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Covens, Cliques, and Hexes

Fae's Academy, Washington


a part of Covens, Cliques, and Hexes, by LuckyNumber24.


LuckyNumber24 holds sovereignty over Fae's Academy, Washington, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Fae's Academy, Washington is a part of Covens, Cliques, and Hexes.

31 Characters Here

Ever Daniels [53] "I'm a witch? Awesome!"
Alistair William Talsworth [33] All the world's a stage, and I'm the lead role!
Amarina Yani King [30] "I'm no one's damsel in distress. I'm my own savior."
Jason Castro-Moore [30] "We are all the same, except.. not. Oh, never mind."
Delilah Rose Nox [30] "When people ask you if you're okay, they really don't want to know."
Azalia Dorin [27] I'm goona be myself. Get over it.
Ethan Holler [23] "Party on!"
Aedan McKlellen [22] "Has anyone ever managed to create a spell with flaming tree roots without burning the tree? Oh, of course I'm coming to the party later!"
Clarity Castro-Moore [19] "Stop judging me before you know me."
Brooklyn Jones [17] Just your average Puck.

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Character Portrait: Alistair William Talsworth Character Portrait: Ever Daniels
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Alistair William Talsworth

Ah, just like the good old days. Ali would say something witty and get Ever flustered, she would cuff him on the back of the head and admonish him, and he'd turn it around on her anyway. In this case "You are so weird" was countered with "And you love it. What's that make you?" Accompany with smug, cocky grin for maximum effect.

He followed her down the halls, feeling generally smug and victorious and no longer making much effort to remember which way was which. He'd just wing it next time and if he got lost (which he would never admit to anyone, ever) he'd just stumble around until he got lucky. Easy. "So this party your new beau's throwing," he said after a minute or so of silence. He didn't like silence much. "Where's it at? What time?"

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sasha Romanov Character Portrait: Divinia Doriano Character Portrait: Xavier Jonathan St. John Character Portrait: Sunday Cortez Character Portrait: Drago Pagliarelli Character Portrait: Romeo Guarini
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Xavier just watched as his mentor looked around the forest he had made. He knew that he wouldn't be able to find a single flaw, whenever Romeo talked. Xavier listened, whether it was to him personal or the whole coven. Either way, Xav was all ears. “Great job, babe. You're up, Clarity.” He smiled in success while hearing the compliment, even if it wasn't a shock to him. "Did you expect anything but perfection from me?" He said before offering a wink towards Romeo. As he walked towards Professor Romanov and gave her a hug. He looked away in sheer boredom. Not jealousy, there was one person he got jealous about when they were around his friends and his little "boy toy" and that was Sunday. He couldn't stand when she tried to take attention away from him.

He looked back at the three when the Puck mentor was introducing a new guy to his coven. He looked at the blonde man with a smirk on his small face. He always did love blondes, even when was younger he had an attraction to the poor little blonde boys in his town. And, his name made him smirk even more, “I was just bringing you some fresh meat. This here's Drago Pagliarelli.” Drago? Where had he heard that name before? After a moment it hit him. One of Divinia's last names were Pagliarelli, this must have been one of the twin brother he had heard about before. The more he looked at how the "man" stood and what he wore made it even more obvious. He tilted his head as the woman excused herself along. “So this is Circe Coven. Or at least the elites.” Ha! If that was true, it would only be Divinia, Xavier, and he'd hate to admit it but, also Sunday. Whether he hated the girl or not, she was powerful. He could actually be her friend if she wasn't after their professor.

Xavier decided to walk over to the two men as they towered over him. Xav could easliy be the short boy that went to the school even being one of the oldest. As he walked to Romeo's side he let his hand go on his back and slowly make it's way do to the beginning of his pants, so close to his butt as he spoke and offered Drago a smile. What? Impressions were important to the small Brit. "Hello, my name is Xavier. And, I am one of Divvy's friends and I assume you are the Drago I have heard about." Xavier removed his hand from Romeo's back just when it was about to touch his butt to offer a handshake. Most people thought Xavier was rather straight forward with his flirting and... he was. But, he was a tease. He loved to tease the men and boys he slept with just to make them want him more.

