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Godking Wanhope

"Soon everything from the Greenland Sea to the Antarctic Ocean will belong to Khalidor."

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a character in “Crowns, Empires and Swords”, as played by Roku Mushabuki


Name: Godking Wanhope

Age: 28



Build: Slim with lean muscle

Personality: Wanhope is as prideful as any other Godking and like all Godkings, feels obligated to trump the glory of the last Godkings reign. He is cruel and sadistic with little regard for the sanctity of life. He does whatever it takes to meet his goals even if that meant sacrificing twenty percent of Khalidors population he would gladly do so. His eyes are constantly fixed on the Atlantics as he sees them as the key to returning Khalidor to its former glory.

Wanhope is constantly within the shadow of his father, who in turn was in the shadow of his before him. Wanhope has an overbearing determination to out prove both his father and his grandfather. He takes Roygarris as an example of how to gain his greatness. As such he is obsessed with mass expansion into the south.

Where they live: Khalidorian Empire. Consists of the Arctic Lands, the lands north of the United Ocean, and the lands north of the Great Asian Ocean. Most of the lands are not well suitable for farming except for the lands north of the North Atlantic States

What/ who they are: Godking of the Khalidorian Empire

National Flaws: The country lacks enough farmland to support its population
-Grain shortages force it to import grain from other nations
-Famines occur often when imports stop
-The death of a Godking creates a power vacuum resulting in a mass of short rebellions
-It has no navy

National Strengths: Is a military power house and holds a massive army (mostly infantry)
-Many metal mines and large forests are within the region.
-Mass slavery creates cheap labor
-Its harsh climate makes it hard for nations to invade and hold their positions
-Military conscription is so common that many towns give basic training to its male population once they come of age.

National Traits: It holds a large population
-State Socialism
-Violent culture

What is a Godking?: The people of Khalidor worship the goddess Khali. The prayers that they use trickle magic to her. She then gives a portion of the magic to the Godking in a form called Vir , who then transfers the Vir to Meisters(those who use Vir) and can take away that Vir at will. Thus the Godking can create new mages who are dependent on him for their source of magic. That is why he rules, because he controls the mages. The more powerful Vir users are called Vurdmeisters.

-Vir, the magic given from Khali, can cause harm to the user if it is overused too much.

History: It all started with the first Godking, Roygarris, who founded and expanded the Empire so far out that it nearly collapsed. It took that man's successors reign to stabilize the nation. Wanhope and his father have been massively building up the military once again. That is where Wanhope comes into play.

Wanhope was born in Khaliras to an innkeeper's daughter and the Godking Garoth. He was raised by his mother in the city until he turned six and was taken to the citadel in Khalidor. There he learned the art of war and eventually politics. During his education the Great Famine occurred, starving the nation. Without foreign aid and a recent embargo from Labrador the country's population was decimated. Among the dead, Wanhope's mother was one of them, leaving him with a grudge against the nations of the south, especially Labrador. Blaming the country for worsening the already dire famine.

Wanhope gained the status as heir after taking the role as the lord over the Freeze and later the Baffin states. During his management of those regions he crushed three revolts and one rebellion. All of which he led the soldiers personally.

Wanhope become Godking by assassinating his siblings (all 140 of them) and his father as well. Thus he took claim of the empty throne at the age of fifteen. After that he quickly consolitated his rule and continued to build up the military as his father did. Only this time he began to involve Khalidor into the politics of the world.

Skills: Magic, swordplay, and strategy

-School of Evocation: The evocation school of magic includes spells that manipulate energy or tap an unseen source of power in order to produce a desired end. In effect, they create something out of nothing. The spells that he uses involve fire, lightning, and using magical energy. The amount of magic used depends on the intensity of the spell.

-School of Restoration: Healing spells. The amount of magic used depends on the intensity of the spell.

-School of Conjuration: Sub school of teleportation: Teleport oneself or an object across great distance. Takes a massive amount of magic and can be lethal if used by oneself. Wanehope can only use it once per day but it would deplete all his magic for the day.


So begins...

Godking Wanhope's Story


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The invasion of the south had begun. Khalidor's hordes had been unleashed upon Labrador City's territory, storming it with great speed. Most of the towns and villages surrendered without a fight, but those that resisted were easily defeated and the people enslaved. Spies that had infiltrated Labrador City had reported that most of the area relied on local militias and their was no central army. If they were to quickly gather a force it would only be twenty thousand at best. The Godking would not even allow the city that much time.

Wanhope's main force waited outside the gates of Labrador City. The camp held a large host of one hundred thousand. All were being called forth to enter formation, unpack the trebuchets, and the meisters were gathering in circles to prepare their spells. That was his trump card. Hundreds of meisters to reign fireballs on the city while the siege equipment worked their own magic.

The Godking was within the command tent, coordinating with his generals. The strategy was basic. Reign magic and projectiles on the city for the first hour at a constant rate. If the city still held then the seige towers and the capped battering ram would go at it. Meisters would accompany the ram to use spells against the gate. Once the gate was broken down then the infantry would move into the city in Tortoise formation to capture it. Wanhope knew that before the night was through that the city would either surrender or be reduced to dust.


