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Atalanta VI V.26

0 · 591 views · located in Prometheus

a character in “Dream of Prometheus”, originally authored by CabbageAngel, as played by RolePlayGateway





Name || Atalanta VI (pronounced, Atalanta 6) is her model but most if not all know her by Vivi, the name her rescuer gave her.

Model Number || V.26

Personality and Behavior || Vivi a free-spirited bot, simply happy to be alive. She takes great joy in her job despite only being the mailman and occasional go-between-er for people having business. She's got a cheerful disposition and a sense of humor and is known to be impulsive. She throws herself into any situation with full enthusiasm and can look on the bright side. Despite her more feminine structure, her behavior and manor of speech is very boyish.

Unfortunately or fortunately she's programmed to be honest at all times unless instructed so by Nao, who can change her programming with a voice command. Her other downfall is that she is ridiculously gullible, with her lie detector being broken. Nao has too much fun with it to consider fixing it, despite it also interfering with her ability to sense the mood and detect sarcasm.

As for interests, find out in the roleplay...

Overall Appearance || Vivi stands at five-foot-nine and has a very sleek and feminine design. Most of her height is on account of her legs, which have three joints rather than two to increase the strength of her jump. She has detachable "cannons" that release compressed air to help give her a softer landing to a high jump, which are often worn on her hips. Her helmet is not attached to her and can be removed, however beneath it is the face of a blank manikin. She finds it creepy so she hides it, waiting for Nao to finish making her realistic human face so she can appear even more humanoid. Instead of normal feet she has balls with small breaks. The metallic balls act as wheels and when the brakes are on, a thin platform extends from her heel so she appears to be wearing high heels, and can walk normally.

Features (weapons included) ||

Headphones - She can play music inside of her helmet. She can also tune into the radio, which is handy at times. This was a feature added by Nao.

Air cannons - To help soften the blow of a fall. She mostly uses them to jump very high.

Invisibility shield - She was designed to be discrete. The shield drains a lot of power from her and she makes the place she is appear blurry if she moves with it on, so she must be still and wait it out.

Speed run - Is what Nao and Vivi call the game that's installed in her helmet. When she turns it on, she sees giant coins floating about the landscape, usually in a line that leads to the end of the game. She has to run and collect them all as fast as she can, each time trying to beat her last personal best. It's more of a training simulator and an experiment for Nao to test his latest modifications than a game as he insists it is to Vivi. The coins don't really appear in real life of course, they're just projected inside of her helmet.

Skills and Specializations ||

Speed - She was designed for this, after all. Just by skating she can move up to 110 kilometers per hour, really nothing compared to a speeding car, but she is both agile and can travel through tight places which is why her model was ideal for outrunning the enemy.

Storage - All secret files stored in her prior to Last Eden have been corrupted and it hurts to recover them. She still has a very large file space. The USB port is hidden on the back of her head, where her head joins the neck.

Stealth - She can turn invisible. She doesn't really enjoy "stealth mode" and prefers to speed right into things.

Mimic - She has multiple voice banks that are processed from recordings of people, and has fun switching between them.

History || Before Vivi went about delivering papers she had very different deliveries to be concerned with. Atalanta VI was used by the [[classified]] to deliver secrets and messages that could not be digitally intercepted, giving that the age of technology was also the age of hackers. The mode was set to self-destruct if the enemy caught them. V.26 was caught. She attempted to self-destruct however it malfunctioned. It scrambled her AI and corrupted the files the enemy sought after, but she did not blow up. They picked apart her body while she was half-conscious and recovered some files however it hardly mattered, being that bits of meteor were now raining down and killing everyone.

She was left in the junkyard that used to be a city, still barely conscious. It did not take long until she eventually shut down, but it was long enough to be plead to whatever sent the meteor to erase the memory of what happened to her, be it by death or a miracle.

Vivi's body was discovered in pieces by scavengers and was bought by a skilled mechanic before they could melt her down. A paint job and a fix-up that took five years later, Vivi's systems were back online. Her personality had definitely been altered from the silent weapon she had been before, but it was uncertain whether that was due to her self-destruct malfunctioning and the trauma that came after or whether it was the friendship established with her saviour that changed her. Perhaps it was both.

She unsurprisingly developed feelings for the man who had saved her but was always seen as a machine, a mechanical companion that was a useful tool for survival. She kept quiet as he found love, telling herself to be overjoyed that he found happiness in the post-apocalypse with a female, human companion. She helped in the delivery of their child Naoya, a very bloody and terrifying situation for her.

