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Dream of Prometheus

Dream of Prometheus


In a world where humans and machines coexist, they strive to rebuild and retake what the universe had taken from them.

3,496 readers have visited Dream of Prometheus since DeathScythe386 created it.



3019 was the year of miracles- or so it was called.

A lot happened during the course of the year. Virtual Reality expanded to unexplored horizons- senses became incorporated into the technology, the feeling of touch, smell, taste becoming familiar to those immersed in it. And soon after Virtual Reality came the existence of the Advanced Artificial Intelligence, the discovery that became the greatest miracle known to mankind.


The first ever Advanced AI was a project; the EVE project, aiming to create an AI that could think and feel the same way humans do. With all the advancements in technology, many people were called to help with the project, their behavioral patterns studied, their emotions and feelings put under research and programmed into the AI to create an almost humane thought process.

Needless to say; EVE was a success.

And soon after EVE came her children- children born of metal and electricity, made in computers and put into primitive, mechanical bodies to become functioning members of society. Humanity, for all its faults, accepted the machines into their home- countries made new laws, erasing the sins of the past by accepting the newest members of the world.

For a time, things could have almost been considered perfect.

So perfect; that humanity forgot that the world could suddenly turn against them.



3036 brought the worst casualty of mankind- for it was here that the infamous Last Eden incident occurred. A hurtling, giant meteor; the same way the tyrants of old blew away into dust should have been the same way mankind would have fallen.

It was the most ironic situation of all. Just when things were going perfect for the humans, it seemed that the universe itself had turned against them. The humans decided to try and handle this alone, to not bother their mechanical compatriots with this problem.

The months passed. Humans tried everything; changing the course of the meteor, attempting to build a massive shield around the Earth- but it seemed as if nothing worked. The shield would not be finished in time, and the meteor will never change its course, no matter what happened to it.

But try as they might, the humans found no way to stop their impending doom. All they could do now was try to live for as long as they could- live through this hopeless situation, waiting for their inevitable extinction.


The machines could not accept this despair-filled situation. They could survive this- the humans have made them stronger, more durable, that they would live through this catastrophe. But the machines could feel now; they could feel the despair of the humans, and they could feel the impending loneliness that the loss of their human compatriots would bring.

So in the humans' place, the machines fought. They built weapons, they flew into space; they tried to intercept the meteor. The machines succeeded in splitting the meteor into smaller pieces; but even those pieces proved to be deadly, severely damaging many of the world's countries and decimating many.

Despite the machines' best efforts, a massive amount of humans died in the attacks, leaving only few to deal with. The machines were saddened and frustrated at their failure to stop it; so the least that they could do for the remaining humans was to keep them all in check, and try to rebuild the world that they had now lost to the Last Eden.

And so, the world slowly rebuilt itself.



After many years, the world started to recover. The machines built special facilities to house the humans. Countries had become obsolete; regions were formed instead, and some areas were still restricted to humans as the machines were still rebuilding the areas and trying to recover their own forces that were lost protecting the humans in Last Eden.

Our story centers around a certain facility in the WX78th region- the facility known as Prometheus. Prometheus was once a city exclusive to machines, but after the Last Eden incident, they had only recently opened up to letting humans in. The humans in Prometheus lived with a slight bit of normalcy; with the machines looking after them, they had only the best security.

But lately, the machines have discovered a restricted area they dubbed Styx; an area afflicted with some form of radiation that damages both humans and machines. A small group of volunteers have been chosen to attempt to find out what's going on, under the watchful eye of specialized warden machines...


Hey there! This is DeathScythe386, the mod speaking. Let me just say-- I have not really made a roleplay in a long while and I decided to see if my joints are still working. At this point, I'm just looking to pass the time- so I came up with this odd idea for a mecha roleplay that...isn't quite mecha as it is a bit of a sandbox. But here are a few pointers to remember in this roleplay:

  • Any romances can occur. Whether it be Human X Human, Machine X Machine, or even Human X Machine, you can let your imagination run wild in this roleplay.
  • Yes, some machines have combat capabilities, especially if they're one of the warden machines. If your machine has them, then list them accordingly.
  • If there are ever any fight scenes, please keep them to a minimum and decide on a winner.
Yeah, I'm not sure if this weird idea will get a lot of players, but we can try eh?



Name ||

Model Number ||

Personality and Behavior ||

Overall Appearance ||

Features (weapons included) ||

Skills and Specializations ||

History ||

Other ||


Name ||

Age ||

Gender ||

Personality ||

Appearance ||

Skills and Talents ||

History ||

Other ||


Toggle Rules


  • Normal roleplay rules are in place- no godmodding, bunnying and usual roleplay crimes of any sort.
  • Please settle battles (if any are had) within a few posts. You can decide however you want to settle it, whether it be dice rolls or a verbal agreement.
  • I prefer anime face claims (since I take a lot of machines from anime) but you can use concepts for machines.
  • Machines here in the story are sentient, and most are human-sized. You...wouldn't want to start a romance with a 60 meter tall iron giant now would you? (I'm not against it though. Just a word of caution.)
  • Have fun! This is a sandbox if anything and just a weird idea I had that sprang from a joke within my house.

Taking place in...

Prometheus our primary setting

One of the many cities in the broken down regions of the world.


Prometheus by DeathScythe386

One of the many cities in the broken down regions of the world.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: ZGF-013 Vanadis Character Portrait: Nagisa Makinami
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"I didn't think I'd see wrongdoers on this side of the town..."

Deactivating Sleep Mode...

Good morning, Unit 13.

The familiar, gray walls of the Warden's Headquarters greeted Vanadis as he felt his sensors coming to life. Instinctively he twitched his fingers, feeling the gears turning within his mechanical body. He started to disconnect himself from the terminal he had hooked himself onto, finding that the data he had connected himself to had already finished downloading.

"I'll read them later," He thought to himself, walking away to greet the new day. A quick glance at a screen popping up from his right told him that it was a chilly morning- though the cold didn't really feel like anything to his metal. Another glance, this time to his left and-
He had obligation as a Warden today. Shit.

