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Amarina Yani King

"I'm no one's damsel in distress. I'm my own savior."

0 · 1,291 views · located in Fae's Academy, Washington

a character in “Covens, Cliques, and Hexes”, originally authored by .euphoria., as played by RolePlayGateway



Full Name: Amarina Yani King
Nicknames: Amar, Amari, Yani, Marina, Rina (By Cheveyo Only)
Age: 17
Hometown: Parramatta, Australia
Ethnicity Australian
Sexuality: Bicurious

Coven: Meade
Specialty: I would say that my best power would be more on the good side. As in, I rather practice White Magick that Dark Magick but, I can do both if I was to... brag I guess. My favorite since I love to read is... Literary Animation, which in simple terms is the ability to animate what I read in novels; sounds cool, right? I read aloud the words and the character that those words are describing appears literally in front of my eyes. I am also able to jump in the novels myself, but I've never wanted to do it; I wasn't listening to my mum properly when she told me when she told me how to get out, and I don't really like the idea of being stuck in a fantasy world, thank you very much! It's easy to get rid of a character that I've read alive; all I have to do is close the book that the character came out of - simple! I'm slowly learning how to read out a character by just reading aloud their name, but it's extremely difficult to do. However, there are some problems with my power, one being that once the characters are brought into our world, some of them don't want to go back to their own, especially Villians and occasionally animals. Another fallback of my power is that if I mess up one word when I'm reading them out, the character can be brought out wrong. Maybe missing an arm, or speaking backwards! Oops... But, It's hard because in classes I must read in my head and make sure not to mutter anything!


A few of my more favorites are the one I.... surprisingly learned from my mother. Shocking

  • " Most of my powers are more... secretive. As in, I can't really do much with the elements of the Earth which I wish I could but, that..... unoriginal. So, I wanted powers most people may not be able to do so well. Like Empathy. I learned this from my mom. It helps me feel how people are really feeling underneath their outer layer of appearance. I may not be able to change their emotion but it can help me see why they feel that way or who caused them to feel that way in the first place. But, it can make me depressed for at least a day. But, who notices with me being so.... chilled all the time."
  • "I can actually can sense how the environment around me feels as well. Like humans, objects actually have emotions too. Which most people don't know but I mean living things, not like a building but like a..... tree or a flower. Any biotic organism has feelings and emotions. Strange, I know but I love it. Because, it gives me a chance to see if I can fix it be watering them or feeding them. Or if it's more serious than that like if it's getting littered around I can make sure people don't litter. And protest like a little hippie I am. Or if it's an animal I can find them a new home if I need to. Like I said.... Hippie." *smirks*

Familiar Her name is Kumberlin. Isn't she beautiful? A white peacock, unique and one of a kind.... kind of like me. Her name means sweet in Australian because that's exactly what she is. Never would she harm anyone or anything.

Personality: When you meet me, Amarina Yani King, I kind of have a few different pieces of my personality to myself. But, they blend into me all at once, I do not have multiple personalities. Trust me. I have been to have a very free spirited personality that she shows off most of the time around everyone I meet, adults, people my "age", and everyone in between. This is a huge part of me. But, another part of me is how I don't give a fuck what people think of me. I am.a mystery. And, I am different than most girls here.I'm not going lie to you. I am not the nicest girl here by far but, I'm afraid to get hurt by anyone... Guys,Girls, it doesn't matter to me. refuse to be hurt.

But, when you get past my.... defense and become a close friend. I am sarcastic, funny, upbeat, energetic, and is smirking most of the time, with friends I can be somewhat absent-minded, random, and slightly dim at times when I am not interested in the subject. Which happens a lot. Despite that though, I have been shown to have some intelligence and is shockingly, very smart in some subjects of life like school. I think my fun-loving personality is evident in her frequent joking around, smirking, and laughing about things I am interested in like music and my new boyfriend, Cheveyo. I'm..... very different. And, people think that they know what I mean by 'different' but they don't I'm not different because I chose to be, but because I was born that way. But, around people I rarely know or people I may or may not have feelings for... I'm different than when I'm around my coven. I'm quiet and shy. But, it depends on the day sometimes I can a bit over the place and sometimes I can be I can be so quiet and scared of to make eye with other people. I-- I won't tell you why exactly but, just know I can't help it at all. I wish I could but, I can't. I cannot read body language worth a damn which I wish I could but fuck it, if they have something to tell me they can tell
me with their voice. No one unders--stands what it means and I do not plan on telling anyone anytime soon. Most people take my silence as arrogance or maybe weakness but, they make me out to be this girl I'm not. Not that I care but most people think I am a slut or a bully just because of what I look like. They have no idea who I am or what I have done in my life to be where I am. And to judge me it's a big FU in the face to me. So, I got tired of trying and just am letting whatever happens...... happen.

Cheveyo "He's love and my soul. I don't know what I'd do without him."
Classic Disney Movies
Classic Romance
Romantic Gestures
Reading, Reading, and More Reading
My Coven
The Idea of Someone Loving Her
Small Groups of People
My Hair
"I love Nancy Drew Computer Games. I can play them on expert and figure them out without cheats."
"I have a huge fascination with the beat of music. Never the lyrics just the beat of it."
Playing Piano
Playing Guitar
My Accent

My Parents
Love, Being In Love, and Even Being Loved "I always get hurt in the end"
Fake People
People Who Mess With Her
Big Groups
Public Speaking
Talking To A Large Group of Friends
Trying To Make Eye Contact With Most People
When Guys Can't Take A Hint
Attitude Towards Me
Coldies (Australian Slang for Beer)
Bad Singing
Overly Religious People

History: G'Day, my name is Amarina Yani King and I was born in Parramatta, Austrailia to a young and not married couple. Their names were Yani White and Johnathan King. And, just like every teenage rparent, my mother thought that my father would stay around once I was born. That was not the case. The day my mom came home from the hospital, my father was gone. No trace of him left in their home. And, what did my mother decide to do since it obviously my fault that I was born. She gave me to her parents and ran off to find her "beloved" boyfriend. I don't even remember her face or her name except that I was given her frist name as my middle name. Which I hate just as much as I hate her. But, growing up with my grandparents wasn't terrible. Unlike my mother they had a little more moolah than her and tried to give me whatever I wanted. But, it still didn't help me wonder what I did wrong to get my mother to want to leave me.