With both a newborn and a fatigued woman in tow, Vivi knew that she had to get the family to a safe place. That place turned out to be Prometheus, where they were welcomed as refuges. She moved out when Nao did, quite happy to not have to spend her days in the same house as the man who broke her mechanical heart and gave her the impression that being metal and unable to have children made her unlovable, giving her the "do I look human enough" complex. She has been looked after by her "bro" since then and has undergone many changes while under his care, like being programmed to be honest and the headphones and game in her helmet.

She works as a mailman of sorts and lives on the roofs of buildings. No for real. She doesn't need to eat and is charged both electronically and/or with solar power so she just goes to sleep mode while standing upright. Nao is under the impression that she is living with his parents and his parents are under the impression Vivi is living with Nao. Due to a lack of communication between all parties, none of them realize that Vivi is homeless. Whoops.

She recently delivered fliers warning everyone to stay away from Styx, so... she thought it would be a good idea to join the exploration team and check it out. It's an excuse to get Nao out of the house.

Other ||
Character design by CabbageAngel. Probably looks like a lot of other stuff. Bleagh.
Hexcode || Speech, Thought

So begins...

Vivi's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: ZGF-013 Vanadis Character Portrait: Fiver Character Portrait: Sophie (Fusako Fukui) Character Portrait: Sarah Hopewell Character Portrait: Mark Duo Character Portrait: Vivi
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The distorted guitars and erratic drumming of an old garage band were what Vivi, the homeless Atalanta VI, woke up to that morning. The music blasted through the speakers in her helmet the moment the clock struck six-thirty and there was a quiet whirring to be heard as she stirred, the blue circles on her back brightening with non-biological life. Though there wasn't any reason or urge to, she yawned loudly and stretched her arms up, letting out sighs much in the way a human would. She circled her arms around to loosen them and somewhere along the way, her stretching turned into a little dance. As she bobbed around she sung along, frightening away the birds. She danced her way to the edge of the building and wiped away the white splatter on her visor that was ruining the view.

"Aw, not again! C'mon, dudes, I ain't some statue! You don't shit on someone while they're sleeping," she complained loudly to the few remaining birds who shared the roof with her, "It's just common courtesy. How'd you like it if I oiled all over yer nest, huh?" Her voice, currently the enthusiastic drawl of an American teen from one of the southern states, wasn't entirely natural. There was a metallic ring and something else synthetic about it, like she was talking through a radio.

"Other than that, it's a beautiful day." She looked down at the city of Prometheus fondly as it was being touched by the first faint rays of light, then rolled her neck and switched the track playing to something with a heavy bass line, turning the volume up to full. She didn't have to worry about eardrums to burst. "Alright then," she said and tapped one high heel on the ground before lowering herself into a crouch, "Let's hop right to it."

She jumped off the building, five stories above her target, the ground. Well, that's what anyone watching would have assumed the target was. Her target was in fact the hooked street lamp that she took hold of, swung around then vaulted off as her heels retracted and the brake on her wheels where released. She hit the ground and zipped through the streets like a speed skater, avoiding anything in her way with ease.

She soon came to pass a small building almost hidden between its large neighbors came to a skidding halt in front of it, one hand almost on the ground to slow herself. A bag was tossed her way almost immediately.

"Thought you were supposed to be fast."

"The time is 6:45. I'm on time." Vivi's reply came in a matter-of-fact manner. "Don't worry, dude. These will be in everyone's hands by eight, as always!" She took off.

While she worked on delivering the mail in the most showy way possible (taking the more dangerous routes and doing tricks like rolling down railings for no reason other than 'it was there'), she decided to tune into the radio. Couple ads, a thief who was caught, something about a new policy coming in about traffic rules that may have concerned her, a dozen more ads and a notice about the radiation at Styx. She had just been about to switch back to her music when the news caught her ear. The topic of Styx had been on everyone's lips lately and she knew everything there was currently to know about it.

"The recruitment for the investigation team will be occurring at Arcadia Square today, 8:00 AM. It is advised that all volunteers..."

"8:00 AM. Got it." It must have been early to dissuade the less passionate. Vivi looked at what she was currently putting in someone's mailbox, a flier warning civilians to stay away from Styx, then stuffed it in and kept running. "I'll get there on time, otherwise I can't call myself an Atalanta VI!"

