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Simon Dupont


0 · 606 views · located in Dire's

a character in “Dire's School for Aspiring Hunters”, originally authored by Gwenadier, as played by RolePlayGateway


Dire's School for Aspiring Hunters

Student's Name: Simon Dupont
Student's Age:19
Student's Height and Weight: 6Ft, 170Ilbs
Student is orphaned: No

[b]Field of Study: Acolyte

Weapons of Note: A Rapier with the words "Parlez Pas" etched into the hilt.
Grimoirs Read: Ancient Elements, Book Of Shadows
Spells Created: Cryokinesis, ability to control and conjure ice, as well as control ambient temperatures.
Religious Teachings:None

Student's Performance Notes: Simon is a charming, easily out going young man. He does his best to always act noble and tends not to be fond of more rogue people. He often blames himself for others failings when working in a group, especially if someone gets hurt. He highly values etiquette and firmly believes in a strong moral code. He has a tendency to take things literally sometimes. His breath shows when he breaths due to the cold nature of his magic. Has a major distaste of greed and lethargy.

Student history: Born to a noble family of mages Simon began his training at the age of 13. His training included learning to fence, and master the family school of magic, which was Cryokinesis, the ability to control ice. Apart from combat oriented studies, Simon also partook in etiquette and dancing lessons. Despite his charming nature his status prevented him from making many close friends, which made it easier to make the decision to apply to Dire's School For Aspiring Hunters once the option was presented to him on his 19th birthday. He made the choice based on the fact that he did not want to let his talent for fighting be wasted on politics when it could be used to help others. His parents did not approve and became very distant after his choice, once again making it much easier to leave when the time came. When the time came he left with very little in the way of goodbyes.

Simon has spent a majority of his life in the manor he grew up in or in the surrounding woods. Because of this he is somewhat detached, but always attempts to be chivalrous when the opportunity arises.

So begins...

Simon Dupont's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Kain Solomon Sparrow Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: Ophilia Dire Character Portrait: Anselm Ermenegilde
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Ragonalia Ashengritzs


Ragonalia walked through the large double doors. She was a little late but she didn't care. Her green, vast eyes scanned her surroundings. It was a quite large school, unsurprisingly, and she could see the dorms out one of the windows to her left. She turned to her right and headed to the information desk. "Where's my first class?" She asked and the lady at the desk tried to be polite. "As of right now no one has gone to their classes yet, but I'd be happy to give you your schedule. It'll have the room numbers on it." Ragonalia just nodded and took the paper when the woman gave it to her. She looked it over then gave it to Cerin, who's head peaked out from under her clothes and he took it back in her clothes with him. She walked over to a bench and sat down, opening a book of a strange language and began to read.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Kain Solomon Sparrow Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: Ophilia Dire Character Portrait: Anselm Ermenegilde
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The rain was still coming down hard as Simon walked the rest of the way to the academy. He had elected to leave the taxi he had taken from the airport and walk the rest of the way as he felt the fresh air and rain would help him wake up a little after the flight and subsequent car ride. He held a large umbrella above his head that did well at keeping a good deal the rain off of his grey longcoat. Over his shoulder he carried a duffle of his personal belongings, and on his hip he wore a rapier. He walked with a long stride and did his best to hold his head high, despite a nagging nervousness he felt.

