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Gavin (Now Hawke)

The Forest Speaks, to those who have the ability to listen....

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a character in “Escape to the Outside”, as played by WriteLive


Name: Birth Name- Gavin. In the Lab, he became known as HawkeImage

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Mutation/Abilities: Due to several failed animal experiments, Hawke has the ability to talk with and exert his will over animals (much in the same way an Alpha member of a pack might).

Mutation Appearance: The experiment that took most was the first, an attempt to make him part hawk. If one were to look closely enough, the top layers of his hair are actually composed of feathers instead of strands of hair, a dark auburn/russet in color like a red-tailed hawk's feathers. He has "tattoos" all over his body: his left arm and down that side are all feline patterns, he has scaly patterns at the corners of his eyes, various canine/vulpine patterns going down his right arm and side, more scales and feathers going down his legs.

Description: His auburn hair reaches down to his waist; the feathers that are the top layers only reach his shoulders. The hair he keeps pulled in a tail at the nape of his neck, the uneven self done layers looking more like some mythical bird's tail than human hair. His emerald irises are usually half hidden by his feathered bangs. Despite the first mutation being bird, he's built more like a cat; tall and seemingly lanky, with sleek, deceiving muscles meant mostly for quick attacks to conserve energy.

Personality: Hawke is short tempered, and easily provoked into violence, a frightening combination that has kept him in and out of the Games for ten of his fifteen years in the Lab. He's extremely protective of anyone he considers friend or ally, making him more likely to help someone than harm them (if he likes them). Despite the short temper, once his trust is gained he's quite friendly, which earned him a handful of friends among those in the lab (mostly mutants whom his voice could reach from his room). He doesn't joke often, but so long as he isn't pissed off he does his best to remain cheerful. With his eyes closed, it's easier for him to remain calm and collected; in times of danger or excitement he uses this to override his birdlike instinct to flee (which tends to happen with his eyes open).

Strengths: Hawke is fast for his size, often using the slower builds of his opponents against them. He spends most of his time listening to conversations with his heightened sense of hearing, and uses what he hears to plan ahead.


Weaknesses: Although his hearing is great, his sight and sense of smell are weak in comparison. His temper often gets him into trouble, and his bones are a little less dense than most because of the bit of bird DNA in him. Occasionally the flight instinct is stronger than fight, causing him to get agitated and fidgety when he can't escape. Though he can control animals, he has no power over animal-mutants

Fears: Animal mutants, stemming from his inability to exert his will over them. He is terrified that one day he'll be incapable of keeping himself alive against one of the more ferocious ones. He also isn't fond of cages or crowded areas, but this is something he can more easily control by keeping his eyes shut.

ImageWriting Sample:
Fifteen Years Ago
Gavin dove between the slats of a rotting fence, wincing as his side got caught on a rusted nail. He had to get away from those two men. He didn't know why he felt that way, he just didn't like the way they'd come toward him. Outweighing him by at least a hundred and fifty pounds, the scrawny preteen street rat had no other choice but to run. With a huff he turned sharply into "his" alley, his ankle screaming in protest at the sudden change of direction. His lungs and throat burned, his focus on anything but keeping his breathing even. All he had to do was get inside and flip the switch. Then his booby traps would be in place and he'd be safe--
A foot hooked around his already twisted ankle as he passed a doorway; Gavin was sent flying face first into the gravel, skidding and tumbling painfully. He coiled around himself to protect his head as he continued toward the concrete half step, his shoulders and spine smashing into it so hard he couldn't breathe. Unable to move or get a deep enough breath to cry out, he was hefted over one of the men's shoulder like a sack of flour. Last thing he saw was the other's thick fist coming straight at his face...

When he awoke, he still couldn't move. A light shone directly overhead into his eyes, harsh restraints kept his arms and legs strapped tightly to a steel surface. Faces obscured by the light surrounded him, chattering incomprehensibly through his clouded mind and punch drunk ears. Pain shot through his arms and legs as though someone had pumped liquid fire into his veins. He cried out, thrashed, desperate to get away from whatever they were doing to him, kept fighting until pain shut his senses down once more.

When he came to this time, he was in a small room. He lay on a bed much like those at the orphanage he'd lived in: steel framed, cold, with a thin mattress and little in the way of bedding. He didn't really care about the rest of the room, except for one terrifying problem: there were no windows. No way to tell where he was. He was trapped, starving, and everything hurt from head to toe. Unable to think or do anything else, Gavin coiled into the tiniest ball he could in the corner of the bed, head on his knees, and wept.

In Additions
-I'd place a facility actually in the city, a bad part of town where no one really seems to care about anyone else. Underground, of course, but definitely in the worst part of town possible so I had the largest selection of those who wouldn't be missed.
-shape shifting mutations are my favorites

So begins...

Gavin (Now Hawke)'s Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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When the doors to the warehouse started to open Chris at there frozen but fully alert, while staring at the doors with a fearless gaze. Though he couldn't quite get rid of this deep feeling of worry and fear resting in the pit of his stomach. He had just finally seen the outside again and he was secretly terrified that a large group of armed guards would burst through the doors and cart himself and the others back to the lab.

