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Craig Winters

"If carbon monoxide is the silent killer how come I always have to hear about that dead family two houses over?"

0 · 770 views · located in NYC

a character in “Coming Out”, as played by coricidinForte


Craig Winters
22, Homosexual


Artifical Red

He's not a particularly striking individual, Craig's more of a guy to blend into the background. The man is five feet and ten inches tall, he doesn't tower over people nor is he short in contrast. His body isn't rippling with muscles, but it isn't completely skinny either, having some muscle build up. Physically the most interesting thing about his body may be his green eyes, which are deep set and under straight shaped eyebrows. Craig's heart-shaped face is well defined albeit, not harshly so. His cheek bones are set high and don't jut out, his chin is round and his lips are thin. The man's nose isn't terribly large and his ears don't stick out. Overall, based on appearances alone he often comes off as attractive to a degree, but isn't really eye catching. Though, the tattoos on his arms do make up for that to an extent. On his left he has tattoos of a bat and a woman's face, and on the right he has a tattoo that includes a design featuring a skull.

When it comes to what he wears, he has a very casual style, usually just reaching for whatever is clean. He doesn't put much thought into what he wears. Craig's outfits usually consist of T-Shirts, band-related or plain, and jeans - more often than not in a loose 'skinny' cut. He also has a number of zippie jackets and hoodies, along with a leather jacket for the colder months. Many of his clothes have rips and tears in them, and a few of his jeans have patches sewn into them, despite the idea of punk being dead. Someone might think that he gets his clothes at Goodwill. They're thinking right, he doesn't care for spending a lot of money on what he wears. For shoes he usually wears a pair of sneakers, converse, or Dr. Martens, all scuffed and beat up from being worn.

Cigarettes : Craig likes lighters, the smell of cigarettes, the taste of cigarettes, and just smoking in general. He doesn't care about the negative health effects, and will kindly tell anyone who nags him about it to piss off.
Music : It's a bit of an obsession, music had surrounded his life since he was a kid. He is particularly fond of punk and rock bands, and they make up most of his playlist.
DC Comics : Jamie Novak had the best comic book collection in the entire trailer park, which Craig mooched off of as much as he could. His love for comic books followed him into adulthood, with DC being his firm bias.
A Vanilla Milkshake and Fish&Chips : If he could, Craig would live on this. It's to be said, he's not the most healthy eater out there by far.
A Good Time : These are the finer moments in life. Staying up all night, driving to a city far away, setting off fireworks at the beach at midnight, sex, drugs and rock&roll. Plain and usual activities bore him, he has to be completely unconventional to have some fun. When it comes to drugs he avoids anything that's too addictive, he has some pretty good self-control.
October : There's costume parties, haunted houses, the best concert performances, and a raise at work. What's there not to like?
The Newspaper : One might not guess this considering that he often bitches about everything he reads in it. Regardless, Craig always drinks his morning coffee with a copy of the daily newspaper.

Being Woken Up : If you're considering waking Craig up in the morning, don't. Unless it's necessary he won't take kindly to his beauty sleep being interrupted.
Anything Formal : Such events and him never mixed well. He won't get dressed in a suit and tie unless he has to, otherwise he'll find a way to get out of it.
Church : Like formal situations, the idea of going to Church or being around anything religious will send him walking in the opposite direction.
Emotional Heart-To-Hearts : No.
Hospitals : Hey, Craig, what's your deal? Are you afraid of hospitals or something? The answer is yes. Nothing really scares Craig more than hospitals. Everything about them makes his skin crawl. If he has to go to a hospital someone better be dying, or else he'll avoid them like the plague.
Flamboyancy : Craig Winters is a pretty down to Earth guy, he calls them as he sees them. Theatrics don't amuse him, nor does he like anything that could be considered glitzy. He just doesn't understand the need to stand out so much or to be melodramatic, nor does he understand theater or overly artsy pieces of work.
'The System' : Suits and ties, offices, university degrees, desk jobs, he just doesn't care of it and thinks of that stuff to be a waste of time. Fuck the government, fuck the rules. Craig's perfectly happy living pay check to pay check.

Craig is a bartender, surprisingly or unsurprisingly it seems to be the only job he can hold down. He brings in a pretty good amount of income to the household because he works at an alternative bar that often acts as a venue for alternative rock and punk bands. Since he brings in income, he'll threaten to stop buying food for others if the other housemates do something to irritate him - such as wake him up in the morning.

Playing Guitar : Everyone and their grandmother had picked up playing guitar someplace in their life, Craig is part of this trend. He's not exceptionally good at it, but playing over the years had made him better than your average Joe. Previously he had been in a band, but through the loss of a member due to drug overdoes they had since split up.
Working on his car : You have to keep it running somehow, though Craig tends to take it to the next level. Working on the Impala is soothing to him, he'll often do so to relax, even if it could do without any work.
Hunting in Second-hand shops : There's no way to know when he'll finally find that CD, tape, or record he's been wishing for. When someone suggests he just orders a copy online he'll call them boring. Because really, what's the fun in that?

Cherished Items
Collection of Tapes and CDs : He never had all that much money growing up, luxury technology such as mp3 players were mostly unheard of. Instead he took to collecting old tapes and CDs of bands he enjoyed, resulting in a rather large quantity of them - mostly stored in his room or in his car.
Chevy Impala 63' : Craig's most cherished position is undoubtedly his black, 63' Impala. What used to be a cheap, broken piece of junk was nursed back to health thanks to several weeks of care. Out of everything, this is what he takes care of the most, it's practically his soul mate. Fair warning, don't scratch it, and certainly don't dent it. When it comes to his baby, his wrath can be like no other.
Gibson USA Les Paul Standard : His Gibson guitar, it follows rules similar to his Imapala - you're better off just not touching it. Thanks to working several jobs, extra shifts and laying off cigarette and drug consumption he achieved this object through toils of sweat and tears. Seriously, don't lay your grubby fingers on it.

People either get along with Craig or they don't, there seems to be no middle ground. His attitude is ruled by his mood, not logic. When it comes to first impressions, you could meet someone that's chill or someone with a stick up their ass, or something in between. He never bothers hiding his irritation from others, often making him seem more curt than anything. If he doesn't like someone he won't hide it, and doesn't expect people to hold back on him either. On the other hand he can be a pretty laid-back, down to earth type of guy, easy to talk to when engaging in a conversation based on a similar interests. He's not caught up in making a lot of money, or garnering attention, or being up to date in media and trends. Instead he focuses on making an enjoyable, but simple life for himself.

Unfortunately, Craig's rather temperamental and blunt. He has long grown out of his days of high aggression and violence, but it still doesn't take much to irritate him and turn him into a sour person. He's a very opinionated individual, and he isn't shy about speaking his mind. This had turned him into a rather rude guy, but on the upside he'll never lie to you when you ask him about how you look. When he's in a bad moon his comments can be particularly scathing, though if he has a level head he usually knows when to shut up and close his mouth. At his worst Craig will raise his voice and slam doors, but when it gets to that point he'll eventually just leave, never letting the situation escalate to anything worse. He's not good with apologies or addressing sensitive topics, so it isn't uncommon for him to leave for days at a time.

When it comes to emotions outside of the spectrum of 'happiness' and 'anger', Craig has a hard time expressing himself. No, rather, he doesn't bother with it at all. He rather push other types of emotions away, specifically sadness, compassion and love. He thinks forming deep bonds with people is a waste of time due to him not trusting people much to begin with. They always leave, so why bother? He's far from being sensitive, and tends to be quite the opposite. Craig's not very empathetic, and has a hard time reading other peoples emotions, let alone understanding them. To him the way emotional people act is confusing and over dramatic. He prefers things to be simpler, which is why despite his track record with other people, he had never once committed to actually having a relationship. When he was younger he used to make people agree to his three rules; No hand holding, no pet names, and no emotions. Though he doesn't confront people about them anymore, he still seems to hold onto the rules.

