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Chantal Lambert

"I'm not your angel, darling."

0 · 1,259 views · located in Seattle, Washington

a character in “Everlasting Ties”, as played by chanelindistress



So begins...

Chantal Lambert's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jordan James Lachowski Character Portrait: Chantal Lambert Character Portrait: Keela Williams Character Portrait: Alaric Boyle Character Portrait: Odette Faye Character Portrait: Rebekah Harvelle
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ImageClaude groaned as the morning sunlight permeated through the old tattered blinds and shone on his eye lids. How long had he been asleep? 40 minutes? 40 hours? 40 days? No. 44 years. He was the eldest vampire and as he rose he saw a dark dusty room in front of him, weathered from the years of neglect. He moved from his bed, his pale bare feet touching the cold floor. The floor was nothing compared to his own cold veins. Thump. Thump. His feet made this sound as he strode down the hallway of the house. The house was silent, you could hear a pin drop in the entire house. Soon, when he did what was to be done, the house would be lively and they would be close to moving out and doing what needed to be done. He knocked on one door. His girlfriend. He knocked on another door. Toby's. Then he entered the last and walked over to the small sleeping figure. "Awaken my child."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jordan James Lachowski Character Portrait: Chantal Lambert Character Portrait: Keela Williams Character Portrait: Alaric Boyle Character Portrait: Odette Faye Character Portrait: Rebekah Harvelle
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#, as written by Arrow-

Odette's eyes opened in a snap. She slowly looked up to see the familiar face of her father. He looked different somehow though... Maybe it was the way his eyes were slightly hollowed and his cheeks a bit thinner, the way all vampires looked when they were starved. She supposed she looked this way too, as her jaw ached and fangs throbbed for the coppery taste of blood.

How long had they truly fallen asleep?

She slowly sat up on the bed and stretched, all of her joins giving off a sickening pop and crack noise, that only made her sigh in relief. It felt good to be able to move her body again. It seemed like a lifetime since she had done so...

"Father..." She whispered quietly. "In which time are we? What is the year?"

She could tell from the dust moats that floated through the air that they had been asleep a long time... Even her clothes seemed to be covered in them. She brushed herself off as she stood and looked up at her father for answers.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chantal Lambert Character Portrait: Alaric Boyle
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"Yes, I know," Chantal replied softly, eyeing the dainty white cup of hot green tea she ordered. But the gentle response was only a lie, a mask to hide the actual frustration that burned within her. She awoke this morning with a message from Damon, her manager, requesting to meet for breakfast. Late and still groggy from spending half of her night going over various storyboards to no avail, she rushed to the cafe she worked at only for another lecture. What did it make this one? The fifth? Sixth? Damon sighed in front of her, sitting back in his chair and crossing one leg over the other. Green eyes were fixed on her face with a dash of sympathy.

"I'm not snapping at you or trying to rush you, but eventually, you are going to need to come up with another storyline. Maybe a branch off of the original - we can expand the universe...create a new love interest - " Chantal's eyes shot up quickly, a hint of determination blazing in the usually warm orbs.

"This is not The Vampire Diaries," she said resolutely. "If and when I have a new idea, it will not have anything to do with the first series. I want something...different." Chantal, feeling like she was getting too excited, sat back, grabbed her cup, and took a few sips. She could hear the breath that Damon let out and cringed inwardly. Another lecture in...




"Fine," he replied and Chantal looked up, surprised. Damon stood slowly, eyeing something over her head. "I will try to put off the publishers, but I need something, Mai. Perhaps you need to get rid of...distractions." Chantal blinked, mouth agape with confusion and she followed Damon's gaze to see a smirking Alaric at the register. Smiling just a little, she turned back to her editor and nodded. Damon only shook his head in reply and after bidding her safe week, left. A few moments later, Alaric was taking his place.

"I think you intimidate Damon," she remarked to her companion. Alaric shrugged, wrinkling his nose in distaste. He was not a fan of that Damon person. Despite the obvious concern the other man had for Chantal's career and studies, the not-so-discreet display of protectiveness Alaric showed for Chantal only seemed to make itself even more notable after Ric discovered the man's feelings for his ward.

