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Lina Dorin

I guess I'm a merlinite? Wait that's not right...

0 · 1,042 views · located in Fae's Academy, Washington

a character in “Covens, Cliques, and Hexes”, as played by CuteAsKaylah



Full Name: Hi I'm Emmalina Luna Dorin!
Nicknames: Lina is fine
Age: 17, my birthday was last month
Hometown: I'm from San Francisco, California. Sea cliff specifically
Ethnicity My dad is white and my mom's italian
Sexuality: I am straight

Coven: Merlin
Specialty: I am a emotion manipulater
Charming inanimate objects:
I can use random objects like spoons, necklaces, ect and use them to make a person feel a sort of emotion however mine are only temporary and only last for like an hour or two.

I can communicate with animals:
I can understand and talk to animals. I bond with animals quickly. I guess that's a power too

I can control emotions:
I dont have complete control of you but I can make you feel certain emotions.

I bond with people:
Sue to my ability to manipulate emotions I also can create bonds easily. I make people feel safe.
FamiliarSnow and Cotton my twin puppies, I love them so much she's my baby I adore her so much
Personality: I am a fun loving sweetheart. I am always friendly and nice to everyone I meet, so it’s easy for me to make friends. I am very sociable and likeable; everyone wants to be me friend because I bring positive energy. I have a natural beauty that guys look for. And my personality makes me so much more beautiful. Growing up I wasn’t the best looking kid, I was overweight with braces and weird hair. I was constantly teased about me appearance and didn’t want to be seen by anyone. I felt hideous. As time went by I got rid of me braces and lost the baby weight, and more people started to notice me. I quickly became popular and gained all these friends immediately. I am happy with my life now, but in the back of my mind I always wonders what my life would be like now, if I didn’t look the way I did. I want friends that like me for who I am not because I look the way I do and I want a guy to love me blindly. Will I get what I hope for?
Getting along with my sister
Dressing up
Making friends
Fighting with her family
Dark places
Her sister's dark magic
Her sisters snake
I grew up in a um complicated familt. My mom was a doctor ad dad was a lawyer, and they had a big family. But mom never defended us from dad's cruel antics. Probably because she was afraid of him too.We all kinda just grinned and dealt with it. My dad was a coniving son of a bitch. He had this sick way of treating us like lower beings. Like he used to say stuff about me never being as good as Azalea and how I could never be as good as her. He loved exploiting out worst nightmares. It made us all feel helpless, like we hated him but we couldn't do anything about it. He did that until he was arrested. Dad almost beat my mom into a coma so we called the cops. My brother Daniel smiled politely and put up a brave face to the press but our world changed in some good, some bad ways. It destroyed my whole family and tore us apart Soon it was just the oldest sibling my brother Daniel, my oldest sister Kira, my older sister Angelina, my younger sister Lina, and the youngest Rose and Lilly. Before I came to the boarding school she lived with her older sister Kira and Lina.

I was always the girl who was quick to comply with everyone. Born into a family of high society snobs gave me a certain drive that most kids me age didn’t have. According to my sister, I am the “goody goody” between me and me Azalea. My sister decided to make me attend the school. They thought it would get me to be more proper and learn to use a filter when talking. I usually don’t care what people think of me so I do, wears, and says whatever I wants without question. Most people were born with a filter that tells you what to and what not to say — I obviously was born without that.
Other: Did I miss anything?

So begins...

Lina Dorin's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Lina Dorin Character Portrait: Jason Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Hazel Lealis Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Nox
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Azalia woke up by rolling out of bed. She glanced at her nightstand, which was cluttered with a alarm clock, jewelry, and a bottle of vodka. She rolled her eyes and went into her bathroom. She hated mornings, which is why she always woke up in the afternoon, it solved so many problems. She took a shower and did her hair by making it pin straight. She always took pride in her hair, it was one of her best assets. But overall she took pride in herself. I mean if you dont appreciate how sexy you are who the hell will?

