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Elemental Kingdoms: Wolf Howl

Elemental Kingdoms: Wolf Howl


There were 8 powerful Kingdom's and the world was ruled by wolves. Each of the 8 royal families was blessed with an heir that held the powers of their Kingdom and that heir alone could control it. The one heir would rule their Kingdom and keep the peace.

2,228 readers have visited Elemental Kingdoms: Wolf Howl since DyLAn:D created it.



There was 8 powerful Kingdoms and the world was ruled by wolves. Each of the 8 royal families had one heir to their families elemental powers and they would one day rule their Kingdom's an keep peace amongst the world like their ancestor's did before them.




The Fire Kingdom resides in the volcanic regions where lava and ash were welcomed sights to see instead of threatening ones. The wolves here are known for their brute strength and strong warriors.
The Fire Heir has the power to control fire, lava and magma.


The Water Kingdom is an island located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The wolves here are known for their healing powers and peaceful ways of living. They are also excite swimmers being able to swim for 3 days straight with rest or food.
The Water Heir can control water, rain, mist and has the ability of ultimate healing which is were the heir can reattach limbs.


The Earth Kingdom is deep within the crust of the earth. They are known for there harvest and livestock. Most of the other Kingdoms will order their food from this Kingdom because it is the best. Wolves here are known for their strength being even stronger then the Fire Kingdom wolves because of all the digging and holing they do.
The Earth Heir can control mineral's, rocks, dirt and plants.


The Air Kingdom is located at the top of the highest mountain in the Western Region. They are known for their intellect. Making flying machines and other technologies.
The Air Heir has the ability to control the air currents and clouds.


The Lightning Kingdom is located in the center of the perfect storm which is always or usually active.Wolves who live here arent bothered by the consant storm they actually enjoy it. They are known for their speed, having some of the fastest wolves in the world.
The Lightning Heir has the power to control electricity and storms.


The Ice Kingdom is located in the coldest region in the world, the Arctic Circle. They are known for their control over their wolves having be communicate with them and control their bodies perfectly so they can change their body temperature's to suit any climate.
The Ice Heir has the power to control ice, snow and crystals.


The Solar Kingdom is located at the Equator of Earth, for it is always warm there. This Pack is known for their Musical talent and that legend has it they were blessed by the sun god Apollo.
The Solar Heir has the power to control the sun, day, sound and gas. Since this Heir was blessed by Apollo they will have powers they are unaware of.


The Lunar Kingdom's location is a mystery. No one knows where it is all they know is that it is surrounded in eternal night. This pack is known for their stealth and Hunter's for they are the best at what they do. Legend has it this Pack was blessed by the Moon Goddess Artemis.
The Lunar Heir can control time, space, night and the moon. Since Artemis blessed this Heir they have powers even they are unaware of.


The Chaos Kingdom is only known to a few wolves for it is the most blood thirsty pack alive. They hate the other packs and are planning a war against the other packs. But their plans were delayed a few thousand years when Artemis and Apollo sealed the Kingdom away to the pits of Hell.
The Chaos Heir has the power to control the shadow's, darkness and hate.


It is modern days now and wolves are only talked about in folk lores. The great Kingdoms still exist but they are unseen to the human eye. The wolves in their attempt to keep their species safe they made themselves appear human but can still shift into their natural form. The new generation of Heir's have been born and they are the most power yet. But now thanks you Hades, God of the Underworld, the Chaos Kingdom has returned and they are seeking revenge on all the other Kingdoms. To protect their future ruler's the packs decided that they would send away the Heir and a guard to a camp located in a secret forest created by Artemis. There the heirs will form bonds between each other and train themselves like never before to defeat the Chaos Kingdom.


Fire Heir-Prince (Reserved)
Water Heir-Princess (Reserved)
Air Heir-Princess (Reserved)
Earth Heir-Prince (Taken)
Lightning Heir-Prince (Reserved)
Ice Heir-Princess (Reserved)
Solar Heir-Prince (Reserved)
Lunar Heir-Princess (Taken)

*You must make a guard with your Heir*
*The Chaos Kingdom can be used by anyone*
*Pictures of Heir's wolves*

Fire- ... yuumei.jpg
Water- ... yuumei.jpg
Air- ... yuumei.jpg
Earth- ... yuumei.jpg
Lightning- ... yuumei.jpg
Ice- ... yuumei.jpg
Solar- ... 3b5bf7.jpg
Lunar- ... 8ebd00.jpg

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Full Name
Hair Color
Eye Color
Physical Description
Height Weight
Scar's, Tattoo's, marks, etc
Likes (5)
Dislikes (5)
Weapon of Choice
(Atleast 3 pictures)


(Atleast 3 pictures)


1. I am the goddess of this RP you must listen to me
2. Anime Pictures only please
3. Romance amongst the kingdoms in encouraged
4. No sex scenes. Kissing, etc is allowed
5. Have FUN!!!
6. You must post at least once a day. That is the minimum
7. Please inform me if you are unable to post
8. Your character must be in within 48 hours
9. If you have a plot idea tell me, dont be shy i aint picky :)
10. Swear like a trucker i dont care :)

