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Aileen Tracey

"Look, you. I couldn't care less whether or not you're human. You're hurting? I'll do what I can. You try to hurt me? Let's just say I don't repair damage I cause."

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a character in “Escape to the Outside”, as played by WriteLive


Name: Aileen Tracey; she usually goes by her last name, at least publicly. To her friends, she's usually Ai

Age: 20

Gender: female

ImageMutation/Abilities: Aileen has the ability to speed the healing process of wounds/injuries. She inherited this from her grandmother.

Mutation Appearance: With the mutation, she inherited the pale green streaks in her hair her grandmother had.

Description: Aileen is short, standing at about five three. Her vibrant, fox-colored hair is streaked with the same green as her eyes. Added to pale skin, slightly pointed ears and an almost catlike face, she has a very elvish appearance.

Personality/About: The firey redhead seems to be a magnet for the injured, and a bleeding heart as well. She can't stand seeing anyone in pain (physical or emotional) and will do whatever she can to help--even if she hated their guts. She was raised and trained to use her gift by her grandmother from about age ten when her talent manifested.
The only time her healing nature doesn't apply is if she dealt the damage herself. If she's attacked, or someone she cares about is, she'll defend herself at any cost--she's sweet and sappy, not stupid. She's not cruel either, though--she'll call an ambulance and the police immediately after.

Strengths: She's a quick study, making up for her inability to deal with sickness or poison. Through rough training at the hands of her grandfather, she can hold her own in a fightImage

Weaknesses:She can't heal illnesses, poisons, or herself. For that, she has to go into her books. She also can't take pain away-- in fact, speeding the process makes it more painful the faster she works. On the upside, said pain lasts hours or a couple days instead of weeks, months, or longer. Though relatively strong, she isn't very fast, relying on her cleverness and strength to defend herself

Fears: Above all else, she fears she'll be found out as something other than human. Her grandparents told her stories of the changes the mysterious Lab they worked for had made, and is absolutely terrified of being caught. So much so, her other fears (spiders, failing to save someone, dying because she was left alone and can't heal herself) are things she'd rather face--she would rather be beaten to death by Aragog than get caught.

Writing Sample:(ten years ago) Aileen smiled softly, coaxing a frightened child from the cabinet under her grandmother's sink. The poor kid clutched tightly at his broken arm, shaking from head to toe as she led him back to the front room. "It's okay, Gramma Evelyn is gonna fix it. She's not going to hurt you, it's alright."
"She grabbed my arm!" The boy wailed, sniffling and holding his arm like it might fall off if he didn't, "Hurt... It hurt, Miss Ai!"
Aileen sighed, her hair falling in front of her face," I know, but she needs to know where it's broken, so she can fix it. She's not gonna hurt you, I promise. Once she knows where it is, it won't hurt. She'll fix it that quick, okay?" She got the boy sitting in front of her grandma; Miss Evelyn Tracey smiled, the deep lines that framed it softening her face more--the sweet old lady seldom frowned now, though the lines across her forehead said she once frowned with worry too often. Her red hair was very pale, looking more like shiny copper lace now than the thick, dark curls she once had. The green streaks were also faded, a pale silver now. She patted the boy's knee, gently taking his arm once more. With quick fingers, she felt for the break, tightening her grip only slightly when the poor child tried to pull away.
"I know, honey. I know. Just close your eyes now, not gonna hurt...." With quick movements she set the bone; the boy didn't even flinch. No whimpers, no tensed muscles. This was Evelyn's primary gift; to pull pain away while she healed. Aileen watched in awe as she worked, after a few moments wrapping his arm tightly and helping him into a sling. It didn't seem like she'd done anything, but The younger Tracey knew better. She knew very well that even as the boy walked out, led by his mother, Evelyn's work was still going strong. By the time they got home, the boy's arm would be half healed. In a few days, he could unwrap it.
Aileen cried out, a sharp pain shooting along her back. Her eyes dulled, and she took off running toward the garage where her grandfather was. Without thinking she dropped to his side, pressing her hands to his back. The box he'd been moving had tilted too far over his head, sending him reeling and slamming into his work table before collapsing to the floor. She shook with the pain she felt from it, her eyes closing as she sought the damage. Her grandfather screamed and cursed, unable to move as Aileen healed his back. As he relaxed, after hours of instinctive work, she fell sideways, unconscious.

So begins...