"Then that only means that I am doing something right," he replied gruffly and Chantal giggled. Her day didn't seem like it was going to go too bad.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chantal Lambert Character Portrait: Alaric Boyle Character Portrait: Rebekah Harvelle
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ImageRebekah walked down the street, her surfboard at her side and a sweater over her bathing suit. She saw the cafe that she normally went to. The bell gave a slight ding as she walked inside after setting her surfboard outside. She saw the normal cashier Alaric at the cash box. She noticed that Chantal, a good friend of hers, was standing right near him."Hey Chanti, flirting it up with the staff?" She grinned. They were good friends of hers. "Hey Alaric. Do we have enough in the back to make a smoothie?" She was a fan of smoothies. Peach or strawberry were her favorite and on days she had gone surfing she liked to get one in the afternoon.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chantal Lambert Character Portrait: Alaric Boyle Character Portrait: Rebekah Harvelle
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Chantal was about to make a remark when she heard the familiar BING of the bell, signalling that yet another customer had entered. She glanced over her shoulder to smile at Rebekah, who faithfully carried her surfboard. But then the smile morphed into a thin line as heat rushed almost immediately to her cheeks at Rebekah's statement.

"Wh-what...? I-I-I-I w-wasn't..." The nervous stammer was rather comical in Alaric's eyes and he snickered, causing a small but harmless glare to reach Chantal's eyes. Contrary to popular belief, they were only two people who could actually entertain Alaric and they were the few whose presences he could handle. Rebekah and Chantal. He smirked at Rebekah.

"Sure, there should be," he responded to Rebekah, ignoring the rather adorable and comical pout on Chantal's face for a moment. A beat later, his eyes met hers and his smirk widened into a smile, teasing almost. It was actually astounding. Alaric must have been in a good mood today. Chantal could hardly remember a day where he wasn't off in some corner brooding. "Think you can go find it without me?" Chantal's pout deepened.

" up, Ric," she grumbled under her breath, knowing very well that only he could hear her. Alaric only chuckled again. Chanti set her cup down in front of him and glanced back at Rebekah over her shoulder. "Peach or strawberry?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chantal Lambert Character Portrait: Alaric Boyle Character Portrait: Rebekah Harvelle
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ImageRebekah was looking out the window as they had their little blush fest. She smiled then turned back to Chantal when she called. "I think I'm going to go with peach today." She replied then looked at Alaric when Chantal disappeared behind the door leading to the back of the store. "So do you like her or are you worried about her and her editor?" She had feelings that weren't as apparent as Chantal's for Alaric. The way she spoke about them she seemed like the concerned friend. She didn't know exactly what the editor had done but he didn't set right with Rebekah.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chantal Lambert Character Portrait: Alaric Boyle Character Portrait: Rebekah Harvelle Character Portrait: Benson Mailer
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'Okay, okay, So... Strawberry Banana for Carrie, Mango for Wednesday, Peach for Alex, Blueberry for Jack... Anyone else want anything?' Benson had arrived in a big rush at the Orphanage, and he hadn't even been able to take off his jacket before he got turned right back around and asked to get a few things for the 'family'... Pretty much a smoothie run for the kids.

Without anyone running up and pulling on his leg for another order, he smiled. 'Okay then, I'm off!' He went out and jumped into his old car, and zoomed off to the local smoothie shop. He chuckled as he pulled up to the place.

'Late to visiting, and this is what I get... Talk about karma.' He got out of his car and strode up to the door, hearing its ring as he pushed it open. He smirked.

Talk about a guy like me going into a place like this.

Ben, with his old leather jacket, bulky Timberlands and ripped jeans, looked like the least likely type of person to enter a smoothie bar like this one. But, as he walked up to the counter, he realized he didn't really know anyone there. Just a girl with a surfboard talking with another person behind the counter. They seemed to know each other, that's all.

