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Sophia Rosendahl

"The flames dance to my music, and I dance to theirs."

0 · 687 views · located in Dire's

a character in “Dire's School for Aspiring Hunters”, as played by Squeekey




Student's Name: Rosendahl, Sophia
Student's Age: 15
Family: Unknown. Believed to be an orphan.

Height: 5"5 (165cm)
Weight: 145 lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Maroon. Change color upon use of magic.

Field of Study: Maestro
Weapons of Note: Various homemade explosives, magic infused violin ("Inferno")
Grimoirs Read: None
Spells Created: None
Religious Teachings: Christianity

Student's Performance Notes: Previous carers describe Sophia as 'hectic', 'dangerous' and 'full of spirit'. Sophia has been known to cause trouble in various facilities and has since gotten herself kicked out of many due to her 'jokester' behaviour and general lack of awareness for the safety of others, her careworker, Ms. Scott,has been quoted saying that "Everything just seems like a joke to our young Sophia, she just can't take anything seriously. Apart from her damned experiments, oh don't get me started on those, one time she almost blew up the whole dorm building!"

Student history: Sophia has been bounced back and forth through various 'homes' from a young age; her parents gave up their care of Sophia after a tragic series of events in her childhood which deemed the family home too dangerous for Sophia to be around - she was passed on to her aunt for a short few years before being then moved on to an all-girls private school, where she lived up until coming to Dire's.

During her time in the private school, Sophia practiced magic - specifically that of the element of fire, and like most catholic raised 'orphans', Sophia was encourage or rather forced to learn to play an instrument, and so Sophia chose to take up the violin. Through the years of practicing to play violin (and also secretly teaching herself the ways of magic), Sophia began looking for ways to make her music lessons less mind-numbingly boring - and what better way to make things more fun than adding a few explosions? And thus, the appropriately named Inferno was created; a wildly-loved classical instrument turned deadly due to it's spark inducing strings and wand-like bow which together set aflame to anything Sophia so wished.

The combination of her magic, homemade explosives, and fire-infused violin eventually became all too much for Ms. Scott's Private School for Girls and Sophia was labelled as a hazard of safety, and was being considered for transferal when Sophia's dangerous talents caught the attention of the world renowned 'Dire's School for Aspiring Hunters' and Sophia was taken in, with promise to her care workers that she'd be taught to control her magic for the greater good.

Dialogue Color: #AB797C
Theme Song: The Runaways - Cherry Bomb

So begins...

Sophia Rosendahl's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: [NPC] Jane Harbinger Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Ophilia Dire Character Portrait: Anselm Ermenegilde
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Ophelia based the black flagstone in front of the main doors to her academy, ignoring the four individuals who stood across from the glorious redwood barrier between them and their waiting students. "This will be a tough year. Monstrum's academy evidently has a fine stock, and is growing. We can't let them pull anything, and we can't let up our pursuit for The Mask, even for a day. Artyom, I will need you to get into contact with your CQC team. Ethan, I will need you to keep up public appearances. Jane, no shooting any students. Yet." The two men nodded and saluted - Artyom did so cleanly, while Ethan did so in a casual manner. The woman scoweled but said nothing. Ophelia came to a stop in front of the scantily clad master wizard, pausing a moment before clearing her voice and speaking. "Now. Pyra. If you sleep with any students and it begins to interfere with their teaching, I will let Jane put a bullet in you." This elicited a "woo hoo!" and a fist pump from the teacher of the Soldier field of study.

Artyom shifted and stepped forward as Ophelia nodded at them and circled, standing behind the three remaining teachers, causing them to part. The man in the gas mask reached up to the handle and removed the board that kept the two large doors in place before pulling them open to reveal the students awaiting.

"Dibs on the psychotic looking one"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Jane Harbinger Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Ophilia Dire Character Portrait: Anselm Ermenegilde Character Portrait: [NPC] Ethan Maelus Acing
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Anselm had been chauffeured by his church, the priest himself standing behind the young man. His ragged coat still having blood stains in it from his first kill, a wide-brimmed hat slanted down over his eyes, bloodshot from many sleepless nights. His white hair dangles down from under the hat, bleached by the ravages of the creature's venom. Around his neck a crucifix hangs on a silver chain. Anselm trembles, his bloodshot eyes fixated on the academy. The old man reaches to comfort him but finds that he's actually... chuckling. He withdraws, furrowing his brow with a quizzical look.