I did have a normal childhood growing up. Until around the age of 12, when I found out about my powers. I remember I was reading a book.... Mocking Jay if I remember correctly. And I was reading the last part. The part about their children and all. Yea, I read it and all of a sudden I saw the two children Katniss was talking about. I yelled for my grandmother and she was shocked. She ran and shut the book and I watched as the two children disappeared into thin air. Since that day, we started learning how to use my powers seeing that my great-grandmother was a witch but neither my "mom" or grandmother were. And, seeing that my great grand died years ago. We had no help. But, I think we made it work. And, then I turned 15. My grandmother was lookign through her mom's things and found a bunch of papers from a school she attended. It happened to be the very school I am at now. And, so she called and not long after I got my chance and got in.

When I was there I learned I was given coven. Meade. When I found out what it was. I was excited. It sound like the perfect coven for me. Different, mysterious, and interesting. Like myself. I met some of the other and they became the siblings I never had a chance to have.

Other:I'm Jewish?... If that's what you were looking for...

I have Asperger's Syndrome, which is what I mean by I can't help it. I really cannot help the way I am. But, I am getting better! I am taking Physical therapy,
and speech & language therapy with the nurse and therapist at the school. And, none of my friends know. Which is exactly how I want it to stay.

Theme Songs
Save Me

Other Songs That Describe Me
The Fighter
Ass Back Home
It's Time
Theme Song- Angels On The Moon

So begins...

Amarina Yani King's Story

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Amarina was sitting on a bench. Reading. Of course and out loud, praticing and trying to perfect the characters she brought out. She grabbed her If I Stay book from her bag and looked down at her shoes as she did. God, I love my jeans. It's like the stars on my pants! She thought to herself before coming back to reality. She flipped to her bookmark and began to read a page. Before she knew it, the character she had read from. Mia. Came alive. Looking around franticly, afraid of where she was.

And, seeing that a girl just brought her out of a book and she was in the middle of a garden. A garden filled with flowers. Flowers Amarina was focused on. She had taken her favorite character from one of her favorite books, successfully! She was pretty excited, showing off a smile. An actual smile that most did not see often enough. Letting her white teeth beam in the sunlight, she knew it was time to take a picture of the now silent character and get her back to her story. Marina grabbed her phone and snapped a quick photograph. No flash. She didn't want to startle the unsure girl in front of her anymore than she already was.

"Ok, Mia. Time to head back to Seattle. Sorry." She sent her a small smile before looking down at her paperback book. Ripped in many places, she absolutly needed a new one. And, closed the damaged cover, seeing the character disappear in thin air. In silence, she was happy. It was pretty quiet and she loved being left alone in the morning. Except by her coven.

She was close to most of them and couldn't wait to tell them how she got it to work. For once without reading slowly. Making sure not to mess up a single word. She messed up enough and let her friend laugh about the messed up characters like Romeo, Captain Hook, or Cinderella. The latest ones of her screwed up mind. Looking around her. At her surroundings, she breathed in the clear air and let it out through her mouth. The smell of the flowers fulled her nose along with the sight of the sun streaming into her eyes. It was actually a beautiful day.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Aedan McKlellen Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Ethan Holler Character Portrait: Rose Gilome
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Aedan McKlellan

"But you'd kiss a hideously disfigured face? That's so much better," he teased her without really meaning any of it. He wasn't into many animes per say, but there were a few favorites of his such as Naruto, Avatar: The Last Airbender and the Legend of Korra, and he loved Ao No Exorcist. Still, he liked watching Ever's animes too, though he at times didn't understand what was going on. At her mention of study hall, he grinned naughtily, "Ah, yes. Anatomy. I think we should do a full review. Where at? The library has a secluded corner here and there."

Adventurous as ever, Aedan liked suggesting risque actions like that, but wouldn't mind if Ever shot him down and slapped him. If not, then he was fine with that too. He chuckled at her displays of affection for her little kitten.

"He's keeping himself small on purpose. How many years have you had him now? He likes cuddling with Mama. Not that I blame him, considering his Mama's..." he began, only to stop as Rose greeted them. He grinned at her.

"Good morning Rose," he greeted a Patty approached Flower friendly and licked her mercilessly across the face.

Ethan Holler

Ethan walked around the school grounds a little high and a little cheerful because of the good weather and plants around him. Joey was done tripping and was perched on his shoulder and he was generally at peace with the Universe and all its denizens. When he saw a figure appear and disappear from a distance, he smiled. He had a feeling he knew who it was and what they were doing and this was confirmed when he saw a hot young woman reading out of her book. He grinned at her cheerfully.

"Nice. Am I hallucinating, a fair possibility, mind you, or did you manage to read someone in and out a book?" he asked Amarina cheerfully, "You should read something out of a wine catalogue to celebrate."