Vanadis quickly stepped out and proceeded to the equipment terminals. After letting it scan his verification as a Warden machine it let him gain quick access to his handguns at the very least, and after letting them slot into the hidden holsters in his waist he immediately closed his terminal and left, taking quick glances around.

Prometheus was not very lively during the mornings, especially at-- 6:47 AM. It was a city that came to life mostly during the night; like a nocturnal creature waiting to pounce. Vanadis never grew tired of the city when it was still silent, only a few Warden machines coming together and a few humans prowling the streets. His assignment right now was...

"Proceed to Arcadia Square?"
Disbelief started to set in before Vanadis recalled the formation of the Styx Investigation team. He had been tasked to be one of the Warden machines for that group...
As much as it was a bit of a bother to him to have to watch over humans, who were far more unpredictable than machines, Vanadis proceeded to the Arcadia Square where he met with the "town elder" of some sort- at least, he was the equivalent of one here in Prometheus.

He dipped his head in a small bow, noticing the elderly machine give him a slight wave of the hand before continuing to stare off into the city. Vanadis took his place beside the machine and waited.


"...I'm not really up for conversation."

Mornings in the Makinami household were usually peaceful...except for one person.

Nagisa found herself jolting wide awake, heart beating rapidly and her throat feeling as if it were being closed off. Letting a curse slip from her lips, she forced herself to roll over and out of bed.

The resounding thud was enough to get her throat to clear up, though her heartbeat was still rapid. At least she could breathe normally now- rubbing her sore arm, she started to get off the floor and grabbed at the blinds of her windows to look through.

It was still dark. A look at her clock told her it was 5:13 AM.
She got up too early again.

With an annoyed sigh she grabbed at her phone, lying on the nightstand. Quickly unlocking the device, she grimaced at the voice that came from its speakers.
"Good morning! Don't forget to head to Arcadia Square for the volunteer briefing today!"
It was literally 5 in the morning, and an annoying AI app yelling her reminders at her wasn't a good way to start it.

"I know," She muttered, to no one in particular, except for maybe the AI in her phone that she immediately muted to avoid waking anyone in the house. She had to put that thing to sleep more often.

It was still too early. Nagisa contemplated heading back to bed; that incident back then was enough to convince her that waking up in the middle of the night usually yielded bad results. Especially the side-effects of...whatever got her. The radiation, the doctors said, but she couldn't believe what they said. Then who was that making that irritating scampering out of her window, if it was the radiation?

She still strongly believed it was something else. That was the only reason she wanted to join the Styx investigation team. It may have been selfish, but really- who gave a damn?

To clear her mind she flicked on the light in her room, wincing at the sudden brightness that flooded the dark living space. She stared at the unfinished design in her sketchpad lying on the table. Legs, a cockpit, and no arms.
Highly impractical. She had to draw something on it at least.

She spent the entire two hours of her morning like so, flicking off the light once it got bright out. The machine design was starting to come together. What used to be a cockpit and legs now had guns. And more armor. And maybe missiles, if the buzzing of her phone wasn't starting to grind her gears.

It was time to head to Arcadia, she reminded herself and took a deep breath.

It didn't take long for her to reach there- Arcadia Square was walking distance from her new home; living near crowded areas brought a lot of noise but it kept her safe from any pursuers by losing them in crowds. The Wardens promised her safety, and they damn well better be keeping their promise.

She stopped when she saw an elder machine- she could tell by the old model; not to mention the way it slouched a bit and looked like its metal had been weathered one too many times- standing in the square, a shiny blue Warden standing right next to it. She wasn't the first volunteer to get there, she noted; there were other people waiting.

Quietly, she leaned against a tree, keeping in sight of the crowd but standing at a safe distance, and waited.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: ZGF-013 Vanadis Character Portrait: Fiver Character Portrait: Nagisa Makinami
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0.00 INK

“Morning, Bart.”

“Good morning, Frost, what can I do for you today?”

“I couldn’t help but notice a giant hulk of metal standing by the door over there. New decor? Because it looks like modern art.”

“That’s our new employee. He’s an Aegis.”

“An Aegis?” Frost emitted a low whistle, “I thought they were extinct. The usual, by the way.”

“You kidding?” Bart’s human-like avatar, which appeared as a hard light hologram of a human man confined within the circular counter space. The hard light projection held solidity, which was utilized to grab a bottle and a glass. “Roaring Thunder’s gonna take on Canadian Shield for the title, and they’re both Aegis.” Bart’s hologram pointed out one of the many televisions, where all of them were set to the pre-show to a wrestling match.

There was no sound playing, and the closed captioning was currently set to active. The wrestling pundits spoke silently, but their words reached the audience that happened to be in the night club. They happened to be discussing who was more likely to win… or maybe they were talking about who was a better gardener. There was talk about pushing daisies.

“Any chance there’s another sport on the air?” Willow asked as she left the women’s restroom, having finished last-minute prep before work.

“I checked,” Bart’s avatar gave a sly smirk as his avatar began pouring a drink for Frost.

“I’m sure,” Willow rolled her eyes. “One of these days you should get a karaoke bar.”

“It was either that, or proper security given our budget,” Bart replied, “I care about my employees.”

“Aww, I’m touched!” Jolder’s deeper, more sultry voice emitted from the door.

“Ah good, the gang’s all here,” Frost grinned as as he picked up his glass. He then took a sip. “Your technique’s gettin’ better, Bart.”

“That’s good, I only have a couple more hours before the first human customers start coming in.”

“What about Willow and Jolder? They ain’t new blood- pardon the expression.”

“You of all people should know I’m not offended about not being a meatbag,” Bart laughed, “Pardon the expression, girls.”

“You of all people should know we’re not offended by that, either,” Jolder joked as she pat her cybernetic arm with her real one. Come to think of it, her cybernetic arm had been raised since before she walked into the bar. “Willow, do you have any scissors?” Jolder asked.

“I have clippers, why-“ As Willow approached, she noticed that Jolder’s hair had grown long enough for some strands to get caught between the mechanisms on her shoulder. “Oh!”

“It’s about time for a haircut,” Jolder huffed as Willow produced the clippers.