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Knight Character Portrait: Liam Fields
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#, as written by DyLAn:D
"Miss are you ready? All the other Kingdom's would be there by now we should leave" Luna heard Liam say, a soft continous knocking on the big dark oak door had Luna slightly rolling her eye's. Neither of the left comfortable traveling during the day unlike the rest of the Royal's, Luna and Liam preferred to night travel that way if they came across any human they would blend into the night with their stealth. That and the night was what they lived in, eternal night, one of the reasons they called them the Lunar Kingdom.
"Yes Liam i'm coming i just finished packing" Luna said dryly back. She didnt want to leave the comfort of her home nor her parents but with the Chaos Kingdom now back she had no choice. Liam entered the room and picked up Luna's suitcase and Luna grabbed her backpack. They left without another word, Luna and Liam had already said their goodbyes. And just like that they were gone, vanishing into the dark forest that surrounded their Kingdom. They both shifted into their wolves, Luna's being much different then Liam's. Liam was just a normal big brown wolf while Luna, being the Heir to the Lunar Kingdom, had a beautiful dark blue coat that faded slightly near her tail, paws, ears and nose. Her under belly was yellow and white and she had silver eyes and crescent moon markings all over her body.
As they moved you couldnt even here their paws hit the ground as they moved swiftly and stealthy. Luna hadnt changed into her wolf form in so long, having to be under house arrest for her own safety the past week. It took them 7 hours in wolf form but they finally arrived at the gates of the camp they would be staying at, it didnt have a name people just called it 'the gods safe haven' for Artemis and Apollo had created the forest and the camp for the Heir's protection. The pair shifted again and quickly re dressed. Luna smoothed her white silk fighting dress down her curvy frame and shifted the metal gloves and boots she had on until they were once again comfortable.
"Shall we miss?" Liam asked polietly and Luna nodded. Only an Heir could open the gate, for they had to channel some of their powers into the lock to open it. Luna channeled some of her powers and a loud click was heard as the shining gold gates opened revealing a large camp. Huge wooden cabin's lines one side of the area, each Heir getting their own cabin that they had to share with their guard. Tall wooden buildings like the dining hall were down a small hill along with the other public buildings. Roaring campfires blazed brightly by the dining hall, camper's who were her fellow heir's gathered around it, some sitting on the wooden logs while other stood.
"Miss our cabin is number 4, we are in between the Fire Heir and the Water Heir" Liam informed her as the gates closed behind them, the loud clicking of the lock closing brought comfort to Luna.
"I understand lets go unload" Luna smiled slightly as they walked to their cabin.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arvia Ceres Character Portrait: Hugo Zaan
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#, as written by Issa

"Hugo, I do wish you wouldn't carry that around with you." Arvia said to her guard, "All the humans stare so much." The girl glanced down at the weapon hanging from Hugo's waist. It never left his side.

Hugo didn't respond, his eyes too focused on the crowd of people passing them in the street. It was true, there were those that stared at the strangely armed young man, but he wasn't concerned with them. His focus was on anyone who looked at his charge. He wished that they had made straight for the camp, there he knew that Arvia would be safe. He glanced down at the Ice Heir. She was gazing at everything the busy city street had to offer with hungry eyes. Of course her outfit didn't fit in with the climate, she was still in the heavy furs she preferred to wear in the arctic. No doubt a normal human would be sweating right now but the Ice Heir could regulate her body temperature, she adapted well to changes in temperature.

"Arvia, we should leave now." Hugo said, hesitating before speaking her name. Arvia turned and grinned at her guard, pleased to actually hear him speak her name for once. It had taken months before he would even consider calling her anything else other than Princess. But, she had argued, at the camp there would be more princesses and how was she to know that Hugo was calling her? The guard had protested but Arvia had continued insisting until eventually he had agreed to use her first name.

The two had done a side track on their trip down to the camp, much to Hugo's frustration. Arvia was going to make the most of leaving the arctic and had made the pair stop at every new city. Now the two left the city and made their way into an area of isolated bush. Without losing a minute of time the two shifted into their wolf forms. Hugo's wolf form was a large, black wolf and Arvia was silver white. Grabbing their bags between their teeth the two began to run. Tiny ice crystals formed as Arvia's paws hit the ground and melted swiftly once she had passed.
They ran full pelt, Hugo leading the way. Finally they passed into Apollo and Artemis' sacred forest. They shifted back and quickly changed back into their clothes before approaching the gates. Arvia opened them with a push from her magic, a flurry of snow flakes fell from her hand as she did.
"Cabin two", Hugo began, pointing towards said cabin. Arvia had already spotted it and was halfway there.

It was perfectly suited to her taste and Arvia quickly got to unpacking her clothes.
"The other heirs are starting a fire outside." Hugo remarked. He hadn't began to unpack, he really only had one small bag. Arvia turned nervously towards the window that overlooked the area in front of the dining hall. Sure enough fires were being made and Arvia, suddenly anxious about meeting her fellow Heirs, hesitated before leaving.
"You'll come with me?"She asked, hating the worried tone that appeared in her voice.
Hugo nodded. Arvia smiled in reply and, after a moments pause, finally made her way to the door of her cabin.
"Well, let's do this." She said, both for Hugo's benefit and her own.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vena Alberroyo Character Portrait: Toma Sae Ro
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Image Image

"WAKE UP. We have a very important meeting to attend, stupid Prince."

Toma was very used to being waken up like that by her guard, Vena Alberroyo and doesn't really mind being called 'stupid'. He always skips the lesson anyway, so it wasn't her fault that she think he was stupid right? The Prince sat on his big orange bad and rubbed his eyes. He clearly still hasn't waken up, his eyes were still sleepy and his body had no spirit inside, like he used to have. Vena sighed. It was always the same with him. But she smiled too seeing his sleepy face being so cute. But duty is duty...

