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Esperanza Ramos

"I'd throw this mocha in your face, but it's not nearly scalding enough."

0 · 2,340 views · located in California

a character in “Crossroads Academy”, as played by illusivedreamer



"That's me, the rude cheerleader no one wants to mess with." -Esperanza
Esperanza Santana Ramos
Homosexual (closeted)
A-list, specifically the Jocks, but will hang out with anyone she deems worthy of her attention.


"I'm a big deal around here. I'm hot, popular, and everyone wants to be me."

Esper is a very attractive cheerleader. Her skin is fair, one of the features of being a Latina. She has dark brown eyes and burnt umber hair. Her visage is often covered with makeup. Black eyeliner is used to enhance her eyes; while the rest of her makeup is subtle. Her burnt umber hair is curly and goes down to about mid-back. Her eyebrows are thick and do not require much maintenance. Her lips are thinner than usual, but they are still smooth and clean. Her nose is perfectly centered. She often has fake jewel earrings in her ears to make people think that she's rich; but that's all a facade. She is very short for her age, but it is a common trait for her family to be short. She is muscular from her cheerleading, dancing, and the occasional swimming. She always wears her cheerleader uniform with her hair in a high ponytail. When she is not in school, her clothing is much more casual and her hair is down.

"I'm not good with these so called 'feelings.'"
Manipulative | Arrogant | Egotistical | Sensitive | Judgemental
Esperanza is the school's resident bitch. She doesn't take anyone's crap and she's unafraid to say her opinion even if it hurts other's feelings. Part of her popularity came from her intimidation, besides her looks. Her arrogant front doesn't stop her from actually caring about someone. She cares about her close friends, but she doesn't know how to show it. She has trouble with the idea of love and feelings. It's all too much for her in her opinion. If anyone were to try and get her to talk about her feelings, she'd get angry and blow up. Stay on her good side, and she won't hurt you.
-Ruining someone's life
-Pretending to care
-Expressing her true feelings
-Bitchy attitude
-Big ego
-Being forced out of the closet
-Someone being "better" than her
-Having everyone know she's attending Crossroads on a scholarship


"You can take me out of New Mexico, but you can't take the Spanish out of me."

Sante Fe, New Mexico.

Born and raised to a poor family in New Mexico, Esperanza never thought she would get into Crossroads Academy. She has five siblings and lived on an urban farm. She had dreams of becoming a big star on Broadway, so she worked hard to get a good education. She grew up on harsh criticism and constant judgements from her abuela.

As a young girl, she was the playground bully and everyone was afraid of her. She constantly got in trouble but had excellent grades. The teacher decided that she should find a sport to release her anger into. That sport was cheerleading. She immediately loved it as a young girl and hoped to become one for Ohio State. After she finished elementary school, she decided to apply for Crossroads Academy. Her parents thought she was insane as they could not afford it. The school immediately accepted her and gave her a full scholarship when she won the New Mexico State Junior Cheerleading Competition.

Once she started school there, Esper rose to the top of the social pyramid. She couldn't be the "most popular girl in school" because she was afraid that people would find out that she was poor. She created an identity for herself that made her seem like the daughter of an esteemed Spanish director and model. Esper knew that after high school, she would drop the facade and go back to the poor Latina girl.She also wanted to hide her sexuality, once she realized that she was attracted to girls in her junior year. She tries her best to hide it by dating other popular boys much to her disliking. She hopes that she can come out of the closet in her final year and find someone who will love her.

Image"You're ruining my day with your horrible fashion sense."
Extracurricular Activities:
Co-Captain of the Dance Team and Cheerleading
CS: iCat
Played by: illusivedreamer

So begins...

Esperanza Ramos's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Farrah Hart Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: London Wellington Character Portrait: Natalya Volkova Character Portrait: Nathan Hale
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#, as written by Sophiex
Today was the first official day back on Crossroads Academy's campus, and there was an undeniable air of excitement and jitters on campus. Throughout the morning, cars had driven up the long driveway that led onto the campus, packed to the brink with parents, children, and suitcases filled with everything a teenager could need, only to be drive right back down it a little while later, empty, and usually with teary-eyed parents. It was nothing less than a tradition, and though many felt it was sad to see their parents go, most students did genuinely like Crossroads Academy. The fact that it was located right on the beautiful California coast played a part in it, and it possessing facilities nice enough to rival top colleges was a perk too, but the relationships made while at a boarding school were different than at many normal high schools. They were stronger, or that's what many of Crossroads' students would tell you, anyway.

Like the other dorm advisers on campus, Holly and Brian had spent their mornings acquainting themselves to parents and helping students move into their rooms. They had moved on campus a few days before, and though this meant that their summers were over too, they were both glad that the school year was starting. While Holly had worked as a dorm adviser for four years, and had acted as a dorm adviser for the girls she would be living with this year since they were freshman, Brian was new to this. He had been a faculty member for Crossroads for a year before, but this was the first year that he was going to be a dorm adviser. Life circumstances combined with knowing that his paycheck would look even better if he was a dorm adviser had led him to accepting the additional position, and though he was excited, he was understandably nervous as well. He knew that this position would require him to take on an extra level of responsibility and respect for rules and guidelines, but he also knew that he had to be understanding enough to get a bunch of teenage boys to like him... or at least trust him. It was going to be an interesting experience, that much he was sure of, but he didn't have much time to worry during the morning, as he really had been busy helping kids move in. He was grateful that he had been assigned a senior dorm, only because that meant that there were slightly less parents involved. Senior students were allowed to have cars on campus, and that meant that in some cases, for those who had cars, they were driving themselves onto campus and there were a few less introductions that Brian was forced through. In the girls dorm, Holly was experiencing a similar thing, but by now she knew most of her girls' parents, and for her, introductions were welcomed anyway. She was friendly and bubbly, and far too used to this to be bothered by the first-day events.

While Brian helped some students in 3C of Chase move into their dorm, Holly was on the second floor of Wright Hall. Most of the dormitory room doors were open, with girls coming in and out as they either helped each other move into their rooms, moved into their own rooms, or were in and out socializing. She skimmed the sheet of paper in her hand that listed which room each girl was in, and once she found the name that she had starred, she headed towards dormitory room 2B. The girl's dorm had one new student this year, and Holly thought that it was best that she introduce herself and make sure that the new student, Emma, was getting settled in all right. The door to get into the dormitory was open, so Holly gently pushed it open and entered the common space of the four bedroom dorm. "Girls, is Emma here yet?" Holly called out, unsure if Emma was there herself, or if the other girls rooming there, London, Dytto or Farrah would be there. She knew the other three girls from acting as an adviser to them for the past three years, so introductions there were unnecessary, though she was glad to be back with them as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Farrah Hart Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: London Wellington Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Holly Pines
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#, as written by Rivers
Image Image

London thrived at school, so coming back after summer was never something that she dreaded. Her Instagram feed made it look like she had the perfect summer, and it definitely was a good one (who could complain about bouncing from New York, to Paris, to Barcelona for most of it?) but it wasn't as perfect as it probably appeared. London's family life was a unique one, mostly because her parents had always been fairly detached. They weren't unloving or anything, but they were devoted to the international company they ran, and had seemed to think that London was mentally an adult since she was eleven or twelve, and that they didn't need to be very involved in her upbringing. Over the summer, she had seen her mother twice, and her father only through Skype, and to them, it was nothing but normal. They weren't parents who thought that it was necessary to push aside business meetings to fly out to California to help her move in. Instead, they had a car service drive her belongings to the school while she drove her Range Rover there separately. She didn't need their physical help moving in because she had friends and followers for that, but still, even a girl who could be labeled as heartless as London sometimes was craved an actual relationship with her parents on days like this. Is was hard not to when you had to watch almost every other kid in the building get tearful farewell hugs from their mom and dad. Suppressing her feelings was something that she was good at though, so she did well at acting unfazed by it all, and focusing on how amazing this senior year was going to be. Her dorm placement wasn't ideal in terms of roommates, but she had gotten the bedroom location that she wanted, so that was a plus. Besides, her roommates weren't... horrible. She had Dytto Devereux, Farrah Hart, and Emma Buxton as roommates. London had been the first of the four to arrive, and had been completely moved in by nine-thirty. Rather than sitting around all morning and having to deal with being introduced to the other three girls' parents, if they were coming to drop them off, she left the suite and headed to the junior girls' dorm, where she had a few minion-type girls that she wanted to catch up with.