He arrived after a few minutes of walking and joined the crowd of people who were already here. A group of more experienced looking individuals stood apart from the students, so naturally Simon assumed they were the teachers. Looking around again he noticed that there were hardly more students than teachers. He leaned over to a young looking girl carrying a violin case and inquired "Pardon but, is this everyone, or are we still waiting?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Kain Solomon Sparrow Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: Ophilia Dire Character Portrait: Anselm Ermenegilde
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Sophia Rosendahl
The man's talking broke Sophia out of her day-dream, surprisingly, and made her look around for a moment, realising what he had said, "Everyone?" Sophia surveyed the small crowd of people; she saw several males, only one other girl - as far as she could tell. One of the men seemed..oddly perplexed, his eyes were bloodshot and he seemed to be trembling somewhat as he downed a bottle of pills. The next person she saw was a lone student whom seemed almost entirely made up of metal, though interestingly enough he still seemed to still posses around 60% of his real flesh. To the side of the group, hanging slightly back, were two students - a male and female, the male seemed to be offering to help the female with her luggage, but she seemed perfectly capable. Next Sophia's eyes fell on the other lone male with white hair, and a dark look in his eyes, she squinted her own eyes at him, something about him seemed vaguely familiar..she just couldn't place her finger on it. Lastly, Sophia returned her gaze to the man who had starting speaking to her, and gave a simple shrug, "I dunno 'bout everyone else here, but I'm waiting to go inside - this rain is getting annoying." as she spoke, Sophia tilted her head back, peering up at the sky as water rained down on them all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Jane Harbinger Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: Kichiro Ren Character Portrait: Ragonalia Ashengritz
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Simon was surprised by his new teacher suddenly falling on a group of fellow students. Since she was the only teacher who hadn't left already he assumed she was the Acolyte instructor. Glad to be out of the rain he followed the group of students into the large building that would be his home from now on. Closing his umbrella on his way into the school. As he walked he strode up to his new teacher and introduced himself. Offering to shake her hand he began: "Bonjour, my name is Simon Dupont, I must say I can't wait to start learning under your tutelage. Have you worked as an instructor here for long?".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: [NPC] Ethan Maelus Acing
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Sophia Rosendahl
The man seemed to ignore Sophia statement, but she didn't mind - she was just glad to have an out from the rain. The maestro teacher beckoned his class over, a class which seemed only to consist of two students; herself and another male. Luckily that meant she was able to fangirl over the teacher's guitar without too many people getting in the way, "I've always wanted to play guitar!" she squealed, standing at the front of the two-person line, "The boring music tutors at my old boarding school said rock music was trashy - so I had to stick with this stupid thing" Sophia gestured to her violin case, which she suddenly pulled up to her chest in a quick hug, whispering to it's contents, "Not that I find you stupid or anything! I wouldn't trade you for the world~" she gave the violin case a quick few strokes along the leather exterior before looking back up to the teacher, "Can I touch it?" she reached out a hand in attempt to brush her fingertips along the sleek edge of the guitar's body.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Jane Harbinger Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: Ophilia Dire Character Portrait: Kichiro Ren
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Kichiro was over his dad now, good riddance. Didn't take him long to distract himself. He had better things to think about and do. More people started making their way to the front gates as they opened to reveal the teachers.

A young female was first to get his attention, she was holding a violin case with some supervisor of sorts hurrying after her. The girl seemed to greet them all in a very cheerful manner that made him cringe a little. He simply raised a brow at the girl and did not return the greeting. At the moment he was soaked, tired and annoyed and simply wanted to hurry up an get inside not chat away with his fellow students. He did feel a sudden sickening feeling in his stomach as he felt tight in his chest and a sudden sharp pain shot through his head. This made him give the girl a quite disgusted facial expression although it wasn't intentionally aimed at her, he felt it was caused by her somehow. The more he looked at her the more familiar she seemed but he couldn't figure out who the bloody hell she was. All it did was frustrate him.

A cyborg luckily distracted him from the annoying girl although he seemed to be talking to himself which wasn't exactly that odd but the fact that he was a cyborg was what caught his attention. Kichiro had never seen one before and was greatly curious by the man. However suddenly the cyborg glanced at Kichi and their eyes met. Kichi suddenly felt quite nervous and uncomfortable, he was expecting the guy to start saying exterminate any moment now. He quickly averted his gaze, frowning as he did so, not looking anywhere particular.

Another male approached, he looked to be around Kichi's age with a rapier strapped to his side. He seemed quite normal compared to the others and Kichi felt he was the kind of guy he could actually talk to without getting annoyed or uncomfortable. His eyes followed the male a he approach the violin girl and asked her a question. God dammit there goes his only possible friend. If he hung out with her, Kichi would rather be alone. He simply tried to block out the conversation between the two and the words the female seemed to address to everyone. He remained silent.

Another female who seemed quite normal but possibly had a quite sarcastic attitude also made it to the front gates. He could probably get along with her, sarcasm was always fun.

