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Ever Daniels

"I'm a witch? Awesome!"

0 · 549 views · located in Fae's Academy, Washington

a character in “Covens, Cliques, and Hexes”, originally authored by MaliceInWonderland, as played by RolePlayGateway



Full Name: Ever McKenzie Daniels
Nicknames: Ev, or Just Ever.
Age: 17, I was born Oct. 30th. Yes, Devil's night.
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Ethnicity African American. As if that wasn't obvious
Sexuality: I'm Straight but I'm open to possibilities

Coven: Medea. That's cool, Not everything is quite what it seems
Specialty: Alchemy, I have limited control over all five Elements. Yes, Five. Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Aether. My best is Earth. I've even be able to control natural metals too. Although, I've only been able to do it once.
Abilities: I can manipulate the elements... I thought I said that already.
Familiar: 'This is Muppet, my precious little baby.' Image
Personality:I think I'm pretty outgoing, I love making friends and hanging out with them. I can be a bit of a pest to my aunt but she loves me for it. I love to have fun and don't take things to seriously. I mean I work really hard at my magickal studies but if I fail at something I don't go all manic depressive. I just start over and try again until I get it.
At the same time, I tend to be a little snarky, and sarcastic. I insult just about everyone but my friends know that I love them and I don't mean anything by it. I tend to beat up my male friends too but they're tough they can take it. I typically saw whatever's on my mind and I never back down from a fight. I can be a bit impulsive seeing as I sort of jumped into things without really having a clear idea of what's going on. That could be a good or bad thing depending on the situation.
Likes: I love music, singing, dancing, acting a fool with my friends, video games, comics, drawing comic art, anime I'm basically a nerd, but I think I'm a cool nerd. Like Lupe Fiasco...
Dislikes: I dislike, My mother, getting in trouble...well the consequencially actually, my mother, Sunday school, my mother, stupidity and did I mention my mother?

History: I was born to a single mother who was a strict devout Christian. She forced me to read the bible regularly , attend Sunday School and even sent me to a Christian School. The Irony was that, Her sister, my Aunt was a witch. My mother believed that Witches were portents of Doom and the Devil's whores. Yea, That's what she called her.

I never believed the way my mother did and found a lot of what she said foolish and unfair.

When was I about 15, on way home from school, I was attacked. A man who'd been seen around the school often, grabbed me, threw me in the back of his van and tried to rape me. Trying to get away, I grabbed a hold of the van doors and the metal covered my hands. He hadn't seemed to noticed because he continued to attack me until I pushed him and metal shot from her palms. Killing him instantly.

Frightened, I ran home and told my mother. Her mother went into hysterics and said it was my fault that I was attacked. That I was a demon just like her sister. So she sent me to priests and even tried to have me exercised. Of course, It did not work and my mother disowned me and now claims she never had a daughter.

I ended up living with my aunt. She told me what I really was and helped me come to terms with that. She then sent me to a school to help me better control my abilities.

Other: If I had a theme song I think it would be....hmm... Skyscraper by Demi Lovato.
Oh and I'm dating Aedan McKlellen...We've been friends forever it was bound to happen...

So begins...

Ever Daniels's Story

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Character Portrait: Aedan McKlellen Character Portrait: Ever Daniels
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Aedan McKlellan

Aedan smiled slightly as he deepened the kiss, heedless of any onlookers, students or teachers. He had a job he wished to finish, after all. When they were at last out of breath, he broke away and grinned shamelessly at his girlfriend. He grinned at her.

"How is that for a wake up call?" he asked her with a cocky smirk, knowing that she would probably slap it off. His stomach rumbled and he grimaced, remembering the other reason he came to a cafeteria filled with delicious food, "Hold that thought. How about breakfast? My treat?"