It is to be said that despite all of this, Craig's not a cold individual. He doesn't mind physical contact or simple, playful relationships. The man isn't beyond being a bit lighthearted and a bit childish himself at times, his good times don't just focus on situations of discord. He also doesn't mind being around people he can have a good conversation with, especially considering he likes to keep up to date on current events. He cares about people he considers friends and will go out of his way to help and take care of them. Though, he's not much of a talk it out kind of guy, his actions speak more than words, volumes even. It's only when things get too emotional and uncomfortable for him, he tends to bolt. People get the same reaction if they try to change or reform him. Craig's adaptable, but he doesn't want a picket fence lifestyle. He enjoys his freedom, though he has to hold down a few responsibilities he still looks to have a good time and settling down isn't something that crosses his mind. He takes things as they come, living life day by day and doesn't create any big plans for himself. So while he can be fun to hang out with, he can be pretty chaotic.

Overall Craig's not the most reliable person, or the most responsible, but he does alright. He has a job, and he considers it good enough since it pays bills and puts food on the table. He doesn't worry too much and deals with stress with cigarettes. Undoubtedly he can be a pain in the ass, especially when he's in a mood, but he's not heartless. He enjoys spending time with people, be it doing something crazy, talking about politics or watching television. As long as people stay on his good side and don't annoy him he won't be very snippy. Just don't betray his trust, because there's a chance he'll never want anything to do with you after that.

Thoughts on situation
More than anything, Craig's frustrated. He's sick and tired of getting shit just for being gay. He feels betrayed by his family and friends, resulting in him holding bitter feelings of resentment towards them. Though now he's content that he can share rent with people that won't flip out about something so petty. He tries to keep things that happened in the past where they belong, but at times he can't help but wake up in a bad mood because of it.

Brief History
Well Doc, I think it all started when I was born in the shittiest trailer park in Flint.
This is mostly true, like most babies he was born in a hospital. But Craig did grow up in a trailer park outside of the city of Flint, Michigan. His mother was, to be blunt, a crack whore, and he never met his father. He had two other siblings, an older sister named Emily and a younger sister named Lily, both having different fathers. They didn't grow up with a lot of money at all, their biggest luxury item was the TV and sometimes cable. It wasn't a great life, but Craig and his siblings made do pretty well. Their mother was gone often, leaving them alone to take care of one another. They ate microwave dinners and played at the park with the other kids. They really had no discipline and could do as they pleased, so long as they stayed out of their mother's way. The three Winters siblings argued most of the time, but they always had each others back, especially when it came to bullying and playground scuffles.
The biggest problem during growing up was his mother's boyfriends. They were always the wrong type of person. Selfish, possessive, violent, and they were the only type of men that she would keep around. Her boyfriends would often try to control her children, and that never sat well with Craig. Starting in adolescence the boy became aggressive back, and so began a long history of shouting contests and physical fights between him and the older men that invaded his family. This often left Craig with more then bruises and scrapes, though there were some times were he had sent a boyfriend or two to the hospital, especially as he grew older. As a result of the violence, his sisters grew distant of him, and even more so when their brother got into drugs.

Not matter how much they feared though, his drug use never became bad. He indulged in not so harmless fun from time to time, and may go missing for a week here and there, but Craig never really lost himself. Life continued on. Their mother was absent from their lives, the siblings would watch TV or hang out with friends at coney islands, Craig would get his ass kicked by their mother's provoked significant others and the siblings would help one another with school work. Nothing much changed until Craig turned seventeen, when his elder sister caught him having sex - with a boy. The next day she didn't attend school, and when he got home the locks were changed and all of his stuff was on the front porch. No matter how much he yelled they wouldn't let him in, until he accepted that his sister of all people had kicked him out for being gay, and left to live with a friend.

The next few years of his life was spent living with people, them being friends or complete strangers, and trying to get by in life. He graduated high school and started to go to college to become an engineer in a different city. By then Craig had decided to just stay in the closet. No one needed to know he only liked guys, it wasn't any of their business, so he simply didn't talk about it. He bought a car, joined a band, got his bartenders license. Life was good. He lived well, managing school, work and music got stressful at times but he enjoyed himself. He thought he found a good group of friends, the three guys and one girl from the band, the other boys being his roommates. Again, things turned for the worst when their lead singer died due to heroin overdose, and their band ceased to exist and their relationships got rocky. The final straw was when once again, Craig was caught messing around with a guy, and his roommates and him got into a huge argument which lead to him being kicked out, for the second time no less.

No longer being able to afford it, Craig dropped out of college and started living with strangers again. He found some reassurance in the people he talked to online occasionally, and when he learned of their similar positions, he arranged for them to live together if anything ever went wrong, or if they ever needed somewhere to go. After getting rent on a house, people started filling it one by one. Now his life revolves around his job, hobbies, and his new family. Living with so many people proves to be hectic at times but to be honest, Craig rather enjoys it.


Room Appearance

So begins...

Craig Winters's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasiy Norn Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Young Jae Hyun
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Craig Winters

It wasn't the light from the window, or the noise from his roommates (And trust him, there was always noise) that woke him up. Late into the morning the young man felt a thirst, not for water, but for nicotine. Around nine is when he finally rose, earlier than most days, and the first thing Craig did was lean out the window next to his bed with a Marlboro cigarette in his mouth. Addiction was a powerful thing. On the bright side, it always got him up in the mornings, lest he end up sleeping until the later afternoon.

His hair was disheveled and he was without a shirt, yet the cool morning air felt good on his skin, becoming a compliment to the harsh smoke that traveled down into his lungs. These were his mornings; listening to the sounds of New York City. It was very different from Flint, where he had grown up and also unlike Detroit, where he lived for a couple of years. Memories clouded his mind too often. Days spent at Angelo's Coney Island were the waitress would give him extra whipped cream on his milkshakes, the Flint Institute of Art where his younger sister would always drag them to see the new temporary exhibit, not to forget the Riverbank Park, a great destination to do shrooms thanks to the maze-like dried up fountain. Craig put out his cigarette on the outside brick wall. They were bittersweet memories, he needed to disregard them.

The man grabbed an article of clothing from off the floor, a white T-shirt that had the Black Flag logo printed on it. He smelled it before sliding it on, deeming it clean enough to wear, and himself too tired to care. It certainly didn't go well with his atrocious American flag themed pajama pants. A co-worker had gotten them for him for his birthday about four months ago, she thought it was a hoot for an anarchist like him to wear something so patriotic. They truly were hideous, but he didn't care for what he wore to bed. Besides, he could dig the irony of the situation.

Craig managed to snag the bathroom on the first floor, the same floor where his bedroom was. Luckily he had the opportunity to pick out the first room, being the one to find this place in the first place. He also had the honor of cleaning and fixing it up, though he didn't actually mind a little physical labor. After a quick shower and other morning actives, the now damp haired man found himself indulging in his morning custom - sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of black coffee and the daily newspaper. It was both a habit and a hobby, he did make an effort to keep up with current events, even if most of them irritated them.

"The mystery unravels, the politicians don't care about the poor and the F.B.I and C.I.A continue to act like rats." He took another drink from his coffee while looking unimpressed at the several articles. Medicaid, affair scandals, no matter what the case it was like watching a decapitated chicken. Humans sure did like their lives complicated. "I'm baffled, someone pick me up a bottle of valium." He would have continued on with his bitching that wasn't directed at anyone specific, but the sound of their doorbell ringing interrupted his routine.