Finally the staff came forward and began to address the students. First off, the principal made it clear that they owned them. "Great, my soul is practically on a demon's silver plate and now the shell of my body belongs here." Kichiro thought to himself as he rolled his eyes at the statement. The other teachers then introduced themselves- sort of. He honestly wished his Acolyte teacher had the Soldier teacher's attitude. Although perhaps her quite strong attitude would get on his nerves after a while. Not like this promiscuous female Acolyte teacher wouldn't. Kichiro simply let out an irritated sigh at the other male students getting all hot under the collar. He never understood that, how men fell so easily in love. And women too.

Kichiro simply made his way over to his Acolyte teacher, following behind the other students, a male and a female. The guy was already getting friendly. "Teacher's pet much?" He muttered to himself. What a shame, he hoped to get along with that guy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Jane Harbinger Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: Ophilia Dire Character Portrait: Kichiro Ren
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Patraeko's attention was grabbed by the seemingly feisty soldier which called out to the group of students. This woman was a strange individual indeed, wearing a skull-shaped gasmask along with her profanity ridden speech as she insulted the Maestro teacher. It's strange though, he seemed to be the most normal teacher out of the group, if you ignore the guitar he seems to be carrying around, he must be the kind of guy who sleeps with that instrument anyway.

Of course, no matter what strange words the Soldier's teacher spewed out, she was still a teacher, and since he had chosen to take on the course of 'Soldier'. Well, his guardian and trainer suggested soldier was the best way to go. He had to oblige, allowing him to slowly wonder forward toward the teacher. Standing firmly as his eyes stared forward into her body, measuring the energy levels within her. It wasn't a surprise, for what experience she had obtained throughout her career, it would make sense for Patraeko to see pure blue surging through her body, with hardly any being released into the environment. She had a good control on her energy, and by the looks of it, it's pure energy, the blue gives it off really well.

Before anything else, Patraeko took another glance towards the demonic energy white haired guy. Staring at him once more, trying his best to study the student's energy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Jane Harbinger Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: Ophilia Dire Character Portrait: Kichiro Ren
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0.00 INK

Ragonalia Ashengritz

Ragonalia snickered a little the white haired boy's remark about being a teacher's pet. She also found it ridiculous how the boys were all getting flustered because of a pair of hardly covered breasts. Ragonalia was also able to see an sense energy's due to her years of studying magic. So she could see the bright red aura which surrounded the white haired boy's body, the one who made the remark, but she paid no heed to it. She knew that energy's and auras were simply a visual of a person's power and, more specifically, their brain power, not who they were as a person. So just because the person's aura was demonic did not mean they were, or wished to be so. For example, everyone had an aura, everyone had energy. A person who was highly depressed for example would have a small, dark energy, that did not mean their existence was fruitless, nor that they wished to not exist all the time, it's just how their brain worked. So, to get to the point. She didn't pay much attention to judging people based on their auras.

Ragonalia made it to the entrance to the west wing and leaned against the wall beside the door, waiting for everyone else as he watched the group approach.

(OOC: I'm sorry, I didn't intend to upset anyone with this post and I have apologized over and over to the person upset and they're still coming after me and it's really upsetting me. I didn't mean to upset anyone, and have tried to make accommodations. I don't know what else I can do and I'm really hurt by how I'm being treated.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Great TK (Takumi Kiyoshi) Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Kain Solomon Sparrow Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: Ophilia Dire
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Image"A-Ah sorry! This is all I've got, dude. Listen I can give you free music. Free music! Look me up! TK on bandcamp! Ow ow!" Takumi struggled to pull the rest of his bag out of the back of a taxi as it revved angrily starting off without him. He stumbled back and dropped his gasmask just as the Taxi drove off kicking dust and mud up towards him. "H-HEY MY SUITCASE! It's not my fault they only gave me 50 for a cab ride here!.....sure I bought a gas mask with it...." He trailed off and picked up his gas mask, dusting off the dirt from it with his sleeve. "Asshole."

He sighed and turned to face the school He turned his vibrantly designed cap backwards and grinned, his toe tapping along to music only he could hear. "Fucking yeah man. Time to rip."

He bobbed his head and did a spin finishing with some excellent footwork that successfully magnified his uniquely douchey atmoshphere. "Right on, brother."