Katherine was running late (as usual), and in the midst of hanging out with her younger friends, she hadn't had a moment to check in with Esper to see if she was on campus, until around eleven o'clock, when she headed back to Wright. She sent out two text messages on her walk back: one to Esper, reading, "Hey girly are you on campus yet?!" and another to Katherine, reading, "You told me you were going to be here an hour ago, Kitty! Location update needed ASAP!" With the knowledge that Katherine was supposed to share a dormitory room with Esperanza, London had a feeling that it would be best for her to hang around the two girls while they moved in... just in case. She trusted her girls with being civil, but she was still very aware of the fact that her two best friends didn't seem to like each other as much as she liked them. It was unfortunate, but because they both seemed to suck it up when London was around, she rarely had to concern herself with it very much. She was planning on heading straight to their dorm room, but as she passed by her own, she noticed that the front door was cracked open, which meant that some of the other girls had to have moved in by now. She was still tempted to keep walking, but as Queen Bee, it felt necessary to greet the girls she was going to be living with, if for no other reason than to remind them that she was still at the top this year. Especially considering the current dilemma she was facing with Dytto, and not knowing who Emma Buxton was, she headed into her dorm room and smiled when she saw Holly in front room. The senior girls had been blessed getting Holly again as their adviser, because she really acted more like an older sister to them than anything else. It was easy to get away with anything with Holly, even though most girls didn't actually like to abuse that, just because she was so cool. She had walked in a few seconds too late to hear Holly's question about Emma, so she greeted her normally with a, "Hey, Holly. Oooh, aren't you looking all tan and summery!? Did you stay in Cali all summer?"

"Oh, hey, London," Holly chirped, caught off guard for a moment at a voice coming from behind. She spun around halfway to greet the blonde with a genuine smile. A chuckle escaped at the girl's compliment. She had been trying to get a base tan this summer, but unfortunately, she was the type of person who burned more than they did tan. The compliment was appreciated nonetheless, though. "I tried, I tried," she admitted, before nodding. "Yep, I've been around all summer. I'm sure you went on some wild adventures? Probably more exciting than mine," she continued. While there were a fair amount of scholarship students at Crossroads who came from middle or lower class families, a lot of the students were from very wealthy ones, and many of them had passports that were ten times more full than her own, despite her being double their age. "I want to hear all about it, but is your roommate Emma here? She's a new student this year and I want to make sure that she's getting settled in."

"I'm not actually sure," London admitted with a careless shrug. "I was the only one who was here a few hours ago, and I haven't been back since now, so I don't know who actually is here yet either." If Holly had not been there, she probably would have went into her bedroom at that and waited for the other girls to actually come out of their bedrooms to greet them, because she definitely wasn't that friendly innately, but with Holly standing there, she felt the need to seem a little bit more friendly. She chose bedroom B as the door to knock on, knowing that it was the only coveted bedroom aside form hers, given the views that those two offered. She wouldn't have been surprised if it was Farrah who opened the door, because she was an A-lister as well, and therefore, deserved the nicer room, but if it was Dytto or the new girl, she was going to be a little bit surprised at the nerve they had to claim the nice room. She had taken the nicest one, of course, so it didn't directly affect her, but it would still be a good reflection of just who she was dealing with this year.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Farrah Hart Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: London Wellington Character Portrait: Natalya Volkova Character Portrait: Nathan Hale
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Theme Song ღ Bedroom: X, X, X ღ Mood: Disinterested ღ Outfit ღ Location: Wright Hall, Second Floor

"All I'm saying, sweetie, is that you could've waited for Bernard," Amelia Arnault exclaimed, frustrated, as she spread the furry duvet at the foot of her daughter's bed. The teen in question, with her back facing her mother as she set up various photos and trinkets on the shelves of her armory, rolled her eyes. "And I'm just saying that if I actually waited for Bernard, I would be waiting for Katherine and she might not have made it to the school if I did that." Was her retort, spoken calmly enough to not seem fazed by her step-sister's attitude from earlier, but with enough contempt laced in her voice that her own frustration was noted. Not that that did her anything. Dytto didn't have to turn around to note the disapproving stare her mother shot her; she could feel it digging into the back of her head.

In Dytto's head, and possibly in her mother's though the older woman was noted for trying to be understanding towards her step-daughter - and trying was the operative word when thinking about the spoiled little brat known as Katherine Arnault - she was not at fault here. Unlike Katherine, she had jumped up immediately when the housing selection began and chose her room - in fact, she had chosen her room before even London had. Which was the main reason why Katherine was upset. London had chosen a room in their dorm suite and because Katherine simply expected she was going to get the room that she wanted, she ended up choosing too late and the other two rooms had been taken. Upon that discovery, she had "anticipated" Dytto's acquiescence; obviously, the dancer was supposed to give up the space she had picked simply because Katherine demanded so. She must have forgotten who her step-sister was. A yelling match followed by Dytto's mother having to physically get in between the two, and Dytto had stormed off earlier that morning in her garnet Porsche Cayenne with Amelia following with a much larger truck to assist in moving Dytto into her dorm. She even decided to look extra cute, simply because she knew Katherine would have shit to say and she wanted to feel powerful. And nothing helped like a pair of stilettos that she was obviously gonna trade for a pair of high tops once classes started.

Luckily for her, since she honestly did not feel like pretending to ignore Farrah or even attempting to be nice to the new girl she heard was going to be moving in with them, no one had been present in the suite, so Dytto hurried to set up her bedroom. With the assistance of a few artists and cheerleaders, no doubt. She had picked up Starbucks for those who helped and it was only a few minutes ago that the others departed, each with their own drinks and Dytto in her mature taupe-grey themed bedroom that Kylie Jenner totally stole from her when she first said that that was her bedroom theme for the school year on social media. But of course, nobody was going to talk about that. "Deanna..." Her mom's pause was enough to make Dytto turn around, arms folded over her chest. Her long chestnut mane fell down her back in a sleek waterfall, one of her many snapbacks on top of her head. "I really wish you'd try a little harder to be patient. It's just a room." Dytto rolled her lightly-lined baby blues for the umpteenth time today and picked up her Venti Very Berry Hibiscus to take a long draw of the fruity beverage. "Yeah, well, you're right. It's just a room, my room at that, and if the brat wants to come to blows over it, you know that I don't mind. Might do her some good." Amelia sighed, as if still disapproving. What she couldn't stop, however, was the small smirk forming on her lips as she stood and crossed the room to her daughter. "I know you don't mind." Dytto smirked in response. "And neither do you."

Distantly, she heard what she thought was Holly's voice and a younger one, but with her door closed, Dytto didn't feel the need to strain her ears to decipher whose. She honestly did not care. She had not picked her room to be friends with people; it had been out of convenience. There was a particular view she wanted; this room had it. Even if two people she liked were in the other suite. She would just go over whenever she felt like it. "I'll go check to see if the boys need any help with that TV," Amelia said after a beat, touched Dytto's shoulder briefly, and headed to the door just as there was a knock. Dytto groaned and Amelia mouthed for her to behave before opening it, smiling at the blonde standing on the other side. "Oh, London, right!? Katherine'll be here soon, I believe. There was....a small hold up." Dytto rolled her eyes at her mother's need to explain herself and watched the older woman exit, walking up to the door so that she was standing directly in its frame. And to keep London from entering her space. Nathan was helping with getting her television from the truck and a few jocks needed to help, so Dytto wouldn't be surprised if they would arrive soon enough. "Yeah, she needed some daddy-and-me time or something like that," she added disinterestedly, drinking more of her beverage before noting Holly. A much more welcome presence. "Hey, Hollz!" The RA brightened up instantly when she caught sight of the brunette and walked over, hugging Dytto when the girl actually extended an arm. It took them a few years, but eventually, Dytto got used to showing the woman affection. It helped that she was pretty cool.

"I was wondering when you would get here, Miss World of Dance host," Holly replied and Dytto smilled, her straight white teeth showing from behind her plump, currently dark red lips. "Stop,'re flattering me," she exclaimed before laughing at the woman she had teased. Holly laughed as well before gesturing to London. "It seems you two picked the best rooms in the suite. Isn't that a surprise?" Holly decided to bring up, as if wanting to begin some kind of dialogue between the two girls. Which Dytto didn't really want. Why should she? She and London weren't friends and as far as she was concerned, they weren't enemies either. No need to change shit just because they were roommates for the year. "Yeah, well, what can I say? I wanted the backdrop for dance videos." She said, pulling her IPhone 6 Plus from the pocket of her high-waisted skinny jeans in order to see where her friends were.

To: Black Widow, Esper, Nate, Fred, Joe, Jonnie
Yo, where is evrybody?

To: Liam
Ur girlfriend is here


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Farrah Hart Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: London Wellington Character Portrait: Natalya Volkova Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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"I love you too mami, but I really must go," Esperanza said coolly as she sat on a bench, holding her iPhone 5S to her ear. The Latina was desperate to get off her phone, the more she talked the more minutes would be wasted while her mother cried drunkenly in Spanish. "I'll call you every week, just like last year, bueno?" Her mother couldn't respond through her tears. Esper, jammed her finger onto the end call button. She didn't really have time for her mother's shit. Just as the girl was getting up, her phone received two text messages. One from London, the other from Dytto. Seeing Dytto's name flash across the screen made her sick. She wasn't ready to deal with what was happening yet. Esper has spent her summer trying to get over her, but failed miserably. Inhaling sharply, she replied to London first.

To: Main Bitch
Outside of Wright Hall, I've spent the past hour trying to calm my delusional mother down. Help me unpack my final things?

