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Moloch Markus

"Brave of you sir, to so openly cast an envious eye towards me and mine. I suggest you look elsewhere, lest I consider removing your sight in a more permanent fashion."

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a character in “Crowns, Empires and Swords”, as played by almostinsane




Image Name: Moloch Markus


Appearance and Build:
Fit and muscular, Moloch Markus cuts an imposing figure at 6"1. Moloch is a tall man, but by no means is he skinny. Moloch's body is not that of a king who sits on his throne and directs others to do his bidding. He is a man who has seen battle and bears the scars of it proudly. Moloch's hair is dark like the ash dragonfire leaves in its wake and he often has a neatly styled stubble of facial hair. His eyes are a crystal blue that gleam as though he is in deep thought even as he is talking to someone. An adept at politics, Moloch usually chooses to dress in whatever attire he feels fits the occassion the most from rich, jeweled robes to dark dragonbone armor to practical outfits made of black leather and plain white cloth. Moloch is a handsome man, but an intense one. Few ever forget that they are in the putrescence of a king when he speaks to them.

Personality: Moloch is royalty and he knows it. He thinks that false modesty is for fools unfit for their position in life. Domineering and stubborn, once Moloch sets his heart on something, there are few that can turn him from his course. Moloch believes in his own right to rule as it is his nature and birthright and behaves in a controlled manner at all times. Rarely does he behave in a manner that is beneath his dignity, though he is not humourless and can be quite witty at times, though often at a political rival's expense. Moloch loves his people with all his heart and is willing to whatever it takes to protect them and see them prosper. The King also has a love for battle and a bloodlust to match his pride once a battle begins, though Moloch never enters a war or battle without a set objective and good reason behind it. Moloch's chief faults are his volatile temper and pride, both of which can cause him to make mistakes in his political, diplomatic, and military strategies.

Where they live:
Drake City/Drake Kingdom

What/ who they are:
King of Drake City/Drake Kingdom

Moloch was born to the King and Queen of Drake City and was groomed to succeed his father since day one. As such, he was taught that he would inherit the city one day and have the role of its caretaker, lord, master, and judge. From an early age, however, Moloch saw the ways the city's nobles eyed his family, like wolves waiting for the slightest sign of weakness. Foreign dignitaries too would eye the city and the throne enviously, causing Moloch to take to his studies with gusto. He learned how to run the city and read its people while simultaneously manipulating them. He also came to the conclusion that the King of Drake City would either expand his dominion or he would bow to another.

A year ago, Moloch's father and mother were poisoned, part of a conspiracy involving a couple of nobles and agents from the South Atlantic Kingdom. Only he and his brother, Kallias, survived. Quickly, Moloch uncovered the truth and upon his coronation, as his family's guests drank the toast to his good health, the nobles responsible and the diplomats from the South Atlantic Kingdom fell dead from the very poison they used to murder his and Kallias' family. Inevitably, the rival kingdom attacked and Moloch led his small, but well-armed and well-trained forces to victory, killing the enemy king himself and taking revenge for his parents. Eventually, however, Moloch was forced to cease his expansion into the South Atlantic Kingdom out of fear he'd stretch himself too thin. Thus, he signed a peace treaty with the rival kingdom and began to incorporate the lands he conquered into his kingdom.

As is expected from the King of Drake City, Moloch is a talented warrior, shrewd statesman, and a charming diplomat. Moloch has been trained to fight in the ways of his people. He knows what it is to fight in a phalanx among his drakon infantry. He knows how to ride with sword or spear in one hand and a shield on the other. He knows what it is to feel the lust for blood on the battlefield, but reign it in before it can cloud his judgement. Both on and off the battlefield, Moloch has proven to be a talented commander and brilliant strategist. He knows how to inspire his in war people or peace and can read a person's character and motivations, which proves useful in politics and diplomacy. Moloch is also able to produce fire magically to aid him in personal combat.


So begins...

Moloch Markus's Story


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Drake City, Citadel

All men and women in the Royal Line of Drake City possessed an immunity over fire and the power to produce and bend it to their will, but few had ever flaunted it in the way that Moloch did in his throne room. Sitting on a throne surrounded by flames stoked by slaves wielding pokers from a safe distance and fed with scented logs, Moloch cut an imposing figure as he looked down at his courtiers and military advisers.

