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Kat Lawless

Fox News Stops For Nobody And Neither Does Kat Lawless . . .

0 · 678 views · located in Earth, 2042 AD

a character in “Contact: Fall of Earth”, as played by DuBois_Scarlett




Katriona Lawless


28, December 15th, 2014 AD

Former Occupation:
News Reporter for Fox News

Willful, Stubborn, Cunning, Loving, Humorous, Pessimistic, Haughty

- Kat loves Paris, although she's never been there in her whole entire life. One day, she keeps telling herself.
- Kat also loves cats. She has two back at home. Jasper & Kennedy. She prefers their company to any human being of her acquaintance.
- Kat is also fond of Scotch. On the rocks with a twist preferably. It's like water to her.
- She greatly dislikes anything dirty or uncivilized. Anything requiring Kat getting her hands dirty is a no no. She did all the dirty work when she was in college, now it's time for her to enjoy the luxuries life has to offer, seeing as she can afford to do so now.

Kat is a decent shot and since the Alien invasion she has always carried a gun although she is really, totally against the pro gun fanatics. In her ideal USA, it would be like England where nobody has a gun but she's not as naive as to be under the misapprehension that that will ever happen.

Physical Description:
Standing high at 5'7 with legs as high as the sky down to the floor, Kat is tall, fair and breathtakingly beautiful. She can be found wearing an expensive designer dress and a pair of equally expensive high heals that may look fabulous but are very impractical. However, she always looks the part of the put together anchor although she is anything but. Long platinum hair and pink lips complete the look of flawlessness.

Katriona Lawless was born in a working class family. Hardly saw her father growing up. Her mom had a new boyfriend as there are months in every year. An immature woman, that was more the child while Kat played parent to her mom. She had decided long ago that she would not turn out like her mother.

A smart gifted child, she spent most of her time studying and maintaining excellent grades. When her Scholarship was cancelled at University when the funding was taken away, Kat worked three jobs to finish her schooling.

Motivated, determined, ruthless . . . and frankly mean. Kat will do anything to get to where she wants to be in life. Her Career is the focus of her life. She has little time for anything else in her non stop life.

Now Kat is a Field Reporter for Fox News. She maybe young but she's worked damn hard to get to where she is today and has no plans of stopping just yet. She's still got a long way to climb. But having been sent to this small town or something on a story that no one else is willing or has the balls to go out and cover . . . Well, it's gonna make Kat's Career!

No more, stupid stories interviewing Dog Owners in the rain or some weirdo Goth freaks who think they're really Vampires or whatever!

Like that's even freakin' News?!?

Or risking her neck, trying not to get damn killed while reporting on the latest developments of the Alien war from the front line.

No, after this Kat is going to be warm, sitting behind a desk in front of a few camera's with a smile and the whole of America watching and listening to every word that comes out of her mouth.

She's going to be an Anchor damn it! No matter what it takes! Even going to some small ass town in the middle of nowhere . . . Above ground . . .

So begins...

Kat Lawless's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kat Lawless Character Portrait: Casper Wake Moncleath Character Portrait: Louis Wrath Character Portrait: Wade Winston Character Portrait: Ulyssess F White
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A tremble racked through her whole body as a cold crisp wind whispered from behind, violently blowing snow and blonde strands forward. Kat shivered as she pulled the down coat tighter around her lithe form.

β€œDamn waste of time!” She muttered to herself furiously; warm breath clouding before her in smoky puffs.

This weather was going to drive her crazy! Kat thought mutinously spitting snow. She couldn't get a good shot on anything up in the sky. It had been two weeks since she and Ulyssess had come across the house once more and the weather had steadily gotten worse as had Kats temper. At this rate she was never going to get back to the Underground. To that warm studio with lights and cameras and electricity! And some damn form of civilization!

Kat trudged on through the knee high snow. Her temper the polar opposite of the freezing weather. She just wanted to get back down there. Was it so much to ask to sit behind a warm desk and report the news? She'd spent years risking her neck up here on ground zero to report the latest developments of the war between the two freaking alien fractions. It was high time someone else do the hard work! Kat convinced herself. In fact when she got back down to the Underground, she would tell – No! She would demand that she be given position of Anchor. She was done with this shit!


