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"Just kidding."

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a character in “Fairy Tail: A New Adventure”, as played by nezzyrps



Warren Diggory
- from 'lost boy,' 'lost one'
The Dark Fairy
- a rather unpleasant nickname in his opinion; it started in a tabloid

Unknown; Says 18

Warren is rather misleading in size. He stands at only five feet tall, and looks fairly lean. However, underneath his childish appearance is a whole lot of rock hard muscle and power. He has messy blond hair, long enough to be considered shaggy, and big, lively green eyes. He usually wears a loose white shirt underneath a black vest that makes him look even shorter than he is; white pants that he rolls up to his knees; large boots without laces; and a red tie that's never quite where it should be. His skin is almost entirely bare of scars or blemishes, but he has a mysterious red dragon mark on his left bicep, and a green Fairy Tail Guild Crest on his right bicep.

Magic Type:
Caster Magic:
- Lost Magic (?):
- - Demon Slayer Magic
Holder Magic:
- - Sword Magic

Magical Spells Include:
Demon Soul
- Because he doesn't have control over this spell yet, Warren calls this 'Dark Mode' when it's triggered, as for him it's like he blacks out. In more minor cases, the effects could last only a few minutes, the only visible signs being a mark on his forehead and his eyes and the mark on his left bicep turning purple. In more major cases, however, it lasts until he's exhausted his magic reserves and passes out; with this, the darkness spreads over up to half of his body. Demon Soul multiplies both his physical and magical strength, makes him immune to pain, and gives him the ability to manipulate 'the darkness' that takes over his mind and body. After he's run out of magic power, he's incapacitated for sometimes days at a time, asleep and unable to be woken.
- A spell that takes over when he's asleep, and heals all his wounds. If he's used Demon Soul recently, this takes at least fives times as long as it usually does. This sometimes messes with his memory, as well.
- This spell attracts other spells to him, and magnifies them. It is most often used in a self-sacrificial manner, to redirect spells that were aimed at his allies to hit him instead.

Magical Tools:
Beast Blade
- His sword was with him when he woke up in the woods, but he has no idea where he got it. The blade itself was broken a couple years ago; he doesn't remember how, because he was in 'dark mode' when it happened. It isn't quite as effective anymore, but being a magic sword, it still works well enough.

Wizard Ranking:
S Class

Warren is a pretty care free individual. While he is loyal, and some might even venture to call him noble, he can seem rather nonchalant and aloof, albeit friendly. Not much gets to him. It can be difficult to read him, as well, because he often jokes around, but he does it in such a deadpan manner it's almost impossible to distinguish between his serious words and his teasing ones. He's also an unabashed flirt; but overall, he is an amiable, cool headed person.

He's always pulling random items out of his pockets, and never has any idea how they got there in the first place. "I'm not a kid" is practically his catchphrase. It's like he doesn't know the meaning of personal space. He usually fights unarmed, partially because he always forgets to bring any weapons with him.

He doesn't remember anything from before he woke up in the woods a few miles outside Magnolia. Mavis found him and took him in. With no name or history, they started calling him 'Warren' because of what he said the first time he tried to pronounce 'Ushinawareta shōnen.' They assumed he was ten or eleven years old, because that's how old he looked. However, in the eight years since, he's hardly aged at all, especially in the face, so it's possible he's significantly older than he appears. He passed the S-Class promotion trial two years ago, although some believe he could have before that if he'd tried harder.

Strengths & Goals:
It's easy to underestimate Warren, but he is strong and sturdy, both physically and magically. He can take, and deal, obscene amounts of damage, without wearing himself out. He's been thinking about trying to learn Requip magic, but hasn't yet.
Weaknesses & Fears:
He has a tendency to overdo things without necessarily realizing it until it's too late. People underestimate him, but he underestimates them, too; and sometimes himself. If he gets pushed too far, he goes into "dark mode", which multiplies his strength immensely, but also basically evacuates him from his own mind; he won't know what he's doing, or be responsive, and afterward, he never remembers anything that happened while he was like that. Because he has such large gaps in his memory and knows so little about his own life, himself even, it's easy to make him doubt himself. He can also be rather gullible. While he heals himself regularly, he has no idea how he does it, and isn't able to heal other people.

So begins...

Warren's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Miyuzaki Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Warren Character Portrait: Azrael and Gabriel Valkyrie Character Portrait: Pommel Grade Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant
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# 7 3 D 9 2 6

First he approached Zane and wasn't even noticed, as the wizard kept walking without so much as a glance. Then, he'd put himself right up next to him, and spoke up so that he knew he would be noticed; and he was utterly ignored. In fact, it seemed Zane was acknowledging everyone but Riku. The boy froze, watching as his idol ran away. As the flash of red disappeared out the door, Riku's arm lifted, as if willing him back into the guild hall. Zane had even gone through the trouble of introducing himself to the strange girl on his way out, someone who wasn't even in the guild yet. Was Riku really that insignificant to the dragon slayer?! It was the ultimate insult to Riku's entertainer soul. He twitched a few times, then burst into tears. Poor, innocent Emerald was probably getting doused while Riku wailed, rolling back and forth on the table in front of her in his fit.

His cries drew a lot of attention, especially from the motherly Magpie; but as soon as he saw the Valkyrie twins, his fit stopped just as quickly as it had started. His tears practically sucked right back into his eyes, face drying in an instant. "Hey!" he greeted them, his own devastation forgotten. They dropped a bag of something in front of him, and the boy rolled back up to sit criss-cross on top of the table, peering curiously down at the package. He opened it quickly, and just like that, he was grinning again. His favorite! So were the twins. "Thank youuuu!" he called after their retreating forms, waving one arm wildly while his other hand plunged into the bag of sweets. Once again, the young wizard was grinning from ear to ear. Of course, he had forgotten all about the agreement he'd made with Magpie, and was probably about to be squashed by Carson.

# 3 3 6 6 6 6

Mary narrowed her eyes at Slick, but she couldn't help her smile however she tried. She probably enjoyed his banter significantly more than most. In fact, from what she'd seen, he wasn't particularly popular with the ladies of the guild, despite his charm- or perhaps because of it. He was right, Pommel seemed to find him even less tolerable than she found most men. Wynter, too, seemed more likely to deck him than buddy up. Magpie, on the other hand, found him roguish in the good way rather than the bad.

A bright grin took over her face, and she wrapped one arm around Slick's back briefly. "Yay, Pommel!" was all she managed to say, but her chest swelled with pride. It had taken two years, but the teenager was finally becoming a full-fledged, job-taking guild wizard. Mary laughed as she was jostled, honestly almost missing the fact that Slick was pulling out drinks. She was very much into the celebration, though, humming happily and stretching one arm over her head.

Her earlier feeling had been correct, it was turning out to be a great day. Emerald was slowly but surely coming out of her shell; Mel was growing up, and getting attention from her idol at last; and they were getting a new member! It was certainly a progress filled morning, at the very least. Although, now that she thought about it, she hadn't been entirely productive herself yet. Perhaps she should go take a look at the job board, too.

Before she could continue that train of thought, she realized that Slick wasn't sharing her excitement regarding the Wynter-Pommel situation. She settled down, watching him thoughtfully and munching on her cookie. Eventually, she looked away from Slick, and back toward the door- just in time to see their newcomer leave. Mavis hadn't scared the poor girl off, had she? Not again... A second look at the guild leader's face, though, and she realized that she'd sent the newbie off after the others. Just how many people was going to be necessary to help Pommel?

Worry set quickly into Mary's stomach, eating away at her as she stared at the doors. A million possibilities ran through her mind. Not one but two S Class wizards had run after the girl. Had Pommel taken an S-Class quest by mistake? Or, perhaps, had she done it on purpose? Surely she wouldn't be so reckless as to take on a job so much bigger than her abilities just to potentially catch Cold Steel's attention. ...Right?

Mary was so caught up in her thoughts, she didn't even register that Slick has started to ask her something. What if Pommel ran right into a lion's den? What if she was, right now, being eaten by a monster? What if she was trying to take down a dark guild like Zane had, just to prove herself? What if-

With a soft gasp, Magpie's eyes widened. Her hand had long since moved to her belly, both drink and cookie forgotten on the counter. She closed her eyes briefly, as though that would banish the memories of her village's destruction. Her hand closed into a fist, which gathered a bunch of the cloth covering her belly. She forced those thoughts from her mind; she had to be rational here. If the situation was as bad as that, Mavis would have said something. Pommel had both Zane and Wynter to protect her- plus the guild's newest member. She would be fine. She would be fine.

Finally pulling herself from her thoughts, Magpie unbuttoned her blouse while turning back to face the bar. She shrugged it off, leaving behind a top that was closer to being a bra or bikini than a shirt, and folded it up neatly. Able to cool down, she was more comfortable then, and set the folded shirt on the counter beside her drink. She looked back over to Slick then, only now registering that people had been speaking around her before. "Oh- sorry, wha-?" she started to ask, but just then, Carson saw in a reflection what had happened to his face.

# E 6 8 0 1 A

Warren hopped off the train in Magnolia at the last second; just in time to be nearly bowled over by a cherry haired streak. He blinked once, then looked back at the train as it pulled away from the station. "Was that Pommel?" Since when did she ever leave the guild hall? He pondered this while walking back toward the place. Soon, another flash went past, and Warren chuckled, waving over his shoulder. "See you later, Steel!" He ended up talking to himself some more as he went, savoring the feel of Magnolia. He'd been out on a job for a while, as he often was, and he'd certainly missed this place. "It would be a female knight to save that princess. Cherry wouldn't have it any other way. Too bad, I'd love to rescue her myself."