She put on a lace bustier and a high waisted skirt that grazed her mid thigh. Then completed the outfit with a bracelet, necklace, and a pair heeled booties. She was sexy and she knew it, that's for damned sure. Her beautiful pure white python slithered down at her feet. She smiled at it and blew it a kiss, before walking up to the mirror and examining her outfit. She examined her whole body before walking out into the hallway. She grabbed a blood orange on her way out the door felt her phone buzz. She checked it and smiled when a picture of Clarity popped up.

To: Azayzay<3
Hey babee, you up yet? :)

She smiled and quickly responded:

To: Clar-bear
Yeah I am now, where are you?

Just as she hit send her annoying little sister ran up to her.


Lina was sitting on a bench drinking tea. She smiled at the people who passed by her, she knew it didn't really make a difference but she liked to think it helped someone somewhere, or at least that's what the commercial said. She brushed a strand of hair out of her face and blushed as a cute guy smiled at her. She glanced at the latte next to her. It was for Azalia since she tended to be grouchy in the.... afternoon.

She glanced at her watch and as a result she self conciously checked her outfit. It was a bit preppy for her taste and the heels were a bit high but Azalia said it was cute and that in itself was enough reason for her. It was a white button down with light green pants, a chunky necklace and nude heels. She giggled at the word nude. And continued to sip her tea as she saw her sister walk by. She walked up to her and grinned.
"Hey Zay!" She called holding out the latte. It wasn't a bribe for her sister to talk to her as much as an incentive. She smiled as her sister reluctantly sat down.


Hazel was currently prowling the school as a blonde colored tiger; she still hadn't learned how to change the color. She noticed a group of people and shrugged, she didn't care to be bothered by them. So she hid behind a bush and began to phase. She phased back to her natural form and quickly grabbed her clothes out of her bag. Another problem, whenever she phased her clothes always disappeared. She quickly put them on while making sure nobody saw her. She quickly changed and looked for a person to talk to. She noticed Jason and Delilah and walked up to them.

"Hey," She said lightly, "I'm not intruding am I?" She added for good measure. She had to admit she harbored a little crush on Jason, he was cute and funny, so what could she say. Plus she was a sucker for those curls.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Lina Dorin Character Portrait: Jason Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Hazel Lealis Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Nox Character Portrait: Clarity Castro-Moore
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Jason Castro-Moore

"Wow, despicable. I'm so proud, he must have studied," Lila teased, fluttering her eyes. Jason grinned. "What can I say, I'm a genius," he shrugged, tilting his head to the right as he did so.

After Jason brought up Atreyu, Lilly just shook her head, laughing. "Still too Merlin for me. I need someone a little more fun. No offense to him of anything, he seems like a really nice guy, but kind of. . . Boring." She stopped, and Jason took this time to reply. "Atreyu and I are best friends, Lila. I'm going to have to tell him you said this." He paused for a moment to show he was messing, before continuing, "Am I fun? I'm not to boring. Am I?" He shot her a slightly joking, slightly wicked smile.

"What about Amarina?"
Jason shrugged. "What about her?" he asked, keeping his tone casual. "How is she? Oh, I wouldn't know. You'll have to ask her that yourself, I'm afraid, but I would guess she's good." He was about to continue, when Hazel's familiar voice spoke up.

"Hey, I'm not intruding am I?" she asked, smiling at them. Jason opened his mouth to say, Not at all when he was suddenly interrupted by someone grabbing his arm and letting out a speak, setting him into laughter. He looked at his friend, who looked like she had just seen a ghost, which just set him off again.

Lila's grip left his arm as she replied to Hazel. "No, we're just casually lying on the ground and I'm just having small heart attacks. The usual."
Jason managed to calm himself down. "Sorry.. and yeah. The usual, obviously. Because Lila has heart attacks all the time," he teased.

Clarity Castro-Moore

Clarity's phone buzzed just as she had opened her dorm door, Ariel following behind her. She quickly looked at her phone and typed in a reply.

From: Azayzay<3
Yeah I am now, where are you?

To: Azayzay<3
Just leaving the room, you?