That's right, some new people were showing up today. When no one else was scrambling to answer the door, Craig left his cup of coffee and newspaper on the table in favor of letting the new kids in. After all, he was the eldest, wasn't that somehow a responsibility of his? Probably.

As fate would have it, Craig twisted the doorknob and pulled on the door, reveling the outside world. This included two men, younger than himself by at least a couple of years, and his eyes landed on the the culprit of the ringing doorbell. The boy was, well, Asian, and looked well put together albeit a bit, nervous? He certainly seemed that way. Then again, Craig wasn't a master at reading what people were feeling, and soon found himself cease to care. Also, he should say something about now.

"Hey." Solid intro. "You two must be..." He paused, pondering. His green eyes shifted to the left, trying to recall what their names were supposed to be. He wasn't a regular online, nor was he good at remembering the names of people he had never met in person. "I'm Craig, go ahead and make yourselves at home. There's coffee." The man decided to give up and change the subject, with his voice not wavering when he did so, causing it to sound more casual than anything. It held a hint of sleep, thanks to his inability to become truly awake so quickly. Wait until the coffee kicks in, that was the rule. There was another lull before he moved out of the doorway so the two could actually come inside like he said. The coffee should kick in any time now, just give it a minute.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasiy Norn Character Portrait: Emma Porsche Character Portrait: Riley B. Day Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Evgeny Boroschek
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Craig Winters

Without much warning at all, the home was filled with the activity of several individuals. It's been awhile since he lived with such a large group of people, but at least he wouldn't have to go tiptoeing around things. A moment ago the kitchen was all his, and now there was people gathered around, greeting one another and chatting. Craig eyed a cat wearily for a moment. He didn't really mind pets, or animals in general, though he didn't care for them either. As long as he wouldn't have to care of it, he'd be fine.

After standing around the door area, trying to take note of exactly how many people were going to be joining them today and their names, he decided to join the others in the kitchen. Sentences floated through the air, not eliciting neither positive or negative emotions in him as he stayed silent during his crusade of shoving frosted Pop-Tarts into a toaster. It was mostly meaningless chatter such as; "There's coffee and warmth and..." and "God, don't you guys know you're not supposed to meet with the 'weirdos' you meet on the internet?", but it was mostly comfortable if not a bit on the crowded side, he figured he'd get used to it with time. After all, he was already somewhat acquainted to each of them thanks to the chat room. Craig wasn't exactly active on it, not being all that big on technology himself, his screen name had even just been 'CWinters'.

At least it was a start. He was leaning against the counter for a moment before lifting himself up to sit on top of the surface, not positioned too far away from the boy who had brought the cat and the girl who had described herself as a caffeine fiend. Craig briefly looked over the group while they continued to talk amongst themselves. He already knew Carsin well enough thanks to her arriving a few weeks earlier. Though she was young he felt they got along okay, she wasn't very loud and had a pretty good head on her shoulders, and he was fine with people that had such curt personalities. Actually, a lot of them were younger than him, and though he was hesitant at first, he wasn't able to just let people get kicked out without anywhere to go. That had happened to himself when he was a minor, so far it seemed like living with people from the internet was a lot better then those you met at a convenience store. Besides, he needed new roommates.

"Lets lay down some ground rules." His voice sounded more awake and level by now, it looks like the caffeine was finally starting to have an effect. "This isn't fight club, but I'm sure these will make our lives a lot easier." This could also roughly be translated into 'Things that would prevent Craig from going insane'. "If you're loud in the morning, I will end your life. Seriously though, don't wake me up." Good start. His eyes wandered upwards as he continued to 'law down the law'. Straight, blunt and to the point, this was much more preferred. "Don't hog the bathrooms, don't eat all the food, don't have loud sex, don't do hard drugs." His breakfast popped up and he grabbed the first breakfast pastry, leaving the other one to sit in the machine for a moment. He was about to leave it at that when something else crossed his mind.

"Also don't touch my car," The man eyed the group, scrutinizing, before letting his expression relax. He might as well introduce himself as well, for those who may not have put two and two together yet. "Lets all get along, or, something like that. I'm Craig Winters, by the way." With the end not being near anywhere as strong as the beginning, thanks to him being used to a more rougher type of people, he ended his little announcement by biting into his meal.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasiy Norn Character Portrait: Emma Porsche Character Portrait: Riley B. Day Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Evgeny Boroschek
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#, as written by Leon21
Evgeny Boroschek

So it was his t-shirt that got him all of the strange looks. Or, at least, it was judging by the guy's question. "Nope, not really. It's not that bad out. Then again, I've lived in Alaska my entire life, so, yeah," he said, wincing slightly as the cat jumped onto his shoulder. Damn, that creature was heavy, and her claws digging into his shoulder certainly didn't help. Still, she was warm and fluffy, albeit a bit distracting. Lifting up the arm that didn't have a cat sitting on it, he began to stroke her back.

"It's lovely to see at least someone appreciates my hair," he said with a laugh as he felt the cat playing with his hair. "I was FashionDesignLuver1818 on the chat. I think most of you know me, considering that I was practically online 24/7." It was true, the amount of hours of the day which Evvie wasn't online could probably be counted on a hand that had most of the fingers missing.

Twisting his shoulder slightly, he used one hand to lift the cat off, holding her under her stomach between her front legs, letting her hind legs and tail dangle down. "Sorry, Cat, but you were giving me a shoulder cramp, and I think if you sat there any longer, I would have gotten a bruise. I don't think my agency would like that very much." He brought up his other arm, cradling the large feline in his arms, holding her against his chest and using one hand to stroke the bottom of her jaw.

He twitched his head slightly, flicking his hair over his shoulder and out of his face. Evgeny hated having hair in his face, but was often too lazy to move his arms, so the action of flicking his hair out of his face was a well-practiced one. Another male started speaking, and Evvie glanced over in slight surprise. He hadn't seen him earlier when he walked into the room.

"I can manage the not doing hard drugs bit - I think all of my employers would, like, crucify me if I did any drugs at all - and I'll try to avoid waking you up in the morning, but I can't make any promises on the loud sex bit." The grin he gave at this comment was a rather terrifying one, to say the least.

"So, who's rooming with who?"

Sahrahsahe Adams

Well, this sucked. Actually, that was an understatement. A major understatement.

The thin female walked down the street, trembling like a sapling caught in a hurricane. Her ripped jeans showed off the pale white skin of her thighs and calves, her corset-style top leaving her arms and shoulders bare. The only item of clothing she had that seemed to provide any warmth at all was the thin scarf wrapped around her neck. Her fingers were beginning to turn blue, and it was obvious that she was freezing, although if asked, she probably wouldn't admit it.

She was carrying two things: a large black case on her back, and a small backpack in her hand. One held her saxophone, the other held the rest of her belongings. This was everything Sarah had owned in her entire life, and most of it was worth more than gold to her.

The house which she arrived at was nicer than anything she had ever lived at before. After double-checking the address, Sahrahsahe walked in, sighing in joy at how warm it was inside the building. Not bothering to take off her shoes or set down any of her belongings, she headed directly towards the sound of voices. Everyone appeared to be gathered in the kitchen. There were quite a few more people there than Sarah had expected there to be.