"WAKE UP. Comon, or else, cold water is going to do the job!"

In the same second she ended her 'threat', the Prince of the Solar Kingdom went up and jumped off his bed, stretched himself and yawned a big one and looked at Vena still with sleepy eyes, but already had life in it. "Yumm?"

She sighed watching his master already carving for something to eat. Yes, 'Yumm' in Toma's dictionary means 'something to eat'. He does often say something weird, but Vena was already used to it. While Vena prepared the meal on his personal dinner table in his room, Toma looked at her doing with eager, looking forward to the meal she will give.

"YES!! Love this! Thanks Vena- chan!" Toma never spoke to her as his 'guard'. She was, for him, somekind of a mother and a very best friend. He hugged her from behind that made her smile a bit. "Come please, Prince, let me finish this so you can eat, alright?"

"YOSH!" He yelled a bit too loud and saluted her like in a military.

That was the weird Solar Kingdoms Prince. But although he seem to be very childish, he takes his job as the Prince very seriously, so as quick as he finished eating breakfast, he went to the bathroom and washed himself. Yes, he washed himself. He just can't stand if someone comes with him into the bathroom, it was kind of embarrassing, he admitted that time, and everybody could just laugh at him being embarrassed, what wasn't a usual sight.

After taking not too long, he came out the bathroom and all of the maids started to dress him up to the meeting.
"Ahh, Miss Nala! How is your tuff child doing? Still practising chess? Miss, you really should invite him over sometime! I am always open for another challange!
Miss Gwandolin! I see your leg is better now? Don't overwork yourself! Let me help you!
Miss Oela, how beautiful you are today again. The dress you made for my mom is just gurgeous! You really should try making something for me next time!

Toma knows anyone in his small castle, and speaks to everyone, without exceptions. Even as Vena and Toma went past the grumpy gardener, Toma greeted him like always with a big grin on his face that no one could match. His kindhearted being was very loved by the people and made them happy by her work. Vena always was a bit jealous by his person. She would never be loved by anyone. But like those people, she really respected him and protected him because of that dear reason.

They finally reached their destination. Toma already could see the front gates of that gurgeous place where they should meet up with other Princes and Princesses from the other Kingdoms. Toma was very excited seeing everyone. "You think all would end up being friends?" Toma asked to Vena as she helped him to get off the transportation.

Vena sighed, and said strict: "Please, Prince, don't forget the real reason behind this meeting."

Toma nodded, still can't hold back his excitement. Vena just sighed knowing the personality of Toma and lead him to the cabin they were assigned to.

C A B I N 7 for Toma Sae Ro and Vena Alberroyo from Solar Kingdom.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fena Houri Character Portrait: Cham Ferno
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Cham let out a sigh as he left the comfort of his room, with only a few of his personal positions. There to great him was many fierce looking guards that he had trained beside since he was a young-ling, many of them gave him a sad smile then quickly returned to their emotionless expressions. At the end of the line was the King and Queen, "Father, Mother, I hope I do you proud and the kingdom as well." he said stiffly bowing his head. His father grunted in response and looked up at his soldiers, "Fall out and head back to your posts!" with that the king was gone. Only his mother stood there tears in her eyes, she stepped down and cupped Cham's face in her hands, "You've grown up so fast my pup, you will make us proud I know it. Just remember what you've been taught. Don't let people judge just because of where you come from." her voice was soft and sweet, the Queen kissed the top of his head. "I love you." she smiled, "I love you as well, Mother." Cham hugged his mother's neck like when he was a child.

After he said his good-byes Cham headed to the edge of the kingdoms territory, "Fena! let's go!" he yelled in an instant a girl appeared. "Yes, your highness." she bowed smiling slightly. "Why do you insist on following from such a distance?" Cham asked somewhat annoyed. "To practice, didn't you say you wanted to get going?" she asked looking at her charge. Fena was smaller and younger then Cham but her age and appearance were misleading. There was no one as feared as her in combat in the Fire Kingdom, so it was no surprise she was chosen as guard for their heir. Cham nodded transforming into a wolf that looked to be almost on fire, Fena changed into a wolf that was charcoal black with a white patch in the middle of her forehead. they ran until they reached the magic gate.

"Our cabin is number 5, we should head straight there." Fena said as Cham used his magic to open the gate. "Alright, Fena just remember we aren't here to fight them. We are all allies here, so just chill." Cham almost laughed at the irony in what he had said. After unpacking Fena came back from scouting around, "Some of the people would like to have a camp fire, I guess your services are needed, my prince." she bowed entering his room. Cham felt a little buzz of nervousness and excitement, this would be a great chance to get to know each other. "Let's go." he said putting on his cool persona that he had made from years of interacting with his father. Fena nodded "This should be fun!" she laughed pulling her black hair back into a pony tail. With that the duo headed out into the open to meet the other Heirs and Guards


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Knight Character Portrait: Fena Houri Character Portrait: Liam Fields Character Portrait: Cham Ferno
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#, as written by DyLAn:D
Luna & Liam

"Miss i you done unpacking?" Liam questioned as Luna walked down the stairs from her room and into the living room. Wood was the main decor of the place with it being a log cabin but it wasnt small with 2 floor, 2 bathrooms, 2 bedrooms, a huge modern kitchen, a dining room, 2 studies and a huge living room it was pretty nice.
"Yes shall we go join the other's, socialize before we go to bed?" Luna questioned Liam and he nodded then opened the front door for her.
"Thank you Liam" Luna said polietly, smiling at her guard that she had thought of as a brother since she was young.
"Of course miss" Liam smiled back
"Luna, call me Luna while we are here" Luna said sternly before heading out into the night. Right away her eyes were drawn to the camp fire, the flickering bright colors of reds and oranges always frightened her slightly because she was burned many times as a child for wanting to play with the fire.