When a single man emerged through the doors Chris felt sightly more at ease, especially when both Olek and Max aimed their weapons straight at the man. He focused his attention on the new man trying to determine if he was a threat or not. He seemed startled and surprised at what he saw upon entering the warehouse, though he didn't seem to flustered at having two guns pointed at his direction. The new man didn't look or act like most of the guards back at the lab and he looked like he had just stumbled over the whole group. As far as Chris could tell this man was probably just an innocent who just happened across them.

Chris glanced at the others for a moment and then back over to the man. Everyone was exhausted or injured and this man didn't seem to be a threat, Chris couldn't help but think that this man could help them, after all it was much better than having to go out and actually kidnap someone. At this thought Chris stood up and got a little closer to the man and then looked at both Olek and
Max. "This could be a good thing. Maybe he can help us?" He spoke almost pleadingly, he wasn't exactly sure how this would turn out, but he hoped it wouldn't result in anything bad happening to the new man.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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"Enter slowly. Don't do anything stupid, and you'll be fine." The man commanded with an edge of professionalism to his voice. He seemed entirely comfortable in this situation in where he had another man a gunpoint, which made Eric's stomach turn somersaults. Olek quickly moved behind him and closed the door, sheltering the world from the scene which only further made Eric nervous. He did as he was told and edged forward, hands never lowering. "I don't know what yall are doing," He drawled. "but there's no cause to have to hurt anybody..." He just wanted to get out of there alive, but as his eyes trailed to the people curled up on the cold floor, he realized that might not be an option. Could he leave, run away if given half a chance knowing these people were still in harms way? Knowing that they could be killed long before he could bring the authorities?

No, probably not. That went against Eric's baser instincts.

ImageHe took stock of his new captors, the girl looked relatively unharmed save for a scratch on her face, but the man looked worse for wear. Surely these kids hadn't done that to him, how could they have, they were unarmed. Perhaps he needed a better understanding of what was going on, perhaps if he proved value with a bit of a bartering chip, everyone could make it out of there with their skins still intact. And on that note, a young man spoke up, tone hopeful. "This could be a good thing. Maybe he can help us?" Eric flashed him a look of gratitude. So they weren't holding the people captive, they were protecting them? He couldn't imagine a prisoner speaking so frankly with someone who had them forcefully trapped by means of gunpoint. From the way he spoke, it sounded as if they were all in on something together. "Yall look pretty beat to Hell, look like you could use a hand." He let his arms fall to his side but made no further movement least Olek have an itchy trigger finger. "I'm not a doctor, but if you don't get patched up, real quick, you're gonna be in some trouble." His kind eyes were pleading, begging for them to take a leap of faith, to trust him. ""I know someone we can call, someone used to taking house calls with no questions asked. You put the guns away and she would be none the wiser."

The blonde looked over to her rugged companion, almost silently communicating with him. It was probably something soldiers did, wordlessly going over strategy in the heat of battle. He had seen it done before in movies, but it was entirely eerie in person, more so because it was his ass on the line. She nodded once and slowly lowered her gun, though she never took her hand off of the weapon.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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When the man entered, Hawke's entire body went onto full alert. The new burst of adrenaline was probably really bad for him to be dealing with with so much blood loss, but it kept him conscious. He watched as Olek circled past, both guards keeping guns trained on the newcomer. It wasn't hard to guess he either worked here or owned the place; if he lived here, wouldn't he be in much shabbier clothing? He was fascinated by the nervously calm expression he wore. Not too far from his own, dealing with animal mutants on a normal day. Nerves from an abnormal situation, right behind a gentle and almost serene mask.

The man had to have a gift or something; here they were, bleeding out and thinking about kidnapping a healer of some kind, and this man shows up talking about one? Nothing about him was false, not from what he could sense. A guard or someone else from the lab would have this... Off sense about them. Cautiously, his birdlike eyes trained on the man in the same way as Olek's and Bast's guns were, he spoke softly:

"Barrow... I think we can trust him... He doesn't... feel, I guess would be an okay word.... Doesn't feel like them..." He had trouble believing this man was a trap--or bait. "In any case, if there's someone who can help, we'd better get the aid fast before Kyra sleeps too deep... Neither you nor I are much better... We aren't helpless, but at this rate our... it will have been for nothing... If he betrayed us, we could always get rid of him..." He couldn't help but give a "Hawke the Killer-Mutant" smirk as he said the last part, as clear a warning as the guards' words had been that if the man tried anything, it'd end badly...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Everyone seemed to be slowly getting over their surprise from the man that had walked into the building. He frowned slightly, his body was still stiff and on edge from the sudden adrenaline rush that coursed through him. Why would they all relax at a time like this? Then he felt Kisa shift and slide sideways against him. He looked down at her and noticed that she had let her eyes closed. "So tired, Dray? Tell anyone who tries... to wake me, that I'll... bite them." He blinked and didn’t know what to do; he thought perhaps he should try to keep her awake. She had lost a lot of blood and upon placing his hand on her shoulder he noticed that her skin was very cold. He squeezed lightly, not enough to be anything more than just a reassurance that he was there for her despite his growing worry. In their current situation they all needed each other, there wasn't going to be any others that they could count on.
At that thought he glanced at the others as the man mentioned he could get someone to help. Chris and Hawke both agreed that the man seemed good enough to trust; Max even lowered her gun. Dray agreed with Hawke on the point that Kisa needed help quickly; sleeping once you were hurt always meant there was a small chance that you didn’t wake up. But suddenly letting your guard down and deciding to trust a stranger that just walked in based on a feeling? The logic of those actions seemed idiotic to him. There was no certainty at all that he was good.
He narrowed his eyes at the man, the dark ruby color giving him a slightly menacing look and showing clearly that he didn’t trust him. Dray didn’t comprehend the idea that someone would suddenly want to help them without compensation. The man must have been sent as a diversion or as some form of trap in order for the other guards to drag them back. He could be looking for something in return, or had already been given a reward from the Lab in return for helping to track them down. However, since he was currently outnumbered by the others, as well as being one of the ones injured, he wasn’t going to cause any unnecessary trouble. If they got caught and taken back because of this man, at least he was going back to something he was familiar with. He growled under his breath and turned his head away from the man. If they wanted to cooperate with him they could, but that didn't mean he had to be happy about it. He went about fixing the blanket that was Kisa and moved closer to try and warm her up the best he could.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Olek pointed his pistol at the man, lowering ever so slightly when he started to talk. He seemed to be trying to reassure Olek. Bartering with his own life, little did the man know, Olek had no intention of shooting an unarmed man. There was no honor in that. If the man was hostile, Olek would probably just restrain him. He heard Chris speak, offering a hopeful notion. "This could be a good thing. Maybe he can help us?"