She nearly banged her head on the door as she walked into Wright Hall, "Oh fucking shit!" she cursed. Esper had no filter on her mouth. Luckily no one was around to make fun of her. She kicked the door closed behind her as she walked into the common area. There were a few girls in there, most of them she didn't know. "Auntie Snix has arrived on the Bitchtown Express, you besta believe it!" She flipped her burnt umber tresses behind her all diva like. Esper did not know what their reaction was because she was already making her way up the stairs. She was certain that she had the shittiest roommates ever. Natalya Volkova, Katherine Arnault, and Eloise Tailer. She hated two out of her three roommates. Natalya on the other hand, was cool in her book. Once she made her way to the second floor, she pulled her phone out to make some other texts.

To: Dytto
I'm heading to my dorm now, glad to see you missed me too.

She silently cringed at that remark, was that too flirty? Thousands of thoughts raced through her mind as she pushed open the dorm room to 2A. Her face was as white as a ghost. She opened the door to Room A and closed it suddenly. Her eyes trailed to the room that was somewhat complete. She had her dresses hanging up in the closet, some of her clothes in the drawers, and her cheerleading uniform on a hanger near the bed. On the wall was a magnificent painting of the sea which Esper liked looking at when she was stressed. On the walls were a few posters of Justin Timberlake, Rihanna, Beyonce, and Britney Spears. She preferred 00's pop music to today's pop music, it was just a little better quality in her opinion. After a few deep breaths, she looked down at her phone. Who the hell freaks out over a text? It shouldn't have been her. She huffed, looking at her contacts. She needed to let Farrah know she was here, otherwise she was sure her bestie would kill her. One to her "boyfriend" Jonnie. They had to make their relationship believable after all. She also needed to send one to Natalya, since she did not see her when she entered the dorm room.

To: Farrah my Babe
You here yet? I literally have the worst roommates ever.

To: Jonnie
You better be at the barbeque. Also make sure to take a mint, your breath smells.

To: Russian Barbie
We're roomies this year with Katherine, it's literally going to be like one of those shitty reality shows.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Farrah Hart Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: London Wellington Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Holly Pines
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#, as written by Rivers
Image Image

All it took was Katherine being in the room for a mere three seconds for the situation to turn from peaceful to tense. That was Katherine for you, though. She was dramatic enough that London always teasingly insisted that she join the Drama Club, because she would certainly be promoted to club leader once everyone saw how well she could pull out those crocodile tears. What didn't help was that while some of Kat's antics did seem to be an act to get what she wanted, a lot of it seemed genuine too. London could be a bitch too, there was no denying that, but there was also no denying that her friend seemed to live in a fantasy world where everything revolved around her. London could be ruthless, but at least she was aware enough to know that she was acting that way. Katherine actually seemed to think that people had to drop everything they were doing to wait on her, and though London found it to be entertaining to an extent, she also wished that Kat would tone it down sometimes. Like now. It didn't look good for anyone for a royal to be throwing a temper tantrum in public over something as trivial as a room. London would have loved to live with Katherine, and she didn't want her friend to be miserable, but she could recognize, at least, that the situation wasn't going to change. Surprisingly, she didn't blame Dytto for not wanting to switch just because Kat requested so, and since she figured that this was a "family issue", she remained quiet as the two went at it, only to be separated by Dytto's mother before things got too out of hand. London knew a little bit of French, but not enough to follow what Amelia was saying, though the tone, and the way that both girls seemed to back down, said enough. She offered the mother a light chuckle and a toss of her hand to signal that it was no big deal, as she apologized for the drama, and waited for her to return to Dytto's room before looking at Katherine curiously. She wasn't sure how her friend was going to react to being shut down, but she also didn't have time for the negativity today.

"Quit being such a baby, Kitty," she said, giving her a playful elbow to the side in hopes that a teasing approach would break Kat out of her drama queen mode. "We're literally right across the hall from each other, so it's almost the same as living together," she insisted. "And Esper is not going to be mean to you, so stop it with that, okay? I need my girls to get along this year, and maybe you two living together will be a good thing. You'll realize that both of you are bitches, and at least you have that in common." She glanced at her phone, only to see that it was Esper herself texting her back. "Come on, we're going to go finish moving you and her in," she added after sending a response to Esper saying, "Omw". She took Katherine's hand and took a few steps towards the door before turning back to Holly to say, "Catch you later, Holl. Tell the new girl she can come to me if she needs anything at all, too." She could come to London if she needed anything at all... if she happened to be pretty and cool, and a potential candidate for London's clique. Otherwise, that wasn't true, but the RA didn't need to know that. On her way out, she noticed Farrah, and returned the smile that the Prep offered her. "Hey, Farrah," she said, before pulling Katherine into the hallway. London was being friendly, but it wasn't necessarily atypical for her. It seemed easier to keep everyone at a friendly level... until they fucked her over. And then she would destroy them. Farrah had never presented any problems to her, and she was very close with Esper, so London had no reason to be a bitch.

"I don't know how you get away with talking to your mom like that. I'm pretty sure that my mom would have murdered me by now if I said half of the things that you say." She knew that Amelia was Katherine's stepmother, but for as long as she had known Katherine, that was the woman who was always at her home and actually acting somewhat like a mother. London was in no place to talk about absent parents considering her own, but even if her relationship with her parents was a minimal one, she couldn't fathom actually disrespecting them in the way that she had witnessed Katherine do to her father and stepmother. She was serious when she thought that her mom probably would have slapped her across the face by that point, had she acted the way Kat did, and in front of other people, nonetheless. She still maintained a light tone as she spoke with Kat, because she knew that was necessary with the girl. She was... fragile, in a sense, but she also said it in an attempt at hinting to Kat that she didn't want to deal with her acting that way all day. It was their first day back, and she wanted it to be fun. Crossing the hall, she headed into Katherine's dormitory, where Esperanza was supposed to be as well. "Esper!" she called out, announcing her presence. "We're here, where are you? I've been missing my pretty Latina baby all summer!" It took peaking into one incorrect bedroom to find Esperanza in hers, and she forcibly tugged Katherine into Esper's room with her, only releasing her once they were inside so she could hug Esperanza. "You look cute," she said once she released the brunette. "I'm excited for my two best girls to be living together, although I will say that I'm disappointed with your room choice. Why didn't you take the other one with the good view?" she questioned, knowing that Kat had likely taken one of the two good ones.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: London Wellington Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK


For a few months, Katherine had gotten away with disregarding Amelia's voice of authority with the excuse that she wasn't her mother, and couldn't tell her what to do, but her father had quickly gotten sick of that and shut it down. It didn't abolish Katherine's level of disregard for what Amelia nor Bernard had to say a lot of the time, but she knew when to stop pushing, and when her stepmother began to speak in French, she knew she had hit that line. Her arms instinctively crossed over her chest and a scowl fell into place, but she didn't object to Amelia ending her pleas at changing rooms. There was no point, and she could only answer with a "Fine," to acknowledge that she understood this. Her stepmother seemed serious and the last thing that Katherine wanted to deal with was her father coming back up and reprimanding her in front of people like Amelia did. Taking no for an answer wasn't something that Katherine was comfortable or used to doing, and she was very tempted to start crying, just as a last resort in hopes that maybe she could cry her way into getting Dytto's bedroom, but Amelia's immediate turn back into the bedroom only spoke further to how her stepmother wasn't going to entertain it.

Even getting to see her shut down Deanna didn't make Katherine feel any better because in the end, she was still left without what she wanted. This was different than not getting some material item that she wanted, and it was ten times worse. Katherine had exaggerated on how poorly she thought of two of her roommates, but she had truly convinced herself that living with them was going to be hell, so now, she was already expecting the worst. Not even London's playful attitude could alleviate the bitterness that seemed to be instilled in her mood for the moment, and London insisting that she and Esperanza would get along wasn't reassuring either. Esperanza would probably be nice to her in front of London, but London wasn't going to be living with them, and Kat was sure that whenever they were alone, Esperanza would turn right back into the huge bitch she was known to be. Especially with her little sidekick Natalya there to back her up. "She's not my mom," Katherine corrected London. "And I wasn't even being rude. Like, she just always takes Deanna's side and doesn't even try to be fair and it's so typical." She could have went on for an hour about the injustices she faced at home, but she knew that it would have been futile, because London seemed to be in too good of a mood to want to hear it. While Kat usually liked a positive and upbeat London, she wished that the Queen Bee was in a worse mood today, because it would have meant that maybe she would have been on her side and tried to threaten Dytto into switching with her. Kat liked to think that she had a lot of power, but she knew that if anyone had the ability to sway the social system, it was London. It didn't stop her from sending a text to Dytto though, disregarding Amelia's insistence that she drop the topic.

To: Deanna
If you don't switch with me I'm going to tell London about how I saw Liam at our house with YOU this summer.

She had already told London about it anyway, but she thought that it might hold some weight over Dytto, despite knowing that Dytto had not seemed to make an attempt at keeping her hookup with Liam a secret anyway. If it wasn't obvious, she was trying anything and everything to get Deanna's room, so empty threats were not too low for her.