Judgement avoided... Well, kind of.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chantal Lambert Character Portrait: Alaric Boyle Character Portrait: Rebekah Harvelle Character Portrait: Benson Mailer
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'Okay, okay, So... Strawberry Banana for Carrie, Mango for Wednesday, Peach for Alex, Blueberry for Jack... Anyone else want anything?' Benson had arrived in a big rush at the Orphanage, and he hadn't even been able to take off his jacket before he got turned right back around and asked to get a few things for the 'family'... Pretty much a smoothie run for the kids.

Without anyone running up and pulling on his leg for another order, he smiled. 'Okay then, I'm off!' He went out and jumped into his old car, and zoomed off to the local smoothie shop. He chuckled as he pulled up to the place.

'Late to visiting, and this is what I get... Talk about karma.' He got out of his car and strode up to the door, hearing its ring as he pushed it open. He smirked.

Talk about a guy like me going into a place like this.

Ben, with his old leather jacket, bulky Timberlands and ripped jeans, looked like the least likely type of person to enter a smoothie bar like this one. But, as he walked up to the counter, he realized he didn't really know anyone there. Just a girl with a surfboard talking with another person behind the counter. They seemed to know each other, that's all.

Judgement avoided... Well, kind of.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chantal Lambert Character Portrait: Alaric Boyle Character Portrait: Odette Faye Character Portrait: Rebekah Harvelle Character Portrait: Benson Mailer
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Alaric paused at Rebekah's question, hand poised over the tray of cash he was just about to get the change from for his current customer. He didn't respond for a moment, his eyes slightly faraway.

It wasn't the first time he was asked this question and more than likely, it would not be the last. And it wasn't like it was too difficult of a question. He cared for Chantal - perhaps, in some way, he might be able to fancy himself loving her. Maybe not in love with her, but love was...a delicate enough term to be used when describing that relationship. But more importantly...

"My relationship with Chantal is as it is - between the two of us, no offense," he said as politely as he could as he finished ringing up the customer, offering a pleasant smile to the departing male. Blue eyes found Rebekah's and softened. "But I do not...favor that editor. He...his presence is irritating."

He could have been an asshole. He could have been rude; his norm. But...this was also Rebekah - a sweet girl, someone he cared for as well. Maybe not on the same level of strong concern and overprotectiveness as Chantal, but then again that was because a girl like Rebekah could take care of herself. Chantal never would be able to.

As he awaited Chantal's return with the fruit for smoothies (she would be making the smoothies, no doubt), two new people entered. One in particular capturing his attention solely. Pale skin and dark hair, she wasn't like the other. There was no heartbeat. Her eyes were fixed on Alaric just as his were on her; she was dangerous.

There were not many vampires in Seattle. Alaric prided himself on knowing a good number of them; perhaps not all, but a good few. And she was not a familiar face. And unless -

He did not trust her.

And he only hoped Chantal would take her time.


"No problem," Chantal called over her shoulder and hurried into the back storage room. Well, it was a kitchen and then a door to get into the storage, but whatever. Chantal filed through all of the ingredients they might not have out front and hurried to find them.

Damon complained all the time that she spent too much time here - that she really didn't need this job. With income still coming from her book sales and from the new TV series that would be premiering this year, she and her nice apartment were fine. It wasn't like she splurged often; in fact, she spent more on family than anything else. He would rather her working on a new book while continuing her studies.

What he didn't understand was that she felt at peace her. This was where she spent hours working on her book, where she saw people and used them as the faces of her characters - their temperaments became a part of her characters. She couldn't not be here. Though, she was beginning to think that his dislike of this place had more to do with his dislike for Alaric, which was puzzling but obviously none of her business.

"Aha!" Chantal let out an exclamation of triumph, holding up the frozen peaches. Thinking quickly, she grabbed some cream, milk, frozen strawberries, and the peaches. As quickly as she could she made her way back out to the front and grinned at Rebekah, who was standing close to the register. "Found them! One peach smoothie coming right up. You want whipped cream?"

And then Chantal noted the tension. Well, there was enough tension for her to notice above the chattering customers sitting in seats and the ones still waiting for their orders to be ready. She smiled at one of the workers awkwardly, curious as to why Alaric was practically glaring holes into the brunette female and the male with green eyes. A very cute guy - Okay, time to get started, she told herself mentally and got right to business, brushing past Alaric to get to the register. She tossed him a curious stare over her shoulder.