A large cloud of snow puffed up into the air as Kat landed flat face first in the snow. Sputtering and spitting, she managed to sit up and attempted to brush all the snow away . . . unsuccessfully.

β€œArgh!” Kat seethed angrily, her hands flailed sending more snow to stir the air.

She was so sick of this shit! She shouldn't have to live like this. She should . . . She should. She should be sitting under the lazy French sun, sipping a cappuccino with a wonderful view of the Eiffel Tower.

Sniffing, wiping her cold red nose on the back of her hand Kat sat in the pre-dawn darkness in the stirring snow for a moment before looking out across the distance. The wind whistled a haunting tune as dead as the forest that surrounded her. A flame flickered in the distance. Kat was tempted to call it home but she stopped herself. No, it was not home. It couldn't be. It was . . . It was just temporary. That's what she had been telling herself for the past ten years. Moving from one place to the next. One report to another . . . Kat just couldn't believe that this was all her life amounted to.

It wasn't long before Kat was opening the front door. She had ventured out during the dark of night when the snow had lightened but as soon as she had gotten far enough to not turn back it had start falling in bucks. Blocking any view of Denver and the huge space crafts that hovered over it.

Slamming the door shut, not caring if she woke anyone, Kat stomped into the main room trailing a track of melting snowflakes behind her. Coming to a stop before the fire, Kat quickly shed the large puffy down coat and flipped the furry Ugg boots off her feet; shivering in pleasure. The heat of the roaring fire hit her like a heavenly brick wall.

Man, she needed a drink.

It was only then, she began paying attention to the scene before.

β€œNice.” She smirked down at the two men on the floor as she pulled out the handy cam she always kept in her coat pocket and flipped it open. β€œI always knew you were queer Winston. I'm so getting this on camera.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kat Lawless Character Portrait: Casper Wake Moncleath Character Portrait: Louis Wrath Character Portrait: Wade Winston Character Portrait: Ulyssess F White
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As Ulyssess was forced to the ground and twisted his arm, he'd grunt from the pain. He'd look to one side of him, his icy blue eye looked straight into Wade's eyes full of fear for one moment then started to calm despite being forced to the ground like a prisoner and he'd blink, breathing returning to normal..

''Uh..W-Wade? Wade! Oh...I am is hard to explain...I thought I was the only one up so me..I didn't actually um..want to hurt you, it was just a...reaction..'' He would explain..vaguely...strangely then clear his throat then wince from the pain as his arm was locked up where it shouldn't be then he blushed as Wade said 'bromance' and shook his head and instantly nodded. ''Yes, it is...I am sorry, I am..okay now...if you don't mind, I'd like to be released from your umm...embrace?''

Ulyssess would then see Kat and blush even more and frown at the sight of a camera. ''Turn that think off Kat, this is no laughign matter. I am trying to apologize and be umm...released? And you are not helping.'' He'd explain to his boss, his face only reddening further.

He would frown. ''Let me up!'' He'd order now starting to struggle, kicking Wade is the back with his legs. ''Please! This is embarrassing! She is not making this any better!''


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kat Lawless Character Portrait: Casper Wake Moncleath Character Portrait: Louis Wrath Character Portrait: Wade Winston Character Portrait: Ulyssess F White
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Wade was about to respond to Ulysses explanation and corresponding apology when he heard Kat and noticed the camera.

"Are we on camera?"

Wade said stupidly before turning to look down at Ulysses then back to Kat.

"Well... this is awkward..."

He said forelornly before he seemed to sigh in resignation before he lifted him to his feet and brushing off his shoulders like a doting mother before a pageant.

"Well good buddy, guess there's only one thing to do. DANCE!"

Wade proclaimed dramatically before he proceeded attempt the worlds worst excuse for Beyonce's single ladies dance. Unfortunately for all those in attendance Wade also felt it necessary to butcher the songs lyrics as well.

"If you like it you should have put a ring on it! If you like it you should have put a ring on it! If you like it you should have put a ring on it! Something something ...(incoherent mumbling)... All the single ladies! HOHOHOHO!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kat Lawless Character Portrait: Casper Wake Moncleath Character Portrait: Louis Wrath Character Portrait: Wade Winston Character Portrait: Ulyssess F White
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Ulyssess just watched as Wade started to dance and his red face paled again and a wide smile came to him and he burst out laughing and suddenly started to join in with the dance off, and being that he loved to dance when not stuck with computers and all around technology he would dance, Kat knew this, in fact she was the only one who knew this...until now as he strut his stuff, but he actually looked sharp and really knew how to be cool when he danced but he didn't sing he just grinned happily then stuck his tongue out at Kat before nudging Wade with a hip playfully then he looked at the time and stopped and his serious exterior returned in a instant.