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Character Portrait: Captian Robyn Sheva of The Harbinger Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope
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The night was a particularly dark one, as the Captain sat in her quarters, a twirling a coin between her fingers one hand and a bottle of rum in the other. The crew men were all out on deck, making merriment with many whores they collected during the raids, singing shanties, drowning themselves in rum and bedding woman after woman. One would think the Captain would despise this particular act but she couldn't care any less. She gave up caring years ago, all that was left was pain, and she wanted it gone. She rose the bottle to her lips and found quickly, it had run dry.

"Damn," She said and chucked the bottle at the wall, causing it to shatter against the wood.

She rose from her chair, grabbed her black coat with the blood red trim as well as the tri cornered hat with the same red trim, check to make sure her gun was strapped to her hip and then burst out the door. She looked down to the lower deck. It seems in her presence, the merry making ceased.

Everyone's gaze fell to her. "Well, splice the main brace, lads, don't let me stop ye!" She cried out and the men cheered and all began again.

The Captian walked through the crowd of men and whores with a passive expression. She wasn't one for merry making, obviously, all she wanted was her rum, it was as if she was immune to it's doping effects, no matter how much she drank, she was never drunk enough.

Soon, she found a bottle, several bottles to be exact and was on her way back to her quarters, when she felt a slap to her backside. The whole ship seem to hear the sound as again all merriment ceased and all that could be heard was the sounds of the waves. One of the men, he was new, easily in his 30's sat with a red face, and a sloppy grin. Robyn turned slowly, her head cocked at an angle.

The man grinned up at her, but it faded quickly when he saw her face.

Now, clearly this man was so drunk, he couldn't tell the difference between her and the whores, but it didn't matter, the Captain drew her gun, aimed and fired then placed it back in it's holster in the same fluid motion.

The man lay dead, his skull and it's contents lay splayed out on the deck. The Captain hardly blinked. The whores stood shaking, the crew men frozen in fear. " Well, Don't just stand there, clean it up!" She ordered with a quick throw of her hand and quickly the men rushed to clear up the remains.

The Captain made her way up to the upper deck, but she stopped when she noticed just off distance, land, lest all her crew end up dead. " Mr. Casey!" She called out and soon an a young fellow appeared beside her. Her current first mate, he was with the old pirate crew that own the Harbinger before she did. She trusted him, he was about the only person that she did and or admit to. "Spyglass." She said holding out her hand and in the same instance, one was in her hand. She rose it to her eye and focused on the upcoming land.

A low grimace rose from her throat. "Captain?" Mr. Casey asked. "We have arrived... " She growled.

Casey looked at The Captain. She knew she was annoyed by the so called Godking for sending a messenger aboard the Harbinger, and now, she was on her way to the GodKing, with his messenger's body still attached to the ship after being keelhauled.

Casey took a breathe. "Aye Captain." He said and began ordering the men to begin preparations to dock.

The Captain watched the black waters as the land of Labrador City came closer and closer.

After a while, The Ship docked and The Captain and Her First Mate, Casey made their way toward The GodKing's camp, Casey carrying the messenger's waterlogged body over her large shoulder. Casey stood a few feet over the already tall Pirate Captain. The Two were quite the sight. "Tell your King, I got his message. Mr. Casey" She nodded and Casey tossed the dead messengers body at of the the guards. It took two guards to carry the messenger's body off. "Captain, are you sure about this." Casey asked. The Captain laughed. " I am always sure, Mr. Casey, you should know that by now." She said and waiting. Casey took a breath.

This was going to be a long night.


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Character Portrait: Captian Robyn Sheva of The Harbinger Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope
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The siege did not last nearly as long as Wanehope had expected. He thought that Labrador would be much less willing to submit. They did offer a conditional surrender after the bombardment of fireballs had begun. The conditions were simple: In exchange for the safe passage of the royal family to the South Pacific Kingdom, Khalidor would rule over Labrador City and all of it's territory. Considering that Khalidor had already invaded half of the kingdom, it was obvious that it would eventually happen anyway. Best give up with their lives than to die a meaningless death. The Godking did not want to destroy the city, however, since it was the key to holding the realm. He gave the royal family one hundred pounds of gold and a small galley for transport that would lead them to King's Landing.

The soldiers cheered as they entered the gates. Since the bombardment was what broke the city no soldiers died in the process. Wanehope went back to his tent to receive his messages. A Vurdmeister handed him a firenote, still warm, from his meisters in the Highlands near the Celtic Lands and the English Lakes. The Highlander clan chieftains had been challenged by Godking Wanehope in open combat for the right to rule over the clans. Wanehope knew that if he could prove himself fierce to the Highlanders then he could rule them. If he ruled them then their warriors would keep order in Labrador while the Khalidoran forces moved on the North Atlantic border.

Two guards came to the tent saying that a wench captain had come to see him. "Bring her here." He told them sternly. As they left he smirked at the thought of having a privateer harassing his enemies. "Bring a silver chest from a treasury tent. Now!" He commanded a female slave. She quickly scurried off as she knew that disobedience would meet harsh consequences. Wanehope sat down on a fine oak chair, just starring at the map of the North Atlantic States.


