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Christian James Coleman

In the end they'll judge me anyway. Might as well do what I want.

0 · 481 views · located in United States, 2012

a character in “Damn These Wild Young Hearts”, as played by UCTigerette


Christian James Coleman

Sum it all up: Christian James Coleman entered this world on a foggy, snowy day early one February morning. His mother, one Matilda Shaw, gave birth to an adorable boy with the deepest brown eyes in an old rundown, abandoned house on the outskirts of town. A little more than twenty-four hours after taking his first breath, Christian was left swaddled in a blue blanket on the steps of a nearby foster home. Matilda, or Tilly as most people knew her, was a drug addict (with crack and heroin being her drugs of choice) and couldn't even begin to care for the infant. From the very beginning, Christian had a rough start. He was rather small for his age, probably due to his mother's constant drug abuse and the withdrawals that he faced as a baby were heartbreaking. Foster care had also been tough on the baby. The parents that came through were much more interested in healthier babies. Christian was constantly overlooked until a sunny day in July when the boy was more than a year old. He'd gained some weight, his hair was longer, and he had the toothiest grin which the employees had come to love. In all honestly, Christian was very loved by those who cared for him. That day in July, Christian was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Coleman. They had previously adopted a little girl, Esmeralda, through the same agency and had found life with foster children to be quite rewarding as the Colemans couldn't have biological children.

Weeks passed as the adoption papers were being drawn up. The Colemans had already taken little Christian home and set up a nursery for him. Within a few more days, the papers would be signed and custody would officially belong to Mr. and Mrs. Coleman. The Colemans were a well respected couple in town. Mr. Roger Coleman was an architect in the city and had already spearheaded major projects. Mrs. Sandra Coleman was a local psychiatrist who was known to help patients who couldn't afford her practice. When it was said and done, Christian was in great hands.

Growing up, Christian was provided the necessities and occasionally awarded luxuries. His parents were very good to him all while keeping his adoption a secret. Throughout elementary and middle school, Christian was a diligent student who excelled in not only his academics, but athletics as well. Then, one day out of the blue, Tilly showed up on their doorstep. Roger was away on a business trip and Sandra had decided to fly up and surprise him. Needless to say, both parents were out of town. When Christian arrived home from school, he noticed the strange woman standing on the porch. Not wanting to deal with one of his mother's "charity cases", Christian kept going past his own house and waited for her to leave. Tilly came around everyday for a week before Christian finally confronted her. His world fell apart. The woman standing in front of him was his biological mother and clearly hadn't kicked her drug addictions. She looked completely strung out, but Christian could see signs of himself laced within her features. Loosing his temper, Christian called the woman a liar and kicked her out of his house. When his parents returned home, Christian confronted them. Finally, he had the truth.

Things spiraled downward after that day. Christian quit playing sports and stopped turning in assignments. Often he would skip class and eventually he fell in with what his parents would call "the wrong crowd". He started drinking and partying on the weekends and eventually smoking weed. Christian was out of control. He and his parents would constantly argue and things escalated to the point of violence more than a few times. Christian didn't care about anything. After all, his own mother had chosen drugs over him. Soon, drugs began to entice Christian also. One night he decided to try cocaine at a party. He loved the high, though he knew better than to let himself get addicted to such a horrific drug. Even so, Christian still does it every once in a while under the right circumstances. The one good thing that came from this new lifestyle, was Christian's love for music. He would immerse himself in the world of guitar and play for hours. He wasn't a horrible song writer either.

Now, just days after his eighteenth birthday, Christian has decided to take off. Grey, one of Christian's closest friends, had told him about a group going off together and it took Christian less than a minute to make his mind up. He wanted nothing more than to put as much distance between him and his adopters as possible. Christian didn't know much about the group, only that Grey and Cleo were organizing everything. Christian hadn't spent much time around Cleo. Other than her being a cute girl, and close to Greyson, Christian knew next to nothing. Either way, he looked forward to leaving the life he knew in his rear-view mirror.

So begins...