Aileen Tracey's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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The healer woman took his hands in hers and he watched as she first started rubbing some type of cream into his wounds. His face was held in a scowl most of the time; he didn’t trust her, and he was unlikely to at any point in the near future. She then began wrapping his hands up with bandages as Olek, Hawke and the healer began talking about leaving and going someplace safe. Most of the words being passed back and forth he didn’t understand. He got the point that Hawke said they needed to wash off the smells that clung to them, and Oleks need to move out of this place to another. But the red head’s words didn’t make sense to him since he didn’t know the meaning of most of the things she talked about. But the others seemed to understand and agree.
He took the bit of food that he was given and moved to sit in one of the corners where he could see the rest of the room. Edur and Chris seemed to be napping; Max and the unknown man were conversing with the others on a way safely out of their current position. He could tell that they had been there an entire day because the dim light inside the room began to darken slowly.
He turned his head towards one of the darkened windows and focused his senses on what was outside it. It was different than what it had been an hour previous. The Lab smell was faint but out there, along with muffled thuds of boots and fabric. He had those sounds and smells memorized and he knew guards were coming for them very soon. He turned back towards the others who had gone down to whispers. ”Guards are here. If you do plan on getting us out of here it better be now.” He figured he might as well keep on their good sides just in case they were genuine in wanting to help, phrasing it so they knew his doubts but would follow if they did help.
He got up on his feet and looked through a slightly uncovered patch of the window and saw a shadow disappear behind one of the metal boxes they had passed to get in their current hide out. With his brief announcement Max and the other man began plans for them to start a false lead so the rest of them could get a head start.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Something felt off, he wasn't sure what it was but he felt that something was wrong. He quickly started to survey his surroundings for something out of the ordinary and was about to get up and look around the warehouse, when Hawke began to speak. He listened intently as Hawke suggested that they should wash off the several undesirable scents on them and Chris couldn't help but think of the last time he had a proper shower.When Aileen offered to give them a safer place to hide, he tossed her a small smile. The healer was certainly generous, and helping them was probably going to be dangerous, so he felt extremely grateful towards her.

"Guards are here. If you do plan on getting us out of here it better be now.” He looked at Dray and then towards the others, with an alert expression. He silently scolded himself for not paying attention and hearing them earlier. So he took a moment to carefully listen, the guards outside were being rather noisy and the scent of the lab hung in the air.

Max and the dockworker soon began making plans for a making a distraction so they could escape. He glanced over towards max and the man. He was worried for them, causing a distraction would certainly be dangerous but it was probly the best option so that the rest of them could slip away undetected. He wasn't sure when or if they'd meet up again but he told himself that they'd be alright.

His attention was drawn away from the others when he heard something and smelled the faint scent of blood somewhere in the warehouse. Someone was already in here. Olek quickly moved Edur and himself towards Dray and Aileen, then made a motion for them to go for the door. As he was nudged toward the others he gave Edur a small if slightly unsure smile. He was a little worried about what might happen but he was sure they'd get away safely.He spared a small look toward a dark corner of the warehouse someone was definitely here and Chris thought that some sort of fight was bound to break out soon. He'd rather not but if the guards came in or whoever was in here with them proved to be a threat, he'd fight so that they could all escape. He refused to be brought back to that place, at least not without a fight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Edur could stand going to the woman's house. In fact it seemed like a great idea. She stood again and bounced up and down on the balls of her. Because she was born in The Lab Edur had no idea what her home would look like. Hopefully nothing like what they had before. She really didn't want to sleep on another hard cot.

Edur gazed around at everyone. Bast and the other man were making some sort of plan and Chris looked distracted. She was brought away from this by a loud growling. Kisa, still in her animal form, was just a few feet away. Edur remember this look. It was the same she'd see everyday. She took a hesitant step back but luckily Olek blocked her from Kisa's view.

Before she even had a chance to thank him Olek was leading both her and Chris away. He spoke to someone named Holmes, a name Edur didn't recognize. Feeling a bit nervous she gripped the nearest hand which just so happened to be Chris's.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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At his announcement everyone seemed to stop what they were doing for a moment. He had been focused on the sounds and smells outside that he didn't notice Kisa slowly stalking Edur. He scolded himself mentally for that, he would have to pay attention more and make sure none of them hurt each other. The rest of the mutants all started listening and sniffing the air, the others moving into action and getting ready to leave. He stood up and went over to healer lady off to the side since she was going to be the one to lead the group to where ever it was that she claimed would be a safe place.
Olek started pushing the rest of them towards him and the woman at the same time Dray picked out the sound of ripping cloth. Immediately his attention was on the shadowed room that the sound resonated from. The Lab smell came from that area also which blended in with the smells coming from outside. He tensed his muscles in preparation for a fight. "Turn around Holmes. This doesn't have to get messy." Apparently Olek knew the man that was inside the inky black space since he addressed the unseen figure by name.
Before he could officially worry about the intruder he glanced at the door where Max and Eric gave a hasty goodbye before slipping outside. Within moments he could hear loud footsteps and metallic clangs as they began their distraction; heading further into the dockyard. Not soon after that he could hear the telltale thuds of the guards’ boots chasing after the pair.
It was silent for a few moments with the Lab smell fading minutely before Aileen started for the door. She poked her head out then waved for them to follow quickly and she started running. Dray nudged the others after her, ”Keep quiet best you can.” After the three had gone he spared a glance back at Olek. He was fairly certain that Aileen had told him the general direction they were headed. He wasn’t sure whether he should wait for the guard or go along with the others right away and hope the man could catch up eventually. Best not chance it. He wasn’t as wary about Olek as he was before. Plus if he needed help with this Holmes person, he would help him and then track the group so they wouldn't be left behind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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#, as written by Aramay
Holmes could tell something was off not long after he provided Aramay with extra cover. He wondered if he overdid it. The only response he heard back initially was a tearing sound. In the dying light it was just about impossible to see inside from behind on of the metal cargo containers that was stacked on top of another. He could only guess her location via the tracking chip that was implanted in her just before she was let loose. The only hint that he had of Ara being in trouble was by how hard she was breathing. It was so loud that he could hear it through the transmitter. "Calm down. I can hear you panicking from here." Maybe that was the problem. He could have made a mistake without even knowing. He may have just made it worse. Then again.