"You are certain that the Tripartite Kingdom has allied with the South Atlantic Kingdom?" he asked calmly. A stoic-looking woman answered him.

"Yes. They along with the Valyrians will certainly join Princess Kenna in battle against us."

Moloch paused in thought. He was certainly at a disadvantage and even if he was inclined to treat with Kenna, she would not accept anything less than the destruction of his people.

"Then send word to the Khalidor, the Atlanteans, and whoever else remains unaligned with the child princess. There is plenty of land and spoils to go around when our enemies are defeated. How is conscription?"

"It goes well, milord. Our people are eager for war," a courtier noted. Moloch nodded. He eyed his Chief Engineer and the High Magi.

"And our artillery and anti-artillery measures?"

The chief engineer smiled, "Do not underestimate our people's ingenuity, Your Grace."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Sylvia the Dark Oracle Character Portrait: Ariana of Atlantia
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The two sisters yelled back a forth yet no sound was heard until the elder sister slapped the younger. The younger glared and storm form the palace....the frame flashed and a map of Atlantia appeared was torn in two and then burned....the Flame then rose to a mighty battle hoplites in gold fighting with hoplites in black.

Sylvia woke covered in sweat and breathing as if in a panic.

"My lady are you alright? We heard you Scream and came at once"

Sylvia looked for the voice and her eyes blinked as she focused on a group of her blackguard standing at the door.

"Just a bad Dream" Sylvia lied "I'll be fine"

At that moment a messenger peeked in "My lady your sister the queen Calls for you to join her at the palace"

Sylvia got a view of the start of her vision again before nodding "Very well I'll clean up and be there soon.."

Atlantian Royal palace

Sylvia appeared in the palace a few moments later to be greeted by her sister and many advisors and generals.

"Welcome Sister" Ariana Started "This Godking has sent word he wishes to meet also the Panama blockade picked up a Drake city ship claiming that they where sent to speak of alliance with us. We have already sent word back to both kings that we will speak to them...I want you to attend these meetings with me."

"As you wish my Sister will the meetings be held here?"

"Yes Sis also call back your shadow team..i feel we will soon know the godking's plans without them"

Sylvia nodded and closed her eyes sending her thought to her shadows...

Labrador castle

The Shadow team had spent the last few hours reaching and now climbing the castle's wall they now pulled one by one into the war room of the castle each shadow sliently read papers and notes until one found this note...

My lord as requested our scouts and patrols have increased along our border with Atlantia. Our reports show them to be of little treat this far fact some belive gain could come from a war with the Atlantians.

"Those Bastards where planing to attack us?" growled a shadow

"It Seems at least this one did...maybe the Godking saved us a war unknowing...." Spoke Finigus

"It Still doesn't mean he won't attack us"

Finigus closed his eyes then spoke "Time to go we've been called back" voices where heard coming from the hall "and not a moment too soon"

Finigus in lead each shadow jumped in turn form the castle's window pulling the cord on their packs which unfolded into a tiny glider that the shadows used to disappear into the night sky


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Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope Character Portrait: Moloch Markus
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"My lord you cannot possibly think that going alone is a good idea! Just think what would happen if you were to die? Rebellions would rise and our hold on Labrador would cease...that is if our chaotic empire didn't end up massacring it without your command." General Neph told the Godking. The message from the Galapagos ambassador had only just come through and the Godking already wanted to go.

"Would you rather have my arrive at the Atlantis's doorstep with an army?! That would hardly get on their good side. Besides teleporting is the quickest way. I'll need more Vir though. I suppose I can just take it back from my Vurdmeisters." Wanehope responded.

"I'm sure they won't be happy about that sir, but it does belong to you in the first place so I guess it doesn't really matter. As long as you don't end up like Roygarris then I'm fine. How many Vurdmeisters are you going to recall?"

"Twelve and four meisters. Those are all that are in the castle at the moment. I already sent word via messenger to Deacon. He will hold a defensive position here while I am gone. Diamond or emerald cloak?"

"Diamond, sir. It stores more magic."

"So it does. I'll take that Vir in a moment, the Vurdmeisters are already prepared. I'll stop by Drake City before I go. Moloch is involved in this matter to." He told Neph just before he left the room to take back his Vir.

