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Dire's School for Aspiring Hunters



a part of Dire's School for Aspiring Hunters, by Lord General.


Lord General holds sovereignty over Dire's, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Dire's is a part of Dire's School for Aspiring Hunters.

15 Characters Here

Kayha Bladeguard [29] Duty before Self.
Kichiro Ren [25] "In the end the weak fall and the strong survive. Power is absolute."
Anselm Ermenegilde [23] A blade is forged through fire, the warrior is forged through suffering. [WIP]
Sophia Rosendahl [21] "The flames dance to my music, and I dance to theirs."
Kain Solomon Sparrow [20] "Dragons bring sparks of life; I am here to show that they can also take those sparks away."
Ophilia Dire [18] She owns this school. And now she owns you.
[NPC] Jane Harbinger [17] "Fuck you, pay me."
Terry Collins [17] "Excuse me, move aside. I don't have time to dillydally."
Simon Dupont [16] "Enchantez"

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4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Jane Harbinger Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Kayha Bladeguard Character Portrait: Kichiro Ren
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As the groups were lead into the building, Patraeko's stares towards the white haired boy were broken. People simply got in the way, blocking his sight with the variety of different colours due to their ranged energy types. This is actually a great place to study more on individual energies, the only ones he could study were of the monsters he hunted with his guardian and the guardian's energy itself. Of course, out of everyone he's seen, his guardian's energy seemed to be the most powerful and controlled. With exception to the demonic energy that surrounded the white haired boy, a mixture of red and black which flowed into his body via the eyes and mouth. It seemed to be too much for a normal person to handle, even when trained to control their energy, which means it's not a natural thing...

With the colours confusing his sight, Patraeko decided to close his eye, relying on his cybernetic replacement as sight. Although he could only see in infra-red, it was still less confusing than the colours, while also giving a new insight into the nature of the other students.
After a small while of following the teacher, the group finally passed under an archway with an inscribed blunderbuss in the middle. Obviously symbolising the soldier's area of learning. Thinking of that, these kind of things made Patraeko feel a little out of place. Most students seemed to be carrying guns of some sort, with the exception of a few individuals who carried swords bigger than their body. A potential sparring partner?

With the group gathered around the single teacher, introductions made explaining the lack of any classes and the welcoming to use any equipment; Patraeko simply let his eye wonder, the dark blue vertical line which cut through the lighter blue background of the synthetic eye moved side to side, taking every detail it saw in. Using both the noises of the teacher and students and the heat radiated from the group as a vector to map the area. He was still waiting on his guardian to design a new eye which could see in the visible spectrum, infra-red was obviously showing it's flaws on the first day.

Once dismissed, Patraeko instantly moved his attention towards the quiet girl with giant swords. His eye still closed as the students leaved the area, he didn't want to confuse himself with the energy colours any further, it would be easier once there was less people in view. Standing in front of the girl, Patraeko pushed out his cybernetic arm as an invitation to a handshake. The dark blue line quickly faced the girl as it scanned the body in an attempt to determine the shape of the individual.
"Yo, I'm Patraeko Payemyndii. Since we have a free day, how about we get to know the area and perhaps begin honing our skills?" He spoke out, straight to the point with his deep voice. His Russian accent stood out very strongly as his fluent english words fell out of his mouth. He got the grammar and style right, it was just the accent which messed with the pronunciation.


11 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Great TK (Takumi Kiyoshi) Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Kain Solomon Sparrow Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: Ophilia Dire Character Portrait: Anselm Ermenegilde Character Portrait: Kayha Bladeguard Character Portrait: Kichiro Ren Character Portrait: Ragonalia Ashengritz Character Portrait: Terry Collins
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Ragonalia Ashengritz


When they arrived at the Acolyte private wing she looked around curiously at the hundreds of books she saw. She'd be spending a lot of time in here she could tell. She glanced over as the teacher spoke and rolled her eyes 'What idiocy' she thought when she mentioned the game and how it was sooo easy to get on her good side. When she announced that today would be a free day she set her stuff down beside a chair, grabbed some books on magic, and sat down to read, seeming to not care about anything other than learning more.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Great TK (Takumi Kiyoshi) Character Portrait: Kain Solomon Sparrow Character Portrait: [NPC] Ethan Maelus Acing
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Sophia Rosendahl
Sophia followed on through the building, humming happily to herself as she looked around the Maestro's wing and familiarized herself with each and every architectural detail - Sophia was a stickler for detail, she'd developed the habit of making a mental image of every room she entered ever since she'd been transferred to boarding school; her lessons were all so long and boring, what else was someone to do but count the number of tacks on the wall or how many pencils the teacher had in their pot.