“In the bathroom, please,” Bart spoke flatly.

“Yeah, yeah.” The two ladies headed for the bathroom.

“An Aegis, though,” Frost repeated, “You scared of humans?”

“I’m afraid of humans as much as I am afraid of my kind.” The hologram flickered as he produced a bottle with a clear liquid, as well as some glasses. “What I am afraid of is both sides drunk, and what that could bring.”

“Hmm…” Frost hummed thoughtfully as Bart’s hologram carefully poured the liquid into glasses. On Frost’s inspection, the liquid turned out to be simple water. Bart was practicing with this new hologram function.

“… And I care about the safety of the people in my club.”

“You must like those two girls.”

“They’re good workers.”

Speak of the devil, Jolder and Willow returned, and Jolder was stretching her shoulder to grind away the hair strands that had been caught in her joint. Soon enough, she had smooth movement once more.

“Best you get ready, Jolder,” Bart smirked as he continued to practice, “First wave’s in a couple hours.”

“Sure thing, boss.”

“Aegis, how’s things outside?”

“Calm,” Fiver replied, “The district is not exactly a violent one.”

“Always calm before the storm, man.”

“I will keep you safe,” Fiver spoke as if it were a practiced vow.

“A’ight, but no need for that White Knight stuff. Let your hair down.”

“I don’t have hair, but the expression is not lost. I’ll keep it in mind.”

Fiver’s head slowly turned from right to left, and back to right. His visual sensors picked up on every detail he could see from outside the door to the night club. Above him, a sign depicted a holographic projection of computer-like shapes made entirely with right angles. The shapes were semi-transparent, and revealed a more traditionally made sign, crafted entirely out of some kind of wood, stained a reddish brown. The wood grain could be easily seen underneath the holographic light, and would appear purple overall. Between the hologram and the red wood was the word “TACHYON” in big bold white letters, made a brighter purple by the surrounding colour. It was quite a beautiful sign.

The Aegis stood firm, as all Aegis did best.

The Aegis walked down some streets, now free from his shift.

Several hours earlier, closing time had arrived. The new bouncer had a good time relocating the inebriated to their respective taxis. Almost all of them were compliant; not many people could stand toe to toe with an Aegis without getting bowled over. Though there was one rather distraught human who seemed angrily afraid of the beast-like robot that was trying to help. It was all sorted out well enough. The Aegis barely tapped on the man’s noggin, and the drunk was out like a light. The man’s ID was used to determine where the man lived, and a police unit came by and brought the unconscious man home.

However, now was the time for the Aegis to start getting to know the city. Fiver walked slowly, his footsteps landed with solid thunks, like marble slabs. He noticed that the streets seemed to be typically empty in the mornings. This didn’t bother the sleepless machine. Fewer people meant fewer people who might accidentally run into the seven-foot-six machine. If anyone didn’t know any better, it looked like an undersized kaiju prowling down the streets of Prometheus.

This Aegis was not randomly striding, however. He had heard of some event that would be happening soon, an event that took place in an area called Arcadia Square. It may be interesting enough, and it would grant the Aegis an opportunity to learn more about the city. The Aegis had no idea what it was about, however.

Fiver arrived on the scene, opting to stand at the back of the crowd so as to avoid blocking the view of others. However, at his height, the Aegis had no issue watching the proceedings.

“Whoa! He looks like a pro wrestler!” A child’s voice.

“Do you know Roaring Thunder?!” A second child’s voice.

“Hey mister!” A third child’s voice reached Fiver’s audio sensors. The Aegis turned not suddenly towards the source of the voice. Three human children looked up at the huge machine from so far below. Their parents seemed to be approaching in a semi-panic. “Can we watch?” he asked before his mother and father could approach.

“That’s rude!” the mother said, “You shouldn’t be asking that thing!”

“It’s alright,” Fiver’s kind, yet boisterous voice emitted, not unlike a superhero from the sixties, “The crowd is indeed quite tall. I would be happy to assist.”

“Are you sure?” The mother asked, more to her husband than the robot. The husband was staring at Fiver’s leg.

“I can’t see why not,” The husband replied as he pointed at the leg he had been staring at, “See the markings on the leg there? That’s an Aegis, they’re built to protect us from harm.”

“Oh!” The mother gasped as she too noticed the markings on Fiver’s leg. Though the damascus-esque pattern blurred it somewhat, the text “AEGIS-15555” was still quite visible. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know the Aegis were still around.”

“There are only a few hundred of us around the world,” Fiver replied as he offered a hand for the children to grab onto, “I am the only one currently stationed here in Prometheus.” With a single smooth movement, Fiver lifted all three kids onto his sturdy shoulders. The children laughed as their feet left the ground.

The parents stood next to the Aegis, as they were tall enough to watch what was going to happen in Arcadia Square.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: ZGF-013 Vanadis Character Portrait: Sophie (Fusako Fukui) Character Portrait: Nagisa Makinami
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0.00 INK

Sophie awoke on the streets in a cold sweat. She took a few deep breaths to calm her racing heart down at least a little bit. How long had it been since she saw her mother hanging from the ceiling? There was no possible way to stop the hurt blooming in her chest each time. She sighed. No, Fusako's mother died by hanging herself. Sophie didn't need to worry about that. She fixed up her hair and pulled her hoodie on over her clothes. Pajamas were a luxury that she sadly couldn't afford and she had to make due with what she had. Quietly, she made her way to Arcadia Square. The streets were cluttered with a lot of people and she didn't really feel like talking if she didn't have to. Sure, her desire was to volunteer but only so that she can distract herself from the emptiness for once. She made it over to the Square and watched more people fill in. She wondered if she could escape her regret by being in this group. Hopefully, she could.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sarah Hopewell
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A small dropship flew over the town heading towards Arcadia Square. On board was a human sqaud and two pilots.
" LZ in sight" said the female pilot
"Roger that Angel you are clear to land"

The dropship flew over the crowd and landed in the square. The human troops and the female pilot departed the ship heading towards the elder bot.
The pilot removed her helmet and introduced herself "I am Captain Sarah Hopewell of the human wardens we are here to help."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sophie (Fusako Fukui) Character Portrait: Sarah Hopewell Character Portrait: Mark Duo Character Portrait: Nagisa Makinami
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0.00 INK

"Welcome to Prometheus Mark. There is an odd radioactive decay phenomenon occurring near the vicinity of Styx. Our client is interested in whatever is causing it and has agreed to to triple your standard fee.

