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Aileen Tracey

"Look, you. I couldn't care less whether or not you're human. You're hurting? I'll do what I can. You try to hurt me? Let's just say I don't repair damage I cause."

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a character in “Escape to the Outside”, as played by WriteLive


Name: Aileen Tracey; she usually goes by her last name, at least publicly. To her friends, she's usually Ai

Age: 20

Gender: female

ImageMutation/Abilities: Aileen has the ability to speed the healing process of wounds/injuries. She inherited this from her grandmother.

Mutation Appearance: With the mutation, she inherited the pale green streaks in her hair her grandmother had.

Description: Aileen is short, standing at about five three. Her vibrant, fox-colored hair is streaked with the same green as her eyes. Added to pale skin, slightly pointed ears and an almost catlike face, she has a very elvish appearance.

Personality/About: The firey redhead seems to be a magnet for the injured, and a bleeding heart as well. She can't stand seeing anyone in pain (physical or emotional) and will do whatever she can to help--even if she hated their guts. She was raised and trained to use her gift by her grandmother from about age ten when her talent manifested.
The only time her healing nature doesn't apply is if she dealt the damage herself. If she's attacked, or someone she cares about is, she'll defend herself at any cost--she's sweet and sappy, not stupid. She's not cruel either, though--she'll call an ambulance and the police immediately after.

Strengths: She's a quick study, making up for her inability to deal with sickness or poison. Through rough training at the hands of her grandfather, she can hold her own in a fightImage

Weaknesses:She can't heal illnesses, poisons, or herself. For that, she has to go into her books. She also can't take pain away-- in fact, speeding the process makes it more painful the faster she works. On the upside, said pain lasts hours or a couple days instead of weeks, months, or longer. Though relatively strong, she isn't very fast, relying on her cleverness and strength to defend herself

Fears: Above all else, she fears she'll be found out as something other than human. Her grandparents told her stories of the changes the mysterious Lab they worked for had made, and is absolutely terrified of being caught. So much so, her other fears (spiders, failing to save someone, dying because she was left alone and can't heal herself) are things she'd rather face--she would rather be beaten to death by Aragog than get caught.

Writing Sample:(ten years ago) Aileen smiled softly, coaxing a frightened child from the cabinet under her grandmother's sink. The poor kid clutched tightly at his broken arm, shaking from head to toe as she led him back to the front room. "It's okay, Gramma Evelyn is gonna fix it. She's not going to hurt you, it's alright."
"She grabbed my arm!" The boy wailed, sniffling and holding his arm like it might fall off if he didn't, "Hurt... It hurt, Miss Ai!"
Aileen sighed, her hair falling in front of her face," I know, but she needs to know where it's broken, so she can fix it. She's not gonna hurt you, I promise. Once she knows where it is, it won't hurt. She'll fix it that quick, okay?" She got the boy sitting in front of her grandma; Miss Evelyn Tracey smiled, the deep lines that framed it softening her face more--the sweet old lady seldom frowned now, though the lines across her forehead said she once frowned with worry too often. Her red hair was very pale, looking more like shiny copper lace now than the thick, dark curls she once had. The green streaks were also faded, a pale silver now. She patted the boy's knee, gently taking his arm once more. With quick fingers, she felt for the break, tightening her grip only slightly when the poor child tried to pull away.
"I know, honey. I know. Just close your eyes now, not gonna hurt...." With quick movements she set the bone; the boy didn't even flinch. No whimpers, no tensed muscles. This was Evelyn's primary gift; to pull pain away while she healed. Aileen watched in awe as she worked, after a few moments wrapping his arm tightly and helping him into a sling. It didn't seem like she'd done anything, but The younger Tracey knew better. She knew very well that even as the boy walked out, led by his mother, Evelyn's work was still going strong. By the time they got home, the boy's arm would be half healed. In a few days, he could unwrap it.
Aileen cried out, a sharp pain shooting along her back. Her eyes dulled, and she took off running toward the garage where her grandfather was. Without thinking she dropped to his side, pressing her hands to his back. The box he'd been moving had tilted too far over his head, sending him reeling and slamming into his work table before collapsing to the floor. She shook with the pain she felt from it, her eyes closing as she sought the damage. Her grandfather screamed and cursed, unable to move as Aileen healed his back. As he relaxed, after hours of instinctive work, she fell sideways, unconscious.

So begins...

Aileen Tracey's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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The others all seemed to agree that meeting these new mutants in the park was a good idea, and soon Aileen began to drive in what he assumed was the direction of this park. As they drove he looked over at Edur, who was worryingly shaking her arm toward him, seemingly trying to tell him something. He wasn't sure what at first but then he realized she was probably worried about being seen by someone, out of all of them Edur was the most mutated, not that he really considered that a bad thing. Dray, Hawke, and Kisa looked normal at a distance and Chris could at least transform into something much less strange. Edur didn't seem to have that option though. He looked out the window and then back towards Edur."It's still dark out so there may not be many people out. I don't think you need to worry that much, but you can probably just stay in the car if you want." He spoke gently trying to reassure any worries she may have.