Katherine wanted to separate from London once they got into her dorm and she saw her pulling her towards Esperanza's room, but she knew that the attempt would have been futile. After seemingly losing her battle at switching rooms, the last person she wanted to deal with was the person who she wanted to escape from, especially when she felt like London was going to take her side too. She had always been capable of pretending to like Esperanza when London was around, but she had never had to live with her before, and she could barely feign a smile in the girl's presence when London brought up how great it was that they were living together. When London brought up the room placements, she had to at least appreciate that Esperanza had gotten one of the worst rooms in the dorm, but she remained silent, since it wasn't that big of a hit to really make her feel much better.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: London Wellington Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK

Esperanza began rummaging through her bag. She was trying to come up with reasons why she shouldn't murder Katherine. 1. She's London's friend 2. Esper'll go to jail and wreck her family name 3. She'll have no one to pick on besides the underclassmen. Her brown orbs narrowed as she threw one of her leather jackets on the bed. Her phone vibrated once more, she hoped that it would be from Farrah or London, but no it was from her rat face boyfriend. Reading the text slowly, she let out a shriek and threw her toothbrush at the wall, "You've got to be kidding me!" Her "partner in crime" would not be attending Crossroads this year for a family emergency. He had left Esper on her own to deal with being in the closet. She was tempted to call him up and yell at him, but she was too angry to even bother. Instead she sent him a "break up" text since he was no longer needed for her master plan. Eyeing Farrah's text notification, she pulled it up replying while muttering something about today could not be any worse in Spanish.

To Farrah my Babe:
I can't smile at her when she looks like Yoda and Kendall Jenner's love child.

She set her phone down, suddenly hearing London's familiar voice. She cringed at the nickname, crossing her arms over her black top. Her door was wide open and she could see that someone was with her. Her eyes widened as she felt disgust fill her visage. Of course London brought Katherine. Of course her day had gotten worse. She was hoping she could save being around Katherine until the barbecue, after classes if she was lucky. "How many times have I told you not to call me your Latina baby? I ain't your multi ethnic trophy friend!" She was just joking, she always had to say something remotely rude. It was just how it worked with her communication. The girl returned the embrace with a soft smile on her features, "I'm cute? Girl, you look fresh off the runway. I don't think my beauty can compete."

Her gaze travelled towards Katherine. She could practically see the disgust on her, even if it was showing. She gave the girl a pleasant smile. "Hello Katherine, lovely to see you again," she tried saying politely. But the snarky emphasis on the word lovely was hardly unnoticeable. Her attention turned back to London. "My my, that's a good question. Perhaps it was because I wanted to make sure Her Royal Highness here wanted a nice place. I just don't need to see the ocean every single day. I'd rather be people watching. You learn something new about people everyday. Half of the time you can blackmail them with that information," she said proudly. She turned back to her bag, pulling out a few other garments from it. She didn't know if she should tell them about Jonnie, perhaps when she was alone with London. But that was hard to come by, since she was the Queen B and everybody was around her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: Natalya Volkova Character Portrait: Nathan Hale Character Portrait: Frederick Gains Character Portrait: Alex Turner
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0.00 INK

Interacting With: Sophia(NPC), Dytto(Text), Fred(Text), Esper(Text), Alex(Text)||Location: Her House-->School
Speech: #CC0000||Thought: #FF5555

Looking herself over in the mirror Natalya smiled and pulled on her jacket. The day had started early for her today, having to wake up at 5am to get everything done. This year her Uncle had finally finished setting up a local branch of the business which was both good and bad for her. The good obviously outweighed the bad. She finally had family in Cali, it benefited her family with the new income they'd be getting (as if they weren't rich enough already), and it meant she didn't have to hire strangers to help her move into her room. That being said, the bad was that when she had gone to ask her cousin, who was the current 'boss' of the local branch, to get some guys to help her he had waved her on to ask herself. While usually she would have been all for this, the first day of school really wasn't the day you wanted to get in a fight. Since she hadn't hired anyone she had sighed and shrugged, respect had to be earned. It didn't take her very long to 'win respect', she had meant it when she said not to hit her face and sadly the second guys ballsy enough to fight her gave her a busted lip. She touched the wound gently, looking in the mirror with a frown. 'I'll have to do presents right when I get to school rather than before the after party to distract them... At least I broke his arm.' Her thoughts now on a happier note she brought her mind to the party. With London's permission Natalya threw the back to school party every year, always on the first friday back and Natalya gave her best friends their birthday presents for the year before the party started, which was why it started at 6 rather than 5. As she spoke Sophia was down the hall with the two chefs Natalya had hired to cook for the party tomorrow, planning the meal and getting the meat into marinades they decided on. While it was only another barbeque, albeit with a pool and an open bar, Natalya loved splurging to have the food home-made.

Shaking her head Natalya grabbed her helmet and her cell phone, dialing her cousin's number as she towards the front door. "Sophia I'm heading out! Just use the card I gave you if you need to buy more supplies and call me if anything goes wrong!" The hispanic woman answered quickly, "Of course! Adios chère fille!" As she walked out the door her cousin picked up the phone and she spoke in russian as she headed towards the garage. "Hey I need you to tell the guys to head towards my school with the three trailers and the large box Dad had you guys bring with you." Going into the garage she hit the button for the door to open and looked at her choice of rides before going with her 2015 Harley-Davidson Street 500. "No, I mean the box full of cocaine. Yes! I meant the one that's gift wrapped with a bow around it. Fuck was that so hard to figure out..." Her cousin made a comment and started to laugh, causing Natalya to pull the phone away from her face to glare at it. Shaking her head Natalya lifted the stand on her bike, keeping it upright with one hand. "I gotta go so I can meet them there. Bye." Ending the call Natalya noticed she had two texts, one from Dytto and the other from Esperanza.

To: D-Mac
I'm on my way. Are Nate and Fred there yet?

To: Crazy Bitch <3
Yeah I know but at least we're together against hurricane Katherine. You at school yet?

To: Fred and Alex
Yo you guys at school yet?

Shoving her phone in her pocket Natalya turned the key, pressed the button to close the garage door, and revved her engine, peeling out of the garage just as the door began to lower.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Farrah Hart Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: Natalya Volkova Character Portrait: Nathan Hale Character Portrait: Frederick Gains
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0.00 INK

Wright Hall Parking Lot

What He's Wearing

Dialogue Color #107367 | Thought Color #2B1B17

Wright Hall Parking Lot

Her Look

Dialogue Color #C8A2C8 | Thought Color #785278


To: Farrah
Yeah, helping Dee. U need anything?

It took a minute for Nathan to put his phone away, but he slid in his back pocket just before Dytto arrived downstairs to the parking lot. It was a risk for him, texting the dance co-captain - of all people - in the middle of a parking lot and when he was supposed to be helping one of his best friends out, but he couldn't find it in him to ignore his girlfriend's question. Hell, the fact that he got to call Farrah Hart his girlfriend still was a surprise to himself and Nathan had carried that knowledge between the two of them throughout the entire summer. And would have to for the rest of the year if Farrah didn't change her mind and d -

"Dude, what's the hold up?" Dytto exclaimed inquiringly, heels clicking against the gravel as she approached the truck. Nathan looked up at the brunette, noting the attitude that wasn't there before. "What's with you?" He countered and she waved him off, gaze flitting over to the LG 84 inch television he had propped up against one of his muscled legs and the sleek black television stand that came with it. Bernard had gotten both Dytto and Katherine brand new, matching television sets the day before, despite the fact that Dytto's old one was very much still new-looking and expensive as well. Which was what she gave to Nathan before getting him to help her out.

"Same old, step-father's spawn is being a bitch. What else is new?" Dytto finally explained on a shrug and pulled her phone out. Nathan smirked. He knew, better than most, how irritable Dytto could become when it came to her step-sister. The fact that they went through sparring sessions because Katherine frustrated her so much was a testament to how the brunette really felt about the Royal. "Well...I was trying to call your boy Jonnie to help out, but apparently he's not even coming and your little dancer friend chased after some junior," Nathan recalled and Dytto tilted her head curiously, pausing to breeze through the text messages she had received in the midst of being distracted by Katherine's tantrum. First was from Esperanza, which made her smile just a little. But then the next was from Jonnie with an explanation and then finally Natalya. "Well, shit. Let me text Fred and then get Colin's bitch ass back here. My mom's probably ready to go. Nat's on her way." Dytto set to sending out her messages, biting her lip as her fingers hovered over the keys in the midst of messaging Esperanza.

To: Colin
Come back b4 u catch another STD

To: Esper
Of course I did. Who else is gonna get me thru a year w/ Bitchanie?

To: Fred
Nat's on her way. Where r u?