After he took the Vir from his followers, he felt it pulse in his veins. Each Godking had a monumental amount of Vir to begin with, but all, with the exception of Roygarris, distributed it to make meisters to maintain the Empire. Now equipped with a larger mana pool and a diamond cloak that stored more mana, he was ready to teleport to Drake City.

After a bright flash of light Wanhope arrived at Castle Drake's front gates. The guards jumped and quickly raised their weapons to him. Wanehope cast disarming spell that shocked their hands, forcing them to drop their weapons. "Tell you King that the Godking is waiting for him and he best come quickly. This is royal business." He told the guards. One of them obliged, but the others stood their ground. Wanehope always wondered why people underestimated magic.


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Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope Character Portrait: Moloch Markus
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It was not often that Moloch answered a summons himself. He was the King of Drake City. His word was law. It was he who summoned others, not the other way around. However, Moloch could make exceptions for an equal and Wanhope was an equal. A barbarian equal, but an equal nonetheless. Beside him, Cyrus tutted.

"Royalty never changes. Always demanding people attend to them quickly or heads would roll. Literally."

"It is a wonder someone doesn't cut out your tongue, old man," Eirene noted. The old man merely smiled at the Captain of the Guard.

"Many have tried, milady. I just turn into a falcon and fly away," he laughed.

"Why a falcon?"

"It sounds better than hawk in my opinion."

Moloch sighed at his closest advisers' bickering. Kallias was still gallivanting off in the Caliphate and he was busy preparing a war with more enemies than he could ever have imagined turning their might against him so suddenly. Wanhope had better have a good reason for demanding his prescence. He was half-tempted to have Wanhope come to him, but that would annoy him. Instead, he ordered his horse prepared and a retinue of his royal guard dressed for a state visit. As he rode through the streets of his city, he smiled benevolently at the adoring throngs who cheered at his presence as he passed them. He had long grown used to them. As he exited his city's gates, he stepped down from his steed and gave Winhope his most winning smile.

"My guards tell me you appeared out of thin air. It is rare for you to travel so far by magic," he noted. He left his question hang in the air. What brought the King of the Khalidor to him in such haste?


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Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope Character Portrait: Moloch Markus
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"Rare indeed." Wanehope said. He glazed over Moloch and his men. The armor on the king's royal guard seemed showy and impractical. Then again Khalidorans valued mithral over anything else because it was light, hard, and any meister could wear it. In fact he still wore his mithril chain shirt underneath his cloak.

"Here's a summary of what is going on right now. I am going to war with your enemies: Tripartite, the Valyrian, and the South Atlantic. Thus bringing their attention to me instead of you. Furthermore I am going to Atlantis to discuss an alliance. I need you to come with me so that we may discuss our war plans. Unless you would rather the enemy attack you without any aid from me or my allies?" He told the king. Time was of the essence as the enemies were most likely preparing their armies. Although Khalidoran and Fuarian forces would have more men and resources, he had heard perplexing rumors that one of the Valyians had dragons. He was not sure if it was true or not but according to the writings of Roygarris they were very dangerous to those who did not possess magic.

"As I do not think that you wish to see your city burn by foreign forces, I should come with me now. We can teleport there and the meeting will be over in a matter of hours, probably only two." Wanehope told him. Drake City would be vital in the war to come. While that triple alliance focused their efforts on Khalidor and Fuaria, Drake City could strike at the South Atlantic with the troops from Falkland. Drake City was the key to the war.


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Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope Character Portrait: Moloch Markus
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Moloch considered Wanehope's words, a smile finding itself on his face. This was good news unlooked for. He had been preparing his forces for a defensive war against his allied enemies, but this proved to be so much better. While the Khalidor and Fuarians kept the Valyrians and Tripartiate Kingdoms at bay, he could launch his war against the South Atlantic Kingdom without having to worry about Kenna calling for aid. And if they could persuade the Atlantians to join them, then their alliance would have superiority at Sea.

"We stand at the precipice of change. Either our peoples will prevail or we will all die. I will come with you. And, afterwards, I will see about having my own magi send me on a diplomatic mission. The Anansai could tip the war in our favor."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Ariana of Atlantia
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"You could have one of my Vurdmeisters assist you in that, it would save you the trouble. Just a warning about the spell; It can cause some side effects for the weak, but I do not think that you will have much trouble with that."