She always just found it so beautiful

Luna decided to stay behind the rest of the camper's, feeling more comfortable in the shadows of the tree's. She was always a shy person when it came to new people. She scanned the crowd no one really peeking her interest until her eyes landed on a dark haired boy with fire like eyes.

Dangerous yet beautiful just like the fire.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arvia Ceres Character Portrait: Hugo Zaan
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#, as written by Issa
Arvia & Hugo

Heir and guard wondered out towards the fires, the younger girl glancing curiously at the other Heirs already gathered around the fire. She had never met another Heir before, she had only been told stories of their kingdoms from her parents and the teachers she had had. She was curious about their lives, where they lived, what it was like, what they would do with their powers.
Obviously the fire heir could make fire, as was evidenced by the large bonfire she now found herself in front of. Arvia glanced the lunar heiress standing in the shadows of a nearby tree. Arvia had an endless number of questions to ask all the heirs but, for now, she kept them quiet and stood beside the fire, pretending to warm her hands.
She had seen humans do it when they were cold and she thought the gesture had a nice, comforting feel to it. Arvia, of course, didn't get cold... or hot really. She could feel when the temperature changed, but it didn't seem to make her cold or hot.

Hugo stood just behind his charge, watching the other heirs with only slightly less curiosity than Arvia. He was also curious about their guards. He knew each kingdom's way of picking their Heir's guard was different and he found the different guards fascinating. In the ice kingdom it wasn't just fighting ability that made you eligible to be the Ice Heir's guard. You also had to show command when dealing with lower wolves, be a fast thinker and most importantly understand the heir. The ice kingdom selected their guards after the Heir had turned ten. In the years they had known each other the two had come to be able to understand the other extremely well. Hugo could read Arvia like a book and she knew instinctively what he wanted of her, not that she always listened. Sometimes, when curiosity prevailed, she would ignore his advice.

But now they both stood before the fire, letting the atmosphere soak through them. It was enough for Hugo to finally have Arvia here, knowing that this was the safest she would ever be. For Arvia, well she was just going to try and make some friends... even if it took her a while.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arvia Ceres Character Portrait: Luna Knight Character Portrait: Hugo Zaan Character Portrait: Fena Houri Character Portrait: Liam Fields Character Portrait: Cham Ferno Character Portrait: Vena Alberroyo Character Portrait: Toma Sae Ro
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Toma was quite statisfied with the cabin. It was big, very good lighted and a real big bed for himself. "Oh, this bed is really awesome!" He jumped on it and cuddled himself into a pillow, what was the reason Vena gave him a small smack on his head, looking very irritated as Toma looked up.

"Prince. Please don't forget the meeting. The meeting. Please get your act together and don't sleep while I am unpacking your things." The Prince nodded hard, didn't want to be smacked again and rubbed his head, watching Vena unpacking his things and grinned.

"How is your bedroom anyway? I were not in the first floor yet. Is it nice? If there is not enough place, you know, this bed is too big to not being shared."

"P- Prince! Please do not speak like that as I am a person in your interest! I am jus your guard a- and I can't let a Prince share his bed with a guard! D- Don't ever talk about it like it's something normal!" Venas always calm face began to change to a red colour, but she quickly whirled around, grabbing a random thing in the backpack and packed it out, but carelessly let it fall because her hand was shaking because of the embarassement.

Toma could just grin seeing hus guard like that. He just loved to tease her, many different reaction came out of it and he slightly enjoyed all of them.

As she finally done with the unpacking and calmed down a bit, she turned to the Prince that was quiet for some while now and figured why: He was sleeping. Irritated, Vena went to him and shook his body. "WAKE UP! It's time for the Camp fire! It would be very rude if you miss the first meeting up with the others!" Toma rubbed his eyes. "You know the offer from before still stands-" "You do know I will not so come up and let's go." Toma nodded. If she was like that, it was a serious matter and she couldn't be teased well. Sighing a bit, Toma stood up, grabbed his jacket and went with Vena on his side to the Camp fire.


Arriving at the place, Toma saw the Fire Kingdoms Prince and the Ice Kingdoms Princess both with their guards. Interesting match up, he thought, not noticing the Lunar Kingdoms Princess who were in the shadows. He avoided shadows and didn't liked them, what was the reason he didn't even looked at it very closely.

"Good afternoon. I am Prince Toma Sae Ro from the Solar Kingdom, nice to meet you."