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Character Portrait: Captian Robyn Sheva of The Harbinger Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope
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The guards came back quickly and began to lead them toward the Godking. The Captain looked about the place, finding the place looking freshly plundered. She smirked. This would be interesting if this was her future. She came to the Godking at his desk, looking over maps of some sorts.

"You've got quite the brass, Godking." She said with a smirk. very grandiose of him. " You know, I am not very fond of getting messages second hand." She said. " But I'll give you a bit of a pass. You seem to have had your hands full." She said, looking around. She'd raided plenty of Labradorian ships in her time, so she was used to the place. This was not the same place.

"So, you send a messenger to his death, for little ol me, Whatever for?" She asked, walking up to the desk, and resting her hands on the wood. It was then a frail little slave woman stumbled back in with a silver chest. " A proposition, I presume." She said, with an arched eyebrow.


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Character Portrait: Captian Robyn Sheva of The Harbinger Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope
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"But I'll give you a bit of a pass. You seem to have had your hands full." Wanhope gave a half smile to that comment. "You have no idea." He said as he waved the slave girl to open the chest filled with silver bars. "This is just incentive for you to listen to my proposition."

"As you can clearly see, Khalidor is expanding. I doubt that any nation around here could openly challenge our armies. There are, however, nations like the South Atlantic Kingdom or the South Pacific Kingdom that could ship supplies to my enemies. I need that threat to cease and until I can find a more permanent solution, I need to endorse pirating. I want you and your crew to attack every South Atlantic cargo ship and galley that you spot." He pulled a map out of his sleeve. "These are rendezvous points that will be set a mile within the shore line where you will drop off the plundered supplies and any non military captives. Kill any soldiers you find."

"In return I will give you your weight in gold, one pound of gold for each of your crew members, and fief to rule over when our conquests are over." He told her as he inspected his slave. Her attractiveness had waned so much since he bought her. "I would suggest taking the offer. It would be very rude to turn me down here...and we do not take disappointment well." Wanehope then put his hand on the slave girl's face and began to surge magic into her. After a few seconds her head imploded and the blood ruined the Godking's silk robe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captian Robyn Sheva of The Harbinger Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope
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"You have no idea," The Godking commented as the girl opened the chest. This pique The Captian's interested. "This is just aincentive for you to listen to my proposition." He said and Robyn smiled. "I'm listening."

"As you can clearly see, Khalidor is expanding. I doubt that any nation around here could openly challenge our armies. There are, however, nations like the South Atlantic Kingdom or the South Pacific Kingdom that could ship supplies to my enemies. I need that threat to cease and until I can find a more permanent solution, I need to endorse pirating. I want you and your crew to attack every South Atlantic cargo ship and galley that you spot." Robyn mused over this as he spoke. Mr. Casey visibly flinched when South Pacific was mentioned. She watched as the Godking pulled a map from his sleeves. She looked it over with a cock of the head.

"These are rendezvous points that will be set a mile within the shore line where you will drop off the plundered supplies and any non military captives. Kill any soldiers you find."[b]
"Alright, What does this do for me and my men?" She asked as she rolled the map back up.
[b]"In return I will give you your weight in gold, one pound of gold for each of your crew members, and fief to rule over when our conquests are over."

Robyn looked at Mr. Casey, He seemed to like this idea but he wasn't all the way there when it came to politics. She really only kept him around because he was large, obedient and good with a sword. He was attractive enough too, when she was really drunk.

She watched the Godking when he looked at the slave girl. Her time with him seemed to weigh on her looks.

Robyn used to be one of them.

"I would suggest taking the offer. It would be very rude to turn me down here...and we do not take disappointment well."
With that, he took the girls face and she began to look...strange. Robyn and Casey watched as suddenly the poor girls head exploded, the contents of her head splattering all over them.

"Magic, Captain." Casey said spitting at the ground to his left and Robyn set her jaw. She had a particular distaste of magic, after a nasty run in with an Anansai ship a few years back. After that, she'd taken to wearing a dispelling rune over her chest when she visited a voodoo queen in the south, if he'd tried that with her, she'd probably would have had a breathtaking headache but it probably wouldn't kill her.

"That was entirely unnecessary." She said wiping the blood from her face. Robyn clearly no stranger to bloodshed.

"I'll consider your offer," She said, looking at the chest of silver bars, examining them. "I must say, I am a lot lighter then I look, and that won't be enough for my men." She said and closed the chest and took a seat on the desk, her leg propped up just so. as much as she hated magic, she did find his brutality, oddly attractive.

"Here's what we can do. I'll attack your enemies, as you so wish, however, I want payment, for each ship." She said, looking at him with a dangerous smile. " There is magic involved, Godking and I'd rather not be involved in it for only one lump sum." She said rocking her leg. Casey looked uneasy as the way his Captain was flirting, men usually died when that happens but he knew she liked what she was hearing so that wasn't going to happen. "Mr. Casey, Leave us." She said. "Captain?" "
"I don't like repeating myself..."
"Aye Captain."He said and exited the tent.

