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Jackie White

"Keep your eyes open, legs apart Come on!" WIP

0 · 460 views · located in California

a character in “Dodgeball: How Not to Get Hit In The Face 101”, as played by Check Mate




Full Name:
Jackie White

Preferred Name:
"Makes perfect sense."

Asian // Australian
"Got this hot accent? Makes me seem exotic."

Birth Date:
October 15
"Remember it."

"Young and free!"

"Not going to deny myself~"



"Yo, I could probably out dance you."

Distinguishing Marks:
Jackie has a tattoo trailing along her back towards her hip, and words ink her wrist along with a few on her neck. On her ears, she has the usual piercings and a two on her ear lobe, they are new due to her new sense of freedom.

Jackie is very fit and quite the eye catcher due to her demeanor, her appearance, and her voice. Her accent being australian, and her personality being very cheerful, she often allures people in. Along with that her body is fit, from constant dancing and training for the dodge ball. She knows how to move, and groove with her gentle curvious body, and lean muscle. But this is usually a surprise with her muscle, due to her loose wardrobe. Jackie usually appears thin and.. "weak" until people see her drop a beat and dance for hours.

Her facial features are exotic, being part white and part korean. Her skin is milky white, due to her Asian heritage- with her button nose. Her australian blood blesses her with full lips and amber hair along with her rare height of 5'7. [MORE TBA]



Optimistic | Analytical | Curious | Carefree | Caring | Leader

Jackie is independent, friendly, humorous, caring and kind. She comes off as naive and rather clueless, which is at odds with her exceptionally high marks in school. She has a tendency to study well, despite her bubbly "idiotic" personality. This is due to her past major of the medical field and her parents dream for her to be a doctor. Being studious and a "try hard" became a nature for her, thus she gets things rather quickly. She has an over-active imagination and gets carried away thinking of her own desires, for instance winning championships or being recruited. This causes her to be hopeful, and optimistic of her and her team's future. She believes everyone that has a good heart has hope and a chance, even if that person is the most annoying person in the world. So she has an unusual kindness for many strangers, sometimes people mistake it for taunting because shes that friendly.

But Jackie is usually completely genuine, and could be called.. brutly blunt and honest. "Honesty is the best policy" She always says, living by that line. And Jackie will stand down for her believes, easily defending strangers who are being picked on- especially for her friends. She finds lying hurtful, and unefficent, wanting people to know the truth. Which sounds rather cruel, but because of this, she finds the best characteristics of people. She accepts the flaws, sees the blessings and jackie truly appreciates every little detail! She'll point it out and make sure the person knows.

She will lecture and comfort her friends, and team members, like a mother figure. Always looking for her friends best chances, wanting the best for them. But this selfless inside, is always hidden under her apparent naivitiy, bubbliness, chattiness, flirtatiousness and constant humor even during "serious" situations. Jackie is often seen pestering, chatting away, dancing randomly, or just piggy backing her best friends. You could compare her to a dog, a dump puppy in these moments that will continue to follow and love even if she was called dumb or pushed away- shes very affectionate.

But dont give this a reason for you to mess with her or her friends, that puppy will easily turn to a guard dog with great fangs. She'll snap and become scary- serious, and everything opposite then her usual self. Her facial features change, from optimistic to seriousness. This is unsual since many dont find a reason to pick with her or her friends, but its a warning for all.

Now despite her surprising intelligence, some people wonder how she claims the position of leader. It mainly revolves around her independence and optimism.. but mainly her out of character genius. She has eyes of hawks, noticing the littlest things, even if it is in a stressful situation, she will force her mind to run. She is just full of surprises, being rather strong and fast.. both agile and genius- thus her usual title "Jack of the cards." and her nickname, jack. [More will be added, but this is complete for now]

The Captain
"You can call me Cap Jack~"

Performing Arts (Ex. Medical)
"I didn't want to follow another dream, I now follow my own."



Relationship Status:
"You mean forever available?"

Family and Friends:
"I love em all~"

Known Languages:
Korean // English // French
"Hm? I find intelligence sexy."


So begins...

Jackie White's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sage Emerson Character Portrait: Claire Malatinszky Character Portrait: Jackie White Character Portrait: Tiffany Mason Character Portrait: Danny Jacobs Character Portrait: Nathaniel Elkins
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Greek Fire: Top of the World

Nathan was rushing to get dressed before he was late for his class. He hopped from the bathroom with toothbrush in mouth wrestling to pull his jeans up while his shirt hung around his shoulder. Finally getting his clothes on, Nathan sat on his messy bed pulling on his boots tying them loosely when he felt a pawing at his back. He turned to see Millie, his little adorable kitten who jumped on his shoulder and nuzzled his chin as she purred. " Hello my beautiful~ " Millie only purred again and stared at him as if she understood what he was saying. Her tail flicked before she jumped off and Nathan got to his feet and poured his adorable little girl some cat food. Nathan lived in an apartment literally right across the street from the campus, for an odd reason he just didn't want to live on campus it just wasn't something he liked.