When they finally arrived at the park he looked out the window at the park with a rather somber expression. Looking at the park now even in the darkness of night he was reminded of the times his mother would often bring him to a park, much like this one. Even being outside of the lab now he found that he still missed his parents and the life that was taken from his. Eventually he turned his gaze toward the large tiger that entered the park, carrying both Olek and another mutant on it's back. He sighed slightly, at the fact that one of the new mutants is another large feline. Not that he had any problems with felines, but the older ones always semed to have some form of problem with Chris, just becayse he was a canine, though he hoped that this one would prove to be a little less hostile toward him than Kisa is.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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Olek breathed out a sigh of relief once they reached their destination. These Runaways are yours, Cyclops? Olek heard Kyra's voice ring in his head. He calmly grunted, and spoke up in a gruff voice. "They don't belong to anyone, but yes. These are the ones." Olek spoke as he scanned his surroundings. The park meant nothing to Olek, the only memories that he felt being dredged up by such a place wasn't significant. His eye glazed over from deep thought for a few moments as he dismounted the large tiger, and stepped away from her. He stood about twelve feet away from Kyra, keeping his eye on Kisa as she rested near the truck. He closed his eye for a moment and marveled at the fact that he almost left Kisa behind. The darker part of his persona begged Olek to leave the woman behind; that she would only cause trouble and conflict. He breathed out slowly again, and let the strap around his rifle rest around his neck. His arms loosely rested on the rifle as he stood at attention before the truck and the others. He heard rustling off to his left, but kept his eye forward. He gave Kyra the privacy that she probably would've wanted.

He calmly checked the watch on his wrist, and glanced up at the stars before glancing back to the others. Everyone was still in the process of dismounting. Olek calmly stayed vigilant. He scanned around to the best of his ability, waiting for any signs of trouble to present themselves. "I assume you red heads are key in my judgement?" Kyra spoke to the group. Olek shifted his posture ever so slightly.

"Our Judgment." Olek interjected, keeping his hands off of his rifle as he spoke. Olek did his very best to seem non-threatening. His appearance did him no favors however. His scarred face and body didn't really give off any calming vibes. He had promised the others that they could take a vote to determine whether or not that they could trust him. He would present them with the opportunity if they wanted it. Olek had devoted a great deal of time to the imprisonment of the men, women, and children before him. He had let terrible things happen to the people before him. He would answer for his crimes every day, and today was no exception. Olek believed that they would need his expertise to stay alive, but it was ultimately their choice if they wanted to accept that. He wanted to give them what was so wrongfully stolen from them all throughout their lives. Choice.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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#, as written by Aramay
There wasn't much Ara could do but hold on. She was stuck in a predicament that left her at a huge disadvantage with all parties in play. She breathed in the cool night air. It revitalized her and gave her a renewed sense of alertness. Her eyes peered out as the wind whipped back her hood so that she could better see her surroundings. For a few moments she forgot her pain and took in the surroundings. As if she was another escapee in the same boat as them. Occasionally she kept hearing orders through the transmitter but she ignored them. There was no way that she could respond to confirm anyways. What were they going to do if she didn't speak? Drag her back?

By the time Kyra stopped Ara had her head resting against Olek's upper back. Almost as though she were about to fall asleep. Her head shook and she jolted herself straight. There they were, all together in one spot. It would only be a matter of time before the tracker that the Lab implanted in her would get them caught. A knot tightened in her stomach. Just barely out long enough to taste freedom before being dragged back. Any pleasant feelings she had were completely washed away and replaced with sickening illness. Ara stumbles to the ground while trying to climb off of Kyra. She tightened up so much that it made her stiff and awkward to coordinate herself. At first she jumped back up with no problem. After taking a few steps to the truck she found herself sitting back down, bag clutched in her hand with her head resting between her knees.

The best plan of action she could think of would be to stay out of as much trouble as possible. The tiger lady could be as stand offish and secretive as she wanted. Though when it came to standing out at night, a homeless person sitting in a park was far less out of the ordinary compared to a woman in a trench coat. Wearing a mask. Next to a truck full of people. She only lifted her head when she heard people beginning to speak again.

Willing herself to move, she lifted her head again. Judging by how pale her face and how shallow her breathing was it was clear she was unwell. At the risk of getting left behind she would eventually, if slowly, get back to her feet while pulling her hood back up to keep the cold air from nipping at her head and neck. Looking to the truck she noticed quite a group of mutants hunkered inside. As weary as they looked, she wouldn't stand a chance against them. Not including Kyra. But if they went up against guards right now...she shuddered and looked over to Olek. She made sure that she was no closer to the others than Olek was. Shaking her head, she did her best to keep her thoughts clear. Her stance may have been waivering but she stood straight and kept quiet until she knew that she had to speak up. She would only let herself pass out soon as she was allowed in the truck with them.