With that said, they moved along with the rest of the line, ignoring some of the glares the people behind him gave him for cutting in line. Really, he was an unusual choice for Merlin. He wasn't particularly keen on the rules or healing and he loved to relax and have fun, but if there was someone who crossed the line, he was good with dealing with them: either with his own hands or his magick. When they had gotten their food and sat down in the table, Aedan took a bite of an apple he got. Fruit and donuts, his favorite combination for breakfast. The donuts he usually burned off during the day and fruit was at least as healthy as salad. Speaking of which.

"Did my Ma send you anything this term?" he asked nervously. His Ma was the overcontrolling sort and constantly sent him reminders such as "keep your hair short" or "go to Mass every Sunday". She even sent him study schedules and or diet charts. Unfortunately, she got along well with Ever and had hinted last Summer that she would be writing her so she could "keep him in line". God help him.

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Character Portrait: Aedan McKlellen Character Portrait: Ever Daniels
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"You're trying to understand those things? Christ. I have two female tyrants in my life. I feel like Shikamaru Nara. Maybe I should take up smoking and say "How Troublesome" all the time," Aedan commented, referring to one of his favorite animes. He hadn't missed the look Ever had for a second that gave away the fact she was thinking of her own mother. Her mother was a wackjob if he ever saw one. Sure, his Ma was religious, but religious in the way where she wanted her children moral, healthy, and happy and constantly taking up various causes like that Hurricane Sandy debacle a couple weeks ago and made fun of people who said others were going to hell as readily as he did. The downside was that the standards she applied to herself, she applied to her children and Aedan would be the first to admit he was a bit of a slouch and found it easier to repent than live a saintly pure life Speaking of which.

"Aw, but I was hoping we... Um, er, do something romantic?" he saved weakly. One of the many things he was grateful about Ever was that she was as insatiable as he was so she couldn't talk. Not that he didn't like Rose. She was a fun friend and the fact that her family was rich but she wasn't stuck up were points in her favor.

"Woof!" Patty barked excitedly and Aedan grinned.

"Patty says he wouldn't mind playing "Cats and Dogs" as long as they don't hide behind their humans when they lose. Again," he said.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aedan McKlellen Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Iain MacLean
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Ever Daniels

Ever scoffed. "You start smoking I will shoot you in the face, I refused to make out with an ashtray." She said but grinned. He was an Otaku much like her. Although she liked more darker and classic anime and manga like Vampire Hunter D and Basilisk. It was then he spoke about doing something romantic and she grinned. She'd already told Rose she'd hang out with her and she wasn't one to go back on her word. She thought for a moment and her grin turned mischievous. "Well, We can go over human anatomy during study hall." She said then Patty barked. Ever gave Aedan an jokingly apauled look and held Muppet to her chest. "No, Muppet it way too tiny, poor thing nearly got crushed the last time." She said and kissed Muppet's little head.

Iain MacLean

Iain sat at his large mohangy desk grading a exams from the previous week. The students have done well, most of them. Writing exams weren't a crowd favorite but they did fairly well. He was about to grade Aedan McKlellen's paper when Kwan Yin peekd through the door. "Professor MacLean?" She asked softly. He looked up over his small round glasses and smiled. "Yes. Come on Kwan Yin." He said to his former student and now co worker. It aways made him happy to see one of his students again, especially one whom he brought to the school himself. Kwan Yin was a broken soul when he'd met her, a young Jade Child confused about her powers. He'd been working at the school since it was founded and was more then happy to help the girl. Though, she was in the Medea Coven, and not Merlin like himself, he was more than willing to guide the child.

He'd become much like the Father of the students, some one they could confide in when they needed it. He couldn't count the many times, he'd been someone's reference for a job. He'd even been once a godfather to one of his students, childern. Those childern however have passed on. It was always like that for an Immortal but he'd grown to love his work and though the students drove him up a wall, he'd loved them too.