He made a mental note of Chris' statement. Maybe the man could help them? Olek started going through scenarios where the man could transport them to an off the books clinic. That was likely their only option at this point. His grip on the pistol was firm, his finger lightly rested against the trigger with no intention of pulling it. The dock worker made the observation that everyone was pretty badly injured. Olek nodded his head at this. They were alive, but some of them wouldn't be for long. The dock worker had kind eyes, they met with Olek's cold and battle hardened eye. Olek was unfazed, until the man spoke once more. "I know someone we can call, someone used to taking house calls with no questions asked. You put the guns away and she would be none the wiser."

Olek's eye widened ever so slightly. A good plan if the man wanted to call in for back up. Though it would make no sense for the man to be aligned with the lab. He appeared to be a legitimate dock worker. He had a key ring for this warehouse specifically, yet the door was already unlocked. Trackers wearing a uniform was one thing, but acquiring specific items such as keys for only certain doors was another. There were tiny details here and there that didn't throw up red flags, the man appeared to be surprised for one. He was also unarmed, and didn't have a soldiers demeanor in general. Olek paid specific attention to the eyes, no recognition registered at all when the dock worker looked at everyone in the group.

If he called the police, or if he indeed worked for the lab, they would capture the others. Hell they could probably fix up Kisa, Hawke, and Dray. Better captured then dead, live to fight another day and such. If the lab caught up with them, they would likely execute Olek on the spot. That was the only real downside.

Olek glanced over at Bast, and she to him. He looked into her eyes for what seemed like ages. His grip tightened on his pistol. She started to lower her weapon, seemingly arriving at the same conclusion as Olek. They had nothing to lose. They were out of options. Olek lowered his weapon slowly when Bast nodded to him. Hawke began to speak, agreeing with Olek's unspoken line of thought. Hawke's words registered in the back of Olek's mind. He turned to Hawke and nodded, Olek's expression remaining relatively unchanged.

Olek glanced over at Dray when he started growling, whilst he did so his eyes immediately jumped to Kisa's unconscious body. His eye went wide. His free hand balled up into a fist as he resisted the urge to run over, but he knew there was nothing to be done.

Olek looked at the man. "Whoever you're about to call, tell them to double-time it."

Olek rubbed his eyes, he sauntered over to a crate and removed the magazine from his assault rifle. He proceeded to place the rifle in a hiding spot behind the crate. He didn't want to spook the dock worker's friend. He proceeded to sit down, separated from the others, yet still watching the dock worker intently. Ready to act if necessary.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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"Whoever you're about to call, tell them to double-time it." Olek commanded, worry for those like Kisa mounting a panic. Eric hesitated for only a moment, still a bit skittish about making any sudden movements. The man quickly found a crate to post up on, tucking his weaponry away behind him so it was out of sight but not out of reach. He looked to the woman and she did much of the same, without removing her magazine that is. She found a stack of wooden pallets by the door and in an oddly feline pounce like motion, she settled down atop it in a crouching position, resting on her toes. She put her gun behind her and gave Eric a nod to make the call. They must have been in some pretty dire straints if they were willing to trust this complete stranger.

He hadn't a cellphone on him, but there was a corded phone in the back room, in his office. It wasn't really an office, more like a modified closet. Stacks of file boxes crowded a cramped metal desk that held an ancient monstrosity of a computer running on some out dated version of windows. He headed back that way, surprised that neither soldier made a move to follow him. He opened the door and left it ajar so's not to raise any suspicion and lifted up the receiver, listening for the dial tone. He cast them one last weary glance and started punching in Aileen's number, three rings and someone picked up. "Hello, Aileen?"



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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When the man mentioned he knew someone that could help the injured Chris felt immensely relieved even more so when Max and Olek both lowered their weapons allowing the man to try and help them. The very idea that a healer would come and help the injured was enough to put a slight grin on his face and cause his tail to start wagging slowly. He blushed slightly at this, oftrntimes his tail would seem to have a mind of its own, sometimes wagging without Chris consciously wanting it to. He watched as the man made his way to a room in the back, hopefully to contact his healer friend.