As he neared the guild hall, another, shorter wizard sprinted out the doors. Warren laughed wholeheartedly, calling out after Zane, "You get 'em, buddy! Go easy on 'em, okay?" With those two gone, he didn't expect to see anyone else running out, so he just hung out outside for a minute to appreciate the appearance of the guild hall. While some of the guild members, such as Pommel, rarely left the guild hall, Warren was rarely there for long. There was always something to do, some job to take out of town, so he really only got to sit back and relax with the others for a few hours, maybe a day or two at a time. It was good to be back.

Then, he was surprised. Rin came out, seeming oblivious to his presence. Not that that was a surprise- he was incredibly short for his age (at least, he assumed he was) and blended in well with the general populace of Magnolia town. If anything, most would mistake him for a curious kid, if they noticed him at all. Unless, of course, they were regular subscribers to Sorcerer's Weekly or members of Fairy Tail themselves. Although the girl had just exited their guild hall, he was sure he hadn't seen her before, and there was no Fairy Tail guild mark on her; and you can be sure he checked all over. No way would he ever forget a body like that, so if she was a member of the guild, she had to be new. And a celestial spirit wizard, from the look of things! "Looks like I got back just in time!" he chuckled to himself, rubbing the back of his neck as the girl took off on a winged horse. He continued to watch her for a few seconds before finally entering the guild hall.

Immediately, he was hit by a wave of cacophonous shouts; home sweet home. Carson Glaise was chasing Rikuyashi Bado around the room, hurling chairs and hollering something that Warren could only assume had to do with the paint all over the man's face. He wondered who would interfere first; Mavis herself, who he didn't actually know where was, or Magpie, who was seated at the counter looking like a ticking time bomb.

"Help meeeee! Riku wailed, crying a fountain of tears as he ran, arms flailing in front of him. The kid soon dashed under a table, grabbing onto the legs of Emerald's chair- another wizard Warren was sure he hadn't met yet. "I was just making him prettier," he cried, bottom lip stuck out and quivering as he looked up at Emerald with big teary eyes.

It looked like Magpie would be the one to intervene. He hadn't even seen her move from her seat, but just when Carson was about to send an explosion after the kid, the woman stepped in with a "Reverse!" The attack doubled back on Carson, knocking him back, and left Mary's arm burning. Carson's sleepy eyes widened. Riku looked like he was about to thank her, but then he saw the look on her face, and everyone knew what that scary look meant. Both boys hurried to each side of her, Carson somehow looking slightly more miserable than Riku even; possibly because of all the paint. Magpie tapped his nose sternly, "We do not attack guild mates. You settle things calmly, like a grown up. Understand?"

Okay, maybe it wasn't just a trick of paint. Carson was, after all, actually older than the woman scolding him. "Understood," he muttered gruffly. Warren pressed his lips together, trying not to laugh. He didn't want her coming after him next.

Riku had started to smile, but that was wiped away the instant Magpie turned on him. "Riku. Remember what we talked about?"

Riku nodded his head forward, lips waving like a traumatized cartoon. "Yes, ma'am."

Mary straightened up, and just like that, her scary face disappeared, replaced by a warm smile. "Good!" She held her thumb and index finger up near her face, still smiling. "Now say you're sorry."

Carson grumbled his apology, looking like he was about to fall asleep again quite frankly. Riku, though, wailed his, tears welling up in his eyes again. "I'm sorry, Mr. Carson!"

Mary pat their heads cheerily and returned to the counter, taking her seat next to Slick and leaving Riku to dutifully start cleaning the paint off Carson's face while the man glared at all the chairs he'd thrown. Wrists resting on his hips, Warren finally let out a laugh, addressing the whole of the guild hall. "Well you all seem as lively as when I left you!" Not for the first time, Warren thought about asking Mavis if he could stay at the guild hall awhile, and tend bar.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Miyuzaki Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Warren Character Portrait: Azrael and Gabriel Valkyrie Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant Character Portrait: Slick
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#, as written by Tanman

Finishing up another swig of his drink, Slick turned back towards Mary, wiping his mouth of the remaining foam. After catching sight of her stripping down, he quickly turned back to his drink, sculling down the rest. Hot damn he would never get used to her doing that! He knew the Mother Bird of the guild didn’t like the heat, but seeing her so confidently flaunt her body still caused him to falter. The gentleman in him declared it rude to stare, but the hot-blooded young male debated otherwise in his mind. Instead, he settled on a compromise, peering to the side of his glasses at Magpie while still tipping up the rest of his drink. For a moment, she seemed to want to question what he’d been talking about, but it was about then that Carson seemed to get his bearings. Slick watched the restraint slowly drain from his guild mate, and chuckled a bit, letting Magpie handle the babysitting. After all, she seemed to enjoy that sort of thing.

"Reverse!" Slick watched Mary wince from the feedback of her magic, striding over to stop the commotion between the boys. Like diligent charges, both moved to her side to receive their discipline, Slick openly laughing aloud as he slapped his leg. Man, he’d never get sick of the atmosphere at his guild. Gesturing to Mary as she returned, Slick winked. “Remind me to avoid you next promotional trial; I dunno if I’d be able to take you Mags.” Chuckling some more, he turned as a familiar voice rang out over the guild hall.

"Well you all seem as lively as when I left you!" The declaration came from by the entrance, Warren standing proudly and grinning like a fool. Slick was quick to wave him down, shouting across the hall.

“Yo, Warren, back so soon? Or did you hear about the new birdy we just got?” Slick sat up and headed to meet the fellow, giving him a firm cross between a high-five and a handshake. Even for the kid that he was, the two had some mutual ground in their appreciation of the ladies, and had at least a general sense of friendly comradery. Using his grip to pull Warren in close, Slick whispered a few choice words about the bust-waist-hip measurements of the Celestial Spirit Mage before they broke, striding back over to the bar in order for Warren to tell his tales to Mary and himself.

When he was done, Slick chuckled some, sitting up. “Well, speaking of jobs, I better earn my keep and get to training. I ain’t being outdone this year.” Placing a fist to his palm, he was of course referring to the promotional examination to become an S-ranked wizard at the guild. First had been Wynter, then Zane, Warren and Jazz last year. Four years running he’d missed his chance, but if his competition was going to be the twins, Mags and Carson, he didn’t feel he had too much to worry about. Assuming Crez wasn’t interested in the trial, he had his partner all set. He just needed one more shot. Briefly, he contemplated the new guild member before shaking his head. Celestial Spirit Mages were a bit of a joke compared to real mages. She wouldn't be any trouble.

“So unless you two will miss me, I better get going.” Taking the job from his pocket, Slick unfurled it, giving it another double check on what was going to be required of himâ€Ļ


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Warren Character Portrait: Emerald Jay Character Portrait: Slick Character Portrait: Riku Character Portrait: Magpie
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Image X Image
# 3 3 6 6 6 6X XXX X# E 6 8 0 1 A

"Oh," Mary looked at Slick in shocked for a split second, then shook her hands and smiled bashfully. "Oh no, I'm sure you could take me down if you tried!" She looked over, too, when she heard Warren, and waved hello while hopping back onto a bar stool.

"Ha-hey!" Warren practically cheered his greeting to the man. His grip was firm, and he pat Slick's back jovially when he was pulled in. "Those bandits didn't take long to handle, but the new girl sure makes it worth the trip back. I was worried for a second we'd never see her again. Good to know she's really joinin'." He grinned as they made their way back to the counter, where he situated himself between the other two. He accepted Mary's beer without any verbal communication, and leaned back on the bar as he downed it. Refreshing. "These jerks were goin' around robbing the little villages south of here, so I locked 'em up. They were a lot easier to deal with than I expected. Turns out one of them used this magic that made copies of them, so the villagers all thought there were at least fifty, but it was really just four. Five if you count their doggy." His story finished, Warren grinned and reached to refill his drink.

"Well, speaking of jobs, I better earn my keep and get to training. I ain’t being outdone this year. So unless you two will miss me, I better get going."

Warren was ready to bid his pal farewell, but then Magpie leaned across his lap so she could hug Slick. "Don't be silly. Of course we'll miss you!" Warren might have interrupted then, but he was a bit preoccupied committing this moment to memory. His head cocked to the side so he could check out Mary's rear from another angle. Mary didn't seem to notice, all of her attention still on giving Slick an affectionate goodbye. His words had reminded her of her earlier thoughts, however, so she'd be going to check out the board for a job herself soon. "Have fun, okay?"

# 7 3 D 9 2 6

It took Riku a minute or two to get all the paint off Carson's face, the way the man was glaring at everything. Afterward, they probably should have gone around cleaning up the rest of the guild hall, but Carson fell back asleep and Riku didn't think that sounded very fun so instead he hopped back over to Emerald; and, more to the point, his bag of sweets. He sat cross-legged atop the table in front of her. "Phew!" he wiped his forehead in relief. "Good thing he didn't throw this table! That would have sucked." He grinned at Emerald, finally digging in to the sweets. "Want some?" he giggled with a prolonged wink.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Miyuzaki Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Warren Character Portrait: Azrael and Gabriel Valkyrie Character Portrait: Pommel Grade Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant
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#, as written by Tanman
Pommel Grade

Dark. Slimy. Gross! Pommel would have screamed, if not for the fact that she was worried about getting this-this thing’s spit in her mouth! Flailing about, she couldn’t get enough traction to make a decent cut as the tongue began wrapping around and pinning her by the waist, attempting to drag her deeper into the pit of its belly. Reaching her arms out, Pommel attempted to grab hold of something, anything to save her. ”Please, someoneâ€Ļ!”

