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Hazel Lealis

Lets get wild

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a character in “Covens, Cliques, and Hexes”, as played by CuteAsKaylah



Full Name: Hey I'm Hazel Antoinette Lealis

Nicknames: My friends call me hazel there's really no nickname for it

Age:I'm 18

Hometown: I'm from the big city
Manhattan, New York

Ethnicity I am Caucasian and Latino

Sexuality: I'm straight.
Sorry I'm just not attracted to woman. Too much drama

Coven: What can I say I'm a hippie, Puck

Specialty: I can shapeshift really well

That started in middle school wen I accidentally healed a random bird. Yeah that was fun to explain to my parents. I prefer healing animals rather than people.

I can shapeshift:
Usually I shapeshift into a big cat, I prefer those since they're strong and powerul. BUt you can also catch a little blonde bunny form of me hopping around.

I can control plant growth:
Ya know speed it up slow it down. Its pretty lame but it makes for a fun trick at parties to make they're plants huge. ok maybe not because some people get a little bit angry when I do that

I attract animals:
No really! They follow me around everywhere. Outside the windows in class, in my room, everywhere its so creepy

I can also communicate with animals:
Like they respond and understand me and I understand them

Familiar Hibiscus,
He's so tiny and fluffy. Like a little ball of fluff.

Personality: I'm rather sweet yet at the same time I can pack a punch well both verbally and physically and is known as being feisty. I've never been particularly popular but that doesn’t bother me, I know that popularity is meaningless and short lasted and just because other girls are more popular, it doesn’t mean that they’re any more special. In fact, in my eyes, it often means that they’re bitches. I can be bitchy herself at times, but I hate when people state that they are ‘bitches’, I find that pathetic. I'm is loud, proud and I talk a lot. I'll talk about anything to anyone who’ll listen to me. Some people find this quality quite irritating but I don't care, I’ll just carry on talking. I have a naturally flirty nature around both boys.I have quite a dominant nature and will often be the leader within a group of people.

Likes: Lets see I love Shopping, Cooking, Ice Skating, Interior Decorating, Fashion, Photography

Dislikes: I despise Cheaters, Liars, Peanut Butter, Pineapples, Heights

History: Growing up showered in compliments can really give someone a big ego, but if those closest to you are even the slightest bit displeased, all of that means nothing. Growing up alongside my sister and brother, it was always a competition for my parent’s attention, and most of the time, I won. I was quick to pick up on what my father expected of me, as well as my mother. At a young age, I began crafting herself into exactly what I believed would make them proud. For some time I hated whoI made herself be; I would sit quietly in my room and cry over all the people I hurt in attempts to acquire the fiery attitude of the Lealis family. None of that mattered, they were just little people in the way of my goal. They held me back, and Hazel Lealis is not held back. As I got older, My skin grew thicker, the harsh words thrown at me by peers didn’t phase me, answered instead by a witty sneer. Everything I did was in attempts to gain my parent’s approval, but it never seemed to be enough. No matter what I did, O could always do better. I thought I was doing her best, but if my parents believed there was room for improvement then once again, I must have been wrong. I was always wrong according to everyone else. I was hated by some, loved by most, but also slightly feared. I wasn’t the type you wanted to make angry; getting on my bad side was like taking a one way pass to hell for the rest of your schooling career. I was a good girl, with good intentions in everything I did, but somehow I always wound up lost along the way.

I wasn't raised around MagicK since I was adopted. I developed my powers in eighth grade and my parents introduced me to my real mother. A very powerful witch who was a green Magick user. My real mother is now a drug addict. I estranged myself from her foster family after meeting my real mom. Which is partially why they sent me to the school. My mother was a graduate from the academy in the puck coven so it wasn't surprising when she got put in puck.
Other: Did I miss anything?

So begins...