To: Black Widow
W/ Nate now. Waitin on Fred

"So, are we really going to this barbeque before class?" Nathan asked, bringing her attention back to him as he set to lift the television himself. Grinning, Dytto put her phone away and set her drink on the television set so that she could lift with him. Even though she could feel Nathan taking more of the brunt of it. "Why? Tryna skip to play that Outlast DLC?" His initial response was a grin that made her laugh. "Damn straight. Gotta beat your time on the game." Dytto laughed against, hoisting the television up more so that she could walk better in her shoes. "Keep dreamin', Hale. Let's just get this upstairs so I can get my mom outta here. Colin'll come back and then we can chill until Nat gets here." She said and the two headed into the dorm carefully, grateful when a classmate and their friend held the double doors opened for them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: London Wellington Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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Esperanza had not gotten fat over the summer, and her skin wasn't speckled in acne, so Katherine really had nothing to look forward to upon seeing her. She was still the same snarky bitch with an attitude problem that London somehow thought was nice? Enjoyable? An actual friend? Katherine didn't get it, and her expression was barely more than a sneer when Esperanza acknowledged her in such a forced manner. She didn't want to pretend either, and the mood that Deanna had put her in made her ability to tolerate Esperanza that much smaller today. The way that Esperanza was dressed in all black somehow made it that much easier for her to hate her, because she wanted to attribute the outfit to the darkness in Esperanza's soul. Or that it made her look like she belonged to the Emo clique, which in Kat's book, was definitely one of the lowest cliques you could belong to. This girl clearly wasn't the type of person who was supposed to be a cheerleader, nonetheless a Royal. Katherine couldn't really talk though, considering she loved an all-black outfit now and again. For someone who was so concerned with her weight and how her body looked, she knew good and well that black was her friend, and her outfits frequently reflected that. Even today's outfit included a black jacket. However, she rationalized that it was different between her doing it and Esperanza doing it, because Esperanza was the one who had a soul that was dark enough to fit in with the emo clique anyway. Today was just a perfect example of it, how she had done absolutely nothing wrong to Esperanza, and yet there she went, coming at her with that fake hello, and accusing her of being high-maintenance.

"I'll be moving out within the next twenty-four hours anyway, so you can have it once I leave," Katherine declared, trying to sound uninterested, though her arms crossed over her chests in a manner that was indicative of her feeling defensive. "The vibes in this room are just... not for me," she continued, deciding to resist ending the sentence in "disgusting" or "emo" since London was there, and she had to seem like the politer one out of her and Esperanza. With Amelia's dismissal of the situation and Dytto's apparent ignore of her text message, Katherine wasn't sure what she was going to do at this point, but she was still insistent on the fact that there was no way that she could survive a year with these roommates, and that was without even bumping into Natalya yet, and only dealing with Esperanza for a moment, while in London's presence. Dealing with the two of them alone was just unthinkable, and Eloise acting as a neutral person in all of it wasn't going to do her any real good. Especially not when London disliked Eloise, and her befriending the Artist would be one more thing that Esperanza could use against her when she went back to London with information. Clearly, from what Esperanza had just said, she wasn't above blackmail and Kat didn't want to be on the receiving end of that. "I'm going to change into something else for the barbecue, so I'll just meet you guys down there, kay?" Katherine said, though her eyes only remained on London, and even then, just for a second before she turned around and exited Esperanza's room. She did want to change, because while California weather meant that it was hot outside, she knew that she had a tendency to get cold easily, and later on, her air-conditioned classrooms would probably lead to her bare legs freezing. More than that, though, she just needed a reason to get out of Esperanza's presence and even though she needed to catch up with London, she figured that being alone was better than trying to do that with Esper right there.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: London Wellington Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rivers
Image Image

"Hmm... I can't argue with that," London admitted with a grin when Esperanza gave her last reasoning for wanting the room. Esperanza's ways with blackmail and "people watching", as she labeled it, had proven to be useful in years past, so if she was going to use her room to an advantage in that sense, than London was all for it. She still thought that Esper should have gotten the ocean view over Natalya, but London didn't have any major problems with Natalya to a point where she would make that an issue. Besides, she also knew that Esper liked Natalya, so if she had really wanted that room, she probably could have convinced the girl to switch with her since they were friends.

London visibly rolled her eyes when Katherine once again, insisted that she was moving out. If Kat wasn't her friend, and she didn't know her well, she would have reminded her of what her stepmother had said, about that not being an option. She knew that would only lead to the girl growing more moody though, and despite her two drama-loving friends' moods, she was set on having a good day today! It was ironic sometimes, how London felt like she was the one often unfairly painted as a bitch, when people seemed to forget just how bad her friends could be compared to her. She normally would not have allowed Katherine to get away with leaving so abruptly, especially just to go change, but she wanted to talk to Esperanza alone, so it worked out, and she kept her mouth closed until Katherine was gone. She didn't speak to Esper right away, but instead moved closer to where the girl stood, fiddling with some clothes she had taken out of her bag. London picked up a dress and admired it momentarily, before walking over to the closet to hang it for Esper. She turned back when she figured that it was safe enough to talk then, and offered her best puppy-eyed expression as a preempt to soften the girl who had a reputation of being the biggest bitch in the school.
"Please promise me you'll try to love Kat like I do this year, Esper. Please? I know she's... a lot... sometimes, but you just have to be gentle with her. She's sensitive, you know? And If she's upset all year, I'm going to be the one who has to deal with that, and I don't need to be prematurely wrinkling because I'm stressing over you two being on the verge of killing each other. Like, I'll have to kill both of you if that happens." She became more playful at the last line, with her features softening just a bit, before she reached over and squeezed Esperanza's hand. "Seriously though, please be the amazing friend that I know you can be and try to be cool with her?" London knew that it might seem unfair for her to be vouching for Katherine to Esperanza, and not the other way around, but she knew that out of the two Esperanza would probably be more sensible about it. Probably not by much, considering that both girls could be the most dramatic of drama queens, but Esperanza at least seemed to possess some sort of level of consciousness about it all, where she might be able to put bitch-mode on hold, where Kat's seemed to be a lost cause. She was more ignorant than she was a bitch, even if those on the receiving end of her ignorance didn't see it that way. Plus, she knew that Kat was the type who could talk the talk, but couldn't walk the walk. She would let her tongue get her teeth knocked out, where Esper was the type to do both. She could be a bitch verbally, and she wasn't likely to back down, no matter what. It was a trait that had drawn London to her, because she loved girls who didn't take shit from anyone else, just not when the drama Esper was involving herself in involved her other friend.

What probably would have been the easy solution in all of this was for London to plead with Esperanza to switch rooms with her. Esper was on the cheer squad with Dytto and the dance team with Farrah, so she would probably enjoy her year in that dorm room. London got along with Natalya and was one of the few people who seemed to enjoy Katherine's presence, and Eloise was an absolute nobody in her book, so her presence would make no difference to London anyway. The only thing that prevented London from making that sensible offer was that... well, she was the Queen. She wasn't going to go out of her way for anyone else, not even her best friend. She had chosen her room specifically, and in a similarly petty reasoning system as Dytto, she had no reason to give it up to aide in anyone else's comfort. It probably wasn't fair for her to plead with Esperanza to be the bigger person here when she, herself, wasn't being one at all, but switching rooms herself wasn't something she would even consider, so it didn't seem to count. Like in most situations, London seemed to be exempt from the own rules she liked to enforce. "If for no other reason, than to make up for you not coming to see me in New York on the Fourth of July like you promised you would," she added, a mock glare being shot in Esperanza's direction at that reminder.

Her phone had went off with several texts since entering Esperanza's room. A few were from younger girls who were quick to fill her in on Jonnie dropping out, some commenting on Liam being at school, and some wondering where she was, and if they could sit with her at the barbecue. None of those, or the one from Joseph, were even opened, since her phone didn't even deserve a glance if she already knew what her two best friends were up to. Everyone else could wait.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: London Wellington Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK

Esper listened to the bratty girl's comments while fiddling with her hair. What was wrong with her style? Nothing. Bitch better shut the fuck up. The woman plastered a smile on her face, seeing Katherine leave. She could practically tell that London was going to kill her if she said anything mean again. "Leaving so soon? That's a shame," she chuckled dryly. Waiting for a few seconds before speaking, London beat her to it. Esperanza's eyes widened in shock at her words. It was so hard to not keep her normal testing bitch face. "London shit, you're making me actually not a cold hearted bitch," she muttered.

She had no idea how hard it would be to try and be nice to Katherine. She wouldn't make things easier, no matter how hard Esper tried. She chewed on her bottom lip slowly. "I'll do my best, I can't promise that she'll do the same. If she gets on my nerves I ain't holding back, mkay?" she winked. She looked at the piles of clothes on her bed. Esper hated packing and she had no idea how she had this many clothes. Probably because Farrah got her some, and she couldn't say no to her best friend. On the comment about New York, her jaw tightened as she placed the white blouse down to cross her arms. "I was in a Palm Springs trailer park all summer! My papa thought it would be a fun idea to go on a camping trip. It was a disaster! Julio tried to put cockroaches in my mattress and I wanted to strangle that twelve year old rascal!" Remembering the camping trip, she groaned in disgust. Her digits wrapped around the zipper to the toiletries part of her bag and opened it.