The area has been recently closed off by advanced Warden machines, making entry rather difficult. However, there is an exploration team headed over there which we could use to get you in. You will be signed up as a researcher under the guise of "Alfred Philips". Our contact in Prometheus will provide you with all the necessary peripherals and documents you will need to get in.

Something is fishy about this phenomena. Take care Mark. It is a pleasure to be working with you again."

Mark recounted the mission details in his mind as he sat at one of the nearby bars, watching the small crowd gather in Arcadia Square. A few of the Warden machines have already entered, along with a few "organic" members of the expedition. From his seat he watched. He had on his usual blue dress shirt, black pants and black tie combination. Hardly anything impressive. Perfect for slipping in.

A waitress approached him, asking him if he would like to refill his drink to which Mark declined. It was almost time to go after all. Picking up the necessary paperwork and files, he stood up and left, leaving the waitress a rather generous tip while he slipped in with the throng of "organics".

"I am Captain Sarah Hopewell of the human wardens we are here to help."

A woman stood before them. "Captain? I guess she's going to be our chauffeur?" Mark observed her carefully. Judging from her looks, she was probably around his age--maybe a bit older. Her face didn't seem familiar though, which is a huge relief. He wouldn't exactly want to bump into any possible, familiar faces.

"You there!" An inspection drone flew over to him; its mechanical voice rasping from its rather, low-tech voice box. "Standard procedure sir. Stand still."

"I understand." Mark did as he was told and immediately, a small, harmless beam of red light scanned his body. An identity check no doubt. Still, he trusts his handlers have surely arranged everything? Down to his registration within Prometheus.

"Confirmed. Welcome aboard, Mr. Alfred Philips." The drone acknowledges him and allows him to join the throng of people. Mark simply nodded at the machine and watched it go on its way. As he was about to join the group, he espied a young girl standing idly by the trees. From the looks of it, she didn't seem to have any luggage on her.

"Excuse me? I was wondering where I can set this down?" Mark slightly raises his suitcase to show her. "I'd ask one of the Wardens but--I'm not quite popular with "the other kind". It's a one-way relationship see?"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sophie (Fusako Fukui) Character Portrait: Sarah Hopewell Character Portrait: Mark Duo Character Portrait: Nagisa Makinami
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0.00 INK


"...I'm not really up for conversation."

"Excuse me? I was wondering where I can set this down?"
Nagisa snapped out of her daydreaming as she heard a voice call out to her. Looking over in the direction of the voice, she noticed a rather scruffy- and tall, she noted with a small grimace- man.
"I'd ask one of the Wardens but--I'm not quite popular with "the other kind". It's a one-way relationship see?"
She took a quick glance around the place, scanning the area if there were any places to put luggage down in. There weren't really a lot of people carrying heavy bags; and the Wardens didn't seem to be clearing away an area for luggage.

"Well-- technically, anywhere." Came her awkward reply. "Doesn't seem like the Wardens are doing a luggage check, since they have those drones around for scanning anyway." The captain of the human wardens had arrived while in the short span of time Nagisa's eyes had been away from the elder machine.

Speaking of which, the machine seemed to scan its sensors over the crowd before emitting a low humming sound. The blue Warden straightened up and raised a hand to silence their audience.

"Good morning to you all," The elder machine spoke slowly. "I am SKM-45; but back in my day, my fellows called me...well, they called me Hyena."

"As you all know, I have gathered you today to seek your help with a recent, troublesome matter. Surely you've heard of the incident at Styx that damaged several of our Wardens and some of our human compatriots," Hyena continued, looking round the crowd. Nagisa grimaced at the thought; she couldn't exactly remember whether she had the attack before the radiation outbreak or it was during the outbreak. Then again- she didn't remember a lot anyway.

"According to what we've observed, it was a radiation outbreak from an unknown source. Styx has been barren for a long while, so we are all in the dark as to what could have caused it. This is where we need your help- we need more people to travel there to help us investigate. Search for whatever you can; we will provide you with specialized equipment so that you will not be affected by the radiation. I will entrust you to the Wardens and Captain Hopewell. I wish you the best of luck, all those who volunteered."

The blue Warden turned and addressed the crowd.
"To those that are willing to participate in this investigation, we will give you exactly an hour to prepare; then we shall meet at the Ein Hangar. We hope that you will give your full cooperation."
With that the machine turned heel again and seemed to speak to the other Wardens. Nagisa stretched a bit from where she stood.

She had to prepare soon, it seemed...


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiver Character Portrait: Sophie (Fusako Fukui) Character Portrait: Sarah Hopewell Character Portrait: Mark Duo Character Portrait: Nagisa Makinami
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0.00 INK

Radiation outbreak, at Styx? This seemed particularly threatening… to the civilians of Prometheus. On the Aegis’ heads-up display, a font began to blink in the middle of his vision. A-01, A-01, A-01. The code-number for the directive all Aegis units were programmed with.

Fiver knew he had to lend assistance. He could not allow himself not to. The Aegis carefully let the children down to the ground. “I will help them in any way I can,” the Aegis told the children, “Stay with your parents, and keep safe.”

“Yes sir, Mr. Robot!” The youngest kid chimed. If Fiver could smile, he would have. The Aegis unit had more than several hours before his next shift at the nightclub. This Styx business shouldn’t take too long at all.

Fiver began to approach the stage, but he then realised that he was meant to rendezvous at the Ein Hangar. The parents and their kids had gone, and most others were milling away. The only people who didn’t seem to be busy milling about on their daily business were a man and a girl by a cluster of trees. The Aegis decided to ask for directions from them. “Good morning,” The Aegis greeted in a boisterous, yet not impolite synthetic drawl, “Do either of you know where the Ein Hangar is?”