Hazel Lealis's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Lina Dorin Character Portrait: Jason Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Hazel Lealis Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Nox
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Azalia woke up by rolling out of bed. She glanced at her nightstand, which was cluttered with a alarm clock, jewelry, and a bottle of vodka. She rolled her eyes and went into her bathroom. She hated mornings, which is why she always woke up in the afternoon, it solved so many problems. She took a shower and did her hair by making it pin straight. She always took pride in her hair, it was one of her best assets. But overall she took pride in herself. I mean if you dont appreciate how sexy you are who the hell will?

She put on a lace bustier and a high waisted skirt that grazed her mid thigh. Then completed the outfit with a bracelet, necklace, and a pair heeled booties. She was sexy and she knew it, that's for damned sure. Her beautiful pure white python slithered down at her feet. She smiled at it and blew it a kiss, before walking up to the mirror and examining her outfit. She examined her whole body before walking out into the hallway. She grabbed a blood orange on her way out the door felt her phone buzz. She checked it and smiled when a picture of Clarity popped up.

To: Azayzay<3
Hey babee, you up yet? :)

She smiled and quickly responded:

To: Clar-bear
Yeah I am now, where are you?

Just as she hit send her annoying little sister ran up to her.


Lina was sitting on a bench drinking tea. She smiled at the people who passed by her, she knew it didn't really make a difference but she liked to think it helped someone somewhere, or at least that's what the commercial said. She brushed a strand of hair out of her face and blushed as a cute guy smiled at her. She glanced at the latte next to her. It was for Azalia since she tended to be grouchy in the.... afternoon.

She glanced at her watch and as a result she self conciously checked her outfit. It was a bit preppy for her taste and the heels were a bit high but Azalia said it was cute and that in itself was enough reason for her. It was a white button down with light green pants, a chunky necklace and nude heels. She giggled at the word nude. And continued to sip her tea as she saw her sister walk by. She walked up to her and grinned.
"Hey Zay!" She called holding out the latte. It wasn't a bribe for her sister to talk to her as much as an incentive. She smiled as her sister reluctantly sat down.


Hazel was currently prowling the school as a blonde colored tiger; she still hadn't learned how to change the color. She noticed a group of people and shrugged, she didn't care to be bothered by them. So she hid behind a bush and began to phase. She phased back to her natural form and quickly grabbed her clothes out of her bag. Another problem, whenever she phased her clothes always disappeared. She quickly put them on while making sure nobody saw her. She quickly changed and looked for a person to talk to. She noticed Jason and Delilah and walked up to them.

"Hey," She said lightly, "I'm not intruding am I?" She added for good measure. She had to admit she harbored a little crush on Jason, he was cute and funny, so what could she say. Plus she was a sucker for those curls.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Hazel Lealis Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Nox
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Delilah Rose Nox

"Hey, I'm offended. And there I was thinking you were innocent. I'm ashamed. What despicable behavior, Miss Nox." Lily laughed as Jason seemed mock- offended as she told him how fun he was to mess with. "Wow, despicable. I'm so proud, he must have studied." She teased him, batting her bright blue eyes playfully.

"I wouldn't mind that." he replied, grinning, after she warned him about having to fight for the chocolate. "As if I would ever get fat though, puh-lease," Lila laughed lightly. "Sure. It would be just impossible for the shockingly fit Jason to get fat." She grinned at him, as a strand of her platinum blonde hair fell in her face. "I would be mad at that comment, if I didn't know you had my best intentions at heart. Thanks, Nox." He replied, and her smile softened slightly. "Well, of corse. You know I love you."

"So, how's Atreyu?" He asked, and she laughed, shaking her head. "Still too Merlin for me. I need someone a little more fun. No offense to him of anything, he seems like a really nice guy, but kind of. . . Boring." She paused, and shot a wicked smile at him. "What about Amarina?

"hey, I'm not interrupting anything am I?" An unsuspecting Lila let out a small squeak of surprise and jumped when she heard someone. One hand automatically flew to her heart, the other grabbed Jason's arm. She glanced up, her heart rate slowing down as she saw it was just Hazel. Somewhat embarrassed, she gave Jason a sheepish smile as she released his arm. "No, we're just casually lying on the ground and I'm just having small heart attacks. The usuall."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Lina Dorin Character Portrait: Jason Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Hazel Lealis Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Nox Character Portrait: Clarity Castro-Moore
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Jason Castro-Moore

"Wow, despicable. I'm so proud, he must have studied," Lila teased, fluttering her eyes. Jason grinned. "What can I say, I'm a genius," he shrugged, tilting his head to the right as he did so.