"Now, Godking, if you really are a God. You shouldn't have problems with that deal?" She said and pushed herself off the desk and sauntered over to him, looking him in the eyes, merely a reach's away. . "You seem to have quite alot." She said with a dangerous grin. "Surely you could spare the expense."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captian Robyn Sheva of The Harbinger Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope Character Portrait: Sylvia the Dark Oracle Character Portrait: Ariana of Atlantia
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Temple of the Nine, City of New Atlantia

"And so time begin with Kronica Mother of all goddesses and the Queen of time. To her was born of herself Lunia the goddess of light and life and her sister Nercoesia Queen of Darkness and death. So then did Lunia and Nercoesia dance together at dusk and dawn and from light came Philyia goddess of the sea and Syliu the queen of winds. From the Dark was born Teria of the earth and Firai of the flame on whose forge great weapons are made. Then from earth and fire came Arthia warrior maiden of the goddess. And from the sea and air brewed Donira the stormbringer"

A clapping was heard as the young robed boy finished the tale of the Atlantian Goddesses.
"Very good youngling" spoke a woman cloaked in black.
"thank you lady..." but the boy was cut short by a guard in black armor "forgive me my Lady but your Sister the queen has called for the advisors"
The cloaked woman nodded and turned to the boy "you are dismissed we will finish your lesions later."

Royal Palace, City of New Atlantia...a few moments later

The dark robed woman entered the room with a bow.

"Welcome sister Sylvia, we where just discussing some disturbing intel bought from our northern lands and our fleets in the united ocean...Lord Desimus if you would please fill in my Sister."

A strong man clad in golden armor stood "of course my Queen" he said with a bow before turning to Sylvia "We have news that the city of Labrador was sacked by the Khalidor barbarians. They may try to push into our north Atlantic holdings. The legions of the area along with the Monataur and Centaur tribes are on high alert but your sister the queen wishes yours and my presance at the front."

The Queen then chimed in "with Desimus' training and your necromancy in play the barbarians will think twice before invading us."

Sylvia sighed and nodded "As you wish Sister but was there not another mater?"

"Yes the pirate Robyn's ship was said to have been sighted..we don't know if it was her or if she will cause trouble or not but our navy has been put on alert and we have placed a blockade in the straits of Panama. But your main job is to reinforce our north may the Nine protect you."


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Character Portrait: Captian Robyn Sheva of The Harbinger Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope
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"Now, Godking, if you really are a God. You shouldn't have problems with that deal?" As she came closer Wanehope noticed that she appeared more attractive than before. "You seem to have quite alot. Surely you could spare the expense." He smiled. "Of course. Whatever you need." He said smoothly. If this were not a business deal then he would try to bed her. Such a thing would not be wise until her side of the deal was done, regardless of how tempting the idea was.

Wanehope glanced at his slave that was near his battle gear. "Donn my armor boy." He commanded the slave. In an hour he would need to ride through the city in person in order to reach the throne room and address his troops. The boy came over with mithral chain mail and dragon scale armor. The Godking shrugged off his silk robe that was embedded with jewels onto the damp dirt floor of the tent, leaving him clothed with only his loin cloth. As his slave donned the armor he signaled a Vurdmeister to get a small fire pit.

He glanced back Robyn. "This fire pit is enchanted by our meisters to receive and relay messages. Simply burn a letter into the flames and I will receive it in mine. Vice versa. Now enough of business. I bet that you and your crew are tired of being out at see for so long. How about you all stay at our camp for the night? They can help themselves to all the food, wine, and slaves that they can handle." He told her with a smile. Personally he could never stand being out at see, he had a personal hate for ships in general. Secretly he was beginning to enjoy her company.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captian Robyn Sheva of The Harbinger Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope
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The Godking smiled down at her. "Of course, Whatever you need..." He said, his voice as smooth as the silk he wore. Robyn could see the temptation in his eyes.

She watched as he ordered a slave boy for his armor and continued her gaze as shrugged of his silk robes.

"God indeed." She grinned.

After a moment, He looked back at her.

"This fire pit is enchanted by our meisters to receive and relay messages."

Robyn walked over to him and looked over at the enchanted fire. "Simply burn a letter into the flames and I will receive it in mine. Vice versa. Now enough of business. I bet that you and your crew are tired of being out at sea for so long. How about you all stay at our camp for the night? They can help themselves to all the food, wine, and slaves that they can handle." He said with a grin.

"Very well." She said, moving closer to him. "We'll stay for a night." She said and narrowed her eyes. "Now that my crew is set, What of me?" She said, "What can I help myself to?" She asked, mischievously.


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Character Portrait: Captian Robyn Sheva of The Harbinger Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope
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"Now that my crew is set, What of me? What can I help myself to?" Wanehope smirked at the questions. He could tell her to stay with her crew though his soldiers might mistake her for a slave. On the other hand she could go to the meister quarters, which were much more luxurious, but he was almost certain that she did not care for magic. Then an idea chimed in his mind. "I have matters that I must attend to in the Labrador Castle. Things that must be addressed before the night is through. How about you come with me and spend the night in the castle? I hear that the former king was infamous for his prized wine vintage." He asked her.