"A free period?!" she chimed, looking at the teacher with wide, mischievous eyes before letting out a hearty, "Woop!" and twirling around on the spot, swinging her violin case in full range of anyone nearby, possibly hitting them also. Regardless of if she had hit someone or not, Sophia was too hyped up about having free-time to notice, "C'mon buddy, let's go find a spot to practice." Sophia pulled her violin case up into her arms once more, giving the exterior a gentle kiss before letting it swing by her side again as she skipped off through the classroom in search of a good enough spot to play her music.

After searching every inch of the room at least five times over, Sophia settled herself almost mid-center of the room, pulling up a stool from one of the easels to place her violin case down upon, exercising great caution as not to get any scrapes or scuffs on the leather. Once satisfied with the gentle handling of the case, Sophia would pop the clasps, lifting the lid with a deep sigh as the contents of the case slowly revealed itself, "Hello again my beautiful Inferno" Sophia picked up the bow and the violin from the case, placing the chin rest beneath her chin, her face automatically nuzzling into the space crafted specifically for her. Suddenly, Sophia seemed like a different person; she looked calm, collected and way, way too quiet, except of course for the slight buzz of violin strings as she lowered the bow down upon the neck of the Inferno, letting the thin hairs of the bow gently caress the strings for a moment before beginning her song.

As she played, Sophia couldn't help but dance around to her own tune. Her feet moved in a slow waltz pattern, eventually building up to wilder steps until she was eventually spinning on her tip-toes, as she did so sparks few from the strings and crashed down to the floor, erupting into flames about her as she spun, creating a tunnel of fire, encasing Sophia within though miraculously not singeing a single hair - Sophia has yet to reveal the secret of how she stayed so fireproof.

[She's playing Tchaikovsky - 1. Allegro moderato (Violin Concerto in D op.35), for anyone whose interested]


11 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Great TK (Takumi Kiyoshi) Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Kain Solomon Sparrow Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: Ophilia Dire Character Portrait: Anselm Ermenegilde Character Portrait: Kayha Bladeguard Character Portrait: Kichiro Ren Character Portrait: Ragonalia Ashengritz Character Portrait: Terry Collins
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Ragonalia Ashengritz


When they arrived at the Acolyte private wing she looked around curiously at the hundreds of books she saw. She'd be spending a lot of time in here she could tell. She glanced over as the teacher spoke and rolled her eyes 'What idiocy' she thought when she mentioned the game and how it was sooo easy to get on her good side. When she announced that today would be a free day she set her stuff down beside a chair, grabbed some books on magic, and sat down to read, seeming to not care about anything other than learning more.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Great TK (Takumi Kiyoshi) Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Kain Solomon Sparrow
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0.00 INK

ImageTK grinned, following their teacher into the Maestro wing "Sweeeeeeeeet! Free time fun time." He bobbed his head his mismatched eyes gleaming and ducked suddenly, smoothly transferring his momentum to perform a half spin break dance move and kicking back onto his feet finishing with a pose. "OH YEAH! Extreme beat! Watch out!"

He blinked watching the girl that nearly took him out as she spoke with her violin like it was a real person. He grinned, game on. There where two things he was ace at and that was sick beats and women. "Lady luck got me at heartbreak." He murmured. He lowered his headphones and sat down backwards in a chair to watch her dance as the music in his head only magnified the awe he felt. This was going to be an ace year, he just knew it.