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Ever Daniels

Ever crossed her arms. She walked smack into that one. She just turned and continued walking. "Ethan is throwing the party. Aedan is my boyfriend." She corrected and realized she'd have to do alot of introductions. She could very well go up and be like 'hey, Meet my ex.' She sighed. "It's after classes." Then she had great idea. "Aedan and I will bring you. It's in the woods near the wards." She said with a smile. "Be careful though because Nymphs and Sprites like to dance along the egde. They can't get in but we can get out." She explained. "They are relatively harmless but they are nymphs after all so try not to get caught up in that." She said and they came up to the a large cherry oak door with entricate patterns on it. Ever turned to him and smiled. "Here we are." She said and knocked on the door. "Headmaster? It's Ever."

Headmaster MacLean

Iain looked up from his desk full of papers as he heard a knock at the door. The old Scotsman slid on his thin framed glasses on and walked up to the large door. He opened it to Ever and Alister, along with Muppet and Patty. "Hello. What can I do for you two?" He asked. His accent heavy on in his words. Ever looked at Alister and gestured for him to speak.

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Character Portrait: Alistair William Talsworth Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Iain MacLean
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Alistair William Talsworth

"Right, Ethan party, Aedan boyfriend- Are nymphs as hot as they say?" They turned what seemed to be the last corner, judging by the lovely doors. Those looked like just what you'd want for a position of authority. Unless you liked your authority to be a bit more tyrranical, then you probably preferred spikes and stuff. "I mean, it might be worth the horrible fate that awaits any mortal foolish enough to consort with their kind if they're, like, all tens on the Stinson scale."

Unfortunately at that point, rather than answer him, Ever opted to evade the entire conversation by knocking on the door. It wasn't long at all before it was answered by a kindly, old dude who looked kind of like he really needed some haircare tips and a toothbrush, but he sort of seemed nice anyway. At his question Ever promptly ceded the floor to Ali, who promptly smiled and took to doing what he loved to do more than almost anything else: Talking. "Hey, Mr. Headman, sir!" Wow, that kind of sounded like 'headmancer'. Was that a thing? He'd have to check. "Great ta see ya, how ya doin'? My name's Alistair (folks call me Ali) and I find myself in a bit of a predicament.

"Now, I'm sure you've got a lot to do, very important work, can't imagine how hard it must be, so I won't take up too much of your time: See, I was in such a hurry to move my stuff in and get reacquainted with Ever - old friend, we go way back, such a surprise to find her here - that I just realize, I've completely mislaid my course schedule. Now normally I'd ask Professor Romanov, obviously, but with her out of the state and probably the country by now, I found I had to come to the only other person I thought could help me. I don't suppose you'd know what a fresh-faced first-year Puck oughta be doing around now?"

Ali's father, William Lawrence Talsworth, was a businessman by trade and he'd always told him 'Alistair, you were born to be in marketing.' He was never clear on whether or not that was a good thing.

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Iain Maclean

Iain watched the young man all but sell himself and thought Another character. Alistair seemed to be quite the talker and knew how to do it. From that short little introduction, Iain thought Alistair could sell a steak to a vegan. "Well, It is nice to meet you, Ali." He said respecting the young man's wishes. "I believe I know just the thing." He said and gestured for him and Ever to enter the office. It was a clever mixture of old and new. Modern technology, like a Mac sat on the large mahogany desk, with a 34 inch montior while the small seats where a deep red trimmed with painted gold. It was much like him in a way, the room. Old yet stylish, Iain dressed like a gentleman. Dapper in his expensive suits which he always wore. His brown-blonde hair, to the just before his shoulder, which he had stylishly layered. Today he wore a pin stripped suit with a deep purple silk shirt and midnight black tie. He rather enjoyed dressing nice, He made be old but he refused to be seen that way.

He walked to his desk and moved the mouse of his computer, beside him was a wrought iron birdstand with which held a large falcon. The bird cocked it's head in ticks the way birds do. "This is Dügan, My Familiar." He said as he pulled up Alistair's schedule. Dügan squawked in greeting. Iain printed out Alistair's timetable.
"I'm sure you already know as it seems you've been shadowing Ever. We are in the middle of a bit of a sporting event in which we call the Trials. So the classes have basically been cancelled." He said and noticed Ever small smile. "According to this, you are 18. Should you present yourself to Professor Guarini. You may be able to participate." He said and Ever grinned. "He's means 'try out'." She clarified. "Right. But of course you don't have to, if you don't wish." He stated, handing him his time table. "After the Trails, classes will return to normal and that's what you'll be following." He sais with a tap to the page.