Long story short: she got there on time. Everyone else just got there a bit earlier. She muted her music as she skated up to the back of the crowd. Her heels extended until they clacked on the ground while she walked up in long, feminine to take her place next to a large, bulky robot with three children perched up on his shoulders. From there she listened with a hand on her hip, documenting all important information.

"Ein Hanger, one hour, full cooperation." She listed when Hyena's speech finished and the crowd began to scatter, the robot beside her and the children with their mother going their separate ways. She linked her fingers together and stretched her arms up, then pressed a button on her helmet to un-mute her headphones. "If I go now, I'll be waaay too early. Waiting is boring." She tapped her heel on the ground. "Suppose I can walk, like the peasants do." She laughed at her own little joke, which is to say the laugh track from a bad sitcom was projected from her. An idea sprung to mind and she perked up, "Maybe bro wants to come?"

Her heels retracted and the brakes released and she skated around the people out of the square, knowing full well that her 'brother' would not be thrilled at the idea of an expedition or cooperation, but wanting to try her luck convincing him anyway.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: ZGF-013 Vanadis Character Portrait: Fiver Character Portrait: Sophie (Fusako Fukui) Character Portrait: Sarah Hopewell Character Portrait: Mark Duo Character Portrait: Vivi
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Sarah had heard reports of Styx but she didn't realize it was this bad. The old machine had seemed to put her in charge for the moment so she stepped forward and spoke.
"I can ferry any human volunteers or human sized mechanicals to Ein Hanger. We leave in 45 minutes. If you wish a ride you have till then to gather your gear and report to the dropship any not here by the deadline will be on their own."
With that Sarah turned and headed to her ship


Characters Present

Character Portrait: ZGF-013 Vanadis Character Portrait: Fiver Character Portrait: Sophie (Fusako Fukui) Character Portrait: Sarah Hopewell Character Portrait: Mark Duo Character Portrait: Vivi
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Sophie listened with mild interest. It looked like there was a radiation outbreak going on in Styx. While the idea of being surrounded by other people disinterested her, the possibility that she could die definitely interested her. The girl in charge said that she would ferry all human volunteers. Sophie said nothing but boarded onto the Ein Hanger. She had no real stuff to bring along with her. She could wear the clothes on her back, get water from any place that has it and she didn't need to eat too much due to dealing with starvation a lot. She just sat there in the hanger and stared out a window, waiting for it to leave.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: ZGF-013 Vanadis Character Portrait: Fiver Character Portrait: Vivi
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The Aegis noted that it was not quite up to snuff in terms of fitting inside that human pilot’s machine. Few military aircraft were capable of carrying a fully loaded Aegis without throwing the balance off, let alone an entire squad. Since the loss of the majority of Aegis units, there were only two such transports making rounds between every base throughout the entire world. There was a third one, but it was privately owned by the professional wrestling organization.

He instead relied on the Warden’s guidance. “A little ways off from the Crank Drawbridge; turn left near the bridge and you should see it in no time.” The Aegis confirmed this information; he was particularly familiar with the landmark mentioned. He had crossed it on a whim while marching down a scenic path on the way to work many hours ago.

“I shall see you all there,” The Aegis boomed (unintentionally). He then about-faced, and began his march- which was about as quick as his enormous chassis could manage, but it would be awfully slow in the perspective of the cute Atlanta unit.

Soon enough, however, he had arrived at the drawbridge with fifteen minutes to spare. There was not nearly as much public around, so the Aegis opted to use his boosters in order to speed himself along. He found the hangar after another two minutes.

The Aegis looked forward to doing his part to protect Prometheus- though it wasn’t like he could help that. He felt an odd excitement as he entered through the sliding blast doors that signified one of the entrances to the large Ein Hangar.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: ZGF-013 Vanadis Character Portrait: Fiver Character Portrait: Sophie (Fusako Fukui) Character Portrait: Sarah Hopewell Character Portrait: Mark Duo Character Portrait: Vivi
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"Hey, bro?" Vivi called out as she knocked with a hard fist, then shoved her face into the camera embedded into the door. She leaned over and gave the camera a little salute with two fingers then moonwalked backwards to wait with her arms crossed and legs apart. "Yo, It's Vivi! C'mon, open up! It's important!" No sign of activity. She walked back up to the door and was about to beg when it clicked and slid open. Vivi fist pumped as she glided through the door and into Nao's apartment, dumping the bag on the kitchen counter and proceeding to whip out the bread and butter. The sound of unclad feet on tile barely cut through her music as Nao staggered through the doorway, his violet eyes glued to the hidden object in his palm.