After Jason brought up Atreyu, Lilly just shook her head, laughing. "Still too Merlin for me. I need someone a little more fun. No offense to him of anything, he seems like a really nice guy, but kind of. . . Boring." She stopped, and Jason took this time to reply. "Atreyu and I are best friends, Lila. I'm going to have to tell him you said this." He paused for a moment to show he was messing, before continuing, "Am I fun? I'm not to boring. Am I?" He shot her a slightly joking, slightly wicked smile.

"What about Amarina?"
Jason shrugged. "What about her?" he asked, keeping his tone casual. "How is she? Oh, I wouldn't know. You'll have to ask her that yourself, I'm afraid, but I would guess she's good." He was about to continue, when Hazel's familiar voice spoke up.

"Hey, I'm not intruding am I?" she asked, smiling at them. Jason opened his mouth to say, Not at all when he was suddenly interrupted by someone grabbing his arm and letting out a speak, setting him into laughter. He looked at his friend, who looked like she had just seen a ghost, which just set him off again.

Lila's grip left his arm as she replied to Hazel. "No, we're just casually lying on the ground and I'm just having small heart attacks. The usual."
Jason managed to calm himself down. "Sorry.. and yeah. The usual, obviously. Because Lila has heart attacks all the time," he teased.

Clarity Castro-Moore

Clarity's phone buzzed just as she had opened her dorm door, Ariel following behind her. She quickly looked at her phone and typed in a reply.

From: Azayzay<3
Yeah I am now, where are you?

To: Azayzay<3
Just leaving the room, you?

She closed the door behind her, making sure Ariel was not trapped behind before she did, and made her way down the dorm hall. She slipped her phone into her bag as she did so. It was only then she noticed Azalia, sipping at a latte as she chatted to her sister, Lina. Clarity still wasn't sure what to make of Lina - she was very chirpy and immature, but what else could be expected from a Merlin?

Besides, Azalia was obviously quite close with her sister, so she couldn't be all bad. She took her phone out, typed a quick text and put it away again.

To: Azayzay<3
Never mind, found you, aha.

She snuck up behind her friend and placed her hands over her eyes, blocking her sight and hoping the girl wouldn't attack her. "Guess who?" she teased.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Lina Dorin Character Portrait: Jason Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Hazel Lealis Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Nox Character Portrait: Clarity Castro-Moore
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Hazel tried to stifle a giggle when Delilah almost had a heart attack but when Jason started laughing she gave in and exploded into a fit of giggles. She leaned on Jason for support as she started to giggle.
"No, we're just casually lying on the ground and I'm just having small heart attacks. The usual." she heard Delilah say. She wiped a tear from her eye and regained her composer just as Jason said"Sorry.. and yeah. The usual, obviously. Because Lila has heart attacks all the time,"

She sighed and self consciously adjusted her hair. "Anyway" She said dragging the whole word out, " I was wondering what my fellow Puck residents had planned for tonight?" She said smiling. She smiled at them and glanced at Jason to see his reaction. She really wanted to ask him out but she figured it would be easier to hang out with him in a group setting. "I was thinking about asking Atreyu, Joseph, and Lina along" She said then she sighed and mumbled under her breath "Which means Azalia might tag along then Clarity might tag along." She sent them a pleading glance.


Azalia felt somebody's hand over her eyes and rolled her eyes. "Hey Clarity," She knew Clarity would want to know how she knew so she explained "Your the only one with the balls to try that." She giggled and continued to sip her latte.

Then she remembered something, "Has anybody seen Joseph, my sister does adore him so" She said in a southern belle accent. She glanced at her sister who was blushing deeply. She gently pushed her before turning back to Clarity. "I Anyway the only guy I'm interested in is Native American, hot, ripped, and chivalrous." She bit her lip and sighed.