She closed the door behind her, making sure Ariel was not trapped behind before she did, and made her way down the dorm hall. She slipped her phone into her bag as she did so. It was only then she noticed Azalia, sipping at a latte as she chatted to her sister, Lina. Clarity still wasn't sure what to make of Lina - she was very chirpy and immature, but what else could be expected from a Merlin?

Besides, Azalia was obviously quite close with her sister, so she couldn't be all bad. She took her phone out, typed a quick text and put it away again.

To: Azayzay<3
Never mind, found you, aha.

She snuck up behind her friend and placed her hands over her eyes, blocking her sight and hoping the girl wouldn't attack her. "Guess who?" she teased.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Lina Dorin Character Portrait: Jason Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Hazel Lealis Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Nox Character Portrait: Clarity Castro-Moore
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Hazel tried to stifle a giggle when Delilah almost had a heart attack but when Jason started laughing she gave in and exploded into a fit of giggles. She leaned on Jason for support as she started to giggle.
"No, we're just casually lying on the ground and I'm just having small heart attacks. The usual." she heard Delilah say. She wiped a tear from her eye and regained her composer just as Jason said"Sorry.. and yeah. The usual, obviously. Because Lila has heart attacks all the time,"

She sighed and self consciously adjusted her hair. "Anyway" She said dragging the whole word out, " I was wondering what my fellow Puck residents had planned for tonight?" She said smiling. She smiled at them and glanced at Jason to see his reaction. She really wanted to ask him out but she figured it would be easier to hang out with him in a group setting. "I was thinking about asking Atreyu, Joseph, and Lina along" She said then she sighed and mumbled under her breath "Which means Azalia might tag along then Clarity might tag along." She sent them a pleading glance.


Azalia felt somebody's hand over her eyes and rolled her eyes. "Hey Clarity," She knew Clarity would want to know how she knew so she explained "Your the only one with the balls to try that." She giggled and continued to sip her latte.

Then she remembered something, "Has anybody seen Joseph, my sister does adore him so" She said in a southern belle accent. She glanced at her sister who was blushing deeply. She gently pushed her before turning back to Clarity. "I Anyway the only guy I'm interested in is Native American, hot, ripped, and chivalrous." She bit her lip and sighed.


Lina smiled and waved at Clarity, just as her sister said:"Has anybody seen Joseph, my sister does adore him so" She blushed bright red "Azalia!" She gasped. "I just have a crush on him, I mean he'd never like me back anyway." Which was a lie, since she had a crush on him for the longest. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Lina Dorin Character Portrait: Jason Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Hazel Lealis Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Nox Character Portrait: Clarity Castro-Moore
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Joseph Fino

"That hurt, that really hurt sunshine." Joesph laughed at her and led her into the building. "You will get over it." He led her away from the cafe since he already had something to give her anyway. "What makes you think i got a book." "I know you Brookie." He said with a smile on his face. Fino was still walking ahead of them with Flame. They were playing around and he thought it was super cute. Then she told him the title of her book and he nodded. "Of course." He already knew what book she was going to get since she had been talking about it all week. "So whats at the cafe? Is their muffins, chocolate, smoothies, spill sunshine, spill!" He smiled at her. "No cafe. Only goodies from la mochilla de Joseph." He opened his backpack and pulled out 3 chocolate bars and a can of Coke. "Here." He handed her the goodies and closed his bag.

After a while he saw Hazel, Azalia, Lina, Delilah, Clarity, and Jason. He walked over to them and smiled. "Hey there guys." He wasn't the best of friends with all of them, but he was friends with Lina, Azalia, and Hazel.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Lina Dorin Character Portrait: Joseph Fino Character Portrait: Brooklyn  Jones
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Lina smiled as Joseph walked over to them. "Joseph!" She almost yelled but restrained herself. She ran, well more like skipped/ran/jumped/ over to him and hugged him
"Hey!" She said as she let go. She almost always greeted him with a big hug, in fact the only time she didn't greet him with a hug was if she was mad. She glanced around and saw Brooklyn.