Frankly Wanehope was not interested in the wine. What he truly wanted to see was the royal treasury and the city's granaries. If they were filled to even a moderate amount then that would mean that the city could act as a proper supply line to his troops when they would enter the front lines. If not then he would have to rely on other, less reliable sources.


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Character Portrait: Captian Robyn Sheva of The Harbinger Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope
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"I have matters that I must to attend to in Labrador City. Things must be addressed before the night through. How about you come with me and spend the night in the castle? I hear the former King was infamous for his prized wine vintage,"

The Crimson Lady grinned. "Sounds grand," She said, and while she preferred Rum to Wine she wouldn't mind tasting the spoils. She'd much prefer to see the King. He'd placed a hefty bounty on her head. She wanted to know what became of him.

"Does this former King still breathe? I would love to make him watch whilst I slept in his bed. I believe he had childern, Daughters all of age, Do I even want to know what came of them?" She said. If they were alive, they'd be slaves and her men would be quick to have at them.

"And a son, I believe, handsome bloke, if memory serves but smug little as well."


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Character Portrait: Captian Robyn Sheva of The Harbinger Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope
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"Does this former King still breathe? I would love to make him watch whilst I slept in his bed. I believe he had childern, Daughters all of age, Do I even want to know what came of them? And a son, I believe, handsome bloke, if memory serves but smug little as well.

"The King had surrendered under the condition that he and his family gained safe passage to King's Landing. Personally I relish the idea of the worry that they will bring the southerners when they hear of the expansion." Wanehope said with a hint a excitement in his voice, but then his face dropped to a frown. "However, I would not be surprised if they did not take notice. Southerners never take heed to a problem until it arrives upon their doorsteps. It has been too long that they have ignored the North, so it is time to bring the true fires of war to the South."

Wanehope walked outside the the tent and mounted a large stallion that his slave had brought him. "Get our guest a horse." He told the slave, who quickly took one that was stabled near a tent. "The royal family is still inside the castle, gathering their belongings before they depart for King's Landing. If we ride their now then we will be able to catch them before they leave." He told Robyn.


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Character Portrait: Captian Robyn Sheva of The Harbinger Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope
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"The King had surrendered under the condition that he and his family gained safe passage to King's Landing. Personally, I relish the idea of the worry that they will bring the southerners when they hear of the expansion." Wanhope said with a twinge of excitment. Robyn arched an eyebrow. "However, I would not be surprised if they did not take notice. Southerners never take heed to a problem until it arrives upon their doorsteps. It has been too long that they have ignored the North, so it is ti,e to bring the true fires of war to the South."

Robyn felt a rush of adrenaline as he spoke.

"Well then, what are we waiting for?"

With that they exited the tent. Mr. Casey turned, tried to hide the small smile that had crossed his lips when he saw the Captian still full dressed and her wavy brown tresses still in their original position.


"Tell the men, we are staying here for the night. Compliments of the Godking, They may help themselves to food, wine and girls." She said and Mr. Casey nodded, his grin fading when the Godking boarded a Stallion and ordered one for her.

"What of you, Captian?" He asked.

"I have business to attend to. We begin our work in the morrow." Mr. Casey looke nervous but nodded as she mounted the horse. "Aye, Captian," He said and made his way to camp.

"The royal family is still inside the castle, gathering their belongings before they depart for King's Landing. If we ride there now, the we will be able to catch them before they leave."

"Then we must make haste, Godking." She said, grabbing the reigns and with a vicious crack her horse bucked and took off.

She wanted to kill something...particularly for the fact that these fools wanted refuge in the one place in the whole damned world she hated.

They'd find no peace.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captian Robyn Sheva of The Harbinger Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope
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"Then we must make haste, Godking." As Robyn sped her horse off the Godking laughed. It was the first time that he had actually laughed in months. It was humorous to see a woman with so much energy. Women in Khalidor were lifeless and dull. He kicked at his horse to ride faster since she already gained a head start.

The streets were scattered a bit with pieces of broken buildings and occasional corpses. Fires burned in the distance and soldiers flocked the alleyways carrying buckets of water to prevent them from spreading. Wanehope yielded his horse when he came across a child looting a corpse in the street. The boy was startled, even more shocked when the man on the horse tossed him a small pouch of silver. "Keep it." He told the boy before he rode off.

They arrived at the castle shortly after and instead of stabling his horse, Wanehope instead rode inside the castle. Inside, almost ready to leave, was the royal family and their servants. All seemed fine except that the royal ambassador was accompanying them. Normally he would be fine with it but that man had insulted him before. He signaled two soldiers to take hold of that man.

"Get off me!" The man shouted, terrified of what may happen. "I am the royal ambassador!"