"Worry yourself none, father, I ain't worried or nothin'. Quite the contrary really." Anselm says in a raspy voice, taking out some painkillers and munching down on them. The residual toxins chronically making the inside of his body feel like it were on fire. Despite best efforts the doctors could not drain it out of his blood entirely. "Best be headed along now, father, I can m'self from here, yer flock needs you n' all."

"T-try to behave yourself my child." The priest says in a strained voice, hesitantly patting Anselm on the shoulder before heading to his car. As he heads to the car he waves the sign of the cross and mumbles, "May Lord have mercy..." When he gets into the car he waves his driver to leave immediately. As he drives off the priest pulls out a canteen and begins downing its contents.

"Now, can't be mak'n promises I can't keep." Says to himself while taking off his hat, a grin across his scarred face. "That would lyin', an' it be a sin."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: [NPC] Jane Harbinger Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Ophilia Dire Character Portrait: Anselm Ermenegilde
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The shadow shall pause and break before the path of the righteous, those made animate by rage and faith. And where I walk, there is no evil. The large, Humvee-like vehicle jostled over a dip in the road. Half the inside had been torn apart and turned into a few more seats. Some safety features were removed to make more room for equipment, making it more like a personnel transport. Next to her, a man swayed with the motion, his shoulder bumping into hers accompanied by the characteristic sound of leather whispering across fabric. She did not open her eyes. Though the trees of deceivers rise above and blot out the sky with their sick, black leaves, I do not falter. There is no path I will not follow if commanded. There is no cave I will not explore, no danger I will not face. There is no time I would not give my life if my superiors command it. The great enemy hides and lies, but where I walk, there is no evil. The breathing of so many people in such a small place fogged up the windows, condensing against the rain-cooled glass. The rumble of the engine overcame the sound with ease. Duty is my whip. Faith is my shield. Rage is my sword. And where I walk, there is no evil.

"Scribed Kayha." Her eyes snapped open and focused on the woman sitting in the passenger seat next to the driver. She held a clipboard in her hand. A list of names meandered down the page, names of academies crouching near them. "We have nearly arrived at your destination." The mage crossed Kayha's name off the list. Earlier in the journey, the vehicle held nine people. Seven crammed in the back, and the two in the front. By this point, only the one-eyed Flesh-Scribed and two people remained. Soon, it would be the two. Even though seats emptied up and the space increased, each of the three steadfastly remained in the seat they'd been assigned.

On her right, Jorin signed "This is it." She nodded slightly in response. "If all goes well, we might see each other again in a few years." Possibly. Unlikely, but possibly. Kayha almost nodded again, but Benjamin on her left reached across her chest and gripped Jorin's hands, effectively muzzling the blond-haired, sentimental guy. After a few moments, he let go and leaned back in his seat, eyes closed. Though there was no spoken rule about keeping quiet during this final ride as a cadre, they hadn't spoken to... lessen the impact. More likely than not, these few who grew up together, trained together, excelled together, and watched their friends die together, would never see each other again after that day. It was how The Inquisition liked it. It was, by extension, how the Flesh-Scribed liked it.

The vehicle slid to a stop. It was time. Smoothly rising from her seat, Kayha climbed over one of the seats and crouched in the back, grabbing her things. Though she only had a small bag for personal effects - little more than clothes, a package of Altoids, and some polish for her false eye, her 'suitcase' held much more interesting items. Her gun, built and engraved by The Inquisition's magician gunsmiths. Though it was not enchanted, the weapon could be loaded with varying kinds of ammunition deadly to the horrific side of the world. Her armour, in pieces, also rested within the case. As she strapped her two greatswords to her back for easy transport, the Flesh-Scribed had the strangest feeling that she wouldn't be using it often. Popping the back open, she hopped out and dragged her two bags out with her. Shouldering the one full of clothes, she dragged the wheeled suitcase full of everything else behind her. In the drizzle, her jet-and-aquamarine eye shined brilliantly. The aquamarine's hard facets refracted the diffuse light, while the smooth jet almost glowed white where the light glanced off it.

