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Nimin "Zeri" Hedrox

If your past is lost to you, then you should fight that much harder for the future.

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a character in “Exalted: A Tale in the Time of Tumult”, as played by Oborosen


Name:Nimin HedroxSolar Caste, Twilight:
Nature: Explorer
Anima Banner:A teardrop wreathed in flame.
Totem Animal: N/A
Xp: 2













(optional: A subgroup within a larger ability that you have a particular aptitude. Such as dancing specialty from performance, sword from melee etc )
Occult - Demonology
Craft - Blacksmith
Apothecary - Herbs
Diplomacy - Social


Even the collected member of a group, Nimin is not the kind of person to be front and center in all things. Instead choosing to watch from the side, taking in all that he could of the situation. This is not to say that he is a loner, or any sort of introvert. As there have been many nights were he's sang, and danced himself into a drunken stupor with the others, that he's found himself in the company with. Usually paying for such out of his own pocket as well.

Nimin's time among mortals and, living so closely with them for so long has bred within him a thirst for life. As is the same for most things when concerning mortals.
He is still an exalted however, and can be prone to the same outburst of passion and ferocity as any other, especially when the moment of a break occurs. He is upstanding, honest, and honorable to a fault. A set of qualities that have seen him bitten more times than thanked in the past. Yet he still does not change, choosing to endure continuing as such. As on subjects concerning his past, Nimin chases such information with a thirst that is hard to imagine for most. He has set homes to flame, and turned entire lives to dust for such information. Usually to his own detriment in the process.

  • -I must recover my past at all cost.-
    -Knowledge of my past is important, more important than many other things.-
    -My end is coming, but that fate is not my choice and I must fight it.-
    -I must never permit a needless death, no matter what. -



(No, this not like final fantasy. The nature of the great curse the defeated primordial's placed upon their vanquishers periodically warps their virtue into twisted inversions in moments of great stress. When an exalt has been force to ignore his or her own principles one to many times they under go episode of madness in which the corruption of the primordial curse comes to the surface. When this 'snap' occurs the exalts primary virtue (the one that's ranked the highest or which ever one you prefer if they are of even rank) becomes compromised into either a twisted reflection of itself or inverted as a polar opposite of itself. The exalt is then forced to act in the terms of this new corrupted virtue until the effects of the curse finishes burning itself out. This effect can last anywhere from hours to DAYS. Though to avoid forcing too heavy a restriction on the player I'll put down a guide line that the character's break down should at least last until the end of the current scene, and after that it's up to the player to decide how long the episode will last.

-Pain Tolerance-
-Eidetic Memory-
-Midnight Memories-
-Jack of all Trades-

-Dark Fate- No matter what. Nimin's fate is locked into a grim end and only the most powerful of entities possess even the possibility of correcting this measure.
-Sterile- After decades among mortals, it has become obvious that Nimin is incapable of fathering any children.
-Unusual Appearance- To say the least, Nimin has a strange appearance. One could say that there is no merit in looking just like a normal person, but there is a difference when you compare normal, to aggressively normal.
-Amnesia- Nimin has walked since the first day he awoke and has yet to actually recall any memory of his past life. Save for his training, he possesses none of his past self.
-Nightmares- Nimin's nights are usually wracked with horrible dreams. Vicious and callous acts dealt out with clawed hands and visceral blows, as well as glancing reflections of a face that he barely can recognize. Though as time has move on, he's seen more revealed too him through these nightmares and knows well that this is somehow linked to his fate.
-Strange Happenings- Suffice to say, there is something always off about Nimin, but not just him. Strange images caught in reflective surfaces and wide grinning faces can be seen staring back from the edge of one's vision. With his own reflection directly doing other things while he is present and even persisting in that reflection for several minutes after he has left the room.
-Wanted- Nimin is well known by the order and has been directly attacked by them in the past, so a constant contract is held on him at all times.

[center]Height: 6'3 , Weight:198'lb
Eye: Hazel , Hair: Black

Nimin possesses a tall and somewhat slender form, skin tone being of a lite olive, or even a reasonably pale texture. His eye color is a lightly speckled hazel, with some small form of reflective qualities. Much like those of an animal, staring out from beyond the dark. Though without direct enough lighting this quality is very hard to distinguish for one's self. After several years his body has been lightly tattooed around he forearm, and neck areas. With small, intricate tribal markings that he's collected throughout his travels. Well traveled individuals may actually be able to see certain aspects of where he's been, detailed in his skin.