Vena stared at him from behind, but Toma knew that she had been staring at him very intensly, her way saying 'don't mess it up and be poilte'. And Toma was polite and smiled. The question was, for how long he would last to do that.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arvia Ceres Character Portrait: Luna Knight Character Portrait: Fena Houri Character Portrait: Liam Fields Character Portrait: Cham Ferno Character Portrait: Vena Alberroyo Character Portrait: Toma Sae Ro
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Cham looked up from the fire he had made and nodded at the Solar and Ice heir, "Good evening, I am Prince Cham Ferno of the Fire Kingdom.". Cham deduced that this prince was extremely relaxed and would probably want to play more then train, then he looked over at the Ice heir who hadn't said anything yet she seemed a bit timid for the moment. Cham had long noticed the light haired Luna heir that was staying back in the shadows and even though he wanted to Cham couldn't command his body to turn and talk to her. Something about her made his pulse race, her hair seemed to glow from the light of the fire, luckily the other heirs were the perfect distraction from her.

Fena eyed the other guards with mild interest, two rather large males and another female guard. Looking around she shrugged she wouldn't be able to gather in tell if she just stood there like a statue. Fena set her sights on the other female walked over with a smile on her face, "Hello, I'm Fena Houri the fire guard." she offered her hand for a handshake.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arvia Ceres Character Portrait: Luna Knight Character Portrait: Fena Houri Character Portrait: Liam Fields Character Portrait: Cham Ferno Character Portrait: Vena Alberroyo Character Portrait: Toma Sae Ro
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#, as written by DyLAn:D
Luna was about to say hello when her iphone chimed loudly making her jump slightly in surprise. She took it out of her sash and checked the screen.
"Its Jason......" Luna looked over at Liam in worry. Jason was the head scout of her Kingdom, he was no sneaky bastard but Luna liked him.
"Luna" she answered into the phone.
"Princess terrible new's, the Lightning Prince has been attacked by the Chaos Kingdom on his way to the camp, he and his guard are dead. I also over heard the Chaos trooper's saying that they were going to attack the Lightning Kingdom, your mother and father are in a meeting now with the rest of the Kingdom's they are deciding their plan of attack. I just thought i would inform you" Jason said seriously and Luna paled. They had already taken out one of them.

Luna wasnt one to show her emotions but for a quick second fear flashed in her eye's, but it was gone quickly.
"Thank you Jason, i will tell the other campers" Luna said stoically and hung up. Liam nodded having listened to the conversation within the Lunar Pack mind link.
Luna stepped out from the shadows and looked at her fellow heir's.

"I have just been informed that the Chaos Kingdom has killed the Lightning Prince and his guard and that they are planning on attacking his Kingdom next. All of our parents are talking about their plan of attack......we are also doubling the magic field around the forest so from now on we may not leave the boundaries of the forest....even with our guard" Luna said stoically even though her eyes told a different story. She had been friend's with the Lightning Prince and she was sad about his death.


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arvia Ceres Character Portrait: Luna Knight Character Portrait: Hugo Zaan Character Portrait: Fena Houri Character Portrait: Liam Fields Character Portrait: Cham Ferno Character Portrait: Eireen McKorson Character Portrait: Vena Alberroyo Character Portrait: Davis Kirkaldy Character Portrait: Toma Sae Ro
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"Sheesh!!! We're so late! Hurry up your highness! We don't have a moment to spare!" Davis said as he tried to rush Princess Eireen out the door of the Air Palace.

"Davis, relax, everything will be all right." smiled Eireen, who was known to be patient.

At the same time though, she was worried about being late. She knew arriving at the camp where the other heirs were was critical, but the last thing she needed to do was panic. She was also nervous and hoped she would do what she had to do. At the moment, she and her guard were packing things into her car. While Eireen loved running as a wolf, there was just a certain thrill about driving and letting the wind blow through your hair. Miraculously, her blonde hair never tangled due to a quick wind spell her mother taught her. Plus, she always pulled her hair back in a pony tale.

"Your highness, I wish you'd let me do the driving." Davis commented after putting the last of her luggage in the car.

This caused Eireen to frown, which was are and give Davis a pointed look.


"Yes your highness?"

"Shut up."

This caused Davis to look at her in surprise. Princess Eireen was rarely rude, but when she was, you listened to her. Seeing Davis keep his mouth shut, Eireen got into the driver's seat and waited for Davis to get in the passenger's side. When the too buckled in, Eireen wasted no time driving off.

Even though it didn't take them that long to get to their destination, Eireen still enjoyed the drive. They parked the car in a discreet and hidden location before going to the main gates. Seeing that only she could open it, Eireen stepped, gathered her air magic, and opened the gate. Entering the camp grounds, the two immediately noticed the others.

"Hello everyone, sorry we're late. My name is Eireen McKorsen and I am princess of the Air Kingdom. This is my guard, Davis Kirkaldy. We're going to get settled and join you shortly." she smiled brightly before taking her luggage to the last cabin.

Davis followed close behind with the rest of their things.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arvia Ceres Character Portrait: Luna Knight Character Portrait: Fena Houri Character Portrait: Liam Fields Character Portrait: Cham Ferno Character Portrait: Vena Alberroyo Character Portrait: Toma Sae Ro
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Fena stopped and looked at the Luna heir, her eyes were wide with disbelief. Fena had been close friends with the lightning guard and now he was dead. Fena quickly brushed it off, dieing came with the territory of being a guard.

Cham listened carefully to what Luna said, her voice was soft and gentle. He did feel sad that they had lost one of their own but he was more focused on what the Chaos Kingdom planned to do next. "We need to start preparing ourselves as soon as possible, you never know what will happen to our parents so we need to be ready." he looked around at all who was there, "The time of being behind our parents is over, it's our time to step up."