Already a few people stood outside. Teachers, most likely, and some students. Pulling up short behind one who had a hat of some kind, Kayha's stance turned stone-solid and cold, her face equally as uninviting. All her training dictated that she wait to be addressed by an authority before doing anything, but some of her cadre's pack mentality remained, making her feel less uncomfortable when standing near others.

Behind her, the Inquisition vehicle drove off in a spray of water.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: [NPC] Jane Harbinger Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Kain Solomon Sparrow Character Portrait: Ophilia Dire
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Kain stared as what seemed to be an armoured transport stopped near where he was standing. Out came a woman, taller than he, and visibly....are those scars? He did his best to compose himself as he walked up to the girl, noticing what looked like a case. "Enchanté, mademoiselle," he greeted. "Would you like me to carry that for you? It seems quite heavy, and I don't have much of anything to carry."

There was only one explanation for Kain actually initiating conversation; he was uncomfortable. He lived most his life away from an actual society, and so this was beyond unfamiliar to him--it was alien. Unknowing of what he was supposed to do, Kain thought it best to rely on those who did, and to learn. Learning, and adapting, to what was going to be his life would be the most important keystone in his survival here. And while this girl seemed new as well, she definitely wasn't inexperienced, just based off of seeing that transportation of hers. She was his best chance.


Color for speech: #4c0404
Color for interaction or mention: #044c4c


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Jane Harbinger Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Kain Solomon Sparrow Character Portrait: Ophilia Dire Character Portrait: Anselm Ermenegilde
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Kichiro pulled up at the front of school in a car that was probably beyond repair. It was silent the whole way to the school. Kichi's father didn't glance at him once throughout the whole trip; probably still hated Kichiro for putting his wife in hospital. She deserved it really. His father let out a sigh, almost annoyed that he had to finally speak up. "Goodbye Kichi." Was all he said. Kichiro was surprised he said anything at all, shocked and feeling quite hurt really, he looked to his father who was struggling to keep his gaze away from his son; he seemed sad and Kichi felt that his father was forcing himself to stay angry at him.
"Bye Dad." He replied before removing himself from the vehicle, grabbing his small suitcase and waving goodbye. Of course his dad didn't wave back and simply quickly took off. Kichiro sighed, trying not to let it dwell on his mind as he walked towards the entrance of the school.

"So this is the place." Kichi studied the large building with judging eyes until he noticed a few others up ahead of him. One man was offering a female help with her luggage, although in Kichiro's opinion she looked more than capable. Another male with white hair and a scarred face caught his attention, he looked like he'd been through some shit. Perhaps he underestimated how serious this school was.

Two large doors had been opened just as he arrived, he felt slightly uncomfortable as the teachers seemed to be sussing them out. Or maybe he was just being paranoid again. Kichiro simply stood there silently, watching the others curiously. If he had to stand there too long though he'd start to get bored and probably give others some trouble.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Kain Solomon Sparrow Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: Ophilia Dire Character Portrait: Anselm Ermenegilde
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0.00 INK

Ragonalia Ashengritzs


Ragonalia walked through the large double doors. She was a little late but she didn't care. Her green, vast eyes scanned her surroundings. It was a quite large school, unsurprisingly, and she could see the dorms out one of the windows to her left. She turned to her right and headed to the information desk. "Where's my first class?" She asked and the lady at the desk tried to be polite. "As of right now no one has gone to their classes yet, but I'd be happy to give you your schedule. It'll have the room numbers on it." Ragonalia just nodded and took the paper when the woman gave it to her. She looked it over then gave it to Cerin, who's head peaked out from under her clothes and he took it back in her clothes with him. She walked over to a bench and sat down, opening a book of a strange language and began to read.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Kain Solomon Sparrow Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: Ophilia Dire Character Portrait: Anselm Ermenegilde
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0.00 INK

The rain was still coming down hard as Simon walked the rest of the way to the academy. He had elected to leave the taxi he had taken from the airport and walk the rest of the way as he felt the fresh air and rain would help him wake up a little after the flight and subsequent car ride. He held a large umbrella above his head that did well at keeping a good deal the rain off of his grey longcoat. Over his shoulder he carried a duffle of his personal belongings, and on his hip he wore a rapier. He walked with a long stride and did his best to hold his head high, despite a nagging nervousness he felt.