Nathan checked his pockets making sure he had his keys, phone and wallet on him, he slipped his earbuds in as he ran over to the bathroom quickly making his signature hairstyle with his styling paste before he grabbed his skateboard and headed out the door with a goodbye to Millie. Skating fast down the sunny street made Nathan feel alive. The wind through his hair and taking any and every chance he got to grind off the benches and anything he could do a trick off. Stopping at the local coffee shop, Nathan quickly ran inside, flirted with the girl over the counter and got himself lavender milk tea with two spoonfuls of honey. He also got himself a breakfast bagel which he ate as he skated the short distance to campus. The lad got to class just in time, he was the second to last kid to get into the room but he still made it. Collapsing in the computer chair by the window he sighed and caught his breathe then smiled to himself, a smile of victory. Fuck yeah! I made it!

The classes went by fast ending with Nathan falling asleep in his last one. His teacher was the one who woke him up with a slap to the back of his head with a balled up newspaper. The students that were still rushing to leave took time to laugh at Nathan but he brushed it off and sheepishly smiled at his teacher as he scratched the back of his head. As his professor turned around Nathan already knew what was going to happen, whole lecture about falling asleep in class and all that other good crap. Quickly packing his stuff up, he ran out the room with a big grin on his face as his teacher yell his name from behind. Nathan got on his board and cruised the rest of the way passing rooms. 230B, 231B . . . There we go 232B! Nathan pulled into the room already seeing everyone else there, he smiled and waved as his board came to a slow stop in front of them but there was something off, everyone was quiet and surrounding someone, he couldn't quiet see who it was because everyone was crowding them. Swiftly kicking up his board Nathan snaked his way through to see that it was Sage and he looked pretty roughed up.

Nathan took a quick second to inspect him before, he knew who done this and if he was right then they should be on their way to this building right about now. With an angry huff Nathan ran out the door and looked up and down the hall until he heard the guys voice, Darren that damn Lacrosse player who thinks he's so much better than everyone else because he's good at catching a ball with a damn bloody stick with string wrapped around it. Darren was turning the corner down the hall when Nathan locked his eyes on his target, his nostrils flared angrily as he sped walked towards him, fists balled and teeth gritting. Darren and his friends didn't know what hit them, Nathan cocked back his fist as soon as he was close enough and swung hitting the wanker right in the nose. Darren's friends all backed up shocked at the sudden attack but Nathan shot them a death glare threatening them, if they dared to interfere he was going to do worse to them. The two other guys took the hint and stayed back, one ran though out of fright or going to get a teacher but Nathan didn't care.

He sat on top of Darren and held him by the collar of his shirt and swung punching him in the face again. Darren wasn't going to just himself get hit so he managed to flip Nathan over and get a couple of punches in but Nathan used his strength to his advantage and beat the crap out of Darren until his knuckles burned. After the whole 6 minute scrummage Nathan stood up spitting blood onto the floor panting, his buff chest rising and falling rapidly. Grabbing Darren by the collar of his shirt he picked the semi conscious asshole off the floor and shoved him towards his friends. "Don't ever put your bloody filthy hands on my friends again Fuck Face."

Turning around to face his friends, Nathan took off his bloody shirt and coolly wiped the blood off his lip before giving them a nod of reassurance. " If he ever touches you again Sage, tell me I'll make sure to fuck him up worse next time."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sage Emerson Character Portrait: Claire Malatinszky Character Portrait: Jackie White Character Portrait: Tiffany Mason Character Portrait: Danny Jacobs Character Portrait: Nathaniel Elkins
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Her body moved to the groove and beat of the music, she felt her body need to shift surge through out her body as the rythem got faster. Dancing was her love and life, anything to do with the arts she had a passion for, when she danced she lost her sense of reality. She moved according to how the song went and how the song told her to. Only her body complied with ease, so when the end drew near in a power beat, she followed obediently.
As the last note lingered in the air, she leaned against her knees, her body exhausted but her mind buzzed. She needed to snap back to reality-

"Nice foot work Jackie!" Said girl glanced up, her body covered in a light sheen of sweat as she panted heavily, "Thanks Coach, but it really wasnt that great" She grinned, as she turned down her tune but her teacher quickly retorted. "No m serious Jackie, if you work hard like this throughout the year, I think you can make it somewhere." With a nice slap on the back, he left her grinning like a mad man. 'Hear that dad, mom?' Your girl is going far' She would have danced even more at the idea, but seeing how the class left, she knew she had too. 'Besides room 232B..'
How could she forget? Running quickly to the lockers, she washed up a bit so she didnt smell like the gym room. 'ugh' She slipped on some tight jeans, a grey midriff that said "Dancing is love." along with an forest green jacket, and disappeared towards the hallways.

[i]'They're probably all there. but well nothing too new with that.'
Jackie rolled her eyes, as she dodged the students in the hallway with some noticeable skill. While she ran from the art department, she began to zone out.. Questions arised in her mind, one being the most particular, how did she get to know these people anyways?
They all seemed they would be from other cliques, groups, etc however they all seemed to belong with one another somehow. But despite the question in mind, the answer was easy, 'Dodgeball'. Thats what brought them together, and god damn she was lucky for it. Taking a sharp turn, she skidded to a stop near room 232B. From what she hears it seemed like most if not all the members were there, 'Fashionable late Ill say.'