Lina smiled and waved at Clarity, just as her sister said:"Has anybody seen Joseph, my sister does adore him so" She blushed bright red "Azalia!" She gasped. "I just have a crush on him, I mean he'd never like me back anyway." Which was a lie, since she had a crush on him for the longest. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Lina Dorin Character Portrait: Jason Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Hazel Lealis Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Nox Character Portrait: Clarity Castro-Moore
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Joseph Fino

"That hurt, that really hurt sunshine." Joesph laughed at her and led her into the building. "You will get over it." He led her away from the cafe since he already had something to give her anyway. "What makes you think i got a book." "I know you Brookie." He said with a smile on his face. Fino was still walking ahead of them with Flame. They were playing around and he thought it was super cute. Then she told him the title of her book and he nodded. "Of course." He already knew what book she was going to get since she had been talking about it all week. "So whats at the cafe? Is their muffins, chocolate, smoothies, spill sunshine, spill!" He smiled at her. "No cafe. Only goodies from la mochilla de Joseph." He opened his backpack and pulled out 3 chocolate bars and a can of Coke. "Here." He handed her the goodies and closed his bag.

After a while he saw Hazel, Azalia, Lina, Delilah, Clarity, and Jason. He walked over to them and smiled. "Hey there guys." He wasn't the best of friends with all of them, but he was friends with Lina, Azalia, and Hazel.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Hazel Lealis Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Nox
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Delilah Rose Nox

Lila fought a smile as Jason laughed at her. "Yep, I'm fine. Thanks for your concern. Just having a heart attack." She caved, laughing with him at herself. "Sorry.. And yeah, the usual, obviously. Because Lila has heart attacks all the time." Jason teased her, and she grinned, shaking her head. "We'll I kind of hard my guard down because someone decided to tackle me to the ground. Puppy." She sighed and rolled her eyes dramatically, knowing Jason would catch on that she was teasing him. She then remembered Hazel was still standing there, and sat up next to Jason.

"Anyway, I was wondering what my fellow Puck residents had planned for tonight?" Hazel asked, and Lily smiled somewhat sheepishly. "In all honesty, I was unaware anything was going on tonight. I was going to force Puppy to watch movies and eat popcorn with me and Khol. But if you have something more interesting planned, do tell."
She paused, noticing Hazel watching Jason. She kind of figured that the girl wanted to do something with her friend. Lila shifted awkwardly, pursing her lips and glancing at her best friend.

"I was kind of thinking of asking Atreyu, Joseph, and Lina along. Which means Azalia then Clarity might tag along." Lila bit down harder on her lip, feeling even more uncomfortable. She either didn't know, or get along with most of the people she named. Joseph and Atreyu were cool, but she really didn't know them. And the others. . . Well, she probably wouldn't ever be gossiping and having sleepovers with any of them. She glanced at Jason for support.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Lina Dorin Character Portrait: Jason Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Hazel Lealis Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Nox Character Portrait: Clarity Castro-Moore
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Clarity Castro-Moore

"Hey Clarity," her best friend, Azalia said, and Clarity removed her hands. She was about to ask how she knew who it was when Azalia told her anyway. "Your the only one with the balls to try that," she explained, before taking a sip of her latte. Clarity laughed lightly at her explanation.

"Has anybody seen Joseph? My sister does adore him so," Azalia said, pushing her sister's back lightly, who had turned red.
"Azalia!" Lina explained, blushing. "I just have a crush on him, I mean he'd never like me back anyway."
Clarity grinned. "At least you can spot a hot guy, because he is gorgeous. Not my type though," she added, and by not her type, she actually meant too Merlin.
"Anyway the only guy I'm interested in is Native American, hot, ripped, and chivalrous," Azalia pitched in. Clarity rolled her eyes at her friend. "You mean Atreyu? You can hardly pronounce his name," she teased, nudging Azalia's shoulder lightly.