He arrived after a few minutes of walking and joined the crowd of people who were already here. A group of more experienced looking individuals stood apart from the students, so naturally Simon assumed they were the teachers. Looking around again he noticed that there were hardly more students than teachers. He leaned over to a young looking girl carrying a violin case and inquired "Pardon but, is this everyone, or are we still waiting?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Kain Solomon Sparrow Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: Ophilia Dire Character Portrait: Anselm Ermenegilde
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0.00 INK

Sophia Rosendahl
The man's talking broke Sophia out of her day-dream, surprisingly, and made her look around for a moment, realising what he had said, "Everyone?" Sophia surveyed the small crowd of people; she saw several males, only one other girl - as far as she could tell. One of the men seemed..oddly perplexed, his eyes were bloodshot and he seemed to be trembling somewhat as he downed a bottle of pills. The next person she saw was a lone student whom seemed almost entirely made up of metal, though interestingly enough he still seemed to still posses around 60% of his real flesh. To the side of the group, hanging slightly back, were two students - a male and female, the male seemed to be offering to help the female with her luggage, but she seemed perfectly capable. Next Sophia's eyes fell on the other lone male with white hair, and a dark look in his eyes, she squinted her own eyes at him, something about him seemed vaguely familiar..she just couldn't place her finger on it. Lastly, Sophia returned her gaze to the man who had starting speaking to her, and gave a simple shrug, "I dunno 'bout everyone else here, but I'm waiting to go inside - this rain is getting annoying." as she spoke, Sophia tilted her head back, peering up at the sky as water rained down on them all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Kain Solomon Sparrow Character Portrait: Kayha Bladeguard Character Portrait: Kichiro Ren Character Portrait: Ragonalia Ashengritz
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Ophelia leaned against the doorframe as her four staff members stepped forward, sheathing the weapons that had taken many monstrous lives in years prior. From behind them, she spoke again. "Well? What are you waiting for, Soldiers? For the next years of your life, you belong to us. You will train hard and learn your enemy. Are we clear? You're not just doing this for yourself anymore. This is war."

Image "Miss Dire speaks of truth, Childs. War is a grim event. Many not make it back." The maintentance man, clad in heavy armor and gas masks, strapped with more weapons than a small army, began to speak. "Is being of reason we teaching you. So you make it back. Now, Techticians, line up before me. The faceless man stood at attention, holding his rifle as if he were a soldier in formation as he waited for the students who wished to learn the intricities of making traps and machines to kill their foes to line up.

Image"Now, fuck that! Anyone who wants to shoot shit to death get over here." The woman with... was that a skull? yeah. yep. that's a skull. skull gasmask to be more specific.

what the fuck are these teachers on.
As the students began to congregate around Jane, she shouted loudly in the direction of the teacher to her left.
"Hey, music boy. I'm declaring your entire class a bunch of pussies! later!~"

The handsome guitar player to the immediate left to the woman who was clearly unfit to teach a dog to sit, let alone teach an entire class of students how to become soldiers, responded to her jibe by rolling his shoulders forward slightly and moving the cigarette between his lips from one side of his face to the other. He turned and flared with his hand. "Maestros. Here.
The oldest looking of the teachers made a purring noise as she began strutting down the stairs. Her predatory eyes glimmered as she eyed the remaining students - acolytes, of course. She stopped before a group of six male students and twirled, falling back as they instinctively caught her. "My class can go to the west wing. Onward, boys~"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Kain Solomon Sparrow Character Portrait: Kayha Bladeguard Character Portrait: Kichiro Ren Character Portrait: Ragonalia Ashengritz
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Ragonalia Ashengritz


Ragonalia rolled her eyes as her teacher tried to make the boys in the class swoon, she stood up and headed towards the teacher, silent, her movements fluid. She looked over the boys, some of whom seemed a little flustered at their teacher and she rolled her eyes again. When the teacher said where they were going she began to head in that direction whether the other's were with her or behind her, held up by the teacher herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Jane Harbinger Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: Ophilia Dire Character Portrait: Kichiro Ren
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0.00 INK

Kichiro was over his dad now, good riddance. Didn't take him long to distract himself. He had better things to think about and do. More people started making their way to the front gates as they opened to reveal the teachers.