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arvia Ceres Character Portrait: Luna Knight Character Portrait: Hugo Zaan Character Portrait: Fena Houri Character Portrait: Liam Fields Character Portrait: Cham Ferno Character Portrait: Eireen McKorson Character Portrait: Vena Alberroyo Character Portrait: Davis Kirkaldy Character Portrait: Toma Sae Ro
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"Good evening, I am Prince Cham Ferno of the Fire Kingdom."

"Greetings." With that being said, he sat down and signed Vena, his guard, to sit next to him, but she shook quietly her head, saying she doesn't belong into the circle because she is only a guard. Toma sighed. He didn't liked it if she acts like that. In his eyes, everyone was the same. But just he, who stands very high can think about that. He knows that. But didn't want it to be like. He looked into the fire and listened to the wood crackle inside the camp fire, quietly, destroy it from the outside until inside. He didn't really liked fire and something that has to do with destroying something. He sighed, hearing none of them saying something, he just wanted to try starting a conversation, as he heard steps behind him from the shadows and whirled around shocked, seeing the Lunar Kingdoms Princess.

"I have just been informed that the Chaos Kingdom has killed the Lightning Prince and his guard and that they are planning on attacking his Kingdom next. All of our parents are talking about their plan of attack......we are also doubling the magic field around the forest so from now on we may not leave the boundaries of the forest....even with our guard"

He heard her out, while Vena walked near him and don't left his side. She indeed knew where the Lunar Kingdoms Princess was and didn't was as surprised as the Prince seeing her. But it was not that why she neared him, it's because the news that the Princess of the Lunar Kingdom told them. Finally, Toma found his voice again and was about to say something as the Princess of the Air Kingdom came to greet. Toma was about to stop her and told her about the situation, but she was already gone inside her cabin.

"We need to start preparing ourselves as soon as possible, you never know what will happen to our parents so we need to be ready. The time of being behind our parents is over, it's our time to step up."

"I agree." Toma nodded to the Fire Kingdoms Prince and raised again his voice. "I am definitly not going to just sit around here and doing nothing. It would be foolish and very stupid of me. We need to get our weapons and help them. Even if that means to destroy that barrier. We are no little kids anymore that is need to be protected." From his voice, ones can hear his anger about the situation. He wanted to fight along. And he did clear that up, but knowing the parents of him, they would never let him just go and fight along. They must break the barrier.

Toma looked above, seeing a glimpse of the barrier then looking to Vena, who shooked her head. "It's impossible for me to do it by myself, Prince." She knows what he is up to. And because he knew that he was the only one who will bring the Kingdom a future for a next generation, she was about not to do his orders and try to break the barrier. She didn't wants it for herself too. Though, it was not all lies.

She looked up and critically examine it. It was a tuff case. She really wouldn't be able to do it alone. Or even with six guards, it's quite impossible. She didn't like to disappoint her Prince, but still, it was the bitter truth. Was they really meant to just sit around and doing nothing?


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arvia Ceres Character Portrait: Luna Knight Character Portrait: Hugo Zaan Character Portrait: Fena Houri Character Portrait: Liam Fields Character Portrait: Cham Ferno Character Portrait: Eireen McKorson Character Portrait: Vena Alberroyo Character Portrait: Davis Kirkaldy Character Portrait: Toma Sae Ro
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#, as written by DyLAn:D
"NO! we are not to leave and not destroy the barrier, beside you need all the powers of every element to take down this barrier, if you have most but not one you will not even be able to weaken it, Artemis wanted that" Luna growled at the Solar Prince.

Her complete opposite

Liam stepped up when the solar guard did.
"We will start training in the morning, its the best thing we can do" Luna softened her voice slightly but it still held that hard edge.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arvia Ceres Character Portrait: Luna Knight Character Portrait: Hugo Zaan Character Portrait: Fena Houri Character Portrait: Liam Fields Character Portrait: Vena Alberroyo Character Portrait: Toma Sae Ro
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#, as written by Issa
Arvia & Hugo

It wasn't what Arvia had expected to hear on her first day at the heir's camp. The lightning prince and his guard had been killed. Arvia gasped and turned to Hugo, knowing the guard had links to the lightning kingdom.
The news had a different effect on everyone. Toma, the boy who had introduced himself as the Solar prince made the remark that they should break out of the barrier and face Chaos head on, which clearly did not sit well with everyone.

Hugo felt his blood run cold at the news. He had friends in the lightning kingdom, friends that he didn't want to lose. He glanced down at Arvia who had turned to look at him. No doubt the heiress knew of his worries. He shook his head, indicating now was not the time to be worried about him. It would be here that Chaos would eventually come for and he knew that it would be by her side that he would stay.
"We must stay at the camp and protect our charges." Hugo said, speaking to everyone. "If chaos takes another one of you all the kingdoms will be in even greater danger."

Arvia was shocked to hear Hugo speak so passionately. He rarely spoke in front of strangers but obviously this topic was enough to make him feel the need to speak. Arvia, for her part, nodded. She knew her parents would want her safe and that this camp was the best place for it. But, she also agreed with what the fire prince had said about preparing themselves. They would need all the preparation they could get if they were called on.

Arvia smiled, light-hearted socialising didn't come easily to her whereas training her powers and taking control was something she could handle.
"I agree with the fire heir." She said, nodding at him and then glancing around at the others, "We've got to be ready for whatever happens next."