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: ZGF-013 Vanadis Character Portrait: Fiver Character Portrait: Sophie (Fusako Fukui) Character Portrait: Sarah Hopewell Character Portrait: Mark Duo Character Portrait: Vivi Character Portrait: Nagisa Makinami
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0.00 INK



The distorted guitars and erratic drumming of an old garage band were what Vivi, the homeless Atalanta VI, woke up to that morning. The music blasted through the speakers in her helmet the moment the clock struck six-thirty and there was a quiet whirring to be heard as she stirred, the blue circles on her back brightening with non-biological life. Though there wasn't any reason or urge to, she yawned loudly and stretched her arms up, letting out sighs much in the way a human would. She circled her arms around to loosen them and somewhere along the way, her stretching turned into a little dance. As she bobbed around she sung along, frightening away the birds. She danced her way to the edge of the building and wiped away the white splatter on her visor that was ruining the view.

"Aw, not again! C'mon, dudes, I ain't some statue! You don't shit on someone while they're sleeping," she complained loudly to the few remaining birds who shared the roof with her, "It's just common courtesy. How'd you like it if I oiled all over yer nest, huh?" Her voice, currently the enthusiastic drawl of an American teen from one of the southern states, wasn't entirely natural. There was a metallic ring and something else synthetic about it, like she was talking through a radio.

"Other than that, it's a beautiful day." She looked down at the city of Prometheus fondly as it was being touched by the first faint rays of light, then rolled her neck and switched the track playing to something with a heavy bass line, turning the volume up to full. She didn't have to worry about eardrums to burst. "Alright then," she said and tapped one high heel on the ground before lowering herself into a crouch, "Let's hop right to it."

She jumped off the building, five stories above her target, the ground. Well, that's what anyone watching would have assumed the target was. Her target was in fact the hooked street lamp that she took hold of, swung around then vaulted off as her heels retracted and the brake on her wheels where released. She hit the ground and zipped through the streets like a speed skater, avoiding anything in her way with ease.

She soon came to pass a small building almost hidden between its large neighbors came to a skidding halt in front of it, one hand almost on the ground to slow herself. A bag was tossed her way almost immediately.

"Thought you were supposed to be fast."

"The time is 6:45. I'm on time." Vivi's reply came in a matter-of-fact manner. "Don't worry, dude. These will be in everyone's hands by eight, as always!" She took off.

While she worked on delivering the mail in the most showy way possible (taking the more dangerous routes and doing tricks like rolling down railings for no reason other than 'it was there'), she decided to tune into the radio. Couple ads, a thief who was caught, something about a new policy coming in about traffic rules that may have concerned her, a dozen more ads and a notice about the radiation at Styx. She had just been about to switch back to her music when the news caught her ear. The topic of Styx had been on everyone's lips lately and she knew everything there was currently to know about it.

"The recruitment for the investigation team will be occurring at Arcadia Square today, 8:00 AM. It is advised that all volunteers..."

"8:00 AM. Got it." It must have been early to dissuade the less passionate. Vivi looked at what she was currently putting in someone's mailbox, a flier warning civilians to stay away from Styx, then stuffed it in and kept running. "I'll get there on time, otherwise I can't call myself an Atalanta VI!"

Long story short: she got there on time. Everyone else just got there a bit earlier. She muted her music as she skated up to the back of the crowd. Her heels extended until they clacked on the ground while she walked up in long, feminine to take her place next to a large, bulky robot with three children perched up on his shoulders. From there she listened with a hand on her hip, documenting all important information.

"Ein Hanger, one hour, full cooperation." She listed when Hyena's speech finished and the crowd began to scatter, the robot beside her and the children with their mother going their separate ways. She linked her fingers together and stretched her arms up, then pressed a button on her helmet to un-mute her headphones. "If I go now, I'll be waaay too early. Waiting is boring." She tapped her heel on the ground. "Suppose I can walk, like the peasants do." She laughed at her own little joke, which is to say the laugh track from a bad sitcom was projected from her. An idea sprung to mind and she perked up, "Maybe bro wants to come?"

Her heels retracted and the brakes released and she skated around the people out of the square, knowing full well that her 'brother' would not be thrilled at the idea of an expedition or cooperation, but wanting to try her luck convincing him anyway.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: ZGF-013 Vanadis Character Portrait: Fiver Character Portrait: Sophie (Fusako Fukui) Character Portrait: Sarah Hopewell Character Portrait: Mark Duo Character Portrait: Vivi Character Portrait: Nagisa Makinami
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0.00 INK

Sarah had heard reports of Styx but she didn't realize it was this bad. The old machine had seemed to put her in charge for the moment so she stepped forward and spoke.
"I can ferry any human volunteers or human sized mechanicals to Ein Hanger. We leave in 45 minutes. If you wish a ride you have till then to gather your gear and report to the dropship any not here by the deadline will be on their own."
With that Sarah turned and headed to her ship


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: ZGF-013 Vanadis Character Portrait: Fiver Character Portrait: Sophie (Fusako Fukui) Character Portrait: Sarah Hopewell Character Portrait: Mark Duo Character Portrait: Vivi Character Portrait: Nagisa Makinami
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0.00 INK

Sophie listened with mild interest. It looked like there was a radiation outbreak going on in Styx. While the idea of being surrounded by other people disinterested her, the possibility that she could die definitely interested her. The girl in charge said that she would ferry all human volunteers. Sophie said nothing but boarded onto the Ein Hanger. She had no real stuff to bring along with her. She could wear the clothes on her back, get water from any place that has it and she didn't need to eat too much due to dealing with starvation a lot. She just sat there in the hanger and stared out a window, waiting for it to leave.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: ZGF-013 Vanadis Character Portrait: Fiver Character Portrait: Mark Duo Character Portrait: Nagisa Makinami
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0.00 INK


"I didn't think I'd see wrongdoers on this side of the town..."

Quite a crowd had gathered after Hyena's announcement. In the far back, Vanadis saw a peculiar figure- zooming in with his optical sensors, he noticed an Aegis unit; an odd sight to see in Prometheus. He supposed it was due to the high-risk alert of this mission, and turned his optics away almost immediately as they had settled on it.