A young female was first to get his attention, she was holding a violin case with some supervisor of sorts hurrying after her. The girl seemed to greet them all in a very cheerful manner that made him cringe a little. He simply raised a brow at the girl and did not return the greeting. At the moment he was soaked, tired and annoyed and simply wanted to hurry up an get inside not chat away with his fellow students. He did feel a sudden sickening feeling in his stomach as he felt tight in his chest and a sudden sharp pain shot through his head. This made him give the girl a quite disgusted facial expression although it wasn't intentionally aimed at her, he felt it was caused by her somehow. The more he looked at her the more familiar she seemed but he couldn't figure out who the bloody hell she was. All it did was frustrate him.

A cyborg luckily distracted him from the annoying girl although he seemed to be talking to himself which wasn't exactly that odd but the fact that he was a cyborg was what caught his attention. Kichiro had never seen one before and was greatly curious by the man. However suddenly the cyborg glanced at Kichi and their eyes met. Kichi suddenly felt quite nervous and uncomfortable, he was expecting the guy to start saying exterminate any moment now. He quickly averted his gaze, frowning as he did so, not looking anywhere particular.

Another male approached, he looked to be around Kichi's age with a rapier strapped to his side. He seemed quite normal compared to the others and Kichi felt he was the kind of guy he could actually talk to without getting annoyed or uncomfortable. His eyes followed the male a he approach the violin girl and asked her a question. God dammit there goes his only possible friend. If he hung out with her, Kichi would rather be alone. He simply tried to block out the conversation between the two and the words the female seemed to address to everyone. He remained silent.

Another female who seemed quite normal but possibly had a quite sarcastic attitude also made it to the front gates. He could probably get along with her, sarcasm was always fun.

Finally the staff came forward and began to address the students. First off, the principal made it clear that they owned them. "Great, my soul is practically on a demon's silver plate and now the shell of my body belongs here." Kichiro thought to himself as he rolled his eyes at the statement. The other teachers then introduced themselves- sort of. He honestly wished his Acolyte teacher had the Soldier teacher's attitude. Although perhaps her quite strong attitude would get on his nerves after a while. Not like this promiscuous female Acolyte teacher wouldn't. Kichiro simply let out an irritated sigh at the other male students getting all hot under the collar. He never understood that, how men fell so easily in love. And women too.

Kichiro simply made his way over to his Acolyte teacher, following behind the other students, a male and a female. The guy was already getting friendly. "Teacher's pet much?" He muttered to himself. What a shame, he hoped to get along with that guy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Jane Harbinger Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: Ophilia Dire Character Portrait: Kichiro Ren
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Patraeko's attention was grabbed by the seemingly feisty soldier which called out to the group of students. This woman was a strange individual indeed, wearing a skull-shaped gasmask along with her profanity ridden speech as she insulted the Maestro teacher. It's strange though, he seemed to be the most normal teacher out of the group, if you ignore the guitar he seems to be carrying around, he must be the kind of guy who sleeps with that instrument anyway.

Of course, no matter what strange words the Soldier's teacher spewed out, she was still a teacher, and since he had chosen to take on the course of 'Soldier'. Well, his guardian and trainer suggested soldier was the best way to go. He had to oblige, allowing him to slowly wonder forward toward the teacher. Standing firmly as his eyes stared forward into her body, measuring the energy levels within her. It wasn't a surprise, for what experience she had obtained throughout her career, it would make sense for Patraeko to see pure blue surging through her body, with hardly any being released into the environment. She had a good control on her energy, and by the looks of it, it's pure energy, the blue gives it off really well.