There was something else on her mind as the Latina unpacked. The flashing messages on her phone assured her that this was what she wanted to do. How to approach it though? She inhaled sharply, trying to form the words together. For once, the girl was actually nervous. She glanced at the poster from Beyonce's I Am... Sasha Fierce album before turning back to London. "I like girls," she said simply. Although it didn't feel that simple to her. Nothing would ever be the same after she spoke those three words. She had left the closet and told the one person she trusted and also the one person who had the power to spread it around. She wasn't just in love with any girl, she wanted to desperately be with someone. How did it work? She never knew what love felt like. Her version of love was just a facade, nothing but fake. But for once she wanted something real. She was too afraid to express that though. The seductress was just down the hall, near London's room. Even if Katherine and Dytto switched, she'd probably have more trouble than before. "Oh no, I should not have said that," she winced, looking down at her bag. She had thrown herself into a seriously bad situation and she regretted letting that sleep. But she needed to talk to somebody about it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Farrah Hart Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: Nathan Hale
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0.00 INK

Location: Wright Hall, Floor 2, Room A || Mood: Slightly Irritated || Outfit: XX

Farrah was done packing. At least for now. She was annoyed with trying to figure out where her things should go. She is probably going to rearrange it later. But right now she was not in the mood to deal with anything. She was hoping that Will or Esper would have come barging in to rescue her, but no such luck. Esperanza was probably with London and the other girl she hates. If it were up to Farrah, they could switch rooms. Anything not to be roomed with Dytto. A sigh escaped her as she laid on her bed. Her phone vibrated. Esper. Quickly glancing over it, Farrah frowned slightly. The dancer personally had nothing against Katherine, but they weren't all that close. Esperanza on the other hand had mentioned a few different ways she would rearrange her face.

To: Esperanza Darling
Well we can switch rooms. I am stuck with Dytto. I would rather vomit.

Farrah was not as excited for the barbeque as she should be. People she hated and people that hated her would be there. On top of that, if Nathan went, she would have to stick with her clique. That's not horrible. But she only likes a few people. Esperanza, Liam, Will, to name a few. But the A List isn't as tight nit as the world likes to think. Katherine and Esper's relationship is a good example of that. Then there were people outside of the clique that she would rather just disappear. Dytto and Natalya to name some. Esperanza is friends with them though, so Farrah doesn't act so rudely towards them when she is around. But if Farrah had had her way, she would have found a way to get rid of those two.

Another message came in. Nathan. He had moved in and he was helping Miss Dytto herself. If she did not like Nate so much she would have cut him off just for associating with her. Same with Esperanza. But there was nothing that she could do. SHe was not some controlling girlfriend. Just one that stayed away from him in public. Sounds awful, but there is way more involved than what is on the surface. Just before she replied, she had realized that he was coming up to the dorm. Farrah's heart almost dropped. Now she really did not want to be Dytto's roommate. Now she would have to pretend her boyfriend wasn't her boyfriend.

To: Nate <3
No I am pretty much moved in. But whenever you are able you can sneak over to my room. Which so happens to be right next to Dytto's.

It was risky. They got caught and the secret is out. Her father finds out and her life goes downhill. She meant for Nathan to be as sneaky as possible with it of course. But there is only so much she could ask from him. Tossing her phone to the side, she stood up and decided to play some music. It will take her mind off of everything. She just needs a moment before joining her fellow classmates for recreational fun. The music started playing and she started dancing. Music was always better when she was dancing. Farrah was not really concerned with the fact that she could possibly be bothering Dytto since she was next door. In fact the more she thought about disturbing Farrah, the better she felt about her day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: London Wellington Character Portrait: Liam Nielsen Character Portrait: Joseph Grant
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rivers
Image Image

"Thank you. All I want is for you to try, and I'm going to make sure that she does too." She felt like she was a version of Dytto's mom, trying to mediate a similar conflict from earlier. She appreciated Esper at least confirming that she would try since she knew that whenever she brought it up to Katherine, she was probably going to get an earful on how she had no reason to try, since she never did anything wrong, and everyone in the world was out to get her. "Oh my God, ew. Okay, I guess I should feel bad for you more than I should hate you for abandoning me, then. I would not go camping even if you offered me a million d--" She had begun to respond to Esperanza's explanation for why she had went MIA over the summer, when the girl blurted out "I like girls". To say that it came out of nowhere was an understatement, a complete understatement at that, and since it was so unexpected, it took a minute for London to actually realize what she was saying. It took more than a minute, actually. It took her sensing how the vibes in the room had changed, and noticing that Esperanza had a serious look on her face. One that was much more exposed and vulnerable than the tight and on guard look that she normally possessed. As she attempted to backtrack, London wanted to get sentimental and hug her, just because she didn't know what else to do, but she was still too caught off guard to even to that. She just stood frozen for a minute,, a perplexed and partially shocked look glued to her face. This situation was uncomfortable for more reasons than just one, but a major part of it for London was that she disliked situations that she didn't innately know how to handle. She liked being in control and having all of her emotions in check, and right now, she didn't know if she was supposed to be shocked or turned off or comforting or what.

London wasn't homophobic, and in the big picture, Esperanza being into girls didn't bother her. What bothered her, and left her feeling uneasy, was that she didn't understand why she was just finding this out now, when she had known Esper for years. It was incredibly selfish of London to be thinking of herself in a situation like this, but that was just how she worked. She felt like she deserved to know everything, and since Esper hadn't told her until now, it had to have been out of a lack of trust, and that in itself was unnerving. Needless to say, London's senior year was not starting out on the best note, and she had her two wonderful best friends to blame for that.

But now wasn't the time for self pity...

It took a little bit of reminding, but she eventually changed her expression to one where she was biting her bottom lip, and then a second later, forced her expression to soften. "Seriously, Esper? You 'shouldn't have said that'?" she said, repeating what the girl had said a minute before. "You're one of my best friends, of course you should have told me. You know I love you no matter what, but like, I'm going to be real with you, that was so random. I don't like not knowing what to say; you know that, but I really don't know what to say. You totally caught me off guard. Was that the preempt to you telling me that you have a girlfriend or something? Or wait, don't tell me. You've had a crush on Kat all along, and you were trying to play hard to get." Being playful felt like the best option to fall back on, partly because she really didn't know how to react to all of this, and why Esper was just saying this out of nowhere, and partly because getting all emotional and sentimental wasn't a territory that she enjoyed crossing into.

Only then did she look at her phone, and only then again, because this situation had turned into something she was uncomfortable with and didn't know how to handle, and looking at her phone provided her with a few seconds' worth of a distraction as she left both Joe and Liam's texts unanswered, and replied to a text about Jonnie leaving campus with a "kk". "I just heard that Jonnie's not coming back this year. Did he receive this news too, and you broke his heart enough for him to make up some story about his dad getting sick so that he didn't have to come back?" she said, continuing to try and be playful, though she was genuinely curious to see if there was some sort of correlation there.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Farrah Hart Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: London Wellington Character Portrait: Natalya Volkova
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0.00 INK

Esperanza could only remain silent. The solemn look on her features showed that she was dying on the inside. She wished she had some power to climb back into the metaphorical closet and become the straight bitch that she had created for the world to see. London's reaction made her very uneasy. At first she thought that she was about to tell her to leave, and surprise her with homophobic words. That was the last thing Esper wanted. If she were to be shut out and disowned by her best friend, she would definitely lose her shit. The lion would leave the cage of her soul and she'd probably commit a school massacre. Not literally, just by the means of harsh words and slaps to fake ass faces. Her hands began shaking and she felt her palms sweat. This was the vulnerable side to Esperanza Ramos that no one ever saw. If Katherine were in the room, she besta believe she would be dead. She only trusted several people to see how she felt, one of them was in the room.

Her brown orbs made her way to her phone, another message from Farrah. She wanted to just take the phone and leave the room. Running away from her problems wasn't the best thing to do, but she was so damn scared that she didn't know what to do. London's words made her feel pain in her chest. She was expecting a full on rant about how she didn't deserve to be her friend. Instead, she had shocked her and a forced smile formed on her lips. "London I-" her voice cracked a bit. She chewed on her bottom lip before continuing. "I wanted to tell you, I wanted to tell all my friends. But I am so freaking afraid. Back at home, my family don't support being a lesbian. My uncle was gay and my abuela disowned him. I'm not ready to deal with that kind of treatment," her voice was strained, as if she was going to cry. She was trying her best not to, but it was so hard. "I'm afraid of what other people will think. Imagine if Katherine found out I was a lesbian? She'd tell the whole school and wreck my reputation. She's probably been waiting for an opportunity like that for God knows how long," she gritted her teeth and looked down at her feet.

Her face turned crimson at the mention of a girlfriend. Her mind quickly came to the thought of Dytto. She silently cursed herself for thinking that. She didn't do relationships, only sex. No joke, Esper would kill to screw around with Dytto. But to her, she only did one time things and Esper didn't feel like doing a one time thing. "No, not a girlfriend. Not at all. As for Katherine, I would never even feel any sort of attraction. She probably cares too much about herself to give a shit about her partner if she ever dated someone," she scoffed. "However, there is someone. But I think it's best that I refrain from saying it. It's a little complicated in my opinion," she shrugged, running another digit through her burnt umber tresses. She hoped that London would drop the subject now, the last thing she needed was to keep talking about her homosexual urges to be with Dytto. "He knew I was gay, end of junior year," she commented on the mention of Jonnie. "But he's gay too. Oops I outed him," she rolled her eyes, not giving a single fuck about her ex 'boyfriend.' She picked up her phone, deciding to send in some texts because London herself was doing the same thing.