Suddenly, there was light, the slimy insides parting way and tearing at the seams as they were sliced to ribbons, yet none of the slices strayed too close to Pommel, eventually leaving her unscathed as a hand reached to her, taking hold just above her hips and pulling her up and free of the now limp tongue. Shaking the gunk from her hair and eyes, she was met with the face of her idol, her brow and mouth intensely firm, but her eyes reflecting the worry hidden behind it all.

"And who said you were useless?" Her saviour spoke. Pommel stared back to Wynter, whose expression had changed slightly. Gone was the fierce warrior, replaced instead by a silent determination and knowing wisdom. Slowly, Wynter released Pommel, letting her ease onto her feet before turning back to face the monsters, striding forward a few paces before stopping, her back to the young mage. As the light of her magic faded, returning a number of her weapons from whence they came, the few sparkles remaining silhouetted Cold Steel, forever burning the memory into Pommel’s mind.

"We all have our starting points. We can't expect to be great just from the start.” Cold Steel spoke, a moment of clarity and peace amongst the chaos of the battle. Time seemed to hang a moment as Pommel continued to stare at her back, mesmerised in thought, before just like that, she darted forward, launching back into combat with some more monsters. All the while, Pommel sat, watching the fight. But somehow, it was different from before. Like she was seeing it in a completely different light. As the last of the beasts near them fell, Wynter rested her spear to the ground, a soft and far gentler smile crossing her face as she turned to Pommel.

"I think you helped more than you realize. I'm certain Zane couldn't handle this on his own, thus you had brought both yourself and me into this job." Pommel blinked, realising that once again, she was being addressed. Tentatively, she raised a hand to speak, but stopped herself. As kind as Wynter’s words were, Pommel could only see them as an attempt to alleviate the guilt she was feeling. It had never been her intention to have things be like this, and she couldn’t take credit for such an idiotic mistake that she’d made. In some respects, this was worse than a lecture. Here she was, listening to her idol give her pity and sympathy, almost as if she hadn’t earned the right to hear the harsh truths.

Looking to the right, she could see Zane still enjoying himself, tackling monsters with all the strength and valour of a hero. Would she ever be on the level of these people? Could she ever compete with them? Or was she to be doomed to the mediocrity and failure like today had brought her? Looking down to her reflection in the ice, she looked like a mess. Her hair was slimy, dulled and tangled. Her clothes were disheveled and torn. She had minor bruises and cuts all over, and worst of all: It was obvious that she’d been crying. This was what Wynter saw. She wasn’t anything special. She wasn’t strong.


â€ĻAnd yet.


â€ĻPommel smiled. Smiled to the girl staring back at her in the reflection. Giving her the smile she needed to keep going, replaying the words in her head once more.

"We all have our starting pointsâ€Ļ

"â€ĻWe can't expect to be great just from the start.” She finished, getting up and standing tall once more.

She wasn’t great. She was terrible, a horrible mess. But that wasn’t always going to be the case. She could be great. Slowly, steadily, she cleaned the slime from her outfit, looking back up to Wynter with her own determination. She wasn’t as good as Wynter or Zane. But deep down in her heart, she knew she could be. This was going to be her start. And when she finishedâ€Ļ Well, maybe she wouldn’t have to force that smile in the reflection.

As her resolve kicked in, it almost seemed as if Wynter could sense it, moving over to Pommel and standing before her. "If you want, I can teach you how to fight, since I notice you use blades on your arms" Wynter had glanced down to the girl briefly, before scanning the room for more threats. When her face returned back to Pommel, she’d be greeted with what was possible the most heart-warming of expressions. Tearful, but this time in joy, Pommel could only stammer in flustered joy, her blades reverting to hands as she fiddled her fingers. “I-Hama-wh-ahâ€Ļthe..buh- they..ahhm..uh-hah-“ Pommel had no way to formulate her words correctly, and instead seemed to be lost in adorable girlish embarrassment. Finally, she managed to take a deep breath, her face completely scarlet as she tightly gripped her hands to stop fidgeting, looking down from Wynter so as not to lose her focus again. Then, through a cracked voice, she finally managed to get enough of sound bite together that it made sense.

“Yes.” She squeaked out, barely audible more than a whisper. For a moment, Pommel hesitated, knowing she needed far more strength than that to truly communicate how she felt. She needed to show her conviction to Wynter. Taking another deep breath, she dived into Wynter, nearly taking her off her feet as she hugged her.

“Yes! Yes! I’d love that!” Pommel was laughing now, her smile from ear to ear as she grinned, teeth bared in genuine happiness. Unfortunately for Wynter, this had the unintended consequence of Pommel getting the slimy Gorgirog juices all over her Masamune armour, but alas, at least Pommel was happy.


Pommel jumped a bit at the loud noise, turning to spot the source. Tracing the smooshed spider in the wall, and the new figure she didn’t recognise walking away, eventually her eyes landed on the girl a bit across the room. “Huuhh!” As Pommel sharply inhaled, Wynter could feel the trembling from the girl's arms as she blinked, confirming that she was really seeing who she thought she was. T-this couldn’t be possible! It was really her! The celestial wolf herself?! What in the world would she be doing here if-Wait, was she here on her own mission to eradicate the monsters? Pommel sighed in admiration, Wynter temporarily forgotten as she gushed over the new arrival, playing back information from Sorcerer’s Weekly in her head. She was even prettier in person! A heavenly body to match her celestial nature! Oh my gosh was that her bow?! Eeeee! This was so exciting! She was meeting another of her idols in the same day! Gosh, if that dork Zane wasn’t here and she could have Jazz, Candice and Magpie around she’d be in heaven!

Making ga-ga noises, Pommel’s earlier trauma was all but forgotten as she turned to Wynter excitedly, pretending like Rin hadn’t already noticed them and hurriedly trying to fix her hair and outfit. “H-how do I look? Is my hair good? What about my dress?” Baffling Cold Steel with her questions, Pommel eventually got a hold of herself long enough to make her way over to Rin, sparkles once again in her eyes as she asked her question.

“A-are you THE Rin?” She moved in even closer. Surprisingly, she seemed a lot shorter than what Sorcerer’s weekly made her out to be, not much taller than Pommel herself. As Rin barely managed to get out her answer, she grabbed hold of both her hands, pulling them up in front of her.

“Y-you’re amazing! C-can I have an autograph? I-is it true you accepted most eligible bachelorette award from Sorcerer’s weekly?!” Pommel pushed in, barely giving the girl a chance to answer her somewhat pushy questions, as well as completely preventing the girl access to her bow and arrow in her excessive excitement. Eyes catching sight of a glint on her outfit, Pommel continued her barrage of questions. “Oh my gosh, are those the spirit keys?! Was that a spirit just now?! Can I meet one? Wait, were you here for a mission? If it’s to do with the monsters we can all work together!” Barely pausing for breath, and probably intimately invading Rin’s private space, Pommel was so excited she would barely register Rin’s body language, nor her surroundings.

Suddenly, the worst day in the world had become the best day ever.


Slick paused a moment as he felt tender arms wrap around him, along with two bouncy buddies pressed against his chest. Was it warm in here, or was it just him? Doing his best to retain his cool composure (After all, he’d chosen the name ‘Slick’ for a reason), the affectionate hug was just a bit too much for the poor (See: Lucky) guy. Stumbling a bit, he looked away from Magpie, hiding his slight embarrassment as he scratched his head. Hoo-boy, Mary really did know how to push his buttons. Swallowing, he noted Warren’s lecherous and unabashed appreciation of Mary’s – Ahem -‘Derriere’. It was so crass the way that boy acted, but then again, he’d been the same in his youth.

"Have fun, okay?" Magpie added sweetly, reminding Slick of just what it was that she was hugging him for. That was enough to bring his thoughts back into line, as he was heading off on his own. Like usual. “Yeahâ€Ļ Yeah, you too Mags.” Slick stated slowly, before remembering himself. “I mean, with goodbyes like that, I should head out more often, am I right?” Hiding his earlier thoughts behind jovial laughter, he shrugged free of Mary’s grip, heading past the noticeboard and the twins on the way out. “You take care too Warren.” He stated simply with a two fingered wave over his shoulder.

That was supposed to be his goodbye line, but he was briefly stopped by Vernon, the man just done with his lecture from Mavis. With a practiced smoothness that the two had rehearsed a hundred times, Vernon slipped Slick another piece of paper, one of the newest jobs that had come in. “This the latest one?” Slick asked, standing beside the man briefly. “Yeah, the only copies are in my records. They didn’t even reach the board with me around.” Vernon replied, smirking in spite of himself.

Slick nodded, patting him on the shoulder. “I owe you one pal.” He stated simply, continuing on the way past. Without a moment’s hesitation, he tossed the job into the lit fireplace, letting it go up in flames. Some secrets were better left buried. With that taken care of, Slick needed to head down to the station, his job just out past Eloria. Seemed some archaeologists had discovered a set of trapped ruins with a rare artifact hidden deep inside. In this case, they needed a wizard to navigate the dungeon and recover the treasure. With his perception and grace, it was the perfect opportunity for an easy job, as avoiding or disarming the dangers of the temple should be easy for him.