''It is only that time?'' He would sigh, face palming himself and returned to his daydream like state...''Now I wonder if I can make a converter to use alien technology to power our equipment...''


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kat Lawless Character Portrait: Casper Wake Moncleath Character Portrait: Louis Wrath Character Portrait: Wade Winston Character Portrait: Ulyssess F White
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β€œYeah not even I want that on camera.” Kat said snapping the camera shut but no without being able to fight a smile.

Heading towards the side board near the back of the room, Kat opened the cupboard and inspected their levels of alcohol stock. They were fast dwindling. But tonight she was breaking into the good stuff.

Grabbing a bottle of Jack and a tumbler, Kat filled it to the top for herself, not bothering to offer any to the others. She needed warming up from the inside. Coming back to the blazing fire, Kat slumped down into one of the comfy couches and flipped the small screen on her camera open again. Hitting the rewind button. Come on! There had to be something useful recorded tonight . . . Except there wasn't. It was just black broke by white flashes as the small speaker crackled with the sound of the wind.

Swearing something vicious. Kat turned on the couch so her bare feet dangled over the armrest heated by the burning embers in the hearth. Sighing heavily, she took a hearty gulp of the amber liquid in her glass. The whiskey burned a warm trail down her throat, warming her from the inside out.

She had to get out of here . . .

β€œSo why were you two getting it on in the middle of the floor?” Kat questioned lazily. β€œWith an audience? I didn't think you were into that sort of thing Ulyssess? Winston on the other hand . . .” Well all bets were off.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kat Lawless Character Portrait: Casper Wake Moncleath Character Portrait: Louis Wrath Character Portrait: Wade Winston Character Portrait: Ulyssess F White
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"What we done? Ah shit I was just about to whip out the cat daddy."

Wade said with slumped shoulders like a child in the grips of utter disappointment. He kicked his toe at the ground saddly before looking up at Kat and strutting over to her before casually leaning on her shoulder.

"Hey Lois, next time we crazy kids break it down you need to join in and turn this bro down into a ho down."

Wade's face was plastered with a big stupid grin as he went on ignoring Ulysses more serious words. Some people thought Wade's way of making light of every situation was merely out of his own stupidity or childish immaturity. Some people would be wrong. Others would say that it was his subconscious making light of the grim seriousness of his surroundings. Others would be no more right than some people. The truth was Wade didn't really give a shit. He was like a dog chasing cars, he wouldn't know to do with one if he caught it.

"Oh and shit I dunno, this time it wasn't me forcing cuddles on members of our group. Smallville here thought it be fun to go all crazy before having me rock bottom his ass."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kat Lawless Character Portrait: Casper Wake Moncleath Character Portrait: Louis Wrath Character Portrait: Wade Winston Character Portrait: Ulyssess F White
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Louis continued to kneel by the roaring fire. It seemed one by one, their entire gang had somehow ended up in the living room. Taking a last gulp from his mug he made a smile and stood to his feet. He had to stop himself from pulling his colt 42 from his waist as the ever charming Kat Lawless burst through the door. Having settled his nerves quickly he made a slight nod toward Kat. "Pleasure to see you alive and thriving Ms Lawless." Louis cleared his throat and casually went back to the battery powered coffee maker.

"So, what do you night owls want to drink? I think the others are still sleeping but what the hell." He said, staring at a collection of artificial coffee packets he found in one of the cabinets of the kitchen. He spoke in a sarcastic tone as he read the rest of the labels. "We got, cappuccino, hot chocolate and something called, old fashion coffee ground... hm... looks like this stuff may be a decade out of date though huh." He then grabbed a container from one of the lower cabinets and opened the back sliding glass door. A rush of cold air whooshed into the house. Without delaying, he filled the container with snow and then closed the door. "Well, there is our water for damn coffee..."