He hurried up the steps his backpack slung over his back and hopped onto the railing to get a good look at whomever still lingered outside. He cleared his throat.

"Hello hello!" He had an odd accent, strongly New Yorker with a little bit of a japanese tint to it. Instantly it seemed music had been triggered from nowhere. It seemed to be one of those cliche 90's rap beats chosen uniquely for TK's introduction. He snapped his finger bobbing his head and flashed a rather charming smile. "TK's the name I got music and fame from Jersey to Maine. I got a typical story with a typical family but don't take me too lightly I'll play you nightly, rightly" He winked "I command the music got blues, jam, that groove shit, I'll make you all move shit and groove-it like toons, shit. You got demons and curses, I got beats, sick and verses, bring the hearses, and the nurses, cause they've earned it, Good game, bitch."

He ended it, flashily, if anything. Of course there was little to no applause but he grinned anyways. "TK on bandcamp, look me up!" He finished before hopping off the banister and marching confidently for the door to the inside. It was no mistake he was pretty much an idiot who didn't have a clue what he'd signed up for.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Great TK (Takumi Kiyoshi) Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Kain Solomon Sparrow Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: Ophilia Dire
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Ragonalia Ashengritz


When they arrived at the Acolyte private wing she looked around curiously at the hundreds of books she saw. She'd be spending a lot of time in here she could tell. She glanced over as the teacher spoke and rolled her eyes 'What idiocy' she thought when she mentioned the game and how it was sooo easy to get on her good side. When she announced that today would be a free day she set her stuff down beside a chair, grabbed some books on magic, and sat down to read, seeming to not care about anything other than learning more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Great TK (Takumi Kiyoshi) Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Kain Solomon Sparrow Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: Ophilia Dire
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0.00 INK

Ragonalia Ashengritz


When they arrived at the Acolyte private wing she looked around curiously at the hundreds of books she saw. She'd be spending a lot of time in here she could tell. She glanced over as the teacher spoke and rolled her eyes 'What idiocy' she thought when she mentioned the game and how it was sooo easy to get on her good side. When she announced that today would be a free day she set her stuff down beside a chair, grabbed some books on magic, and sat down to read, seeming to not care about anything other than learning more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: [NPC] Pyra Morrigrin Character Portrait: Kichiro Ren Character Portrait: Ragonalia Ashengritz
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0.00 INK

The Acolyte personal wing was just as Simon had imagined it, nearly wall to wall bookshelves that were no doubt overflowing with magical tomes and grimoires. He was also a bit perturbed by his new teacher, at first he thought she was just putting on an act but it seemed as though she was just like that. As someone with a strict adherence to etiquette he found her forward nature to be quite gaudy and unprofessional. He sighed to himself, his breath coming out in a short cloud of steam despite the fact that he was out of the cold, a byproduct of the magic he practiced.
Looking around the room, or rather labyrinth, he wondered if there were specialized areas for magic practice. He couldn't imagine a good outcome should some fire mage decide to show off their skills in what would quickly become the equivalent of a forest fire. Perhaps training could wait for later, after all there were still fellow students he had failed to introduce himself to.
He walked over to the white haired boy he had seen earlier. holding out his hand he made his introduction: "Good day sir, je m'appelle Simon Dupont. I hope we can be good friends or at the very least tolerable classmates".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Great TK (Takumi Kiyoshi) Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: [NPC] Pyra Morrigrin Character Portrait: Kichiro Ren Character Portrait: Ragonalia Ashengritz
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0.00 INK

Okay now the cyborg guy was beginning to make Kichiro feel uncomfortable. Why did he keep staring at him? He found it impossible to make eye contact, only briefly looking his way to check if he was still staring from time to time. "Does he have some sick thing for me or something??" He thought to himself, completely unaware of the real reason. Thankfully people got in the way of his gaze and Kichi felt much more comfortable, following behind his teacher he glanced back one more time.

As he was walking however he could hear some sort of 90s beat? What in the holy hell- Looking back one more time out of curiosity he noticed a colourful male talking in rhyme. "Oh god." He thought as he gave the man a disgusted look as he cringed before quickly following after the Acolyte teacher.

