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Gavin (Now Hawke)

The Forest Speaks, to those who have the ability to listen....

0 · 1,801 views · located in Modern Day

a character in “Escape to the Outside”, as played by WriteLive


Name: Birth Name- Gavin. In the Lab, he became known as HawkeImage

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Mutation/Abilities: Due to several failed animal experiments, Hawke has the ability to talk with and exert his will over animals (much in the same way an Alpha member of a pack might).

Mutation Appearance: The experiment that took most was the first, an attempt to make him part hawk. If one were to look closely enough, the top layers of his hair are actually composed of feathers instead of strands of hair, a dark auburn/russet in color like a red-tailed hawk's feathers. He has "tattoos" all over his body: his left arm and down that side are all feline patterns, he has scaly patterns at the corners of his eyes, various canine/vulpine patterns going down his right arm and side, more scales and feathers going down his legs.

Description: His auburn hair reaches down to his waist; the feathers that are the top layers only reach his shoulders. The hair he keeps pulled in a tail at the nape of his neck, the uneven self done layers looking more like some mythical bird's tail than human hair. His emerald irises are usually half hidden by his feathered bangs. Despite the first mutation being bird, he's built more like a cat; tall and seemingly lanky, with sleek, deceiving muscles meant mostly for quick attacks to conserve energy.

Personality: Hawke is short tempered, and easily provoked into violence, a frightening combination that has kept him in and out of the Games for ten of his fifteen years in the Lab. He's extremely protective of anyone he considers friend or ally, making him more likely to help someone than harm them (if he likes them). Despite the short temper, once his trust is gained he's quite friendly, which earned him a handful of friends among those in the lab (mostly mutants whom his voice could reach from his room). He doesn't joke often, but so long as he isn't pissed off he does his best to remain cheerful. With his eyes closed, it's easier for him to remain calm and collected; in times of danger or excitement he uses this to override his birdlike instinct to flee (which tends to happen with his eyes open).

Strengths: Hawke is fast for his size, often using the slower builds of his opponents against them. He spends most of his time listening to conversations with his heightened sense of hearing, and uses what he hears to plan ahead.


Weaknesses: Although his hearing is great, his sight and sense of smell are weak in comparison. His temper often gets him into trouble, and his bones are a little less dense than most because of the bit of bird DNA in him. Occasionally the flight instinct is stronger than fight, causing him to get agitated and fidgety when he can't escape. Though he can control animals, he has no power over animal-mutants

Fears: Animal mutants, stemming from his inability to exert his will over them. He is terrified that one day he'll be incapable of keeping himself alive against one of the more ferocious ones. He also isn't fond of cages or crowded areas, but this is something he can more easily control by keeping his eyes shut.

ImageWriting Sample:
Fifteen Years Ago
Gavin dove between the slats of a rotting fence, wincing as his side got caught on a rusted nail. He had to get away from those two men. He didn't know why he felt that way, he just didn't like the way they'd come toward him. Outweighing him by at least a hundred and fifty pounds, the scrawny preteen street rat had no other choice but to run. With a huff he turned sharply into "his" alley, his ankle screaming in protest at the sudden change of direction. His lungs and throat burned, his focus on anything but keeping his breathing even. All he had to do was get inside and flip the switch. Then his booby traps would be in place and he'd be safe--
A foot hooked around his already twisted ankle as he passed a doorway; Gavin was sent flying face first into the gravel, skidding and tumbling painfully. He coiled around himself to protect his head as he continued toward the concrete half step, his shoulders and spine smashing into it so hard he couldn't breathe. Unable to move or get a deep enough breath to cry out, he was hefted over one of the men's shoulder like a sack of flour. Last thing he saw was the other's thick fist coming straight at his face...

When he awoke, he still couldn't move. A light shone directly overhead into his eyes, harsh restraints kept his arms and legs strapped tightly to a steel surface. Faces obscured by the light surrounded him, chattering incomprehensibly through his clouded mind and punch drunk ears. Pain shot through his arms and legs as though someone had pumped liquid fire into his veins. He cried out, thrashed, desperate to get away from whatever they were doing to him, kept fighting until pain shut his senses down once more.