Christian James Coleman's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Arden Character Portrait: Alexandra Hunt Character Portrait: Christian James Coleman
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The door slammed, and the girl's eyes flung open. No. No. Not again. Jumping to her feet, the girl ran around the room. At first, she leapt to the windows and tried to pry them open. Locked. Both of them. No! Moving to hide in the closet, she found that the door was locked as well. Deciding to just make a run for it, she tried the main door. Locked. No! This couldnt be happening. Tears began to spill from her eyes as she backed up into a wall and slid down to the floor.

The loud thumping footsteps were padding up the stairs. All hope was lost by now. There was no escape. Hearing the footsteps stop, there were shadows under the door. The key was being shoved in the lock, and slowly, the door swung open. "You more...and your mom...every day. So...pretty." He was trudging towards her, bottle in hand, he tipped it back, quickly downing the rest of the contents before throwing it at a wall. The glass smashed and she jumped. "Please. Don't." She could barely choke out the words behind her sobs. He grabbed her by the hair. "Shut up! You stupid little whore!" He shoved her hard against the wall, not letting go of her hair. In doing so, he pulled her head back hard, causing pain to shoot through her. He used his body to pin her there, pressing against her, running his other hand over her body and making her cringe.

And then the ripping started. He was tearing at her clothes bit by bit, the smell of alcohol was suffocating her, and every time she tried to squirm and riggle away, or let out a sound, a blow would land to her sides, her stomach, her face.

He was fiddling with his own clothing now, still holding her still even as she tried desperately to escape. "Please." She whispered, the tears coming down in waterfalls as they fell down her cheeks. His flaming gray eyes snapped up to hers and he grabbed her face. "You worthless little slut. It's your fault. This is all your fault. My wife is dead because of you!" His voice was loud as he barked at her. The glare in his eyes was cold and unforgiving.

And off were the pants. As he moved closer to her, she couldnt help the scream. "No!"

Blue eyes snapped open as the girl jolted upwards. Her breathing was ragged, and sweat was making her hair stick to her skin. It was always like this. Since she was sixteen, the nightmares had plagued her. She'd always be there. Back in her old "room". He'd come trudging up the stairs, and then the terror would commence.

With a long sigh, Alexandra Hunt laid back and stared at the ceiling, not moving, rarely blinking, and hardly breathing. She just stared at the blankness of the ceiling, and let the silence envelop her.

She'd been running with Cleo, Grey, Christian, Dani, and Jackson for almost three months now. She'd met them all after she'd left Zach behind. The 5 of them were some of the only people Alex felt like she could count on. She trusted them, though, not enough to tell anyone about her life with her father. She'd never been able to trust anyone that much. Her childhood hadn't exactly taught her to trust people. When you trust, you start to care, and the more you care, the more you have to lose.

But still, she knew she'd do almost anything for them. The six of them looked out for each other. They supported one another and kept each other going. For the first time, Alex had a group of real friends.

She'd been laying there in absolute silence for almost ten minutes before there was a knock at the door. Sitting up, a chill ran down Alex's spine and she shivered. Standing to her feet, she tugged on her jeans and boots, donned on her raggedy hoodie and walked out. She noticed Christian on the couch with a joint and nodded to him. She knew she probably looked like hell, with her makeup from the night before smudged a bit, and her hair messy and wild but hey, these people had seen her drunk, high, drunk and high, so, how bad could it be?

"Morning." She gave a faint smile before running one hand through her hair. Before she had the chance to plop down next to him, a voice rang out from the door and with a sigh, Alex trudged towards it and pulled it open. Standing before her, was a girl. The girl was...familiar. Alex had seen her once or twice before, but had never talked to her then, and she wasn't exactly excited to do so now. "...Can I help you?" She didn't smile. Didn't make any sort of facial expression. She just stood there, looking completely indifferent, and bored.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Arden Character Portrait: Cleo Milson Character Portrait: Alexandra Hunt Character Portrait: Christian James Coleman Character Portrait: Greyson Walker
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#, as written by Korrye

It was kind of horrible waiting for them to open the door. Charlotte looked idly at the peephole staring her level in the face. The gold trim was chipped and the looking glass portion looked cracked. All around it the paint was peeling, sanded completely in the top left hand corner. ”This place needs some TLC. Not a gutting, just some work,” she thought to herself. It definitely would have charm, especially if the color weren’t a horrible shade of green.