"So you are." Wanehope began. "I remember that after a border clash and we treated that I demanded that Labrador surrendered the Hudson Valley. After refusing to that you responded by saying that I was an egomaniacal, slackjaw tyrant. Slackjaw? Well I remember insults well and I always repay them." He turned to his men with a viscous smile. "Tie him up and hang him by his feet!" The soldiers quickly did so and the Godking spoke over his enemy's screaming. "This room is quite dark is it not! Best add some lighting." He shot a small firebolt from his hand at the hanging ambassador and the man shrieked as he caught on fire.

The Godking turned to the old king, his mood much less calm then before. "You know what?! Forget about being proper, we are barbarians are we not?" He came closer to the old king and spoke calmly. "Your daughters are now mine. Your wife is now mine. Your son will slave for me to the end of his days. Your kingdom will serve my line until the end of days. Know that all that you have ever loved has been taken by me. Before you leave this city I shall riddle you with scars and once in the South you will tell of the atrocities that you are about to witness. Prepare yourself for this is your night of reckoning."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captian Robyn Sheva of The Harbinger Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope Character Portrait: Clara 'Scarlet'  Stark
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As they rode into the city. Robyn watched as the city burned around her, black smoke darkening the night while the fires lit it orange.

How she wished this was Flea Bottom and all of South Pacific...

To her surprise, while a small child scrounged up around a corpse for Gods knows what. Wanhope toss him a bag of coins.

Robyn felt a twinge of an old faded memory, of her own childhood. She shook it off and rode ahead.

Soon they arrived at the castle, and Wanhope began on the family. She spotted the quivering daughters and laughed, wickedly, scaring them even further. Or atleast one of them.

"Oh so dramatic, he is." Robyn said with a laugh. "This night is your reckoning." She mocked him playfully. "You're just showing off." She said and waved a hand as she looked about the place.

"Dear Godking, what's with the theatrics? You know full well those girls won't a day." She said as if it were idle gossip. "The old crone is too wrinkled and frail to be of any real use. She'll die from malnutrition in a week tops." She said and walked over to the girls. "These two, however." Robyn reached down and lifted the eldest girl's skirts, she was maybe a year or so older then Robyn was. "Tsk tsk, does Father know, you've given yourself away?"She asked, nodding. The eldest girl looked shocked. "H-how did you know."

"I didn't." Robyn said and looked at Wanhope. "This one. She'll make a great whore but this one." She said and turned to the youngest. She had dark hair, black as night, amber brown eyes and olive skin. "This one, is pure. I can see it in her eyes."

" I will be no ones whore!" She said and Robyn took her face in her hand, pinching her cheeks together.

There was a familiar look of defiance in her eyes. One Robyn wore off.

"Oh I like her." She said. "What's your name?"

"What does it matter?"

"Because I am debating whether or not I shall feed your untouched body to my men, or keep you as my personal slave. I'm not in a habit of repeating myself..."


Robyn tsked. "That will never do. How about...hmmm" Robyn looked at the girl, she was a beauty, a few years younger then Robyn, about the age Robyn was when she became the Crimson Lady. A name came to mind.

"No. Your name is Scarlet."

The girl looked at Robyn, and realised this was probably for the best.

"So Scarlet's mine. As Payment for the bounty you placed on my head. " Robyn told the old King. "I had to have many a bounty hunter scrapped off of my ship. It was tiresome. This will make up for that. However, you have him to answer to so you're not out of the fire, just yet."

"My sister and brother." Scarlet asked, looking back at them.

"As good as dead." She said and Scarlet dropped her head.

"When does the torture commence, I am dreadfully bored."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captian Robyn Sheva of The Harbinger Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope Character Portrait: Clara 'Scarlet'  Stark
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"When does the torture commence, I am dreadfully bored." That remark truly showed how low Robyn was in the class structure. Peasants thought that physical torture was the only thing that brought grief, but that was because most of the time they only had their good health. Nobility on the other hand, especially royalty, had the weakness of their pride. All their life they live on a high pedestal with the idea that their blood makes them better than all who are not of their line.

Wanehope looked at Scarlet, who as struck with grief, and spoke out to her. "Your sister will be safe. I have found that aethlings with pure royal blood are more useful than normal bastards. As for your brother, well he may not be as lucky." He turned to his soldiers. "Take the girl to my chambers. Take the queen to the soldier barracks. I doubt anyone of them has fucked a royal before. Take the old king there as well and force him to watch."

The Godking's attention shifted to the young prince. "Regardless of your name before you will now be known as Jeffrey. You will test my food before I eat them and will be my subject when I test new spells. I have an idea for a charge spell that you could help with."

"Now as for you Robyn, you can have some fun with Scarlet. Explore the castle, go anywhere except for royal chambers and the treasury. I have some business that I need to do." With that Wanehope departed to meet his advisers in the royal study.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captian Robyn Sheva of The Harbinger Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope Character Portrait: Clara 'Scarlet'  Stark
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[b]"Now as for you, Robyn, you can have some fun with Scarlet, Explore the castle, go anywhere excetpt for royal chambers and the treasury. I have some business to attend to."
Robyn rolled her eyes. "Captian...And you promised me a bed..." she said shortly to the Godking.