With the man gone he turned his attention over towards Kisa. Even with someone coming to help he felt a growing sense of worry for her. Though he might not be very fond of Kisa, she was badly hurt and despite his feelings toward her, she was still a mutant, he'd hate it if she got any worse. He then looked over towards Dray, his concern for Kisa was obvious as he sat closely to her.

He walked over to a box not far from Dray and Kisa, and sat on top of it. "Don't worry. Hopefully the man's healer friend should be here soon. I'm sure Kisa will be fine." He looked towards Dray and gave him a small but reassuring smile. In a situation like this Chris thought it best if everyone tried to stay positive. After all what would worrying accomplish?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Olek watched the man disappear into the office. He calmly glanced over Bast, as she leaped to the top of some pallets with no problems. That's going to take some getting used to, Olek mused. He looked back to the small office that the dock worker disappeared into. His vision started swimming again. He shook his head, and calmly lifted himself off of the crate he was situated on.

Olek shifted his position to the ground, he sat on the ground with a resounding 'thud,' as his arm buckled mid-way through his descent. He leaned against the crate behind him as his breathing quickened. His paling complexion only worsened. He flicked the safety onto his pistol, fearing he might black out, yet he still continued fighting to pay attention to the dock worker. His pistol rested on his lap, his grip never failing in the slightest. Everything was a dull haze, slowly yet surely the world started to turn grey. His head lolled to his right as he scanned the room. The tourniquets wrapped around his torso were soaked red. He blinked three times, He planted his right hand on the ground to steady himself. Slowly yet surely he felt the cold setting in. He shivered ever so slightly, he gritted his teeth and slurred a curse under his breath. Minutes passed as Olek's heart continued to beat rapidly. He thought of anything that would calm him, but the adrenaline was already in his veins.

His vision flickered, darkness closing in all around him. He applied pressure on his bruised ribs, pain coursed through his battered body. Slowly yet surely his vision cleared, the waves of pain kept him awake. He panted heavily, trying to dispel how lightheaded he was feeling. He swayed once more, planting his right hand on the creaky wooden floor once more for support. Almost immediately Olek's hand slipped on the floor. Olek's sitting position turned into an awkward prone. He furrowed his brow, clearly displeased with himself. He looked down to push himself back up into a sitting position until he noticed what he had slipped in. His expression grew grave, he was sitting in a generous pool of his own blood. He started to push himself back up, wincing as he did so. Slowly yet surely Olek sat back up. His hands were shaking ever so slightly. He clasped them together and took a deep breath. He shifted his body before he let it rest back up against the crate. He shouldn't be moving anymore, Olek knew if he started moving around like he had been before, he would likely pass out. His cold hands were still wrapped around his sidearm, never letting it slip away from him.

Olek closed his good eye as darkness crept around his vision once more. He focused on his breathing, anything he could. Stay awake, stay awake. He kept repeating the same thoughts over and over. He dove through memories, painful memories. Stuff that would leave normal men babbling gibberish in padded cells. He was willing to do whatever it took to protect these kids. He wouldn't be able to protect anyone if he was slipping off to dream land.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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This guy was very strange, using some devise Edur had seen the guards use to communicate with eachother. Her gaze was rested on it for a long time, only to be broken by Chirs. For the first time Edur noticed just how bad of a condition Kisa was in. Even if the woman wasn't as kind as the others were she still didn't like seeing her in pain.

Hopefully whatever healer the man called would be here soon, because Olek sat down with a heavy thunk. At this Edur glanced at him in worry. His gun was still held tight but still Edur could see the slight shivers that racked his body. She frowned. How would they be protected if one of the guards were down.

Once he slipped and landed in the awkward position Edur knew she had to do something. What that would be she didn't know. Acting on complete instinct she bent down on her knees, and slowly crawled towards the pained guard.

She stopped about a foot before him, a sudden fear coming over here. He may of helped them more then anyone ever had but the past of evil guards made her pause. Then his favored eye closed and Edur figured she had to do something. Her hand shaking a bit she placed it on his knee, head crocked to the side. ''Do you need the healer?''


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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"How many, how bad, and how quickly do I need to get there? This is your seaside phone, right?" Aileen rattled off in rapid fire, causing Eric to nearly drop the receiver with a start. He forgot how perceptive she could be, but Hell, it was part the job description he guessed, reaction time was important when you worked in medical. He recovered the fumbled phone swiftly and made reply. "Uh, yeah. This is my office line. At least..." He craned his neck to catch sight of the warehouse floor, assessing the number of injured. "Three? I'm not sure how bad, but there is a lot of blood. It's pretty damn serious." He paused with a sigh, scratching the already forming obsidian shadow along his jaw line. He desperately hoped he was not making the wrong call by asking her to come, he wouldn't be able to live with himself if something became of Aileen because of him. "We'll be in the warehouse, and Aileen?" Eric frowned. "Come alone but be careful, this's dicey." He quickly hung up after that and strolled back into the room before he took notice that the man in SWAT gear had sunken down to the floor, now lying in a pool of his own already congealing blood.