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Character Portrait: Alistair William Talsworth Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Iain MacLean
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Alistair William Talsworth

Swanky, was Ali's first thought on entering the office. He knew swank when he saw it, he grew up around swank, and this was one swanky place (okay, now it was starting to sound weird). He liked the big-screen monitor especially. He should really consider sending away for a screen that size... And a suit. Not for everyday wear, of course, but there was always an occasion to dress up. He didn't like stuffy environments, but anyone looked good in a suit. He in particular looked gorgeous.

Ali realized the headmaster was speaking just in time to catch his familiar's name and waved at Dügan in a friendly, jovial manner. "Pleased to meetcha," he said charmingly, by now used to talking to a bird. Though most of the time the bird wasn't quite so friendly-looking. Also, bigger. He returned his attention to MacLain as the headmaster started talking again, mentioning the Trials and informing him that he could, in fact, give it a shot himself. To Ali this translated directly into "You can go ahead and show off." Sweet!

He accepted the printed timetable and gave it a quick scan. So he did have a Healing class. Battle Magic seemed unavoidable, but then he was probably going to take that anyway, creepy vampire teacher or not. The hard part would be not attracting attention. It didn't feel right. Elemental Magic, no duh. Like he'd miss that. What did Spellcasting class actually entail, anyway? Wasn't the other stuff spells? Eh, he'd soon find out. Couple of other things on here he'd comment on later...

Finished perusing the list he folded it up neatly and tucked it away in his pocket. "Thanks loads, Prof," he said, "think I'll stop by and give those Trials a look. Even if I don't compete, it's sure to be a spectacle, right?" He smiled gratefully. "Is there anything else I should know?"

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Iain MacLean

Iain found Alistair amusing and as did Dügan. Strange, This one. Dügan said. Iain just gave a small twitch of his lips indicating a smile. Iain watched Alistair review his time table then Alistair thanked him and Iain gave a nod. "Anytime." He said earnestly. He then mused of his next question. "Well For now, You can explore the campus, become familiar with it as this will be your home." He told him. "You know of the wards yes?"
Ever answered for him. "I told him, already." She said with a smile. Iain nodded. "Well, I suppose for now, You can shadow Ever, until Professor Romanov returns." He said and Ever frowned a little, "I actually have to get to Professor Kwan Yin's class for training I don't think she'll be too keen on the idea of someone from a different coven in her class right now. She's gonna probably shoot me in the face for being late..." She said sheepishly. Late was an understatment but still.. Iain raised his eyebrows in agreement. "Probably." He said with a laugh. Of Course, Kwan Yin wouldn't but the woman had a temper. Even as a child, she was something else. He then reached for his computer again. He clicked and scrolled for a moment before looking up."Well, Alistair, You can shadow Ethan Holder. Ever, I'll give you a pardon. Take him to Ethan and you head to class." He said and Ever smiled. "Awesome, Thanks Professor." she said and Iain scribbled on a sheet of paper and handed it to her. She took it happily and smiled at Ali. "Alrighty then." She chirped. "Good Luck in the Trials, Ever and Good luck with your try out, Ali." He said and Dügan squawked. Iain smiled. "Dügan says the same." He said and dismissed them.

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Character Portrait: Alistair William Talsworth Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Iain MacLean
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Alistair William Talsworth

Ali grinned. New assignment: Follow the guy hosting a party tonight. Best. First day. Ever. Only way it could be better was if it was a hot, single girl, but he wasn't complaining about a chance to make a new bro. "Thanks again for being cool about all this, Professor," he said honestly as he stepped out the door. "Peace out!" He flashed the two-finger peace sign and left alongside Ever, considering the day ahead. If everything so far was any indication, he was going to enjoy every minute. And Ethan sounded cool. Once they were almost, but not quite, out of earshot of the headmaster's office he remarked to Ever "You're right; for an authority figure he is pretty awesome."

After another brief period of walking he got back on subject. "So, find Ethan, then you go hit the practice run, right?" That seemed to be about the long and the short of their plans for now. "Maybe you can ask Ms. Kwan Yin what's up with Muppet. You never know, she might've seen something like it."

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Ever Daniels

Ever smiled. "Aren't I always." She said simply in remarks to his comment about the Headmaster.

As they walked Ali inquired about what to do next. "Yea. I'll introduce you two. Ethan's a friend of mine." She said but then she giggled. "Well, I'm friends with everyone but Ethan and I close. It's Me, Him and Aedan. We are known to the teacher as the Unholy Trinity after some stunts we pulled first year. You know how pesky I can be." She said with a grin. "So yea. You'll get along great."She said smiling. She couldn't wait for this party. She really wanted to dance now. She was a great dancer and wasn't shy about it. Oh, She couldn't wait.