He switched channels so that Ara couldn't hear the conversation between himself and HQ. "Why did you have to go and send in the guards so soon?! I thought you didn't want to lose any more subjects!" Holmes tried not to vent too loudly to the scientists in charge on the other end of the line.

A few moments of silence is heard before the line crackles to life. "The sooner we bring them back the better."

Frustration was clear on Holmes' face. "Then why did you send us out in the first place?! If you keep rattling the cage she's going to get shot. We can't track the group if she doesn't even get the chance to slip in with them."[/blue] The bastards were trying too hard to cover their asses. Their methods were ham fisted. Why stick with one option when you can throw it all in the pot at once? [color=blue]"If she's pinned down she can't withdraw." Just then he could hear foot steps followed by a near stampede of boots following soon after. He waited for Aramay to slink back in a hasty retreat, or at least show herself. No good. He had to improve her chances. It would be hell for him but he had invested too much in her to risk losing now.


Aramay couldn't possibly ball herself up any tighter than she already was right now. She couldn't catch her breath. There was a certain feeling that can only be felt when you knew that all eyes were on you. Its a petrifying feeling, and she didn't need to look out to know that this feeling was justified. It was making her thoughts get away from her. All she could imagine was looking back out to see if it was safe, only to have her last moments be of a pair of large jaws coming at her wide open. Or hearing boots coming closer and closer towards her before hearing the sound of a gun cocking. It forced her to realize that the only semblance of skills she had was tracking. There was no way she would be able to hold her own in a fight if she were caught. And it was assumed that just because she was like the other mutants that they would readily accept her without question. Only now did Ara think it through enough to figure out the slew of holes in the original plan.

The panic she felt was so bad that she was ready to dart out of hiding at a moment's notice in an attempt to flee. She couldn't control a small whimper of fear that managed to muffle out from her throat. The slightest noise would have been enough if the pain in her arm didn't snap her out of her frightened daze. "Turn around Holmes. This doesn't have to get messy." That voice. It sounded familiar. This person knew about Holmes. Olek was mistaking her for him. The tone of his voice did nothing to calm her. The footsteps from the group were heading away from her. At the same time, she noticed the shadows growing out from around her. They were branching out and slowly enveloping one of the the inside ends of the warehouse. Ara could hear Holmes over the transmitter making noises that sounded like him physically straining, as if he were trying to move or hold up something.

Like a trapped animal seeing a chance to find better cover she took the opportunity to look around through the near pitch black area surrounding her. If she could think straight the logical thing to do was to head back out the way she came in. Instead she kept looking high up to find a spot that would be hard to reach. She didn't know why but at the time it felt like the right thing to get as high as possible. Ignoring her aching body she propelled herself through the cover of shadows and up the stacked up crates toward the rafters. Just as soon as her feet touched the wide support beams she heard Holmes retching and in almost an instant the shadows dissipated. Her body just as quickly hit the deck; flattening herself out against a beam while doing her best to ignore the itching she felt from the blood trickling down her wounded arm. The only shadows left to aid her were the ones naturally placed there.


Holmes felt physically ill. He knew what made him sick. His abilities were rather exceptional but they still had many, many limits to what he could do and how long he could last before something gave. He didn't know it he gave her enough time, or if he only exacerbated his previous mistake more. The only thing he could do was finish vomiting up his lunch and hope that he didn't hear gun fire.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Olek kept his rifle trained on the blanket of darkness covering the corner of the warehouse. He heard the faint footsteps of the others as they began to head out. His attention was still unwavering, if Holmes was here, he posed a significant threat to the operation. Holmes knew Olek's fighting style, and how he went about things. Olek knew how Holmes did things too, he preferred to keep away from the front lines. The fact that he was here was uncharacteristically like him. He shook his head once her heard Bast begin the distraction. He switched to the private channel that they were both on, and spoke to Bast one last time whilst his attention was on her. "Stay safe, no unnecessary risks." Olek spoke into the radio before switching it off altogether. He didn't want them tracing him, no matter how remote the chance was. He felt unsure of the fact that Bast was running the distraction. Olek's strong suit was fighting, not looking after people.

He suppressed a sigh as all of his attention was on the blanket of darkness before him. Olek didn't want to have to shoot Holmes, but he would if he had to. Olek calmly started to back towards Dray. They needed to go, now that the others had a head start, it would be difficult for any trackers to pursue if Olek was in the rear and Bast was leading most of the others away. It was a sound plan.