He glanced up to see the others, made a sarcastic grin and walked toward the fire to melt the snow. After it melted he walked toward the end of the room and picked up a 12 pack of Bud-light. Lifting the case he showed the prize. "On the other hand, I also have these beauties that I found in the basement. Any takers?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kat Lawless Character Portrait: Casper Wake Moncleath Character Portrait: Louis Wrath Character Portrait: Wade Winston Character Portrait: Ulyssess F White
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Wade said excitedly as he rushed over and relived Louis of the heavy, heavy burden the beers no doubt brought upon him. He pulled one out of the plastic turtle killer and popped it open with a clean hiss. He took a long thristy gulp before sighing in joy and looking at Louis with a happy grin.

"Dude, I kinda love you right now."

He downed the beer within the next few gulps before popping open a second, tossing himself on the couch and kicking his feet up.

"Ok Avengers, what's the plan from here? Alien ass kickery? Loki style trickery? Pancake making-ery?... ok so the last one didn't rhyme. Shit it's not like I have the time to sit there and write out what I say like I was sitting in front of a computer writing some shitty online role-play or something. I can't proofread my thoughts."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kat Lawless Character Portrait: Casper Wake Moncleath Character Portrait: Louis Wrath Character Portrait: Wade Winston Character Portrait: Ulyssess F White
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"Hey Lois, next time we crazy kids break it down you need to join in and turn this bro down into a ho down."

β€œWhy would I do that? You and Ulyssess seemed to be enjoying yourself quite well without me.” Kat commented blandly, moving so the big lug slumped across her back slid down suddenly.

She kept a surreptitious eye of Wade Winston, always. He had a thing about getting up close and rubbing up on her like a Wolf in heat. Kat didn't trust any of the wack jobs in this house. She didn't know them well enough. And even if she did she wasn't the friend making sort. She didn't have time for such trivialities in her life. But she couldn't deny to her own surprise that Winston's goofing around genuinely brought a smile to her face. One she didn't always show. Like presently.

Turning to Ulyssess; Kat had ignored Ulyssess earlier comments. He was a bigger kill joy then she was. Plus, she hadn't brought him along for his opinions. His job was to get a good shot of her and then a decent shot of the situation. Coming to this cabin had relaxed his work ethic and if he didn't pick up the slack soon, he was going to get one of her sharp talkings to.

"Pleasure to see you alive and thriving Ms Lawless." Kat turned in the direction of Louis Wrath's sardonic voice.

She smiled brightly at him. A smile that disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. Listening with half an ear as Louis ran through their choices of breakfast beverage.

β€œI think I'll stick with what I've got.” She commented taking another sip of the strong whiskey.

"Ok Avengers, what's the plan from here? Alien ass kickery? Loki style trickery? Pancake making-ery?... ok so the last one didn't rhyme. Shit it's not like I have the time to sit there and write out what I say like I was sitting in front of a computer writing some shitty online role-play or something. I can't proofread my thoughts."

Kat scowled at Winston's words.

β€œWhere exactly would you fight Aliens in the middle of a snow storm, genius?” She snapped.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kat Lawless Character Portrait: Casper Wake Moncleath Character Portrait: Louis Wrath Character Portrait: Wade Winston Character Portrait: Ulyssess F White
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"In the snow?"

Wade replied back with a blank stare. Suddenly the image of every member of the group engaged in a massive team battle snowball fight with the aliens played out in his head. Louis had a gatling gun that fired snow balls. Ulysses and Casper were in cover behind the safe walls of the snow fort lobbing snow like grenades, that of course exploded on contact in a shower of snow crystals and shrapnel. Wade was bamfing around the battle field with dual ice katanas fighting alien snowmen. And then there was Kat, prancing around in a skimpy little bikini and snow boots as she fired a dual smg's that fired ice spikes.

"Awww awesome...."

He muttered to himself as he got lost in his day dream.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kat Lawless Character Portrait: Casper Wake Moncleath Character Portrait: Louis Wrath Character Portrait: Wade Winston Character Portrait: Ulyssess F White
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Shit on a shingle, here comes his biggest fan girl. Wade was a good man but he did take the book a little too seriously, Casper was flattered he enjoyed his works so much and the two were friends but every time something happened that he disagreed with he got audio hate-mail sprayed in his ear.