He must have been worse off than Eric had previously imagined, the man's steely temperament masking his pain. His flesh was blanched white as milk, blossoms of vibrant slick blood decorated the mortal wounds that covered his torso like a rash. The blonde woman raced over, leaping off the pallets in a single bound and nearly knocking Eric out of the way in her panic. He understood how her injured comrade being surrounded by strangers might put her ill at ease. An immoral man might have taken advantage of the situation, used Olek's obviously incapacitated state to gain the upper hand. Perhaps that's what he should have been doing, ensuring his safety by taking control, but he was far too empathetic for that. She crouched beside him as her hand rose to cup his face, her brow knitting in frustration. "Stay with me Olek, help is coming." Max said in a soothing tone of voice, her thumb tracing back and forth over his cheek bone. It was obvious she cared about him. Eric snapped into action. "Here, help me lie him down." Her head whipped in his direction, her free hand flying to her side arm with a feline hiss leeching out between her pearly whites. It was Eric who blanched white this time around, confusion being the better part of fear, but he set resolute.

"I'm no doctor, but most of the injuries are on his front side yes?" Max nodded distrustfully but didn't otherwise move. "Well, if we lie him on his back, gravity should work with us to keep him from bleeding out so quickly." The woman's eyes lost focus for a moment as she seemed to go over this statement in her mind before she acquiesced. Eric grabbed hold of Olek's legs and drug them forward as Max eased his shoulders back, letting her gun rest untouched on her hip for the moment. As soon as he was horizontal, she wiped off his sweat and blood beaded brow with her palm tenderly, "Just hang tight, I've got yah." Eric glanced sideways at the sweet young girl who had approached the man before Max or himself could make it over and he did a double take. That was no costume..."What the-"



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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"What the--"
Hawke jerked forward, putting himself between Edur and the newcomer. His eyes darkened a little, a faint glimmer of the self he put into the Games shining through. "She is no different from you, got that? Nor are any of us. Even one word slips about it, to anyone. Bast and Barrow won't have the chance to shoot you. You won't make it three steps, and there isn't a person alive who'll find you." He licked his lips and gave a smile that was more a baring of slightly sharpened teeth. Then he calmed slightly, reaching a hand back to Edur and brushing her arm. "That healer is on the way, am I correct?" Blood trickled fresh down his side, the sickeningly slow flow also moving down his thigh. His vision became nonexistent again, and he felt himself falling forward, unable to get his limbs working.


Ai snapped the phone shut, going slightly pale.Three? Three, and a lot of blood. She'd been planning on coming alone, she usually did. But for someone to tell her she needed to sent every hair on her neck on end. She shook her head. This was no different. Some patients were simply dangerous; it was like a wounded, cornered animal. Tread with caution. She gathered a few extra rolls of bandages. If they were as bad as she gathered, she wouldn't be able to fully heal them all in one sitting. Step one. Get there. You have ten minutes, Aileen Tracey. Step two: make sure they don't die.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Kisa's dreamless sleep took a turn for the worst.

Her mind was empty of thoughts, yet, she was present. Unable to think but able to feel and hear, as if she was caught between a deep sleep and a bright wakefulness. A dazed prisoner in her own body.

She felt some pressure along the left side of her body. Something radiating warmth. Her hearts beating slowly.
Tha Thump..... Tha Thump.... Tha Thump.... Tha Thump.... Her breathing becoming slower, deeper.

Voices. Footsteps.
"Don't.. the.. healer friend.. sure Kisa.. fine." Her tail twitched then began to curl in toward the rest of her body.

A pain in her core.

The voices again, were back. Muffled this time by the sound of blood. Sound of blood?
Blood-blood-blood-blood-blood-blood... Smelling it. Old, masculine smells. Feminine smells, also. Blood-blood-blood-blood.. A sound of pain, excruciating. Was that her whimpering?

A feeling of weightlessness and she wasn't there at all. The muscles, and bones of her body. Flesh made rubber unfeeling.

Darkness, cold, pain. Darkness, cold, pain. Over and over again did her torture go. Where were the sounds? And sensations? Her torture was her in this dark and cold place, bereft of bodily feeling.

Am I dead?

Tha Thump..... Tha Thump..... Tha Thump.... No, she was in hibernation mode. That wasn't good. A sharp pain in her temple. The pain followed by a memory so sharp it lacerated her mind.

"We've induced hibernation." The male voice of a White Coat stated. A snort, scuffling shoes, and then a female voice, "Hah! I wonder if you'll even be able to bring the subject out of it." A pinching in her arm, needles. "This time! This time I will bring it back. You'll see." The female voice was sharper when it replied to this. "YOU KNOW THE CHANCES OF HER, A JAGUAR SHIFTER, COMING OUT OF HIBERNATION ARE SLIM TO NONE, OLD MAN." The black darkness pulled her under then...

The cold came back, followed with the mind numbing pain. The pain causing another memory to surface.

The female voice again, "She's been in hibernation for 8 hours, now." A sigh. "You know she won't make it to her twelfth." The male voice again, this time angry. "Yes, I know." A growling groan. "Then why keep her this way!? Dammit, we still need to run more tests! We can't waste this one just for the sake of just one experiment, especially when that experiment is being led by the likes of you!"

Pain in her core.

Feeling of her rubber body moving. Something stuck in her throat. A gurgling noise coming from her throat. Memory coming back, again.