Her eyes finally spotted movement on the road next to the truck. The spotted big cat looked as exhausted as she did. The same mutant that pushed her away when she tried to help. It wasn't as though she would jump to help her, but her concern was enough to make her both hesitantly and cautiously approach Kisa. Not forgetting to warily look up at the others, she would be quick to back away if they so much as gave her a stern look.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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"Our judgement."

Hawke tilted his head at Barrow's comment, his eyes stony, hard to read. He was more focused on Kisa and the new mutant. He sighed and hopped down, reaching a hand to brush Kisa's fur lightly before moving closer to the exhausted female. He moved fluidly in spite of what was left of his wounds, stalking over cautiously. He could hear the healer woman opening her door to rush over, and let out a soft growl as he knelt. The sick girl was pretty, however mutated physically, but he couldn't quite be sure whether to trust her just yet. He licked his lips, trying to word his warning carefully. "You need help. The woman behind me can take care of you. I will say this only once to you and the tiger. If you betray us...If you rip up our chances of living out here. I will not hesitate to break every bone in your body before I kill you." He glanced at Barrow. This man, to an extent, had earned his trust. That didn't mean the threat didn't apply to him also. He leveled the same warning glare on the tiger-woman before giving a rare, wary smile. "But for now, let's get somewhere safe, where we can get everyone patched up. What do you think, Dray?" Unconsciously, he kneaded the ground with one hand, the other ruffling the feathers he had for hair until a few loose ones fell. Salt water had washed away most of their scent, but the stuff itched and made him feel all grimy. A feeling he'd never been fond of...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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Kisa disliked the tiger shifter woman, and especially the fact that the bitch had taken her on and nearly won -nearly because Kyra didn't kill Kisa- and even mind controlled Kisa to obey and submit to her. Kisa was busy contemplating the woman's death which mostly dealt with Kisa ambushing her when the others weren't around and crushing her skull to dust. Speaking of crushing skulls, this idiot, no prey item, is prancing around right in front of me with his back turned. Hungry. She focused her eyes on the back of his head. A sharp pain in her head made her glance at the tiger shifter before looking away from the prey in front of her.

Kisa growled at Hawke, "In front of me isn't 'Safe' right now." A hacking cough erupted from her large chest as she got up and moved away from him and Aramay to lie down ten feet away from everyone. Her muscles trembled as her short tail flicked slowly one direction then the other signaling both her mood and energy level.
"Pissing me off isn't a Safe thing to do and if you decide to attack anyone right now, I''ll kill you regardless of their presence." The sharp thought came unbidden into her head, making her wince and hiss in the masked woman's direction. Despite physically reacting to the tiger shifter's thought, Kisa ignored her and began licking her paw, suddenly interested in self-grooming.


"You need help. The woman behind me can take care of you. I will say this only once to you and the tiger. If you betray us...If you rip up our chances of living out here. I will not hesitate to break every bone in your body before I kill you." Kyra bared her teeth at Hawke, but of course, he wouldn't see her elongated and curved teeth because of the mask. Due to her reaction to this red feather head, she came up with a mantra to keep her focused, Here to assist and protect, not attack. Despite coming up with this mantra, she didn't share the fact with them that if any injured person drank her blood, they'd heal faster and feel better. "But for now, let's get somewhere safe, where we can get everyone patched up. What do you think, Dray?"

At that, Kyra shifted her weight, feeling bored with the way things were going now and spoke up against her better judgement. "How many are wounded?" She began pinching at the material covering her bare skin, mainly her forearm, and began tearing at it. She found skin and looked up at Olek, Do I need to heal anybody? Her question was sent telepathically because his bearing held authority, something Kyra recognized. And if he attacks me am I allowed to kill him in self-defense?

With downcast eyes, Kyra suddenly appeared to be a frightened, shy girl speaking demurely to Hawke, "Forgive us, your magnanimous holiness," she moved to the Ara-things side as her attitude changed to that of a protective and angered person, "for threatening you just by being in your mere presence, dangerous sir." She closed her eyes, and blinked them open as they changed color yet again, but this time an icy blueness(her left) and a emerald green(her right) as she snarled, "If you care for your life I suggest you back off." Enough distaste for this... human made her voice cold enough it could freeze any jerk's blood (not literally) and cause them to turn tail and run out of fear.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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Edur was only slightly comforted by Chris's words but she nodded anyway. Staying in the car didn't exactly make her happier but it would keep her, and more importantly, the others safe. She didn't want any of them to be hurt because someone spotted her. Even the red head woman was important in Edur's eyes.