"Every Maestro in the school be showin' off in here but the only talent I see is you, no doubt." He commented, smiling his lady catcher's smile. TK didn't merely embrace stereotypes, he created them, he was the essence of what anyone would expect him to be.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: [NPC] Pyra Morrigrin Character Portrait: Kichiro Ren Character Portrait: Ragonalia Ashengritz
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The Acolyte personal wing was just as Simon had imagined it, nearly wall to wall bookshelves that were no doubt overflowing with magical tomes and grimoires. He was also a bit perturbed by his new teacher, at first he thought she was just putting on an act but it seemed as though she was just like that. As someone with a strict adherence to etiquette he found her forward nature to be quite gaudy and unprofessional. He sighed to himself, his breath coming out in a short cloud of steam despite the fact that he was out of the cold, a byproduct of the magic he practiced.
Looking around the room, or rather labyrinth, he wondered if there were specialized areas for magic practice. He couldn't imagine a good outcome should some fire mage decide to show off their skills in what would quickly become the equivalent of a forest fire. Perhaps training could wait for later, after all there were still fellow students he had failed to introduce himself to.
He walked over to the white haired boy he had seen earlier. holding out his hand he made his introduction: "Good day sir, je m'appelle Simon Dupont. I hope we can be good friends or at the very least tolerable classmates".


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Jane Harbinger Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Anselm Ermenegilde Character Portrait: Kayha Bladeguard Character Portrait: Kichiro Ren
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If Flesh-Scribed excelled at anything other than physical aspects, it was perception. They listened intently, peered around carefully, and drank in their environment whenever possible. Of course, it had its practical reasons. A mistake in assuming safety could lead to a sudden and untimely death. The thought made her phantom eye itch uncomfortably. Following behind Harbinger in rigid step, Kayha scratched idly at the lower lid of her right eye. Prioritizing input mattered just as much. Deciding to tune out the voices of the students other than those following the path of the soldier, she kept her ears open, but focused on the architecture.

Six wings, but four paths. Curiosity gnawed at her. What lay down the other two? No time to find out just now. Her eyes briefly passed over the iconography of the other path wings. Blunderbuss, gear, half note, and flame. All things with an old essence, improved upon by time. Then again, monster hunting was equally as tied to that idea. Monster always had and always would hunt men, and men would always fight to their last breath to keep this world under their control. Blunderbuss to high-powered sniper rifle, simple gear to mighty tanks, wavering half note to sonic weaponry, crude flame to flamethrowers. Really, all quite apt.

Kayha's living eye gently passed over everyone, assigning them temporary values, her brain forcing rigid order into something as-of-yet nebulous and uncertain. Structure overlaid every part of her life up to this point, and having it all suddenly replaced with unknowns... unsettled her. She itched at the bottom of her false eye again and adjusted the way her swords lay on her back. Not having spoken to any of them herself, she tried to rate them purely on physical appearance, placing the cyborg somewhere near the top and the white-haired young man somewhere near the bottom. Her eyebrows twitched together ever so slightly. These first days... would be full of strange conflicts and showmanship.

The small caravan train of students and teacher came to an abrupt stop. The Flesh-Scribed came to almost as sudden a stop, crisply straightening up. Listening intently to Harbinger's words, she nodded internally. Of course, an orientation day. Smart. It gave time for preliminary hierarchies to form. Keeping beasts captive - most likely monsters - she didn't agree with. Not because Kayha felt bad for enslaved creatures, but simply because they belonged in the ground rather than on it.

A voice snapped her out of her thoughts. Both eyes turned to lock on the speaker before she turned. The cyborg. Blinking slowly, she willed her gem eye into activating. The strangeness of having binocular vision threw her off for a few seconds, and Kayha lifted her arms out ever so slightly to keep her balance under the assault. The pale blue of her aquamarine iris glowed with a soft inner light. Perhaps here, away from all the many, many mages of The Inquisition, its sensitivity to magical energy wouldn't bother her.

Reaching out, she took the cyborg's hand in one of her gloved ones and gave a single, incredibly firm shake. The leather of her glove squeaked a little as she did so. Patraeko's name bounced around in her head, refusing to sit well in her English-primary mind. For one of the first times, she was glad she didn't actually have to say it out loud. Her hands began in the familiar sign of her home, but she caught herself this time and re-started in the common sign. "I am Kayha Bladeguard. That's a good idea. Training facilities and sleeping quarters are probably most important to find first."