"Hey there guys." Clarity laughed out loud as she heard Joseph walk over, but quickly stopped herself. It just seemed so ironic.
"Hey!" Lina replied as she giddily gave Joseph a hug. She let go soon and her eyes swivelled over to Brooklyn. "Um hi, I always forget your name, are you in Merlin too?"

Clarity just zoned out at this point, the conversaton didn't seem to have any useful information, and besides, she wan't the biggest fan of Brooklyn or Joseph. Not that she hated them, or anything. Which I suppose made them quite high up, in her book. She knew Azalia didn't like Brooklyn that much, though.

Jason Castro-Moore

"We'll I kind of hard my guard down because someone decided to tackle me to the ground. Puppy." Lila rolled her eyes dramatically and sighed, before sitting up.
"Don't blame me, take responsibililty for your actions, Delilly." Delilly. Hm, he had made that nickname up on the spot, but hopefully she would dislike it so he could use it.

"Anyway, I was wondering what my fellow Puck residents had planned for tonight?" Hazel asked, interrupting Jason's train of thought. Jason grinned, since it sounded a lot like an invitation to something.
"In all honesty, I was unaware anything was going on tonight. I was going to force Puppy to watch movies and eat popcorn with me and Khol. But if you have something more interesting planned, do tell." Jason laughed at this, just lightly, but still loud enough to be heard.

"I was kind of thinking of asking Atreyu, Joseph, and Lina along. Which means Azalia then Clarity might tag along," Hazel said. Jason nodded. "That sounds-" he started, but a glance at Lilly told him that she wasn't too comfortable with the whole ordeal. He wondered why, but realized that she didn't really know most of the people, mentioned. Jason didn't either, to be fair.

"Well, if I'm going, Clarity might not go," he said. "But she might if Azalia goes.. hmm.." he thought for a moment, trying to find a way to make Lila a bit more comfortable. "Err, well yeah, anyway. Sounds good. So, we'll meet up at your dorm, then?" he had run out of ideas, especially since he was one to go with his first idea. He glanced over at Lilly to see her reaction. "I mean, I'm free, I don't know about Lila. You can always attempt to make Khol fat with popcorn and harass me until I finally watch a movie with you some other night," he joked, grinning.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Jason Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Hazel Lealis Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Nox Character Portrait: Joseph Fino Character Portrait: Brooklyn  Jones
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Azalia rolled her eyes as Clarity grinned. "At least you can spot a hot guy, because he is gorgeous. Not my type though,"
She flipped her hair, well I haven't met a super hot circe guy, have you?"
"Anyway the only guy I'm interested in is Native American, hot, ripped, and chivalrous," Azalia added. She watched as Clarity rolled her eyes. "You mean Atreyu? You can hardly pronounce his name," Clarity teased, nudging Azalia's shoulder lightly. She gasped, "True but show me another piece of delicious hunk," She added licking her lips for emphasis.

"Hey there guys."She heard Joseph say, To which Lina jumped up and greeted him like a sad lonely puppy. She groaned "She is so embarrassing"
She zoned out as she sipped her coffee but when she heard Joseph say "Where were you headed before we showed up?" She focused back on Lina.

"We were not going anywhere but my dorm," She said motioning to Clarity and herself, "But, poor old Lina is all alone, and she was dying to go for a walk with a strong young man," she added with a southern debutante accent. She raised an eyebrow at Brooklyn, "Brooklyn, right? Don't you agree that Joseph and Lina would make such a lovely couple."


"Anyway, I was wondering what my fellow Puck residents had planned for tonight?" Hazel asked, Lilly smiled shyly in response. "In all honesty, I was unaware anything was going on tonight. I was going to force Puppy to watch movies and eat popcorn with me and Khol. But if you have something more interesting planned, do tell."

Hazel has explained her plan and Delilah just bit her lip and looked at Jason. So Hazel smiled pleadingly with him.

Hazel smiled as Jason said "Well, if I'm going, Clarity might not go," he said. "But she might if Azalia goes.. hmm.." then he paused and said "Err, well yeah, anyway. Sounds good. So, we'll meet up at your dorm, then?" She could tell he was a little torn between going and Delilah "I mean, I'm free, I don't know about Lila. You can always attempt to make Khol fat with popcorn and harass me until I finally watch a movie with you some other night," he joked, and grinned at her
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She said jumping up and down "This is gonna be so fun!" She said laughing.