To Dytto:
Always got her panties in a knot, how is she head cheerleader?

To Russian Barbie:
Yep, Katherine and London came in my room. The bitch kept complaining about her room assignment.

To Farrah my Babe:
As much as I'd love to, I don't think that's a good idea.

She placed her phone back down on the bed, smirking slightly as she began explaining the situation to London, "He was supposed to be my fake boyfriend, so we could convince everyone we were straight. I'm pretty damn sure that he was afraid of me." She chuckled to herself, looking up at the ceiling. "I basically forced this upon him. Being a judgemental bitch and a previously closeted lesbian meant you had an excellent gaydar. To be honest, I'm glad he's not here. His breath smelled and I hated everything about him."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Farrah Hart Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: Nathan Hale Character Portrait: Liam Nielsen Character Portrait: Frederick Gains
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0.00 INK

Wright Hall, Dorm 2B, Room B

What He's Wearing

Dialogue Color #B6B6B4 | Thought Color #2B1B17

Wright Hall, Dorm 2B, Room B

Her Look

Dialogue Color #C8A2C8 | Thought Color #785278


"Ooooohhh, watch out for the ghost!" Dytto practically squealed and laughed as the character Nate played as was practically lifted into the air by a dark aura on the flat screen television. Nate chuckled from his perch in one of her chairs and the brunette tipped over, falling backwards on the plush rug in laughter. "How?" He asked, disbelieving but still knowing. "How is horror and thriller still your favorite?" Dytto stuck her tongue out before digging her hand into the bag she snuck into her dorm room behind both Holly and her mother's backs. She popped two of the vodka-infused gummy bears into her mouth and chewed before responding very intelligently with a "Shut up!" Nathan only turned back to the screen just as the music from Farrah's room seemed to change to a much louder song.

Dytto glowered at the wall that separated them. Nathan only smirked discreetly, eyes focused solely on the screen as his mind wandered back to the text Farrah sent a few minutes ago. He would have loved to go over to her room, despite Dee being right beside him. But, for one, Dytto would question him relentlessly. Two, someone who wasn't his best friend would see him. And three...then would come the question of actually leaving...would he want to? Some part of him knew that they had not thought the entire secret relationship thing through. He had literally been able to have Farrah - a different side of her, mind you - to himself for an entire summer. To have been able to touch her, kiss her - and then not and have to pretend that he never had was...befuddling. It didn't help that he already wasn't used to such...consistency. The summer had been enough to cultivate an addiction and he could admit it - at least to himself - he was addicted.

"Maybe I should go talk to her," he said, sounding disinterested though actually posing the question made his heart race. For once, Dytto didn't turn those scrutinizing blues on him. Instead, she lay on her belly on the floor - since she obviously didn't know what sitting still meant - with her phone in her hands. "Wouldn't do that. Not of the mind to deal with veiled bitchiness...not if the tramp wants to keep her weave in place." Nate shot her an unimpressed glare and a protective remark about how every strand on Farrah's head was definitely real had to be shut down, causing him to clinch his jaw as he maneuvered his character, Waylon, back behind a broken desk so as not to be caught by the big creepy psychopath he was trapped in a locked-down asylum with. "Who knows? Maybe the summer made her more agreeable," he opined with a playful smirk and Dytto snorted as she responded to a few text messages. "Yeah, ok. That or some dick...and considering she hasn't been exactly deceitful in terms of letting everyone know how much D she's gotten, I seriously even doubt that that would help." It was a bit hypocritical, yes, and highly unnecessary for Dytto's commentary. She wouldn't go on to say that she and Farrah were particularly hostile towards one another. But she also couldn't find it in her to care and there honestly wasn't any lost love between them. Besides, why should Nate care anyway? He knew she didn't like the girl from the jump.

To: Esper
Idek. Said sumthing bout meeting. Imma text her

To: Cheer Bitch
Hey, cap! Pom poms unpacked or nah?

To: Liam
Sweetie, not in a mil yrs. Talking bout queenie. Kit Kat wanted 2 tell her bout us.

Both teens looked back at the wall separating Dytto's room from Farrah's as some old Cher Lloyd song came on and Dytto had half the mind to bang on the wall to make Farrah shut the fuck up when Nate slid to a stand. The sudden movement made Dytto narrow her eyes at him. "Yeah, I'll be right back." His face remained rather impassive, a thing Dytto hated about him but also picked up from her. It was frustrating when Nate decided to do that thing, just as much as it frustrated him when she did the exact same. So, Dytto shrugged and decided not to let it bother her, grabbing the remote for the game station for herself. "Your funeral, man," was the only thing she had to say on the matter just as Fred opened her door and entered. "Freddy!" Dytto exclaimed almost immediately before the first thing he said actually registered in my mind. "First of all, I have Cheeze-its and gummy bears out here, and some other shit in the kitchen. But two, you lost because you suck and you'll lose in whatever we play, let's be very clear about that, dude!" Nate chuckled lightly at their light banter before nodding to Fred once, the hint of a smile softening his face. "Wassup?" He barely waited to hear the rest of what either had to say before continuing as he headed for the door Fred just entered through, "Be right back." He closed the door behind him as he heard Dytto futilely warn him, "Don't say I ain't warned you." Nathan just smirked before carefully watching the front door as he headed to the bedroom he remembered Farrah telling him she would be in, knocked in the door twice, before opening it upon finding it was closed. He closed the door immediately after opening it, making sure to turn the lock before eyes taking in Farrah lost in dancing. As corny as it was, he liked the way the sun danced off the darkness of her hair, giving her a glow that couldn't have been better matched even if they were in the midst of a sunset. He smirked, leaning against the door before their eyes finally met. "Having fun?" He inquired playfully, arms crossed over his chest, relaxed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: London Wellington
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rivers
Image Image

The uneasiness that radiated from Esperanza was very understandable considering the topic at hand, but it made London feel even more comfortable. She was so used to Esperanza being in control and always having her guard up, that this side of her - one that included a straining voise and averting eyes - felt so... different. She seemed like a completely different girl. It wasn't like London hadn't had any heart-to-hearts with Esperanza before, because the girls' friendship was definitely genuine on a level that reached down deeper than being superficial and just sitting together in class, but none of those topics had included something as personal as this. It wasn't going to change the way that London loved Esperanza, but she could understand why it would be something that Esper would keep from her, especially when she explained her family situation. London spent most of her time in California and New York, two places that were very liberal compared to a lot of regions of the country, and she had always been raised to respect people's personal choices. She knew that a lot of families were like Esperanza's though, and when it came to Katherine, London understood why she wouldn't want the girl to know. The Queen Bee would be the first person to defend Katherine, almost always, no matter what she had done or who she had pissed off, but just because she loved Kat didn't mean that she was blind towards her ignorance. She knew that some of the things that came out of the brunette's mouth were offensive at best, and just from knowing her for so long, she knew that Esperanza was right. This probably wasn't a topic that Kat would respond to in a delicate manner, especially considering her feelings for Esper to begin with. Still, they were supposed to be the tightest group of friends at Crossroads, and this was a big deal. It was something that London wanted Esper to feel comfortable talking about, and not just in private. She could continue to keep it a secret from her family if that was necessary, but she didn't need to hide it at school. Especially not if she actually had something who was potential dating material!

"I thought he was absolutely atrocious and unworthy of you since day one, so I'm not going to shed any tears over that, but let's backtrack," London began. It seemed safer to not comment on her reasoning for keeping a secret, because that was a conversation that would have been too deep for London's tastes. "You cannot just tell me that you have a thing for someone and then not tell me who it is! Boy or girl, you know I don't work that way, Esper!" she exclaimed. "Now spill! Who is it? I need a name!" Her tone was definitely more light and playful now, though seriously persistent. Was finding out that Esperanza was a lesbian a big deal? Absolutely. It wasn't going to change London's friendship with her, but what was more important was realizing that one of her best friends had been harboring such a secret. If anything, it was a very positive revelation because she felt, or at least hoped, that it would take a weight off of her chest. Bringing up how they would inform Kat about it, if at all, would come after London heard who this crush was on.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: London Wellington
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0.00 INK

Esperanza sighed, closing her bag up. She wasn't in the mood for any more packing. She knew that this was a mistake, and she wanted to just disappear. Even the Palm Springs trailer park sounded like a better place than this room. She pursed her lips, tapping her foot anxiously. The lack of response from her best friend scared her. She knew she was done for. The life that she had built to hide everything was gone, and it was the damn party from her junior year's fault. If she hadn't have made out with that girl, Jenna wasn't it? She wouldn't have to deal with the problem she had now. But perhaps it was time for Esper to show her true colors. She glanced at her phone, not even caring anymore about who texted her. "Good, I really don't need any tears to be shed, because then I'm gonna cry," the girl huffed. She chuckled dryly, turning around to look out the window and wipe the single tear that was beginning to form on her visage."I only cry when I'm drunk, at least that's what I'm told," she responded, almost sniffling. She kind of wished that the barbecue would start soon because then she could actually get her mind off things by doing her favorite things, making people feel bad about themselves.