" wanted to make a sandwich," he croaked, fiddling with the unknown contraption with a thin silver instrument. His lanky figure leaned over the small glass dining table as his gaze darted to the back of her bobbing head, "Don't see what's so important. You don't eat." Another sandwich without crusts plopped onto Vivi's leaning tower and Nao observed her behavior warily, before shrugging it off and continuing what he was doing. "Are you trying to set a record? Should I be filming?"

"You can if you want to," Vivi chirped and twirled the knife around in her hand in a blur, "This is the day we save Prometheus."


"Sorry, what?"

"Ha, I told you it was important! The Wardens are recruiting a team to go explore Styx and find the source of the radiation," the Atalanta Vi explained as she spread peanut butter with the flair of a master chef, "I thought we could do it together. Haven't you been checking yer voicemail? Anyways, we have an hour to suit up before we have to be at the Ein Hangar, so I'm making as many sandwiches as possible in the next ... seven minutes because I calculate that it should take 28 minutes to reach the Ein Hangar with the extra mass - being you - on my back." She stabbed the butter knife through the sandwich pile and turned to him eagerly. Nao was still looking into his hand.

"Short notice," he grunted. He was still in his ratty old black dressing gown.

"Couldn't be helped. The call for recruits was a week ago - and you cancelled game night. I think you only let me inside because you saw that I had a bag. So are you coming or what, bro?"

Pause. "Think I'm going to have to go with 'or what' on this one, Vi."

"AW, C'MOOOON!" Vivi's knees collapsed and she grabbed the table in a begging manner. When she received no response she straightened and turned to the counter, continuing her task. "Then you can bet yer ass I'm gonna be making sandwiches 'til I go, cos there isn't anyone else who'll do this for you." As bitter and cutting as it sounded, she only said the truth. It wasn't like Nao was going to go out of his way to prepare food that couldn't be easily stuffed in the microwave. "I just thought we could do something fun, y'know? I'm bored of doing this shit myself. Even speed run isn't as fun as it used to be. You've got to update the tracks already."

A soft, metallic bark came from behind her and she glanced over her shoulder to see something small and silver running in circles on Nao's palms. She slowly set down her knife and walked over. Nao looked up with a sly smile, "Hold out your hand." Vivi did without question and the robot dog leaped from Nao's hands to hers. She stared.

"Why do I want to put this in my mouth?"

"One, don't." Nao advised, "Two, because it's cute. That's what I was going for." He sounded almost proud.

"A device that makes machines hunger," Vivi wondered as she peered at the puppy, "... Sweet!" She looked over to Nao who had slumped into a chair and was rubbing his eyes, then her mood dropped again. "You really not coming?" He shook his head. "But the sandwiches!" She drew attention to the collapsing pile with a grand gesture and Nao just shrugged.

"Share them with the others at the field trip. You really should make new friends."

"I didn't need friends when I had you." Had. Out of every long and awkward pause that had ever been, Vivi had taken the cake with this short sentence. Programmed to be honest at all times, Vivi's words were always true - whether factually, or whether she meant them. At last Nao sighed and stood, moving to the doorway.

"Clean up when you're done," he said, "And good luck with... does Dad know you're going?" He left before Vivi could answer, leaving her alone with a failed sandwich ladder and a robot dog in danger of being bitten in half.


The Ein Hangar, right on time, as always.

Vivi switched off her music and looked around at who was already there and eventually arriving - some glum looking schoolgirl, another young woman with somewhat cold eyes, that badass human Warden and the impressive looking Vanadas, a - hey, is that seriously an Aegis? Does this mean she gets to make a wish? - and last but not... or actually, yeah, last and least, a rather bland looking man. All in all... a pretty dull turn out. She just waved or made a finger gun at anyone who looked her way and tried not to feel uncomfortable about the bag of sandwiches slung over her shoulder. It was only full of half the sandwiches she actually made, because taking all of them felt silly even for her and she made them to begin with. She let out a quiet whistle and turned the volume on low as she lazily skated in circles far from the others, doing little jumps and twirls, getting slightly more extravagant as she grew more excited. She was going to have her own adventure... perhaps she could finally forget the Okuma family with it.