Then Ali said she could ask Prof. Kwan Yin about Muppet. "Yea. I will." She said with a quick glance to Muppet. She frowned slightly as she was worried. She lead him outside and searched the Quad as that was the last time, she saw Ethan. She heard music coming from the other side. That must be Sunday. She was either crying, or playing her violin when Ever saw her. Ever was a sucker for tears and Sunday knew it but she was so cute to Ever that she didn't do a thing about it. She scanned for a moment and saw a grim looking kid and looked right over him. She had to do a double take to realise that was Ethan. He was uncharacteristically blue. She frowned. "Ethan?" She called and made her way to him. "Hey, You okay?"

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Malachi Byrne

This place was huge! Not to mention overwhelming, intimidating and quite impressive!

Malachi was still dressed in his baggy, comfortable, handmade clothes. A white cotton poet shirt, a brown soft leather vest with brown pants and handmade brown leather boots. He had a black leather rucksack slung over his shoulder, filled with books and various items he'd need for his schooling. As he crossed the threshold of the gate leading into the school's land, his stomach flip-flopped nervously. The pavee had already met the Principal, and had a map and class list; he'd be staying on campus. In the end, it'd be cheaper and easier for him; and his family were happy to pay for his board.

His boots crunched over the gravel, the building seeming to get bigger the closer he walked closer. Soon enough to doors loomed in front of him, and he swore his hand was trembling as he pushed the left one open. Once inside, he stopped and just stared; the inside was amazing to behold. People bustled to a fro, the sound of people chattering reached his ears as he met a few curious gazes.

Hefting the bag over his shoulder, the Irishman pulled his map from his pocket and studied it before trying to find his way to the dorms.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alistair William Talsworth Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Ethan Holler
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Alistair William Talsworth

It looked like ever was as excited as Ali was. Ethan sounded more and more like his kind of guy with every sentence. He'd never exactly worried about fitting in at this school - he stood out wherever he went, but always got along with people - but now he was sure he'd found a place to truly belong. In his own, stand-out way, of course. And he was still the most handsome. And tonight, he'd cement his position at the party. Seemed like nothing could go wrong at this point.

Oh crap.

The moment he thought that treacherous thought Ever seemed to recognize some grim-looking kid who did not at all match the cheery description of Ethan as... Ethan. Apparently this surprised her as much as anyone, judging by her tone of voice, and she seemed pretty worried to find him like that. Ali followed her over to hover just behind and to the right of her, but didn't feel this was the time to open his mouth. Normally he would've loved to make his introduction ASAP, but there's a time and a place to be chatty, which is anytime and anyplace, but not here and not now.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Alistair William Talsworth Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Ethan Holler Character Portrait: Divinia Doriano Character Portrait: DeAngelo Pagliarelli Character Portrait: Sunday Cortez Character Portrait: Pippa Tasmin Le Feuvre
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“Don't worry – My brother would never hurt you. He cares for me too much. And I'm not quite sure if I could go on in life without you.” Pippa had a small smile as she gave Divinia a small peck before speaking, "Aw, well I think you'd be just fine without me, love." She said as she took her hands away from the Italian's hips. She watched as her friend started to listen to her brother's violin playing. He was pretty good, but knowing he was related to Divinia Doriano meant they never half assed anything. Pippa started to listen to the music before hearing someone speak to the pair and winked. “Hey. So. I heard about this party and I told myself that I would honor the first hot girl I saw by taking her there. You're welcome.” She raised an eyebrow at Divinia as her love put her hand behind Pippa's neck and let their tonuges explor each other's months. It never surprised Pippa when Divinia kissed her when guys came up to the pair to flirt. Mainly freshmen who didn't know what they were getting into. When she looked at the small boy, she noticed he was in her coven. He had flirted with her before but, she never did

As the kiss went on, Pippa let her hands move to Div's thighs. She could hear the freshmen little boy talking, but she never did hear what exactly he said. Seeing that she a bit occupied at the moment being. When Divinia let go and went behind Pippa's back, she tilted her head as Div kissed her neck. The was always her weak point, no matter what she would say yes. Of course, not many knew that other than the people she slept with more than once. “Such a confident boy, Pippy. But obviously ignorant to our identities.” She nodded in agreement and chuckled. "So sad, isn't it?" She looked at the boy as Divinia talked to him and he had no idea who the hell she was. Pippa was shocked as the red marks started to go all around the boy's body. As the boy cursed at Div, Pippa just had a smirk on her face. “Divinia Doriano is me. I'm the baddest bitch here – I'm also very possessive." That wasn't a lie. She was possessive especailly over Pippa and she knew that for a fact. As she kissed her neck, Pip held in a moan as Divinia continued to speak.