Anticipating possible difficulty, the warrior paused for a moment. Reaching into one of the pockets on her waist-length, dark jacket, she fumbled around for something she'd made just for this occasion. Grappling it while wearing gloves was harder than she expected, but after a moment she fished out a small white card. Printed in plain black text on the small piece of cardstock were the words, "I am Kayha Bladeguard. I am mute." She handed it over to Patraeko and awaited his response.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Great TK (Takumi Kiyoshi) Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Kain Solomon Sparrow Character Portrait: [NPC] Ethan Maelus Acing
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0.00 INK

Kain Sparrow

Forward, swing, back, twirl... As Kain continued his dance he could feel its magical effects take place over him. He could feel Sophie's music resonating with him, only enhancing the trance he felt from the dance, and even the....creativity flowing from TK. It was then that he stopped moving, stuck in a pose with his quarterstaff behind him in one hand. The amount of emotions that Kain could feel from TK, it was almost intoxicating; at least to someone like him. It was definitely strange; he had never felt such a wave like that from anyone anywhere, and now all of a sudden it made him stop his trance to calm his nerves. It seems that this adventure...will be a lot more interesting than I first thought. After his performance was done and his nerves slightly frayed, he decided to sit. It seemed that the furnishings were more...laxed, which was fine to him. If he had the option to be comfortable while sitting, it was all he could ask for after an emotional strength like that.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Great TK (Takumi Kiyoshi)
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Sophia RosendahlImage
The song only lasted around a minute or so - Sophia always seemed to get over excited with what she was doing and would tend to pick a high, fast paced song which she could easily play in a short amount of time, plus she became distracted once she heard a voice from outside her shell of fire and thus couldn't continue her flashy song and dance any longer due to her concentration breaking. Sophia slowed down her spin, the notes of her violin becoming softer until dying out completely, finishing with a quick flourish, "Awesome.." Sophia purred to herself and her violin, before then lowering the violin from her neck and gently laying it down in it's bed of soft velvet as though it were a human baby.

"Every Maestro in the school be showin' off in here but the only talent I see is you, no doubt." the same voice from earlier struck Sophia's ears, and she turned to see a very colourfully dressed man sat nearby to where she had been playing. Sophia closed the clasps on her violin case and picked it up with ease, "You really think so?!" she squealed, practically twirling again as she turned to face him, clearly excited again to have been told she has potential, or at least that's what she heard.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Kayha Bladeguard
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Patraeko smiled a little as the girl shook his hand. He may not feel it, but the sound of squeaking leather was oddly satisfying. From the sound of the area around the two, the other students seemed to have left the area as heat signatures depleted. This allowed Patraeko to open his biological eye, revealing the red iris and strangely shaped pupil as it stood out strongly when compared to both the blue cybernetic eyepiece and the rest of his facial features. As the pupil changed size to cope with the sunlight, it's strange double zig-zag shape could easily be defined when studied closely.

Finally, Patraeko could take in yet another energy signature as the girl seemed to move her hands around strangely. This girl's energy seemed controlled, a bit too controlled for someone who's a student. It was white or colourless, a colour which individuals with no magical ability shows. However, it seemed to have a greenish-purple tinge around the outside, acting as some kind of membrane which held the life energy in the body. Strange, Patraeko had never come across something like that. What makes it even more weird is that no energy was leaving or entering the body, the former makes sense due to no magic. But the lesser, that's strange. How can some strange magical membrane exist when no energy is leaving or entering? It could be yet another manifestation of The Will... Or something else.

With Patraeko's strange expression from both the weird hand movements and the strange energy colours, a small white card was held out to him, rotated enough to allow him to read what was written; "I am Kayha Bladeguard. I am mute."
That makes sense, the hand movements were sign language. It's best not to question this thing, since it could be some traumatic experience or religious belief.

"Ah, I see. I don't understand sign. Did you want to explore? Or hone our skills?"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Jane Harbinger Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Anselm Ermenegilde Character Portrait: Kayha Bladeguard
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Anselm followed thinking about the weird guy with the colorful hair. No way was that guy human, it had to be crappiest act he's ever seen. "Nobody is that stupid... right?" He thinks to himself. in and looked around at his surroundings, first looking to the firing range. He took off his hat and put it to his chest looking astounded for a moment, to him it beat the hell out of some straw dummies and a dusty old shed. This was above satisfactory. His dumbfounded look turns to a grin when he hears Ms. Harbinger speak of live targets. There's something he's lacked back home, aside from that vampire freak of a mayor he didn't have much else to hunt.