Unlike a certain princess, Slick was not so lucky as to catch the train immediately, instead taking a seat on one of the benches to wait for the next train. Adjusting his cuffs and glancing about to see if anyone was around, he pulled out a small coin, and began running it through his fingers as he waited.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Warren Character Portrait: Slick Character Portrait: Magpie
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Warren continued to take in Mary exceptional body the whole time she was leaned over like that. Even when he continued to drink, he angled himself to he could peer over or around the mug at her, a smirk firmly planted on his face. He was almost disappointed when Slick finally shrugged out of her grip, because it caused her to sit back up; but not without temporarily losing her balance first. He got in one good butt pat 'n grab that kept the woman from falling off her stool, so he was satisfied.

"See you later!" he called with a grateful wave. "Who knows? Maybe if you're lucky, she'll greet you in a similar fashion when you get back!" He turned to look at Mary then, voice lowering as he was speaking to her directly then. "Hey, how come I never get goodbyes like that?"

Magpie had gone to finish her cookie, and was once again inhibited from giving a verbal response, but she smiled and pat Warren on the head. He laughed briefly, then returned his attention to his drink, eyes moving through the rest of the guild hall. Once she'd finished eating, Mary moved the tray of remaining cookies to offer some to Warren, and got up to go check out the job board for herself. "Going already?" he lifted a brow, but smiled and waved, mumbling to himself. "Hate to see her go but love to watch her leave..."

Warren let out a low whistle, then sighed. With those two gone, he was left alone at the bar, which wasn't how he wanted to spend his time at home. Once again, he wondered where Mavis was, but figured if Team Dragonsteel had run off somewhere that she was probably worrying over the budget somewhere. Big green eyes searched the crowd for someone interesting to talk to, or at least another pretty lady to pass the time with.

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Mary always got the feeling that Slick wasn't used to much in the way of affection. For better or worse, that just made her want to make sure she showed him warmth even more. An odd sentiment to come from an Ice Make wizard, but still. While she was a caring person in general, at least ever since joining Fairy Tail, there were a few members that she paid special attention to, whether they knew it or not; Riku, Pommel, and Slick included. Riku and Pommel, though, she sort of thought of as her children. That was definitely not the case with Slick.

She didn't say anything else to him, partially because she figured leaving out any response from her would help him save face, but mostly because without her arms around him she was thrown off balance. Mary didn't believe for a second that Warren had touched her that way for any reason other than to feel her up, but since it still actually helped her, she decided not scold him for it. She pushed a bit harshly off his leg to sit herself back up on her own stool, but he didn't seem to notice. With a wave to Slick that he probably didn't see, she turned back to the items in front of her. With her drink given away to Warren, all that was left was her blouse and a partly eaten cookie. Finishing off the cookie quickly with big bites, she used her full mouth as an excuse to avoid explaining the situation to Warren.

Once finished, she quickly slipped away to take a look at the noticeboard. "Hello Vernon," she greeted with a smile before perusing the jobs listed. It took a couple minutes, but she soon realized that there was a strangely high number of jobs coming in from the same area... Her earlier thoughts crept up on her, and she once again worried that the others might have run into a Dark Guild. After the decimation of her own home, the deaths of everyone she knew... she hadn't been able to save her daughter then, and it was the sole reason she'd spent almost half of her life training to be stronger. If Pommel was hurt by Dark Wizards on this job she'd taken, and Mary failed to protect her, she might never forgive herself.

Just as she was starting to lose sight of what was right in front of her, a certain flier drew her eye. She pulled it down almost instantly, and looked back to Vernon. "Put me down for this one, okay?" After the brief exchange, Mary strode quickly out of the guild hall. Children had been going missing from the area north of there, the same general place that the other jobs had been coming in from. It didn't necessarily mean Dark Guild activity, but there was definitely something going on. She had to push everything else from her mind and focus, because no matter what the cause was, there were kids in trouble. Pommel had at least two S-Class wizards with her. From the look of things, those kids had no one. As hard as it was, she had to trust that Wynter and Zane would protect Pommel. She tried to focus on the fact that Wynter had gone after the girl, so Pommel had to be overjoyed.

Still, once Mary was away from the guild hall, she reverted to her usual self. That is, the way she was when no one was around. She slipped her blouse back on, but left it unbuttoned, and slid the job flier into her pocket. Her eyes stayed pointed at the ground as she walked, hair falling forward to hide her face from most unknown passersby. Her bright smile was gone, warm energy nowhere to be found. As she walked to the train station, she thought of Magdalene, and her determination solidified. She would finish this mission, whatever it took.

Her eyes didn't lift from the ground until she'd reached the train station, when she finally looked up to check the schedule. It would be a little while until the next one came, so she sat down without so much as a glance around. She merely looked down at her hands, one hand moving to her belly while she waited. In her other hand, a small bird of ice began to take form.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Warren Character Portrait: Emerald Jay Character Portrait: Riku
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0.00 INK

Emerald Jay

Riku being chased by the older wizard she now knew to be Carson was oddly funny to watch. Emerald had sat there with a bewildered look on her face until Riku had sat on the table again. "Good thing he didn't throw this table! That would have sucked."

"That sort of thing happen often?" Emerald gave the boy an amused smile, shaking her head a little as he offered her some of the sweets he was eating. "I'm good thanks, all yours."

Seeing as she would likely no longer be able to read anything, she shoved put her books in a pile, stretching a little from her seat. "I think I'm going to get a drink, you want something?" After waiting for a moment to see his reply, she stood up, stretching once more before picking up her books and heading over to the bar.

Emerald wouldn't leave her books alone while in the guild hall again. The last time someone had accidentally ruined them during a friendly brawl so now she wasn't taking any chances.

Placing the books on the bar's surface, the green-haired girl half collapsed onto the seat in front of her. She had to pass so many people on the way over it was almost scary. So much smiling. Still, she figured that maybe it wouldn't be too long until she got used to it all. Hopefully.

A glass of water was placed in front of her and she smiled gratefully at Alicia before taking a sip. It was only then that she took a moment to look around from where she was, giving a small smile to the blond guy a couple of seats over before looking down at her glass again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Warren Character Portrait: Emerald Jay Character Portrait: Riku
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0.00 INK

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Riku shrugged, talking with his mouth full of sweets. "Not that often. Just, like, once or twice a day." If it were anyone else, one might assume they'd purposely undersold the chaos with that original statement, but Riku really didn't think it was very often. This sort of thing was normal to him, since he'd been living at the guild hall for two years. Plus, even before he joined Fairy Tail, he lived a fairly hectic life, always moving around and overdoing everything. Really, this place was a perfect fit for him.

Riku hummed, looking up thoughtfully at Emerald. After a second, he perked up, grinning ear to ear after swallowing enough sweets to choke a normal person. "Ooh, can you see if they have chocolate milk for me? Thanks!" He waved with one hand, while grabbing some more sweets with his other.

Warren was still lounging at the bar, splitting his attention between the beer in his hand and the females scattered through the guild hall. He didn't notice right away when Emerald approached, but soon his flirty senses were tingling. He peered over just in time to catch a smile from the green haired girl, and just like that, he'd hopped over multiple seats, and was perched on the stool right next to her. "Today must be my lucky day. You must be pretty new if I've never seen you before. My name's Warren. May I ask your name, gorgeous?" While he and a few other men in the guild shared some traits, namely Slick and Crez, they were definitely opposite sides of the same coin. Warren had none of Slick's subtlety, and no sense of personal space.

Meanwhile, Riku was now realizing that he'd been left alone. This meant he was getting no attention, and that just wouldn't do. He looked around at everyone, conversing with each other and not a single eye on him, and immediately he started hatching a plan to draw all eyes. Digging some painting supplies out of his backpack, he stowed away what little sweets were left and started painting on the table. Soon enough, the whole structure was covered in his masterpiece; and just when he was done, the painting came to life. A massive tree burst from the table, sprouting curious looking fruits in all colors. "Hey guuuys!" he laughed, and began climbing the tree. There was no way he'd be ignored now! "Look what I made! Cool, huh?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Warren Character Portrait: Azrael and Gabriel Valkyrie Character Portrait: Emerald Jay Character Portrait: Riku
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0.00 INK

Emerald Jay

"Today must be my lucky day. You must be pretty new if I've never seen you before. My name's Warren. May I ask your name, gorgeous?"

"E-Ehh?" Emerald blinked a few times, looking up at the blonde guy who was suddenly right next to her. She hadn't expected him to notice her smile a couple of minutes ago, let alone respond to it. The green-haired girl looked over to Alicia for help, but the blonde bartender was busy preparing Riku's chocolate milk so it seemed that she was on her own for now.

Sighing a little under her breath, not entirely comfortable with someone else so close to her, she gave another hesitant smile to the blonde next to her. "Emerald. Nice to meet you too." She quickly took another sip of her water, giving her books another longing look before figuring that he wasn't likely going to leave her alone for a while. "This is nearly the end of my second month here, so..."

A pale hand shot across her vision, taking the chocolate milk that she knew was for Riku. Following the hand, she looked up to see the black-haired half of the Valkyrie brothers who nodded in Riku's direction where she now noticed the boy was causing a scene. Was that a tree coming out of the table?

Nodding her thanks as Gabriel headed over towards Riku, she turned back to Warren. "How long have you been in the guild for?"

Azrael Valkyrie & Gabriel Valkyrie

The pair hadn't been looking at the request board for long when Magpie had come over, selected a job and left the guild. In the background, they heard a slight commotion coming from the table they knew Riku was at.

"Look what I made! Cool, huh?"

Azrael facepalmed at the site of the boy hanging from a tree he'd made with his Pict magic while Gabriel merely sighed at the scene. "You pick a job out, I'll see if I can get something to calm him down."