Kwan Yin was one of the few who wouldn't pass away, as she was immortal as well.
"Oh, Well, I was wondering if you'd could help me. I'm going over healing spells and I've been having trouble deciding how to teach that without having to hurt myself or my students." She said walking over. "Ah, Use a plant. Prefferably one that's already dying." He said simple. Kwan Yin rolled her eyes. "Oh Duh. Alright. Thank You." She said and was about to leave the room. "Um,Kwan Yin? Why didn't you ask Karol." He asked her and she scoffed and continued her walk. Iain just chuckled. She was more then willing to ask him a question she was stumped on but Karol, that was the last thing she's do. Iain thought it was funny. Kwan Yin, even as a child refused to be helped by a man, It took her years to become comfortable asking him for help. Iain just let her be. There was no sense in agruing, the girl was stubborn. All that would do was making her resist even more.If Karol were to pay attention, he'd understand that by now, though, Karol could be just a stubborn, He was another student turned colleague. He studied directly under Iain being that he is apart of Merlin Coven as well. Iain smiled and wondered if he'd be invited to their inevitable wedding. He looked back down and continued grading papers.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aedan McKlellen Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Rose Gilome
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Rose Gilome

Rose got the text from Ever and then it was her cue to leave. She was about to leave Flower, but she changed her mind. Rose opened her bag and lowered it so that she could get in. Flower crawled in, wriggled around, and then poked her head up at the top of the bag. Rose laughed and left her room. She made were way to cafe while struggling to keep Flower from moving. She got to the cafe and she found Ever and Aedan almost immediately. She strutted over to them with a smile on her face.

“Good Morning love birds!” She exclaimed while Flower meowed at them. Rose let Flower out of the bag and on the floor. Flower stared at Patty with caution which made Rose laugh. Rose liked Patty and Aedan, but she was closer to Ever. Nothing personal just happened that way. Rose needed coffee so she went to go get some. She put tons of creamer in it so it wasn't actually coffee in it. She started to drink it and knew that she was going to want more later.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Aedan McKlellen Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Ethan Holler Character Portrait: Rose Gilome
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Aedan McKlellan

"But you'd kiss a hideously disfigured face? That's so much better," he teased her without really meaning any of it. He wasn't into many animes per say, but there were a few favorites of his such as Naruto, Avatar: The Last Airbender and the Legend of Korra, and he loved Ao No Exorcist. Still, he liked watching Ever's animes too, though he at times didn't understand what was going on. At her mention of study hall, he grinned naughtily, "Ah, yes. Anatomy. I think we should do a full review. Where at? The library has a secluded corner here and there."

Adventurous as ever, Aedan liked suggesting risque actions like that, but wouldn't mind if Ever shot him down and slapped him. If not, then he was fine with that too. He chuckled at her displays of affection for her little kitten.

"He's keeping himself small on purpose. How many years have you had him now? He likes cuddling with Mama. Not that I blame him, considering his Mama's..." he began, only to stop as Rose greeted them. He grinned at her.

"Good morning Rose," he greeted a Patty approached Flower friendly and licked her mercilessly across the face.

Ethan Holler

Ethan walked around the school grounds a little high and a little cheerful because of the good weather and plants around him. Joey was done tripping and was perched on his shoulder and he was generally at peace with the Universe and all its denizens. When he saw a figure appear and disappear from a distance, he smiled. He had a feeling he knew who it was and what they were doing and this was confirmed when he saw a hot young woman reading out of her book. He grinned at her cheerfully.

"Nice. Am I hallucinating, a fair possibility, mind you, or did you manage to read someone in and out a book?" he asked Amarina cheerfully, "You should read something out of a wine catalogue to celebrate."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Aedan McKlellen Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Ethan Holler Character Portrait: Karol Angelo Character Portrait: Kwan Yin Xong
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Ethan Holler

"You don't drink? You poor deprived girl. I must help you," Ethan told Amarina with an expression of mock horror, snapping his finger and murmuring an incantation, first conjuring a wineglass and then concentrating slightly, imagining the air within it turning into sweet red wine with a touch of honey in it and, behold, it was filled. He grinned in accomplishment and took a seat beside her. Unlike most people, he wasn't intimidated by Amarina. To be honest, he wasn't intimidated by anyone except for a Circe witch on a roaring rampage of revenge. Even he wasn't zen enough not to be nervous about that.