"Um hi, I always forget your name, are you in Merlin too?" She said frowning then she remembered something and gasped, "Its a major city right?" She asked with a bright smile. She couldn't not smile when Joseph was around, she didn't know why but he made her overly bubbly and happy. She tried to calm herself down by sipping her tea, that miraculously wasn't spilled.
"Anyways what have you guys been up to?" She said more coolly. She could tell her sister was growing annoyed with her so she mellowed her sister out using her emotion control power. Then she smiled at them hoping they didn't notice. It wasn't that she was controlling Azalia it was just that Azalia didn't like Joseph's friend and she didn't want Azalia to cause a scene.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Lina Dorin Character Portrait: Joseph Fino Character Portrait: Brooklyn  Jones
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Brooklyn Jones

"No cafe. Only goodies from la mochilla de Joseph." Brook jumped up and down when he pulled out 3 chocolate bars and a can of Coke. She knew that sweets wasn't a good thing, but she wasn't going to argue with her sunshine. "Thanks Sunshine." As Brook was eating she kept up with Joseph's speed. They talked and laughed until they reached the large crowd of people which easily turned out to just be the two sisters. She didn't like Azalia, but she could tolerate Lina.

Lina said hi to Joseph, well more like she attacked him. Then she gave Brook and awkward hi and tried to guess her name. She rolled her eyes since this girl never seemed to remember and it was getting a bit annoying. When she called Brook a Merlin she was kind of ticked off. She can't stand being a goody-goody like a Merlin. That was pretty much an insult. She didn't say anything because the wrong thing would cause a scene. Joesph tried to explain she was a puck, but failed. At least he got Brook's name across.

"Anyways what have you guys been up to?" Joseph said breakfast which actually made Brook smile. "What do you mean just breakfast, sunshine! You just fed me sugar, that was the best breakfast." She said as she finished the third candy bar Joseph had given her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Lina Dorin Character Portrait: Joseph Fino Character Portrait: Brooklyn  Jones
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Lina listened to Joseph as he tried to explain "No she is-" but she ended up just interrupted him and he Joseph nodded. "Her name is Brooklyn."
She then asked them about his day which he responded "So far breakfast. what about you?" She shrugged and began to talk just as Brooklyn said "What do you mean just breakfast, sunshine! You just fed me sugar, that was the best breakfast."

She shrugged lightly "Good, I just had my morning tea and brought Zay her latte." She turned to look at Zay who was watching with one of her eyebrows arched in suspicion. "Um anyway sorry about the name thing I'm terrible at names, I only remember names of people I bond with"[/ib] She gasped and corrected that [b]"Not that I wouldn't bond with you, I meant magically bond, but not like force people to be my friends I just"She paused and shrugged sympathetically "Well you know what I mean."
But she figured that she didn't know but also didn't bother to ask. Instead she just looped her arm through Joseph's and smiled "So now that you had a semi-nutritious breakfast where are you two headed." She smiled, pleased with the idea with hanging out with them but them took a step back and blushed a bright pink color, "I mean unless I'm intruding, oh gosh you guys must think I'm like super annoying and chipper" She bit her lip, a nervous habit she formed years ago and half smiled "Sorry I just get so excited sometimes."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Lina Dorin Character Portrait: Joseph Fino Character Portrait: Brooklyn  Jones
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Joseph Fino

Joseph laughed a little when Lina fumbled trying to explain herself to Lina. It wasn't a mocking laugh it was just extremely funny the way she was trying to cover what she was trying to say. "Brook she was to be your friend. That all she is trying to say." Joseph managed to say without getting interrupted. Then Lina linked her arm through hers and he smiled at her.
"So now that you had a semi-nutritious breakfast where are you two headed."
Joseph shrugged. "No where in particular. Just wanted to hang out with my best friend." He said gesturing to Brooklyn.
"I mean unless I'm intruding, oh gosh you guys must think I'm like super annoying and chipper"
"No you're not intruding." He said trying to reassure her because Lina always did things like that.
"Sorry I just get so excited sometimes."
Joseph chuckled and nodded at her. "I know."
Before she could interrupt him with something else. "Where were you headed before we showed up?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Lina Dorin Character Portrait: Jason Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Hazel Lealis Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Nox Character Portrait: Clarity Castro-Moore
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Clarity Castro-Moore