Before anything else, Patraeko took another glance towards the demonic energy white haired guy. Staring at him once more, trying his best to study the student's energy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Jane Harbinger Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: Ophilia Dire Character Portrait: Kichiro Ren
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Ragonalia Ashengritz

Ragonalia snickered a little the white haired boy's remark about being a teacher's pet. She also found it ridiculous how the boys were all getting flustered because of a pair of hardly covered breasts. Ragonalia was also able to see an sense energy's due to her years of studying magic. So she could see the bright red aura which surrounded the white haired boy's body, the one who made the remark, but she paid no heed to it. She knew that energy's and auras were simply a visual of a person's power and, more specifically, their brain power, not who they were as a person. So just because the person's aura was demonic did not mean they were, or wished to be so. For example, everyone had an aura, everyone had energy. A person who was highly depressed for example would have a small, dark energy, that did not mean their existence was fruitless, nor that they wished to not exist all the time, it's just how their brain worked. So, to get to the point. She didn't pay much attention to judging people based on their auras.

Ragonalia made it to the entrance to the west wing and leaned against the wall beside the door, waiting for everyone else as he watched the group approach.

(OOC: I'm sorry, I didn't intend to upset anyone with this post and I have apologized over and over to the person upset and they're still coming after me and it's really upsetting me. I didn't mean to upset anyone, and have tried to make accommodations. I don't know what else I can do and I'm really hurt by how I'm being treated.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Great TK (Takumi Kiyoshi) Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Kain Solomon Sparrow Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: Ophilia Dire
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0.00 INK

Image"A-Ah sorry! This is all I've got, dude. Listen I can give you free music. Free music! Look me up! TK on bandcamp! Ow ow!" Takumi struggled to pull the rest of his bag out of the back of a taxi as it revved angrily starting off without him. He stumbled back and dropped his gasmask just as the Taxi drove off kicking dust and mud up towards him. "H-HEY MY SUITCASE! It's not my fault they only gave me 50 for a cab ride here!.....sure I bought a gas mask with it...." He trailed off and picked up his gas mask, dusting off the dirt from it with his sleeve. "Asshole."

He sighed and turned to face the school He turned his vibrantly designed cap backwards and grinned, his toe tapping along to music only he could hear. "Fucking yeah man. Time to rip."

He bobbed his head and did a spin finishing with some excellent footwork that successfully magnified his uniquely douchey atmoshphere. "Right on, brother."

He hurried up the steps his backpack slung over his back and hopped onto the railing to get a good look at whomever still lingered outside. He cleared his throat.

"Hello hello!" He had an odd accent, strongly New Yorker with a little bit of a japanese tint to it. Instantly it seemed music had been triggered from nowhere. It seemed to be one of those cliche 90's rap beats chosen uniquely for TK's introduction. He snapped his finger bobbing his head and flashed a rather charming smile. "TK's the name I got music and fame from Jersey to Maine. I got a typical story with a typical family but don't take me too lightly I'll play you nightly, rightly" He winked "I command the music got blues, jam, that groove shit, I'll make you all move shit and groove-it like toons, shit. You got demons and curses, I got beats, sick and verses, bring the hearses, and the nurses, cause they've earned it, Good game, bitch."

He ended it, flashily, if anything. Of course there was little to no applause but he grinned anyways. "TK on bandcamp, look me up!" He finished before hopping off the banister and marching confidently for the door to the inside. It was no mistake he was pretty much an idiot who didn't have a clue what he'd signed up for.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: The Great TK (Takumi Kiyoshi) Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Kain Solomon Sparrow Character Portrait: [NPC] Ethan Maelus Acing
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0.00 INK

Kain Sparrow

Well, this certainly wasn't expected. After some scrutinizing of the other students, as well as the entrance of another, Kain was led through with the rest of the Maestros to what looked like one of those acropolis buildings. The style was lost on him; with no formal study of such things, he could only assume it was a reference to something. Nevertheless, there were no classes today, it seemed.

No classes meant personal study. If he wasn't going to be instructed, he would practice what he already had, as he had done for a long time to perfect his style and grace of musical magic. He separated from the group, taking his harp and quarterstaff with him, and, taking off his glasses, begun to recite his Dance of the Dragon's Ballad, an organized dance of steps that begin slow and quickly ramp up into a flurry of steps and swings. It was both beautiful and frightening, as the steps were practiced as a battle tactic, it seemed, based off of how he struck with his quarterstaff. Of course, he did not do so to gloat, and he did not care if anybody watched him. What mattered was precision, grace, and mastery. And the only way he would earn those was to repeat and practice what he knew.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Great TK (Takumi Kiyoshi) Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Kain Solomon Sparrow Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: Ophilia Dire
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Ragonalia Ashengritz