"Now... that is tempt'n, Ms. Harbinger, now, wouldn' imagine that there would be... mmm... how shud I say? Live hunts wit' stakes involved would there, now?" He says enthusiastically, raising a brow curiously. He wasn't trying to impress anyone, he could care less what the others think, he desired a live hunt, a thrill.

He looks back to the cyborg and woman with giant swords, seeing her making hand signs and the cyborg being completely oblivious to what she was trying to say, robot-man repeating his question to her. He sighs and scratches the back of his neck. "Ey, Mr. Roboto, think she'd like t' check f'th' trainin' and sleepin' places." He mutters, scoffing and looking off rapping his fingers against the top of his hat. "Didn' they teach ya this shit..?" Muttering further, this time under his breath. He went to a normal school prior to his accident, he was actually surprised somebody so high-tech looking as this guy lacked something that seemed like basic knowledge.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Great TK (Takumi Kiyoshi) Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Kain Solomon Sparrow
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Image Takumi grinned, whisps of his vibrant hair clinging to his eyelashes. He leaned forward on the back of his chair casually causing it to balance on the back two legs. "For sure, babylove. You got skills to pay the bills."

He spoke in rhythm as if he where attempting to freestyle a poem to a beat only he could hear. He leaned back causing the chair to fall straight on all four legs with a snap then he leapt up to stand on it, posing once again like some sort of gangster he crossed his arms and squinted down at her. "Surely such a sweet beauty would do a duet with a star like me." The chair wobbled as he bobbed aggressively with his invisible beats. He hopped down and pulled his backpack off to unzip it and pull out a stereo. He crouched, fiddling with the buttons, it looked very different from typical stereos. It didn't have an ipod jack and had buttons with symbols neither of the other two would probably recognize. It was made specifically to channel the music that flowed from his mind. He looked up at her, for once not bobbing or tapping his feet to unperceived sound. He looked quite clear headed and his eyes glimmered with anticipation. "I could make your music breach souls."

He glanced over at the other student who'd been in there with them, Kain, and grinned. "You could join in if you'd like."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Great TK (Takumi Kiyoshi) Character Portrait: Sophia Rosendahl Character Portrait: Kain Solomon Sparrow Character Portrait: [NPC] Ethan Maelus Acing
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Kain Sparrow

Kain looked up from his nauseated state, recovering quickly from the sickening waves of energy and emotion that he felt. "Who, me?" He asked, looking at the same source of that emotion he came into contact with earlier with a quizzical glance. "I'm fine, thanks. I prefer to practice on my own. Although I have no doubt that your capabilities as a Maestro could create quite a lot of magic in a duet."

With that, Kain went back to relaxing in his chair. This was quite a lot to take in, between the various personalities and even the building around him. This was going to be his life now. Kain gripped his quarterstaff, and with a solemn, gentle touch from him it shifted until it formed into a spear. In this sort of life...I'll have great use for you... he thought to himself.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Anselm Ermenegilde Character Portrait: Kayha Bladeguard
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Of course. Expecting someone outside of her people to know sign was perhaps too hopeful. That confused look, something that reminded her of a lost animal, told her that he didn't understand before he said anything. Luckily, most of the Flesh-Scribed like to play charades every now and then. Charades and poker, actually. Sighing quietly, she rolled her shoulders back and prepared to think of the best way to get her point across. Bringing her hands in front of herself, she formed her hands into a crude pistol shape.

Tilting her head at a different voice, her blue eyes slid toward the source. Ah, the one she'd stood behind before. She had to look down slightly at him due to the difference in their height. Crossing her arms over her chest while he spoke, she looked between him and Patraeko. All the mention of the cyborg's robots seemed like he wanted to pick a fight. Or maybe he was just blunt and didn't spend time to think of the way his words would come across.

Kayha uncrossed her arms and started to sign, this time to the rough-voiced younger man. "You can understand my sign? Her usually stone-still face twitched, her mouth curving into a tiny smile at the edges of her lips. "It would be refreshing."


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Great TK (Takumi Kiyoshi) Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: [NPC] Pyra Morrigrin Character Portrait: Kichiro Ren Character Portrait: Ragonalia Ashengritz
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Okay now the cyborg guy was beginning to make Kichiro feel uncomfortable. Why did he keep staring at him? He found it impossible to make eye contact, only briefly looking his way to check if he was still staring from time to time. "Does he have some sick thing for me or something??" He thought to himself, completely unaware of the real reason. Thankfully people got in the way of his gaze and Kichi felt much more comfortable, following behind his teacher he glanced back one more time.