Opening the door, her face held its usually beam, as she chirped 'Ello~' Her aussie accent apparent. But her beam slowly dimmed down, as she immediately felt the mood. Her sharp eyes scanned the room quickly, before noticing the messed up Sage. Her lips tightened into a frown, while losing her bright mood. Remaining silent, since she refused to curse a storm on such a good day, she left the room and returned quietly with a bag of ice along with a cup of water. How she got those items so fast was a mystery, but no could deny Jack's motherly instinct when it came to her loved ones. And for sage well, he was like a big giant harmless giant she always pestered out of love, maybe you could say she viewed him as a brother. So to see him like this.. well it was painful. "Sage I dont know what happened.." Jackie breathed, trying to remain calm, "but you shouldnt let that swell." She stepped by the others, before placing the bag and cup on the table. "and jeez.." She reached out, patting his hair down gently and fixing his shirt.. she eyed him.. Its.. better.

Taking a step back, Jackie glanced at the others, noticing their concerns. It warmed her heart considerable, but she was a little too pissed for hugs and cuddles. She noticed nathan's beaten face as well, she could assume that the bully was delt with, but she sighed, "If this keeps happening, we might be in the nurses rather then the court." She crossed her arms, genuinely concerned and serious which was surprisingly rare when it came to Jackie, since she was usually the cheerful, hyperactive, caffeine fed birdie in the group. "Sage.. does it still hurt a lot?" Maybe she should get some painkillers.. her eyes came across Nico's blood.. Tissues too maybe?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sage Emerson Character Portrait: Claire Malatinszky Character Portrait: Jackie White Character Portrait: Tiffany Mason Character Portrait: Danny Jacobs Character Portrait: Nathaniel Elkins
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The fact that he actually wasn't the last one to practice was something that would have surprised Danny, normally. It was no doubt he was generally always late and Sage (ever perfectly punctual) was always early. Unfortunately there wasn't any time to be proud of his timeliness. Instead, he was distracted by Sage.

A slightly disheveled (normalish), tired (normalish), developing a black eye, Sage. (The last was, more or less, definitely not normal). His jaw clinched, a familiar tick sliding through it like it always did when he was pissed. Sage's hands moved, signing out a question, which only caused Danny to snort. “No everything is not fucking okay. What the hell happened?”

He didn't get an answer though. Claire was coming into the room next, face painted with concern as she approached, letting go of her usual greeting to ask if everything was okay. Before the door was even completely shut, Tiffany was coming in next.

She sounded happy, at least, and Danny threw a look over his shoulder just in time to see a friendly smile that he returned, albeit tightly. Sage didn't get picked on a lot. Sure, it happened, but the kid stuck to himself so much there really wasn't a reason to dislike him. Unless you were a douschebag. Which a lot of people were. Danny had kind of hoped that ship would sail after highschool but, alas, not so much.

Nathan rolled in next, literally, with a grin on his face that could light up the whole room but...not today. Danny sighed, because he knew what was coming, and pushed his glasses up on his nose as Nathan's expression switched from cheerful to as pissed as Danny himself felt in one smooth notion. “Nate-”

But Nathaniel was already moving. Danny cursed under his breath, threw his backpack onto one of the bleachers, and took over after the older boy as he left the gym completely. The hallways were mostly empty, but of course the lacrosse team was hanging around. Danny didn't make it, of course, Nathan was throwing punches by the time he reached the doorway.

It was six minutes, maybe. Nathan and Darren (who, Danny was nearly positive, was the cause of Sage's black eye) went at it, rolling across the floor. Two other guys looked like they were about to intervene but Danny just raised an eyebrow, made a show of pushing his sleeves up. “Really?”

They didn't move. Except for one who took off – rather to plead innocence or get a teacher, Danny wasn't sure. But ninety percent of the coaches would just continue to let them fight it out, honestly. Anyway, eventually they were walking back to their friends. Nathan looked a little worse for ware but not nearly as bad as the other guys.

“You get kicked off this team, Nate, and I'll skin you alive,” Danny grumbled under his breath, pushing his glasses up his nose, but he couldn't be mad. Not really. No one got to push Sage around. “If anyone asked, this-” he gestured wildly between Sage and Nate “-happened at practice.” Actually, if he squinted, Tiff's face didn't look one hundred percent either...but she also played volleyball so who knew.

Jackie was next and with her came an insane amount of motherly instinct. The others let her fuss over Sage before Danny finally shook his head. “Alright guys, back off 'em, ya'll know he doesn't like to be the center of attention.” He dropped down on the ground and shook his head a little bit, honestly surprised Sage hadn't managed to combust from all the attention. “Hey, dodgeball, right? That's why we're here.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sage Emerson Character Portrait: Claire Malatinszky Character Portrait: Jackie White Character Portrait: Tiffany Mason Character Portrait: Danny Jacobs Character Portrait: Nathaniel Elkins
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{|outfit | song | 618|}

“No everything is not fucking okay. What the hell happened?” Danny asked with a snort as soon as Sage signed his greeting, and Sage was already reading his facial expressions like an overused simile. Sage shot him a little meaningful smile and was about to sign a response. And then everything happened very quickly and suddenly almost everyone was in the room.

Sage felt the tightness close down in his chest and the little mental wall take form again as eyes were suddenly on him, his voice left slowly at first and then tightened and went. He fought the urge to bite his lip and won, it twitched. He signed hello, quickly.

"Hey man, are you alright?" Claire walked over, and Sage smiled, raising both hands to give her a thumbs up, because she wouldn't understand signing, and was about to turn his head back to Danny to sign a response so he could translate, but he froze as the door opened. Sage smiled the same little smile over at Tiff, attempting to convey "I'm fine!" and "Don't act weird" at the same time as best as he could. She didn't catch it until after she turned back to them all from fixing her hair up on top of her head.