When he came to this time, he was in a small room. He lay on a bed much like those at the orphanage he'd lived in: steel framed, cold, with a thin mattress and little in the way of bedding. He didn't really care about the rest of the room, except for one terrifying problem: there were no windows. No way to tell where he was. He was trapped, starving, and everything hurt from head to toe. Unable to think or do anything else, Gavin coiled into the tiniest ball he could in the corner of the bed, head on his knees, and wept.

In Additions
-I'd place a facility actually in the city, a bad part of town where no one really seems to care about anyone else. Underground, of course, but definitely in the worst part of town possible so I had the largest selection of those who wouldn't be missed.
-shape shifting mutations are my favorites

So begins...

Gavin (Now Hawke)'s Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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Kyra jumped off the roof, to hear what Olek was saying in person once she heard him start speaking. She stood far from the others, closest to the door.

"Kyra, Kisa, and Dray are large enough to carry some of us through the woods, at high speeds, in the event of emergency escape..."

"-the most obvious one is for simple reasons. They will have orders to capture all of you with the exception of me. If I'm the only one hanging back, they'll bring down the house around me. That would mean that one person would have to hang back with me."

"As for long term options.... We'd have to get new identities, change our appearances, and settle down somewhere else. Beyond that, I have no more input on the matter."

Kyra felt the need to speak to Olek, but in a way the others wouldn't hear. She sent her thoughts him, Cyclops, I need to inform you on my condition, along with Kisa's. You shouldn't rely on Kisa or me, as we are at the moment, starving. Therefore unstable and should not be trusted in our feline forms to NOT eat you or the others. We shouldn't chance it.

As soon as she sent those thoughts to her, she spoke up. "Your orders are outdated. When they sent me after you all, they gave me orders to bring the Dragon back alive. You, Olek, were to be disposed of as soon as possible. All the others were... optional." Meaning, it didn't matter if they were brought back alive or dead. They weren't important to the white coats. She ran her eyes over the ones deemed unimportant, showing no signs of regret or hesitation, then mainly looked at Aileen. "I was also ordered to mind-wipe any Normals that came into contact with the escapees."

Kyra rolled a shoulder, before she looked away. "But that was, of course, before I decided differently and the..." She looked directly at Aramay's direction for emphasis. "Sickly creature showed up." In her tone was an obvious note of disdain.

"As for your contingency plan, Olek, I think we should split up. That is if they do plan a full scale assault." She closed her eyes thinking of all the loyal mutants willing to capture them and return them to the Lab. Of course, there are also non-mutant retrievers. She thought of a Dax, a human she vaguely remembered from some retrieval work she had done before. "They could also plan to send some loyal mutants, several of which, are quite nasty." The words rolled off her tongue as if she didn't really care, nor did she seem to care when Aramay took off toward the bathroom.

"Really, splitting up is sounds like a better plan. Both groups would have at least one person who knows of the normal world, meaning Aileen leads, or co-leads one group and Olek takes the other group... And as I have the ability to heal, I'll go along with Olek so both groups have a healer and won't have much problems with injuries." She pulled up her mental map of the area. "If they do choose mass assault, I suggest, Aileen's group, mostly made of the weaker mutants, escape out the back door. And as Dray is so important, he'll stay with Olek, me and anyone else joining our group so as to keep most of the nasty mutants focused on us. We can stay here, give Aileen's group enough time to clear the area, and once they're clear, we can take off in the opposite direction, keeping most of the heat off Aileen's group, allowing them time to recuperate and adjust to the change of everything."