As he was walking however he could hear some sort of 90s beat? What in the holy hell- Looking back one more time out of curiosity he noticed a colourful male talking in rhyme. "Oh god." He thought as he gave the man a disgusted look as he cringed before quickly following after the Acolyte teacher.

Finally arriving at the Acolyte private wing, Kichiro couldn't help but stare in awe at the horde of books surrounding them. His eyes lit up, beaming with happiness like a little kid in a toy shop. It would be kind of weird seeing Kichiro so happy. Probably the happiest he had ever been in his whole life. He ignored the teacher's words unintentionally; something about good side, spells, chocolate blah blah.

A voice pulled him out of his day dream however and Kichiro turned to see who it was; his happy facial expression quickly changing back to normal out of embarrassment, realising how he must have looked just now. Kichiro looked down at the male's hand, then back up at him. Kichiro was so socially awkward, he wasn't used to people ever approaching him to talk or even approach him in general. Hesitantly Kichiro grabbed the male's hand, his grip a bit weak out of nervousness with the whole shit need to make a good impression thought looming over his mind. "All I got out of that was Simon so I'll call you Simon." His honesty and blunt attitude sometimes wasn't the best at helping with making good first impressions, he failed to realise this. "Um.. I'm Kichiro Ren, you can call me Kichi if you want." Good friends huh? Kichiro forgot what it was like to have a friend. Releasing the man's hand, his thoughts trailed off for a moment as he muttered something to himself. "Hm yes that would be. Nice." Kichi felt weird even using the word nice; when was the last time he ever even thought of the word? God he felt so awkward. He didn't know how to interact nicely with others. Feeling as though it had been silent for hours when it was only half a minute he forced himself to say something. "Sooo... This place seems. Pleasant." His eyes shifted to look around the room, making eye contact would probably cause him to feel more uncomfortable and he'd just make a bigger fool of himself.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Anselm Ermenegilde Character Portrait: Kayha Bladeguard
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0.00 INK

Kayha seemed to be thinking about something for a small moment, taking this into advantage, Patraeko stared more into her energy. He looked hard into the strange green-purple mix which encased the colourless life energy, there has to be a reason for this. Energy can't just be membranous like that, there must be some kind of external influence, something on her body? No, if it was, he'd see the flow of energy from the item into the body. It must be some kind of spell, something designed to keep things in check, or perhaps something to allow the usage of magic.

Instead of staring into the body, Patraeko took a glance at her face. A pretty girl if you disregard the scar, but scars can also be attractive, in Patraeko's eye of course, must be due to the fact that he is also permanently scarred on a larger scale... Wait, there seems to be more colouring within in the scarring, a blue colour. Does this symbolise something else? It's got to be something, as if an item was put in the eye socket to replace a real eye...

Suddenly, another voice broke the short silence, the small reaction of Kayha gave off the position of the speaker. Turning his body slightly to bring the new speaker into view, Patraeko could see the next set of colours. Yet another strange mixture, but it was something he was well aware of;
Dull red life energy with some strange purple energy mixing around with it. The sight seemed tiring for the man, the two energies seemed to be in equal amounts, constantly moving, engulfing and rejecting each other as they danced around inside the body. With this fighting going on, one would suspect that it would be self-controlled. Instead, it was more chaotic than any monster Patraeko had studied. The energies were easily spilling into the environment as uncontrolled levels poured through the body to the arms, making a strange bladed cross shape, obviously knives.