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arvia Ceres Character Portrait: Luna Knight Character Portrait: Hugo Zaan Character Portrait: Fena Houri Character Portrait: Liam Fields Character Portrait: Cham Ferno Character Portrait: Eireen McKorson Character Portrait: Vena Alberroyo Character Portrait: Davis Kirkaldy Character Portrait: Toma Sae Ro
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((Sorry if this post is short, but I am having Writer's block at the moment.))

Eireen and Davis decided not to unpack when they got to their cabin. The reason was because the other heirs and guards were already gathered and talking about something serious. At least that's what Davis assumed when he saw the others. Something obviously was not right fore everyone seemed unnerved about something. Suddenly though they heard someone shout.

"NO! we are not to leave and not destroy the barrier, beside you need all the powers of every element to take down this barrier, if you have most but not one you will not even be able to weaken it, Artemis wanted that!" the person said.

This caused Eireen to gasp.

"Why would anyone want to destroy the barrier? That's just nuts!" replied Eireen.

"I don't know your highness, but I suggest we get out there asap." recommend her guard.

Eireen, being completely serious for once, nodded and the two quickly exited the cabin as someone else said, "I agree with the fire heir." She said, nodding at him and then glancing around at the others, "We've got to be ready for whatever happens next."

Coming forward, Eireen looked at the others and asked politely, "Pardon the interruption, but can someone explain to us what has happened?"

Davis just crossed his arms and listened to what was happening.


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arvia Ceres Character Portrait: Luna Knight Character Portrait: Hugo Zaan Character Portrait: Fena Houri Character Portrait: Liam Fields Character Portrait: Cham Ferno Character Portrait: Eireen McKorson Character Portrait: Vena Alberroyo Character Portrait: Davis Kirkaldy Character Portrait: Toma Sae Ro
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"NO! We are not to leave and not destroy the barrier, beside you need all the powers of every element to take down this barrier, if you have most but not one you will not even be able to weaken it, Artemis wanted that"

The Solar Prince pouted. She had a point, but he didn't want to let the destiny be in the hands of his parents, although he knows that they will do their best to protect their kingdom. He wanted to fight next to them, wanted to protect his dear ones, his friends, his sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins, mother, father, his whole family. And then his maids, their childs, his volks. He wanted to protect everyone he had in mind and his frustration not being able to do anything almost killed him. So he didn't really pay attention as the Lunar Kingdoms Princess declared to train the next morning.

"Prince, please don't be too worried. There are many knights that are willing to fight for our Knigdoms destiny and future." Vena noticed the frown on her Princes forehead and tried to comfort him. "Don't underestimate our people, Prince." Toma lift his head and tried a smile, that wasn't really successful. What made Vena even more worried. The Solar Prince losing his wonderful smile was a rare case. And such things wasn't a good sign for their health. She wanted to say something, as the guard of the Ice Kingdom stated:

"We must stay at the camp and protect our charges. If chaos takes another one of you all the kingdoms will be in even greater danger."

"I agree with you, guard of the Ice Kingdom." She nodded as a sign of respect. "The protection they gave us had a meaning behind it. Training for the day where we all will be set out of this protection is very needed." She nodded to the Lunar Kingdoms Princess. Then she turned around to the Solar Kingdoms Prince. "There is no time to regret the measure of the Kings and Queens. Think positive already, Prince. Isn't that usually your strong point?"

The Solar Kingdom Prince heard all of her speech carefully and grinned, although it wasn't his usual grin, but still, it was better then the smile before. "Thanks Vena...", he stood up and patted her shoulder, a gesture to show that she did a great job and wanted to say something, as the Princess and her guard consort with all and asked:

"Pardon the interruption, but can someone explain to us what has happened?"

Toma came back to all the facts and frowned. "The chaos Kingdom finally made his move... and unfortunatly the Prince of the Lightning Kingdom had to be the victim." Yes, someone actually died. And more will come. More victims. More deaths. More sadness. "Isn't there anyway to stop this peacefully?", he asked loud more to himself and sighed. Suddenly he slapped himself and tried a smile. "I think we should sleep about this for a night and be ready to discuss all over it tomorrow, what do my brother and sister say?" He asked to the round, felt now his tiredness and was looking forward to his bed, although he knew that he still couldn't sleep well.

OOC: By the way, I meant with brother and sister people in the same alliance or with the same goal, I dunno how to express it better o-o


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#, as written by DyLAn:D
(ooc: Hey guys sorry i havent posted. I'm just having writer's block with this RP at the moment but i'll post soon ;) wish me your creative brain's lol)

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Character Portrait: Eireen McKorson
5 sightings Eireen McKorson played by Zodia195
Princess of the Air Kingdom
Character Portrait: Davis Kirkaldy
5 sightings Davis Kirkaldy played by Zodia195
Air princess's Guard

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View All » Add Character » 16 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Luna Knight
Character Portrait: Liam Fields
Character Portrait: Lysander Lux
Character Portrait: Di Angelo Sebastian Marckus II
Character Portrait: Hinata Gasaii
Character Portrait: Cham Ferno
Character Portrait: Fena Houri


Character Portrait: Fena Houri
Fena Houri

Fire Guard "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it BURN!"

Character Portrait: Cham Ferno
Cham Ferno

Fire Heir "Fire is the source of Life"

Character Portrait: Hinata Gasaii
Hinata Gasaii

My love for Di Angelo is unperishable.... Death to those who oppose him....