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Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Ethan Holler
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Amarina was enjoying the silence. Just hearing the Earth around her, the birds, the wind,.... and the sound of someone's footsteps coming closer to her. She was thinking maybe she was imagining it. Most people didn't walk up to her from the vibe she gave off about herself. That girl who seemed to be a bit more... different than most other girls. The one that guys mainly looked over. "Nice. Am I hallucinating, a fair possibility, mind you, or did you manage to read someone in and out a book?" She smiled. Ethan Holler. The one guy who seemed.... interesting to her. And, as were his abilities. He caught her eye too. He wasn't bad looking. "Well, you are you. Ethan. And, I know pretty cool right?" She was excited. When people complimented her on her powers. Just like most people.

"You should read something out of a wine catalogue to celebrate." She chuckled and rolled her eyes. It doesn't really work that way, Ethan. They need to be able to say something. Besides, unlike you. I'm a good girl, I don't drink." Marina said as she looked up at him with a raised eyebrow and a smug look on her face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Aedan McKlellen Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Ethan Holler Character Portrait: Karol Angelo Character Portrait: Kwan Yin Xong
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Ethan Holler

"You don't drink? You poor deprived girl. I must help you," Ethan told Amarina with an expression of mock horror, snapping his finger and murmuring an incantation, first conjuring a wineglass and then concentrating slightly, imagining the air within it turning into sweet red wine with a touch of honey in it and, behold, it was filled. He grinned in accomplishment and took a seat beside her. Unlike most people, he wasn't intimidated by Amarina. To be honest, he wasn't intimidated by anyone except for a Circe witch on a roaring rampage of revenge. Even he wasn't zen enough not to be nervous about that.

"It is pretty cool. You control the gateway between worlds. Real cool. I have to smoke and drink a whole lot to do that and it's only in my head, unfortunately," he told the girl with a shameless grin as he offered her the glass of wine. Joey chittered and offered them a couple of mushrooms. He grinned at his friend.

"Maybe later. Still early in the day," he told his Familiar before grinning over at Amarina, "Joey's worse than I am and that's saying something."

To tell the truth, despite his blatant interest in them, girls were rather wary of Ethan Holler, as though they expected him to drug them or get them drunk. As if he'd do that. He had some standards. He may be an open druggie and offered said substances to others, but he respected their boundaries.

Aedan McKlellan

Aedan laughed, enjoying the expression on his girlfriend's face. He knew Muppet's gender perfectly well. He just liked teasing her. He grinned at her, "Alright. We can study in my room. Or yours. I don't care where. I like the subject..."

At her question, he shrugged, "I don't know. Ethan mentioned earlier that he was having a party in the woods and everyone was invited: sprites, nymphs, students, cool teachers. It sounds fun, if any of us can remember it."

Karol Angelo

Karol looked up when Kwan entered the teacher's lounge, images of their last prolonged encounter flashing through his mind. He suppressed a blush. He still had yet to carry on an extended conversation with her since that incident, but he knew he would have to. They were colleague's for God's sake. Thus, he offered her a friendly smile and gave her a polite nod.

"Good morning, Kwan," he told her.

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Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Ethan Holler
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"You don't drink? You poor deprived girl. I must help you," She turned to him before rolling her eyes. Same old Ethan. Drinking even before the sun started setting. "Deprived? I bet you can't even spell that--Wait a minute, what do you mean poor girl?" She said to him noticing he was doing a spell, she sighed. "Alright then." Marina said under her breath. Before she knew it she saw Ethan sit beside her with a glass of wine. "It is pretty cool. You control the gateway between worlds. Real cool. I have to smoke and drink a whole lot to do that and it's only in my head, unfortunately," She cracked a small smile, which didn't happen often around others who weren't Meade like her. "Thanks, takes a lot of concentration.... That I highly doubt you have." Sarcasm dripping in her voice. She scooted over a bit so that there was enough room between her and Ethan to where she was comfortable enough. She hated being too close to others she didn't trust, which were not many people. If not none. "And, no thank you to the wine. I need to focus today. Maybe you should do the same thing." She said looking at him with a smirk.

She looked at Joey, Ethan's chipmunk as he offered his food. Which made her smile. Her little, well not little. But, her girl, Kumberlin was sleeping quietly behind her. Trying to hide herself from anything and everyone who would mess with her. "Joey's worse than I am and that's saying something." That made her raise an eyebrow. That was saying something. Ethan wasn't the best and nicest person at school and if a little rodent was worse. Than, that made her think. "So, you better than a tiny magic chipmunk. What a prize." She smirked towards him before putting her book away in her bag and accidentaly waking up her familiar. [i]Crap, great." She stroked the feathers on her pet's back. "Sorry, girl. My bad." She said to her giant bird as she let her white feather expand. Yea, she upset. But, Marina would deal with it later. She looked back at Ethan and smiled.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Aedan McKlellen Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Ethan Holler Character Portrait: Rose Gilome
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Ethan Holler

"Focus, me, focus? This is me focusing. I'm not out of it or spotting purple dragons. I need to stay cognitive if I'm to pull tonight's party off right," Ethan told the girl with a grin as he took a gulp of wine before setting it on the ground. At the mention of his Familiar, he grinned.

"Joey is a mischievious fellow and addicted to shrooms," he told her with a mischievous grin, patting Joey who chattered at him. He frowned, "Okay, I'd give you the papaya incident, but to be fair, I thought they were invading. And you were tripping this morning so you don't have room to talk."