No matter how amazed Patraeko was to see the rare curse-like poison in real life, he was also very irritated. Someone had interrupted him. As the man spoke out more, effectively insulting 'Mr. Roboto', he was met with a reply of a single-eyed glare. A strange look on someone who's glowing blue robotic eye stayed wide open, the dark blue line moving side to side as it continued surveying the surrounding while the other eye glared deep. There was some kind of message in this glare, something that read "No one asked you." and "Get lost before I punch you in the throat" at the same time as the stare continued.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Great TK (Takumi Kiyoshi)
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Sophia RosendahlImage
As soon as she heard the word 'duet' Sophia's eyes lit up, and all she could think of were the possibilities of mixing her violin with..whatever it was the colourful man had - her eyes searched up and down his body, looking for his weapon of choice. Suddenly her eyes grew bigger, bigger than before, Sophia watched as the colourful man pulled a stereo from his rucksack, her hands shook in excitement. Sophia's excitement grew until she couldn't hold back any longer, the violin case was placed down and opened wide in a meer few seconds, the violin within still buzzed with warmth as Sophia picked it up by the neck, a few sparks still bouncing off from the strings. Sophia waited for TK to lead off with the music, giving him a nod to cue him in as she positioned the violin upon her shoulder and nuzzled her neck into the provided neckrest, she took a deep breath to help sturdy herself and closed her eyes. As the beat started up Sophia played a short few notes which echoed around the room, a smirk beginning to spread across her lips as she felt her arm move automatically, dragging the bow against the violin strings. Together Sophia and TK's instruments made for a rather loud yet strangely co-ordinated duet that Sophia could only describe as 'extreme awesomeness'.

{The song they are playing is this}


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Anselm Ermenegilde Character Portrait: Kayha Bladeguard
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Anselm was somewhat surprised Kayha had even acknowledged his existence. She had struck him as the most aloof of the group. It was somewhat... refreshing to be appreciated, even if it was for a skill he learned in school. He watches her hand signs and scratches the back of his head. "Eh, well, I suppose I understand enough, an' fill 'n the rest based on... y'know, context." He says. "I'd be in'rested in checkin' those places too, maybe see a dem'stration of each of ya's skills too s'time." He spoke a bit more respectfully, based on the reaction of the two he figured she was the more skilled.

"Name's Anselm Ermenegilde by th'way. Kayha, right?" He says, though he feels a piercing gaze from the other one. He takes a dull side glance at him, the cyborg. He's not sure what the deal is with this guy, he was just sort of... awkwardly ogling her for a while it seemed. Doesn't he know how creepy he's being? Not like Anselm was one to talk. He was actually somewhat... disappointed that he managed to rile this guy so easily. He had figured him to be more unflappable given his augments.

He sighs putting his hands in his coat pockets, "Eh... jus'figured I'd get t'know who I'd be workin'wit." He says, trying to break the awkwardness that was becoming somewhat... irritating... or was that the pills wearing off? "They say I need t'be more... social... or sumthin'."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Anselm Ermenegilde Character Portrait: Kayha Bladeguard
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Anselm? And again, another name she was glad to not have to pronounce. A last name instead of a full name this time. Her mind churned away at trying to place what area of the world that might have come from. His accent eluded her as well, to her irritation. At least the cyborg was obviously Russian. In the end it didn't matter, but she still cared. After all, she wanted to make a good impression. People like it when other people know things about them, right? Meanwhile, she hadn't noticed Patraeko's strange expression. "I did not expect someone outside of-," the tall woman paused for a moment. "My home, to know sign." she finished after a bit.

"The first part to creating a cohesive squad is social interaction," she signed quickly in response to Anselm's comment. "If you can't trust the person at your back, you'll end up on it." Her eyebrows twitched together a fraction. A sign hovered, half-formed, on her fingers for a moment. The physical equivalent of an awkward 'um.' "By that I mean dead. Or maybe wishing you were dead. Depends on what happens." Her aquamarine-and-jet eye glowed in support of her silent statements. Its hard facets gleamed a little, still wet from the rain outside. She rolled one of her shoulders, shifting the weight of one of her incredibly large swords.

Kayha reached out to shake Anselm's hand with her dominant, left, hand. Her mouth cracked just a little wider - not a smile, but not condescending like a smirk. Reserved excitement, perhaps? Maybe I should show off a little. She doubted that they'd ever met a Flesh-Scribed before, and she'd never met any other kinds of hunters. The part of her mind intrigued by puzzles and knowledge kicked into gear, curious about what exactly her new compatriots would bring to the table when all the chips were down.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: Kichiro Ren Character Portrait: Ragonalia Ashengritz
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Simon was a bit surprised by Kichi's returned greeting. He had half expected the white haired young man to simply blow him off based on his earlier sarcasm. Simon took a moment to reflect on the irony that he had judged a book by it's cover despite his surroundings. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance Kichi. I agree, this place does seem very pleasant, although I do hope their is a separate area for magic practice, it would be a shame if some students accidentally set the room on fire, or possibly worse."
Simon inhaled slightly, taking in the library and feeling very at home, and glad that he had decided to take the Acolyte path instead of that of the Solider.
"Kichi, if you don't mind my asking, what sort of magic do you practice?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: Kichiro Ren
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Simon made a good point about students possibly setting the library of books on fire by accident. He was curious about where this separate area for magic practice might be; surely they would have a separate place. Kichi simply nodded in reply, gesturing his agreement with Simon's words.