"Got it." Azrael turned to examine the requests more closely. With how Riku was seeking attention maybe a job could distract him.

Meanwhile, Gabriel headed over to the bar, noting the green-haired girl who had been with Riku earlier being hit on by Warren. Collecting the chocolate milk from Alicia who was about to send it over with her Telekinesis magic, Gabriel gestured in the blue-haired boy's direction at Emerald's curious gaze. At her acceptance, he mentally wished her luck with Warren, though she seemed to be in tact for now.

Chocolate milk in hand, the black-haired teen headed over to the tree and once stood at the table it had sprung from. "Riku, your drink is here."

Azrael by this point had picked out a request. Glancing over seeing his brother trying to coax the younger teen down, the silver haired boy turned to Vernon. "We're taking Riku on this one, get him out for a bit." That done, he headed over to his twin, shoving the request in his face.

Reading it over, Gabriel gave a nod in acceptance. "If you come down we'll take you on a job Riku." Azrael then placed the request on the table for Riku to read.

The request was located toward the northern part of Fiore and would give them 100,000 Jewel for protecting an art collection from thieves for a day or so.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Warren Character Portrait: Azrael and Gabriel Valkyrie Character Portrait: Emerald Jay Character Portrait: Riku
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0.00 INK

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Warren's smile disappered just long enough for him to utter a quiet "Huh?" Then it returned, and he tilted his head toward the girl. "Wow, guess I really should come home more if I'm missing ladies like you." He rubbed the back of his neck as he spoke, like he was embarrassed he hadn't met her sooner. "Well, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance at last."

He looked up when he heard Riku shout, and waved with two of his fingers half down at one of the Valkyrie twins. He always had trouble telling the two apart, even though they had obvious differences; he forgot which was which, and got their personalities mixed up in his mind. It might have been a side effect of all his memory loss. Whichever boy it was, though, Warren figured he could handle the kid's antics. Riku was always more responsive to the twins' reasoning than pretty much anyone else's. He chuckled a bit as he watched them and the kid, but even the appearance of a magic tree wasn't enough to take Warren's attention away from a girl for more than a second or two.

"Oh," he smiled, turning back to Emerald. "It's been about... eight years now? Time sure does fly around here." He shrugged. "What kind of magic do you use?"

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Riku hopped around from branch to branch, swinging to and fro. Every fruit on the tree was different. He picked one, and it promptly burst, splashing paint all over the leaves. Another exploded when he touched it, rainbow fireworks lighting up the guild hall.

When the twins reached the table, the boy finally settled on one branch; he hung upside down from it, legs hooked to keep him from falling on his head as he swung. "That should go really well with the blue fruit! Thanks!" he grinned, but didn't come down. He laughed loudly when Azrael shoved the job flier in Gabriel's face, arms stretching like he thought he could reach his glass of milk and desired fruit at the same time, when really his arms weren't long enough for either.

"If you come down we'll take you on a job Riku."

The boy's face immediately lit up. A job with the twins?! Even his tree wasn't that fun! His hands curled into tight fists, tucked up under his chin as he wiggled with glee. "Really?" he asked, stars in his eyes. He threw his body in a circle around the branch, and leapt down, landing expertly on one knee. He quickly scanned over the job request, and gasped softly. "This is perfect..." he mumbled a bit in awe. Jumping to his feet, Riku puffed out his chest. One fist perched on his hip while his other hand readjusted his goggles just for the added effect, he looked at the twins. "What are we waiting for? Let's get going!" the boy cheered.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Warren Character Portrait: Azrael and Gabriel Valkyrie Character Portrait: Anastasia Character Portrait: Emerald Jay Character Portrait: Riku
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0.00 INK

Emerald Jay

“Oh,” Warren turned back to face her after Gabriel had left. "It's been about... eight years now? Time sure does fly around here."

”Eight years? Wow...” Emerald smiled a little at him then responded to his question about her magic. ”My magic? Archive is my specialty, though I’m learning some Jutsu Shiki as well. I guess I’m learning with both really...” She frowned a little, her usual doubt in her abilities rising to the surface, though unlike most times she managed to shake herself out of it, she did have company after all. Warren seemed nice enough; she didn’t want to bother him with her self-deprecating thoughts. Instead she decided to throw his question back at him. ”How about you? What sort of magic do you use?”

Azrael Valkyrie & Gabriel Valkyrie

”Really?” Gabriel nodded at the boy, smiling softly at the excitement that seemed to radiate from him as Riku read over the job request. ”This is perfect...”

Azrael’s response to the mumbled statement was a smirk. ”Of course it is, I picked it after all.” Gabriel swiftly smacked his brother over the head.

”Idiot.” He muttered without heat, rolling his eyes at the proud grin his twin gave in return.

”What are we waiting for? Let’s get going!”

”Got everything you need?"

Azrael groaned a little. ”I knew I forgot something..." "Your brain?" "I’ll meet the both of you at the station, ok?” The silver-haired teen finished what he was saying, ignoring Gabriel's interruption. Then he turned and ran out of the guild, mumbling about annoying brothers.

Rolling his eyes again at his twin’s antics, Gabriel turned to Riku and smiled a little. ”If you need to grab something we can do that now, if not we can either follow after Val or meet him at the station, up to you.” Honestly he didn’t really mind, though by now Azrael had a few minutes head start on them, still he would let Riku decide, they were taking the job because of him after all.


”Finished!” She smiled a little, holding up Fang in front of her, the fox doll housing her brother’s soul had gotten torn during her last mission. Although it had been a simple job to rid a town of a group of bandits who had been terrorising the residents, Fang had gotten a little too into the fight and had ended up almost losing an ear in the process.

Still, now he was fixed. Setting the fox onto her knees, Anastasia tapped him on the nose. "Bad big brother, no more rushing into fights, ok?" The attempted scolding was ruined by the fact that she was smiling at him. Lifting Snowball and Princess onto her lap also, she curled up around the three on her seat in the back corner of the guild.

Sighing a little, she closed her eyes and hummed softly under her breath, determined to rest a bit while the guild wasn't as busy. She hadn't slept since she returned from her job.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Warren Character Portrait: Azrael and Gabriel Valkyrie Character Portrait: Emerald Jay Character Portrait: Slick Character Portrait: Riku Character Portrait: Magpie
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0.00 INK

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Riku laughed loudly, grinning at Azrael and folding his arms behind his head. "Good choice, Az!" He laughed even louder at Gabriel's response to his twin forgetting something, though. He tilted his head when Azrael just walked off, though, leaving the both of them behind. "Where's he going?" he asked quietly, frowning.

Riku sat back down, pointing his thumb behind him. "I think I've got everything I need in my backpack," he assured Gabriel, then jumped off the table. It only took him a second to think before he smiled up at the dark haired twin again. "Let's go get him! It's weird for you two to be apart. Besides, I wanna see what he forgot! Then we can all go together!" Laughing, he tugged at Gabriel's sleeve and ran out the door after Azrael. He totally left that huge tree there, too, with all its mysterious multicolored fruits. How much trouble was he going to be in with Mavis when he got back? Who knew, not him, and he didn't really care; although he definitely would if/when it happened.

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"Yeah, I joined pretty young." He grinned cheekily. "Wow, really? Jutsu Shiki is so fun! You should show me what you've learned so far some time." What exactly he meant using such a suggestive tone of voice for such a plain sentence was unclear, but that was Warren for you.

"Oh, I use Angel Magic." He took a long drink, then looked back at the girl. "Just kidding. That sounds more like you." After setting his mug down on the counter again, he gave her a sly smile. "My magic's a secret, so if you wanna know, we have to get really close first." He winked. "Sound good?" It was partially true, but only because he was never completely sure what to call his magic, and his memory was so messed up that he never saw the point in trying to explain it to anyone who hadn't seen for themselves. The only people in the guild who ever saw him go dark mode were Zane and Mavis herself, though, and even if he and Emerald became the best of friends or closer- no, especially if that happened- he wasn't going to let the green haired girl get added to that list.

# 3 3 6 6 6 6

She found them in a hole, if you could call it that. It was too small and steep to really call a cave, but didn't go straight down. She counted twelve in all; one less than she was looking for. The entrance was too long and steep for the children to get out, even if they worked together. On top of that, there was ice everywhere, so they could do little more than slip around and scream for help, too far out for any of the townspeople to hear them.

The child whose cries she heard, a young boy with orange hair, was the closest to the opening. When she appeared, he scrambled backward, and she winced. She could only imagine what these kids had been through, but she doubted there was time to ponder such things. She hadn't seen anyone else on her way there, and there were no guards; it had all the makings of a trap, and she wanted to get out of there before it all came falling down. "It's okay," she said in her warmest voice, while pressing her hand to the ice. Steps formed, and she tried to put enough texture in the surface to provide some friction before she reached out her hand. "I won't hurt you. Your parents sent me, I'm here to take you home."

Another round of tears welled up in the boy's eyes, but he managed to climb the first few steps on his own, and took her hand. She helped him the rest of the way, and things were looking good. She managed to get three kids out, in fact, before she felt it- the dark presence creeping in. With a small gasp, Magpie spun around, arms thrown to her sides. "Stay behind me!" she instructed the kids, eyes flashing as they appeared; so, it had been dark wizards after all. She tried not to think about what this meant for Pommel, as she had other people to protect, more immediate dangers in front of her.

"Who's this? She's a measly little thing," came an eerie voice from the shadows.

"I think she looks tasty," cooed another.