"Nice bird," he commented as Joey cautiously approached her Familiar and poked it. He snapped his fingers as if remembering something, "Oh yeah. I wanted to invite you to a get-together tonight. It's a festival inside the forest. There will be costumes, music, alcohol, mind-altering substances, magical mind-altering substances, nymphs, fairies, and hormone-addled teenagers doing what hormone-addled teenagers do best. On that thought, I could use help setting up the tents and decorations...."

Aeadan McKlellan

"You wound me, love," Aedan told her in a mock hurt tone as he wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up on his lap. He grinned at her and kissed her neck, "No one is as beautiful, smart, fun, or as wild in bed as you are."

He smiled apologetically at Rose, "Sorry for the scene. You know I can't resist. Are you coming to the party? It's going to be awesome."

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Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Ethan Holler
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"Focus, me, focus? This is me focusing. I'm not out of it or spotting purple dragons. I need to stay cognitive if I'm to pull tonight's party off right," She shrug. Ethan throwing a party? What else was new? She honestly never went to his parties. She wasn't into the big socializing things. Mainly with guys and Circe people. "Whatever you say Ethan." She told him. That made her think exactly how many times Ethan may have actually seen dragons and unicorns. But, she knew it was more that her by far, seeing that she never tried anything idiotic like drugs. Marina looked at Joey and couldn't help but have a small grin on her face as Ethan spoke. "Joey is a mischievous fellow and addicted to shrooms, Okay, I'd give you the papaya incident, but to be fair, I thought they were invading. And you were tripping this morning so you don't have room to talk." She smirked as it came back to her. Yes, sir Ethan was something else.

She watched as Joey crept up to her white peacock and poked her. Hearing her let out a small hiss. Kumberlin meant sweet and she was..... to Amarina. Not really any other animals. "Do not be offended, Joey. Kumberlin doesn't like many other animals." She looked back at Ethan has he snapped and talked about his party. "Oh yeah. I wanted to invite you to a get-together tonight. It's a festival inside the forest. There will be costumes, music, alcohol, mind-altering substances, magical mind-altering substances, nymphs, fairies, and hormone-addled teenagers doing what hormone-addled teenagers do best. On that thought, I could use help setting up the tents and decorations...." She smiled and bit her bottom lip to help her think. "Hm, I don't know. I'm not much of a party person. But, I will sure help you set up. And,do you need me to bring anything?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Ethan Holler Character Portrait: Karol Angelo Character Portrait: Kwan Yin Xong
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Karol Angelo

He relaxed slightly. It was good that she did not seem to want to mention the incident. He was fine without mentioning it as well. He closed his book and replied, "My morning was nice. I have an interesting lesson planned for my students. How about you, Qwan?"

Ethan Holler

Joey stared at the strange creature warily and Ethan laughed slightly. He shrugged, "Don't worry. Joey isn't the type for revenge unless you really get him angry."

"This party will be something else. Don't worry," he told her with a frown. She wasn't a party person? Nonsense. Everyone liked a good party, even if they withdrew into the corner with a few friends and drinks. He'd have to think of something to get Amarina out of her shell. He grinned at her when she agreed to help. Maybe there was some hope for the girl after all. He'd have to take it slow, though.

"You could bring some books," he offered, "People would love to see you read a few things out of them. Maybe poetry? No harm in butterflies or small animals, is there?"

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Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Ethan Holler
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Looking at Joey, she looked at her Kumberlin. Her bird was a giant compare to the poor chipmunk. And, it was funny that Joey wasn't terrified of Kumberlin. "Don't worry. Joey isn't the type for revenge unless you really get him angry." She chuckled a bit. "I think I would survive the revenge of a chipmunk along with my giant bird. Marina and her firmilar were close. Really close. She was probably the one living thing Marina could honestly and utterly trust.

"This party will be something else. Don't worry," She could see him frown and she didn't know why. She knew her and Ethan were different. Planets different. Where he rather be in a large crowd, she rather be alone in her room reading a nice book. Or where he rather drink and party, she rather be do something in private like playing piano or guitar. Something to keep her from doing something that could mess up her chances of actual being a smart student compared to other people. But, yet, they still seemed to be friends. Not best friends, but friends at least. "Joy, because that makes me feel so much better."

She let out a sigh before looking at Ethan who seemed to be happier now since she said she would help. "You could bring some books, People would love to see you read a few things out of them. Maybe poetry? No harm in butterflies or small animals, is there?" Marina shurgged softly. That did seem fun but, what if one of her books got messed up? But, it would make her feel a bit more comfortable. And, seeing that it would be night. It would be a great night to just sneak away and look at the stars. That was one thing that always made her happy. She looked at Ethan. "One more thing, where exactly is the party?" She said with a raised eyebrow.

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Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Ethan Holler Character Portrait: Karol Angelo Character Portrait: Kwan Yin Xong Character Portrait: Rose Gilome
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Aedan McKlellan

"Hey, how do you know she won't like my guys? They are handsome, charming, fun. What type of guys do you have in mind?" Aedan complained playfully. He kissed her back fiercely, smirking slightly when he nipped her lip. He knew that'd drive her crazy.

Karol Angelo

He sighed. He supposed that it was too much to ask that they would leave the past in the backburner. He closed his book and looked at her seriously, "I don't know. What we did... What happened. What are we supposed to do? It obviously raises a lot of questions. We were obviously physically attracted to each other. That is a requirement for the potion to work as we both know. Was it just sexual tension then or do we have feelings for each other? I have no answers for that. I don't know. I do know that I enjoyed it at the time. And I am sorry for any inconvenience my actions gave you."