Idly, Charlotte looked down at the piece of paper she held in her hand. Irene’s scrawling cursive was loopy and quick, barely legible to a person who hadn’t seen it before. Apartment 1616. It was listed as having 3 tenants, though next to it was a crossed out seven. Charlotte’s eyebrows knit together unsure just as she heard the hinges on the door squeak open. The wood snarled as the threshold to the apartment behind her was revealed. Barring her from entering was a disheveled looking brunette, her hair still knotted on the side of her head while her clothes looked hastily put on. Worse, thick black eye liner and mascara from the night before caked her eyes. Charlotte swallowed, feeling the slight flush to her cheeks fade while she stumbled for words. Bringing a hand to push her hair back from her face she gulped air only to be hit by a heavy cloud of marijuana smoke that had her stifle a cough.

“...Can I help you?" the brunette asked crudely. To Charlotte she looked extremely irritated that she had even had to open the door. To avoid her scrutinizing gaze, the redhead glanced back down at the paper for a name. She was finding it difficult to be the standoffish girl she usually could be.

“I, um,” she stumbled with words, licking her lips before she looked up and across the living room to see a semi-dressed rather attractive young man holding a joint in his hand. Charlotte’s eyes narrowed to focus on him. He was in direct violation of their lease agreement. Shifting her weight, Charlotte leaned into the door frame, checking her slip of paper a second time.

“My name is Charlotte Arden. I’m here on behalf of Irene, the building manager. She noted that you missed your rent payment and, well,” she explained, looking up and into the brunette’s face with as much confidence, or whatever sass she could muster. “It’s due,” she added, biting on her lower lip as she folded the paper back into her pocket. “It says that the primary tenant is Cleo Milson though a Greyson Walker co-signed. Are either of them here?”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Arden Character Portrait: Cleo Milson Character Portrait: Alexandra Hunt Character Portrait: Christian James Coleman Character Portrait: Greyson Walker
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Cleo was terrible at this lying thing. Even when she lived with her parents, she had a hard time keeping her secret life a secret. Within six months or so her parents were fully aware of where she had been at night, and who she'd been hanging out with. She was much to shifty with her eyes, and the nervousness that came with lying straight to someone's face made her stutter. Greyson knew all of these symptoms, and caught on very quickly. At least she wasn't one to blurt, she could keep a good secret. Grey would know she was lying, but it would take either a lot of persuasion or torture for her to confess. His tone sent a shiver of guilt down her spine, she hated lying to him. There was honestly no other way though, she didn't want to know what Grey's reaction would be is he found out his dear Cleo was prostituting herself for money. She was almost certain if he did find out he would be more angry than she'd even seen, and somewhere along the way he would forbid her from doing ever again. Then, being Cleo, she would rebel again him, which would only enhance the problem.

Her mind twisted around the little scenarios that glided in and out, coming up with more than a dozen situations and reactions to her job. With that, she was mildly distracted until Greyson had enough energy to answer the door like she requested. It was a little surprising, when she usually told him to do things she ended up doing it. Turning to her side and resting her head on her hand her brown eyes trailed over Greyson's naked body. He was slow moving, sleepy and entirely too handsome to be living in this rundown apartment with her and some friends.

Sometimes she wondered why Greyson just didn't schmooze his mother into letting him stay at home. There, he had an expensive sports car, a huge house, and a nearly endless spending limit. He could get away with more than what they were doing now. Perhaps it was for the adventure, to experience what it was like to live in poverty. Cleo probably would never ask him, and therefore never know his motives. This place was no different than the rest, and she found a certain comfort in the muck of the place. She was used to it, seeing as she was nearly homeless during her high school days. Not because her parents didn't want her, but because she didn't want them; living a dull middle class life. So she resorted to couch surfing, staying at Greyson's and for a time crashing at Trent's. Cleo observed as the man in front of her put on some bottoms, then her eyes drifted closed right before he playfully warned her not to leave this room without putting her clothes back on. She shook her head in a a playful disagreeing way. Then, he was gone.