"This isn't going to be hard at all," whined the first. "Why does Timal get to have all the fun?"

"If you're not going to play with her, I will."

Before she even saw the people the voices belonged to, two red orbs flew through the air, headed toward the kids behind her from both sides. "Ice Make: Shield!" She cast quickly, protecting the kids, but the orbs exploded on impact, nearly knocking Magpie to the ground.

"Tsk, tsk," chided the second voice. "You're so greedy."

Mary's eyes widened as the two dark wizards materialized in front of them. "Get back," she commanded quietly, waving the kids right back into the hole she'd just saved them from. Understandably, they started to protest, and it was a good thing she couldn't see their teary faces from that angle. "Don't worry," she tried to console them, stepping backward and ushering them inside. "I'll get you out as soon as I'm done with them. I promise."

The kids started to file back into their prison, but black chains wrapped around her wrists, burning her skin. She'd been so set on protecting the kids that she hadn't seen the attack coming.

"You know, you should really pay attention," the second voice scolded Magpie this time.

"Before you get yourself killed," the first chimed in with a giggle. "Not that it matters much. You'd die anyway." This wizard was female, shorter than Mary but not as thin. She held her hands up, a something red bubbled at her wrists. As they rolled up from there, they grew, until they were larger than her fists and floating slightly above the tips of her index fingers.

Remembering what those orbs had done before, Magpie readied herself, quickly testing how much she could pull at the chains that had caught her; not enough. The dark wizard launched her attack with another giggle. "Ice Make: Wedge!" She timed it just right, so the orbs hit her ice instead of her body, and the explosion was angled so it broke the chains as well.

"Tsk, tsk," repeated the second wizard. He had white hair that covered one of his eyes, but the one she could see was red. All over his body, black chains slithered like living tattoos. He tilted his head at her, and licked his lips. "Hold still."

While she wasn't physically strong, she was faster than his words. Before he'd even gotten the last two out, she'd formed a thick barrier over the opening of the hole, to shield the children from any further attacks without her having to stay in one spot. Before he could catch her with more chains, she ran straight for him. The other threw more explosive bubbles, but she jumped forward and launched herself over the guy's head, encasing him in ice in the process. She'd thought she'd dodged the explosions, but they followed her- the only reason they didn't hit her was because she ended up accidentally blocking with the guy. The ice ended up shattered, but it left her target looking pretty torn up, and she'd only meant for the trap to be a temporary fix anyway.

Still, now the dark wizard looked pissed. "I said," he shouted, chains flying wildly from his arms while his partner merely giggled in the background, "HOLD! STILL!" For a fleeting moment, Mary wondered if this guy was used to people just chilling out while he attacked them. Meanwhile, she dodged his attack, and threw a burst of ice shards into the other dark wizard, taking her out at the knees; a cheap shot, but Mary had kids to save.

Despite what one might think if they knew how long she spent training day and night for the sole purpose of taking down a single dark guild, Mary didn't have much patience when fighting. She wanted to wrap this up as quickly as she could, and get those kids back to their families. It was absolutely freezing up there, and that was great for her, even gave her an edge in the fight- but for those children, it was bad news. She didn't have any magic that could keep them warm on the trip back, which meant she needed to get them out of the cold, and fast.

"Ice Make: Bind! Ice Make: Prison! Ice Make: Spiral Spines!" One of his chains finally caught her by the ankle while she was casting, and the binding pulled on the chain, which in turn dragged her roughly across the ground. Despite how much it hurt, that didn't keep her from Making, and when the cage dropped down over the two dark wizards, it broke the chain. Right after that, their prison was filled with a thick, vine-like form of ice, which spiraled around them and was covered in large spikes which hindered their mobility and would definitely hurt if they managed to move around too much.

Just when she thought she was done with them, she got distracted. There was a huge light streaking through the sky- and something about it gave her this weird feeling, like it was tied to her... no, tied to the guild. Wait, was that... one of the Fairy spells?! Seriously? Pommel. Panic shot through her heart, and she didn't even notice that one of the dark wizards had managed to weave an attack through all the restrictions; Mary was hit by one explosion in the chest, and another behind her knee. It was the first time in the whole fight that she cried out without casting. Before she could even hit the ground, chains bound her wrists and jerked her upward. She hit harshly against the side of the mountain as another explosion hit her in the gut, bigger than the first two, like the dark wizard had fused her attacks together. Magpie's scream echoed across the mountaintops.

When she opened her eyes, she saw the boy from before through her glass barrier. Tears were streaming down his face, and he said something, but she couldn't hear. Gritting her teeth, she froze the chains, ice traveling along them until the dark wizard at the end was encased in ice. When his accomplice threw more orbs, she used Reverse and sent the explosion back, which broke a few rungs of the prison and set it off balance. It collapsed, ice shattering, and Mary broke the chains. Her wrists were starting to blister, but she wasn't about to let that stop her.

She couldn't stop herself from being surprised, though, when one of the dark wizards came crawling out of the Spiral, multiple ice spikes stuck in him. The chains on his skin wrapped around one that had gone clear through his arm, and broke off both ends of it. He chuckled darkly, running his hand back through his hair and flicking his tongue across the wheel of ice that was still in his arm. "Hmm.. tasty."

Mary steeled herself. "Ice Make: Sword." She started to charge the guy, but was interrupted.

"Don't forget about me," whined the other dark wizard, sending more explosions- but not toward Magpie, toward the kids.

No! She threw herself in front of the cavern, taking the hit. The force of the explosions caught her before she hit the ground, and sent her flying backward. She crashed into the barrier she'd made earlier, breaking the ice on impact, and she fell to the ground like a rag doll. Pushing herself up, she stayed there in front of the opening to protect the children, hands braced on the icy ground. "Ice Make: Cobra," she growled, sending one makeshift monster after each dark wizard, "Ice Make: Lion!" She spared a glance behind her, which led to her taking another explosion to the shoulder. "You all alright in there?" she asked sweetly. Three of the kids stared up at her and nodded, while the others huddled together behind them. "Don't worry, okay?" Another hit her in the knee; the dark guild members were getting irritated again. "It might look bad, but I'm going to get you home." The kids scooted back, and she fell against the opening as another explosion hit her. Her clothes were torn to shreds, her skin was already starting to bruise, and the only thing keeping her from screaming again were the stares of those kids. She managed a smile before turning back to the fight.

"Ice Make: Wall. Ice Make: Armor." She clenched her fists, forcing herself to stand. With her ice monsters defeated, both dark wizards turned there attention directly on her. "Ice Make: Grip! Reverse! Ice Make: Cannon!" Before the chains could get her bleeding wrists again, a massive hand of ice formed like an extension of her arm and grabbed onto the chains, and pulled, forcing the dark wizard attached to slide toward her across the ground looking bewildered. Mary really hated using one handed maker magic, but it was necessary to use her other hand to fend off the explosions. When the male was close enough, Grip shattered, breaking the chains with it, and was replaced by a cannon that shot a massive ball of ice right into his midsection, launching him through the air.

Magpie then charged the female, ignoring the blast she sent her way in favor of using both hands to Make a pillar, which shot up from the ground beneath the dark wizard's feet. The explosion sent her skidding backward again, but she managed to stay mostly upright, and blinked in surprise as a familiar face came into view. "Slick?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Warren Character Portrait: Azrael and Gabriel Valkyrie Character Portrait: Emerald Jay Character Portrait: Riku
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Azrael Valkyrie & Gabriel Valkyrie

"I think I've got everything I need in my backpack," Gabriel nodded at this, wondering how he had missed Riku's backpack, but if Riku said he was ready then that was fine by him. "Let's go get him! It's weird for you two to be apart. Besides, I wanna see what he forgot! Then we can all go together!"

Gabriel allowed Riku to tug him out of the guild and he gave a wave behind him as he left, a few people waving in return though the black-haired boy couldn't see it happening. As he'd though, Azrael had disappeared into the crowd so a couple of streets down he took the lead, guiding Riku in the direction of their house.

"It's likely a book we picked up a couple of requests ago. We got offered extra money for completing the job quickly, though Azzy turned it down in favor of a book on water based magic. I think he's hoping to get some sort of inspiration from it." Here he turned to face Riku for a moment, a half-smirk formed on his lips. "Almost there, just round the corner."

He was cut of here as he ran into someone, falling onto his backside. Wincing a little, he looked over to see his twin in a similar state. Azrael's silver hair was a mess, like he had been running his hands through it a lot.

"Oww.." Azrael's gaze snapped up, about to shout at whoever it was that had to run into, only to see Gabriel in front of him. "Oh! Gabby! Where did I leave that book?"

Here the black haired twin turned to look at Riku. "Told you~" Pulling himself to his feet, he dragged his brother back up. "Tried your bed? Pretty sure you fell asleep with it last night."

"Got it. You alright waiting with Gabby, Riku? Or you wanna come in?" Not waiting for an answer, the silver-haired twin ruffled Riku's hair, being mindful of the goggles, before turning around and running back into the house.

Emerald Jay

"Wow, really? Jutsu Shiki is so fun! You should show me what you've learned so far some time."

Emerald blinked a few times at his tone of voice, somewhat confused though she shrugged it off after a moment. "I guess... I find it interesting to learn, there's so much I could do with it!" Her eyes lit up as she spoke, though she cut herself off before she could start rambling, and just in time as Warren started talking again.

"Oh, I use Angel Magic." She tilted her head to the side, not really seeing him being the sort to use that sort of magic, but she shouldn't really judge. "Just kidding. That sounds more like you."