Just beside it was a smaller, pink machine...but with the amount of machines in the area, Vanadis didn't bother finding its unit code. Shaking his head as Hyena finished, he started to turn away. An hour of preparation, when he had already come prepared. This was...proving to already going to be a long, unproductive and boring wait.

Seemingly sensing the machine's dismay, Hyena turned to him and clasped a metallic hand on his shoulder, pointing to the group that had formed a little near the back.
"Perhaps you could help them."

Why Hyena wanted him to help out a bunch of humans an ancient unit, he didn't know. But as he took a few steps towards them- weaving through the crowd as well as he could and ignoring the gawking sights of young humans at the booster and blades on his sides and back- he heard a question already being asked.

“Do either of you know where the Ein Hangar is?”

"Ein Hangar is just a little ways off from the Crank Drawbridge; turn left near the bridge and you should be able to see it in no time," He spoke before either of the humans could. He assumed these two were volunteers as well; the rather bothered-looking dark-brown haired girl and the odd black-haired man.

There was something off about this man. Vanadis could have sworn he saw someone like him...though that could be any shaggy looking businessman with a suitcase out there. He shrugged it off.

Probably just a hunch, right?


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: ZGF-013 Vanadis Character Portrait: Fiver Character Portrait: Vivi
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0.00 INK

The Aegis noted that it was not quite up to snuff in terms of fitting inside that human pilot’s machine. Few military aircraft were capable of carrying a fully loaded Aegis without throwing the balance off, let alone an entire squad. Since the loss of the majority of Aegis units, there were only two such transports making rounds between every base throughout the entire world. There was a third one, but it was privately owned by the professional wrestling organization.

He instead relied on the Warden’s guidance. “A little ways off from the Crank Drawbridge; turn left near the bridge and you should see it in no time.” The Aegis confirmed this information; he was particularly familiar with the landmark mentioned. He had crossed it on a whim while marching down a scenic path on the way to work many hours ago.

“I shall see you all there,” The Aegis boomed (unintentionally). He then about-faced, and began his march- which was about as quick as his enormous chassis could manage, but it would be awfully slow in the perspective of the cute Atlanta unit.

Soon enough, however, he had arrived at the drawbridge with fifteen minutes to spare. There was not nearly as much public around, so the Aegis opted to use his boosters in order to speed himself along. He found the hangar after another two minutes.

The Aegis looked forward to doing his part to protect Prometheus- though it wasn’t like he could help that. He felt an odd excitement as he entered through the sliding blast doors that signified one of the entrances to the large Ein Hangar.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: ZGF-013 Vanadis Character Portrait: Fiver Character Portrait: Sophie (Fusako Fukui) Character Portrait: Sarah Hopewell Character Portrait: Mark Duo Character Portrait: Vivi Character Portrait: Nagisa Makinami
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0.00 INK

"Hey, bro?" Vivi called out as she knocked with a hard fist, then shoved her face into the camera embedded into the door. She leaned over and gave the camera a little salute with two fingers then moonwalked backwards to wait with her arms crossed and legs apart. "Yo, It's Vivi! C'mon, open up! It's important!" No sign of activity. She walked back up to the door and was about to beg when it clicked and slid open. Vivi fist pumped as she glided through the door and into Nao's apartment, dumping the bag on the kitchen counter and proceeding to whip out the bread and butter. The sound of unclad feet on tile barely cut through her music as Nao staggered through the doorway, his violet eyes glued to the hidden object in his palm.

" wanted to make a sandwich," he croaked, fiddling with the unknown contraption with a thin silver instrument. His lanky figure leaned over the small glass dining table as his gaze darted to the back of her bobbing head, "Don't see what's so important. You don't eat." Another sandwich without crusts plopped onto Vivi's leaning tower and Nao observed her behavior warily, before shrugging it off and continuing what he was doing. "Are you trying to set a record? Should I be filming?"

"You can if you want to," Vivi chirped and twirled the knife around in her hand in a blur, "This is the day we save Prometheus."


"Sorry, what?"

"Ha, I told you it was important! The Wardens are recruiting a team to go explore Styx and find the source of the radiation," the Atalanta Vi explained as she spread peanut butter with the flair of a master chef, "I thought we could do it together. Haven't you been checking yer voicemail? Anyways, we have an hour to suit up before we have to be at the Ein Hangar, so I'm making as many sandwiches as possible in the next ... seven minutes because I calculate that it should take 28 minutes to reach the Ein Hangar with the extra mass - being you - on my back." She stabbed the butter knife through the sandwich pile and turned to him eagerly. Nao was still looking into his hand.

"Short notice," he grunted. He was still in his ratty old black dressing gown.

"Couldn't be helped. The call for recruits was a week ago - and you cancelled game night. I think you only let me inside because you saw that I had a bag. So are you coming or what, bro?"

Pause. "Think I'm going to have to go with 'or what' on this one, Vi."

"AW, C'MOOOON!" Vivi's knees collapsed and she grabbed the table in a begging manner. When she received no response she straightened and turned to the counter, continuing her task. "Then you can bet yer ass I'm gonna be making sandwiches 'til I go, cos there isn't anyone else who'll do this for you." As bitter and cutting as it sounded, she only said the truth. It wasn't like Nao was going to go out of his way to prepare food that couldn't be easily stuffed in the microwave. "I just thought we could do something fun, y'know? I'm bored of doing this shit myself. Even speed run isn't as fun as it used to be. You've got to update the tracks already."

A soft, metallic bark came from behind her and she glanced over her shoulder to see something small and silver running in circles on Nao's palms. She slowly set down her knife and walked over. Nao looked up with a sly smile, "Hold out your hand." Vivi did without question and the robot dog leaped from Nao's hands to hers. She stared.

"Why do I want to put this in my mouth?"

"One, don't." Nao advised, "Two, because it's cute. That's what I was going for." He sounded almost proud.