Kyra was then lost in her thoughts. "Then, when we get better control of the situation, we can... meet the other group whenever...."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur Character Portrait: Aileen Tracey
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It seems that immediately the problem at hand was brought up and needed addressing. That that he was against bringing up the topic; he knew that the Lab wouldn’t want to risk them out on their own and would be searching for any way to find them. Using any means to do so. It was only a matter of “when” not “if” the Lab was going to arrive and try to take them back. Or kill them all if necessary.
He listened to each person that spoke their piece and gave their ideas. Hawke began with either staying and fighting, or running away like prey and finding a new place to hide. Hi skin nearly crawled at that idea; he didn’t like the notion of having to run from the people that did so many terrible things to them for nearly all their lives. He would much rather defend or fight if it came to that. Olek seemed to be in favor of both though with the premise that he would remain and fight alone.
He looked out the window as Aramay began to speak, seemingly unconcerned with the rest of what was being said. In reality he was thinking through all the possibilities that were being brought up. It was true that he and the Cats would be able to get the others safely into the woods. Aramay wanted to be the one to stay and Edur wanted them all to play dead. Only problem he could think with that one was that the Lab would want their bodies. So instead of them just leaving they would either take them back more easily or end up actually killing them in some manner.
He looked over at Kyra as she spoke and Aramay dashed, or stumbled rather, from the room. He narrowed his eyes slightly at Kyra because didn’t trust her still even though she was outright telling them all the orders that she was given. He wasn’t sure she could be trusted as an ally. Through her plan the weaker ones would all flee and the rest of them would all be left to face the onslaught. It seemed reasonable enough though a few flaws.
He sat up from his slouched position and turned towards the others. ”Basically
we can’t all stay. And we can’t all go.” It took a moment for him to gather his thoughts and piece together the plans he had heard. ”Those who can’t fight should go. Those who can fight should stay. But they shouldn’t be left without protection. They should have a fighter with them.” He glanced at each one to see if he was making his point.
They would have to split up again. Even though it wasn’t as safe it was most reasonable instead of trying to fight all that came they only had to fight half with the other have of the coming people going after the fleeing group. ”Olek, me, and another should stay. The rest can go. And we decide on a place to meet up now.” He figured it was the best way to compromise and ensure they had a chance but he was open for suggestions from the others.


He nodded to Autumn while keeping his eyes on the road. Despite her being one of the mutants he was supposed to be watching and keeping in line she did have good plans. ”Sounds a good way to go. If the group is all together that is. If not then we’ll have to find another way to track the group.” It was only by chance that they had managed to track the mutant they had sent in. It was a larger chance that they had let her stay with the group despite her feeble condition. If he thought of them as creatures he could see them just leaving her for dead and moving on to ensure their own survival.
However, much to his displeasure, he had to think of them as people and thought that if they did retain some type of good humanity, even a sense of fellowship at them all being mutants, then they would have taken her with them and cared for her if they could. In his endeavor to take them back to the Lab he was hoping that they had some of that nature so he was able to gather them all more easily. If not he may need more than just Autumn.
The next problem assigned to him was to find out why Kyra had turned from them. She had been a loyal fighter and had always followed orders. He was to find out what changed and why she would suddenly side with her targets. He was trying to contemplate what went on in her head and if she had any previous contact with any of the mutants or showed any other signs of sympathy towards them. He had helped train a few loyal mutants and would get to the bottom of it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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Soon everyone began filling the room and started discussing what to do about the lab when they came for them. It was a problem that was looming over teem for the few days they spent here, and it was probably a good thing they were talking about it. Eventually the lab would come for them and they needed at least a plan for when that happened. Chris listened to the others as they spoke and after listening for a few moments it seemed that they could either run or stay here and fight them off for when the lab eventually came. Chris didn't really like the idea of running, he'd much rather stay here and fight the people who have made his life and the lives of the others so horrible.

Then Kyra spoke up detailing the orders she had been given before joining up with them ,and coming up with the idea to split up. He was a little worried when she said that Dray was the one the lab really wanted back and didn't like the idea that he and the others were all optional. Chris was sure that if the lab hunters got the chance they wouldn't hesitate to kill everyone other than Dray. He nodded as Kyra spoke splitting up the group began to sound like a better idea. Chris was sure that with Olek, Dray and whoever else stayed behind to fight would be more than enough to drive off the lab forces. Next Dray spoke up agreeing with the plan to split up and meet back up later. Chris thought splitting up was the best idea and he nodded along as Dray spoke.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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As soon as Olek was finished talking, he spent the rest of his attention on everyone's reactions to his words. Edur was the first to speak, dropping a very interesting idea. The corner of Olek's mouth tugged upward ever so slightly to form a slight smile. The gears in his head started to turn. In order for that plan to work they would have to engineer a scenario that would leave no remains, but would make the lab think that they were dead without a doubt. They could arrange an explosion of sorts, that would be a great way to buy them a week or two, but it wouldn't be permanent.

Ara spoke up after Edur, voicing her concerns, and telling them that they should leave her behind. Olek's eye narrowed. He wasn't going to let Ara die. He was certain of that. Olek was in constant conflict whenever he saw Ara. Was she better off dead? Or was she better off back in that hell hole they had all escaped from? Olek didn't know, and the conflict was apparent in his eye when he watched her leave the room. He shifted his feet to follow her out, but was stopped when a message was transmitted to his mind.