Character Portrait: Di Angelo Sebastian Marckus II
Di Angelo Sebastian Marckus II

Heir to the Earth throne. A strong willed future lord...

Character Portrait: Lysander Lux
Lysander Lux

Prince of the Lightning King (WIP)

Character Portrait: Liam Fields
Liam Fields

Lunar Kingdom Guard

Character Portrait: Luna Knight
Luna Knight

Princess of Lunar Kingdom


Character Portrait: Hinata Gasaii
Hinata Gasaii

My love for Di Angelo is unperishable.... Death to those who oppose him....

Character Portrait: Liam Fields
Liam Fields

Lunar Kingdom Guard

Character Portrait: Di Angelo Sebastian Marckus II
Di Angelo Sebastian Marckus II

Heir to the Earth throne. A strong willed future lord...

Character Portrait: Lysander Lux
Lysander Lux

Prince of the Lightning King (WIP)

Character Portrait: Luna Knight
Luna Knight

Princess of Lunar Kingdom

Character Portrait: Cham Ferno
Cham Ferno

Fire Heir "Fire is the source of Life"

Character Portrait: Fena Houri
Fena Houri

Fire Guard "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it BURN!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Fena Houri
Fena Houri

Fire Guard "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it BURN!"

Character Portrait: Luna Knight
Luna Knight

Princess of Lunar Kingdom

Character Portrait: Di Angelo Sebastian Marckus II
Di Angelo Sebastian Marckus II

Heir to the Earth throne. A strong willed future lord...

Character Portrait: Hinata Gasaii
Hinata Gasaii

My love for Di Angelo is unperishable.... Death to those who oppose him....

Character Portrait: Liam Fields
Liam Fields

Lunar Kingdom Guard

Character Portrait: Lysander Lux
Lysander Lux

Prince of the Lightning King (WIP)

Character Portrait: Cham Ferno
Cham Ferno

Fire Heir "Fire is the source of Life"

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Most recent OOC posts in Elemental Kingdoms: Wolf Howl

Re: Elemental Kingdoms: Wolf Howl

Well, it being up to DyLAn, we might not have an Earth Prince. There was also the Lightning Prince but maybe it can be worked out so you can have him if you want him.

Re: Elemental Kingdoms: Wolf Howl

I was wondering if it's not too late to join this roleplay. If there's any positions left i'm happy to fill them ^^

Re: Elemental Kingdoms: Wolf Howl

i have PM D'Jinn but they havnt answered back or posted so.....

Re: Elemental Kingdoms: Wolf Howl

Has anyone talked to D'Jinn lately? The Earth prince and guard still haven't arrived yet at the camp.

Re: Elemental Kingdoms: Wolf Howl

Cabin 1-Earth
Cabin 2-Ice
Cabin 3-Water
Cabin 4-Lunar
Cabin 5-Fire
Cabin 6-Lightning (since we dont hav a lightning though so this cabin will be free)
Cabin 7-Solar
Cabin 8-Air
Because we dont hav a lightning prince i was just going to say his family decided not to left him leave their home.

Re: Elemental Kingdoms: Wolf Howl

Hey Dylan? In which order are the cabins in where the royals and guards live?

Re: Elemental Kingdoms: Wolf Howl

The first post has been made! :D

Re: Elemental Kingdoms: Wolf Howl

they dont all hav to hav a relationship with another royal. Someone could fall for a male guard

Re: Elemental Kingdoms: Wolf Howl

Hey that's fine with me. The only downfall is we have more girl royals than guys now. Oh well, that's normal hehe.

Re: Elemental Kingdoms: Wolf Howl

Since no one wants to b lightning we will hav no lightning prince if that' s ok with everyone so I'll be posting here shortly

Re: Elemental Kingdoms: Wolf Howl

alright i hav accepted all of the character's
but if anyone know's a person who wouldnt mind playing the Lightning prince that would be awesome if u could recruit them

Re: Elemental Kingdoms: Wolf Howl

Okay, kinda finished with Prince and Guard. Hope it's acceptable.

Re: Elemental Kingdoms: Wolf Howl

Ah, sorry. It turns out I don't have time for this roleplay, so I'll have to pull out. I figure it's better doing it before the roleplay starts rather than after. Sorry again.

Re: Elemental Kingdoms: Wolf Howl

Okay, I'd rather there be romantic interest between the heirs anyway for it makes it more interesting because it's one player's with another player's char.

Re: Elemental Kingdoms: Wolf Howl

intro page is now pretty again :D yay!

Re: Elemental Kingdoms: Wolf Howl

no they dont hav to be
if u want they can but i was thinking more romance amongst the heirs

Re: Elemental Kingdoms: Wolf Howl

I have one more question regarding the Guards themselves. Are these chars suppose to be the love interests of the heirs?

Re: Elemental Kingdoms: Wolf Howl

ok all positions hav been taken now all we need is for everyone to get their characters in and we can start posting :)

Re: Elemental Kingdoms: Wolf Howl

alright D'jinn i accepted ur characters i just changed the powers of ur Heir. The powers of ur Heir r under the Earth Kingdom in the intro. but i changed it for u
very nice character's cant wait to RP with u :)

Re: Elemental Kingdoms: Wolf Howl

Sorry, I originally skimmed it.
Resubmitted with earth wolf, and changed it up some.