Emerald huffed a laugh, shaking her head, she couldn't see herself using that sort of magic either. "Not likely." Finishing off her drink, she nodded her thanks to Alicia as the woman took the glass away to be washed before looking back at the blonde next to her.

"My magic's a secret, so if you wanna know, we have to get really close first." She blushed lightly at the wink, quickly ducking her head down in the hopes of hiding it. "Sound good?"

"Yeah, sure." Looking up through her hair, she gave Warren a shy smile, cheeks likely still red.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Warren Character Portrait: Azrael and Gabriel Valkyrie Character Portrait: Emerald Jay Character Portrait: Riku
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# 7 3 D 9 2 6

It didn't take long for Riku to slow down once they were outside, because he really didn't know where to go from there. He hummed a sweet little tune while following Gabriel toward the twins' place. Had he ever been there before? He couldn't remember, but he was pretty excited to go there now!

"Azrie's getting pretty good with his water magic now, isn't he?" Riku smiled, hands clasped together. The further they went, the more excited he got, and the bouncier his steps became. "Water and lightning are so bad to use against each other, I used to think they'd be an awful combination; but you guys work together and make it super effective! You're so cool!" He'd been so occupied with daydreaming about the twins that he didn't even notice right away what had happened with the actual twins right in front of him.

Looking at the two of them, both knocked down on their butts like mirror images, made Riku bust out laughing. When he finally got ahold of himself, he looked over at Gabriel. "Wow," he replied to the boy's earlier bragging, looking up at the dark haired teen. "You guys know each other really well, huh?" He looked up at Azrael then, eyes big as the moon. After a moment of looking at the other in awe, the boy tossed his arms up into the air and grinned. "I wanna see where you live!" he cheered, then ran after the silver haired twin, laughing gleefully the whole way.

# E 6 8 0 1 A

"Oh?" he cocked his head to the side like a puppy. "You sure look like an angel to me." He was talking to Emerald, but that didn't stop him from giving Alicia a nod, eyes roaming blatantly over the bubbly woman. He didn't bother saying hello out loud or anything, assuming she wouldn't have heard him anyway through her headphones.

He looked back to Emerald, only to see a bashful smile hidden behind her blush. The sight brought a grin to his face. "You're so cute!" he proclaimed, then dropped an arm over her shoulders, tucking her slightly against his side. "Then we're friends now, okay?" His cheek rubbed against the side of her face, as they were about the same height. Not wanting to push his luck so soon, he then pat her hair and released her quickly.

Still smiling brightly, her eyed her expression again. "You sounded like you want to keep talking earlier. Got some Jutsu Shiki skills to brag about? Whatever you wanna say, let's hear it."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Warren Character Portrait: Azrael and Gabriel Valkyrie Character Portrait: Emerald Jay Character Portrait: Riku
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Azrael Valkyrie & Gabriel Valkyrie

"I wanna see where you live!" With Riku running after Azrael, now apparently named 'Azrie' by the boy, Gabriel followed after them at a more sedate pace.

Just round the corner, Azrael entered into a small two-story house. It opened straight into the living room, bookshelves lined the walls, though there were only a couple of books dotting them. Most of the shelves were covered in various little trinkets that seemed to be souvenirs, likely from various jobs they had been on. The center of the room had a couple of plush armchairs which were spaced out around a small table that was covered in papers, a closer look would reveal them to be old job requests. A small kitchen area was off to the right and stairs leading up to the next floor over in the back of the room.

The silver-haired twin ran up the stairs, taking two at a time. Once on the next floor he went through the first door which had been left open, a pile of clothes and covers on the floor visible from the doorway. The door opposite was closed but likely was Gabriel's room since the third and final door in the short hall was open enough for tiles to be visible showing that it was the bathroom.

"Where is it..?" A couple of things were thrown to the side, landing on a growing pile of items before Azrael found the book he was looking for tucked under his pillow. Holding it up in victory, he smirked a little. "Ah-hah! Found it!"

By this time, Gabriel had reached the front door and was leaning on it with his arms crossed and a smile tugging at his lips. "So, what do you think?"

Emerald Jay

At the comment that she looked like an angel, Emerald blushed a little brighter. "N-No I don't!" In her embarrassment, she missed the appreciative look that Warren gave Alicia and therefore was taken a little by surprise when the blonde spoke next.

"You're so cute!"

"Huh?" She didn't have any more time to react as an arm was wrapped around her shoulders. As she was pulled against Warren she gave a quiet squeak at the sudden action.

"Then we're friends now, okay?" Warren then rubbed his cheek against hers and she felt him pat her head before releasing her.

By this time most of her face had gone red and she managed to stammer out a reply. "Y-Yeah, fr-friends." She smiled somewhat hesitantly at the blonde.

Suddenly aware of Warren watching her, Emerald looked down, hoping to hide her blushing cheeks again. "You sounded like you want to keep talking earlier. Got some Jutsu Shiki skills to brag about? Whatever you wanna say, let's hear it."

"Oh, well. I just like the freedom it gives. I mean, it's pretty slow to set up but I'm currently learning a barrier that prevents magic being used inside it. I figure it'll be useful if I end up against other wizards when on a request. Or something..." She trailed off, reaching up to fiddle with her goggles nervously.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Warren Character Portrait: Azrael and Gabriel Valkyrie Character Portrait: Anastasia Character Portrait: Emerald Jay Character Portrait: Slick Character Portrait: Jared Flectre
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0.00 INK

# 7 3 D 9 2 6

Riku tried to stifle his laughter at first, but the snorting sound that came out in the process just made him laugh more. He could just imagine Azrael falling in a tangled heap at the top of the stairs. It reminded him of some clowns that had traveled with his group for a while. If it were them, though, they'd probably all roll down the stairs at once, too, with some extra amusing sound effects when they hit the bottom. The boy made a quiet 'honk' noise that made very little sense outside of the context of his own thoughts, but that was the end of it.

The boy went where he was steered, grinning widely as their group was completed. He started bouncing from foot to foot while the twins locked their house up, suppressing the urge to start running for it. The longer their job was delayed, the more excited he got, but it wouldn't be as much fun if he took off without the twins and he knew it. "You bet I am!" he cheered in response, arms pumping into the air. It only took a few seconds for him to run out of self restraint, and he started full on sprinting back toward the train station, filling the air with gleeful giggles. Every few feet or so he would pause to make sure he was still close to the older boys, and about half way to their destination he'd finally vented enough energy that he stopped running ahead. He was still bouncing up and down as they went instead of walking normally, though.

# 3 3 6 6 6 6

Mary definitely hadn't expected to be joined by any other guild members, certainly not Slick as she hadn't known he was even anywhere in the area. Once she'd gotten over the shock, though, she was happy to see him- long enough for her to appreciate his banter again, at least. It lifted her spirits, pushed her back into the personality she adopted whenever her guildmates were around. Still, it didn't take long for her to start worrying about putting the man in danger. Now she wanted to protect both him and the children; which was ridiculous, as he was obviously perfectly capable of defending himself, unlike the kids she was there to rescue, but he was still family like any other Fairy Tail member and this was Magpie. She felt the need to protect everyone.

"Ugh, who's your friend?" Dark Guild Wizard Numero Dos complained. "He's not nearly as appetizing." Mary didn't bother answering, as she was far more concerned with Slick's suggestion. There was absolutely no way she would leave him to fight them alone, even if there weren't other lives at stake; on top of that, though, she knew their adversaries would attack the kids as soon as they were out in the open, and she wasn't about to take that risk. The suggestion was entirely absurd no matter how she looked at it.

She wasn't sure if she liked that reckless grin on his face, either, but at the same time, his confidence sort of rubbed off on her. The woman looked at her opponent with disgust and charged him head on, knowing full well what his reaction would be by now. "That's more like it!" the dark wizard crowed, his chains flying toward her again.

He caught her by her wrists, but despite the searing pain, she didn't fight it- instead, she used it to her advantage. She was pulled toward him quickly, lifted into the air, and she used that momentum to swing forward. "Ice Make: Mace!" Before he even knew what hit him, Magpie had built up her own chains, which whipped through the air from her ankles flinging two orbs of ice, each covered in spikes. When he had meant to pull her creepily up against him, he was instead kicked in the face with both her feet, and the maces swung around his neck and head, scratching him the whole way until they made their final hit. With two large, spiked orbs of ice lodged into each side of his face, the dark guild wizard twitched a bit before falling to the ground in a heap. His chains shattered, and Mary landed on top of him, dropping two ice hammers to his chest on the way down.

"Not the face..." he whimpered, mouth squished with the way the maces had pushed in his cheeks. "That was.. harsh..."

She might have let that be the end of it, if not for the fact that she now had a bunch of children and a guild mate nearby, so she really wanted to be sure this was wrapped up for good and was starting to get grumpy. "Just giving you a taste of your own medicine," she told him under her breath. At the same time, she was forming chains of ice that slithered around the wizard's entire body, encasing the source of his own chains. When everything was covered from his feet to his neck, the chains squeezed slightly and plunged into the ground to keep him secure; she heard his chains straining under hers, and shattering each time they tried to escape. Soon enough, he just stopped trying, and she was pretty sure he'd completely passed out.

Satisfied that the fight was over, Magpie stood, just in time to be nearly knocked over again by a wave of snow. She blinked, and looked around until she spotted Slick over by the children. Once she located the source of the blast- his opponent sunken into a crater she surely made herself- Mary smiled. She almost laughed, even.