"Come Scarlet, I'm bored of this." She said. She was really hoping for blood. She'll find a reason to get it sooner or later. She started out of the throne room.

Scarlet looked back at her family. "Don't cry, they'll live." Robyn said, still walking.

"I'll never see them again."

"Nope." Robyn replied "Come along." She said and Scarlet hurried behind her.

Robyn looked around the castle idly. Scarlet lagging behind, grimly. Robyn grew annoyed as she gazed at a large painting.

"You will address me as Captain or Ma'am, are we clear?"

"Yes ma'am."

"You should be grateful. You probably wouldn't be able to handle being raped by the Godking." Robyn said, still examining the art.

"Is that what you are going to do....?"

Robyn whipped her head around, "Do what?!"

"Well...I thought...well, Your a lady pirate, I thought, you might...I don't know, want other ladies."

Robyn frowned. "If I did, It would have been your sister not you." She said and looked back at the painting. She heard Scarlet huff.

"What's that?"

"I didn't say anything,"

"You huffed just now, why?"


"Don't lie to me, That will lead you nowhere good."

"I don't want to take my sister's place but everyone always liked her best. She had the best suitors, mine were always ugly, old or mean...Or some combination of the three."

"Your sister is weak. She is a victim. Young men like something they can control. You, you have a look of defiance in your eyes. That deters them. They were intimidated by you. Which is why you would only get older men. Them being 'mean' as you call was to break you."

Scarlet looked surprised.

"Why did you keep me then?"

"You've alot of questions for a slave."

"I chose you, because I get bored with the company of men everyday."
Scarlet looked scared then.

"Don't look like that. You belong to me, and they do not touch things that belong to me." She said and she could see Scarlet relax a little.

"Where were your chambers?"

"I thought the Godking said not to go there."

"I'm a Pirate, Scarlet, when do I ever do as I am told."

Scarlet smiled thinly. "This way."

Soon, Robyn and Scarlet were in Scarlet's chambers.

"You aren't afraid of him." Scarlet asked sitting on her bed. While Robyn admired herself in a mirror covered in Scarlet's jewelry.

"I fear no man."

"He's a Godking."

"Like I said...How do you walk around in these?" She asked rhetorically.

Scarlet looked down. "Your said they won't touch what's yours but what if..."



"Should anything happen, scream. I'll do the rest."

Scarlet nodded. "Why?"

Robyn sighed, removing the jewelrys and tossing them in a small jewelry box "More Questions?"

"No ma'am."

"Good, Now, You'll make my job alot more difficult dressed like a royal. Undress."

Scarlet's eyes widened. Robyn sighed. "I didn't say get naked, I said get undressed. You'll need to dress like a pirate if you are going to be a board a pirat ship."

"I'm going to be a pirate?"She asked, looking somewhat excited.

"I never said that. My words were you'll be aboard a ship."

Scarlet looked disappointed as she removed the top layer of her clothes but then they both heard a noise just outside. Robyn ignored it but Scarlet looked frightened. "What if he finds you in here?"

"He'll find me in here then." She said and continued examined Scarlet's wardrobe. Robyn looked at her. She was dressed in just her underskirts and a corset. "That'll do for now." She said. Scarlet stood shivering. "You'll dress in my old clothes when we board later." She said and Scarlet nodded and they both waited to see who'd enter the chambers.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captian Robyn Sheva of The Harbinger Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope Character Portrait: Clara 'Scarlet'  Stark
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What would originally would be a massive room. theroyal study was now a clustered mess of bureaucrats, politicians, generals, and local leaders all shouting to be heard. The Godking took each into consideration at a time. The bureaucratic merchants wanted taxes to remain the same, to that he told them that it would actually be lowered, making the merchants practically jump with glee. The politicians wanted to hold their jobs, titles, and land rights. Wanehope had no intention with replacing them and told them so. Rule would be nearly the same as it was before the invasion only better. The local leaders demanded to know what would become of the peasant population and the refugees. The Godking informed them that camps would be built for the refugees and new towns that would supply the Khalidoran army would be built for them to relocate to. The peasants would have their taxes reduced and the man of the household would be given one copper piece for each child he had.

Wanehope believed that by reducing taxes and pouring money into the lower class would not only create new loyalty, but also allow the economy to grow. After all, Labrador had practically monopolized the grain trade in the region, a trade that was massively profitable if handled properly.

The generals were the last ones to discuss their problems. Measures were being taken under to employ what was left of the Labrador military and the city's guard were under their control. The plan was to leave a garrison of fifty thousand Khalidoran soldiers to hold the realm while waiting for reinforcements from Fuaria. The highlanders would soon be tamed and added to that garrison. Rest of Khalidor's host would immediately depart for the North Atlantic Border with a secure supply line linked to the front lines.