And then Tiff was looking at her in confusion and Sage sighed, trying to turn back to Danny again to tell him what had happened so they all could know, but again was distracted from his attempt, this time by the sound of a skateboard deck scuffing the floor. Sage's memory instantly associated to Nathaniel and he again instinctively signed 'hello'. He tried to give Nathan the same swift 'I'm fine, don't act weird' smile as he flagged Claire and Danny with. And then Nathan took off with an angry huff and Sage shifted forward, cursing his inability to call out and say something akin to 'hey wait!'. Some deep part of his stomach was pleased to see Danny responding to the same instinct, and then flooded with a certain exasperation as Danny took off after Nathan. He vaguely signed 'wait' but was sure Danny didn't see it.

Then Nathan tore back into the room, and Sage blinked, a little owl-eyed at him as he suddenly approached.

"If he ever touches you again Sage, tell me I'll make sure to fuck him up worse next time." Sage blinked, shaking his head, slowly. He wasn't sure what to think of that. On one hand, someone was (two someones, he knew at least one other pretty awesome guy who'd also have his back) willing to stand up for him, they had his back and would fight for him. On the other hand, violence, was the argument given by Sage's responsibly thinking brain. And then Jack was upon him again.

"Sage.. does it still hurt a lot?" she asked. He shook his head and shrugged. It felt like a dull pounding pressure more than anything.

He finally turns to Danny, the one person who will actually understand him in the room, and first responds to his, "If anyone asks, this happened in practice.", with a quickly signed "No problem." accompanied by a softer smile, one that mostly just read tired. Sage shifted under the weight of the attention and close proximity, but tried to raise his hands to sign again. He was interrupted by Danny talking,

“Alright guys, back off 'em, ya'll know he doesn't like to be the center of attention.” Sage rejoiced in Danny's voicing of his anxiety for a moment, shooting him an infinitely thankful look.

"Hey, dodgeball, right? That's why we're here.”

Dodgeball. Yeah. That sounded infinitely better than worrying about this stuff. A nice healthy therapudic sport. Dodgeball.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sage Emerson Character Portrait: Claire Malatinszky Character Portrait: Jackie White Character Portrait: Tiffany Mason Character Portrait: Danny Jacobs Character Portrait: Nathaniel Elkins
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It was Nate to come in shortly after Tiff did. Tiff just looked back and stared at him. She somehow knew what he was going to do. He wasn't one to just sit and mush over feelings. He needed to do something. So, Tiff wasn't at all surprised when she watched him storm out of the room, probably to beat up that hotshot Darren kid. Tiff had her bets on him too. She knew he had something to do with this. He always does.

Tiff was hesitant though. "Nate..."
She said in a concerning tone. It was too late though. He was already out the door and down the hallway. Tiff huffed and wiped her forehead with her hand. Geez, she was already feeling like she just got out of playing a game of dodgeball. Everything seemed really hot and she felt anxious. She turned back to face Sage with her hands now resting on her hips before Jackie came in.

'Ello~' She said with that cheery accent of hers before she eyed down Sage. She quickly walked out of the room and came back with some water and ice in record timing. Tiff probably would of done the same thing, but she wasn't much of a motherly person. She didn't know how to be. Every time she has tried it's always been too awkward for her. She just wasn't good at taking care of people, as much as she wanted to.

She finally again saw Nate and Danny. She hadn't even noticed Danny had gone out and chased after him. That Darren guy probably got a good beating. She could tell by the way Nate's knuckles were all bruised and bloody from punching the shit out of that guy. It looked like he had instead been punching a wall over and over again to Tiff. She watched as Nate shoved the prick over towards them, him in a half-conscious state. She listened as he gave a threatening speech towards the guy before looking over at Sage and reassuring that he had his back.

Tiff sighed once again and set her sneakers down on the bench before sliding over in still just her socks to Nate. "Look at you."
She said in a worried tone as she reached down and grasped one of his bloody hands and brought it up into both of their eye sights clearly in front of them. "How are you suppose to throw the ball if you can't even get a good grip on it now?" She said as she shook his hand gently in front of them. She sighed, letting go of his hand and looked at him with a sad, but congratulating, expression on her face. She gave him a half-smile before turning back over to Sage and the others, reassuring Nate that she wasn't at all really mad at him.

“Alright guys, back off 'em, ya'll know he doesn't like to be the center of attention.” Danny said to everyone as he knelt down in front of Sage. He was probably right. Sage already didn't look like he knew what to do or say. He wasn't one to seek out attention from others. She nodded, agreeing with Dan's words and reached over to gently pat Sage on the back before returning to her lonesome sneakers on the bench.

Tiff wasn't really one to get bullied or picked on by the other people in her class. Not saying that she was perfect and everyone loved her, but she was more of a quiet and... well... scary one. Nobody really chose to mess around with her. Nobody even chose to hang out with her. She was the one back in the class day-dreaming in fantasy lands. People just hardly paid attention to her, and Tiff kinda liked it that way. Granted, she would want a couple friends in her class if she could have them, but she likes it right where she is. The only time she can truly speak out and be herself is in this little group here.