"Hola, suckers," she drawled lifting her free hand in a lazy wave. "I'm Sahrahsahe, spare me and just call me Sarah, and most of you probably know me better as TheKleptoLesbo." Her username was not a particularly flattering one, but Sarah had never cared. It described her, and that was all that mattered.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasiy Norn Character Portrait: Emma Porsche Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Evgeny Boroschek Character Portrait: Carsin Huntress
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Stasis shivered to himself. The smile that the long-haired male gave was a bit on the creepy side to say the least. He made a mental note of the rules that had been laid down, most of them not being much of a problem at the moment since his bag was filled with more jerky, camp fire food and cat food then a end-of-the-world-prepper had in their bunker. Rowan didn't seem to mind the attention much, purring loudly from being cradled and stroked. "I have no idea. I think we were supposed to make arrangements online or something..." he said, looking up at the ceiling and scratching the back of his head. "If we all did, then I forgot. The travel up here was a nigthmare..." Nightmare. An understatement of the decade.

He was tired, his feet still hurt dispire being in an airport and on a plane for the combined total of 14 hours due to delays. The Northeast proved to be colder than he expected and he was now in a place where had no idea what was where and where every shop he'd need was. Dispite what others would do in the same situation, he didn't really complain out loud about it. Then again, he wasn't the invasive type to say the least.

His thoughts were broken once again by another arrival, another female this time. He recognized the username, and in all seem to fit to him. Not that he was one to say it out loud. The vibe that she gave off to him was to stay out of her way and there would be no trouble. His mind wandered back to rooming arrangements. Tapping his fingers against his thumb in thought as the looked over at the others. He wasn't sure who else was coming today or if the bunch that had come was going to be it for a while. Constant company wasn't a problem for him really, being that he was reletively quiet. Then he sighed. "I'm thinking of myself as a pet now." He muttered to himself as he shifted his feet a bit. "Either way, I don't think I have anyone to room with. If you don't mind of course."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasiy Norn Character Portrait: Emma Porsche Character Portrait: Riley B. Day Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Evgeny Boroschek
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Carsin watched as two other people joined them in the house, she could't believe how many people came in one day, she was kinda glad that she got here a few weeks before so she was all settled in. She looked over to Jordyn and gave her a small smile "Didn't you know I have been classified as a 'weirdo' just look at me" she said jokingly. Looking over to Craig she listened to him go on about the 'house rules' already hearing them once before hand she pushed her hoody back and her black, teal, and white hair untamed messy hair was let loose "As y'all can see I do smoke weed but I usually smoke outside or near a window so it won't bother y'all, as for roommates Emma is rooming with me but there is an extra bed and space so a third could join us. And also I am like Craig..not a morning person..mentally I do not wake up till about 3pm..Its because I am a night owl."

Looking back towards Emma she gave the gilr a small smile and made an umph sound as she was hugged, her hands grabbed by the white haired girl. Looking at the girls face she saw tears but soon the girl explained herself "Its okay no need to cry..and yes I am real..well at least I think I am" she squeezed the girls hands once then heard the next question that came out of Emmas mouth. Well if Carsin was to be truthful...she felt like shit, wanting to just hide from the world and smoke her weed but she wasn't going to tell that to Emma or anyone for that matter. Giving a slight shrug "Im fine..same shit different about you?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasiy Norn Character Portrait: Emma Porsche Character Portrait: Riley B. Day Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Evgeny Boroschek
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0.00 INK

Ground rules. Jordyn could most definitely live with ground rules. It kept everyone and everything in line. They were actually really lax guidelines to live by. It sounded like more common sense and courtesy than anything actually restrictive. Jordyn nodded at Craig as he introduced himself. Of course. He was the one running the show, so to speak. Even if he was a little rough around the edges, she knew he had good intentions at the core of him. At least she hoped. She could only hope for any of them to have decency and the mind to not be total twats. Evgeny gave her an answer for his strange lack of layers in the cold weather, and she smiled wryly. So he was used to the bitterness. What a lucky one, he was. Everything started to click into place as usernames suddenly had bodies and faces and voices that she could hear that weren't over the computer (and that was rare, if ever.) They were real. Touchable. Not like she would. Jordyn definitely wasn't the type to go up and just hug someone out of the blue, particularly someone she had only met online.

She smiled warmly at Evgeny. "Dear lord, the world stopped spinning if you weren't online. Unlike some of us, AKA me, who had a helicopter mother who creeped on my internet use. That's borderline abuse." Jordyn smiled a little more, tipping her head to her side, hair tumbling to hang and brush against her arms. There was another entrance, this time being another level of petite female. Sahrahsahe. Sarah. Right. Jordyn squinted at her until there was the username. It all clicked and she grinned, quite amused. Most of them fit their usernames. The personalities were still there, just a lot easier to see in body language and facial expressions. No more smilies. She rolled her eyes playfully as Carsin shot back that she was fully classified as weirdo. "Good to know. Stranger danger, stay in school...blah, blah, blah." Jordyn stuck out her tongue at the girl for a moment.

Suddenly, someone yelling and practically assaulting Carsin. What the...? She watched for a moment as there were tears, then words she didn't quite catch between the two, sort of put off by the white haired girl's behavior. Why did she have to be so loud? Wasn't that rule number one? Or was that three? Did it matter, she didn't need to shout and get everyone's attention. Jordyn sighed, tipping her head forward for a moment, then quickly flicking her head back up to kick her hair away from her face. Emma. The name didn't strike up any distinct memories or feelings. She kept watching her, not terribly amused with her. Party? It was early, and she had just gotten off a seven hour bus ride. Well...maybe she was being a little harsh. Not everyone had a miserable trip here like her. At least she hoped. She looked at Carsin, who had mentioned that they had a free space in her and Emma's room to add a person...she wasn't terribly sure. Hell, she would have to pick a roommate eventually, but something didn't sit right with her. Jordyn would figure it out later.

"Come back to me with the party stuff when it's not like...painfully early." Jordyn finally commented, smiling wearily and rubbing nervously at her face. It was then there was another entry...and by the looks of it, someone who had been living there a while. What was she holding? A rat? No. Was it a dog? Jordyn stared at it. A fox of some sort? It was weird looking. But in a cute way. It was quite endearing in that strange little way. Hmm.

Either way, she really should have been getting her bags upstairs and situated in a room. But it was pointless if she didn't know who she was rooming with and where. She anxiously shifted her weight from one foot to the other, back and forth, examining her housemates. This was quite uncomfortable, now. She had passed the point of wanting to get to know everyone and shifted straight to wanting to get settled and be left alone (well, relatively alone) for a while. It was a selfish want, but after seven hours of travel, she was tired and a little bite-y. Jordyn didn't snap much, but she might end up giving a few harsh stares or silent treatments in her path. Not a great way to start off living with new people.

" that we're aware none of us are serial killers. Rooms. Yes? No. Yes? Please? Someone just point me in the right direction so I can dump my stash of stuff somewhere not in the hallway?" Jordyn asked, giving a nervous grin and holding up her hands.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Evgeny Boroschek Character Portrait: Skyler Rea Character Portrait: Sahrahsahe Adams
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0.00 INK

Craig Winters

"But I can't make any promises on the loud sex bit." Craig made a noise that was a cross between laughter and choking on his Pop-Tart. What an expression, it seemed to fit right in with the interesting bunch of people that were meant to live under one roof together. He brushed a few crumbs away from his mouth after finishing his food. Although, he left the second breakfast pastry in the toaster, the item more or less being forgotten during the commotion. He wasn't quite sure how this would work out, but if he was already getting a kick out of it, it couldn't end in complete disaster.

There didn't look to be any objection to the ground rules he had laid out and for that he was relieved, not that he had expected any objections for they were far from being anything ludicrous. They were more like reminders that this wasn't a college fraternity or sorority, if anything. "I'm Sahrahsahe, spare me and just call me Sarah, and most of you probably know me better as TheKleptoLesbo." By her appearance Craig assumed that he would have been able to figure out who exactly she was without the introduction, everything about Sarah screamed 'Caution : This woman is a master of attitude! The sass master, she is fierce and ruthless, do not feed'! Wasn't she freezing in those clothes?