Nimin's hair is usually kept up in large braids, as the full bulk of it all can be somewhat daunting to take care of. Mostly all of it is folded under itself and kept in a long braid that he lets drape down across his back. All of which is secured with a large silver binder, or a golden one for when he visits formal events. Left to have free, his hair would cover both shoulders and would practically conceal the entirety of his back.

His body is upon first inspection, covered in long since healed scars. The results of various other wounds taken over the years. The most notable of which would be a large scar that visibly enters from his lower chest, and exists directly out his back. Though to his own knowledge, this is one of the few scars that he actually possessed when he fist awoke.

Nimin has been walking the lands, from far south to the furthest reaches of the north, and the last six hundred years have been slow going for him. In the pursuit of information about his past has stopped more times than he'd normally be willing to admit. But when the need arises for anyone that should call him, he has answered.

After awaking in the middle of a war torn field all those years ago, he's been trying to discover where it was that he came from, and how it was that he came to be in that place. The only knowledge that he does know for sure is that he's an Exalted, and that was easy enough to discover on it's own. The next being is his name, which he isn't even sure is actually, as it was written in the first page of the book that he was holding when he first awoke. It was this curious item that he'd always carried afterwards, seeing as it was one of the few possession that he could even recall having in his first days of this strange, new life.

The book is easily something special. Because it reacts only to him and apparently he is the only one who can read it. Though he quickly discovered that it does allow those that he deems worthy, the right to read it as well. He learned of it's other properties when the book was stolen from him during an attack, then tossed into the ocean, only to merely be waiting for him in his cabin at the end of the day. When he requested to know what had happened, the pages of the book flew open to shed a thick, crimson light that painted the walls. Showing him the image of the Order agents that had tossed the book overboard, not long before they attacked him. This showed him that the book has some level of sentience and can even respond to direct questions if needed, however in attempts to ask it about his past. The book remains surprisingly inactive to such request.

The next realization about himself came about when Nimin had broken his limit for the second time. An event that robbed him of all self, strange though it may be. As he understood it, those who were Exalted, could wholly recall the times that they broke. He however could not completely recall any portion of those instance, as though a thick haze had been laid over his vision and the world had gone to fog. He also realized that after his second break, a teardrop. The size of a small fist had appeared on the upper center of his back, which originally set off an intense amount of worry when another had shown up after his fourth break. Several years later Nimin has four teardrops on his back, and the game has appeared to change at this point. The teardrops are set into what appears to be a diamond patter on his back. With the largest being twice the size of the other three, and being situated in the dead center of his back. But now they are doing something more, instead of appearing, the tears are filling in with a deep crimson coloration. Slowly filling with each separate break that he experiences.
If getting hunted by the order wasn't bad enough for Nimin. Now it was worrying about what exactly this sort of occurrence meant for him.

That was almost a hundred years ago now and, with returning to heed the call of a old acquaintance. Nimin is ready to begin the hunt for his past once more. Because he feels an ever growing anxiousness coming with this new quest and even the book in his hands, trembles with the urging of the new dawn. The last few centuries of helping to prepare the mortal world, for combat against both demon, and beast alike. Skills that he's harbored and tuned well over the years.

This oncoming storm, at least looks to promise him some new challenges to overcome. That, and he would never willingly pass up the chance to work alongside other exalted as well.

Essence score: 3
Health: 7/7
Willpower pool: 9/9

Essence motes
:Personal 9/9 , Peripheral 24/24:

The magic of the exalted in quantified as 'motes' which can be 'burnt' to power their charms. All exalted have two pools Personal and Peripheral. Personal essence can be burned without causing the exalt's anima banner to flair and is the first one to recharge when the exalt rest to regain their power.

Essence pools are calculated slightly differently between the exalted types.
Solar's and Abyssal's essence pools: Personal (half your willpower+your essence score+2) Peripheral (your full willpower + (essence score X 5)

All exalted start off with 7 charms, based of their abilities.

Flawless Diagnosis Technique 1m; Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
The eyes of the Solar Exalted see the hidden truths of others’ pains. This Charm lets the Solar automatically determine which of the target’s observable traits and described symptoms are medically related. If the Solar uses this Charm in the process of a formal diagnosis, normally a dramatic (Perception + Medicine) action with a Speed of 5 long ticks, this Charm protects him from any error in diagnosis. If he has enough information, he accurately identifies each condition, its source and its additional effect. If he does not have enough information—as when a target who caught an unknown disease from eating infected human brains successfully conceals his cannibalism—he recognizes that some key piece of the puzzle is missing.