It was actually rather funny that the big hulk of a man got so emotional over the characters, Ellie too nonetheless. "Deep into the Heart of darkness" was a book about a group of escaped convicts who take a family hostage and flee into an untraveled part of the galaxy and are consequentially stranded on a mysterious planet. However, in standard horror fashion, the planet is inhabited by an unknown entity that hunts them down one by one. Ellie was the spunky teenage daughter of the family and was purposely written to be loved by the reader so it would be extremely emotional when she met her inevitable and planned end. Up until her death only the convicts were being slaughtered and as any good writer could tell you, that just wasn't enough.

"Well, I wanted to go out in heroic fashion but she served as more than just that spunky teenager that everyone liked. She was a symbol of innocence and fun and when I killed her I showed how that innocence had also died in the rest of her family." Casper explained to the mercenary. In truth he did like having someone to explain his motivations to. Before the merc could respond Ulyssess bumped into him and the chaos started.

Before Casper was even sure what had happened, the cameraman was flipping his shit and Wade was jumping on top of him. Kat was filming, Casper was dying of laughter and this was going to make a great addition to his book. Wade, probably in attempt to distract from the awkward moment, got off of the camera man and started to dance.

Casper smiled at the cameraman "Now White, apocalypse love is a lot like prison love. The sex you want, you ain't getting and the sex you getting you don't want."

The rest of the group proceeded to discuss amongst them and eventually some drinks got pulled out. Casper looked at the cans with a drool and literally had to bite his tongue to resist screaming out that he wanted one.

He looked to the merc daydreaming about his snow war, β€œI have to admit, I agree with Kat, there is no way we can fight in this.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kat Lawless Character Portrait: Casper Wake Moncleath Character Portrait: Louis Wrath Character Portrait: Wade Winston Character Portrait: Ulyssess F White
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Ulyssess would come back in the room only for Casper explaining his book, Ulyssess hadn't read it but it was nice...for some normality of sorts then as Casper turned his head to him he grinned like a little boy, shy and innocent then he went red much like a freshly bloomed rose as Casper teased him with his explanation of prison love and apocalyptic love and by the end he would be defensive...

''I don't know what you are getting at but obviously you are the one that desires that...'' He'd clear his throat as he realized his newly found talent....digging a hole deeper..

He would then see the beer cans and seeing everyone digging into them and he went silent and paled almost instantaneously as he had some sort of flash back into his past and fear was written on his face much like a open book then as he shook his head he came back to reality and walked away from all of them in the room and sat himself near the fire, looking at the flames with his obviously tired and wary eyes, the flashes of orange in his icy blue hues made his eye colour more noticeable and the tips of his hair became blond like in the light and heat of the fire that was slowly dying..

He'd sigh to himself putting a hand to the fire and watched as the flames danced below it, heating his slender hand and though he looked at the flames with anger, he seemingly was more at peace as well, a hard mix of emotion to understand unless you knew of the experience he had or went through it yourself.

But if you didn't, well, he just looked terribly tired and haunted...

He'd sigh again then flick his hand from the flames as he burnt himself on it but sighed again and just used the same minor burnt hand to rest his face on it and despite the stinging he didn't complain, he was a strange young man, dabbling in technology both human and alien and actually understanding it but guarded, even with his closest friend Kat Lawless, even she did not know of his past, only what he told her, which was not much in itself.

He was a mystery, a unknown in the group and only Kat Lawless could say that he was harmless, despite the fact that he almost succeeded in attacking Wade to which didn't even explain why, really...he meant it when he apologized but be was so guarded he wouldn't admit anything from his past or actions, he would just know when he was wrong and apologize for it over and over again...

For a man to be so fragile was...unusual but he knew how to defend the group and with great strength, he was just....a conundrum...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kat Lawless Character Portrait: Casper Wake Moncleath Character Portrait: Louis Wrath Character Portrait: Wade Winston Character Portrait: Ulyssess F White
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Kat swung up onto her feet; whiskey sloshing, listening to Casper's comical explanation of sex in the worlds current war torn climate. Before Wade got that stupid look across his face and was lost in one of his fantasies. Kat kicked him hard in the shin to bring him back to reality.