She cleared her throat and flipped her hair, trying to compose herself. "Anyway this is gonna be awesome."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Hazel Lealis Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Nox
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Delilah Rose Nox

"Don't blame me, take responsibility for your own actions, Delilly." Jason told Lila, causing her to laugh lightly. "Delilly? That's a new one."

When he laughed lightly at her explanation of what she would be doing, she grinned over at him.
As Hazel explained her plans, she noticed Jason smile. "That sounds-" he started, but stopped when he glanced over at her and noticed she was uncomfortable. She gave a tiny shrug of one shoulder to show she was alright, and for him to go on.

"We'll if I'm going, Clarity might not go. But she might if Azalia goes.. Hm.." Lila smiled lightly, noticing he was trying to make her feel more comfortable. "Don't strain yourself, Pup." She teased as he thought for a moment. "Err, well yeah, anyway, sounds good. So, we'll meet up at your dorm then?" He glanced at Lilly for a moment, and she just shrugged slightly although still somewhat uncomfortable. "I mean, I'm free. I don't know about Lila. You can always attempt to make Khol fat with popcorn and harass me until I finally watch a movie with you another night," he joked, grinning at her. She laughed lightly, resting her head on Jason's shoulder. "Fine, fine. I'll be there."
When Hazel jumped up and down, laughing, she raised a brow.

She stayed were she was, but she tensed and her brow furrowed as Khol suddenly spotting something that clearly he did not like. Growling rather loudly, he stopped playing with Caul and quickly sat half on Lila's lap, half on Jason's protectively. He held his head low, and a single sharp tooth out warningly as though he would attack at any moment.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Jason Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Hazel Lealis Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Nox Character Portrait: Aedan McKlellen
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Ethan Holler

"Come on, that crap is not good for brain cells and you're my friend but, you have none to spare."

"You are so cruel. You honestly are breaking my heart," Ethan sighed, though he couldn't hide the grin on his face as he walked in with Amarina. He headed for the Puck Coven and grinned at his coven mates as well as just about everyone that he found of interest, announcing to no one in particulary.

"Yo, guys. Party, tonight! Booze, dryads, fairies, the works!"

Aedan McKlellan

Aedan snickered at the look Ever was giving them. He, Ever, and half the school expected that something was going on between the two teachers. Ethan had opened up a betting pool once upon a time. He was one of those who bet that Kwan and Karol were secret lovers and that BDSM was part of it.

He grinned as Professor Ian began speaking. He always liked the old guy and Battle Magick was his specialty. He grinned slightly, hoping that Merlin would be paired with Circe. There was a trick or two he was absolutely dying to practice on Divinia and this would be the perfect opportunity. Not only would she not be able to sneak up on him since this was a real match, Ever wouldn't have cause to get mad at him if he somehow, accidentally, got a spell past the invulnerability spells.

These hopes were dashed as Ian announced that Merlin would be paired with Circe. He groaned slightly. Great. And If he knew the professors, which he did, they'd pair him up with Ever for this.

Karol Angelo

The Healing Professor blushed at the comment she made, his mind shifting back to less than innocent things. Nonetheless, he regained his composure and replied, "True. But you are at least strongly advised to be a role model for the students."

At Ethan's brash announcement, he raised an eyebrow and asked, "What was that, Mr. Holler?"

"Err... Cool. School is a party! Books, diets, dairy, the works," Ethan shouted out. Karol sighed and pretended to believe him as he turned his attention to his colleague. Merlin vs Medea, huh? He might like that.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Lina Dorin Character Portrait: Jason Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Hazel Lealis Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Nox Character Portrait: Clarity Castro-Moore
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Clarity Castro-Moore

"She is so embarrassing," Azalia groaned. Clarity laughed lightly, "Don't ruin the moment," she said sarcastically. Azalia sipped at her coffee, but suddenly answered something that presumably Joseph said.