Noises, clattering, slamming, and falling over. "One of her heart's stopped! Get a healer! She's hemorrhaging!" Female voice shouting.. Pain in her chest, bright and... PAIN!!! BLINDINGLY! "What's happening to her!?"

Metallic, strange... Blood stuck in her throat. She began to shake, uncontrollably. Choking. The pain in her core growing. Limbs flopping like fish on land. Eyes opening, gasping, eyes rolling back.

"She's stabilized."A different voice spoke, "Her second heart couldn't handle the stress of the changing pace and stopped." The female voice this time, "Yes, I know that as I had to restart her heart." The different voice went on, "After that, her leukocytes began attacking her red blood cells... Hmmm.." "What?" "Something began attacking her lungs, and that's what caused the internal bleeding.." "Do you know what caused it?" "I have no idea." "Interesting..."



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Olek felt chilled to the bone. He would've went into another coughing fit, but his body simply didn't have the energy. His gun clattered to the ground when he came to the realization that no medicine, or doctor could fix him. By the time the doctor got there, Olek would likely bleed out during the procedure. He was losing too much blood from too many wounds. Olek underestimated how deeply Kisa's claws had rended his chest. His breathing wasn't steady anymore, he slowly started to lose his guarded and cold demeanor. Olek looked tired, and aged. He felt a hand on his knee. He winced and looked up to see Edur, her head cocked to the side. ''Do you need the healer?'' She said with a concerned voice.

"I'll be fine little lady." Olek lied in an exhausted voice, he followed it up with a nod and a reassuring look. He glanced over at Kisa and Dray through his remaining eye. Kisa's bleeding was worse, but she only had one grievous wound to close up. She would need to be tended to first, then Hawke. Olek wouldn't allow himself to be fixed up at the cost of others. "The others will need the healer more." Olek forced the words out, his self preservation overridden by his desire to get the others in a better position.

He felt himself fading again, he could only hear his heartbeat. It tried so desperately to get his whole body oxygenated, but in doing so it only bled him faster. His eyelid was halfway closed, when he looked up to see Bast crouched down next to him. He hadn't even heard her approaching. He felt Bast's warm hand touch the side of his face. His body would normally grow tense over the touch of another, but as his life force ebbed away, so too did the walls he erected around himself. His expression willed itself into a sad smile for only a few moments. "Stay with me Olek, help is coming." Bast said in a soothing voice. Her thumb traced a path across his cheek as she spoke to him. He drifted away for what only felt like moments. When he blinked again, he was flat on his back. "Just hang tight, I've got yah." Max said in the same reassuring tone. He glanced up to see the dock worker looking at Edur, disbelief on his face. Olek almost chuckled. Slowly the gravity of the situation sank in. Olek weakly raised one of his hands and clasped his around one of Bast's. He gazed directly into her green eyes. He could faintly hear Hawke speaking, but Olek couldn't make it out, he could only focus on what was immediately before him.

"I'm not going anywhere Max." Olek forced out the words, it drained him to do so, but he had to speak while he still could. With those words, he kept his mouth shut though. He conserved all of his energy and focused on keeping his eyes open. He squeezed Bast's hand softly as a reassurance. "Promise." He was suddenly filled with a new resolve. He wasn't going to leave, not yet. Not ready.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Dray was observing Kisa a bit worriedly. Sleeping wasn’t the best option when you were injured close to death, but he knew that at the same time you needed the rest and sleep so the body could heal. He looked over at Olek and Max who had put their guns away, leaving the man to go into a side room and pick up the phone. He narrowed his eyes and watched every move he made. He had never met an actual person from the outside who hadn’t been a guard or one of the mutants. So he didn’t believe that this man would be truly helping them.
His attention was brought back as Chris came and sat on a box in front of them. "Don't worry. Hopefully the man's healer friend should be here soon. I'm sure Kisa will be fine." He nodded slightly, ”As long as that man keeps his word.” He didn’t mention that he had doubts, but the canine mutant seemed to be happy enough about the situation that he didn’t want to dampen his mood.
He looked over at the others and blinked, silently scolding himself for being so careless in keeping track of his surroundings. The man had finished in the other room, Olek was nearly bleeding out, and Max was getting him lying on his back. It seemed to him that their group was going to be smaller if this situation got any worse. No sooner had he thought so then the man started to watch them closely, Hawke challenging him then falling over.
He hoped Edur caught Hawke before he smashed his head on the ground. He would have rushed over himself but a gurgle sound came from Kisa. He looked down at her and she had gone even more still than she was before. She let out a pained sound and blood dripped form the side of her mouth. He moved quickly, shifting Kisa downwards so she was lying flat on her side. He hoped she wouldn’t choke on her blood that way. To further complicate the situation, she began thrashing, body jerking hard clearly not of her own will. He grabbed her shoulders and moved over her to keep her still. Looking back at Chris he nearly growled. ”Get over here. Hold her head still.” She was likely to smash her head open he didn’t come quick, and she was probably going to die if the healer wasn’t there soon.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Edur gave a soft smile at Olek's words, but she couldn't help but gaze in disbelief at all the blood that surrounded him. It was so much and already the thick puddle had made its way to her crouched body, staining her white fur red. Slightly fearful at just how bad of a condition most of them were she glanced at the man who was friends with the healer. He's eyes were full of disbelief and the reason why came to Edur as Hawke launched forward to block her path from the man.