"Sorry about the wait," she said kindly, a sweet smile on her face towards the brunette female and the male standing behind her. "I'm Chantal and I can take your order."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clarissa Saunders Character Portrait: Chantal Lambert Character Portrait: Keela Williams Character Portrait: Alaric Boyle Character Portrait: Odette Faye Character Portrait: Rebekah Harvelle
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ImageClaude proceeded out of the ancient house with Clarissa. It was time to hunt, but not before observing the surroundings. He will try to stay away from Odette, let her do her own thing even though his heart as a father told him to follow her every movement to make sure she is alright. This new culture was much more different that the time he lived in. The women showed much too much skin. He was lucky that Odette was not like that. She was always sensible. They saw a cafe that seemed to be very crowded so they continued to walk down the streets, seeing many humans and nary a vampire.What did this time have in store for the new Coven?


ImageRebekah smiled at Chantal when she gave her the smoothie. "Thanks Chanti." She turned to the new woman that Benson had called 'Snow White'. "I recommend the smoothies, Chantal makes them great." She turned to Keela. "Not really, I went surfing this morning." She turned back to Alaric to see him glaring at the new woman in the cafe. "Alaric. Why are you staring at her...? It's rude to stare at the customers."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jordan James Lachowski Character Portrait: Chantal Lambert Character Portrait: Rebekah Harvelle
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Jordan James Lochowski

It had only been a two hours since the sun had come up, but Jordan was already hard at work; well, if you call bench pressing, crunches, weight lifting, and a five mile jog, work, then yes. Jordan sat up after he was done with the bench pressing and looked out the window of his living room of the small apartment that he was living in. Jordan sighed to himself and walked into his bed room to get changed into some actual clothes and go to the little caffe' that was only a few blocks from where he lived.

He quickly put on his outfit and his combat boots and grabbed his smart phone and walked out the door. He quickly jogged and down to the caffe and walked in. It was pretty packed this morning, and thankfully he recognized a few friendly faces. He saw one of his friends that he would see on occasion, Chantal to be exact, she was taking someone's order as usual. He walked over to the caffe's bar and sat down on one of the swival chairs and sat down. He looked to his left and saw Rebekah. He smiled and said, '' Hey, Rabekah. How're you this fine morning? Catch any good waves that are worth mentioning?'' He smiled and looked around the caffe' and waited to place his order.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chantal Lambert Character Portrait: Keela Williams Character Portrait: Alaric Boyle Character Portrait: Rebekah Harvelle Character Portrait: Benson Mailer
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#, as written by Arrow-

Image Odette hummed happily as she ordered her coffee from the woman, looking at the other vampire teasingly. She could tell the man held a connection to the woman. She wouldn't touch the girl. She knew what if felt like to lose people, how it could twist and rip at your heart, even if your heart didn't beat. Thats why she preyed on those who did not deserve to live. Criminals, drug dealers (though these peoples blood often tasted tainted) and other petty scum that lived out their lives in less than kind manners.

After she got her coffee she took a step back, surveying. She watched a human girl scold the elder vampire for staring at her, making Odette laugh quietly to herself. She watched the kind human man who dubber her 'Snow White' go to the counter to order many drinks. She also watched as a nervous looking girl came up to her and introduced herself as Keela. The blonde looked full to the brim with nerves.

Odette laughed softly. "It is a pleasure to meet you Miss...".

People in this age were much more forward. Fourty-four years ago, people didn't socialize with her much. She was odd and dark looking. It was good to see that today's people were a bit friendlier.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jordan James Lachowski Character Portrait: Chantal Lambert Character Portrait: Keela Williams Character Portrait: Alaric Boyle Character Portrait: Odette Faye Character Portrait: Rebekah Harvelle
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"Right, my apologies," Alaric said gently to Chantal, taking over at the register while she prepared the smoothies. He glanced back at the vampire, cast her a warning glance, and began to play the charming cashier. He didn't technically need the job. With his years of being alive, Alaric had wealth that he hadn't even touched yet. Chantal worked here and if more vampires were coming, it meant that he needed to keep a closer eye on her.