All of a sudden the darkness was lifted, and the corner once again shifted into dim lighting. He strode forward and checked the boxes, small speckles of blood littered the area. His brow furrowed once more before he turned to Dray. "We don't have time for this. Lead the way. I've got you guys covered." Olek said as he jogged over to Dray. He put a hand on Dray's shoulder and gave him a confident nod.

"If you see any more unnatural shadows, call them out." Olek spoke in a dark and serious tone. Olek positioned himself to Dray's left, just so Dray could watch his blind side. He preferred to have people watch his blind side for him, but more often than not, Olek usually ended up covering himself. Though it was nice running with a group, especially a group filled with a sufficient amount of fighters. Olek stopped to pick up his mangled vest. He once again wore his shredded armor, it would still cover him from the back, just not the front.

With that he stacked up on the door, and prepared himself to follow Dray whilst taking down any guards that weren't pursuing Bast and Eric.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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When Edur gripped his hands he looked at her, she seemed worried, so he squeezed her hand in a gentle and reassuring manner then gave her a confident smile. He was nervous but refused to show it, instead trying to maintain a confident and calm demeanor. He looked back toward the unnaturally dark corner of the warehouse only looking away when Max and Eric left the warehouse to lure the guards safely away from the rest of the group. Soon after he heard the sound of foot steps going away from the the warehouse. Chris felt slightly relived when the guards had moved away from them, but he kept his guard up. This Holmes person could be a threat and he didn't want to be caught by surprise if a fight broke out.

When Aileen started toward the door Chris looked over at Dray who had started to speak.”Keep quiet best you can.” He nodded and quickly followed Aileen through the door. Olek seemed to stay in the warehouse probably to confront this Holmes person and Dray stayed behind with him. Chris wasn't worried in fact he felt slightly relived when Dray seemed to stay with Olek. If they stayed behind or ended up fighting Holmes, Dray would be a huge help he was strong and if Holmes proved to be a threat he'd be outnumbered, Dray might even be able to follow their trail and meet back up with the rest of them when they get to safety.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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Aileen kept her hands balled tight as she led the group back toward her truck. Her grandfather's, originally, she felt the rusty old thing would be more what she'd need down at the docks. If she'd known she'd be bringing back patients--escapees of the very place her grandparents had warned her about--she'd have rented something with more space to hide.But for now, this would serve well enough. She ushered the younger ones inside first with the help of the man who's hair was like feathers. Neither he nor the others had introduced themselves yet. The redhaired boy had stayed back a bit with the former guard. The woman, Bast, had hurried off to provide distraction with Eric; she begged and prayed that they'd be alright. Once she had all the seats full, she flung open the tailgate to help the others up. She wasn't sure if the Jaguar would climb in, or run beside. Or if others would. She cursed at her uncertainty and climbed into the driver's seat, coaxing the ancient car into purring, groaning life. "Come on, old man... Don't die on me yet, need you a while longer... Gotta get home, true?" Her accent became thick as she whispered, hoping the last of the group would hurry and climb into the car as she got it turned around.

What are you thinking?! Came the nagging voice in her head. The one that had her mother's voice, that called her crazy. You admitted to them what you are?? You moron, what if those people had heard you? They'll find you. Take you into that place. You know, the laboratory where they break you into a million pieces to figure out how you work, alter you more just so they can torture you? For the fun of it. They are nothing but trouble.

"I am just as much trouble as they. I've hidden, kept myself from getting closer to anyone than a simple healer. Most people don't know about how I do things; they're asleep the whole time. This is my chance to connect. To make something of my gift. And I'll be damned if they get me first!" She slammed her foot on the gas, the tires screeching in protest as she spun back onto the road, toward the beach. The poor old car didn't have air conditioning, and was half dead already. A good speed through the wet sand and shallow water should help mix up scents. If she timed it just right, they might think she got desperate and drove them all in. Or that they changed their minds and decided to swim for it. She whispered prayers that the timing would be right, however intelligent these people might be. She shivered as the water rose from the tires, showering them all with salt and sand, soaking them to the bone.With almost frantic apologies, she peeled away from the waterline and onto the main road.