When Olek and the other came up Edur wanted to run up and hug the man but the serious air about everyone made her freeze. Instead she grabbed Chris's arm and leaned into him.

The others spoke but Edur was too focuses on Kisa. The woman was hurt and very angry. Waves of rage practically rolled off her as she settled far away from the group. She bit her lip. Hunger was something she knew but Kisa seemed to be even more informed. She needed to eat soon that was for sure.

Deciding Kisa was okay for now Edur turned to the woman adressing Hawke. At first she seemed just a meek as Edur felt but her mood changed as quick as her eye color. Her voice sent waves of fear through Edur and a yelp, not quite loud enough to draw strangers attention but enough for their group to hear escaped her lip. She buried her face into Chris's side and hoped for the scary lady to go away.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Edur Character Portrait: Aileen Tracey
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He sat up and moved to the end of the truck bed as he saw the group coming towards them. Now there were two felines, Olek was riding atop the new one and holding a smaller mutant in his arms. KIsa was running beside them and came to collapse near the truck. The larger tiger shook off Olek and smaller mutant then shifted. He watched curiously as the tiger became humanoid, a synthetic material keeping her clothed during the transition, then put on a coat and mask which she produced from somewhere. He narrowed his eyes slightly in recognition. He had seen her on a few occasions when the guards were training multiple mutants at the same time. As far as he knew this one was steadfastly loyal to the Lab; which is why they produced the shifting material for her. He had been offered some before as an incentive and he was never considered after his many refusals to follow orders.
”What do you think, Dray?” He blinked at his name being said and glanced at Hawke. It took him a moment to dig up the words he’d said before then nodded. It was best if they found a place to get clean and rest first before deciding what to do afterwards. He dropped down off the truck to nudge Kisa inside when the tiger-woman started speaking and tearing at the suit covering her skin. He didn’t care for her sarcastic tone and he nearly growled in response. He looked over at Hawke and hopefully the look he gave as well as the faint growl was enough to tell him about his distaste for the woman and that they should talk about it later.
With that he ignored her and made sure Kisa was settled in the back of the truck and he went to the quiet mutant sitting off to the side. He held his hand out to the curious looking female. She was one of the more physically mutated ones he had seen. He thought they were typically killed in the Games because they were more often always in pain than not. She seemed fine enough, though if she did start having pains they would need to find pain meds for her. ”Come on. Time to go.” Hopefully they would all fit inside the truck comfortably; and if not, that the drive was short enough for it not to matter.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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Olek shouldered his rifle as soon as Hawke gave his approval. He was in the process of stepping towards Aileen to tell her of Ara's wounds when he felt Kyra speak in his head once more. This time Olek felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. He winced and doubled his efforts to keep his walls up. The mind was a fragile thing, he had nothing against Kyra, but he didn't want to let anyone in. Olek had a few weak points, his mind was one of them. Letting his walls down would prove to be very dangerous. Do I need to heal anybody? And if he attacks me am I allowed to kill him in self-defense?

She was poised with one hand pinching her other arm. He was starting to understand the nature of her healing capabilities. He made a mental note and calmly shifted his gaze to Hawke and gave him nod. Olek would expect them to react negatively if anyone betrayed the group. Hawke's threats fell on dead ears as Kyra advanced. She moved a little closer to Ara in the process of responding to Hawke. She made her voice sound tiny and shy, feinting for viscous words that soon followed. Olek hadn't realized, but as soon as Kyra advanced towards Ara, his hand had flown to his sidearm. He gripped it tightly, his only remaining eye was glazed over by a haze of emotions that Olek hadn't quite processed. When Olek realized that Kyra was being protective more than anything, Olek released his grip on his side arm. Olek calmly approached and situated himself near Kyra and Hawke. He crossed his arms and glanced at both of them.

Olek rubbed his head, prolonged conversation with Kyra in such a manner scared him strangely enough. Past events in Olek's life left his mind with many stress fractures, he wasn't sure what it could take. He preferred not to put his mental limits to the test. Olek felt as if he could communicate with Kyra mentally if he spoke in his head with the intention of her hearing, but that would involve letting his walls down. He brooded on the thought, if Kyra meddled around in his head, he would know.

He slowly relaxed, that was usually the trick behind Olek's mental fortitude. He was always on edge, never truly comfortable, so naturally it was more difficult to shatter his mental barriers. Within a few moments his mind was exposed. He did his best to use words instead of feelings and memories, whilst hoping that Kyra would be tuning in. Aileen will have Ara covered. As for Hawke, keep your cool. No one will be killing each other on my watch. Olek devoted the majority of his focus on keeping his memories at bay whilst he focused on the words of his message. After he was finished, he raised his mental barriers back up. His rigid posture was once again present and with that he glanced at Hawke and then to Kyra. Olek opened his mouth to defuse the situation, but quickly stopped half way through when he heard Dray's voice. The rare occurrence warranted his immediate attention.

