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Creature and Human Romance


Total redo of my last one. Should not have started at 2 in the morning.

I browsed this site, and was unable to find a RP that was exactly what I wanted. So, I will make one and hope that some other people think that I have a good idea going.

In a place called Hidden Valley, magical creatures from all over the world are able to be themselves, not having to worry about human interference.

Here they are able to reunite with old friends, settle quarrels, and find mates. The old laws have begun to break down, and now creatures of different races are getting into relationships.

Now, due to the break down in the laws, word is leaking into the human population about this place. Some of these are those fitting into the LGBT area, others are those who don't think that they are meant for another human.

But when they get there, what will they find?

Vampire- Fangs, red eyes, humanoid, drinks blood, turns into a bat. You get the idea.
Werewolf- Human in appearance, but can change to their true form at will.
Kit- A human with 80-90% fox like characteristics. (Go ahead, call this a rip-off of Kitsune. I promise I haven't heard it before.)
Neko- A human with the ears and tail of a cat.

You are more than welcome to create your own if you want.

The characters
I'll do the basics, and let you come up with the other stuff such as personality.

Drake and Mikayla

Drake is a recently turned vampire. He first lived his life on the streets, unable to control his hunger. Until he was discovered by other creatures, who told him about Hidden Valley. There he met Mikayla, a vampire since birth. She agreed to teach him about his new powers, but they never would have known a deeper meaning to their relationship would evolve...

Name: Drake Oldam

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Vampire

Powers: Increased speed, strength and endurance. Retractable fangs. Changing to a bat.

Appearance: Image

Orientation: Straight

-Taken- Played by ceh21

Name: Mikayla Rose

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Vampire

Powers: Increased speed, strength and endurance. Retractable fangs. Changing to a bat.

Appearance: Image

Orientation: Straight

-RESERVED- For Tayloremond

Brian and Lucas

Lucas was also born and raised in Hidden Valley. He is a werewolf, and has only recently mastered controlling his wilder side. He is also secretly gay, not wanting to dishonor his family. But when a human his age joined the valley, he couldn't help but get to know him. His name was Brian, and he was also gay. He was disowned by his family when he came out, and decided to make his way to the valley. Now they are secretly lovers, debating about revealing their feelings for each other to the rest of the valley...

Name: Lucas Roark

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Werewolf

Powers: Change to true wolf form.

Appearance: Image

Orientation: Gay


Name: Brian Greene

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Appearance: Image

Orientation: Gay

-Taken- Played by LittlexVamp

Katie and Jessie

Katie was born and raised in Hidden Valley. Being a Kit, she is naturally playful and happy. She always had her flirty side, not fully embracing it until she left to live in New York for a short time, disguised as a human. Little did she know she would meet Jessie, a human girl that would do anything for Katie. It wasn't until Katie was leaving to return to Hidden valley that Jessie confessed her love, and Katie revealed her true form. Katie couldn't bear to leave her new lover, so she brought her to her old home...

Name: Katie Cowell

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Kit

Powers: Disguise as a human. Image

Appearance: Image
(Dayum. That is one big picture.)
Orientation: Bisexual

-Taken- Played by bnrdhdu

Name: Jessica "Jessie" Brin

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Appearance: Image

Orientation: Lesbian


Character Skeleton
You are more than welcome to use this to make your character, however, do not use this for an existing character. All you need is to say which one you want, and create their personality.





Powers: (Only if not human.)

Appearance: (I like pictures, how about you?)

Personality: (How they act.)

Orientation: (Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or straight.)

Background: (What they did before they came to the valley, why they came to the valley, how they met their lover, etc.)

Anything Else?

If you would like to, I have an Imgur that I use for RP's. Usually I can just look at a picture to be able to create a character, but I don't know if this works for everyone. Give it a try, and PM if you would like a link to one of the pictures.

Toggle Rules

1) I am pretty flexible on anything and everything. PM me with your ideas and input!
2) If things start to get steamy, either take it to PM, Skype or another type of IM.
3) Have fun!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors

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Character Portrait: Katie Cowell
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0.00 INK

#, as written by bnrdhdu
Katie lay on top of a building in the middle of town. It wasn't that uncommon for people to be on top of the roofs in Hidden Valley. After all, the inhabitants were able to get up there easier than humans. She was incredibly bored. Now it seemed that whenever she wasn't with Jessie or having a good time, life seemed to be very dull. Her tail twitched in agitation at her side, and she sat up.