"If you're a smart kid, you'd keep your grimy little paws off of my lovely Pippa. Because I will kill you.” She was smirking, but not at the boy who was know crying saying in understood Divinia but, at how her ivory gypsy was so protective over her. When the young boy ran away from the pair. Pippa let her laugh come out. "Aw, Divvy. You're my scary guard dog." She said in sarcasm. After a moment, Divinia went around the corner to see Sunday and the brother, she would be looking after, Deangelo. She just stood close to Divinia as she looked at Sunday. She always did have an attraction to younger people and Sunday was no exception. As Sunday started to play, Pippa crossed her arms around her chest and smiled. She was good. She looked at Deangelo and offered a small smile.


Most of the morning, Alec was in his room. Listening to music with his little colorful woodpecker, Emmanuel on his nightstand. He was so tired from being so sick the week. For one whole week he wasn't allowed to leave his room because of his strep throat so he wouldn't get anyone else sick. One of the only people to come visit him was Amarina and that was when he had to eat. With her having a suregon mask over her mouth.He did not want to do anything. Especially have to go into the arena to battle another coven. But, he wasn't going to be the one to tell Professor Romeo that he wasn't in the mood to go to class. After a while he was sick of being in his room.

His strep throat was gone and he was given permisson to finally leave his room, so he decided to go see his close friend, Ethan. That guy could always make Alec feel better no matter what the case. Even during his break up with Amarina, Ethan always kept a smile or at least a smirk on his face. He got up from his bed and grabbed an outfit out of his drawner and tossed it on his bed before slipping his pajama pants off and tossing them into his hamper, or at least near his hamper where one of the legs were laying off the side, touching the ground.

He slipped his denim jeans on before anything else and then slipped his scoop neck over his head; messing up his bed head even more than it was before. He walked into his bathroom to fix himself up like brushing his teeth, deodorant, and mainly, combing his shaggy brown hair. Looking in the mirror he shook his head and grabbed her brush. "Oh my God, one week of being sick and my hair's a bird's nest." He said to himself, seeing his bird fly over to the sink counter and tilt his small head. "Can I live in that thing?" Emmanuel said in a joking matter. "Haha, very funny, Manny." He said in sarcasm before putting the comb down and making his bird fly a bit farther a way.

After walking out of his bathroom, Alec walked out of his room with his bird on his shoulder and walked outside to rooms where the Medeans resided. Most of them he knew and were rather close to like Rose, Ever, Amarina, and even Pippa. He didn't like having female enemies, it felt strange and they knew how to end you to make you say 'i was wrong.' He walked a bit until he saw two of his friends, Ever and Ethan.... And, some guy he didn't even know. He walked up to them and put his hand on Ethan's shoulder, not knowing he wasn't acting like himself. He got up just in time to hear Ever ask if Ethan was ok. At that point he looked at his friend with a raised eyebrow. "Dang, Ethan.... what bit you in the butt." He said with a smirk, hoping to make at least a smirk escape his friend. He looked at Ever and smiled. "Hello, Ever. Who is this?" He said before nodding towards Ali.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alistair William Talsworth Character Portrait: Aedan McKlellen Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Ethan Holler Character Portrait: Alejandro Villanueva-Gutierrez
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Ethan Holler

"Oh, nothing. I'm fine," Ethan told Ever as she approached him with a guy that he didn't know at the moment. He gave them a small smile and conjured himself a cup of wine as Alec greeted him. He grinned and took a sip of the wine, "Eh, I'm just practicing for Profesor Romeo's death matches, you know?"

He snapped his fingers and a few wine vines grew around them, snapping themselves like whips. Knowing that he wasn't fooling anyone he sighed and stated, "Well, I think I actually liked Amarina, but she's with Atreyu now so, I'm moving aside. I'm happy for them, really. Still. Damn sexy Indians. They're not going to leave any of the women for the rest of us, are they?"

He grinned to show he was kidding before his eyes shifted over to Alec and he grinned at him, "Still won't stop me or you from pranking him, is it? I already have a few ideas. Standard rules apply. No mucking up relationships and nothing that can cause permanent harm."