When they arrived at the Acolyte private wing she looked around curiously at the hundreds of books she saw. She'd be spending a lot of time in here she could tell. She glanced over as the teacher spoke and rolled her eyes 'What idiocy' she thought when she mentioned the game and how it was sooo easy to get on her good side. When she announced that today would be a free day she set her stuff down beside a chair, grabbed some books on magic, and sat down to read, seeming to not care about anything other than learning more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Great TK (Takumi Kiyoshi) Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Kain Solomon Sparrow Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: Ophilia Dire
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Ragonalia Ashengritz


When they arrived at the Acolyte private wing she looked around curiously at the hundreds of books she saw. She'd be spending a lot of time in here she could tell. She glanced over as the teacher spoke and rolled her eyes 'What idiocy' she thought when she mentioned the game and how it was sooo easy to get on her good side. When she announced that today would be a free day she set her stuff down beside a chair, grabbed some books on magic, and sat down to read, seeming to not care about anything other than learning more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Great TK (Takumi Kiyoshi) Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Kain Solomon Sparrow
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ImageTK grinned, following their teacher into the Maestro wing "Sweeeeeeeeet! Free time fun time." He bobbed his head his mismatched eyes gleaming and ducked suddenly, smoothly transferring his momentum to perform a half spin break dance move and kicking back onto his feet finishing with a pose. "OH YEAH! Extreme beat! Watch out!"

He blinked watching the girl that nearly took him out as she spoke with her violin like it was a real person. He grinned, game on. There where two things he was ace at and that was sick beats and women. "Lady luck got me at heartbreak." He murmured. He lowered his headphones and sat down backwards in a chair to watch her dance as the music in his head only magnified the awe he felt. This was going to be an ace year, he just knew it.

"Every Maestro in the school be showin' off in here but the only talent I see is you, no doubt." He commented, smiling his lady catcher's smile. TK didn't merely embrace stereotypes, he created them, he was the essence of what anyone would expect him to be.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Great TK (Takumi Kiyoshi) Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Kain Solomon Sparrow Character Portrait: [NPC] Ethan Maelus Acing
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Kain Sparrow

Forward, swing, back, twirl... As Kain continued his dance he could feel its magical effects take place over him. He could feel Sophie's music resonating with him, only enhancing the trance he felt from the dance, and even the....creativity flowing from TK. It was then that he stopped moving, stuck in a pose with his quarterstaff behind him in one hand. The amount of emotions that Kain could feel from TK, it was almost intoxicating; at least to someone like him. It was definitely strange; he had never felt such a wave like that from anyone anywhere, and now all of a sudden it made him stop his trance to calm his nerves. It seems that this adventure...will be a lot more interesting than I first thought. After his performance was done and his nerves slightly frayed, he decided to sit. It seemed that the furnishings were more...laxed, which was fine to him. If he had the option to be comfortable while sitting, it was all he could ask for after an emotional strength like that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Great TK (Takumi Kiyoshi) Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Kain Solomon Sparrow
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Image Takumi grinned, whisps of his vibrant hair clinging to his eyelashes. He leaned forward on the back of his chair casually causing it to balance on the back two legs. "For sure, babylove. You got skills to pay the bills."

He spoke in rhythm as if he where attempting to freestyle a poem to a beat only he could hear. He leaned back causing the chair to fall straight on all four legs with a snap then he leapt up to stand on it, posing once again like some sort of gangster he crossed his arms and squinted down at her. "Surely such a sweet beauty would do a duet with a star like me." The chair wobbled as he bobbed aggressively with his invisible beats. He hopped down and pulled his backpack off to unzip it and pull out a stereo. He crouched, fiddling with the buttons, it looked very different from typical stereos. It didn't have an ipod jack and had buttons with symbols neither of the other two would probably recognize. It was made specifically to channel the music that flowed from his mind. He looked up at her, for once not bobbing or tapping his feet to unperceived sound. He looked quite clear headed and his eyes glimmered with anticipation. "I could make your music breach souls."

He glanced over at the other student who'd been in there with them, Kain, and grinned. "You could join in if you'd like."