Wound-Mending care Technique 10m; Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Solar physicians can speed a patient’s recovery from even the most terrible wounds. This Charm replaces the normal benefits of medical care, instead allowing the target to recover a number of lethal or bashing health levels equal to the number of successes at the end of the day. If the target spends the day resting, the target recovers a number of additional lethal and bashing health levels equal to the Solar’s permanent Essence. No patient can benefit from this Charm more than once per day.

Contagion-Curing Touch 2m; Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Tie a Solar physician and a man dying of the plague to an anchor and cast them into a stormy sea—still the Solar may have the ingenuity to heal the victim. This Charm supplements a Medicine-based action to treat a patient. It does not reduce the time required for medical treatment, but otherwise allows the Solar to treat patients in unfavorable conditions without medicines, penalties or a stunt.

Wholeness-Restoring Meditation -m; Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Essence can repair even severed limbs. Solar Exalted with this Charm can cure any Crippling effect. This Charm guarantees that any attempt they make to treat the effect is considered supernatural. It takes the patient several days of convalescence to repair otherwise permanent damage such as lost limbs or blindness.

Fire and Stones strike 1m per; Essence 1; Type: Supplemental
The Solar demonstrates his strength with a powerful Essence fueled blow. The Exalt spends up to (his Strength score) motes and makes a Melee-based attack. If the attack hits, this Charm adds one die to the post-soak damage for each mote spent.

Peony Blossom Attack 2m per; Essence 2; Type: Extra Action
The maneuver named Peony Blossom Attack burns significant Essence to unleash a powerful flurry of blows. The Lawgiver moves as smoothly and rapidly as ice on hot metal. This Charm is a magical flurry of two or more Melee- based attacks. Each attack costs two motes, including the first, and the Exalt can buy up to (her permanent Essence + 1) attacks. This Charm lets the Solar make these attacks regardless of the weapon’s Rate, without multiple action penalties, and with a DV penalty equal to only the highest penalty for any one attack.

Each 'charm' is a magical trick designed to enhance or augment the exalt's natural talents in super natural ways. The more powerful the charm the more essence it will cost to activate, with some requiring the exalt to also burn a point of willpower as well, or hit points. All charms also require a certain level of skill and spiritual enlightenment in order to learn, necessitating the exalt to raise their essence score and their abilities/attributes if they wish to acquire stronger charms.

A combo is a specialized form of charm use that allow rapied fire activation of multiple charms at once. Using a combo allows the exalt to overcome the '1 charm per post rule' but only if they have invested the xp to learn that combo first. You may not have a combo at the start.

You may choose to exchange one of you charms to unlock the first level of sorcery, the terrestrial circle which will mark you as a sorcerer at the start of play. You will start off with only one spell that you have mastered, but may exchange more charms for more spells. For all other cases, spells are treated the same as charms xp coast wise, and are treated as 'occult' charms this purpose.

Terrestrial Circle:


Overnight satchel-
Bedding/camp kit-
Pipe, tobacco, smoking kit-
Knife, hatchet, whetstone-
Quill, inkwell, parchment-
2x traveling clothes, Green/black tunic, Red formal robes-
Silver bangles, hair braid bands-
Short sword-

Heirloom Book:
A thick, heavy, leather-bound book dyed almost in a deep maroon. A red tear-shaped gem ensconced with the image of a burning sun on its cover can be seen. While the back of the book is oddly vacant, it is apparent that something large and round did originally rest there. The book is obviously magical on closer inspection, however it can only be read by Nimin, or those that he grants such permission. The book communicates via deep crimson letters that flow and ebb along the lightly tanned pages. When not being read, or question. The pages of the book will always be blank and no amount of tearing can remove the pages in their entirety. As the pages simply dissolve to dust and blow away, while the book looses no mass to speak of.
The book cannot be discarded, or even destroyed by conventional methods. As it will always find it's way back to nimin before days end.

So begins...

Nimin "Zeri" Hedrox's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Artisan That Which Souls Cling Character Portrait: Lux Fiala Character Portrait: Astrid Grünewald Character Portrait: Calliope Lordes Character Portrait: Ashen Sky Character Portrait: Nimin "Zeri" Hedrox
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0.00 INK

Nimin watched as the scene unfolded. His history with spirits of all kinds were of a somewhat clouded variety, though he could tell that they were not outwardly hostile. Even with the earlier introduction being what it was, and Ashen's own response to what was transpiring.

An instance that had the Solar walk up behind Ashen slowly as they conversation continued, and placed a hand on his shoulder in an effort to consult him on the fact that this might not be the best of times. Though the look in his eyes did do enough to show Ashen that he too did share some of the same sentiment, at least in the slightest to be sure.
He looks down at the box of talismans as they make the pass in front of him and out of not wishing to cause disrespect, he plucks one from inside. Though he holds the small item in hand, running it's shape between his fingers as he did. Doing so to make sure that he was checking it's rounded shape for any indication as to what the item may be intended for. His fingers running along the narrow notches on the inside rim of the shell. As well as keeping in mind any variations that could be felt in the shells shape.