"Hey Clarity," her best friend, Azalia said, and Clarity removed her hands. She was about to ask how she knew who it was when Azalia told her anyway. "Your the only one with the balls to try that," she explained, before taking a sip of her latte. Clarity laughed lightly at her explanation.

"Has anybody seen Joseph? My sister does adore him so," Azalia said, pushing her sister's back lightly, who had turned red.
"Azalia!" Lina explained, blushing. "I just have a crush on him, I mean he'd never like me back anyway."
Clarity grinned. "At least you can spot a hot guy, because he is gorgeous. Not my type though," she added, and by not her type, she actually meant too Merlin.
"Anyway the only guy I'm interested in is Native American, hot, ripped, and chivalrous," Azalia pitched in. Clarity rolled her eyes at her friend. "You mean Atreyu? You can hardly pronounce his name," she teased, nudging Azalia's shoulder lightly.

"Hey there guys." Clarity laughed out loud as she heard Joseph walk over, but quickly stopped herself. It just seemed so ironic.
"Hey!" Lina replied as she giddily gave Joseph a hug. She let go soon and her eyes swivelled over to Brooklyn. "Um hi, I always forget your name, are you in Merlin too?"

Clarity just zoned out at this point, the conversaton didn't seem to have any useful information, and besides, she wan't the biggest fan of Brooklyn or Joseph. Not that she hated them, or anything. Which I suppose made them quite high up, in her book. She knew Azalia didn't like Brooklyn that much, though.

Jason Castro-Moore

"We'll I kind of hard my guard down because someone decided to tackle me to the ground. Puppy." Lila rolled her eyes dramatically and sighed, before sitting up.
"Don't blame me, take responsibililty for your actions, Delilly." Delilly. Hm, he had made that nickname up on the spot, but hopefully she would dislike it so he could use it.

"Anyway, I was wondering what my fellow Puck residents had planned for tonight?" Hazel asked, interrupting Jason's train of thought. Jason grinned, since it sounded a lot like an invitation to something.
"In all honesty, I was unaware anything was going on tonight. I was going to force Puppy to watch movies and eat popcorn with me and Khol. But if you have something more interesting planned, do tell." Jason laughed at this, just lightly, but still loud enough to be heard.

"I was kind of thinking of asking Atreyu, Joseph, and Lina along. Which means Azalia then Clarity might tag along," Hazel said. Jason nodded. "That sounds-" he started, but a glance at Lilly told him that she wasn't too comfortable with the whole ordeal. He wondered why, but realized that she didn't really know most of the people, mentioned. Jason didn't either, to be fair.

"Well, if I'm going, Clarity might not go," he said. "But she might if Azalia goes.. hmm.." he thought for a moment, trying to find a way to make Lila a bit more comfortable. "Err, well yeah, anyway. Sounds good. So, we'll meet up at your dorm, then?" he had run out of ideas, especially since he was one to go with his first idea. He glanced over at Lilly to see her reaction. "I mean, I'm free, I don't know about Lila. You can always attempt to make Khol fat with popcorn and harass me until I finally watch a movie with you some other night," he joked, grinning.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Lina Dorin Character Portrait: Jason Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Hazel Lealis Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Nox Character Portrait: Clarity Castro-Moore
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Clarity Castro-Moore

"She is so embarrassing," Azalia groaned. Clarity laughed lightly, "Don't ruin the moment," she said sarcastically. Azalia sipped at her coffee, but suddenly answered something that presumably Joseph said.

"We were not going anywhere but my dorm," she said, motioning towards Clarity as she said this. "But, poor old Lina is all alone, and she was dying to go for a walk with a strong young man," she said. Clarity smirked. Lina probably wouldn't be too pleased with that outburst. Well, unless if worked.

