunging at Grey the Killer, attacking Eien whilst he was injured and have a higher chance of killing him than she ever had before, or saving the man at their feet.

It wasn't even a difficult choice.

Her glowing body dashed towards the fallen man, impossibly fast. Eve clutched him to her chest, gently cradling his wounded body as her light seemed to encompass him too. She stood between Eien and Altid, her gaze fierce behind the obsidian mask that hid it.

"Stop," she enunciated softly. A swirl of silver and gold light spun around her and the rebel she protected, the rebel who was bleeding to death in her hands. It was all too familiar and for a moment, confusion overwhelm her, distorting the figure she held so tenderly, making it bigger, heavier, colder. Familiar.

"Jin, please. Oh god, oh god, oh god. No, please, please. Wake up. You can't just die like this!" His warm grey eyes watched the stars above them and for a brief moment, she convinced herself this was one of their stargazing nights. He was just lost in thought. He was there, in her arms, alive, alive, alive.

But the blood from her dead comrades trickled towards her and the life from his body joined the pools of red, like rivers running into the ocean.

He was gone.

"If you love me," she whispered. "You won't leave me."

Her words were heard by no one. She felt like the lives lost here, her voice, were trees that'd fallen in a forest where no living being wandered. She was the only one who knew 13 survivors were now dead, and who'd killed them. Eve was alone.

She closed her trembling hands over her lover's eyes and pressed a kiss onto the top of his head, the necklace he'd given her gently brushing his cheek as she did. Salty liquid shattered on his serene face and she watched in awe and horror as it glowed crimson and morphed into red.

Eve lifted her head and looking around as the blood and bodies around her burst into flames as if the sun itself had devoured them. It was good, she thought. It would've been near impossible to dig 13 graves. Emotionally, anyway. This made sense, she thought. A small act of defiance. Eien tainted them and the fire cleansed them.

She looked down at the body she held one last time, before the sun devoured him too. She vowed to continue what he'd started. She would find the Colours, she would free the world of Eien, and she would be the man she'd lost.

"You're alive," Eve whispered.

And it was true.

"They're nothing to you," she said, looking fiercely into the lavender and crimson eyes. "Just a bunch of pesky rebels you don't need or want to... Waste your time on," she said carefully, using the words Eien had so briskly used on her after destroying nearly everyone she'd ever loved.

She struggled to keep her voice steady, her body relaxed but aware, and her expression still - not that they could see it - as she knelt so close to Eien. She let the calm of control slowly overwhelm her, and then she no longer had to pretend. Eien was as mortal as she was. He had his weaknesses, and she would find them. For now, it didn't matter, anyway. Eve didn't want to see any more people die. How many rebels were left? A dozen? She hadn't seen the bodies of any children and allowed herself that small measure of relief. They were resourceful and quick.

Shouts trickled from the edges of the building.

Eve's eyes widened for a brief moment as she recognised it as the sounds of fighting between a new wave of soldiers, and another wave of rebels. They'd come to help.

Pride swelled in her chest but it was quickly devoured by a deafening curse in her mind. Their blind faith in Red and "his" ability to protect them, for once, was more of a weakness than a strength. How many lives was she responsible for? How many deaths?

"We won't put up a fight, you won't have any more ugly holes in your ceiling or blood stains on your plush carpets," she said dryly. They would accept the terms, she told herself. Of course they would. She was responsible for nearly every annoying bank robbery, every crash of a council meeting, every rebel group that spawned and every drop of poison in their food or crashing of their buildings. "Let the rebels and my Colours go, and you can have any one Colour of your choice." Eve forced the words from her mouth, through her distorting mouthpiece, and into the air for them to hear, a crackling, odd and genderless mix. "You can have me."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kacey Odetta Character Portrait: Kanade Hoshizora Character Portrait: Eien Amias Character Portrait: Altid Immitis Character Portrait: Takano Hiroki Character Portrait: Elysia Audra
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Kanade Hoshizora

Kanade nodded, getting the message from Kacey, but suddenly she stopped cold in her tracks at the words that came from Red's mouth, she was going to give up a colour? What if they don't want Red? What if they want Orange, or Pink or Yellow or Blue or even me... Green. Impossible, they couldn't possibly take one of us. Red is supposed to be the strongest and If they took anyone...