"Hey," He greeted, soon remembering that she was one of the few people that would be able to actually purchase alcohol, legally that is. It'd be nice to live with people that he could actually go and grab a drink with, though just every once in awhile, he wasn't that big of a drinker himself. Craig brought himself down from the counter and stood, stretching momentarily. "If you're up for it, lets go get a drink later. I don't know about partying, but I know a few good bars." He didn't really care if she wanted to check it out or not, but if he could use a couple of drinks, then he was sure someone who's been traveling could use a few too. Besides, it was his night off work.

The number continued to grow as Skyler returned from her morning quest. "Welcome back." She had been living with him the longest; shortly after he found this place, and also shortly after he was kicked out of his previous home with his previous roommates or when he had to drop out of college to take on full shifts and a second job for awhile. Craig grabbed a boiled egg from the fridge and started peeling off the shell, flicking the pieces into the nearby sink. The item of food was met for Yoda, not himself, who had taken awhile to get used to. A year ago he was much more hesitant to having such a young person room with him, especially since it was just them for awhile, yet it had been nice even if he had to work more during the time. Skyler reminded him a lot of his younger sister, someone who he hadn't seen in about five years now, and that was what probably made him give in in the first place.

By now it didn't really bother him too much, it was kind of like having a family again, more or less. Craig approached the auburn haired girl and held the now peeled egg in front of Yoda, waiting for the fox to take it. "If you get a cold, I'm not going to pay for you to see a doctor." He warned, noticing that she was lacking anything that would actually keep her warm. That was a lie, if she really did become so ill, he'd find a way to make sure she got the treatment she needed.

" that we're aware none of us are serial killers. Rooms. Yes? No. Yes? Please? Someone just point me in the right direction so I can dump my stash of stuff somewhere not in the hallway?" He glanced backwards, trying to remember who was rooming with who, though it wasn't his strong suit. "There's empty bedrooms upstairs, except for Skyler and Carsin's rooms, so if you want you can just grab one and figure out room arrangements later." That sounded reasonable to him, he really wasn't the type to try and force these situations together, they could figure out their own roommates. "Mine still has room too, it's by the living room." Craig didn't care who roomed with him as long as they didn't mess with his things, he didn't hang around in it too often aside from sleeping anyways.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasiy Norn Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Evgeny Boroschek Character Portrait: Sahrahsahe Adams
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0.00 INK

Stasis looked around, Jordyn having a point. "Same here, two bags and a cat big enough to keep the fort down will not be a happy time getting up the stairs in the middle of the the night." He said, walking over to his suitcase and camping back that had been chilling by the couch for a while. "I do have a house warming gift though. A little taste of what I do."

He came back into the kitchen with two vodka bottle sized bottles. One was filled will a dark liquid, corked and the top covered in a red waxy coating and labeled 'Hades's Delight'. The other had a lighter liquid in it, redish-pink almost in a grapefruit sort but as clear as day. The opening was also corked, but the wax was a green color and labeled simply 'Cheshire'. Stasis set them down on the table before going back to his bags and dragging them up the stairs, the suitcase making loud glassy 'clank!' noise every time the wheels went up a stairs.

Rowan mewed in Evgeny's arms before wiggling her way out of the males embrace and hopping onto the table again to lay down and watch people. She mewed at Craig and Sarah once she noticed them, but didn't move to nuzzle or even stand by them. Just watching them for a moment. Never mind the fact that she looked like she could take a chair for herself.

Stasis, on the other hand, looked like he could have needed a cat nap for a while as he walked to the top of the stairs and sighed. "Never...again..." he muttered to himself, the hurt in his feet from days of walking starting to get to him. he quickly ducked into the first empty room he could find and plopped himself in the bed. Leaving his bags by the door. The bed looking more apealing then anything else right now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasiy Norn Character Portrait: Emma Porsche Character Portrait: Riley B. Day Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Evgeny Boroschek
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0.00 INK

"I wont get a cold!" Skyler said in response to Craig's comment. She decided to take a quick review who she saw.
Her hairs extra white! It makes her real pretty though. That guy has a lot of red hair and looks a bit like a hippie. Guy with a cat. I have no words. Girl with black hair. Cute. Chick with brown hair. She's cute too. Punk-ish looking chick. She looks cool. Carsin, she's cute. Then Craig, I know the guy already.

That concluded Sky's quick analysis of all these people so far. She couldn't help but smile at everyone and their eagerness to get into a room. "Okay!" Sky said as she sat Yoda on the ground, who then went towards the table and looked up at it. Sky drunk the rest of her coffee and throw the cup away than stood by the fridge looking at everyone. "Like Craig-lyn said, the rooms are up stairs, except for his. Some people can room with me if y'all want. But let me warn ya', I'm pretty awesome." Sky said, using a lot of hand gestures as she spoke, then turned to the fridge and took out a large Monster Energy Drink that she opened and took a sip of. "Oh, by the way, I'm Skyler, or Sky if y'all want." Sky said then nodded down towards Yoda, who was still looking up at the table. "And that's Yoda. Be careful. He uses the force." She said smiling at everyone and taking a few more sips of her Monster before heading up stairs. She passed the room that the guy the had said something about the cat was in and she gave him a big smile and a weird wave. Then she went to her room, leaving the door open just in case, and laid down on her bed with one knee up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley B. Day Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Evgeny Boroschek Character Portrait: Carsin Huntress Character Portrait: Skyler Rea
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0.00 INK

Carsin smiled when Sky came in with Yoda and gave her a small wave then went and made herself another cup of coffee "Well I guess I should get ready, I mean I can't look like this the rest of the day. I call it my morning look. I have a couple beds in my room so anyone who wants to make themselves comfortable in there go ahead."

She went to go up the stairs but stopped for a moment "Oh just so everyone knows you might hear violin music from my room and usually music all the time, if it gets too loud just let me know and ill turn it down" she smiled to the group and continued upstairs but before she went to her own room she went to Skys.

Noticing the door open a bit she knocked on the door two times before stepping in, seeing Sky on her bed "Hey Sky got a question for ya, was wondering if you wanted to do some harmonizing or work on some songs after I get ready. I thought maybe I could pull my violin out and practice some. Interested?" Leaning against the doorway she took a sip from her coffee and waited for Sky's answer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasiy Norn Character Portrait: Emma Porsche Character Portrait: Riley B. Day Character Portrait: Dean Morgan Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Craig Winters
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0.00 INK

#, as written by S1mon
Dean Morgan

Such a long night and busy too as the crowds multiplied ten to the dozen as Dean stood behind a long wooden counter, on top of which were full of so many delicious food, including the infamous popcorn. Many a time, Dean seemed envious of all the people eating and watching the latest movies on the big screen, but it did not bother him too much. After all, there were many benefits for working in the cinema unlike the club, there weren’t so many fights for starters. The cinema did have a bar, which is where the most action was (unless you were watching James Bond). It seemed that his job was improving, except for some guys that didn’t quite like the new guy hogging the limelight as it were, what was what tended to happen with any new job.