Cleo listened carefully to make out what they were saying out at the door. All she gathered was that the woman at the door was collecting rent, and that Greyson was putting on the charm. She smiled to herself as she heard the woman struggling for words, he had the sort of effect on women. Cleo yawned while remembering the coffee that was done by now, she slowly brought herself to a kneeling position and collected up Grey's shirt and slipped it back on. Cleo ignored the boxers that she was previously wearing as she stood up and left the messy bed behind her. Two hooked fingers slid under the fabric of her underwear and pulled down, to adjust herself and to cover up her bum a bit. She headed straight to the coffee, Cleo also needed a smoke. Cleo spied Christian on the couch and sent a small wave and a greeting his way, "Morning, Mr. Coleman." After pouring herself a mug of black she shuffled through the kitchen junk drawer. In all reality this was quite useful, with cigarettes, condoms, matches, lighters, markers, lost hair ties and other objects of interest. Cleo soon found a couple of abandoned cigarettes, and took one for herself, and lit it. She honestly couldn't remember if there were rules against smoking in the building.. Her eyes wandered over to the woman in the doorway, looking so very uncomfortable in the presence of both Grey and Alex.

A chuckle escaped her as she watched, a puff of smoke dancing with her laughter. Cleo's eyes studied the woman as she began to get over worked, rubbing her eyes and with an expression the was unnameable. She moved toward them with her fingers tangled around the mug, her other hand on her hip, and the cigarette dangling from her lips. Cleo stood next to Grey and took a moment to nuzzle her forehead into his shoulder, careful not to burn him. Then she looked at the woman and asked "Are you okay? Do you need some water or something?" Her words were inviting and friendly like she usually was, but her tone was flat and somewhat unimpressed. She didn't want to invite the woman inside, but she didn't want her to pass out of something then sue them for it later.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Arden Character Portrait: Cleo Milson Character Portrait: Alexandra Hunt Character Portrait: Christian James Coleman Character Portrait: Greyson Walker
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Greyson was rather happy with himself, with the way that this Charlotte girl was reacting to him. The blush that swept across her cheeks was rather adorable, and he almost felt himself feeling sorry for her, for wanting to genuinely speak to her, instead of using his charms and his smile to sweep her off of her feet. However, he didn't. It was an almost, not something that was actually going to happen. Grey never felt sorry for anyone, and this girl wasn't about to change that fact. With her words that the money was short, the brunette male sent her another sultry smile, shaking his head. "No, please don't apologize, beautiful. You're just doing your job."

Then, Alex turned to him, saying that she would head off to go and collect some more money, and he just nodded at her. His eyes followed her backside as she walked away, going into the bedroom for her bag. He had to admit, she did have a nice ass, and on more than one occasion, he had seen it bare, held it, and done various other things with it. The mere thought alone caused the topless male to smile inwardly to himself, before Alex came back. "Is that enough for you now, Charlotte?" He paused before speaking her name, allowing himself to look into her eyes as he spoke it. That was his usual routine, his way of wooing a woman, pulling her into his arms afterwards.

A few moments after, Cleo appeared, his shirt covering her thin, beautiful body, nothing covering her legs or her underwear. He glared down at her when she rested her head on his shoulder, using one of his hands to turn her chin in his direction, once she had spoken to Charlotte. "What did I say about coming out without anything on?" He growled at her, before once again turning back to look at the rent collector at the door. Cleo was right, the girl did look a little worse for wear when he thought about it, and he felt himself moving out of Cleo's embrace, taking a step forward towards the beautiful girl in the doorway. "Come in and sit down for a moment?" He asked her, wrapping his arm around her waist, making sure that he had a good enough hold on her, in case she collapsed. "I'm not going to take no for an answer." His voice was soft and caring as he spoke, leading her into the apartment.

"Christian, put that fucking thing out and move up." Greyson's voice was cold as he spoke, leading Charlotte into the apartment, and over to the sofa. "Cleo baby, get her some water please?" He turned to look at Cleo as he spoke, a smile on his face. He had known that the girl's invitation into the apartment had been a false expression of friendship, but he wasn't about to let this girl stand outside and walk around in such a state - he might have been a dickhead most of the time, but occasionally, he was a nice guy.