After an hour of discussing politics a soldier brought back the old king to their leader. They reported that over twenty have had their way with the queen while the old king had watched before they dragged him away. "Good." Said the Godking. "I have been running out of time tonight so we will have to cut this short. I, along with several other meisters, will form a circle to teleport you to safety. However there has been a change of plans. My advisers have suggested to send you to the capitol of Valyrian instead of the South Atlantic. A war is brewing and it would be best if you were far away from it. After the teleportation you may vomit some blood, but it will be nothing serious." With that he and the meisters began to chant. The reason for a circle was to aid the strongest spell caster in casting spells too difficult for them to cast by themselves. After five minutes of chanting the old king disappeared, probably ending up some where in or around the Valyrian castle.

Wanehope then departed to his chambers where waiting outside was the former princess. He gave her a grin and guided her through the doors to find Robyn and Scarlet in there. He looked at her amused for a moment before speaking. "Have you come here to watch or perhaps to join in?" He asked her jokingly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captian Robyn Sheva of The Harbinger Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope Character Portrait: Clara 'Scarlet'  Stark
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Robyn was looking over Scarlet clothes as the Godking entered the room.
Scarlet stiffening thinking Robyn continued to tug on her corset to make it tighter.

"Have you come here to watch or perhaps to join in?" He asked. "I don't think you will be able to handle such a event, GodKing." Robyn said without looking at him. She watched as the sisters looked at each other.

Scarlet's sister looked away from her.

"I much rather not share. Not the first time at least." She said and looked at him with a grin. " You should know, this was Scarlet's chambers, not hers. You're in the wrong room." She explained as she pinned up Scarlet's hair, Scarlet was shaking and as was her sister. Her more so.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope Character Portrait: King Deacon Lesseth
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#, as written by Arik223
Things were finally set in motion. King Deacon has been in Fuaria city the entire day, and although he heard news of Wanhopes movements, he couldn't leave the festival. The Fuarians had a yearly tradition, in which the King would host warrior competitions in the Fuaria city, and the winner would receive a prize. It was not something Deacon was going to miss. Deacon had sent orders to assemble his army early in the morning. He would march to Labador and meet Wanhope, the conquer of the west was finally set in motion. Deacon wanted to expand for a very long time, he made preparations and was ready to move on a moments notice, with Khalidor or without. It is to Deacon's benefit that Khalidor has moved so soon. The army has been ready, the Fuarian pact will finally be broken. When Khalidor settled with the Fuarian's long ago, they brought more wealth and power to the lands, but that pact that Deacon so despised still stood. The Fuarian's were simply seen as too barbaric, although this was very far from the truth... On the contrary, the Fuarian's were very civil people, but they fought to the death, in battle they were brutal.

King Deacon marched towards castle Lesseth with Leon, Syrus and another a group of Fuarian elites. Syrus was Deacon's top head of security, he ran the shadow lurkers for Deacon. Syrus had created a very lucrative secret elite group in the short year he was in charge. Syrus has spies almost everywhere, if somebody needed to die, Syrus would see to it that they would die. Leon on the other had was Deacon's right hand man. He was his friend from childhood, his commander of the army. He was incharge when Deacon wasn't and since they are going to be leaving, Deacon will want to fight, and Leon would unfortunately have to stay behind and rule Fuaria.

Leon, Syrus, and Deacon were side by side, riding towards the castle. Labardor isn't too far away, Deacon was expecting his army to be at the borders within an hour at best. "Leon, has my army been deployed?" Leon gave his king a smile, "Yes my king, they are ready to move at your arrival." Deacon had a sinister grin on his face, it has been long since a Fuarian had seen war, but they were all ready. All Fuarian soldiers trained day and night, to protect and to die for Fuaria. They are completely ruthless in battle. As soon as the order to assemble was given, his man were never happier. Wanhope would surely be amazed by the power of the Fuarians. Deacon liked Wanhope as a person and a leader, they both had the same ideals, this is a main reason why both ancestors agreed to such an alliance. They would stand side by side, and the destruction of the south was inevitable.

"Well then, send a rider to the Godking.."

Deacon rode into his castle, prepared his gear and rode out within minutes. There was no time to waste. Deacon, Syrus and some of the shadow crawlers rode towards the border of Labador. They rode quickly. It didn't take long but the Fuarian army was finally in sight. It was a sight to behold, Deacon was looking at his army from the top of a cliff. The army was organized perfecatlly, the Fuarian banner was high in the air, every soldier stood with anticipation. Deacon rode to meet his commanders and the man cheered. Their loud cheering for their kings arrival turned even louder at the command to move out. They would make their way to the Khalidor camp, it shouldn't be much longer now.

The Fuarian rider rode in full force, he was nearing the Khalidorian encampment. He would deliver the message to Wanhope and ride back to Deacon with his reply. The rider put up his Fuarian flag and rode to the camp.
"I have an urgent message to Godking Wanhope from King Deacon Lesseth."
The rider handed the guard the letter.
Contents of the letter:
"Godking Wanhope, I do apologize for the delay in my assistance. As already stated the Fuarian festival is something no soldier would be happy missing. Non the less though, we are ready and assembled. We will ride in full force, and you should expect us in your Labador encampment in a couple of hours. There are some things we have to talk about, but those can be discussed when Labador is in our hands. Do leave some of the fun for me."