”Come on. Time to go.” Dray said quite matter-of-factly. Olek nodded his head and hoisted himself into the bed of the truck. He winced as he did so due to the partially healed wounds on his torso. He concealed his pain, and calmly reached with one of his hands out, offering to help anyone into the bed of the truck if they wanted it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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He watched the others outside through the car window. He was mostly examining the new arrivals, trying to decide if they could actually be trusted. He wanted to believe that they could but the very real possibility that they could be hunters was at the forefront of his mind. He was pulled away from his thoughts as Edur buried face into his side, she was clearly scared and looking back out the window he could see why. The tiger woman was intimidating for sure and she didn't look much like an escaped mutant to Chris. She didn't seem tired or hurt, and her clothes didn't look prisoner clothes. He didn't think that she could be trusted. He looked back at Edur and spoke gently to her."Don't worry she won't hurt you. I promise." He meant it to, he wouldn't let anything happen to her. The same went for the rest of the group,but Edur especially so. He'd do almost anything to keep his friends safe. Looking at the other mutant however he was much more willing to trust her. She was clearly tired and hurt just like they were. She didn't seem to be much of a threat to him.

He carefully watched the reactions of the others. It looked like they thought it was a good idea to trust these new mutants at least for now.He frowned slightly at this and his ears drooped slightly. He didn't think it was a good idea, he trusted the other's judgment, but something told him in his gut that the tiger woman at least couldn't be trusted. He wasn't sure about the other mutant, but he thought it best if he at least tried to keep an eye on her.. However he wouldn't argue about it, not now while they were out in the open. He thought for a moment and decided it would be best to talk with Olek or Hawke about it once they got to safety.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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#, as written by Aramay
Ara twinged at Hawke's words. They were harsh enough to make the innocent cringe from hearing him. But his next words softened her ridgidness. [/color=green]"Somewhere safe."[/color] She murmured to herself. She pretended Kyra wasn't there while not doing the best job of it by tilting her head slightly away from the psychotic villainess feining innocence. It didn't take special abilities to sense that this woman did not like her, and clearly was the type to hold a grudge. So she rewarded her fake display of protectiveness with an equally convincing yet far more subtle return of assistance. [/color=green] "You stand out even more than me." [/color] She responds while at the same time pulling out the dusty, earthy scented spare clothes to offer to Kyra. By the way Kyra dressed, it was clear she wouldn't be caught dead in long stored away thrift store clothing. They were becoming fast 'frienemies'.

The clothes were actually supposed to be for Kisa since she looked like she would be the one who actually needed them and possibly Edur. She didn't pursue the big feline when she walked away. A nervous pang in the back of her mind held her in place. It was best not to bother another angry cat. She looked back down at her hand full of old clothes, suddenly feeling a bit idiotic for still holding onto them. They didn't smell bad, but they weren't fresh either. It wouldn't be a surprise if no one wanted them even though they needed them. She looked at Edur with uncertainty. They both looked at eachother with an equal amount of nervousness. A wrinkled up jacket from the pile is seperated and takes a few seconds to offer it to Edur. If the jacket is not taken from her hand after a few moments her hand will drop and simply let the jacket fall to the ground. Either way she starts to open and close her hand while rubbing her wrist with the other. Her joints were bothering her.

She resigned herself to sitting back down. The blood from the cut on her shoulder dried to her shirt acting like glue; which tugged at her wound if she turned a certain way. Which, made her keep still, almost like a statue. A hand drew her gaze up at Dray. The act surprises her enough to make her jump slightly. Beforehand she looked as though she had missed the city bus and already half accepted that she would be left there. Her eyes looked around a little more openly to see what was around her, and who. Olek was climbing into the truck. The truck already looked rather full. Her hand slowly opens and reaches out to take Dray's to help her up. Ara's skin felt unusually warm to the touch but dry. Similar to, but not quite like a fever. A sense of relief ran through her when she was helped into the back of the truck which had more room than inside.

She wasn't on the inside, but she was with the group. She would be thankful for at least that. It was then that the thought of being left behind really scared her. And shortly after settling in, a soft groan escapes her lips and she immediately passes out from exhaustion. Her breathing slowed to a steady pace.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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'Aileen will have Ara covered. As for Hawke, keep your cool. No one will be killing each other on my watch.' Kyra recoiled instantly, letting out a surprised gasp as she glimpsed some feeling and vulnerability hit her smack in the forehead. Of course, she had been tuned into Olek's thoughts and had not been expecting any reply to her questions, or at least telepathically from his end. It had been unexpected when he replied, and made her realize that while she had been dealing with the red feather head she had let some of her mental barriers fall, causing Olek's feelings to have a bigger impact on her then if she'd been prepared.