Wanehope put his hand on Moloch's shoulders and magic surged through the two of them. Suddenly there was a flash of white light and they appeared just outside of the Atlantean palace. He blinked for a moment until his vision stopped blurring. He gazed at the palace architect. if there were two thing that Atlantis specialized in it would be ships and buildings.

He walked up the a guard. "Tell Queen Ariana that Godking Wanehope and King Moloch of Drake City are here for an audience with her." He told him.

"If you are then where's your guards? You think this is the first time noble's have came here claiming to be royals?"

The Godking raised his hand and it began to surge with electricity. "I do not need protection. Now go tell your queen of our arrival before I decide that I do not need permission from her guards to enter." The guard became startled and quickly paced to find his queen. Wanehope crossed his arms and waited patiently.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Sylvia the Dark Oracle Character Portrait: Ariana of Atlantia
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"Well this godking is a bold one " Said Sylvia with a smirk

"The Fool's lucky i didn't call the Winged horsemen down on him." snapped Ariana

"True he lacks grace and most likley in need of a bath but a peace with him could prove useful to us"

"Or leave us in ruin.."

The vision of the burning map flew though Sylvia's mind and she went still.

"You alright Sister?"

"Yes, yes it's nothing" Sylvia put on a smile and quickly added "should we let our guests in?"

Ariana Smirked a bit "Yes but give them a bit of their own flare back send your Revant Guard to fetch them"

Sylvia grinned for real this time and spoke a spell and before her rose 20 undead Hopites clad in black armor that was covered by black robes each carred a trident and a shield and they all turned marching in a dark unison until they reached the godking and the king of drake.

"You will follow us godking and Drake king" Spoke the head Revant as his lifeless eyes rested on the two.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Sylvia the Dark Oracle Character Portrait: Ariana of Atlantia
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Wanehope hated the undead, mostly because it reminded him that he was incapable of using necromancy. He could not even raise a simple zombie, even if it was a small animal. In fact he not only disliked necromancy, but most schools of magic. Mostly because he could only cast efficiently from two schools of magic, unlike the Godkings before him that could cast from all schools. Even Vurdmeisters knew at least half the schools. However, Wanehope was a master of Evocation and Restoration, which were the two most effective schools that countered necromancy.

"Lead the way." He told the guard who then led them to the queen. He looked around as they were guided to the queen. There were many gold and silver decorations in the palace. Much different from Khalidoran decorations. In Khalidor iron replaced the value of gold, as the country's economy revolved around bartering it had very little use for gold. Even oak was placed on a higher value. The only reason that the state mined the metal was to trade with and for foreign relations. Perhaps the Atlantean loyalty could be bought.

The undead warriors eventually led them to the room that the queen was in. He walked in as if he had all right to enter.


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Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Sylvia the Dark Oracle Character Portrait: Ariana of Atlantia
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Moloch said nothing as he followed his ally into the Queen of Atlantia's palace. Long had he sought to gaze upon the heart of this great empire, an empire that predates his own kingdom. Yet, it had fallen into decay. If the young Queen did not reverse course soon, then all would be lost for her people. They would submit to the yoke of another and their history and culture would fade away into the miss of time. Yet, this was not all that Moloch pondered.

"I hear you took the City of Labrador. The Kings in the North have ruled there for centuries and have many allies. Attacking them may not have been wise," he stated. This bit of news had disturbed him immensely. Too many enemies could overwhelm any alliance he joined.

Moloch knew he was about to make a decision that would affect his entire people. If he made the wrong one, they would be among the dead or the enslaved.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Sylvia the Dark Oracle Character Portrait: Ariana of Atlantia
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Ariana watched the two kings as they came in the godking all high and mighty got a few moo snorts from the Montaur Guard, but the creature was silinced by the queen's glare.

"I hear you took the City of Labrador. The Kings in the North have ruled there for centuries and have many allies. Attacking them may not have been wise," spoke the Drake king as he entered.

This caused the queen to pause and glace at her sister and the glace back said they where both thinking the same thing.. What was the Empire about to be asked to do...Join a war not of thier making?

The Queen cleared her mind and spoke "Welcome godking... and Drake King, I Queen Ariana of Atlantia and my sister High Oracle Sylvia greet you."

Sylvia gave a little bow before the queen spoke again " Both of you requested to speak with me and now both of you have the chance. So how i ask want is it you seek from me and my empire? Words of trade? Or is it a plea for us to join in your war?"