"A device that makes machines hunger," Vivi wondered as she peered at the puppy, "... Sweet!" She looked over to Nao who had slumped into a chair and was rubbing his eyes, then her mood dropped again. "You really not coming?" He shook his head. "But the sandwiches!" She drew attention to the collapsing pile with a grand gesture and Nao just shrugged.

"Share them with the others at the field trip. You really should make new friends."

"I didn't need friends when I had you." Had. Out of every long and awkward pause that had ever been, Vivi had taken the cake with this short sentence. Programmed to be honest at all times, Vivi's words were always true - whether factually, or whether she meant them. At last Nao sighed and stood, moving to the doorway.

"Clean up when you're done," he said, "And good luck with... does Dad know you're going?" He left before Vivi could answer, leaving her alone with a failed sandwich ladder and a robot dog in danger of being bitten in half.


The Ein Hangar, right on time, as always.

Vivi switched off her music and looked around at who was already there and eventually arriving - some glum looking schoolgirl, another young woman with somewhat cold eyes, that badass human Warden and the impressive looking Vanadas, a - hey, is that seriously an Aegis? Does this mean she gets to make a wish? - and last but not... or actually, yeah, last and least, a rather bland looking man. All in all... a pretty dull turn out. She just waved or made a finger gun at anyone who looked her way and tried not to feel uncomfortable about the bag of sandwiches slung over her shoulder. It was only full of half the sandwiches she actually made, because taking all of them felt silly even for her and she made them to begin with. She let out a quiet whistle and turned the volume on low as she lazily skated in circles far from the others, doing little jumps and twirls, getting slightly more extravagant as she grew more excited. She was going to have her own adventure... perhaps she could finally forget the Okuma family with it.

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Prometheus by DeathScythe386

One of the many cities in the broken down regions of the world.

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: ZGF-013 Vanadis
Character Portrait: Sophie (Fusako Fukui)
Character Portrait: Fiver
Character Portrait: Sarah Hopewell
Character Portrait: Nagisa Makinami
Character Portrait: Mark Duo


Character Portrait: Mark Duo
Mark Duo

"If it looks interesting, take it. If not, then make excuses and leave. Seems simple enough."

Character Portrait: Nagisa Makinami
Nagisa Makinami

"I don't think it's the radiation."

Character Portrait: Sarah Hopewell
Sarah Hopewell

"In the pipe five by five."

Character Portrait: Fiver

Aegis-Class Protector-15555

Character Portrait: Sophie (Fusako Fukui)
Sophie (Fusako Fukui)

"Just leave me alone, alright...? I just want to get through this in one piece."

Character Portrait: ZGF-013 Vanadis
ZGF-013 Vanadis

"Stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours...unless you cause trouble."


Character Portrait: Mark Duo
Mark Duo

"If it looks interesting, take it. If not, then make excuses and leave. Seems simple enough."

Character Portrait: Nagisa Makinami
Nagisa Makinami

"I don't think it's the radiation."

Character Portrait: Sarah Hopewell
Sarah Hopewell

"In the pipe five by five."

Character Portrait: ZGF-013 Vanadis
ZGF-013 Vanadis

"Stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours...unless you cause trouble."

Character Portrait: Fiver

Aegis-Class Protector-15555

Character Portrait: Sophie (Fusako Fukui)
Sophie (Fusako Fukui)

"Just leave me alone, alright...? I just want to get through this in one piece."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Mark Duo
Mark Duo

"If it looks interesting, take it. If not, then make excuses and leave. Seems simple enough."

Character Portrait: Sophie (Fusako Fukui)
Sophie (Fusako Fukui)

"Just leave me alone, alright...? I just want to get through this in one piece."

Character Portrait: Nagisa Makinami
Nagisa Makinami

"I don't think it's the radiation."

Character Portrait: Sarah Hopewell
Sarah Hopewell

"In the pipe five by five."

Character Portrait: ZGF-013 Vanadis
ZGF-013 Vanadis

"Stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours...unless you cause trouble."

Character Portrait: Fiver

Aegis-Class Protector-15555

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Prometheus by DeathScythe386

One of the many cities in the broken down regions of the world.


One of the many cities in the broken down regions of the world.

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Re: Dream of Prometheus

The starting post is up! For now it's just my two characters, but when everyone's gathered I'll start the briefing scene. While waiting, everyone can interact with each other.

Re: Dream of Prometheus

So then-- I'm still waiting for the others to finish their characters, so if any problems had come up with creating your characters or if real life decided to screw around and get in your way, please inform me. In the meantime I've created a small chat for us to keep in better touch. Still a newbie to that site, so if there are any problems I'm still going to have to work them out.

Re: Dream of Prometheus

Yeah, you guys can join in! The possibilities for the number of players here is endless. XD

@R.T.M.X I'll shoot you a PM soon to discuss plot ideas, if you have any for your antagonist then. You're clear to make one and it would be interesting to have one in the RP. :)

Re: Dream of Prometheus

If there is still room to join, I can roll up either a robot or human over the weekend. And if allowed, I'd be interested in taking a spot as a possible reoccurring antagonist.

Re: Dream of Prometheus

You've got something pretty neat here! I may toss in a robot at some point within the next couple of days.

Re: Dream of Prometheus

My idea was that like humans, machines differ from place to place. The Prometheus machines are benevolent, if not a tad bit overprotective, but other machines could possibly be malevolent and wish harm upon the humans- like the type of machine you'd usually see in post-apocalyptic, "robots take over the world" plotlines. So far our story will mostly take place in Prometheus, but other future plotlines may require travel to other regions. When I was making the RP I made it so that the machines and humans were equals, but that could possibly apply only to Prometheus and some certain areas.

On the topic of Styx, I actually planned for there to be a group behind the Styx radiation outbreak- we would get that info after we find out about Nagisa's attacker, since I'm allowing people to have their own character storylines. Ah, I almost forgot- you guys can have storylines for your characters that you can discuss here in the OOC with the other players! Other characters can feel free to go for those storylines, and it could probably lead to more character relationship development or even plot development, which you can talk over with me.