The woman jogged toward the group, ready to get out of there, but soon slowed to a stop before she'd actually reached the cavern entrance. Something wasn't right. Both of the wizards were defeated, completely down for the count... but there was still an ominous presence nearby. She felt more magic, but as she looked around, she just couldn't locate the source of it. Her eyebrows tugged together with concern, and she started walking sort of sideways.

"Sli- ah!" She made it to about a foot away from the others, and started to ask Slick if he felt the presence too, but she was stopped short. The snow and ice covered mountain changed completely; before she even recognized what was happening, the land had disappeared from beneath her feet, and Mary had fallen into a vat of molten lava. Her arms slammed into the rocky outcrop that the kids were now huddled together in the middle of, barely keeping herself from being engulfed in the bubbling magma. As it was, the remains of her shoes were incinerated, and her feet burned before she managed to get into the solid surface. "What?" she exclaimed breathlessly, looking around for the source of this strange magic.

"I had really hoped I wouldn't need to step in this time..." came a calm but disappointed voice from atop another piece of solid rock. Mary's eyes snapped to the wizard as soon as he spoke, and she realized immediately what had been going on: illusion magic. The figure was fuzzy, like he was still using the magic, but now that she recognized it she could fight against it; he wasn't as skilled with it as the twins were, even. On the other hand, their change in scenery was definitely not an illusion. Mary grit her teeth, ice forming around her feet that only did a little to ease her pain but filled the area with thick billows of steam.

This wasn't good. They really needed to get these kids to safety, and fast, or she was going to run out of energy soon. She looked back at Slick and got tentatively to her feet, deciding it was time to pull out the big guns. This new guy was giving her a real bad feeling, but she wasn't about to give up- never. Still standing, her form changed in a puff; a seemingly different woman stood in her place, tall with long dark hair and a pointed chin; her tattered clothes replaced by deep violet wrappings that covered her eyes, and a white cloth that rippled in an unfelt wind. She needed to get close to this dark wizard, close enough to Copy him so she could turn this place into something less dangerous to the children, and they didn't have the time anymore to get to know his style or prolong the fight. In the form of Madame Mauve, she could see what would happen before it did, and hear any 'loud' thoughts from around her, as well as direct her own thoughts where she pleased; although she wasn't all that experienced using that part of Mauve's powers, so her communications often came off as more of a general feeling than precise words, which was how it worked when she attempted to project her plan into Slick's head so he wouldn't worry and the dark guild wizard wouldn't hear.

The area was still filled with steam, but she couldn't see anyway, so it didn't hinder her. She divined where the places of solid rock would be, and pounced between them, until she was directly behind their assailant. Got him, she thought at Slick triumphantly, before her hands clapped down on the dark wizard's shoulders. I can only stay in his form for five minutes so we have to make this quick. With that last bit of telepathy, she Copied him, this form overriding Madam Mauve's, and his knowledge flowed into her in an instant. You'd think she'd have been prepared, having done this plenty of times before, but what she found out hit her like ten tons of bricks. She gasped, voice foreign to her when she uttered a single disbelieving "No."

Mary was completely blindsided, leaving herself vulnerable, so the real dark guild wizard (who she now knew was called Doku) was quick to strike- and hard. He sent her- the other him- flying. Just before she would have fallen into the lava again, she regained a sliver of her composure and used his power against him, terragenesis morphing the landscape into a gorgeous meadow that in no way fit the mood. She instead landed in harmless grass, squishing flowers and throwing up dirt as she skid across the ground. "What the hell is wrong with you people?!" she growled in the dark wizard's voice, which was odd for him to hear as his tone was almost always more.. lazy, than anything else, like a cat on its way to another nap. Still, Magpie had recovered from the shock, and now was far into the realm of pissed off. The dark guild had been planning to sacrifice all of these children in a sadistic ritual, to forge a demon key- basically the evil version of a celestial spirit key. All of them were supposed to die for one stupid key- children.

Speaking of which, Doku had been hiding behind his illusion magic the whole time, holding the kid that had been missing from the group hostage. Oh yeah, and to top it off, an overwhelming number of jobs they'd been getting were staged to draw out targets from Fairy Tail; they were after her guild members, to kill them, particularly Zane, and not a damn thing about any of this was okay.

As Mary pushed herself up, still in the lithe but very physically strong form of the dark guild Lieutenant, it was obvious she wasn't the same as she had been a few minutes ago in any way. The real Doku looked bored and mildly irritated, but the Mary version... Her normal cool, compassionate gaze had turned completely murderous.

# E 6 8 0 1 A

The redder Emerald's face got, the more he grinned. "No need to sound so unsure of yourself. That is really useful! And I'm sure you're great at it!" He finished his drink and pat the bar to signal for a refill, and gave Alicia a grateful nod when he got it. "You're gonna have to show me some time."

Then he noticed some others approaching the bar, and straightened his back at the delicious scent of pie. Freshly baked cinnamon pie, to be exact, and despite the fact that he'd probably already snuck a few cookies that morning and had eaten on the trip back to Magnolia, he now really wanted that pie. Maybe it had to do with his mysterious origins and/or his weird magic, but the guy could eat three horses in one sitting and still have room for dessert.

"Ooh, can we get some of that pie over here, please?" Warren smiled warmly as items floated through the air, cutting plating and delivering two warm slices of cinnamon pie without a hitch. "On me," he promised Emerald with a smirk, pushing one of the plates more toward her. "It's delicious." He leaned back slightly to look around her at the others, where the first slice had gone to. "Oh- morning Anna!" He waved, then returned his attention to Emerald. "So- if I may ask- what are those goggles for?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Warren Character Portrait: Azrael and Gabriel Valkyrie Character Portrait: Anastasia Character Portrait: Emerald Jay Character Portrait: Jared Flectre Character Portrait: Riku
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0.00 INK

Emerald Jay

"No need to sound so unsure of yourself. That is really useful! And I'm sure you're great at it!"

Blushing lightly once more, Emerald rubbed at the back of her head in embarrassment, knocking her goggles askew before quickly reaching up with her other hand to right them again."Well, I wouldn't say great... I'm still learning after all.

"You're gonna have to show me some time." She nodded, smiling at Warren, quietly murmuring her agreement.

Lost in her thoughts on what exactly she could show him, she startled slightly as a slice of cinnamon pie was pushed under her nose. "Thanks!" Emerald smiled brightly at Warren. She loved sweet food and while not her favorite, cinnamon pie was delicious and with a mouthful of the food already in her mouth, she made a sound of agreement at the blonde's statement of that fact.

Intent on eating the yummy pie, Emerald barely noticed Anastasia sitting herself a few seats down, next to another blonde. Waving absentmindedly at the pair, just as Warren greeted the small girl, the green-haired girl flushed a little as she realized that she hadn't really been paying much attention to Warren.

"So- if I may ask- what are those goggles for?"

Pausing with a fork of cinnamon pie part way to her mouth, Emerald quickly swallowed the portion she was chewing and put the fork back down before reaching up to tap her goggles, not noticing the crumbs that clung to the corner of her mouth. "These? They're enchanted for night vision and help heighten my sight. And they keep dust and stuff out of my eyes." With that she picked the fork back up and glancing at Warren for a moment, quickly shoved the piece of pie into her mouth.

Azrael Valkyrie & Gabriel Valkyrie

"You bet I am!" As the younger boy ran ahead, the twins picked up their pace a little, smiling fondly at the boy as he paused to make sure he hadn't gone too far ahead of them. By the time the boy had calmed down somewhat and was instead bouncing as he walked, they were only another block away from the station.

While the pair lived on the outskirts of town, they weren't located two far from the station or the guild, it meant that they could wake up later and still make it to places somewhat promptly, but still allowed them a little privacy. Once at the station, Gabriel headed off to purchase the trio's tickets while Azrael rested his hand on Riku's shoulder in the hopes the boy wouldn't go running off and cause trouble somewhere, which given Riku's love of attention may end up happening, especially given the station's rather bland decorations.

Deciding to try and distract the boy, Azrael crouched down to the his level and smiled. "So, how about you and I try to come up with a silly name for Gabby?" Waiting for a moment to allow the blue-haired teen to think, the silver-haired teen then gave his first suggestion. "How about Ellie?"


"...It's cool." At the man's response, Anastasia brightened up, coming out of the slouch she had ended up in. Turning to face him, she gave a small smile.

"Good morning." The girl blinked in surprise as he greeted the spirits as well, and the trio of plushies turned to face the blonde for a moment, heads turned to the side as they tried to decide whether it was them he was talking to. "Have you eaten? Cinnamon pie is good."

"Morning... I ate earlier, I think. I'm not overly fond of sweet things though..." She smiled a little sheepishly here.

"It's nice to meet you." Part way through her ramblings Jared had turned to face the dolls. "What are your names?"

At this the three straightened up, now certain that the man could see them. At this realization, the dog bounded toward him, demanding attention even as the cat backed away until she was practically on Anna's lap again. The fox stayed put, smug once again.

"Ahh, you can see them then?" The girl's eyes lit up at this and she gestured first toward the dog who was now rubbing himself on the man's hand, then to the cat who had made it onto her shoulder."I don't know his name, but I call him Snowball. He decided one day I was too gloomy and kept following me before agreeing to be bound so he could properly play again. And she's Princess, not sure about her name either. She's not one for getting messy, and I think she's shy, but she's adorable and that's fine. Finally." Here she paused to tap the fox on the nose. "This is my brother... Leonidas, or Fang. Fang now I suppose..." She trailed off here, slumping over and placing her head on the counter as the plushies all moved back over to try and stop her from crying.