β€œLook,” She said exasperated and irritated all at the same time. β€œWe do need to do something. I can't spend the rest of my life hauled up in a house in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of guys one step removed from going homo on each other. So what's the plan? I mean after the snow stops.” She questioned Louis the unofficial leader of this weird ass clan.

She had to get back to the Underground. People were actually trying to do something down there. Kat couldn't believe that the world would never be put to rights again. It just had to!

β€œYou write this shit.” Kat turned to Casper. Though she liked to read, science fic horror wasn't her favourite genre. β€œHow do the humans in your novels make it out alive?”

So she'd asked the question. But even Kat wasn't sure she wanted to hear the answer, unless it had a happy ending . . . For the humans. Taking a sip and then a gulp of the amber liquor, Kat decided it wasn't enough . . .


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Character Portrait: Kat Lawless Character Portrait: Casper Wake Moncleath
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Casper listened to Kat ask her question. Ha, funny how she thought he had all the answers just because he had written sci-fi. "Usually they don't. Or tgey get lucky." Casper admitted. He didn't enjoy shooting down the hopes and dreams of his comrades but it was the truth. Kat took another sip of her drink and it made the author shiver. He needed to go take his mind off all this shit that they were drinking. Without another word he stood up.and walked back to his spot on the floor. Picking up his journals he smiled, this would make a hilarious addition to his story.

With his journals in hand he walked into the other room and took a quiet seat at a table next to a window that looked put over the streets of Greely, the raging snow storm obscuring the city from sight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kat Lawless Character Portrait: Casper Wake Moncleath Character Portrait: Louis Wrath Character Portrait: Wade Winston Character Portrait: Ulyssess F White
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Ulyssess continued to look deepily into the flames, calmness flowing through him as he went through his thoughts but suddenly he killed the silence of the room as he started to sing to himself forgetting everyone in the room, and he sounded...good and sung a song called Swansong.

''I never thought I'd see the day
I thought that I had finally moved along
And I had let you go so long ago, so long
This is not, this is not where I belong

So I wait for this shallow itch to pass
And I wait, yeah I wait

Hey hey, I'm ok
I don't need this anyway, I'm fine
What's yours and mine
Oh oh, I don't know
What I was ever hoping I would find
But it's time for me to leave this all behind

I don't regret a single thing
I couldn't say it didn't feel alright
But I don't want to stay and I don't want to fight
All alone, with my foolish appetite

So I wait for this shallow itch to pass
And I wait, yeah I wait

Hey hey, I'm ok
I don't need this anyway, I'm fine
What's yours and mine
Oh oh, I don't know
What I was ever hoping I would find
But it's time for me to leave this all behind

I don't have the heart to give away to you again
I don't have the stomach for it, no one ever wins
We had our fun but I have sung this song to you before
Here's my last refrain

Hey hey, I'm ok
I don't need this anyway, I'm fine
What's yours and mine
Oh oh, I don't know
What I was ever hoping I would find
But it's time for me to leave this all behind

Hey hey, I'm ok
I don't need this anyway, I'm fine
What's yours and mine
Oh oh, I don't know
What I was ever hoping I would find
But it's time for me to leave this all behind..''

He would shortly smile to himself still in his daydream like state, watching the fire, flames crackling, dancing around and spitting bursts of flame only to disappear shortly after then he saddened and just stared at the fire once more..


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kat Lawless Character Portrait: Casper Wake Moncleath Character Portrait: Louis Wrath Character Portrait: Wade Winston Character Portrait: Ulyssess F White
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Louis was enjoying the scene before him. Not speaking, just observing. A brief silence came over the group as Ulyssess calmly interrupted with his dreamy-like song. But as the silence became more deafening, Louis forced himself to interject his thoughts...

"I remember a few days after the falling, I was in denver at the time. Searching through the remnants of my apartment building." He stopped to clear his throat and then continued. "The military attempted a full scale nuclear strike against one of the ships. After everyone was evacuated to a safe distance, I watched from miles away as the war heads rocketed toward their target... but nothing happened... They were harmlessly deflected before they hit the ship. They never even went off, completely deactivated.

"If nukes couldn't touch those bastards then we need to figure out their weakness." With a sorrowful look on his face, he grabbed one of the beers and downed the entire thing in one go. "It's obvious isn't it? He said starring down at the floor, a hazy look in his eye. The only way to find out their weakness, it to capture one of them."