She sat down on the bench and lifted her leg up to slip on her white shoe. The shoes were about one size too big for her feet, but she liked it that way. She hates when shoes felt like they were suffocating your feet. She quickly tied up the laces on that shoe before going to the next. She slipped it on, and tied the laces with ease. She then stood up, straightening her shirt and flipping her ponytail over her shoulder. She was as ready as she'll ever be.

“Hey, dodgeball, right? That's why we're here.” Tiff heard Danny say to Sage and he seemed to immediately agree. Tiff gave one of her rare toothy-smiles, showing that she agreed with him as well. Dodgeball was the reason they were all gathered here. It was the reason they came here. And she loved that fact.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sage Emerson Character Portrait: Claire Malatinszky Character Portrait: Jackie White Character Portrait: Tiffany Mason Character Portrait: Danny Jacobs Character Portrait: Nathaniel Elkins
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She looked up at Danny before nodding. "Good plan." she commented, while flashing an apologetic grin towards her teammate sage. She hated when her motherly side slipped out but she couldn't help it. She loved these guys.

Taking a seat on one of the desk, Jackie demneor grew bubbly once more. "Dodgeball... Dodgeball right..." her grin grew largely at word, "Did you have an idea Danny~?" Jackie hopped in her seat slightly, appearing like a child. A cute child with a sexy accent that is.

Brushing her fingers through her brown hair, she kicked her legs gently in the air, as she readied herself for a conversation. But while she waited, her hazel orbs found itself on Nicos bare skin and she felt her body warm. But seeing tiff hold his hands, the feeling left almost immediately. By instinct, she quickly looked away and centered herself at Tiff and Claire, giving them a welcoming smile. She didn't properly greet them anyways.

(Sorry it's so short, at school and not sure what to say XD)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sage Emerson Character Portrait: Claire Malatinszky Character Portrait: Jackie White Character Portrait: Tiffany Mason Character Portrait: Danny Jacobs Character Portrait: Nathaniel Elkins
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"Look at you." Nate felt warm hands grasp his as he looked up from where he sat to see Tiff staring down at him. His face grew a little flustered because he wasn't so used to people comforting him like this since he lived a lone and all especially this coming from Tiff. "How are you suppose to throw the ball if you can't even get a good grip on it now?" The warmth other than his blood on his hand left and he saw the sad expression on her face that made his regret going out there and beating the guy up because he didn't like making his friends sad in any way. He ignored the stinging pain that came from his hands as he flexed them and gave one of his goofy smiles. " Don't worry Tiff I'll just go clean this up in the locker room right quick and I'll be good as new!"

With that said Nate got up and pulled a spare white beater from his backpack and threw it over his shoulder as he headed over the boys locker room. He stopped though for a moment and turned back his face red from embarrassment as he closed his eyes shut and spoke in a voice that everyone could hear. " S-Sorry for acting like an idiot everyone! I shouldn't have rushed into things like that." Nate's face was red because he wasn't the type of person to easily admit when he was wrong and he found it a bit embarrassing when he did. " Sorry!" with that final apology he ran into the locker room to do what he needed.

Upon exiting the locker room Nathan felt hella better, he ran some cold water over his knuckles for a good minute and applied some ointment on it to calm the stinging then bandaged them up. Thankfully his knuckles weren’t cut much just sore. His white tank-top fitted quite nice and he wet his hair in the sink, all in all he was just feeling refreshed and ready the play the sport he loved, Dodge ball, the thing that brought them all together and gave birth to amazing friends. "Hell yeah! I'm feeling hella better man! So Danny what you got in mind today luv? Something fun I bet." His childish smile radiated and it was like he was back to his old self in only a matter of minutes. He swiftly sat next to Jackie and wrapped his arm around her shoulder playfully. " Hello there miss beautiful captain lady! " Nico leaned in and pecked her cheek quickly before standing back up. " Ready for some D ball and I totally don't mean that in the utterly most exotic way my luv." Nico laughed a bit at what he said before offering a hand to the captain that he oh so favored.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sage Emerson Character Portrait: Claire Malatinszky Character Portrait: Jackie White Character Portrait: Tiffany Mason Character Portrait: Danny Jacobs Character Portrait: Nathaniel Elkins
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{|outfit | song | 525|}

With Nate's apology, Sage relaxed a tiny bit, and the weight of Danny against his legs was more comforting than he could have ever really asked for. He instinctively let his fingers find a small lock of Danny's hair above his ear where Sage's hand had been resting rather close to anyway, and slowly let a single finger run little circles around it. It was all the movement Sage made, he retained his air of complete statuesque stillness besides, and his eyes stayed almost-focused in his token thousand mile stare.

As the atmosphere shifted, Sage felt a little tightness release in his chest, but didn't try to talk for knowledge that it would probably fail, and for lack of anything to say. He could practically feel the anticipation of talking off of Danny for a moment before he actually burst into words.

"Okay, so, I was thinking," Danny tried to keep the words slow and calm (of course he did, Sage thought, he always did) and failed spectacularly by the end of his sentence, "instead of trying to make it work with a new coach, why don't we ourselves?"

Sage thought for a moment; he let his brain find the catalogue of old coaches they'd cycled through. Mister Crowley had been one Sage had high hopes for; he'd audited one of the man's geography classes and liked his teaching style, but immediately regretted thinking anything high of him after the first game where his coaching was probably what made them lose. Sage tried to cut him some slack, though, they'd been new as a team back then.