A moment later, he recalled Rebekah's words and gave her a crooked grin in return. "Would you rather I stare at you then?" He teased. "I always had a thing for hazel eyes." He even added a wink, causing a grinning Chantal to make time to punch his arm lightly.

"Stop trying to dazzle people," she chided gently, mirth glinting in her eyes. "It's not nice." She had just finished with the guy with beautiful eyes - seriously, beautiful eyes? - and sighed, content. Chantal's warm gaze then turned to the brunette Alaric had previously been glaring at, Jordan, and the blonde, Keela she believes, that Rebekah had spoken to. She had seen Keela before and actually found the name to be kinda cute. "And would either of you like to try the smoothies? Don't do this often and don't tell anyone I did, but I'll let you try them for free."

Chantal chose to ignore Alaric's disapproving glare.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chantal Lambert Character Portrait: Keela Williams Character Portrait: Odette Faye
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Keela Williams
Keela smiled at the girl and finished for her. "I'm Keela, and you are?" she asked, before hearing Chantal, a girl she was slightly acquainted with, but who she liked nevertheless. Keela was happy at the thought of the offer.

"Could I have a blueberry smoothie, please? And thank you, by the way," she responded before turning back to focus on the girl in front of her. She had dark hair and very fair skin, giving her an elegant look, and she spoke softly and gracefully, which Keela couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy about, as she was awkward most of the time and spoke clumsily and oftentimes clambered over her words.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chantal Lambert Character Portrait: Keela Williams Character Portrait: Alaric Boyle Character Portrait: Odette Faye Character Portrait: Rebekah Harvelle
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ImageRebekah blushed lightly at Alaric's comment then hit him lightly on the arm. "Don't flirt with the boss either!" She answered then looked around the shop. Keela, Chantal, Alaric. They all kept her happy from where she used to be very morbid. She had come out of her shell more and now she was liked by many and even liked to hang out with other people now. The woman that Keela was talking to was particularly strange though. She hadn't seen her in the shop before or in ton. "I'll see you guys later. Alaric, you're in charge till I get back." She grabbed her smoothie that was in a transportable Styrofoam cup then walked over to the woman, standing next to Keela. "I was wondering if you are new to Seattle? I haven't ever seen you around town before." She began then looked at Keela, offering her some of her smoothie.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jordan James Lachowski Character Portrait: Chantal Lambert Character Portrait: Keela Williams Character Portrait: Alaric Boyle Character Portrait: Odette Faye
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Smiling, Chantal set to making more smoothies while Alaric took on more orders. Once they were done, she held one up for Jordan, Keela, and a few more for other customers. Just as she was about to work on a few cafe specialities, her phone buzzed in her pocket. She usually kept it off when she was at work, but after meeting with Damon, she simply left it on silent. Pausing, Chantal pulled it out to see a text from Damon. She looked up at Alaric only for him to be staring at her, expectant.

"I need to step out real quick," she said apologetically, biting her lower lip when Alaric only glanced at her phone, rolled his eyes, and went to make drinks. She took off her apron quickly and headed out, dialing up Damon's number. What did the company want now?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chantal Lambert Character Portrait: Keela Williams Character Portrait: Odette Faye Character Portrait: Rebekah Harvelle
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Keela Williams
Keela smiled at Chantal, taking a sip of her smoothie. She turned back to Odette, words on the edge of her tongue. She shut her mouth, not wanting to end up with her foot in her mouth. Most times she ended up saying the wrong thing and insulting whoever she was talking to. Keela instead opted for saying, "That's cool." 'That's cool'? That's what you said. Of all things, you choose that? You idiot, Keela thought, regretting her words the second they left her mouth.

She winced slightly, sighing as she did. She leaned forwards a bit, slouching. She breathed in the cool air, enjoying the almost summery scent. Taking a sip of her smoothie, she gave Odette a small smile, slightly embarrassed about, well, everything that had happened.