Ten minutes....Five if I run a light or two..... Or if I make them all.... Come on come on come on.....!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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There was no response from the dark shadowed corner. Olek had slowly been stepping towards the room and as suddenly as they came, the darkness was gone. Dray had never encountered a shadow mutant but he figured one like that he might not want to meet. Just thinking about the absence of light and being in a small room sent shivers down his spine and made him stiff. "We don't have time for this. Lead the way. I've got you guys covered." Olek said, jogging over and placing a hand on his shoulder and nodding.
"If you see any more unnatural shadows, call them out." He sounded serious and Dray nodded back to him. Shadows like the ones they had just seen were definitely unusual and best to be kept track of. They went outside and he sniffed the air briefly, not that he needed it to go the right direction, but to get the smells right. He quickly started running to catch up to the others, Olek on his left; most likely to cover the side that he couldn’t see.
He turned his head briefly at the sound of a vehicle. It was coming closer but wasn’t close enough to be of any worries at the moment. He continued to follow the scents in the air until they could see a smaller vehicle ahead. He had only seen vans before but this one was smaller, and the back was flat with no seats or roof. He didn’t have enough time to contemplate the strange transport as he could hear the engine start to life.
He glanced at Olek briefly before picking up his pace and jumping onto the flat metal floor in the back as it began to move. He turned around and held his hand out to help Olek on before it picked up a pace to fast for him to get on. He moved so his back as against the side and within moments he was drenched in freezing water and sand. Dray let out a tense gasp at the sudden change in temperature and shivered. He was going to be angry before he realized that their smells were dulling out and her for the most part indistinguishable in that area. Perhaps they would make it. However, upon looking around at the others that were inside on the actual seats, he didn’t see Kisa. She didn’t make it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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As Aileen led them out of the warehouse Chris kept an eye out just in case they ran into any more guards or any mutants hunting them. when they reached Aileen's vehicle she quickly got Edur and himself into the car with the help of Hawke. Once everyone was inside Aileen went about getting the truck started. It took her a moment but eventually Aileen managed to get the aging truck moving. As they started moving Chris looked out the window, the world was moving much faster than he was used to and Chris felt an odd urge to stick his head and feel the wind move on his face. He pushed the strange urge away from his mind however as he watched the world go by through the window. As he looked through the window however he suddenly became aware of the absence of a certain jaguar. Kisa wasn't here with them.

They suddenly drove through the sand and shallow water covering the vehicle, fortunately mixing in with their scent. He looked out the back window as Dray jumped onto the truck's flat back. He noticed that Olek didn't jump on with him, instead handing Dray his radio and heading back towards the warehouse hopefully to find Kisa, he didn't very much like the idea of splitting up anymore then they already had but he hated the idea of leaving Kisa at the warehouse even more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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Edur stuck close to Chris as they were lead outside. Now she feared anything could pop up. Once they got to Aileen's vehicle Edur slowed down. She really didn't want to climb into that. She was about to voice her opinion when Hawke and Chris both moved her inside. As the woman began to drive off the car made a loud screeching sound as the tires were pushed to the limit. She leaned further into Chris.

It was at this moment she relized both Olek and Kisa were missing. Edur felt her heart stop for a moment. Horrible images of them being captured again filled her mind. No doubt they'd kill Olek then and there. And all because he tried to help them. She also had no idea where Bast and the other man went. Edur was slightly less worried about them as most of the guards went after Olek. Now there was truly nothing to do but wait and Edur hated every moment of it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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Dray stared down at the radio in his hands. Luckily it hadn’t gotten more than a few droplets of water on it so he knew it would still work. He had seen the guards use them all the time and he figured he could work it. He had gotten his hands on one a few years back when he had taken it from a distracted guard while being taken back to his cell. He listened to the talk that was going back and forth until they had caught him with it and beaten him. He hadn't taken one again but he was still curious on how they worked and often watched the guards when they were fiddling around with them.
He glanced around momentarily at the colored lights they were passing; bright green ones that were suspended in the air. He couldn’t see much else besides those and other pairs of white lights coming towards them. The moving lights passed beside them quickly and he could see the outline of other vehicles of many different shapes and sizes. He could make out the figures of a person here or there when the lights in in the area where just right. There were also many tall buildings that they were passing as well as smaller ones, many with lights inside or outside. He was fascinated by all of it despite the small points of pain from staring at the multiple colors of light for so long.
Now the device lying in his palms was silent; Olek had done something to it so only he and Bast could communicate. After several long minutes of bouncing around in the back a crackly voice came through the grated speaker. "Dray, Olek here. Kisa's safe, the area's getting pretty bad. I don't have time to figure this out whilst providing cover fire. We have two new additions tagging along, not sure if we can trust them. They both don't appear to be wearing prisoners clothing. You along with the rest of the group should make the call." Now he wasn’t expecting that kind of response from the man. He rubbed his eyes to try and get rid of the spots in his vision and moved towards the small window that separated himself from the ones inside.
He tapped on the thin glass then pushed it aside with his bandaged hands to get it open. ”Olek says there’s two more. Doesn’t know if they can be trusted and aren’t wearing our kind of clothes. Said it was our choice if they should come.” He looked at each one, including the healer woman, to see their reactions. He held up the radio and after a moment of looking he pushed the button that would allow Olek to hear all of their responses. ”Perhaps we should meet them in a different place just in case?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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0.00 INK

Hawke frowned as he listened to Dray, his eyes shut tight to avoid distractions. He'd have to get a new hood soon.... He barked the message to Aileen, listening to the others. "I think it's a good idea.... meeting up somewhere else would be good, but could also be dangerous for us. We weren't exactly sure of each other, or of Barrow and Bast. But things aren't always what they look like. Like Barrow, someone we see as a potential enemy can easily be an ally. I say we let them tag along, for now. Keep a close eye on them, in case they are the bad guys. We are damaged, but not broken nor weak. What do the rest of you think?" Friends close, enemies closer... Enemies can be allies, allies can be traitors.... He shuddered a little, shaking his head hard to get rid of some of the water in his feathers. The soaked "hair" poofed and spiked up awkwardly as a result.