Ethan Holler

He grinned at the girl. He had gotten Amarina to agree to come to his party and that was most of the battle. He just needed to be friendly with her, get her a drink, and she'd be enjoying herself in no time. Ethan prided himself on his charitable nature. He grinned.

"It's going to be just within the forest, of course. The wards won't allow the fairies and nymphs in otherwise, not without us breaking them anyway. It won't be too far in so nothing nasty should crash the party. Unless you count the Circe Coven and they're coming anyway, so I invited them. It's better that they come invited in a good mood than uninvited in a bad mood," he told her with an easy grin.

"Don't worry. I will make sure no one trashes your books. I'll be your date for the evening," he told her, as if he was simply informing her what he was going to wear there.

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Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Ethan Holler
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This was probably the one of the longest talk she has had in life without having an awkward silence in between. It seemed like Ethan always had something to say to her and it was nice. When he spoke her eyes returned to his and she moved a piece of hair out of her face. "It's going to be just within the forest, of course. The wards won't allow the fairies and nymphs in otherwise, not without us breaking them anyway. It won't be too far in so nothing nasty should crash the party. Unless you count the Circe Coven and they're coming anyway, so I invited them. It's better that they come invited in a good mood than uninvited in a bad mood,"

She sighed. She never was a huge fan of Circe.... then again. Who was she a huge fan of other than Yiruma? Who was her favorite piano player of all time. Yup, other than him, she wasn't a fan of anyone. "Oh, that is terrific news! Invite people who always have to start something that makes sense."[/i] She said. They didn't exactly scare her but, they were more annoying. Always starting something at parties and other social gatherings, at least from what she had heard from others. "Don't worry. I will make sure no one trashes your books. I'll be your date for the evening," She barely heard what he said except that he would be sure her books would be fine. "Thanks, I've had these books for years and would hate--" Then she remembered the second part of what he said. I'll be your date for the evening. Was all that went through her head. "Wait, what? " She looked at with a raised eyebrow before. Actually... processed what he had said. She moved a bit closer to him and looked him in the eyes with a small smile on her face. "If that your way to ask girls out, no wonder you don't have a girlfriend. And, if you're trying to ask me as your date... You could at least ask me first.

She slightly smirked. She completely joking but, she had never honestly went on date nor did a guy ever call her, their "date" so to speak. she had no idea how it worked. Was that his way of actually asking her or just joking around?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Aedan McKlellen Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Karol Angelo Character Portrait: Kwan Yin Xong Character Portrait: Rose Gilome
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Aedan McKlellan

"How do you know that she won't continue seeing the guy after they sleep together?" Aedan asked indignantly. Really, his friends weren't that bad were they? He thought about Ethan and the others and smiled sheepishly.

"Well, she'd have fun anyway," he said at last.

Karol Angelo

The Healing and Protection Professor felt his face redden at his colleague's words and the closeness in which she delivered them. He was not expecting that, but then, since when was Kwan predictable? It was a trait he admired about her and yet infuriated him at the same time. He was never sure when she would do or say something that would catch him off-balance. With a shake of his head, headed for his classroom. He needed to focus on his first year class.

Ethan Holler

Ethan raised up his hands in his defense, "Hey, they're coming anyway, whether we want them or not. I just want to make sure they're not in a bad mood when they do arrive."

He blinked in surprise when Amarina fixated on the part about her being his date. Really, was it a big deal to her? He was certain guys asked her out all the time and accompanying him to a party wasn't exactly romantic. His first intention was to make sure she enjoyed herself and nothing over-the-top happened to her. He would have to be slightly sober, but it was something he felt was his duty to do. But she was also rather pretty and fun to hang out with. He gave her an easy smile.

"Well... What is a date anyway? It's simply a girl accompanying a guy or a girl if she is that way or a guy accompanying another guy, but I digress. I just want to spend time with you. Show you a good time. If it turns romantic, I will certainly be happy about it, but if not, I would still be glad that I showed a good friend a good time," he stated, sounding unusually lucid for him. His eyes widened in horror.

"My God, I am sober, aren't I?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Ethan Holler Character Portrait: Rose Gilome
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"Well... What is a date anyway? It's simply a girl accompanying a guy or a girl if she is that way or a guy accompanying another guy, but I digress. I just want to spend time with you. Show you a good time. If it turns romantic, I will certainly be happy about it, but if not, I would still be glad that I showed a good friend a good time," She raised an eyebrow. Where they hell did the wise man come from? Since when did Ethan make logic when he wasn't.... normal. Then again, when was he normal? She looked and saw the look on his face of horror. At first she thought it was her then he continued to speak. She chuckled a but before putting her hand on his shoulder. She raised an eyebrow. "And, first off, what was that "deep" insight? She said with sarcasm in her voice. She smirked. OK, to be honest maybe she was asked out once or twice by a few guys. But, she never said yes for the sheer fact that.... she was a loner. You can't be that quiet loner people knew and be all Aedan and Ever lovey dovey at the same. Besides they were guys she barely knew. The only guys she knew, were either in a relationship or were probably into that cutesy type of girl.

"Second, I--I know how to have a good time. I mean, sure I don't party but, I have fun." She said putting her hand through her hair and looking at Kumberlin who tilted her head, questioning if that was true. "Who asked you anything? You're a bird and you can't even fly." She said to her familiar. At that moment she saw her bird move a bit closer to her."My God, I am sober, aren't I?" Seeing Ever walk up with her pups and Rose close behind her. "It would be a bit of a shocker yea?" She smirked and chuckled. "Welcome to the dark side, my friend. Also known as reality." She said tilting her head a bit.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Aedan McKlellen Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Ethan Holler Character Portrait: Rose Gilome
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Aedan grinned as he kissed Ever back heatedly. Study Hall was his favorite period in the day, he decided. He watched in disappointment when she left, but nonetheless stood up and headed for the the line of Second Year Merlins. Honestly, he didn't see why they had to do this everday before class. They weren't in elementary school. He shot ever a look from across the courtyard and winked at her, silently telling her he'd meet her at her dorm.