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Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Sylvia the Dark Oracle Character Portrait: Ariana of Atlantia
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"The invasion of Labrador was not wise, it was a necessity. My people are starving right now and I cannot say the Starks did not expect that a starving nation would act violently when embargoed." He spoke to her, a bit harshly. Walking over to a desk he took out a parchment of paper that he had in his robe in order to uncrease it. It was, in fact, a magical scroll.

"I am in fact here to ask for aid in this war. We do not have a navy and I hear that Atlantia not only has the largest, but the finest as well." Wanehope said as he walked to the queen with scroll in hand. "I have also heard that the empire is dwindling. I have even heard rumors of potential bankruptcy. Luckily for you I need a navy to assist my armies." He paused.

"This is my proposal. In exchange for assisting Khalidor in our war I will give a large grant of gold to Atlantia for the war effort. Two hundred and fifty thousand ingots to be precise. That should last for a while. After the war is finished we will split the North Atlantic. You will get the west and I will get the east."

"Additionally I will give you twenty thousand soldiers and one hundred meisters to help you take Galapagos. Also I offer another five thousand ingots of gold and my offer of assistance in taking Galapagos will increase to thirty thousand in exchange for the Hudson Valley."

Wanehope pricked his thumb with his tooth to make it bleed. With scroll in hand he wiped the blood on the inside of the scroll making it glow red. "It is a blood contract. If I do not send your gold, your promised troops, or give you your promised land then this spell will kill me. On the other hand if you do not lend me your navy after you get your part of the bargain or betray me than you shall die. Do we have a deal." The Godking needed her to sign in order to know that she could be trusted. He knew they had necromancy, but reviving a person with both mind and soul was a stretched concept. Especially if that soul was bound.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Sylvia the Dark Oracle Character Portrait: Ariana of Atlantia
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Ariana listened to the godking glancing to her sister as he finished laying the magic paper before her. She let out a sigh then looked at the godking....

"Your words sound good and the gold even better..." She started, "I will agree to these terms with a few changes. First we will give you the Hudson valley all but one city for this price this city will serve as a trading post and embassy between our Empires. Also we will need time to move our troops and people from the valley to other parts of Atlantia. Secondly we wish a city and land on the North Atlantic coast of the African ocean as well as access of both army and people from the city to the empire proper." She paused and looked right at the godking "you agree to this and I will sign your paper."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Sylvia the Dark Oracle Character Portrait: Ariana of Atlantia
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Wanehope gave the proposition a thought. He was fine with the Atlantians owning an eastern city. After all the only reason that he wanted the North Atlantic was to have trade ports to the African Ocean. If they won then Khalidor would have port cities that could access trade from every edge of the world.

"You will get a city and southeast strip of the states. The postwar agreements are variables as we first need to win to hold onto that territory." He informed her.

As the Godking new that his enemies would all focus on the Atlantic and Labrador, he knew that the best way to weaken them was to take them on multiple fronts. Drake city could strike hard from the south with his troops from Fort Falkland. Atlantia, Khalidor, and Fuaria could blitz to the South Atlantic, fortifying in their northern border. He needed to meet with King Deacon about the war plans after the meeting.

"I understand that Galapagos is your prime target at the moment. I assume you want the Panama, but is there anything else that you want from the city?" He asked her. "The offer of assistance to take the Capitol still stands, however, you will need more soldiers to take the entire country. Khalidor has a hundred thousand soldiers to the northern border of Galapagos. We could invade from the north while you fight them from the east. When the country is taken then we can split that as well. Atlantia gets the south and the Panama, Khalidor gets the northern regions. Of course we can settle a buying the spoils as well." Wanehope waited for her to sign and also take the idea into consideration. Galapagos had even more grain supply than Labrador, but Labrador was closer to the main hub of population in Khalidor. Galapagos was next to it's borders to the west. Too close to the Freeze. If they could take the ports then Khalidor could simply ship the grain to the east instead of through land and worrying about attacks from wildlings.


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Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Sylvia the Dark Oracle Character Portrait: Ariana of Atlantia
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Ariana looked to the god king "Very well the north atlantic is settled then..." She then walked over to a table where sat a map of the world "As for Galapagos we want want once was ours the city itself and all the coastland any other can be seen to after the war." She looked again at the godking "the best way to do this would be to have your army strike from the north while we attack from the sea. But all this is for later we need access to the African Ocean first..."