Aileen blinked as she drove, startled at the thought they might have two new mutants joining them. That they weren't sure they could be trusted only made her blood cool further. "That's up to you guys. My job right now is to get everyone safe. If you decide to meet elsewhere, somewhere quiet but at least sort of public would be best, wouldn't it? They won't attack you in semi-crowded areas, too risky to their own operation. Please someone tell me they wouldn't do that....!" Her emotions ran high-- though she kept her voice as calm as possible, it was almost impossible to hide in her words the several kinds of fear that hit her at once: Fear for the people in her care. Fear for the ones that got separated. And fear for herself. "There's a park near where I go to school. If you decide to let them stay, I could take a few of you to meet there..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur Character Portrait: Aileen Tracey
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0.00 INK

Chris was still watching through the window, taking in sights he hadn't seen in years but his attention was soon brought back when Dray began to speak. When Dray mentioned more mutants he was slightly concerned and suspicious. He wasn't sure if any other mutants had escaped from the lab, these two new mutants could be hunting them. He frowned slightly at this thought, he never understood how any mutant could be loyal to the same place that made them suffer so much, but he held a no small amount of contempt towards the ones that did. Then again maybe these new mutants really did escape. They wouldn't know for sure until they actually met them, but if they did escape Chris didnt want to just leave them.

He listened as Hawke and Aileen spoke, when Hawke spoke, nodding slightly when he said he thought it was a good idea to meet up with these new mutants. Chris was about to voice his agreement when Aileen spoke."That's up to you guys. My job right now is to get everyone safe. If you decide to meet elsewhere,somewhere quiet but at least sort of public would be best, wouldn't it? They won't attack you in semi-crowded areaa, too risky to their own operation. Please someone tell me they wouldn't do that....! There's a park near where I go to school. If you decide to let them stay, I could take a few of you to meet there..." Chris like the idea of meeting the other mutants but he wasn't sure about doing it near any people, even if there weren't that many around. They didn't exactl look normal after all. However he was confident that at least some of them could look normal and if he had to Chris could even transform. There isn't anythi very unusual about a dog in the park after all.

He nodded after Aileen had spoken. " I like that idea. We should probably meet them, just in case they also escaped from the lab and the park sounds like a good meeting place."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur Character Portrait: Aileen Tracey
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0.00 INK

Edur was very uncomfortable sitting in the car. It was bumpy and the shapes that sped by made her head spin. She whimpered as the radio sparked to life. Her ears perked up as Olek spoke. If there where two other mutants out there she couldn't help but fell worried for Olek. Dray adressed them all of they should meet them or not, and the woman spoke up. "That's up to you guys. My job right now is to get everyone safe. If you decide to meet elsewhere, somewhere quiet but at least sort of public would be best, wouldn't it? They won't attack you in semi-crowded areas, too risky to their own operation. Please someone tell me they wouldn't do that....!"

Next to her Chirs agreed to meeting in the park that the woman talked about. Edur had heard the word park used a few times back in The Lab but she didn't really know that one was. She would be more excited to see it if everything wasn't so panicy. Chirs spoke, snapping her out of her daze and she nodded vigorously. Anyone out there that need their help and came from The Lab didn't deserve to be left out. If anything getting these two would help soften the quilt she had for leaving other behind.

Still Edur was sure she'd cause too much of a distraction. Almost her whole body was covered in fur and despite how matted it was the white was still very obvious. And unlike most others Edur was never able to shift into a full animal. She was stuck in a sort of in between, not fully animal and not fully human. Worryingly she pointed to her fur covered arm. She shook it a bit, trying to show her fears to Chris.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur Character Portrait: Aileen Tracey
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Aramay
It was too much of a pipe dream. "Why are you approaching the targets openly?" Thinking she could just swoop in and expect everything to fall in place. Instead she had her ear drums rattled. The injured jaguar was much stronger than her. "Those were not your orders." That shove was more than enough to send her back falling head over heels but she quickly bounced back to her feet. A hand goes her bleeding shoulder followed by a hiss of pain. "What the hell is wrong with you!? Get out of there!" She couldn't take the time to reflect now that she was in the fray. "Come back to base immediately." Her head turned to follow Kisa rushing to cling to someone. Someone who had their gun aimed right at her. Her reaction was delayed but her jolt of fear from finding herself in front of a rifle nearly lifted her off the ground. Her hands shot up in front of her defensively. All the while orders and berating for her incompetence were being barked at her.

A familiar voice deafened all the others that made her freeze. "Why are you here Ara? How are you here-" That's why the escapees had a guard with them. He wasn't like any of the other guards that she had known in the Lab. Olek was the only one who put himself in harm's way to help her. Kyra stepped between them before she could explain herself. Aramay expected for there to be repercussions from the fellow hunter. A mutant had to seriouly hate other mutants in order to be a willing hunter. Instead she watched Kyra and Olek stand quietly in pause. Her guard lowered too soon. As Olek trained his rifle on her again. Startling her for a second time. "I'm not one of-I'm with you!" Her voice was choked with panic at the thought of being shot. He didn't trust her. She was already at a bad start. Should have snuck to the truck with the others.