”Come on. Time to go.” Angry at the... violation of her mind, Kyra stalked to the back of the truck and with a single flick of her tail launched herself into the back of the vehicle. She noticed the Ara-thing pass out, and that Olek was.. not comfortable? Hah! Serves him right. Kyra stared away from the others, her eyes staring blankly at the world she did not belong in. Her ears pricked forward, while she wrapped her tail around her waist so as not to have anyone step on it. Angrily, Kyra communicated with Olek, Next time you attempt to grab my attention, please do try to keep your being, or self, out of it. This basically meant for him to control his memories and feelings, and not let them sink into his thoughts that he sent her way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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Chris's voice was a big comfort to Edur and she slowly unraveled from his arm. It wasn't like she wanted to distrust this woman but her voice was just so cold and although Edur would normally love the cold this was just different. It was like she had no care for the people around her.

Still the mutant would like to give her the benefit of the doubt. It wasn't like she could control how her voice sounded...right? And she wasn't afraid of Olek when that fear would be completely understandable. Her whole life she was tormented by guard but Olek was so different. So she shouldn't fear this girl. Not yet at least.

Even more confusing to the feline she was offered a jacket. At first she was hesitate but seeing that it would drop if Edur didn't take it she grabbed the fabric. It was very wrinkled but it didn't faze her in the slightest. It was already much better then what she was wearing now. Due to her stunt growth she never grew out of the clothes the guards gave her so they neve felt the need to replace it.

Rather awkwardly Edur slipped the jacket on. It covered the hair on her arms nicely and Edur smiled at Ara. 'Thank you.' She said nodding to the other female. It was a friendly if a bit guarded tone but calm all the same. No use being rude after all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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Olek calmly rested, waiting for the truck to start moving. He kept his good eye trained behind him, almost waiting for the smallest hint of someone tailing them. Olek gave another rattling cough, and proceeded to wipe away something from the corner of his mouth with the back of one of his hands. He stayed active when it came to the protection of everyone else, but his body was beaten, and his mind was tired. The amount of blood that he had lost was an ever present danger. Olek still felt chilled to the bones, but was doing great at concealing his current condition. The chill of the air around him only worsened the matter. He balled up his hands and gritted his teeth to refrain from shivering. He refused to show any form of weakness.

Sharp pain filled his head for a moment causing Olek to wince again. After Olek's 'accident,' he tried to keep interactions with the psychics at a minimum. Prolonged exposure to a foreign mind would have unknown consequences. Next time you attempt to grab my attention, please do try to keep your being, or self, out of it. Kyra's voice once again rang in his head. Olek turned his head to Kyra and lifted an eyebrow in her direction. Instead of responding mentally, Olek kept his walls up. He simply nodded once as a sign of acknowledgement. With that, his exchange with the woman was at an end for the moment. He found the nature of request slightly perplexing. He had dealings with two other telepaths before Kyra. The more familiar of the two didn't usually have issues with Olek's methods; however, The second one could've knocked a few of Olek's screws loose during his last encounter, so that was another possibility. He calmly came to the conclusion that Kyra's communication with him would have to be one way. He was unable to fix the issue on his end.

Olek remained still for what seemed like ages to himself. His mind drifted, sifting through memories to keep himself occupied as he looked at the nearby rooftops for figures. His eye eventually lingered on Ara as she slept. He blinked a few times before looking away quickly. Olek rubbed his remaining eye, shivering ever so slightly. His gaunt expression gave nothing away; his eye took in his surroundings whilst trying to ignore the black spots dancing around his vision. Lots of buildings, Olek's blind spot hindered his ability to take in everything without occasionally rotating his head. It wasn't exactly practical, but he did it anyways. Olek rubbed his eyepatch, readjusting it in the process. His ride on the back of Kyra's tiger form had jostled it out of position ever so slightly.

His eyelid grew heavy as moments began to spin onward. Olek rubbed his good eye, and pressed down on his own chest. The pressure caused dull pain signals to fire towards his brain. Olek embraced the momentary pain to keep himself awake. Afterwards, Olek calmly hooked one of his fingers in the collar of his vest. He glanced down, checking up on Aileen's bandaging. Swaths of blood soaked the bandages ever so slightly. The bleeding was still gone for the most part. Olek breathed a sigh of relief, and resigned to himself for the moment as he gazed up at the night sky, his expression concealing anything that might give away his thoughts and concerns.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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Aileen shivered as Hawke spoke. The words were frightening, almost cruel.She couldn't help but wonder exactly what they'd all been through that would make him so protective he'd be as willing to kill as allow someone to join the group. Almost as soon as he spoke, however, the tension lifted. Not disappeared, but it lessened. As the others all piled in, she got the car going again, Hawke moving to take a place in the bed, quite possible to keep guard. She drove as quickly as the groaning, clanking truck would allow with its extra weight, her eyes focused only on the road. She didn't relax until she reached the thick wooden gate that marked the property. She slowed a little, listening to the birds as she coaxed the car up the drive. The large building was all one floor, sprawled out into four "wings" with courtyards between. It wasn't the largest building in the area, but there was more room than Aileen knew what to do with. Having these others around would help greatly...