Looking out over the rest of the town wasn't much more exciting than watching the clouds. Other creatures like her wandered around like ants, minding whatever business they had to attend to. Some were human in appearance, others were obviously not. Thanks to what had been happening recently, for all she new there were humans down there. But unfortunately for her, none of them were Jessie. She sighed and grabbed her soft, fluffy tail. She enjoyed holding it, even if she was also covered in fur.

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Xander woke with a start her breath coming our fast and hot, almost to the point of flames. She brought a shakey hand up to touch her sweat drenched forehead. Closing her eyes for a moment she tried to regain composure. She was having the dream again. The one where the humans where hunting her. She took a deep breath and shook herself a little. The remains of the dream and the fear began to fade. She growled. She hated feeling like she was weak. Her eyes shifted from human to dragon in the mirror as she glared at herself. She sighed and shook her head before getting in the shower. The water was as hot as she coud get it, yet it still wasnt hot enough for her. After her shower she dressed in a black tank top, a pair of short jogging shorts and her running shoes. she put in her ear buds, and started listening to Fucking Perfect by Pink before She left from her appartment at full speed. She started up the street at a easy pace.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katie Cowell
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0.00 INK

#, as written by bnrdhdu
Deciding she had been on the roof long enough, Katie climbed down. Jessie could have been looking for her, and she probably wouldn't have thought to look up. She smiled to herself, entering one of the shops and buying herself a large cup of assorted berries. This was her absolute favorite thing to eat. Blueberries, raspberries, strawberry, huckleberry, gooseberry, blackberry. Didn't matter, as long as it was a berry. She left the shop and continued down the street, occasionally taking a berry from the cup and tossing it into her mouth.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake Oldam
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ceh12
Drake was sitting in his usual spot meditating by the lake. It was a sense of calming that he had whenever he was near quiet water. He let out a sigh as the birds near him sang softly. He got up from his spot and started to take off his shoes slowly. He didn't want to stay focused to day and he more of which wanted to relax a bit so that he could hopefully not change today.

He hadn't changed in about a week and was happy that he was getting better at it. He had been studying up whether or not he could change back or if he would be like this forever but told no one about his plans to try and become mortal once again. It saddened him to think of his home and the friends he had left behind. But for now he had to stay in Happy Valley lest he change back and go on another rampage.

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Brian was out in his garden bright and early that morning. His herbs had finally reached their peak and it was time to trim them down. Taking his scissors he began to cut bushels of Rosemary, Thyme, Basil and Mint. When he was finished, he placed his bushels into his basket and turned his attention to his fruit. There were three berry bushes; blueberry, tayberry and strawberry. They were coming along quite nicely, almost at their peak. Next to them, a green apple tree towered in the corner of his front yard, giving shade to a decent portion.

Soon it would be time for his annual Summer-bliss party, and the crop was looking wonderful this year.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katie Cowell
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0.00 INK

#, as written by bnrdhdu
Wondering about what she was going to do the rest of the day, Katie walked slowly down the road. Nothing that came to mind seemed to suit her fancy. She sighed as she reached into her now half-empty cup and withdrew a plump strawberry. She took a moment to admire it. The beautiful blood red. The gentle ridges of the indented seeds. It's inconspicuous heart shape. Gingerly she plucked the stem from the berry and put it into her mouth. She bit into the large berry, enjoying the juice exploding into her mouth.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gordon Nagar
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lambie
Gordon woke up and let his body stretched. He looked around a bit in his small apartment sleepily. Holding his fluffy tail and finally he let go of the warm extension. Then he got up to take a shower and get ready putting on some jeans with a black tang top. Lightly fixed his hair and looked at the mirror he looked good enough. Not bothering to put shoes on due to his large feet he had when he was like this. Gordon then went out of his apartment and began to walk down to the main part of the town. Where he knew he could find something to do.

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Brian blinked softly, a slight movement catching his eye. It was Katie. Smiling, he began to wave. If he wanted anyone to test his berries, it was her.

"Katie!" He called, smiling.

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Ajali walked down the quaint streets of Hidden Valley. Her tiny curled hair bounced as she moved, the Oceanic jewelry she wore on her neck, wrists, and ankles clinked softly as she moved barefoot down the street. She was in human form but still her shimmering green scales lined the egde of her hairline, and her arms and long legs. She loved the surface world. Everyone was so different. She smiled to some of the townsfolk. That Aja, she was always chipper. She wasn't always like that. She used to be a somber sort but only because she had to deal with her Mother's Rule and Rules. She hated it so much. So yes, she was a runaway princess but that didn't seem to matter here. She stopped to make sure her sarong and bikini top was tied tight and then continued on. It was then she noticed another barefoot person walking dowm the street. She smiled. "Hey D'ere!" She said smiling up at him. Her word still held her Caribbean accent it was slight thought. She was typically understandable until she was overly excited then her words would turn full Mer.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brian Greene Character Portrait: Katie Cowell
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0.00 INK