Gunshots ripped through the air forcing everyone to scramble. She chose to hide behind the same cover that Olek did. He was rather gentle when he grabbed her arm. It just so happened to be the injured one. She locked eyes with him, gritting her teeth. The frustration she felt was nowhere near as strong as the fear. The fear and pain were what gripped her the most. Her mind raced to come up with an explanation for him but her mind drew a blank. He looked at her like she didn't belong here. It was going to take a lot more to convince him that she did. If she had better luck with the others, then maybe...

Hesitantly she got up onto Kyra next to Olek. Her body was shaking rather hard; clutching at the bag of spare clothes. And the pain medication hadn't completely worn off yet. It was gonna be hell for her if she didn't take something soon but she was far too scared to speak up. For all intents and purposes she was guilty until proven innocent. Her trial is about to come into session and the jury were made up of her fellow mutants. She didn't say a word to Olek. The pain was making her tired and sluggish.


Holmes cursed to himself wondering what the hell kind of a situation she would allow herself to get into that would be as complicated as this. He could hear minute sounds coming from her though. Small and barely audible, but he knew what they meant. "I told you not to take too much time." He mumbled more to himself than her. That's why he didn't want to give her the medication. In hopes that she wouldn't take too much time to lure out one or more of the mutants out at a time. Now they would have to come up with a new plan. Either way, if she took too long to come back she would have to deal with more than simple aches and pains.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Aileen Tracey Character Portrait: Aramay Character Portrait: Kyra
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0.00 INK


I can't believe this is happening Olek thought as he sat Kyra's back. He never thought he would be riding a tiger away from a fire fight. He glanced back at Kisa as he situated himself on Kyra's back. Olek wasn't very graceful even when he was at peak condition, and when he heard Kyra's voice ring in his head, this was no surprise. Watch it, Cyclops. Olek rolled his shoulders and payed attention to the voices ringing through his radio. A Park sounded like a sound plan. They could make a quick decision whether or not Olek, Ara, and Kyra were to be trusted. Olek was under the notion that he made his intentions perfectly clear, but the others had the right to turn him away. He glanced back at Ara, and then to the back of Kyra's head. If they were turned away, Olek would make sure that they got somewhere safe. Hell he would probably look after them if they warmed to the idea. Olek wasn't entirely sure if Kyra needed the protection though, she seemed capable of handling herself, which was the understatement of the year.

I don't often do this sort of thing, but - and this is a warning - if you want the damned Ara-thing to live, I suggest you keep her far away from me as she smells horrible... Kyra's voice rang in Olek's head once more. He raised his eyebrow at the fact that Kyra called Ara a 'thing.' He assumed that most mutated individuals regarded eachother differently. He made a mental note, but remained relatively silent. If Kyra wanted to kill Ara, Olek would do his best to stop her, but there's only so much a half dead guard can do when faced with a 1000 pound tiger. Kyra spoke once again, but Olek's mind was far away at this point. Her voice was muffled behind the walls he put up around his fractured mind.

Olek wasn't scared of Ara, in fact he felt slightly protective of her. Everytime he looked at her, really looked at her, he could feel the pain all over again. He did his best to keep his eye forward, whilst maintaining an objective state of mind. What is the plan, now Cyclops? Kyra's voice once again rang inside of his mind. Olek calmly breathed out and spoke into the radio. "We'll be right behind you guys, just lead the way." Every time he thought of the radio, it troubled him greatly that there was still no word from Bast. He closed his eye and sat on Kyra's back without saying anything for a few moments.

"Track my scent, it should still be on the radio I gave to the others. They washed their scents off, but the radio should still have my scent." Olek's voice boomed as Kyra bounded forward, in pursuit of the others. The last time Olek communicated with someone capable of mind speech, it was a two way communication. He was tempted to test Kyra's ability in the mental department, but Olek didn't want to chance it. He didn't want anyone digging around his thoughts. Olek's eyes tracked the tire marks in the sand, whilst occasionally glancing back at Kisa. She appeared to be struggling as they ran, he pushed his worries to the back of his mind, filing concerned thoughts away like every other troubled thought that crossed his mind. He glanced back at Ara once more, his eye lingering. He spoke to Kyra after he set his gaze on the horizon. "We'll be sure to give you plenty of space whenever you want it once we get settled in the safe zone." Olek spoke in a neutral tone; addressing what Kyra had previously said about Ara.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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0.00 INK