As they finally pulled up to a house, Hawke seemed in a better mood. The animals greeted them, although they'd never met before. He whistled and hooted back, a kind of call-and-response forming in the woods. He closed his eyes, trying hard not to relax enough to sleep. it wasn't safe for him to rest yet. When the vehicle sputtered to a stop, he leapt out, his eyes scanning the area. Although well hidden, there were cameras all over the outside. Metal glinted here or there, some of it junk, but others he wasn't sure about. The woman had said her grandparents were from the lab; if they were smart they'd have security measures in place.....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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He made sure everyone got inside the bed of the truck before it took off. The mutant in the ragged clothing seemed to settle down and fall unconscious right away. Olek looked mildly uncomfortable the entire time; Dray could also tell that he was trying to keep himself awake as well. The others all seemed to get back inside alright and wait. Hawke looked like the predator bird he was named after; keeping a look out on their surroundings. Instead of keeping track of the world passing by, he didn’t know most of what it was anyway, he kept watch on the additional feline that was with them.
He watched her intently, trying to figure out her motives. As far as he could gather there was no reason for her to help them in any way. Her allegiance had been with the Lab whole heartedly as far as he knew. She was a ruthless animal in his mind; something he probably would have been as well if they had managed to brainwash him. Based off of that information he couldn’t figure any true motives other than the Lab wanting her to track them and her following orders. They were probably following them through something she had on her. They would need to find a way to make sure none of them had any trackers.
Dray looked up when they started leaving the louder noises of the buildings and wilderness started to spread around them. It was relaxing, all the space, because of the radical opposite of being locked in the cells his whole life and coming into an area that he couldn’t see the end of. He knew that he would never want to go back to cells and even being inside at the moment seemed displeasing. The building they were driving to however, was also different than the one they had left. For one it was much larger, and looked well kept. There were no tall giant fences around or guard towers with the glint of firearms. Though he did see the sheen of metal once in a while he figured it was for the red-head’s protection. If her family had come from the Lab before then she would want to protect herself.
The vehicle came to a stop and Dray hopped down onto the ground. He would help the others out if they needed it. When he noticed that the one in rags was still asleep on the truck he reached out a shook her foot lightly. ”Up now.” She seemed more fragile than the others and he wondered briefly what type of mutations and experiments were done on her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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#, as written by Aramay
It took some effort to stir Ara awake. The pain that would have registered from having her foot shaken normally would cause enough of a jolt to send her reeling. She was dead still enough to appear as though she wasn't breathing at first glance. The very short rest from the ride made her look like she was fairing worse for wear. She was slow to sit up with a growing sense of listlessness about her. A familiar voice squelched inside her head from the transmitter, and her only reaction was with a blink and a twitch. Her clothes stuck to her skin from sweating in her sleep. Taking a sleeve, she wiped what she thought was drool from her mouth but the metallic taste told her otherwise. She felt around her mouth but she couldn't find any cuts or any place she could have bitten her cheek in her sleep.

Seeing that the truck stopped, she could only assume that they had arrived at what she hoped was their original destination before the others became concerned with trusting her. And the other, woman. She would certainly be the last one off the flat bed. Normally this would be around the time that Holmes or one of the guards would come in to help feed her. It was a wonder why he would put so much effort into keeping her alive. Only then did it occur to her that it would prove to be a challenge to live outside the Lab without quite a bit of help. Of all of the other mutants she looked the least relieved to be there.

Stepping onto the ground hurt her feet. Just about everything hurt, yet she somehow found away to forget just long enough to recoil slightly in surprise. Her ears perked and her eyes started to dart about from the noises around her, suddenly becoming overly aware of her surroundings. All of it was making her wince and draw her shoulders up so that she looked hunched and perturbed about the new location.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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Chris looked at the the female mutant with a cautious eye as she offered Edur the jacket. She seemed nice enough and she looked very weak and tired, more so than the rest of them, he hoped that she would get the rest she needed once they reached Aileen's home. Once everyone was back in the car and they started to drive to Aileen's home Chris went back to watching through the window, glancing back every so often to keep an eye on the two new mutants. He looked at the woman in rags with a small amount of concern for her condition but looked at the tiger woman with a cautious glint to his eye.