After speaking to him in a anger she'd normally see in the games Hawke turned to give her a slightly calmer look. He spoke, although his words were lost to Edur's ears as she stared at his face. Just seconds later he collapsed and Edur trusted her arms out to catch him. She managed to stop him from falling to the ground but his frame was still too bulky for Edur. She's wobbled for a moment before toppling over, and managed to move mid fall so Hawke would land on her instead of the wooden floor.

She let out a grunt as the sudden heavy weight was on her, though it was more out of shock then pain. One thing was sure, Hawke was much bigger then Edur. She struggled to sit up and after a moment manged to sit with Hawke leaning on her shoulder. Her eyes went to the man practically begging for the healer to come soon. At this rate they would lose Hawke, Olek and Kisa.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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As Chris sat there he found himself constantly switching from watching the door to looking at his injured companions. Olek's injuries were more far more serious than he had originally thought and he looked on as Olek sat in an ever widening pool of his own blood with a mixture of surprise and concern. His concern only grew as Hawke angrily confronted the new man and then started to fall over. He watched the door even more closely than he had before, desperately hoping that this healer would walk on through any second now.

He quickly snapped back to reality, when Kisa began to thrash around widely. Almost immediately he jumped down from the box he was comfortably sitting on and looked back at Dray, the concern and worry painfully obvious on his face. As Dray began holding down her shoulders his concerned expression was quickly replaced with one of calm readiness. Dray looked over towards him and spoke almost in a growl."Get over here. Hold her head still.”He gave an immediate nod and quickly made his way over to Kisa's thrashing form and placed his hands on her head, making sure to keep her head completely still. This was not good, if things kept getting worse Kisa and the others might not make it. However he absolutely refused to think that there was even a slight chance of that happening, and he kept thinking over and over that help would soon arrive.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke)
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Aileen moved as quickly as her heavy bag would allow, from the nearest parking lot to Eric's warehouse. It had taken a little less than ten minutes; traffic had been merciful this time. Seeing the door still closed, she kicked the heavy thing hard with the heel of her boot. "Eric!! Eric, it's me!" She called out, shaking from the pain she sensed within. If he didn't hurry and open the door, or someone else, she was likely to force it down herself. Or hurt herself trying.

She didn't bother looking at whoever opened the door. Immediately she sprinted to the three worst injured and set to her prep work. With or without help, she wasn't sure, she got the bodies of the three as close together as possible before sitting beside the girl. She ran a gentle hand through her hair worriedly, her thumb brushing her forehead. "You've all been through a lot today, hm...? I'm going to fix as much of this as I can, okay? Just bear with me.... What's going to happen might feel very close to how you got the injuries... Just please... Try to just let me work...." She had no clue if they could hear her, but she felt they needed to know the "problem" with her gift. She didn't have the ability to block pain like her grandmother had....

With a brief touch as she had with the girl, she made sure the two males were laying flat. Closing her eyes, she focused her gift on the offending wounds.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Kisa felt the hands grab her, restrain her. She was cornered, trapped, injured and in pain. Her blood roared, asking, no, shouting for her to change shape. She threw up blood.

"She's coming out of it." The male voice stated, and his voice was followed by a pressure on her left side, behind her front leg. "You goddamned bastard, you actually did it." The female voice, this time more shocked then angry like the first time. "Do you think her reason for surviving was because of her sudden and unexpected change?" "Maybe... Most likely... She does have the pacemaker to keep her hearts working during the change. I need to run another test to make sure..." "No you won't." "I have to-" "No! My breeding program is MORE important than finding out how she survived hibernation!!"


Thump... Thump.... Thump...

A new sound, a voice, female. Kisa couldn't comprehend the words filling the air, and found new hands touching her. A growling rage bubbled up, and she regained enough control of her body to force herself to change. A scream left her human lips and... She clawed at the ground, feeling the burning in her chest spread into a wildfire, but this time the burn signaled relief as her human skin was replaced with that of a jaguar's pelt.

Tha thump, Tha thump, Tha thump, Tha thump... Her hearts took off in a race, and she slumped, limp as a doll now. Her spotted chest rising and falling with each breath.

Just when she thought the pain was over, she felt a different pain flare up. This time, instead of it radiating from her chest, it came from her leg. It was painful, and... Bearable after what she just endured. Well, that and she had a high threshold for pain. And so she went through with it with only a small growl of discomfort to the healing.

Wait, what's this? Kisa blinked open her sapphire eyes to feel a weight on her back, as if something were trying to hold her down. Unsure if the healing was done or not, she looked at her leg and found that only a puckered scar remained, a slash of pink skin cutting through fur. Finding that her wound was gone, she pulled away from the healer. She was weak, and tired, but she was... happy at not being a crippled jaguar.

Now, to find out whose on my back... Kisa slipped out from under the weight and found a human, Dray. Miffed and annoyed with him for being on her back, she decided payback would come in the form of him being her toy for the moment. She dropped beside him and in a kittenish manor, nuzzled her large head against his a chest, a throaty growl coming from her chest. Then wrapped her front legs around him, and moved onto her back so he was on top of her, in her grasp like a favored toy. She rolled again, and let Dray loose before turning on Chris.