He glanced over at Ali and grinned at him, "Who's this? For a second, I thought he was Aedan. You have the same aura, man."

"Just make sure she doesn't make a mistake. Please. My human won't survive a broken heart," Patty woofed over at Muffin before walking off to find Aedan with the Merlins. Aedan was in much better cheer now and was joking with his fellows.

"I'm telling you, Kwan and Karol have some sort of perverted bet going on. I can tell that. Why else would they look like they'd enjoy facing each other," Aedan announced with a grin. And older student balked.

"You're nuts, Ae. Everyone knows they hate each other."

Aedan grinned and winked over at his familiar. He woofed, They're in heat around each other. Disgusting humans.

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Character Portrait: Alistair William Talsworth Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Ethan Holler Character Portrait: Alejandro Villanueva-Gutierrez
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Alistair William Talsworth

"Blasphemy," Ali responded immediately with a cocky grin. "I'm clearly unique." He skipped back a step and spread his arms wide to give Ethan and other guy a better look at him (and because broad, theatrical gestures when he spoke were kind of his thing - his motto was "All the world's a stage, and I'm the lead role") then bowed low. "Folks call me Ali," he continued, rising up to full height again. "I'm the new kid in Puck coven." Now he stepped back, clasped his hands like a hammock behind his head and leaned into it. "Gotta tell ya, it's been a hell of a first hour. I walk into an arena while it's changing, meet an old friend from way back, now I hear there's pranks and a party planned!"

He stepped forward, spun a bit and ended up leaning on his palm against the tree, looking down at Ethan. "And you'd be the mastermind, I gather?" He finished. "Righteous, man." Finally he looked up at the only one here he didn't yet know the name of and gestured broadly at him. "You, my friend... Actually, I have no idea who you are." He seemed to deflate for a moment, then bounced back almost immediately and hopped over Ethan and his vines to clasp him by the shoulder. "But what's a name between friends, right? C'mon, what is it? Trigger? Rover? Lassie?"

Ali's dad always told him he was born to be in marketing, and maybe that was true, but his real passion wasn't salesmanship - it was showmanship. He'd seriously considered going into acting. He still might, after this magick melarkey was over with. After all, his dad did magick and he had a day job. He was sure this Zeus business wouldn't get in the way. Probably. Eh, it'd wait.

...Wasn't there a dog here just a minute ago?

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Ever Daniels

Ever smiled a sad smile at Ethan when he confessed that he liked Amarina but she was taken by Atreyu. She didn't say anything to that then Alejandro walked up. She smiled at him and gave a him a quick hug as she did everyone. Kwan Yin was gonna throttle them both. Well not so much, Ever, since she had a pardon from the Headmaster. She'd try to get Alec out of trouble too if she could.
Then Ethan and Alec asked who Ali was and Ever fought the urge to grimace when Ethan said that He and Aedan have the same aura.
Oh great...Ethan sees it too... She thought and before she could properly introduce him Ali started on his grand introduction. She rolled her eyes and shook her head. By the end, Ever was completely lost. "Ali, what in the hell are you saying?" she said laughing. She didn't understand a thing he said after he said what Coven he was in. She almost forgot how much of a actor he was. It both annoyed and tickled her.

Muppet hopped down from Patty's back. She mewed and yawned. Ever loves Aedan. She mewed as if that was all she needed to say in her owners defense. Muppet trotted off toward Ever and mewed at her feet. Ever smiled and scooped her up, setting the small thing on her head. Muppet liked that. Ever didn't like when Muppet got tangled in her hair of her claws scratched her though.

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Malachi Byrne

After wandering around, completely lost; The Irishman finally found where the dorms were. Apparently his things had been sent ahead and would be waiting for him in whichever one of these rooms he'd been assigned. He'd noticed while he'd been walking that these other students dressed so... strangely.

Strange for him, that is.

"Now, key... key..." He muttered to himself as he slid his bag from his shoulder and opened it.

It took him a little while to find it, of course it was right at the bottom, stuffed into a corner. He grabbed it out and closed the bag, making a mental note to get some kind of... thing it put it on to make it easier to find next time. He unlocked the door and swung it open, then stood in the doorway and just looked at what was to be his new room.

After a few moments, he stepped inside; Siobahn fluttered around the room and landed on the windowsill as Kai set about organising his things. Not that he really had much at this point. Once everything was sorted, he grabbed his sketchbook and plopped down on the bed to draw.