Simon seemed quite relaxed and comfortable; Kichi couldn't understand that, how others could just casually talk to one another so confidently and calmly. Perhaps Kichi was far too cautious to really open up to others. He was suddenly asked what sort of magic he practiced. Kichiro grinned but when he thought more about his magic, it wavered before fading to a blank facial expression. "I've learned mainly electrokinesis but what I've created is different.." He was proud of the spell and the category the magic he created fell into. Kichiro was tempted to share his blood magic spell but at the same time he was worried about what opinion Simon might have of him. Kichi remembered that dark magic wasn't very recommended and quite shunned really. And he wasn't sure if he wanted to use Simon or not yet so good first impressions were important.

"What sort do you practice, Simon?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Simon Dupont Character Portrait: Kichiro Ren Character Portrait: Ragonalia Ashengritz
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Simon was a bit curious on what Kichi meant by "different" but decided not to pry as he sensed a reason for his trailing off. He'll probably tell me when he's ready anyway, Simon thought to himself.
When Kichi asked him what type magic he practiced, Simon answered gladly "I've long studied Cryokinesis, like your Electrokinesis but with ice. Whatever I can't use it on, my old friend here typically handles" He finishes, patting his rapier at his hip. "You know I almost took the solider class instead? I think I've made the right choice however, this seems to be much more refined... excluding our very forward instructor that is."
As he waited for Kichi's response, he couldn't help but notice the other girl, it seemed that white hair was rather popular among acolytes and he felt his dark brown hair was somehow out of place. She seemed to have also found a new sort of home and appeared to be avidly reading through a large stack of books. Probably best not to bother her, he thought.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Anselm Ermenegilde Character Portrait: Kayha Bladeguard
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As the small conversation between the two continued on, Patraeko simply stood in one spot, awkward. Kayha seemed to be enjoying herself, signing away at the chaotic-energy guy who calls himself Anselm, who also had something going on with his speech. Those two really do get along, no one could understand a word either of them could speak. Although, this isn't helping Patraeko out, it's a good thing Anselm also seemed to be a bladed fighter.

"So, Speech impediment," Patraeko spoke out towards Anselm, directing the insults back towards him with a small hospitable smile. "My apologies, not only did I react in a violent manner towards your appearance, you're energy seemed wrong. But," He mumbled his last words about energy before raising his voice once more in a bold tone as his body straightened up, his accent caused his words to come out even bolder, "I may need to ask you to translate, we fellow soldiers need to communicate, after all."

He then turned to Kayha, his small smile still existed on his face as the dark blue pseudo-pupil moved side to side as usual, "My apologies for not understanding. I should learn your signs."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Anselm Ermenegilde Character Portrait: Kayha Bladeguard
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Anselm looks at Kayha's hand, he didn't expect such a warm greeting, he was expecting to be decked a few times at this point... or decked somebody else. Not like he'd feel it much either way. He goes ahead and shakes her hand cracking an awkward smile, a wonder he can even do that with the scar through his face. Probably explaining his slurred speech topped his accent. "Yeah... I g'esso, like th' old guys say, stand 'nited, divided be d'feated... sumt'n like that."

He then heard the cyborg make a comment of his speech, his right eye twitches slightly but he shrugs it off. How does this guy even talk so well? Much of his original body is like... gone. Then again, admittedly it is some impressive cybernetics, something Anselm had never seen aside from movies. He was not being sarcastic there. Then he hears him suggesting that he acts as a translator for Kayha. He scratches the side of his face, it wasn't like it could hurt but this Patraeko guy at first wanted to knock Anselm on his ass, now was apologizing and asking for his assistance... and something about energy. He shrugs, wasn't really like it could hurt regardless. "Huh... well, sure. S'pose it wouldn' be a problem."