"It is pretty cool. You control the gateway between worlds. Real cool. I have to smoke and drink a whole lot to do that and it's only in my head, unfortunately," he told the girl with a shameless grin as he offered her the glass of wine. Joey chittered and offered them a couple of mushrooms. He grinned at his friend.

"Maybe later. Still early in the day," he told his Familiar before grinning over at Amarina, "Joey's worse than I am and that's saying something."

To tell the truth, despite his blatant interest in them, girls were rather wary of Ethan Holler, as though they expected him to drug them or get them drunk. As if he'd do that. He had some standards. He may be an open druggie and offered said substances to others, but he respected their boundaries.

Aedan McKlellan

Aedan laughed, enjoying the expression on his girlfriend's face. He knew Muppet's gender perfectly well. He just liked teasing her. He grinned at her, "Alright. We can study in my room. Or yours. I don't care where. I like the subject..."

At her question, he shrugged, "I don't know. Ethan mentioned earlier that he was having a party in the woods and everyone was invited: sprites, nymphs, students, cool teachers. It sounds fun, if any of us can remember it."

Karol Angelo

Karol looked up when Kwan entered the teacher's lounge, images of their last prolonged encounter flashing through his mind. He suppressed a blush. He still had yet to carry on an extended conversation with her since that incident, but he knew he would have to. They were colleague's for God's sake. Thus, he offered her a friendly smile and gave her a polite nod.

"Good morning, Kwan," he told her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Aedan McKlellen Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Ethan Holler Character Portrait: Rose Gilome
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Ethan Holler

"Focus, me, focus? This is me focusing. I'm not out of it or spotting purple dragons. I need to stay cognitive if I'm to pull tonight's party off right," Ethan told the girl with a grin as he took a gulp of wine before setting it on the ground. At the mention of his Familiar, he grinned.

"Joey is a mischievious fellow and addicted to shrooms," he told her with a mischievous grin, patting Joey who chattered at him. He frowned, "Okay, I'd give you the papaya incident, but to be fair, I thought they were invading. And you were tripping this morning so you don't have room to talk."

"Nice bird," he commented as Joey cautiously approached her Familiar and poked it. He snapped his fingers as if remembering something, "Oh yeah. I wanted to invite you to a get-together tonight. It's a festival inside the forest. There will be costumes, music, alcohol, mind-altering substances, magical mind-altering substances, nymphs, fairies, and hormone-addled teenagers doing what hormone-addled teenagers do best. On that thought, I could use help setting up the tents and decorations...."

Aeadan McKlellan

"You wound me, love," Aedan told her in a mock hurt tone as he wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up on his lap. He grinned at her and kissed her neck, "No one is as beautiful, smart, fun, or as wild in bed as you are."

He smiled apologetically at Rose, "Sorry for the scene. You know I can't resist. Are you coming to the party? It's going to be awesome."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aedan McKlellen Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Rose Gilome
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Rose Gilome

Rose hugged her best friend back and she sat down in the booth with them. Ever asked them what they were going to do after school. "Well I was going to go on my daily boyfriend search." She joked. Rose was always joking about how she was single around those two. She didn't actually care and it never really bothered her, but it was fun to complain to them. The Aeadan said there was going to be a party with all different kinds of people. She was excited, but Ever put up her girlfriend act. Then Aeadan responded by displaying his affection for Ever right in front of Rose. She pretended to throw up. Then he apologized. "No. It's okay. When I get a boyfriend I am going to display all that affection as well." She replied.