Dray kept a grip on the frame of the window to keep himself from being jerked around in the bed of the truck. It sounded as if they had come to more or less a consensus and was about to confirm when Olek’s voice came through the radio once again. "We'll be right behind you guys, just lead the way." With that the radio went silent and he glanced up at the healer in the front seat. ”To the park then.” He kept his gaze on her for a while, analyzing her, not remembering that his stare often made others uncomfortable. He already somewhat trusted her since for one they weren’t headed back the way they came and her emotions seemed genuine enough.
He was watching her movements, the small twitches and jerks of her muscles, as well as her eyes, each one a place for him to understand somewhat what she was thinking about. He wasn’t a mind reader, not by a long shot, but he had learned to watch the facial expressions and the physical movements of a person and could gather a pretty close idea of the emotions of their thoughts at least. After several long minutes of him watching her through the small mirror that was on the window he turned to watch the landscape passing by them.
It was still mostly dark but the moon above them was bright, having been uncovered by the clouds; brighter than he had ever been allowed to see before and he spent several more minutes just staring at the glowing white object in the sky. With the decent lighting from the moon as well as street lights he watched the buildings they passed. All of them had more windows than he had thought would be possible on a wall and there were signs above them with lettering. Not many of them were taught how to read and he was included in that group, the words were just gibberish but he figured they were the names of the buildings and possibly what they did inside.
The buildings came to a sudden stop, in front of them lay spread a black concrete floor with white lines and across from that started the grass. Dray leaned to the side and looked at the large open space. It was larger than the arena and he saw small structures coming out of a sanded area. He didn’t know what they were for but he knew that he had seen a few of the structures during the Games once or twice. The healer had said it was more or less a public space and he wondered if there were events like the Games here. He looked around to see if there were any viewing areas incase this area was used for the same purpose but he found none besides a small section in front a fairly large stretch of grass. His brow furrowed in confusion as he tried to figure out what the space was used for.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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0.00 INK

Aileen remained tense as she drove, instead of her home like she'd planned on, straight to the park. No one had answered her question. So, either they didn't know, or that place was more than capable of going after people in public. She gripped the wheel tightly, glancing briefly at both the pistol holstered by her leg, and the well wrapped knife--it's normal purpose for cutting jammed seat belts in an accident. The pistol was her grandfather's once. He had left it in the car, and she hadn't thought to remove it after he died. It made her feel a little safer, knowing he had been that protective. Keeping that reminder. Now that there was a possibility someone would use it, its presence made her nervous. She was a horrible shot, for one. She didn't trust these kids knew how to use a gun, for a second. And third... If they were found, it was a weapon in the enemy's hands... She screeched to a stop with a sigh, keeping wary eyes looking at the rearview mirror. They'd come at them from behind or the sides; if they'd followed her, they would have come from the same direction she had.

Hawke ignored the woman's protest as he climbed out of the truck, stepping up using the edges of the bed to sit on the roof. Not as high a point as he preferred, but it gave him a decent view of the area around him. Besides, he was probably rthe least out of place, even if he was sitting up there. From other perspectives, he looked for the most part like the handful of other kids here, sitting on any available surface and watching around them or talking among themselves. Occasionally he'd tilt his head toward Dray or glance back at the inside, listening to everything he could. The only thing he thought he might resemble more than a human teen was a watchful bird. Ready to take to the sky if necessary.... He didn't relax, not even when he saw Olek, Kisa, and those they brought along.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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0.00 INK


Kyra followed the scents, and when she arrived in an area populated with Normals, she began to slow. She felt her mind expanding to include other Normals that saw her. It was exhausting work. I should have been exercising this skill, she thought angrily at herself for being exhausted and unprepared. A yowl of relief or something like that Kyra snarl in reaction to Kisa rushing past her to the truck full with mutants. The Jaguar shifter rubbed up against the driver's side of the door, before coming to the back and throwing itself down to lay on the asphalt. It's breathing was labored and yes, Kyra was secretly hoping the large cat died of over exhaustion or even heat stroke.

These Runaways are yours, Cyclops? Kyra slowed to a stop just behind the truck, her eyes on the male with red feather hair sitting atop the cab of the truck. Her nose twitching like crazy, she went back into a crouch to let her passengers off. She smelled the scents that had been faint before, but were now strong. Nostrils flaring, and her tail curling and uncurling. Fear. Her ears twitched when she heard a rumbling stomach. Her left eye color changed to a gold color while her right eye remained a fiery red, as she bared her teeth at the Jaguar that was beginning to eye the mutant with feather hair. The jaguar snarled back, but went back to panting and trying to keep its eyes on its paws and not on the strange Normals or the Mutants.

Kyra shrugged off her passengers, feeling their movements to be slow. She shifted into her human form, and just like before, the transformation was smooth and so unlike Kisa's. Her form just shrunk, her front legs shrinking into smooth human arms covered in a wetsuit like material. In the midst of her change, her tail came around, and she got into her black trench coat for woman, and even put her mask on before the others could see her disfigurement.

Rolling her shoulders, she looked at the others warily. Can't show weakness in front of them. The tiger's instinct came forward so, despite being tired, she let out a warning growl at them so as to make them think twice before trying to attack her. "I assume you red heads are key in my judgement?" She aimed the question mostly at Dray and Hawke before her black ears went flat against her skull.