Karol, for his part, smiled slightly, "Patience is a virtue."
He began to address his own coven, reminding them that skipping classes, even study hall, was not tolerated as well as issuing a few announcements from the Headmistress, including and updated list of banned substances and the times of club meetings, though he knew that only a few paid attention to him. Teenagers had notoriously low attention spans in his experience.

"Well, maybe I just want to show you a good time anyway. No harm in it," Ethan told Amarina with a grin as she teased him about being sober, along with Ever. He groaned as he followed the two girls to meet with their teachers, "Reality is dark and cruel. I need a buzz."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Ethan Holler
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As they walked, Amarina looked around the campus. It actually was her favorite part of the school other than being in the woods to look up at the stars. She loved the quiet, letting the Earth speak instead of other humans. Some people may have thought it was strange, but funny enough her friends never said anything about it. And, even funnier enough she actually did have friends who she was close to. She snapped back to reality as Ethan spoke to her. "Well, maybe I just want to show you a good time anyway. No harm in it," She rolled her eyes before looking at him. "Yea, no harm in that. Who knows maybe something.... interesting will happen. Just don't touch any of my drinks." She teased him before smirking.

Did she count Ethan as her friend? Absolutly. But, unlike her friends, she never went to parties. Maybe this would be good for her. She heard Ethan groan before looking back at him with a raised eyebrow. "Are you ok, Ethan?" She said before hearing him respond. Reality is dark and cruel. I need a buzz." She chuckled before smiling. Well, an Amarina smile at least. Which was her showing her top row of teeth but not her bottom. "Dark and cruel? Hey, kind of like me." She said in sarcasm before continuing. "Come on, that crap is not good for brain cells and you're my friend but, you have none to spare." She said, joking of course.

She looked as they entered the buliding where they had to go into their covens. She looked around for someone. No one in particular, with the way she liked people it could be anyone. Jason, Atreyu, hell it could have even been her friend Mellie for all she knew. Before she knew it she saw the Meade coven and smiled. She was.... well, not close but friendly to most of them and knowing Ever and Rose were in it made it easier.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Jason Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Hazel Lealis Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Nox Character Portrait: Aedan McKlellen
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Ethan Holler

"Come on, that crap is not good for brain cells and you're my friend but, you have none to spare."

"You are so cruel. You honestly are breaking my heart," Ethan sighed, though he couldn't hide the grin on his face as he walked in with Amarina. He headed for the Puck Coven and grinned at his coven mates as well as just about everyone that he found of interest, announcing to no one in particulary.

"Yo, guys. Party, tonight! Booze, dryads, fairies, the works!"

Aedan McKlellan

Aedan snickered at the look Ever was giving them. He, Ever, and half the school expected that something was going on between the two teachers. Ethan had opened up a betting pool once upon a time. He was one of those who bet that Kwan and Karol were secret lovers and that BDSM was part of it.

He grinned as Professor Ian began speaking. He always liked the old guy and Battle Magick was his specialty. He grinned slightly, hoping that Merlin would be paired with Circe. There was a trick or two he was absolutely dying to practice on Divinia and this would be the perfect opportunity. Not only would she not be able to sneak up on him since this was a real match, Ever wouldn't have cause to get mad at him if he somehow, accidentally, got a spell past the invulnerability spells.

These hopes were dashed as Ian announced that Merlin would be paired with Circe. He groaned slightly. Great. And If he knew the professors, which he did, they'd pair him up with Ever for this.

Karol Angelo

The Healing Professor blushed at the comment she made, his mind shifting back to less than innocent things. Nonetheless, he regained his composure and replied, "True. But you are at least strongly advised to be a role model for the students."

At Ethan's brash announcement, he raised an eyebrow and asked, "What was that, Mr. Holler?"

"Err... Cool. School is a party! Books, diets, dairy, the works," Ethan shouted out. Karol sighed and pretended to believe him as he turned his attention to his colleague. Merlin vs Medea, huh? He might like that.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Ethan Holler Character Portrait: Atreyu
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Double Post, sorry guys. V.V

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Ethan Holler Character Portrait: Atreyu
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Once entering the room she turned her attention fromEthan to the room, searching for her Cheveyo. Well, not her boyfriend but, her closest guy friend, Cheveyo. She was never one to really call him what everyone else called him. She didn't know why, she just didn't want to be like everyone else in his eyes. Ever since he had saved her from Divinia. He had honestly been her guardian angel. And, she hated not being able to say good morning to him and actually have a real smile on her face. She continued to looked around before hearing Ethan "Yo, guys. Party, tonight! Booze, dryads, fairies, the works!" She felt like facepalming herself.

Until she heard Mr.Angelo talk to Ethan. "What was that, Mr. Holler?" She bit her bottom lip from laughing. Afraid it would seem like she was laughing at the professor. "Err... Cool. School is a party! Books, diets, dairy, the works," She rolled her eyes as she heard him clearly from where she was next to Ever. "He's an idiot" She said, not to anyone in particular. She looked at the headmaster as he spoke. She may have disrespected peers but never teachers or adults in general. She wanted to be like a shadow. Unnoticed from the rest of the world, except for one person.