Then he asked if she was going to the party. "Of course. Like I have anything better to do." She really didn't. After school she would go to her room and sing to herself while doing homework. Or she would practice some of her skills. She would usually practice on Flower, but Flower seemed immune to it. Speaking of Flower. When Patty liked Flower's face, Flower hissed playfully and jumped on Patty. Flower didn't like when Patty licked her and Rose thought it was funny. But then Flower stopped and went to Muppet. Those two were practically best friends like her and Ever.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aedan McKlellen Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Karol Angelo Character Portrait: Rose Gilome
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Aedan McKlellan

"I knew you couldn't stay mad at me," Aedan told his girlfriend and best friend with a grin. Honestly, the transition from being best friends to boyfriend and girlfriend went smoother than either of them expected. They both knew each other down to the dirtiest detail and loved spending time with each other anyway. There was no pretension or lies in order to make yourself out better than you really were. His family also knew her already and liked her and his mother seemed to always know that they were going to end up together. There was also none of the best friend vs new girlfriend drama since they were one in the same.

"I know plenty of guys that think you're hot. I can round them up and they will plead their case. They're not as awesome as I am, but what do you do?" Aedan asked rhetorically with a grin as Patty laid down to watch the cats play. The old softie. He was protective of them, deep down, particularly Muppet. He grinned slightly when Ever mentioned taking stuff from Ethan, "I took something from him once. I woke up naked, painted purple, and with no idea what happened the night before.

(Will post more soon. Got to go. :( )

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Character Portrait: Aedan McKlellen Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Rose Gilome
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Rose Gilome

"I know plenty of guys that think you're hot. I can round them up and they will plead their case. Rose laughed at him. "Why have you been hiding them from me?" She said playfully hurt. She was actually oblivious to guys when it came to romance and stuff like that. They could be sending her all the signals and she still wouldn't know. You would have to practically spell it out for her and maybe explain it in grave detail. They're not as awesome as I am, but what do you do?" She rolled her eyes. "Because I always looked for someone just like you Aedan." She said with pure sarcasm. To be honest Aedan was a pretty good guy and she was happy him and Ever finally got together.

Speaking of Ever she told Rose not to take anything from Ethan. She actually already has, but she was going to let Ever finish whatever she was saying. And then Aedan described what happened the last time he took something from Ethan. She laughed because she would have killed to have been there. "Well you don't have to tell me twice. Ethan poured me a drink and I took it, but luckily I didn't finish it. About half way through I wound up on the floor every time I tried to walk." She remembered that night. She was wearing a lovely outfit and beautiful stilettos. She remembered it because trying to walk in those shoes while drunk was not fun. "So we all agree not to take anything from Ethan?" She said with a smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Ethan Holler Character Portrait: Karol Angelo Character Portrait: Kwan Yin Xong Character Portrait: Rose Gilome
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Aedan McKlellan

"Hey, how do you know she won't like my guys? They are handsome, charming, fun. What type of guys do you have in mind?" Aedan complained playfully. He kissed her back fiercely, smirking slightly when he nipped her lip. He knew that'd drive her crazy.

Karol Angelo

He sighed. He supposed that it was too much to ask that they would leave the past in the backburner. He closed his book and looked at her seriously, "I don't know. What we did... What happened. What are we supposed to do? It obviously raises a lot of questions. We were obviously physically attracted to each other. That is a requirement for the potion to work as we both know. Was it just sexual tension then or do we have feelings for each other? I have no answers for that. I don't know. I do know that I enjoyed it at the time. And I am sorry for any inconvenience my actions gave you."

Ethan Holler

He grinned at the girl. He had gotten Amarina to agree to come to his party and that was most of the battle. He just needed to be friendly with her, get her a drink, and she'd be enjoying herself in no time. Ethan prided himself on his charitable nature. He grinned.

"It's going to be just within the forest, of course. The wards won't allow the fairies and nymphs in otherwise, not without us breaking them anyway. It won't be too far in so nothing nasty should crash the party. Unless you count the Circe Coven and they're coming anyway, so I invited them. It's better that they come invited in a good mood than uninvited in a bad mood," he told her with an easy grin.