Then there'd been Brody, who, surprisingly, Sage had almost managed to get along with, perhaps for his knowledge of the bible thumping world, and perhaps for the fact that he couldn't talk to interrupt her Jesus Speeches. He'd been happy when she'd left, though.

Then there was the brilliant, and very, very pregnant Cox. Who Sage, and the rest of the team if he wasn't mistaken, had loved to bits.

"I mean, I know it's a little more complicated, but think about it. We have notes from Cox, we can request videos of all our games, we can figure this out ourselves. Captain Jack here already knows the plays and us. We can split up the rest of the extra work. And we don't have to give up nationals because some asswad doesn't know the damn game. New Guy just has to look pretty and talk for us on occasion. It's perfect really."

As Danny talked, Sage fought a tiny grin, the muscles in his cheek tightening made the heat in his cheekbone and ringing his eye go to pain for a moment, but Sage caught himself before he winced.

He kept smiling, and tapped on Danny's head almost-shyly to get his attention before he started signing out, 'I think that's a very good idea. Can you ask Jack if she's okay with that? I think we've got a shot at competing if we can manage this.' His small smile didn't falter, and he returned his hand to playing with the small bit of Danny's hair.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sage Emerson Character Portrait: Claire Malatinszky Character Portrait: Jackie White Character Portrait: Tiffany Mason Character Portrait: Danny Jacobs Character Portrait: Nathaniel Elkins
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"Don't worry Tiff I'll just go clean this up in the locker room right quick and I'll be good as new!" Nate had said and Tiff smiled softly as she let his hand go. He seemed back to his normal self in just a matter of seconds. If somebody had just walked into the conversation, they wouldn't have known he just beat the absolute shit out of some guy... unless they happened to glance at his bloody hands. Tiff kept her smile on her face as Jackie came around and smiled at her. Jackie was okay to Tiff. Everybody on the team seemed to love her. She did have a bright leadership type personality, but Tiff wasn't all that use to happy-go-lucky-clucking-their-feet-together-down-the-hallways kind of people. Tiff just happened to shrug it off. She'd have to get use to it sooner or later. Better sooner than later, actually.

Tiff now remained sitting on the bench and after Nate had come back from the locker room and suggested bringing up Danny's idea (which Tiff had no idea he had even proposed an idea since she wasn't there), Tiff brought on her serious expression and crossed her arms. Tiff slowly, and hopefully unnoticeably, moved over a bit from lovey-dovey, touchy touchy Jackie and Nate whom were both now sitting beside her. She scratched her temple before crossing her arms once again in front of her.

"Okay, so, I was thinking," Danny started off nonchalantly, before he threw in his wild hand movements and fast words. "Instead of trying to make it work with a new coach, why don't we ourselves?" He said swiftly without another moments thought. Tiff smirked slightly, almost about to start applauding the idea... before a buttload of worries hit her. Her anxiety and worries always kicked in her in almost any topic, but she shrugged it off.

"I mean, I know it's a little more complicated, but think about it. We have notes from Cox, we can request videos of all our games, we can figure this out ourselves." Danny stopped to fix his glasses before speaking again, "Captain Jack here already knows the plays and us. We can split up the rest of the extra work. And we don't have to give up nationals because some asswad doesn't know the damn game. New Guy just has to look pretty and talk for us on occasion. It's perfect really." Ah, good ol' Mrs. Cox. She looked like she was ready to explode any minute with that big swollen belly of hers. Geez, childbirth was a scary thing.

Tiff never was really fond of any of the other coaches, except for Mrs. Cox. Maybe it was just the 'Hey. I know how to play dodgeball. Don't tell me what to do.' thinking that came in whenever Tiff was told to listen to some coaches. She wasn't very good at listening in general. Only if it's something she really cares about and needs to know... but yes, Tiff does care about dodgeball. She cares so much that she thinks she can do it on her own and with no help because she's so determined.

Tiff suddenly raised her hand, forgetting that she wasn't in class and that she didn't need to be chosen to talk. She quickly put her arm down back into her lap. "Sorry to be so pessimistic," She began saying in as calm and polite tone as she could manage as she stood up again and put her hand into her bag in search for her deodorant. "... But are we allowed to do that? I mean, coach ourselves? What would they think of us when they announce us at the game and ask us who our coach is or where they are, where we'll have no answer for them. I mean, Dan, we'll be seen as amatuers."" She said in a sarcastic and jokingly tone at the end of her sentence with a soft smile while reaching her hand under her shirt and applying her cherry blossom peach scented deodorant. She was in no means to start a fight or make anybody mad, but she was always the curious fellow. And... well... just a little pessimistic at times. She was one of those people who unfortunately always thinks of the "worse case scenario" in certain things... and wasn't always confident in her own ideas.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sage Emerson Character Portrait: Claire Malatinszky Character Portrait: Jackie White Character Portrait: Tiffany Mason Character Portrait: Danny Jacobs Character Portrait: Nathaniel Elkins
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Jackie blinked, as Nico quickly returned, fresh and new. She smiled at that trait of his. "Hell yeah! I'm feeling hella better man! So Danny what you got in mind today luv? Something fun I bet." Watching his movements, she welcomed a nice affectionate wrap around the shoulders, and she easily leaned into them. " Hello there miss beautiful captain lady! " She grinned cheekily at the peck, not looking to flustered or surprised at all. She seemed almost used to it in a way? With ease, she took his hand into her own smaller ones, " Ready for some D ball and I totally don't mean that in the utterly most exotic way my luv."