It however didn’t bother him, and after a hard evenings’ work, he enjoyed a peaceful sleep in the top floor of the shared accommodation he had come to. He had been there for a week now and it was nice not having the burden of having all his earnings going into the house with little for himself. Craig, the owner, had told them all that they had some more guys coming in, so Dean set his alarm ten minutes before the estimated time of arrival, got dressed and took off in the Capri. He’d let Craig do all the introduction stuff as it was his place afterall, while he went for a spin before getting breakfast for everybody down MacDonalds. Dean was king in that respect, but at the same time, he wouldn’t stress out over petty little things, which is why he got bacon, sausage and egg McMuffin, so if there was one part somebody didn’t like, they could easily take it out. It wasn’t so hard, so should at least be grateful.

Dean was pretty fed-up of tending to people too much, only to be rewarded with a smack in the face, rather than the preferred kiss or a thank you. He had been let down quite a few times and did not fancy it happening again. The first date was supposed to lift his spirits not dampen them. He could not lie that the time when he felt loved was not food as it was the sweetest thing on earth to be loved by somebody. Rejection, being used, being played, were not so sweet and as such, Dean had been unlucky to be part of. He was a caring guy but his past had hardened his shell. Despite this, he still tries to be friendly, but more open to speak, if he feels something is wrong to prevent something bad happening again.

As a result of his experiences, much has changed within Dean to prevent him breaking up again. He was Humpty Dumpty that had fell from the wall, only to be pieced together in the wrong way so he wasn’t himself. It wasn’t a total bad thing, but like all things, there were pro’s and con’s. One of which was his smoking habit which he had developed as a result. In order to get companionship, he adapted to what others do to make him look good and now all of them were gone with their love of their lives while he remained alone and rejected. However he was thankful to the online chat that he went on, and then joining the House with others like him, and as such, he was more kind towards them.

Pulling up outside, Dean pulled the bag of McMuffin’s out with one hand, while he closed the door, locked the car and let himself in with the other. Once he was inside, he looked around and noticed quite a few unfamiliar faces, but if anyone was hungry, then they were sure going to come running and be overjoyed with him. Putting the bag onto the kitchen table, he pulled out two, seeing that pulling out more would make them all squashed, and walked towards Craig as he bellowed, “Breakfast is served! Get it while it’s hot!” and passing one of the McMuffin’s to Craig with a smile. Turning slightly to await the mad rush to the bag to get their Maccies like hyenas after their prey. “This everybody?”, he asked Craig as he glanced around.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasiy Norn Character Portrait: Dean Morgan Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Carsin Huntress
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0.00 INK

Craig Winters

Everyone seemed to be settling in nicely and they now had bottles of vodka, Craig decided to write this off as a success. People were coming in and out of the kitchen as they pleased, exploring the cramped city house and found their rooms. He had only one complaint, grocery shopping. Certainly what they currently had wouldn't feed them all for long, if at all, and buying enough food for everyone would be well, interesting, to be light about it. He rubbed the back of his neck for a moment before retreating to his room to get dressed. He had already showered, he might as well complete the routine.

It was counterproductive for him to collapse on his bed shortly after closing his door, but in his defense - he was still quite tired. There was things to do, places to go, a paycheck to spend. Craig buried his head into his pillow for a moment before rising to actually get dressed. Jeans, that was a perfect first step. He grabbed and put on a pair of loose, dark gray skinny-cut jeans. There was a small rip at the right knee, though he paid it no mind. He pulled a navy hoodie over his shirt and his feet were soon covered with black Doc Martens, trusty and scuffed from their extended use. This was decent, he was ready to challenge the day which would consist of picking out the right brand of cereal.

After insuring that his hair would no longer lay on his forehead, he fetched his wallet from the top of his dresser, leaving his keys behind. There was no point in bothering to drive in New York City when the nearest grocery store was only a few...wait, where was it again? The truth was that Craig had never bothered hunting down such a place before, for what was sold at the nearest convenience store was always good enough to suit his needs and support his variety of unhealthy habits. He was pretty sure there was one not too far away from here, right? It many blocks over, he was sure of it.

He hadn't been back in the kitchen long before Dean arrived with food; fast, unhealthy, artery clogging, delicious food. "Thanks." Craig returned the smile briefly before he opening the wrapper, stepping off to the side as he consumed the unsuspecting human sacrifice McMuffin. “This everybody?” He paused, thinking over everyone he had seen today, counting them in his head before nodding. "I think so." He was nearly positive that everyone that would be living in the house was here now, unless he managed to forget someone, which wasn't really that farfetched of an idea, given how many people he had met today and the slight chaos of the entire situation.

One of the new kids took cover under the table and Craig finished his food, tossing the trash in the wastebasket soon after. "I'm about to go buy some groceries. Is there anything the two of you want?" He asked, addressing Dean and Anastasiy, a lull in his speech before he decided to add onto that. "Unless you just want to tag along." He walked over to the living room, peeking in before interrupting the conversation between Carsin and Jordyn. "You two, groceries, any suggestions?" He wasn't about to question the entire household, but it'd be helpful to get some sort of consensus, lest he end up just buying junk like always. Some volunteers would be nice as well, carrying around a bunch of plastic bags was no fun, it'd just be like Home Alone all over again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Carsin Huntress
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0.00 INK

Jordyn perked her head up as she heard someone else enter the house, calling out something about food, and then the sound of people rushing about the kitchen. She only smiled, returning her attention back to her book and the notebook settled carefully in her lap, a pen tucked carefully behind her ear. The entire way to the house, she had been snacking at various fast food places on the way there and her stomach was not prepared for anything else fried. Or in general. She would probably load herself with caffeine later and call it a day. Maybe get some decent food later. Her thoughts were interrupted as Carsin appeared, showered and all put together. Jordyn flashed her a toothy grin, setting her notebook and the novel she was working on reading onto the table.

"Well, good to know. I promise, I won't keep you up with my crazy lifestyle." She said sarcastically, sticking her tongue out briefly at her now-roommate. Jordyn had been an only child, so sharing a bedroom was something she had never experienced. Mind you, it didn't mean she wasn't looking forward to it. It was kind of lonely being the only kid. Particularly when you were forced to play as your mother's toy instead of her child. She didn't dwell on it, though, reaching and brushing her hair away from her face. "Seriously though, I think this is fantastic...all of it. I get to spend my days with my favorite people. Even if you're all a load of nutters." Jordyn teased, grinning again.

She was distracted as Craig peeked his head in, mentioning groceries. Jordyn paused for a moment, then nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders. "As long as everything isn't microwave food, I could really care less. I can make a meal out of just about anything if you need someone who can cook." Spoiled and rich, yes. Force fed microwave food and half assed dinners by a lazy mother too often? Also yes. Jordyn was mildly into cooking and had developed a skill of mashing various leftovers and partial ingredients to make decent meals. That being said, she was no miracle worker, but she could get by with whatever they brought home. Unless it involved Nutella. Nutella was something made by the diabetes demons and need to be banished. Or at least, that's what Jordyn thought. She scrunched up her face, crinkling her nose a little at the thought before relaxing. "So yeah, no complaints from me for whatever you bring back."

Jordyn turned to face Carsin again, smiling wryly. Instead of picking up her notebook again, she turned her attention to her hair, grabbing a few strands and starting the tedious process of braiding it. It was really just to keep her hands occupied. Or maybe just to ward off boredom. How could she be bored? She had the entire chatroom, only living, breathing, and with no internet connection to rely on. What could be better?

"If you need manpower, I can come." Jordyn offered, but she figured with the mass army of teenagers in the building, her assistance was probably nowhere near needed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasiy Norn Character Portrait: Dean Morgan Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Evgeny Boroschek
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Leon21
Evgeny Boroschek

Standing in a corner of the kitchen, Evgeny just watched as people rushed past. He wasn't the center of attention, which actually shocked him slightly. Evgeny was accustomed to always being the one everyone noticed. This was a nice change, actually. He found it rather relaxing to just stand in the corner and watch as everyone hurried around.