"Don't worry. I will make sure no one trashes your books. I'll be your date for the evening," he told her, as if he was simply informing her what he was going to wear there.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aedan McKlellen Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Karol Angelo Character Portrait: Kwan Yin Xong Character Portrait: Iain MacLean
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Ever Daniels

Ever shivered a bit. He was messing with her. She smacked his leg and whispered. "I'm gonna make you pay for that." She said and then smiled. "Anyway, I know because, I know you. You will find guys based three things. Attractive, Charm and Fun. And Nothing deeper, though your heart is in the right place." She said with a pat to his chest. "So my love, I will have to remedy that because we are trying to get her a boyfriend not just simply laid." She said with a know it all smile.

Kwan Yin Xong

Kwa Yin sighed. He brought up valid points. Surely she was attracted to him. He was handsome, there was no denying that but it's not a requisite of romantic feelings. She still wasn't sure if it was a love potion or simply an infatuation potion. Similar but different. Love required feelings, Infatuation required attraction. She wasn't sure which played the part. She looked up at him as he apologized. "There's no need to apologize." She said. "It wasn't your fault." It was then the bell rang and it was time to round up her Coven. She stood up, walked over and leaned by his ear. "You only apologize for something you regret. I ,for one, am not apologizing." She whispered and made her way out the door.

Iain MacLean

Professer MacLean made his way to the lobby where the students were to be lined up and break off into their Coven. He was acting Headmaster while the Headmistress was away. He stood at the top of the stairs and students filed in, awaiting dismissal. Kwan Yin appeared beside him and her Medea Coven began to line up before her. Iain was Merlin as well as Professor Karol, but since he was acting Headmaster, The students would line up in from of Karol. He had an announcement to make to the students about the second years, Battle Magick Class after study hall. Medea Vs. Merlin. It was a good practice for the students and it was always fun. He fought the urge to chuckle as Karol and Kwan Yin would be pitted against each other although they're fights were legendary.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Aedan McKlellen Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Karol Angelo Character Portrait: Kwan Yin Xong Character Portrait: Rose Gilome
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Aedan McKlellan

"How do you know that she won't continue seeing the guy after they sleep together?" Aedan asked indignantly. Really, his friends weren't that bad were they? He thought about Ethan and the others and smiled sheepishly.

"Well, she'd have fun anyway," he said at last.

Karol Angelo

The Healing and Protection Professor felt his face redden at his colleague's words and the closeness in which she delivered them. He was not expecting that, but then, since when was Kwan predictable? It was a trait he admired about her and yet infuriated him at the same time. He was never sure when she would do or say something that would catch him off-balance. With a shake of his head, headed for his classroom. He needed to focus on his first year class.

Ethan Holler

Ethan raised up his hands in his defense, "Hey, they're coming anyway, whether we want them or not. I just want to make sure they're not in a bad mood when they do arrive."

He blinked in surprise when Amarina fixated on the part about her being his date. Really, was it a big deal to her? He was certain guys asked her out all the time and accompanying him to a party wasn't exactly romantic. His first intention was to make sure she enjoyed herself and nothing over-the-top happened to her. He would have to be slightly sober, but it was something he felt was his duty to do. But she was also rather pretty and fun to hang out with. He gave her an easy smile.

"Well... What is a date anyway? It's simply a girl accompanying a guy or a girl if she is that way or a guy accompanying another guy, but I digress. I just want to spend time with you. Show you a good time. If it turns romantic, I will certainly be happy about it, but if not, I would still be glad that I showed a good friend a good time," he stated, sounding unusually lucid for him. His eyes widened in horror.

"My God, I am sober, aren't I?"