Kyra spoke in Olek's head, relaying him a message after he stopped in his tacks. Cyclops, I need to inform you on my condition, along with Kisa's. You shouldn't rely on Kisa or me, as we are at the moment, starving. Therefore unstable and should not be trusted in our feline forms to NOT eat you or the others. We shouldn't chance it. Olek made eye contact with Kyra. He gave her a quick and understanding nod to let her know that he understood.

Olek rubbed his chin at this new information. Trusting Kisa with the group would prove to be quite problematic, Kyra appeared to be more in control of her animal side, but a ravenous Kisa would be dangerous. Olek listened intently as Kyra altered the plan ever so slightly. Splitting up would sound like a good idea. The team that stayed back would have to be smaller. Olek wanted to stay back, he knew how to shoot, and how to halt enemy movement. Dray would have to stay due to the new information that Kyra brought to his attention. He turned his head, looking at Dray for a few moments, he didn't like putting anyone else in his little suicide squad. Kyra volunteered to stay as well. If Olek's employers came at them with everything that they had, escape wouldn't be likely.

Dray's words were concise and to the point. He understood what had to happen, what the best course of action was. Hawke also chimed in once more, commending Edur on her good idea. Olek once again slightly smiled at this. It felt good to know that the others were bonding. A bonded group was a good group. He once again stressed the fact that the group needed another destination to set up shop. Olek had one place, but it was a last resort. It wasn't registered under his name, but he was unsure if it was the safest place for everyone. With enough digging, it would be searched by the lab workers eventually.

Olek broke away from his thoughts and walked over to Edur, giving Hawke a decent amount of space as he did so. Olek patted her on the shoulder and gave her a gracious nod. "A genius indeed." Olek commented, agreeing with Hawke's assessment of Edur's idea.

Aileen walked out, presumably to check on her charge. Olek also had to talk to Ara. It was time to stop dodging the hard choice he would have to make. Olek spoke up. "I guess it's settled Kyra, Dray, and myself will stay behind. I'll discuss the rendezvous location with Aileen. If anyone has a problem with the plan, feel free to let me know." Olek spoke up calmly.

With that he left the room only to find Aileen pacing in the hall next to the bathroom door. Olek walked over, feeling his stomach slowly turning. He spoke in a hushed tone, making eye contact with Aileen and pausing for a few long seconds before speaking. "I need to talk to her for a few moments." Olek was going to let Ara choose. Go back to the torturous facility that she had escaped from, or stay and die. Those were her only two choices at the very moment. Olek formulated a plan to capture Oren, to beat the cure for Ara out of him, but there were too many flaws with that plan. He had no idea where Oren even was.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur Character Portrait: Aileen Tracey
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He glanced around at the others when it seemed that they had reached a consensus. They seemed in favor of what he said but also the little comment that Edur made about them playing dead and having the Lab forget about them if they did it right.
He had to admit it was a good idea to have himself, Olek and Kyra stay then meet up with the rest on the way out. Bringing the house down on them would be difficult because they wouldn’t want to actually be caught under the rubble and then be caught. Plus it seemed that Aileen had an attachment to the place. She looked taken aback when Hawke mentioned it and then left. He could only assume that it had bothered her. To him a place to sleep was just like his cell; a place to be when you had to sleep and be fed, and be bored for hours on end, not a place that he would want to go back to. But he figured this place was much more lavish that she may not want to leave it behind.
Even if they did manage to get her to agree he could get his mind around them trying to make it look like they had all died in the rubble. There were too many things that could go wrong for one, and second off where was the flesh going to come from that made it look as if they were dead?
He got up off the couch after Olek left the room after Aileen and went over to Hawke. ”Do you really think pretending to be dead is going to work?” He had seen too many try that in the Games in order to try and avoid being killed; and Hawke did compare their current situation to the Games only with a larger area. ”It’s one thing to take this place down on us. Its another to make it look like we all died because of it. With no signs of blood, flesh, bone, fur, nothing at all, they’ll immediately start looking elsewhere. There would have to be enough to make it look like all of us got shredded or smashed.”
He knew there would be animals in the forest nearby, perhaps they could use those. But there wouldn’t be enough warning for when the Lab finally showed up and there was hardly enough time for them to gather up enough to make it look like all nine of them had perished. Not to do it properly anyway that would end their search.