A new man suddenly walked into the kitchen. He looked like he had just started high school, although Evgeny figured that he was probably older, considering all of them appeared to be seniors at very least. He was carrying food, which caused a large smile to appear on Evvie's face. Food was the fastest way to get into Evgeny's heart. Sure, he didn't eat much - he had to keep up his figure after all - but that didn't mean he wouldn't eat food if it was offered to him. Besides, he hadn't eaten much over the past couple of days thanks to needing to spend all of his money on gas so that he could actually make it here.

He hurried over to the table, grabbing one of the McMuffins. Already he could here the head of the agency yelling at him for eating something so unhealthy, but that didn't matter to Evgeny. He was hungry, and the food smelled so delicious. "Thank you very much!" he said to the male who had brought the food, a sweet smile on his face. He walked over to the table, having seen the guy who introduced himself as Anastasiy crawl under it. He sat down in one of the chairs at the table, crossing his legs to sit crisscross applesauce and leaning forward to look underneath the table. Evgeny was quite flexible, something which please photographers and lovers alike.

"Not a big fan of people, are you?" he asked, looking down at the male underneath the table. "Can I be your roommate? I appear to be one of the only peeps here vithout a room." His slight accent, which had been hiding itself earlier, showed up as he spoke. Evgeny always had a bit of a problem with 'v's and 'w's, possibly because he had been speaking Russian for longer than he had been speaking English, courtesy of his Russian parents.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasiy Norn Character Portrait: Dean Morgan Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Evgeny Boroschek
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0.00 INK

Stasis's eyes looked first, then his head turned. He had gotten used to being alone on his travels, so someone talking to him without any warning was a bit startling to say the least. "Oh! It's not that I don't like people. It's a long story." He said before taking a large bite out of his muffin. He gulped quickly at his question and shivered a bit. Fast, artery clogging and foal-tasting aftertaste. Still better than jerky or camp food any day.

He tilted his head to the side, thinking he heard in the other male's voice. 'An accent. Getting all kinds here...' Stasis shruged a bit in response to his question. "I don't see why not. A little company never hurt anyone." he said, starting to stir and rise from under the table. He poked his head out first, making sure he wouldn't get suck under there with the rush of people coming for food. He soon snaked his way from under the table and leaned against the table. "I've already moved my stuff upstairs. I can help you with yours if you'd like." It was only polite, at least to him, to help anyone else with their bags. Then again, he wasn't all that sure about this one. To Stasis, he seemed a bit on the off side on alot of things. Long hair, his deminor and his accent. The one thing that came to mind in comparison was Grell Sutcliff from black butler. But on that note, what was he to judge and it might just be a conisidence. He shook the thought out of his mind and cracked his neck bit while adjusted his glasses. "I'm just close to the stairs so there might be a bit of traffic. Again he was rambling a bit, trying to keep all his thoughts in line so that he didin't go on a insane tangent about something completely different from the topic as hand. He leaned against the counter and swayed his head from side of side in thought.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley B. Day Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Carsin Huntress
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0.00 INK

Carsin chuckled a bit at Jordyn as she leaned her back against the couch "Crazy lifestyle ey? Well you will have to get used to my crazy lifestyle...remember I am the one that is addicted to coffee, weed and smokes" she laughed and held up her cup of coffee before taking a sip. Nodding her head at Jordyn, she thought this was fantastic also being with the people that were pretty much her best friends even though she only pretty much knew them online.

Before she got to say anything Craig came over asking about groceries "Dont forget the tofu and veggie burgers, fruit and vegetables...and if you need me to tag along to help just let me know." She smiled over to Craig, yes she was a vegetarian and has been for a couple years now.

Looking over to Jordyn she noticed the other girl started to braid her hair, she took another sip of coffee before asking "So what kind of music do you listen to? Oh and just so you know I do play the violin so you may hear that sometimes", she thought for a few minutes about a few things as she waited for Jordyn to respond. When she finished her coffee she put it on the coffee table then brought her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them and resting her chin on her knees.

Carsin looked up to Riley who with Jordyn "Hey Riley, Jordyn is also rooming with me but there is a third bed and I dont mind you rooming with us. You will just have to deal with our crazy lifestyles as Jordyn mentioned earlier" she chuckled. She actually was feeling alot better since she left her home, at first she didnt want anything to do with other people but now she doesnt know what she would do without these people.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley B. Day Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Carsin Huntress
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0.00 INK

Jordyn grinned cheekily, looking up from her braiding to look at Carsin. "Oh, yah, because you know that I'm such an animal." She teased, shaking her head just a bit. She returned her attention to her braiding, sitting and staring with her chin pointed downwards as her hands swiftly moved down each strand, only listening idly when Carsin mentioned groceries to Craig, mostly pertaining to her vegetarian lifestyle. Funny. Little details that didn't matter over the computer but where now something to be mentioned and applied. It was kind of weird. They were all real, weren't they? Living, breathing, solid...people. Jordyn loved it. Though, she didn't express herself much as she kept playing with her long hair, absorbed in the task for quite some time. Carsin was talking to her, something about playing her violin. "Won't bother me, as long as you're any good." Jordyn paused, grinned wryly at her roommate for a split second, then ducked her head again.

Another voice. Jordyn didn't look up to completely acknowledge Riley or her question of rooming with her, and Carsin beat her to it, anyways. "Pretty much what Carsin said. If you can put up with us, you're good to shove your stuff in there. Just don't touch my laptop. Might kill you." Her tone was flat as she spoke, though her words were meant to be jokingly said. Jordyn looked up from what she was doing, paused, then laughed softly. "I'm kidding, of course. There shouldn't be any problems." She grinned, her eyes squinting a little and small laugh lines appearing at the corners of them. She turned her attention downward again. "I think the main complaint you might have about me is that I never go anywhere. My butt will be imprinted on the couch or the bed. And if you find note pages with scribblings about people and murder plots...don't worry. It's just my note taking. I'm not a serial killer." Jordyn paused, smiling wryly to herself. "Not yet, at least." She shrugged her shoulders.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley B. Day Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Carsin Huntress Character Portrait: Skyler Rea
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Skyler snapped out of her spacing out moment and sat down on her bed for a second as she hummed to Fireflies by Owl City. "I'd like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly…" Skyler sang, her voice sounding so lovely against the lyrics. Singing was one of the things Sky did to get away and pretend to be someone else. That and acting of course.

Yoda seemed to smile at Skyler's singing, opening his mouth and yipping then panting a little as he wagged his tail. Sky smiled at him then stood up and walked down the stairs. "So many people in this house yet no one to talk to!" She said in a sarcastic whinny voice as she headed down the stairs, Yoda close behind her. She couldn't remember who was who from the chat room, so she honestly had no idea who was who except for the few people that already lived here before all these new people showed up.

Hearing talking in the living room, Sky went passed Craig and sat on the ground in front of the couch by Carsin and two other girls. "Craiggy, don't forget to get ice-cream. I think I ate it all." Skyler said, sounding like a little kid as she looked up at Craig with big eyes from her spot on the ground. She was sitting criss-cross, leaning forward with her hands on her ankles. She then turned to Carsin and the other girls. "Hey." Sky said, stretching out he 'e' and smiling as she gently rocked back and forth.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasiy Norn Character Portrait: Riley B. Day Character Portrait: Dean Morgan Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Evgeny Boroschek
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#, as written by S1mon
Dean Morgan

Despite being rejected by those he knew all his life, he was accepted here. The same feeling applied to everyone else, which was why everyone got along okay. Couldn't really say that everyone got on wonderfully because they were all their own person. They had all gone through some rejection and some had closed themselves from others after all they've faced. He himself had changed as a result of his experiences. If he looked back to how he was before, he would be looking at someone completely different. Dean often looked up to people and in order to be liked by that particular person, he would mould himself in order to be seen and be part of it all. That approach obviously hadn't worked or he wouldn't be here. Others saw how Dean acted, took advantage and carried on from then.