Kanade rushed by Red's side, or attempted to. She was stopped by those pesky things Grey left, luckily there was only one remaining. Kanade quickly finished it and then ran to Red. This was the woman who saved her, who protected her. She was Kanade's home along with the rest of the colours. Red couldn't leave, she simply couldn't. If Red left Kanade was sure everyone else as loyal as her would risk their lives trying to save her. If it came to it, Kanade would become a Prime to protect her.

"No. Red! Please, we can escape! Don't-!" . Kanade was unusually emotional and at a loss for words. Had it been anyone else she probably would of told them they were a coward for giving up so easily. But Red couldn't go. She didn't want any of the colours to go either. "Red," Kanade had calmed herself down by now, "Any Colour they take, I won't abandon. That's a promise." Kanade gave a cold look to Red.

A soldier fights for honor and home. People who abandon these things are trash. I understand the situation you're in Red, you're responsible for every death. But even so, I refuse to abandon my fellow colours, and my family!

Takano Hiroki

Takano smirked at a rebel, he was shouting at Takano. "That bastard Eien stole my family! He's evil! He's brainwashing you!". "Is that so?" Takano let out a small laugh. Suddenly his eyes were sharp and smirk was a frown. "Nobody is allowed to talk about Eien like that. Suffer a miserable death! Damn idiot, I joined of my own free will. Wind grow sharp and tear this man to shreds!"

The man was instantly cut up, screaming in agony. He ran in circles, foolishly trying to escape the wind. Takano decided to move onto bigger prey, a colour. The first person that caught his eye was green. She assumed that she was Grey's to handle and moved on. Blue was running away and chasing after her would be too much work for someone he didn't recognize as a worthy opponent. Orange was his next thought since Pink and Yellow we're nowhere to be found.

He didn't get the chance to do anything before he'd noticed Eien Grey and Red. Leader's a big boy, he can handle it. Besides he has Grey with him. "Let the Rebels and my Colours go, and you can have any one Colour of your choice. You can have me." Any Color, including her? If we were being practical she's not the best Idea, if the colour's are as loyal to her as we are to Leader then- "No Red! Please, we can escape!.........Red. Any Colour they take I won't abandon. That's a promise." Kanade confirmed Takano's thoughts.

They won't let Eien take a their leader sitting down. I can respect that. But I wonder, if Red ordered her to stand back would she? Well, would I stand back as Eien or Ven were being taken even if Eien ordered me to. Eien's word is law but.... The point is that Red wouldn't be the best idea of any colour... I doubt that fighting spirit will go so easily, besides, the Colours wouldn't let her just go. Orange, Blue, Green, Pink Yellow... we already have me so Yellow isn't necessary besides she'd just be closer to my computers. If we were to pick the strongest out of the remaining it would be between Green and Orange, I haven't seen Blue fight once and Pinks power is... But Green would try to escape inevitebly and I'm sure her and Grey would get annoying after a while. But then again Orange would rebel too.

It's all up to Eien now... if he even takes one. And Eien might just kill the person if she's not useful.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kacey Odetta Character Portrait: Kanade Hoshizora Character Portrait: Altid Immitis
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0.00 INK

Weaving throughout the bodies, living and dead, of Seele soldiers, Kacey searched for the telltale light of glinting steel. She was too far away to hear Red's surrendering words, but when she looked up she could tell from the distraught look on Kanade's face that something was very wrong. "Crap, who's dead now?" she muttered, with a small "aha" when she finally spotted her two long knives strapped to a soldier's belt. Kacey picked them up and spun them in her hands. Somehow, everything felt right now that she had her trusty weapons in her grip. She ducked her head, holding her breath as she slowly moved through the soldiers, close to the ground. Once she got behind that Gray guy....ugh, Gray, with his zombies and unnatural haircolor...could she really even say that when her best, if only friend, had the same shade of hair as him? Oh, well. It wouldn't matter soon, she thought, carefully straightening up at Gray's back with her knives in the position to slash at his throat as soon as he turned around...