#, as written by bnrdhdu
Katie's ears twitched as she heard her name called. She swallowed the berry and spun around, looking for the source. Quickly she noticed Brian waving at her. She began closing the distance between them. "Wassup?" She asked once she was in talking distance.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gordon Nagar Character Portrait: Ajali Maji
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lambie
Gordon smiled lightly as he walked down the street. Taking a small notice at another bare footed person. "Hey D'ere!" She said smiling up at him. Her word still held her Caribbean accent it was slight thought. He looked at the girl with a pleasant smile on his lion-dog face. "Hello there miss." Gordon looked at this beautiful jewelry that graced her body. By the sound of her accent and her jewelry she was defiantly from some place else.

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Ajali smiled. "My name is Ajali. You can call me Aja, I'm new here." She said cheerfully, she touched her chest as was accustom greeting where she was from. She shooking her head and remembering that surface dwellers shook hands. She held her hand out awkwardly but still smiled. She found immediately interesting. He walked like a human but didn't appear to have the human features that she does. She was curious about what he was.

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The human smiled, leaning over his fence as he offered her a polite handshake.

"The fruits are coming in, and I want you to be the first to test them," He grinned, stepping to the side and opening his gate.

"Care to?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gordon Nagar Character Portrait: Ajali Maji
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lambie
"My name is Ajali. You can call me Aja, I'm new here." She said cheerfully, held her hand out awkwardly but still smiled "Nice to meet you Aja." Gordon says as he takes her hand lightly, but firmly and shook it and his thin bright orange fur and smooth pads touched her hand. "My name is Gordon." His long fluffy orange tail wagged back and forth. "Where are you orginally from Aja?" Gordon asked very interested in the girl.

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Ajali smiled at the feel of his padded hands. "Nice to meet you, Gordon, I'm from the Caribbean Sea. Just under the Island of Saba!" She said with a smile, His wagging tail made her loose focus for a moment. She blinked it away and looked back at him. "What about you?"

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katie Cowell
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0.00 INK

#, as written by bnrdhdu
Katie accepted the hand-shake, taking his hand in her paw. "I'd love to." She said happily. Almost nothing got her more excited than fresh berries. She let go of his hand and entered the garden. "Lemme at 'em." She giggled, rubbing her palms together.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gordon Nagar Character Portrait: Ajali Maji
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lambie
"I am from around here." Gordon says with a grin, taking notice that she was interested in his tail. "Caribbean sea, so then you must be a mermaid then?" He says in awe. "That's pretty amazing."

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Brian smiled warmly and lead her over to the fruit patch.

"Don't eat them all now, sweetheart. Anything I can get you?" He asked, motion to his home. "Lemonade?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brian Greene Character Portrait: Katie Cowell
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0.00 INK

#, as written by bnrdhdu
"Maybe after," She said, holding up her paw in politer refusal. "If I have it now, the taste will be corrupted. Make sense?" She explained, admiring the full bushes.

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Ajali smiled and nodded. "That's right!" She said and then frowned a little. "I'm sorry but I'm afriad I don't know what you are?" She said scratching her head with a finger causing her tiny curls to shift up and down.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gordon Nagar Character Portrait: Ajali Maji
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0.00 INK

Xander became lost in her music and closed her eyes for a moment, unfortunately that moment was all it took for her to run full force into a guy. She twisted to catch herself from the fall and ended up in a protective crouch, her breath whooshing out of her chest in one harsh movement. She looked at the guy she hit in confusion, horror, and irritation.

"Sorry, sorry, i didnt mean to, i just didnt see you" She said with a frown. She could feel her eyes changing from the stress of the situation. She stood up out of her crouch and brushed off her knee.

"I hope i didnt hurt you" She said with a frown as she looked at the other person there.

"uh..hi?" she said feeling slightly awkward.

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Ajali smiled curiously at the girl who'd run into Gordon. She was very pretty. "Hello, I'm Ajali, You can call me Aja. Nice to meet you." She said with a bright smile. She held out her hand but this time slightly less awkwardly as she'd done before.

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‘It was a fresh new start for him,’ Golith thought to himself as he walked out of the apartment complex he was staying in. He had been run out of so many other places do to his nature and this was his last shot, after this he would have to live in solitude and that was a lonely life. ‘But would it be better if I did,’ he questioned himself. Looking at the sky it was indeed a bright day, better not to think gloomy thoughts or else ruin the day for everyone. It was when he was looking up when he heard someone utter an apology to a pair of people. Curiosity getting the better of him he walked over and said, “Is everyone ok?”