However, he didn't regret coming here, as Craig was cool and was great to hang around with. Dean first smoked when he was copying someone else and ended up coughing quite a bit as he didn't do it right, before getting use to it and using it for stress, but now getting worse to keep his mind free and also look cool. Then there was Skyler and Carsin who lived here also when he arrived and they were cool too and nice gals. Carsin played the violin so it was nice to be with others who played music himself. Dean played the guitar, acoustic rather than electric and loved the sound that came from the strings, providing it was in-tune, that is.

Thinking about who he did know, he then thought about those he did not know, all the newcomers, which is why he asked Craig if that was all. His reply..."I think so", which meant that he got the right amount and now can start familiarising himself with the new people. Calling them for food was one way, as he could then see people as they came to collect it. Carsin was first as she took hers and put her meat on the side before thanking him, "Dean thank you, your awesomesauce", causing him to smile as she then gave him a quick hug before joining a new girl with the regular sight of coffee in her hand. It'll only be a matter of time before she'd want another, keeping herself awake for hours to come.

"I'm about to go buy some groceries. Is there anything the two of you want?...Unless you just want to tag along", Craig asked. Dean first looked at the new guy who was under the table if he had anything to say, seeing as with his own job, he could buy anything he wanted, just as Craig could, so he thought he'd stick in a little something to help Craig out, "If we haven't got any pasta, then could get some of that. I've not checked the cupboards yet", one side of his mouth tugged to reveal a half-smile, seeing as he was out of the house as soon as he woke up. With Craig then moving towards the girls, Dean then moved onto his own McMuffin which was indeed very yummy and went down a treat. He wasn't sure whether to go grocery shopping or not. He might go out if there was nothing else to do.

"Thank you very much!", said one of the new guys with long red hair. It was....unusual, but he could admit that it looked pretty cool and it seemed he too took pride in his appearance as he did, especially round his face which shined as he smiled. "You welcome", before seeing him go over to the guy under the table. Seemed everyone was getting along fine. However, he'd have some coffee first as he pulled out the coffee jar and waiting for the kettle to boil before making it. The perfect drink to have in the morning. When it was done, he walked over towards the new guys as he asked, "Anything you guys want as we're getting food in..." to see what they liked, seeing as he overheard one of them offer to take their luggage upstairs, so he'd ask them before they went up.

With them going upstairs, there was nothing else to do, so he decided to accompany Craig on the grocery trip as he opened the door slowly and entered in. "I'll come with you Craig. We leaving now or in a bit?". He glanced around the room and saw Carsin with her cup in the high, no doubt asking for another which made him smile as he walked over to her, "Here you are Carsin" as he turned the cup around so he was holding it around the base so that she could safely from his hand with the handle, "Though take it quickly or I'll burn myself and be unable to play", adding a smile and taking her empty cup with his free hand.

Dean was helpful afterall, and there was no point drinking if they were doing out. Besides, maybe what he needed was some nice cool energy drink from the store. With everyone busy introducing each other and the fact Dean arrived late with everyone starting to fall back into their rooms, there wasn't alot for Dean to do, though he didn't mind it. When he came back, he could get on with playing his guitar or have a little smoke outside. He wondered if any of the new guys smoked at all....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Morgan Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Carsin Huntress Character Portrait: Skyler Rea
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Craig Winters

He made a mental list; Less microwave food, tofu, veggie burgers, fruit, vegetables and pasta. Nothing too crazy or out there, yeah, he could remember all of that with no problem. Living with a vegetarian had been odd at first, but he quickly grew accustomed to it, and buying to suit these new needs would be easy. Also, having people that could cook in the house was always a plus. Hell, maybe they'd even have proper holiday dinners now? "Got it." He nodded, before looking over to Skyler, who was acting particularly bubbly this morning. It could be that she was happy to have more people around the house, especially more girls. To tell the truth, he was glad for that; because wouldn't it be good for her?

"You ate it all already?" He teased, eyebrow arching. Sky's ice cream addiction could rival Carsin's coffee drinking habit. Honestly, at times she reminded him of a person that worked long hours at a corporation, rather than a teenager. It was possible that she drank more coffee than anyone else he had met, and he had run into a lot of people during his twenty two years of life. Of course, this could just be an exaggeration, but that didn't change how they were already running low on the stuff. He'd have to remember to pick up more coffee as well, lest they face the consequences of living in a house with cranky, half asleep young people. Of course, he would end up buying the gourmet expensive stuff like always. That line in Pulp Fiction really spoke to him, when he drank coffee he wanted to taste it.

"I won't forget." Craig said in regards to the ice cream, doing so could also bring upon an unfortunate situation that he rather avoid. There was a reason why you didn't make people drop their addictions cold turkey. "I'll be back soon then..." His sentence trailed off as Sky left the room and his eyes meeting the commotion between pets. Yoda and the cat were put into a western stand off, and whenever the fox would forward, the feline would step back. This couldn't be good. In a blur the animals took off, one chasing the other, scrambling out of the living room to God knows where. Craig rubbed his temple before walking over to the stairs where Skyler had relocated too, probably planning to get ready for whatever plans she had made with the others. "Make sure Yoda doesn't destroy the house while I'm gone, Sky!" He called after her from the hall, sounding only midly irritated.

He glanced back to where he thought they disappeared to, suddenly thankful that he closed his bedroom door. "And don't let them kill each other, either!" He was not in the business of cleaning up animal corpses. A death on their hands would be coming too soon. Did fennec foxes get along with cats? He didn't even know, he wasn't an expert on animals at all; for all he knew they could just be playing, and not facing each other in life or death battle. Hopefully it was the former, bloodstains could be a bitch, and he was not going to try digging a grave when the ground was solid like this. Craig sighed, this was going to be an interesting first week, he could already tell. No, he could already see the headlines, if they didn't make front page because of some bizarre occurance or melodramatic tragedy he'd consider them lucky. This was some reality tv shit right here.

"I'll come with you Craig. We leaving now or in a bit?" Dean was entering the living room by the time he had returned, and he was happy to hear he'd get some assistance with the trip, since he wasn't really the type to ask people for help in the first place. "I'm going to smoke a cigarette outside first, then we'll leave." He'd have to buy more this time, but years of living on less than paycheck-to-paycheck had gotten him used to finding good deals. He was like a working single-mother (Wait, wasn't that exactly what he was? He didn't want to think about it.) when it came to coupons, anything to save an extra buck or two, and he was past feeling lame for it. He was too old to try and keep the whole 'cool rebel without a cause' image anymore. "Just come outside when you're ready." Craig said before moving through the living room towards and out the front door, closing it behind him.

Once outside he settled himself down onto one of the steps, deciding he might as well make himself comfortable. After digging through his pockets the man had a cigarette between his lips and a lighter in his hands, lighting it with ease before pocketing the cheap device. Craig inhaled the smoke with a problem, he usually wouldn't smoke again so soon, but counted this as a special occasion. Besides, he didn't really care that much if his habit worsened, though it would be annoying if he developed a bad cough. That might happen anyways, now that he was living with so many people. On the internet they seemed fine, and even in person he didn't really have any complaints about them. Their impressions were good ones, but no matter what, living with that number of people was going to get stressful. Well, at least he'd have good company on the trip to the store.