Finally arriving at the Acolyte private wing, Kichiro couldn't help but stare in awe at the horde of books surrounding them. His eyes lit up, beaming with happiness like a little kid in a toy shop. It would be kind of weird seeing Kichiro so happy. Probably the happiest he had ever been in his whole life. He ignored the teacher's words unintentionally; something about good side, spells, chocolate blah blah.

A voice pulled him out of his day dream however and Kichiro turned to see who it was; his happy facial expression quickly changing back to normal out of embarrassment, realising how he must have looked just now. Kichiro looked down at the male's hand, then back up at him. Kichiro was so socially awkward, he wasn't used to people ever approaching him to talk or even approach him in general. Hesitantly Kichiro grabbed the male's hand, his grip a bit weak out of nervousness with the whole shit need to make a good impression thought looming over his mind. "All I got out of that was Simon so I'll call you Simon." His honesty and blunt attitude sometimes wasn't the best at helping with making good first impressions, he failed to realise this. "Um.. I'm Kichiro Ren, you can call me Kichi if you want." Good friends huh? Kichiro forgot what it was like to have a friend. Releasing the man's hand, his thoughts trailed off for a moment as he muttered something to himself. "Hm yes that would be. Nice." Kichi felt weird even using the word nice; when was the last time he ever even thought of the word? God he felt so awkward. He didn't know how to interact nicely with others. Feeling as though it had been silent for hours when it was only half a minute he forced himself to say something. "Sooo... This place seems. Pleasant." His eyes shifted to look around the room, making eye contact would probably cause him to feel more uncomfortable and he'd just make a bigger fool of himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: Kichiro Ren Character Portrait: Ragonalia Ashengritz
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0.00 INK

Simon was a bit surprised by Kichi's returned greeting. He had half expected the white haired young man to simply blow him off based on his earlier sarcasm. Simon took a moment to reflect on the irony that he had judged a book by it's cover despite his surroundings. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance Kichi. I agree, this place does seem very pleasant, although I do hope their is a separate area for magic practice, it would be a shame if some students accidentally set the room on fire, or possibly worse."
Simon inhaled slightly, taking in the library and feeling very at home, and glad that he had decided to take the Acolyte path instead of that of the Solider.
"Kichi, if you don't mind my asking, what sort of magic do you practice?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: Kichiro Ren
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Simon made a good point about students possibly setting the library of books on fire by accident. He was curious about where this separate area for magic practice might be; surely they would have a separate place. Kichi simply nodded in reply, gesturing his agreement with Simon's words.

Simon seemed quite relaxed and comfortable; Kichi couldn't understand that, how others could just casually talk to one another so confidently and calmly. Perhaps Kichi was far too cautious to really open up to others. He was suddenly asked what sort of magic he practiced. Kichiro grinned but when he thought more about his magic, it wavered before fading to a blank facial expression. "I've learned mainly electrokinesis but what I've created is different.." He was proud of the spell and the category the magic he created fell into. Kichiro was tempted to share his blood magic spell but at the same time he was worried about what opinion Simon might have of him. Kichi remembered that dark magic wasn't very recommended and quite shunned really. And he wasn't sure if he wanted to use Simon or not yet so good first impressions were important.

"What sort do you practice, Simon?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: Kichiro Ren Character Portrait: Ragonalia Ashengritz
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Simon was a bit curious on what Kichi meant by "different" but decided not to pry as he sensed a reason for his trailing off. He'll probably tell me when he's ready anyway, Simon thought to himself.
When Kichi asked him what type magic he practiced, Simon answered gladly "I've long studied Cryokinesis, like your Electrokinesis but with ice. Whatever I can't use it on, my old friend here typically handles" He finishes, patting his rapier at his hip. "You know I almost took the solider class instead? I think I've made the right choice however, this seems to be much more refined... excluding our very forward instructor that is."
As he waited for Kichi's response, he couldn't help but notice the other girl, it seemed that white hair was rather popular among acolytes and he felt his dark brown hair was somehow out of place. She seemed to have also found a new sort of home and appeared to be avidly reading through a large stack of books. Probably best not to bother her, he thought.