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gordon Nagar Character Portrait: Ajali Maji Character Portrait: Golith Dacon
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0.00 INK

"Hi Ajali im Xander sorry about--" Xander started before someone came up and asked if everyone was okay. She looked him over, her breath hitching as she realized he smelled familiar. She looked him over, curiosity overtaking her. She had never smelled anything like it until now...yet she knew the scent.

"i-i think so...i was just running and i lost track of myself...." She said with a apologetic smile towards Ajali and the other boy.

" was nice to meet you Ajali...and" She said trailing off talking to both the boys. She brushed her hair out of her face as she waited for an answer.

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Ajali smiled at Xander as yet another person appeared. She smiled. "It seems so! I'm Ajali, Aja for short, Nice to meet you." She said holding out her hand to him. She was excited. She met so many Surface Dwellers in one day. She couldn't have imagined it a few days ago. Or even this morning.

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Character Portrait: Katie Cowell
37 sightings Katie Cowell played by bnrdhdu
Hey, Foxy's here!
Character Portrait: Golith Dacon
7 sightings Golith Dacon played by Alphawolf565
It looks like rain today.

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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Drake Oldam
Character Portrait: Brian Greene
Character Portrait: Gordon Nagar
Character Portrait: Lucas Roark
Character Portrait: Mikayla Rose


Character Portrait: Mikayla Rose
Mikayla Rose

"Just don't piss me off and I won't hurt you"

Character Portrait: Lucas Roark
Lucas Roark

A werewolf yearning to be himself.

Character Portrait: Gordon Nagar
Gordon Nagar

Nyraa! Hello!

Character Portrait: Brian Greene
Brian Greene

Don't you dare?

Character Portrait: Drake Oldam
Drake Oldam

"I'm getting better at using these powers. I think."


Character Portrait: Brian Greene
Brian Greene

Don't you dare?

Character Portrait: Mikayla Rose
Mikayla Rose

"Just don't piss me off and I won't hurt you"

Character Portrait: Drake Oldam
Drake Oldam

"I'm getting better at using these powers. I think."

Character Portrait: Gordon Nagar
Gordon Nagar

Nyraa! Hello!

Character Portrait: Lucas Roark
Lucas Roark

A werewolf yearning to be himself.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Gordon Nagar
Gordon Nagar

Nyraa! Hello!

Character Portrait: Drake Oldam
Drake Oldam

"I'm getting better at using these powers. I think."

Character Portrait: Lucas Roark
Lucas Roark

A werewolf yearning to be himself.

Character Portrait: Brian Greene
Brian Greene

Don't you dare?

Character Portrait: Mikayla Rose
Mikayla Rose

"Just don't piss me off and I won't hurt you"

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Creature and Human Romance: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in Creature and Human Romance

Re: Creature and Human Romance

Hey I posted my own little creation and I hope it passes.

Re: Creature and Human Romance

Hey!!! Your roleplay seems interesting.Can I reserve Mikayla I will have her up ASAP but do you want an anime picture or reAl one?

Re: Creature and Human Romance

That is strange, while I accepted your characters, none of you are on the thread... My breath isn't that bad is it?

Re: Creature and Human Romance

Okay! :D I'll work on my character sheet and send it in! :D

Re: Creature and Human Romance

My girls sent in. I'm gonna add a guy too if that's alright

Re: Creature and Human Romance




Yes, if you really want to. I'm not going to force you to be one of the characters I brewed up.


Of course! You are more than welcome to choose your own Pic. I just had these ones and I wanted to use them.

Re: Creature and Human Romance

Can I be one of the cute gay couple? :D I'm leaning towards the werewolf!!! :D But could I change his picture? Picture-hunting is one of my favorite parts of creating a character!

Re: Creature and Human Romance

so w can make our own characters?

Re: Creature and Human Romance

May I reserve the vampire boy ill have him up by tommorrow

Creature and Human Romance

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Creature and Human Romance"

You may edit this post as you see fit.

I may edit this post as I see fit? I don't think you'll like how I see fit. In fact, it might disgust you to the point of you vomiting. You may get up and leave in a huff. You could break your computer, or perform a table flip. You may rage quit.

Or you may like how I see fit, and decide that I am the coolest guy that ever lived. You might throw confetti. Or give me the Nobel Peace Prize. You could puke rainbows, or screw a unicorn. You may enter a gnome village and proceed to brutally murder each fairy with an axe.

Of course what you do is up to you, after all I can't control your mind. Or can I?