However, this time her playfulness showed its dangerous qualities as she stood on her hind legs and pushed him to the floor. She sniffed his face, her whiskers moving over his cheekbones, and... she nipped his bicep with no hesitation, no restraint. She lunged away, and went back to nuzzling Dray. She ignored everyone else, not caring about what the normal human male might think about her in her jaguar form.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Olek struggled, refusing to groan or otherwise show his pain to anyone. His eyelid continued fluttering for what felt like forever. He mumbled words for a few moments, but quickly realized he hadn't spoken loud enough. "Max I-" Olek whispered right before his mind slipped away. His eye closed, but his chest was still rising with every breath. Olek didn't appear to be home though. He rested on the creaking wooden floor for what seemed like an eternity.

Maybe this is a good thing. A voice mused in Olek's head. Afterall, monsters like Olek deserved a painful death. His breathing sopped for only a few moments before it resumed again, even in his unconscious state he refused to give in. The blood continued to seep out of the make shift bandages on his chest. There was so much blood. Too much blood. It seeped through the floor boards, and dripped into the darkness below. Slowly Olek grew ready to concede, he did his job. He didn't do it very well, but he got them to safety, and that would have to do.

As Olek drifted away one last thought rang in his mind over and over like a drumbeat. The scrap of paper in his pocket. Anger started to course through his veins like liquid fire. He felt rage boiling to the surface all throughout his body. He wasn't going to give in. There were people that had to die at Olek's hand. If Olek himself died before he could complete his gruesome task, then that would be an insult to her memory.

His eyelid opened wide as the pain slammed into his chest. Olek shouted in surprise, but quickly stifled it as he got control of himself. His back arched off of the ground as he felt the muscles in his chest writhing and knitting back together. His grunts of pain quickly subsided when the bleeding stopped. He tiredly looked around to see Kisa off of the ground, and moving. Olek's head fell back to the floor accompanies by a sigh of relief. He lifted a weak arm to feel his own chest. His hand came back damp with blood that was soaked into the clothes, but the wound had stopped bleeding for the most part. It was hard to tell, but Olek had somehow gotten fixed up more or less. Slowly the gears started turning once more in Olek's brain.

Still clutching his chest, he struggled to get into a sitting position. Still breathing heavily, he settled for that. Olek had lost too much blood to risk moving around too much. He glanced at dock worker, and then to the strange young woman with red hair and green eyes. He calmly looked at the both of them. Olek wondered how long he had been out, he had been moved across the warehouse ever so slightly, and he was somehow alive. He shook his head and stopped trying to piece it together. "I don't know how you did it, but thank you for saving them." He winced as another wave of pain hit his chest.

"You're a good man. You deserve to know what you're getting into." Olek breathed out, still in pain but hiding it well. He went to rub the cut on his arm to realize it had sealed up completely. He looked up at the woman with red hair with an eyebrow raised. He wasn't even sure if she was responsible, but it was safe to say that she was. Don't press the issue, we all have secrets. He squelched a few questions that were about to pass his lips, before he started speaking to the dock worker and the doctor.

"You both deserve to know. We're being chased by some bad people. Terrible people. They have no morals and unlimited resources. They have the power to rip your lives apart." Olek paused, waiting for his words to sink in slowly.

"I say this out of concern, but if you have anything to lose, anything at all. It would be best to walk away while you still can." Olek spoke in a sincere tone. They were dangerous to be around, ticking time bombs ready to explode. He calmly breathed out again and sighed.

"The name's Olek by the way." He said as he nodded gratefully to the pair of strangers. His eyes finally drifted over Bast, and lingered there for only a handful of seconds. His gaze softened. It had been a very long time since he completely trusted someone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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He was somewhat relieved when Chris quickly did as he was told and came to help hold Kisa down. He knew it wouldn’t be the best situation if they were still like this when she awoke; but for now it was what was keeping her from smashing her head open on the hardwood floor. With his concentration on keeping her still, he nearly jumped out of his skin when there was loud banging on the door and a female voice shouting to be let in.
In a blur the red head, though he noticed her hair wasn’t as bright as his own, managed to get the three badly injured together on the floor and just held onto them. He stayed by Kisa’s side, glancing at Chris momentarily as he made sure her leg wasn’t jostled too much. Then he began to notice that the wounds of all three were beginning to close and knit themselves back together. He had only seen this a few times from some of the healer people in the Lab. She must have come from there, sent to help them, then let the guards know where they were and for them to come and retrieve them while they were still weak.
He narrowed his eyes toward the female, a growl forming in his throat being cut off by suddenly being engulfed in fur. Kisa shifted back into her Leopard form, wrapping her paws around him and rolling backwards with him. It was nearly instinct for him to lash out but he refrained from doing so. She went to Chris and did the same, albeit a bit harsher then returned to him and rubbed her head against him. He wasn’t entirely sure what to, then resorted to petting her side lightly. A frown crossing his face when he left blood smudges on her fur from the cuts on his palms.
He looked up when he saw that Olek was now sitting up on his own; his own fatal wounds gone now and the look of death gone from his face. He ignored the man that Olek was talking too. He kept his main focus on the healer woman; watching for any sign that she would be contacting the guards or the scientists that it was time to come for them.