"We were not going anywhere but my dorm," she said, motioning towards Clarity as she said this. "But, poor old Lina is all alone, and she was dying to go for a walk with a strong young man," she said. Clarity smirked. Lina probably wouldn't be too pleased with that outburst. Well, unless if worked.

Azalia turned to look at Brooklyn, raising an eyebrow. "Brooklyn, right? Don't you agree that Joseph and Lina would make such a lovely couple." Clarity didn't bother trying to stop her friend - for one thing, Azalia would probably ignore her, but mostly because this amused her.

Jason Castro-Moore

"Delilly? That's a new one."
Jason shrugged. "First thing that came into my head," he replied with a grin.

"Fine, fine. I'll be there," Lila said in response to him asking if she was going to go to the 'aprty' that was going on tonight. Jason grinned and fist pumped the air. Maybe party wasn't the right word.. gathering? Nah, party would do.

Khol started to growl, and Jason noticed Lilly tense suddenly, worried. Khol leaped half onto Jason's lap, half onto Lila's, and bared a single tooth, a warning to not approach him. Jason looked over at Lila quizzically for an explanation.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Hazel Lealis Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Nox
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"Fine, fine. I'll be there," Delilah said, and hazel half smiled at her. But her tensing up told her otherwise. And no sooner than her tensing up did her leopard react. Hazel raised an eyebrow at the growling leopard, but shrugged it off. She laughed lightly "Seems somebody doesn't like me."
She glanced out the corner of her eye and noticed the number of birds on trees rapidly increasing, more squirrels running around the tree, and hibiscus running toward her. She groaned out loud "Oh god, it appears I have an audience." Hazel was well known for attracting animals wherever she went. Either the Puck dorm was full of squirrels or her classes had hundreds of birds on the roof and windows. It one of more unfortunate powers.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Jason Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Hazel Lealis Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Nox Character Portrait: Clarity Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Divinia Doriano
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Jason Castro-Moore

Hazel laughed lightly as Khol growled. "Seems somebody doesn't like me," she commented.
Jason gave a slight laugh at that, "Don't think that's the full reason.." he mumbled. It would seem he was correct, as just then Melody and Damon walked by. Jason closed his eyes and shook his head lightly. Oh god, hopefully they wouldn't go all-

Delilah threw her arms around Khol in an attempt to hold himback, just as the two familiars began to attack each other. Cal started to growl and whimper, unsure what to do, and so he ran behind Jason, who had just let out a rather loud yell and reached for Delilah. The small fight between them had only lasted about a second, though, so as soon as Jason managed to reach for Delilah to pull her back, the two familiars had finished their dispute.

The two animals walked away, looking quite angry and miserable, their white fur stained with blood. It was only then that Jason noticed who it belonged to. His best friend sat beside him, bleeding from her leg and shoulder from where she had attempted to intervene in the fight. The two looked at each other as it sunk in.

Jason then realized what had happened and jumped to action. He hopped up.
"Lila, are you alright, can you walk? We have to go get a teacher, or a nurse.." he trailed off and put his hand out for her to take, so he could half-carry her to get some help

Clarity Castro-Moore

Clarity managed to stop herself from jumping and potentially embarrassing herself as Xavier whispered in her ear.
"I got here just in time didn't I?"
Clarity smirked to herself. "Yupp, good timing," she praised him, grinning. The fact that Xavier had just arrived would probably mean that it would just get more interesting than it had before, since he certainly was one to make an impression. She hoped her friend knew what she was getting into, but at the same time, was perfectly content with Azalia and Brooklyn arguing. Did that make her a bad friend? Maybe, but it was true.

"Uhhh....umm, I guess?" Brooklyn said in response to Azalia, making Clarity mentally roll her eyes. Just then, her phone beeped, alerting her to a text message. She opened it and sighed dramatically as it told her to 'get her ass into the arena.' She looked over to Azalia, who's phone had also made an alert and presumed it was the same message.
"You coming?" she asked, just as Xavier made his way off, presumably also to the arena. She then slipped her phone in her pocket and started on her way.