As the envoy leaps from the deck of the ship, he still keeps his eyes fixed on the edge of the deck for a few moments before bringing the talisman up to eye level. The curious little shell in his hand was still the dour brown, speckled coloration that he'd usually seen in such shells. Save for some small dim lines in the shells surface. Something that he was able to tell from touch alone.

It was a normally unused language from the isles surrounding most of the seaways, stretching from the north and all the way to the far south waterways. Though that was all for it's written inscription, his knowledge of such items however could easily tell that the talisman was lightly pulsing with some form of implicated enchantment.
"Well, it would be rude to just not accept."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Artisan That Which Souls Cling Character Portrait: Lux Fiala Character Portrait: Astrid Grünewald Character Portrait: Calliope Lordes Character Portrait: Ashen Sky Character Portrait: Nimin "Zeri" Hedrox
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
Artisan smiled coyly in Ashen Sky's direction without ever taking eyes off the lead Shark Spirit. "The friend of my friend is my friend... usually. Besides, Fakharu is surely well enough known that Sikunare has heard of it already. Regardless we weren't hired for our tact or... lack thereof." His dark red eyes shot a tired look at Astrid who seemed to be entirely ignoring the conversation Ashen and him were pointedly having. With a bored tone, he finished off, "Let's pay our respects and be on our way without saying something unnecessary."

The Spirit carrying the trinkets started to make his rounds and Artisan quickly undid his heavy armor with a swift practiced routine. He made a curious note of Lux thinking ahead to have a favored offering for the Storm Mother, but that was a line of questioning better saved for when they were alone.

When the spirit came to him, he graciously accepted one of the cowry shell necklaces. The necklace made a curious noise of shell against shell as he appraised the trinket, but before he came to a final conclusion, that feral Lunar Chieftain quietly put on her necklace and without a word dove into the water. Artisan feared he'd never find out if she was just crazy or sporting a death wish, but she seemed fine so the necklaces probably weren't trapped.

He turned to look at the remaining Exalts gathered about, before settling his gaze on Lux and Ashen Sky. Putting a finger to his temple in a thoughtful gesture, and growing quiet for a few seconds before suddenly exclaiming. "Lord Ashen, Lady Lux; you both make the necklaces seem… fitting, though I can’t quite say how... "

Taking a few moments to ensure everyone had put on their talismans, Artisan smiled, ”Well put Sir Nimin; and rude is not something we can afford right now. To that end, maybe we should all say a prayer or thanks that Lux saw fit to bring a gift?” The deathknight was going to say a bit more, but Astrid’s voice, which was very quickly becoming one that was very stressful to hear, interrupted his train of thought.

”If the lot of you don't shut up and get in the water, I WILL meet with the Storm Mother myself.” A mix of amusement and horror went through Artisan when he heard her declaration, ”As I would rather have a drunken Raksha represent us, I’m going to make sure she does not."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Artisan That Which Souls Cling Character Portrait: Lux Fiala Character Portrait: Astrid Grünewald Character Portrait: Calliope Lordes Character Portrait: Ashen Sky Character Portrait: Nimin "Zeri" Hedrox
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0.00 INK

After looking over the talisman. Nimin rolls it over in his hand and begins to bind it around his wrist, rather then around his neck. Upon finishing, he holds the newly donned item up into the sun, as it's shape is cast off by the view of the horizon behind.

"I think that it's best we don't push our luck with these talismans being the only think keeping us from possibly drowning. The link to their source of power could be cut at any moment it seems."

Taking the time to set his personal items straight. He hands his pack over to a deckhand, so that it may be returned to his quarters and approaches the edge of the deck overlooking the waves below.

Looking deeply upon the waves, the Solar found himself smirking lightly whispering quietly."...and he piled upon the whales great white hump a sum of all the rage, if his chest had been a canon he would have shot his heart upon it...."

He turned towards the others, with that same wry look upon his face. He begins to disrobe of his heavier clothing, tossing it to the side to rest on a set of netted barrels. Leaving only his lighter tunic and braccae on and stowing the small dagger he'd kept from is belongings. Rolling it in his waste band for proper holding.