Once they reached their destination he quickly got out of the car and viewed his surroundings. He was glad to be in such a wide and open area. In fact he was glad that they were finally some place they could rest, he tried not to show just how tired he was but he honestly felt rather exhausted after escaping from the lab. He watched the others and noticed that the woman in rags was slow to get out of the bed of the truck. After looking her again he had a hard time believing she was really a hunter. He didn't think that a hunter would be in such bad shape, but he was glad that she was finally somewhere safe. Well somewhat safe at least, he was glad to be here but he was sure that the lab would still be hunting them. Not to mention he was decently sure that the tiger woman was a hunter as well, he wasn't sure just how safe it would be as long as she was here with them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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Olek rolled his shoulders once the truck ground to a halt. He briefly glanced down at the radio clipped to his chest and thoughts of Bast quickly crossed his mind. He rubbed his temples and clenched his jaw as he argued with himself. He didn't want to leave her behind, she was likely out of radio range, so it was unclear if Bast was even alive. They wouldn't kill her, she was experimented on, she could have important data. Olek reasoned with himself. If she was captured, her trail would rapidly grow cold. Olek glanced at the others approaching Aileen's large home. He rubbed his good eye, clearly exhausted, sleep deprived even. If he could find Bast's location, Olek was in no shape to help. Tomorrow then. Olek concluded to himself.

He quickly stepped down after noting the exchange between Dray and Ara. Olek's eyes drifted over them both, he halted for a few moments, but proceeded to walk towards Aileen's home. Just for tonight. Olek shifted his stance as he swayed back and forth. Black dots danced around his vision once more. Olek shook his head again, the thoughts of a bed quickly overtook his desire to eat. Olek's brain was essentially trained to be constantly rigid and alert. It proved taxing to say the least. Olek focused on putting one foot in front of the other. He focused on nothing else. Everything sounded muffled, it was almost as if someone was covering Olek's ears as he progressed. The only thing he could hear was the grass crunching underneath his feet, and his shallow breaths.

After a few moments, Olek arrived at the door. He blinked slowly a few times before stepping aside for the others. It wasn't his home, he didn't want to impose more than he already had, so he simply waited for the others to enter first.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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When they pulled up to the house Edur's mouth dropped open. Being born away from normal lives she really had no idea what a home would look like. Sure she made pictures in her mind from the rare chance some guards would speak of their home, but other then that Edur was clueless.

In the corner of her eyes something glitiered and Edur stepped from the truck in awe. It was different from the Lab but still Edur felt slightly hesitant as she got a closer look. She had no idea what was on the inside.

The group made their way to the door and Edur followed with a hand gripping Chris. She felt a little bad for hanging on him all the time but fear outweighed guilt in this situation.

Olek, she noticed, stopped at the door. She wondered why he didn't open it. But then again it was the Healer Ladies home. Maybe he wished to not be rude or he couldn't get in without her help. Either way Edur wished they would hurry. Being in the open wasn't the best feeling at the moment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Aramay
The voices through the transmitter would intermittently come through. They rang through as incoherent droning to her much like the voices of the others speaking around her. The causes could have been pain, stress, exhaustion, both mental and physical, weakness from hunger, the treatments. Any one of those answers would be true to an extent. A good number of the others were sharing similar difficulties. Her reaction to seeing the door to the house open was almost humorously slow if the air around them wasn't so thickly coated with a layer of malaise. It was actually Kisa's snarl that jolted her to attention just enough to get her to go inside once she saw that the feline had freed herself. But not before her eyes blankly stare at the sleeping Kyra for a few moments first.

She swallowed dryly while trying to avoid letting the blood in her mouth go down her throat. The lingering taste of it was making her nauseous. It wasn't like there was anything that she could throw up. Though the act of it would sap the last trickle of energy she still clung to right out of her if she did. Her face felt hot and tight as though her skin was being stretched. Ara's sleeve would go up to her face again, sniffling as Aileen spoke to the others. A warm trickling feeling from her nostrils. And as she brought her sleeve down, red would run from her nose and down her upper lip as if someone just punched her. Her other hand; which still held the bag of clothes comes up to stop herself from dripping blood on the floor. "Ahm srry hmm srry." She mumbled not wanting attention drawn on her. Not any more than she already had. Instead she tried to have Olek tended to. "Hm fine, help Olek it's just a bloody nos-...I...fine..." Ara went quiet once the room started to spin. She steadied herself against a piece of furniture to keep from toppling over. She didn't speak another word after that. Only a breathy murmur, then audible breathing. Not to be confused with hyperventilating. All her thoughts suddenly focused on staying upright.

She looked completely zoned out. Laying down sounded like a great idea. But her body was so locked up for fear that she wouldn't be able to lower herself to the floor. No, she felt that if she tried to move just an inch, that all of her muscles would give out on her at once. Poor thing was shaking and sweating while propped up against the furniture. No passing out again. She had to stay awake.