She heard who her coven of Meada were going against. Merlin. Great. But, the more she thought about it. The more she was happy. She could show off her battle skills instead of her best ones. It was a chance top learn. And, a chance to beat Atreyu's coven's butt.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Clarity Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Divinia Doriano Character Portrait: Atreyu Character Portrait: Xavier Jonathan St. John
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#, as written by Vix
“Alright – I'm taking charge this year. We're going to do things just a little bit differently.” A shirtless man sporting rippling muscles was sitting at a table in the Arena office south of the main school building. The Battle Magick Professor had petitioned last year that he should be the one in charge of all the tournaments and trials instead of the Head Master; by vote of students and staff, he won. And this year, things were going to change. He glared at the wall with piercing green eyes and shook his head. “No more this is supposed to be good fun. Trials and tournaments aren't games – They are lessons to be learned and not taken lightly.” His lips turned some into a light smirk. “You all will be going against Puck next Friday. Medea and Merlin will be going head-to-head today. You all will be running interference. Why? Because life isn't fair and shit happens. And who really wants to see Merlin win again because Iain shows them favor?” He ran his fingers through his hair and pursed his lips. “I'm bored with the usual dodge-ball style fight in the plain arena setting that lasts twenty minutes if we're lucky. Fuck that shit – This year, we're going to do real world settings. Have you all battling in New York City, the Amazon, streets of Brazil, so on and so forth. And the trials will last five hours.” He grinned some, moving his hands to tap his fingertips against the table.

“We should create the illusion of there being civilians in the area as well.” He looked up at the words of his best pupil in all his years of teaching here: Divinia Doriano. She was standing at the other end of the table with a smirk. “Couldn't you just imagine the look of horror on the face of a Merlinite when they accidentally hit a civilian, thinking it to be a Medean?” She scrunched up her nose cutely and gave a shrug. Romeo chuckled and gave a nod. “Aye. That's a rather good idea. Got any others?”

“Yeah – I do.” Divinia began to walk around the table, tapping her fingers against her cheek. “Normally, MacLean will remove the students who feel that they can't go on and have them take a seat and be treated with cool drinks and warm food for the rest of the battle. But this is a lesson for life, right? And that shit doesn't happen in real life. If a student is incapacitated in any way, shape, or form, they remain in the arena. Their team mates could heal them if they have the time. Or carry around the dead weight.” She then stopped and slammed her hands on the table. “And no more invulnerability wards. Hex the arena so it removes them. Our only defense should be what we can manage on our own.” She looked at her mentor and grinned. “And should you or another Professor think that things are taking a turn for the worse, you could easily stop the match. Right?” As he nodded, so did she. “Well, then. Lets get down to business.” She clapped her hands together and laughed gleefully. Cheveyo was in Merlin and Amarina was in Medea – She had plans to ruin their little relationship today. She could see her mentor looking at her with a strange expression to which she simply smiled. There were rumors that had been going around lately that Divinia and the Battle Magick Professor had gotten...involved. Even if it were proven true, she was almost twenty. They couldn't do anything about it, really.

The Professor tore his gaze from Div and looked at the cell phone that was recording their conversation in the middle of the table. “We'll go ahead and begin hexing the arena to cancel out any wards doled out by Professors and start working on the setting illusions. We'll need to change it once an hour to test adaptability. Let's go.” He stood up from the table and brushed gently past Div, making his way into the stands of the arena. He would wait until the others took their places, forming a circle in the stands, before they would begin. Divinia was right behind him after grabbing the phone from the table, speaking into it. “Hey - Get your asses to the arena. We got shit to do. If anyone tries to stop you, tell 'em to fuck off. You've got five minutes.” She ended the recording and sent it as a text message to those that needed to be there: Azalia Dorin, Clarity-Castro Moore, Xavier St. John, Leo Kayle, and Aaron NeSmith.

This trial would be the best the school had seen in decades.

He had woken up very early to begin getting ready for the trials. If he knew the Battle Magick Professor, which he was sure he did, Professor Guarini would make this trial exceptionally difficult. He had to respect the man because of his realism. He wasn't the type to go easy on his students for any reason at all. He had overheard earlier from the man that it wasn't going to be just the 'Sophomores' that would be going at it. It was everyone but the Freshman. He was preparing himself to be able to take care of his team mates and still kick some ass. Amarina is seeking you. He paused from his shadow boxing to see the faint outline of a spirit floating near him. He smiled gently at the ghostly voice and gave a wave. “Thanks, Mary!” Mary was a young spirit that Cheveyo had met during his first year at Fae Academy. She died from an accident in Potions class forty-three years ago and had been haunting the school ever since. Atreyu was shirtless and barefoot, sporting only a pair of black underarmor shorts as he jogged towards the place where he knew Amarina and everyone else would be. It took him longer than it should have, being stopped by several girls along the way as well as a few guys, allowing them to touch his bulging muscles. Most guys would love the adoration that he received, but it got old after a while. When he entered the building, Amarina was the first person that he spotted among all the students. He moved through the crowd, brushing off everyone that tried to stop him.

Sneaking up behind her, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against his body. “Ha! Feel my sweat!” He was indeed perspiring quite a bit, now getting it as much onto her as he could in a playful manner. Amarina was his favorite person at Fae Academy and always had been. He could hang around her without needing to worry that she was going to start drooling all over him or trying to drag him into some dark room to make out. In fact – He could ashamedly admit that she was one of the very few that he hadn't kissed or groped yet. And he was glad about it. Amarina gave him stomach butterflies; and it was starting to show. He released her and instead stood on her left side and hung his arm over her shoulders, leaning down to kiss her cheek. “You ready for the trials this year?” He held her close and listened as the interim Head Master talked about the trials. A lot of people had been whispering lately that the two were a couple now - But he and she hadn't really talked about it. At all. Though, he was hoping to speak to her before the upcoming party. Or maybe before the trials...If only he could work up the courage. He smiled outwardly as he found it funny that he was brave enough to lay his life down for her in a heartbeat, but to proclaim love - He became weak in the knees.