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Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Ethan Holler Character Portrait: Rose Gilome
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"Well... What is a date anyway? It's simply a girl accompanying a guy or a girl if she is that way or a guy accompanying another guy, but I digress. I just want to spend time with you. Show you a good time. If it turns romantic, I will certainly be happy about it, but if not, I would still be glad that I showed a good friend a good time," She raised an eyebrow. Where they hell did the wise man come from? Since when did Ethan make logic when he wasn't.... normal. Then again, when was he normal? She looked and saw the look on his face of horror. At first she thought it was her then he continued to speak. She chuckled a but before putting her hand on his shoulder. She raised an eyebrow. "And, first off, what was that "deep" insight? She said with sarcasm in her voice. She smirked. OK, to be honest maybe she was asked out once or twice by a few guys. But, she never said yes for the sheer fact that.... she was a loner. You can't be that quiet loner people knew and be all Aedan and Ever lovey dovey at the same. Besides they were guys she barely knew. The only guys she knew, were either in a relationship or were probably into that cutesy type of girl.

"Second, I--I know how to have a good time. I mean, sure I don't party but, I have fun." She said putting her hand through her hair and looking at Kumberlin who tilted her head, questioning if that was true. "Who asked you anything? You're a bird and you can't even fly." She said to her familiar. At that moment she saw her bird move a bit closer to her."My God, I am sober, aren't I?" Seeing Ever walk up with her pups and Rose close behind her. "It would be a bit of a shocker yea?" She smirked and chuckled. "Welcome to the dark side, my friend. Also known as reality." She said tilting her head a bit.

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Character Portrait: Aedan McKlellen Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Rose Gilome
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Rose Gilome

Rose watched her friends go back and forth about finding Rose a boyfriend. She could have killed them for discussing this so loudly. Then Aedan brought up her sleeping with someone and then seeing them afterwards. She hasn't slept with anyone since last year. She was drunk and very stupid. Therefore a very sexy one night stand that she barely remembers. It could have honestly been anyone. She didn't say anything though and she just let those two go at it.

Ever got the final word in and then the bell rang for class. She had to math which is a dumb class for witches to take, but it is required. She got up and grabbed Flower and kissed the top of Patty's head. "I will see you too later. And whoever either of you find for me, better hope that I am sober." She said with a cunning smile. With that she left the cafe and made her way to class.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Aedan McKlellen Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Ethan Holler Character Portrait: Rose Gilome
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Aedan grinned as he kissed Ever back heatedly. Study Hall was his favorite period in the day, he decided. He watched in disappointment when she left, but nonetheless stood up and headed for the the line of Second Year Merlins. Honestly, he didn't see why they had to do this everday before class. They weren't in elementary school. He shot ever a look from across the courtyard and winked at her, silently telling her he'd meet her at her dorm.

Karol, for his part, smiled slightly, "Patience is a virtue."
He began to address his own coven, reminding them that skipping classes, even study hall, was not tolerated as well as issuing a few announcements from the Headmistress, including and updated list of banned substances and the times of club meetings, though he knew that only a few paid attention to him. Teenagers had notoriously low attention spans in his experience.

"Well, maybe I just want to show you a good time anyway. No harm in it," Ethan told Amarina with a grin as she teased him about being sober, along with Ever. He groaned as he followed the two girls to meet with their teachers, "Reality is dark and cruel. I need a buzz."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Ethan Holler
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As they walked, Amarina looked around the campus. It actually was her favorite part of the school other than being in the woods to look up at the stars. She loved the quiet, letting the Earth speak instead of other humans. Some people may have thought it was strange, but funny enough her friends never said anything about it. And, even funnier enough she actually did have friends who she was close to. She snapped back to reality as Ethan spoke to her. "Well, maybe I just want to show you a good time anyway. No harm in it," She rolled her eyes before looking at him. "Yea, no harm in that. Who knows maybe something.... interesting will happen. Just don't touch any of my drinks." She teased him before smirking.

Did she count Ethan as her friend? Absolutly. But, unlike her friends, she never went to parties. Maybe this would be good for her. She heard Ethan groan before looking back at him with a raised eyebrow. "Are you ok, Ethan?" She said before hearing him respond. Reality is dark and cruel. I need a buzz." She chuckled before smiling. Well, an Amarina smile at least. Which was her showing her top row of teeth but not her bottom. "Dark and cruel? Hey, kind of like me." She said in sarcasm before continuing. "Come on, that crap is not good for brain cells and you're my friend but, you have none to spare." She said, joking of course.