Azalia turned to look at Brooklyn, raising an eyebrow. "Brooklyn, right? Don't you agree that Joseph and Lina would make such a lovely couple." Clarity didn't bother trying to stop her friend - for one thing, Azalia would probably ignore her, but mostly because this amused her.

Jason Castro-Moore

"Delilly? That's a new one."
Jason shrugged. "First thing that came into my head," he replied with a grin.

"Fine, fine. I'll be there," Lila said in response to him asking if she was going to go to the 'aprty' that was going on tonight. Jason grinned and fist pumped the air. Maybe party wasn't the right word.. gathering? Nah, party would do.

Khol started to growl, and Jason noticed Lilly tense suddenly, worried. Khol leaped half onto Jason's lap, half onto Lila's, and bared a single tooth, a warning to not approach him. Jason looked over at Lila quizzically for an explanation.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Lina Dorin Character Portrait: Clarity Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Divinia Doriano Character Portrait: Joseph Fino Character Portrait: Xavier Jonathan St. John
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Most of the morning Xavier had been hopping group to group of people who either loved him or hated him with a burning passion. Either was, he didn't care. Attention was attention besides he hadn't seen his close friend Divinia all day. Most people never questioned why they were friends. They just suited each other. For some reason, but only as friends. Never anything more. Xav started walking around campus before seeing a group of people he knew. Mainly because two of the bitches were in Circe with him and he always did like being around girls more than guys unless he wanted to flirt.

He walked up to Clarity and Azalia before putting his arms around their shoulders. One around each one of his friends. "Brooklyn, right? Don't you agree that Joseph and Lina would make such a lovely couple." He bit his bottom lip a bit. He must of just made it for the show. He looked forward and saw Brook, Joesph, and Lina, none of which Xavier was overly close to. But, he did think Joe was adorable with his cute little red fox, panda, thing. He whispered in to Clarity's ear, "I got here just in time didn't I?" He had a sly smirk on his face. A smirk that either meant that he was entertained or that he had a plan. Either way, it wasn't good. He wanted to add his two cent so bad, but it was fun to watch why join in?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Lina Dorin Character Portrait: Joseph Fino Character Portrait: Brooklyn  Jones
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Brooklyn Jones

Brooklyn smiled and laughed at how excited and preppy Lina got. She thought they would be perfect friends with a little girl time. She was trying to keep calm after he ate all that sugar Joseph gave her. She laughed when Lina thought she interrupted something Joseph and her were doing. She just shook her head in response because she was still laughing. She instantly stopped laughing when Azalia spoke. Azalia always had a thing on messing with Brook with any topic. Today's topic was Lina and Joseph. Brook gulped and shrugged nervously. "Uhhh....umm, I guess?" She said more like a question not knowing what the right answer was. She sighed and looked at the ground. 'She just had to bring that up!' she mentally yelled in her head.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Lina Dorin Character Portrait: Clarity Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Aaron J. NeSmith
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Azalia smirked at Xavier as he said "I got here just in time didn't I?"
Azalia flipped her hair and smiled "Always." She turned back to Brooklyn, who looked like a scared puppy. Because if anyone could make a situation a hell of a lot better, it was Xavier.She almost chuckled at Brooklyn's face, not to mention the fact that Lena was almost a tomato color.

She cocked her head to the side as Brooklyn said , "uhhh.....ummm....., I guess"
" Of course, they do, that's the correct answer" She said turning on her heels just as clarity said, "you coming?"
" Yeah," she said as she started walking toward the arena with Clarity. As she was walking she rolled her neck, "God clarity, why can't I find a hot bad ass guy who likes to party like.... Well like me" She asked frowning, it was a retorical question but she still wanted it to be answered.

As she was walking she noticed Aaron and she walked in pace with him, still making sure Clarity was beside her.
"Hey you as excited as I am?" she said sarcastically, she imitated her sister Lina's excited face with a smirk at the end.