Love was such a fickle thing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Clarity Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Divinia Doriano Character Portrait: Atreyu Character Portrait: Xavier Jonathan St. John
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He watched as Brooklyn answered Azalia's "question" so to speak. And the way Brook answered made Xavier smirk. And, Xav was a nosy person whenever it came to romance. Everyone in Circe knew that since the day he came to the school. He knew everything from Cheveyo and Amarina having a thing for each other to the simple fact that his sexy professor Romeo was having sex with his close friend Divinia.Not that he judge the two. Honestly if a teacher who lookied like him wanted to have a whole friends with benefits thing with him. He would not question it what so ever. Then again, when was the last time he saw a another gay guy on campus.

Life was a cruel mistress, he always said. Not long after thinking to himself. Something he did a lot. He felt his phone vibrate in his front jean pocket. Being changed from his ring tone of Sexy, Naughty, Bitchy Me. Seeing that it always made people burst out laughing. But, none the less anyone who messed with him about the way he was. Was going to be burnt, literally. He looked at the text and rolled his eyes. Of course, the text was a demand more than a request. He slipped his phone back in his pocket and sighed before looking at the other two Circe coven students next to him.

He shrugged his shoulders and quietly walked away kind of irritated that he wasn't going to see the rest of the conversation. Oh, well, he would find out one way or another. Before long he made his way to the arena and saw his professor. Then it started to make sense. He wanted to have a little fun with the trial today, didn't he? Hey, Xavier wasn't complaining. He always wanted to cast a hex over the arena anyway. It would have made things interesting. He liked interesting. "You see? This is why you are my favorite teacher." He said as he took his spot waiting for the others. He had a plan. And a twisted smirk laying on his small baby doll face. A face that most underestimated. Big mistake.


Pippa walked towards where all the Medeans were told to meet along with the Merlinites. God, did she hate her coven. She along with many other people were shocked she wasn't in the Circe coven. Her best friend was in Circe and the two were one of the same. Bitchy, rather cruel, and would take or protect what they saw as their own. Then again, she was mysterious. No one could figure out exactly why she sold her soul, heart, and mortality to a witch just for revenge on a boy. When she could have saved herself the trouble and just do it alive. But, no. That was too easy. She wanted to make him go insane. And, she did. But, there was an upside. Unlike her dearest Divinia, she could keep an eye on Amarina and Cheveyo whenever they had to be around each other.

No matter how much they hated each other. Pip listened to the whispers of people having their own conversations right before he saw a tan and shirtless man put his arms tightly around a girl with raven black hair. She knew it was Amarina for a fact, looking at the tattoos she had on her arms. She smirked as she looked at them. Just wondering how he of all people would go after someone who,her first year never spoke. Who stayed to herself and stayed out of trouble.

To be utterly honest, Pippa hated Atreyu not for the same reason as her friend. No, Pippa hated him to the core because, in her eyes he put an innocent girl through Hell. From illnesses to death and he still found a way to bring her back into Divinia's ring of fire. And, she hated Amarina for being so blinded by her feelings for not ending the feelings she had for the Merlin when she had the chance. And, one day she could tell that would bite them both in the ass. All she had to do was wait and watch their little relationship go up into flames.


Amarina in a distant place. She didn't want to there because she could feel Pippa throwing poison filled glares at her. She always hated her. And, knowing she was so close to the one person who made her want to leave Fae, made it no better. She swallowed the lump in her throat as she jut gave up looking. She knew he was probably in the room but didn't want to be with her. Maybe he actually found someone to make him happy enough to forget about her. And, as irrational as it was, she made herself believe it. She was always the cynical person forming from when her mother left her.

She shook her head. She refused to remember her mother. She smirk a bit to herself. There was one person in the entire school other than the headmaster who knew about her background and that was Atreyu. Then he returned into her mind. Whenever she thought of her close friend, she grinned like an idiot. After moment she felt someone arms go around her waist and spoke to her. “Ha! Feel my sweat!” She squealed a bit, feeling the sweat go on to the back of her shirt. If he wasn't so sweaty but he still had his arms around her. She would have to have to resist the strong urge to bring his lips to hers. "Get off of me, Cheveyo. I swear, this is a white shirt and now you can probably see my bra strap now." She said trying to look at him. More at his forehead than his dazzling browns eyes that drew her to him.

Not long after speaking, he moved to her side and put his arm around her shoulders. She smiled an actual smile as he placed a kiss on her cheek. She crossed her arms lightly around her chest and put her head softly on his shoulder. “You ready for the trials this year?” She shook her head. "No because, Professor Guarini is running them this year I heard and I can't stand him ever since you had to put your life on the line to save mine.All because he let his little fuck buddy come after me." She sighed. She was nervous, what if Divinia tried to go after her again and Guarini did the same thing he did last time. Nothing. After a moment, she calmed down a bit and returned her head to his shoulder. "Sorry, i got a bit angry. I--I just couldn't live with myself knowing my idiot self got you hurt."

She truly cared for Cheveyo and people could tell. It bothered her that people were staring at the pair and whispering about them being together. And, she tried to keep away from the subject when she was with him. It wasn't easy to just say that you have been in love with the same person for a little over two years.