She looked as they entered the buliding where they had to go into their covens. She looked around for someone. No one in particular, with the way she liked people it could be anyone. Jason, Atreyu, hell it could have even been her friend Mellie for all she knew. Before she knew it she saw the Meade coven and smiled. She was.... well, not close but friendly to most of them and knowing Ever and Rose were in it made it easier.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalia Dorin Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Jason Castro-Moore Character Portrait: Hazel Lealis Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Nox Character Portrait: Aedan McKlellen
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Ethan Holler

"Come on, that crap is not good for brain cells and you're my friend but, you have none to spare."

"You are so cruel. You honestly are breaking my heart," Ethan sighed, though he couldn't hide the grin on his face as he walked in with Amarina. He headed for the Puck Coven and grinned at his coven mates as well as just about everyone that he found of interest, announcing to no one in particulary.

"Yo, guys. Party, tonight! Booze, dryads, fairies, the works!"

Aedan McKlellan

Aedan snickered at the look Ever was giving them. He, Ever, and half the school expected that something was going on between the two teachers. Ethan had opened up a betting pool once upon a time. He was one of those who bet that Kwan and Karol were secret lovers and that BDSM was part of it.

He grinned as Professor Ian began speaking. He always liked the old guy and Battle Magick was his specialty. He grinned slightly, hoping that Merlin would be paired with Circe. There was a trick or two he was absolutely dying to practice on Divinia and this would be the perfect opportunity. Not only would she not be able to sneak up on him since this was a real match, Ever wouldn't have cause to get mad at him if he somehow, accidentally, got a spell past the invulnerability spells.

These hopes were dashed as Ian announced that Merlin would be paired with Circe. He groaned slightly. Great. And If he knew the professors, which he did, they'd pair him up with Ever for this.

Karol Angelo

The Healing Professor blushed at the comment she made, his mind shifting back to less than innocent things. Nonetheless, he regained his composure and replied, "True. But you are at least strongly advised to be a role model for the students."

At Ethan's brash announcement, he raised an eyebrow and asked, "What was that, Mr. Holler?"

"Err... Cool. School is a party! Books, diets, dairy, the works," Ethan shouted out. Karol sighed and pretended to believe him as he turned his attention to his colleague. Merlin vs Medea, huh? He might like that.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Ethan Holler Character Portrait: Atreyu
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Double Post, sorry guys. V.V

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Ever Daniels Character Portrait: Ethan Holler Character Portrait: Atreyu
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Once entering the room she turned her attention fromEthan to the room, searching for her Cheveyo. Well, not her boyfriend but, her closest guy friend, Cheveyo. She was never one to really call him what everyone else called him. She didn't know why, she just didn't want to be like everyone else in his eyes. Ever since he had saved her from Divinia. He had honestly been her guardian angel. And, she hated not being able to say good morning to him and actually have a real smile on her face. She continued to looked around before hearing Ethan "Yo, guys. Party, tonight! Booze, dryads, fairies, the works!" She felt like facepalming herself.

Until she heard Mr.Angelo talk to Ethan. "What was that, Mr. Holler?" She bit her bottom lip from laughing. Afraid it would seem like she was laughing at the professor. "Err... Cool. School is a party! Books, diets, dairy, the works," She rolled her eyes as she heard him clearly from where she was next to Ever. "He's an idiot" She said, not to anyone in particular. She looked at the headmaster as he spoke. She may have disrespected peers but never teachers or adults in general. She wanted to be like a shadow. Unnoticed from the rest of the world, except for one person.

She heard who her coven of Meada were going against. Merlin. Great. But, the more she thought about it. The more she was happy. She could show off her battle skills instead of her best ones. It was a chance top learn. And, a chance to beat Atreyu's coven's butt.