Her reply was quick, "Of course I am, I am Cap jack after all." Her accent flared at her name, as she played around with his bubbly mood but she made sure to keep an eye on their idea maker- Danny along with the others.

"I mean, I know it's a little more complicated, but think about it. We have notes from Cox, we can request videos of all our games, we can figure this out ourselves." Danny stopped to fix his glasses before speaking again, "Captain Jack here already knows the plays and us. We can split up the rest of the extra work. And we don't have to give up nationals because some asswad doesn't know the damn game. New Guy just has to look pretty and talk for us on occasion. It's perfect really."

Tearing her gaze away from Nico's own eyes, she kept her mouth shut, hoping to hear other comments before letting out her own. To be honest, this sounded.. risky in a way, in her own analytical sense, but with her optimism, she could see this working rather well. So Jackie could say she was neutral but willing to take in other peoples points. Jackie was looking forward to Tiffs, because if they anyone could list the realistic situation out of all of them, it was her. People could say she was a bed wetter, but Jackie saw her as a great person for a debate or conversation like this, she prevented rash judgement since she was their splash of reality.

"... But are we allowed to do that? I mean, coach ourselves? What would they think of us when they announce us at the game and ask us who our coach is or where they are, where we'll have no answer for them. I mean, Dan, we'll be seen as amatuers."

Humming, jackie nodded considerable, then added her cents, "I agree with Tiff, its a risky game, because we dont control the rules.. or the power.. and if we mess up, well.. who knows whats going to happen to the team.. we might not be able to get recover fro that" She paused, "But we played our best with Coach Cox, and if this new guy cant be at parr, I say go for it, we know our strengths and weaknesses the best.. so we should use that to our advantage." Her smile widened, "besides it doesnt matter if others see us as amateurs since we can change their minds on the court." Hazel eyes held a wicked gleam, as she was confident in their abilities. "What else do you guys think?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sage Emerson Character Portrait: Claire Malatinszky Character Portrait: Jackie White Character Portrait: Tiffany Mason Character Portrait: Danny Jacobs Character Portrait: Nathaniel Elkins
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Not soon after Claire first acknowledges Sage's bruises, the rest of the group files in and responds in their own way for each person. Nate is the one who worries her, however, and she springs out to try and stop him when the young man storms out of the room, but to no avail. She is certain, and perhaps not incorrectly, that whatever he is going to do is not wise, given the anger that obviously clouded his mind. Claire may not be altogether certain what to do, a sign of why she is not the leader of the group, but Jack appears on the scene and instantly begins to apply a healing touch to the room. She places a cup of ice on Sage's eye, and gently scolds Nathan in a way which only she can effectively do without it coming off as irritating. Well, there's plenty of things that only Jack can do without it appearing off --that's just how the team's captain is. She's certainly the leader of this motley bunch for a reason, after all.

Claire backs away from the fuss and leans against a table, half-attempting to thing of some stupid thing to say in order to break the thick tension that these two signs of violence have cast over the group. But it is a dodgeball team, and they have all had their share of injuries. While one of their own being bullied is far from ideal, they know how to deal with it. And this isn't high school-- they aren't going to run off to a professor to try and deal with their issues. Claire had grown up being reminded that one has to work out their own problems, and cannot go running to someone else to be the savior every time something goes wrong. She is glad that those on the team are equally minded.

If Jackie is team captain and mother hen, then one might give Danny the role of second in command, and perhaps papa bear. He settles down the activity in the room by reminding everyone of why they are in this room: dodgeball. Claire is glad to move on. She worries for her friends of course, but feels useless sitting there while Jackie successfully nurtures. Claire is someone who can be counted on to have your back in all situations, but she has never been good with nurturing. She's not a mother hen type. That would be Daniel, actually.

The word sends a wave of smiles over the group, and Claire is glad to see she is not the only one relieved. Of course, she might also be the one considered to be less infatuated with the game. She loves the people, and enjoys the sport of course, but the priorities she has grown up with say that she is the most likely to choose academics over the team. At the moment, anyway. Her loyalty towards the game, not just the team, has been steadily growing. It's simply difficult to beat out a lifetime of dedication to grades. When Nate begins apologizing, Claire is glad he realizes he was being impulsive, but isn't sure whether to smile or frown. So she smiles, as is her default.

Then, the real discussion begins. Claire turns the topic over in her mind. Coach ourselves? she wonders, seeing pros and cons. Tiff has a point about it possibly being risky, but at the same time Claire likes the idea of the team being self run. If nothing else, couldn't they just announce Jack as the coach? Honestly, given the history of their coaches, the chances of them getting another Cox are slim. There aren't a whole lot of great dodgeball coaches that aren't already taken in this small, but competitive, world. "I'm going to agree with Danny on this one. Who cares if the other teams think we're amateurs, anyway? Underestimating us will be their own downfall," her grin is sillier than Jack's wicked smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sage Emerson Character Portrait: Claire Malatinszky Character Portrait: Jackie White Character Portrait: Tiffany Mason Character Portrait: Danny Jacobs Character Portrait: Nathaniel Elkins
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Satisfied by her reply, Nate agreed with a wink to her Cap Jack comment and proceeded to pay attention. As Danny spoke Nico fond himself fidgeting in his seat out of excitement. He listened carefully though to everything Danny spoke of but it was kind of hard since his mind was running through a million things per second. What Danny spoke of caught his interest, it sure was something worth trying. The others chimed in with some interesting points and he strongly agreed with all of them but that didn't stop Nico from adding his own opinion.