Esperanza made a gagging noise at London's plea. This bitch could not be serious. She dramatically turned around, hair flipping as she pivoted. A scowl formed on her facial features. ["Seriously, fuck you London. I just told you my biggest secret and hinted about a sort of crush and now you're on my ass about it? No me gusta!" she said in an annoyed manner. Her dark orbs rolled as she tried to come up with an excuse. "You know I don't do feelings, like I'm a cold hearted bitch. I don't even know how I really feel. This could be like some sort of innocent school girl crush that will go away once I meet the 'woman of my dreams,'" she continued. She flung her arms around dramatically. A smile finally came onto her face. London somehow could cheer Esper up even when she was in the bitchiest mood. The woman truly was a queen. "What's in it for me?" she said in a mock three year old voice. The childish side of Esper was showing. Her eyes darted around the room, thinking there was a clock on the wall. "On a serious note, what time is it? And when's the barbecue going to start? I'm craving some ribs. Or perhaps a big ass burger. I need a really good quality meal after I've been eating shitty camping food."

She snatched the phone next to her and began responding to her texts. Esper wasn't one to leave messages unread forever. She was one of those people who responded to her texts faster than a normal human being. It was almost like she had no friends, but she had lots of friends. Way more than those nerds and other outcasts.

To Dytto:
Whatever. I might come over to your dorm when I'm done unpacking. Gotta see my other friends before the barbecue.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: London Wellington Character Portrait: Liam Nielsen Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rivers
Image Image

London didn't take Esperanza's jump back to the defensive side personally. She knew that the girl was just as guarded as her, and especially since this topic was so personal, it made sense that she wanted to revert to her aggressive side to keep herself from unraveling any further. London could respect that. Hell, she preferred to be at the receiving end of it for the moment, over having to deal with a sobbing Esperanza. It was one of the few things that London just wasn't equipped for. She struggled dealing with her own emotions, and she was almost bad at functioning around other people who were getting emotional. She returned Esper's smile when it broke through her bitch face, but it was only there for a minute, because London seriously was not going to accept not knowing who this crush was on. Harmless, school girl crush or not, she deserved to know. It was just part of the best friend, girl code that London instilled in her friends, and she expected them to adhere to it. "I don't care if it's just a school girl crush," she countered, a more toned down smile still on her face. "Don't I deserve to know?" she added playfully, a knowingly cocky hint towards her status. "Look, I'll let you think about it while you feast away, but by the time classes get out later, I better have that name sent to my phone. It's just part of the best friend code, Esper! You know you were always the first to know about anything that happened between me and Liam." Before today, London had contemplated over whether or not she even wanted to speak that blonde's name ever again, but she had decided to go with the approach that she was completely indifferent towards him. That meant that she wasn't going to not acknowledge what had went on between them or how it ended, but she wasn't going to allow herself to associate any negative emotions with it. She needed to act like she wasn't sad or even angry, because she wanted to believe that Liam was never that important to her. That he had never held any sort of power over her. It wasn't true, but that was the plan for the year, or at least for however long she could manage to suppress her emotions.

With that playful remark left for Esper to mull over, London headed towards the door, but didn't fully exit before turning to her friend with a more serious expression. "And obviously, your secret is safe with me, but when you do decide to be more open about it whatever, with like... everyone, just know I have your back, okay? Always and forever." A lighthearted giggle and a wave of her pinky, as if she were pinky promising, followed that, before she gently closed Esperanza's door behind her. She wanted to take Katherine and Esperanza's lead and get ready for the barbecue, which was probably going to be starting any minute now, but she wanted to talk to Katherine. This day is definitely going to be more stressful than it should be... she thought as she stood outside of Katherine's door. She waited only a moment before going in, as she sent out a couple of text messages. A few went to a couple underclassmen who she demanded save her a good table outside for the barbecue and one went to Liam. She was tempted to respond to Joe... but then she decided it wasn't necessary. He was nice and all, but not to an extent where she wanted to have a pointless conversation via text with him.

To: Liam
I'm civil with everyone. You're not important enough to be an exception to that.

As she pushed open Katherine's room, she tried to perk up her mood. It would be necessary if she wanted any chance at combating the brunette's bad mood. "Oh my God, you're so annoying," she began, with a tone that suggested that she was just being dramatic. "I love your room, and your view is perfect. You're not moving out of here, Kat. Seriously. Get it out of your head, and stop letting it ruin your - and my - day, okay? Let's be happy and go have fun. Tomorrow we're going to go to the beach after class, and if you want, I'll drive us to Beverly Hills and we can stay at your place for the weekend, okay? This year is going to be so amazing and if you keep being so negative, you're going to ruin both of our vibes. Esper said that she has no issue with you and she wants to be friends, so can you at least try to be nice to her too?" She perched herself on the edge of Katherine's bed as she looked towards her hopefully.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Farrah Hart Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: Natalya Volkova Character Portrait: Nathan Hale Character Portrait: Liam Nielsen
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0.00 INK


Location: Wright Hall, Floor 2, Room B || Mood: Excited || Outfit: XX

Frederick shared Nathan's soft smile. He and Nathan were not best friends per say, but they were friendly towards each other. There was not need for them to hate each other. Frederick was always nice to everyone he met and Nathan seemed way nicer than what was on the surface. And they both shared a mutual friend. Dytto. So their friendliness was more than enough. Nathan left the room and Dytto's door was shut.

The nerd sat and grabbed the controller that he imagined was used by Nathan before he left. "I want the Cheeze-its." He told her. Freddy was not a big fan of snacks, but it was a long car ride from his home to Crossroads. After unpacking he played a hand held game. He does not really remember the last time he ate real food. Probably before he left. But this snack was highly necessary. Then he could have the feast of a king at the barbeque. "I have been practicing different gaming techniques all summer. There is no way you could beat me."

Frederick worked for a good portion of the summer. Unlike his good friends Natalya and Dytto, he did not have a lot of money. He gets buy by working over the summer and stocking up his bank account. His parents do send him money every now and then, but for the most part he is on his own. When he wasn't working, he was playing video games. He was getting better than usual. And he was determined to beat Dytto. "Hey. Where is Natalya?" he asked curiously. She had texted him earlier, but he has not seen or heard from her since.

Location: Wright Hall, Floor 2, Room A || Mood: Slightly Irritated || Outfit: XX

Farrah had completely forgotten about her neighbors and most of her problems. That is usually what happens when she is dancing. It makes her feel better about life. It also makes her forget about issues that she should not be worried about. Like living next door to Dytto. Or Nathan and Esper being best friends with Dytto. Those are problems that she will just need to get over. Farrah was half expecting for the brunette to bang on the wall and tell her to shut up. Of course the dancer would not listen and probable instigate a fight. There was a chime and she took a quick break from the dancing. Message from Esper, Will, and Liam.

To: Esper
I think you are right. Anyway. I will see you at the barbeque?

To: Soccer
I am not helping you move in. Get Liam to do it. And I will see you at the barbeque.

To: Liam
The streak will end today. Gotta see my favorite royal.

Farrah had managed to keep in contact with William all summer. He is the only person that knows about her relationship status with Nathan. She trusted him to keep the secret to his grave. Or at least until she felt like it was okay to tell people. Honestly, Farrah has no idea when. The dancer turned the music up and returned to dancing her heart out. No one needs her right now so she does not plan on stopping anytime soon.

She was so lost in her dance that she did not even notice who walked in. It wasn't until they made eye contact that she realized Nathan actually came to her room. Farrah stopped dancing immediately and smiled brightly. She turned the music down just a tad. She did not want Dytto to hear them still. "I was." She responded, walking closer to him. "Did Miss Dee send you over to get me to turn my music down?" Farrah's voice was dripping with some hatred, but she kept her voice playful. It was her boyfriend's best friend after all. "Because if that is the case, I suddenly feel the urge to turn the volume all the way until my speaker burst."


Location: Chase Hall, Floor 2B, Room C || Mood: Excited || Outfit: XX

The driver settled all of William's things in his room and then waited to be dismissed. The soon to be duke did not even noticed that the older man was just standing at the doorway. Will had decided to admire the view. He got the beach front which was nice. Maybe his friends would want to go to the beach this weekend. That would be a great get together. He will bring it up to Liam and see what he thinks. He might have plans already for a reunion party. Or maybe Farrah. He will just have to find out. "Sir?' Will turned around to see and impatient driver. "Oh. Thank you. I can take it from here." He said, a bright smile on his face. The driver nodded and swiftly exited. Before unpacking, William checked his phone.

To: Dancer
Fine. I will see you soon.

To: Liam
Or you could help me move in like a good friend would. Farrah told me to ask you since she does not feel obligate to help.

Setting the phone down, William started unpacking the simple things, like his clothes. His father had arranged for the extras to be here for him when he arrived. There was a tv that needed setting up and some other things that needed assembling. He did not feel like dealing with all of that by himself. He was hoping one of his friends would be kind of do that for him. Speaking of friends, Natalya came to mind.

They have been talking pretty much all summer and he started to like her, as a friend. He has not heard from her since he has landed. Will decided to shoot her a quick text message to make sure that she was okay.

To: Russian
Are you moved into Crossroads yet?