"Don't you..." Started Sylvia

"Don't tell me want to do sis he will find out about Victora sooner or later anyhow...Now godking give me that paper to sign and i will let you know why we need African coast first"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Sylvia the Dark Oracle Character Portrait: Ariana of Atlantia
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Wanehope arched an eyebrow with a hint of curiosity. No doubt the Atlantian queen would want to expand her nation's influence, but it sounded like there was something else involved. Regardless of the situation with Galapagos, the North Atlantic would have come first anyway. Khalidoran forces were gathering to all borders and digging in. The meisters were setting up shop on the new border between Khalidor and Anasai. An invasion force was ready go on the offense to the west and the largest of the Khalidoran host was already on the North Atlantic border. A blitz to the South Atlantic capitol was the goal to ending the soon to be great war quickly.

He handed the scroll to the queen. He did not know who or what this Victora was. Frankly he cared little. Khalidor was starving and would pay any cost to secure it's new food source. "Go on."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Sylvia the Dark Oracle Character Portrait: Ariana of Atlantia
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Ariana grinned as she signed the scroll "So that is that with this my Empire joins yours in war. Once again the trident will run red with the blood of our foes."

The room went silent as Ariana went back to the map "Years ago before the war that took the north atlantic from us a great ship sailed east into the African Ocean. The ship was called the Victory. It sailed until it came upon the Island here" she then pointed on the map to a large island in the eastern African Ocean. "they named the Island Victora. the island was bare save some old was in these ruins that something was found...something that could bring the world under the trident." Ariana sighed "But then the war happened and the victory was called back to defend..but it was too lost and only this surrvived."

Ariana pulled an old paper from her desk and set it on the table it showed in detial what looked to be a being of metal and magic. "A golem army..or so the Victory reports..this army must be had if it still exists"


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Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Sylvia the Dark Oracle Character Portrait: Ariana of Atlantia
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"A golem army?" Wanehope smirked in relpy. The idea sounded mythical and stretched. Then again the idea that dragons were still in the world seemed far fetched also. As far as he knew, the last dragons died after Roygarris killed the dragon god in what was the Freeze. Yet apparently some must have survived if the rumors were true.

"So you want a golem army from this island so that you could...what conquer the world? Even if you do find one, how do you expect to control it? Does it not seem like a dangerous idea? What if something goes terribly wrong and the army finds a way off that rock?" He was a tad bit worried of the idea. If the Atlanteans did find this army then they could challenge Khalidor with it. The only thing that the Godking knew of that could counter such a thing would be Krull. He shuddered with the mere thought of them.

"When you do make the expedition, I want an agent of mine to join. She's an experienced sailor and a good fighter. Captain Robyn Sheva."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Sylvia the Dark Oracle Character Portrait: Ariana of Atlantia
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Ariana was about to agree with the godking until she heard the name of the pirate. Her eyes darkened as she glared at the godking "You said nothing of working with fucking pirates..and her the scarlet bitch do you know how high a bounty my navy has for her?"

"Yes if there is one thing my sister hates it is pirates" chimed in Syliva "This Robyn is belived to be the cause of the loss of several Atlantian merchant ships and even attacking Warships in the night."

"My sister speaks true i would see that slime bitch hanged before i would ever work with her."

One of the Queen's adviser then spoke up "Forgive me my Queen but perhaps if our new ally wishes to keep his pirate he could pay for her crimes with his gold and she can be forgiven."

Both the queen and her sister looked at each other then the queen spoke "Very well if you want us to work with pirates you must pay the fee for her crimes...if not she will die if she enters Atlantian seas or lands"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Godking Wanhope Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Sylvia the Dark Oracle Character Portrait: Ariana of Atlantia
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"Fine. She can be used elsewhere. I am sure that your navy is fine without support." He said nonchalant. He could use Robyn to transport the Vanguard to the Freeze. A task simpler said then done as the quickest route to the Freeze was be navigating through the icy rivers. No doubt the wildlings would act up soon with the recent absence of soldiers occupying the region.

"That being said I believe our business is done. Your navy will destroy the South Atlantic's navy and transport my soldiers to Drake City. I will dispatch my soldiers when I return." He told her. Wanehope was anxious to return to his army. He needed them to move as soon as possible.