"I say we just go for it. I mean we can all talk about it as much as we want and plan things out. I don't mind that at all and frankly, I think that’s smart but-"

Nate trailed off for a second thinking about his words carefully. He rubbed the back of his neck as he continued. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that we need to trust ourselves. I know the consequences of our actions if we do this may be horrid but we'll get through it together. We can get through anything together, right? We should at least try , I think we can pull it off especially if it's with you guys."

A smile crept across his face until it turned into a bright and childish smile. Nate walked up to Danny and stuck his fist out waiting for the lad to bump it. " I got faith in your plan, in us and I'm with you all the way guys. "


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sage Emerson Character Portrait: Claire Malatinszky Character Portrait: Jackie White Character Portrait: Tiffany Mason Character Portrait: Danny Jacobs Character Portrait: Nathaniel Elkins
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"I got faith in your plan, in us and I'm with you all the way guys. "

Danny grinned and lifted his hand to bump his fist against Nathan's. "So I think Nico should officially be in charge of any and all pep talks. That was beautiful, man. Seriously. Nearly shed a tear."

Once everyone was done talking, Sage caught his attention first, an almost shy tap he had come accustomed to after all this time. He dropped his head back on his friend's knee, watching the other male sign through words before Danny's face broke into a wide grin. “Hell yeah we gotta chance,” he answered aloud.

Sage almost always went along with Danny's ideas, but with a cool rationality that made him know he wasn't being too unrealistic (if he was, Sage usually sighed - in a very put upon manner - before signing 'Danny, no'.) Actually, everyone seemed to agree. Tiffany, though, was the one to challenge the idea, and impossibly she just made him grin more.

“No, no, please. Blow wholes in my theory. I can work with that.” In fact, Tiff playing devil's advocate was one of the things Danny liked most about her. She made him think, made him make sure he had all of his bases covered. He pulled himself out of his spot (which was hard because he loved having his hair played with, even if it was just a little) and threw his beanie off somewhere, followed by his hoodie (that he got stuck in for a good second or two) before he grabbed his messenger bag and went through it, coming up with one of his spirals.

Danny bounced across the room in seconds, grabbing the whiteboard from the back and wheeling it over before uncapping the marker with his teeth and copying down his notes for the others to see. He addressed Tiff's question first, spitting out the lid somewhere unimportant: “Are we allowed to do Technically." He wrote that down, circled the word 'technically'. “And the school's going to bring in a new coach regardless. I heard Mr. Meyer's tell the basketball coach that the new guy was moving sometime this weekend. But, look, the way I see it...this new dude was available in the middle of a semester to coach a team? Why? If he was any good he would already have a team." He backed that up with a couple of hand motions before writing it down too, followed by an arrow that read honestly probably not very good at his job. “And, let's be honest guys, what does the coach really do anyway? Chances are, this guy-” he pointed at the 'New Coach' label on the board because he simply couldn't talk without moving his hands around like a crazy person. “Is probably going to be lazy and not do shit. So let's break it down.”

Danny wrote down a bullet list next, starting at the top he put creates plays and drills. “Look, the best plays we ever had came from Cox, and so did the drills. We have those notes. And this is exactly what Jack would be perfect at. As Captian, a lot of this was her responsibility. Only if you want to, of course, sweetheart,” he aimed a smile her way, remembering to ask because Sage had requested that of him. “And, they film all of our games. We get ahold of those videos and we can watch how we play and asses what needs to change. I mean, probably,we could even run virtual tests of any new ideas? I don't know...Nate, you know computers better than any of us.”

Danny nodded to himself, as if making up his mind, before jotting down Nate's and Jack's names, adding them to that point. On the next bullet point he wrote schedules practices. “I mean, we already basically do this by ourselves, but if anyone actually wants to be in charge of watching our days...we got this...I wouldn't reccomed myself because...let's face it I'm kind of a scatter brain."

The next bullet point simply read: Plans workouts “Again, something we mostly do on our own. I mean, we're all pretty active.” Critique. “Honestly...I think that's going to be the hardest...we're gunna have to get out of our own heads long enough to figure out what we need to work on to be better as a whole...but honestly, we play so well around each other already...” Danny backed off a little, gestured at Tiffany. "Tiff ain't scared of us. She could do that. Just an idea."

He looked over his notes for a moment, making sure he didn't miss anything, shrugged his shoulders and turned to face his friends. “Look, all we're really missing is dealing with other coaches, maintaining equipment – which we don't need, and providing healthcare which...hopefully our replacement won't be completely useless. Everything else we can do ourselves. Just divide a bit of the work and get at it.”

Danny twirled the marker between his hands for a moment. "Anything official we can run through Claire -- she likes people. And if we start doing all of this now...if worse comes to worse there's a clause I'm looking into about In-Team-Coaching which can make this all legal in case our new coach really does turn out to be a piece of shit. Or bails. And in that case...yeah, let everyone fucking underestimate us. They won't do it twice."