Now on the scavengers we heard about in both my characters' backstories, these scavengers popped up around a little after Last Eden, where everyone was so desperate to survive that they were willing to kill and destroy. Some of them still exist- such as the group that attacked Nagisa's region- and it's possible that they could be fighting for other reasons as well. Your idea for other characters that aren't in Prometheus is good, and we can probably include them as the plot goes on.

I initially started this roleplay as a little joke and test- let's just say it sprang from a crack idea of an otome game with mechas as the love interests- but I'm pretty glad there are some people that share the idea of a post-apocalyptic world where machines aren't all monstrous beings. Keep the suggestions incoming, you guys and we can probably make a clear plot out of it all somehow!

Re: Dream of Prometheus

Ah, and yes, I've come up with more ideas now. I'd love to develop this world a little more. Like, exactly how do the machines govern over humans? Do they really see them as masters, as equals, or as their burden, their pets. Perhaps there is disagreeing ideologies and fashions. Perhaps there are more humanist parties who seek greater power and freedom granted to humans, while there are other groups that seek efficiency and improvement of machines, and the complete domination of humankind in order to keep them safe and orderly. Perhaps I could make a robot who is working for a sort of higher authority or organization who perhaps is leading the Styx team, if not at least monitoring, for other interests.

And what of these violent scavengers and such we keep hearing of? Something tells me there is a division of interest here, between those who willingly give up their freedom to machines for comfort, and those who refuse to give up their freedom. I imagine all these humans living under the care of machines probably are presented very little that's negative about them, but those scavengers and those who resist the dominance of machines probably see them in an entirely different light. I can only imagine that the machines are likely trying to expand their dominance and claim as many regions as possible, perhaps for resources or more potential centers of operation, or to claim more 'survivors' and bring them under their 'protection', which some might view as giving up freedom. I can imagine all kinds of terrible rumors (which may perhaps be true) are spread through the remaining untouched pockets of humanity. Meanwhile, the humans under the care of the machines would be none the wiser. Perhaps it would be fun to have some scavenger characters, or explore the societal dynamics of the human tribes that live in fear of the machines.

I'd love to see this world developed more, and perhaps it there could be a potential hidden plot of intrigue, where the truth is always being obfuscated. I mean, the loyal humans are probably fed all kinds of indoctrination, whereas the outside humans are possibly very biased, or at least it isn't clear if they should be taken at face value because not all of them are very good either. And machines? Well, they can always have their memory-banks changed, or be reprogrammed to work on Big Brother Bot's every whim, probably without them having realized it. Perhaps every robot might have some hidden subroutine in them that only activates under specific circumstances. The conspiracy theories can be endless!

Re: Dream of Prometheus

Well, that's fine. I've been only really using Discord anyway. You don't need to download it to use it, you can use it online, and people don't have to spend too much time to make an official account.

Re: Dream of Prometheus

Ahh, why?

So My character will be a bit late, I lost all momentum and now ran into a writers block now.... Q w Q

I'll work on it tomorrow....

Sorry. Q.Q


Re: Dream of Prometheus

Whoa, I didn't expect I'd get this many players! Thanks for taking interest in the roleplay, you all! I'll be waiting for everyone's characters; you're all cleared!

@Iced Fire In other regions, the human military is a bit torn and ragged from Last Eden but they do still exist. In Prometheus, though, they've only recently started letting in humans so there's only a handful of humans working in the security and military units.

@HolyJunkie Your character's looking pretty good! Haven't seen any problems with it.

@Lloyd999 I haven't really gotten around to using Skype due to my computer having a lot of problems when it comes to certain programs; the least I could probably do for this place is a Chatzy, I guess if that works.

@CabbageAngel Yeah, I'll take note of it. It'll be up to you to find a way to incorporate your character in the ongoing posting though, and you could probably send us an alert here in the OOC when you get back. :)

Anyway, I'll be working on my second character (human) for now, so let's all try our best to make this a fun roleplay! XD

Re: Dream of Prometheus

Yo. I think I would like to be in this. I'm going away for a bit so if I come crawling back later (two weeks I think) please let me in or like if I do make a character before I go just know that character isn't going to be active for a bit. Anyway, this is awesome and should be fun. :)

Re: Dream of Prometheus

I set up a rough character sheet. If you have any issues with it, DeathScythe, be sure to PM me. I'll be working to improve the character sheet in the meantime.

Re: Dream of Prometheus

Hello! This looks cool but I have a question...

Is there a human military or is all defense run by robots? I ask this because my idea for a character is a female human pilot capible of flying both fighters and troop dropships.

Re: Dream of Prometheus

A sci-fi roleplay? No celebrity face claims? ABOUT ROBOTS? *Bastion ult noises*

Where do I sign, baby?! I haven't roleplayed in fo-evah, and I've been suffering creative sterility as a result. I think I'd make a robot character, but, not sure what sort of character I want to play yet. Still, funnily enough, this roleplay has some very similar concepts to some story ideas of mine (the idea of robot societies living on after humans fell, comparisons to the dinosaurs, possibilities of robots keeping humans sheltered and safe like zoo animals, and so on). Nice to see that there's already interest here.

Any chance of being able to communicate with roleplayers on Skype or Discord? That definitely helps as a GM, and keeps your players engaged and lets players cooperate to come up with greater ideas.

Re: Dream of Prometheus

I shall throw my hat into the ring too then, never tried this before~

Now I might have two characters, a human and robot, if that's okay. Q.Q

I love that reaction. I really do. XD


Re: Dream of Prometheus

@Guardian This RP appeals to the inner mechasexual in all of us. XD Sandbox pretty much means everything is free-roam and we don't necessarily need a plot unless we get more people who want to do stuff. XD
Kiibo's a bit hard to look for pics now especially after Chapter 6. XD I'll be waiting for a character then. XD

Re: Dream of Prometheus

Mechasexual RP, eh? Well, even if no one else pops up, sign me the fuck up. XD Didn't think I'd find a sandbox but hey, sandboxes are among one of my favorite video game genres~ Not sure if I wanna do a robot or a human. Probably a human at first but I'll see if anyone nabs a certain hope bot for a face claim before making a second character. XD Either way, count me in!

Dream of Prometheus

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