"At least it's a beautiful day for swimming"
A heavy feeling of sarcasm, almost demanding a bolt of lightning to fire across the scenery behind. Such as to emphasis the current situation that the group was in ebbed out. Though it looked far from killing his mood.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Artisan That Which Souls Cling Character Portrait: Lux Fiala Character Portrait: Astrid Grünewald Character Portrait: Calliope Lordes Character Portrait: Ashen Sky Character Portrait: Nimin "Zeri" Hedrox
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1.25 INK

....she definitely didn’t have the foresight or the knowledge to have knowingly prepared a suitable offering for the Storm Mother she was about to meet. After she’d made her own peace, Lux saw fit to keep quiet as the others spoke. Offering up a few quiet, polite words of gratitude toward the shark spirit as he(?) handed her a necklace made of seashells she couldn’t identify, Lux kept her gaze averted from the spirits, doing her best to maintain a sense of sang-froid She would not allow herself to be cowed by anything she encountered today, it wasn’t something she could afford. Everyone else had their own way of handling the spirits—the best course of action for herself was likely to be conversationally selective. Extremely...selective. There was no controlling how the others acted, she could only control herself.

Astrid had already dove off into the waters below as Artisan said something about herself and Ashen making the necklaces seem fitting...? A strange compliment and one Lux wouldn’t have known how to respond to in ANY situation, anyway.

Lux stared at the evidently enchanted shell talisman in her hand, ignoring the squawking raven at her side. At least...having the thing stuck to her somehow turned out to be of benefit, either some deity of luck decided to smile upon her for once, or something was going to have one Hell of a laugh at her later over it. Assumedly, the talisman would also protect the raven from drowning as well as herself...Lux did not relish the thought of diving into the deep, dark ocean, whether offered protection from drowning or not. She never was fond of open water—maybe it had something to do with her Spark being that of Fire.

Sighing, Lux brought the enchanted necklace up and fastened it around her neck as she turned on her heel and headed back into the ship to her quarters to fetch her cloak. Perhaps it would be smarter to leave it, as it may end up heavy with seawater.... But she felt the need to have it with her, regardless. ….she also felt the need to discreetly tuck away her switch blade into one of her boots. Just…in case. Indeed, she had the Lantern with her already and was not about to leave it behind, but it was not a reliable means of defense if things went sideways.

Swallowing back the anxiety that came with the thought of diving freely into the open ocean, Lux took in a deep breath to calm herself as she headed back up to the deck. She heard the sarcastic comment made by Nimin about it being a beautiful day for least he could joke about the situation.

“So beautiful indeed, that I could just throw up....” she quipped back at the Solar as she shut her eyes and gathered her composure, shoving down her anxiety and her rationale as it fought with her over what she was about to do. Even if she knew she was protected from drowning, her sense still argued with her over what she was about to do. Lux knew well enough that if let herself think about this anymore, it’d almost be too hard, without letting another thought flit through her mind, the Fire Aspect took to a dead sprint, and leapt up over the handrail of the deck, preforming an uncharacteristically graceful dive into the dark waters below, joining Astrid.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Artisan That Which Souls Cling Character Portrait: Lux Fiala Character Portrait: Astrid Grünewald Character Portrait: Calliope Lordes Character Portrait: Ashen Sky Character Portrait: Ioa
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
OoC: Are we continuing?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Artisan That Which Souls Cling Character Portrait: Lux Fiala Character Portrait: Astrid Grünewald Character Portrait: Calliope Lordes Character Portrait: Nimin "Zeri" Hedrox
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Wake
Got side tracked by life stuff again but yeah, I'm willing to give this another shot if you all are.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Artisan That Which Souls Cling Character Portrait: Lux Fiala Character Portrait: Astrid Grünewald Character Portrait: Calliope Lordes Character Portrait: Nimin "Zeri" Hedrox
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Wake
Got side tracked by life stuff again but yeah, I'm willing to give this another shot if you all are.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Artisan That Which Souls Cling Character Portrait: Lux Fiala Character Portrait: Astrid Grünewald Character Portrait: Calliope Lordes Character Portrait: Ashen Sky Character Portrait: Ioa
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
I'm def willing to continue or give it another shot from the start ^.^


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Artisan That Which Souls Cling Character Portrait: Lux Fiala Character Portrait: Astrid Grünewald Character Portrait: Calliope Lordes Character Portrait: Ashen Sky Character Portrait: Lydia Viletta
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
Oh, Lydia's player is also someone I know irl and they are still wanting to play as well


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Artisan That Which Souls Cling Character Portrait: Lux Fiala Character Portrait: Astrid Grünewald Character Portrait: Ashen Sky Character Portrait: Lydia Viletta Character Portrait: Nimin "Zeri" Hedrox
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Wake
The New Rp is Live, click the link to get there.